Maria Heidegger | University of Innsbruck (original) (raw)


Papers by Maria Heidegger

Research paper thumbnail of »Aus Verdruß das Sacktuch klein zerschnitten«

Historische Geschlechterforschung, Jun 4, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of »Aus Verdruß das Sacktuch klein zerschnitten«

transcript Verlag eBooks, Dec 31, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of „Nirgends sieht man Beistand“. Sinnlich-emotionale Herausforderungen in der Pflege von Cholerakranken in den 1830er Jahren

Cholera reached the gates of Vienna in August 1831 and continued to afflict the east and south of... more Cholera reached the gates of Vienna in August 1831 and continued to afflict the east and south of the Austrian monarchy with varying intensity until 1837. The first advisory books were published in the fall of 1831 and addressed the emotions triggered by the new epidemic and, in the centuries-old tradition of dietetics for body and soul, problematized the dangerous effects of fear and terror for the healthy and the sick. Against this backdrop, this article explores the role and significance attributed to emotions in the nursing and treatment of cholera patients during the first wave. How, for example, were fear, repulsion, and disgust thematized and evaluated in the course of the perception of crisis and disaster? How was it possible to lay hands on the sick (or dead) body, and how were feelings of fear or disgust suppressed in the process of care? In order to explore such questions, the article connects with new research that argues for a combination of sensory and emotional-historical approaches. The findings may also contribute to a discussion of perceived emotionalities and sensory experiences in the face of ordered/ overwhelming caregiving relationships during the current pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of „zur Erregung eines angenehmen Lebensgefühls“ (J. C. Reil). Therapeutische Konzepte von Sexualität in der frühen Psychiatrie

Virus, 2020

In dem von mir untersuchten Aktensample (116 Akten weiblicher Patientinnen) wurde die Diagnose "N... more In dem von mir untersuchten Aktensample (116 Akten weiblicher Patientinnen) wurde die Diagnose "Nymphomanie" in den 1830er und 1840er Jahren siebenmal gestellt. Eine Untersuchung dieser Fälle im Hinblick auf weibliches sexuelles Begehren und wie sich dieses in miteinander verknüpften historischen Wis sens feldern artikuliert, steht noch aus.

Research paper thumbnail of Patient*innen und Passionen. Eine Schmerzgeschichte des Katholizismus in Österreich im 19. Jahrhundert – Ein Kooperationsprojekt an den Universitäten Innsbruck und Antwerpen (2018–2022)

Virus, 2020

The still rather young history of pain is more and more critical about the finalist historiograph... more The still rather young history of pain is more and more critical about the finalist historiography postulating an increasing secularization and medicalisation of pain in the modern era. In the nineteenth century, so the narrative goes, pain lost its status as a 'gift' of God, turned into something that needed to be avoided and became more and more controlled thanks to medical progress as e.g. the invention of anaesthetics. Against such a backdrop, numerous religious practices of nineteenth-century Catholicism appear like anachronistic remnants of medieval, pain-idealising traditions and cults like Christ´s passion, at odds with secular and medical perspectives. This narrative of contrast does not adequately capture the history of Catholic views on pain. Whilst there was a relatively small elite group that did indeed cultivate this idealization of passion, other Catholic initiatives, like charity organisations, hospitals and religious orders focusing on health care, engaged in activities that aimed to relieve the suffering of their fellows. The research project described here addresses settings and cases where both the positive and the negative view on pain existed at the same time.

Research paper thumbnail of Der Teufel als Ohrwurm

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2022

The Devil as an Earworm. On Hearing and Sensing Voices in the Sensory Space of the Asylum. This a... more The Devil as an Earworm. On Hearing and Sensing Voices in the Sensory Space of the Asylum. This article examines sensory experiences as well as spatial practices in the asylum. The case history of an unmarried maid who was treated at the insane asylum in Hall in Tyrol around the middle of the nineteenth century serves as a central thread. Her medical record thematizes senses and spaces 'outside' and 'inside' the body, focusing on individualized dimensions of experiencing psychiatric sensescapes. The spatial and sensual references in medical records often point beyond the epistemic institutional place and can be elaborated based on more dynamic concepts of space, such as those provided by Henri Lefebvre. This article further links the case of the young woman plagued by terrible visions and haunted by inner voices with reflections on spatial and metaphorical resonance phenomena and addresses the space-arranging practices of physicians in the asylum.

[Research paper thumbnail of „[…] auch richtete man mit passenden Geigenvorstellungen etwas.“ Auf Spurensuche nach der Musikpraxis in der frühen Anstaltspsychiatrie](

Virus. Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin, 2023

This contribution explores musical practices in German-speaking asylums in the first half of the ... more This contribution explores musical practices in German-speaking asylums in the first half of the nineteenth century. Using the example of the provincial mental asylum in Hall in Tyrol, established in 1830, it sheds light on the presence of musical sound in ‘silent’ archival sources. Therefore, the article investigates the question of what we can actually learn about the fading sounds and musical experiences of psychiatric patients. Firstly, it focuses on the institution as a space for music performance; secondly, it discusses conceptual framings for music therapy in early psychiatry up to 1850. A third thread of discussion derives from a close reading of contemporary medical literature and concerns the ambivalent perceptions of the effects of music. While this approach focuses more on the perspectives of physicians, the fourth section of this paper takes a patient-oriented perspective. Using the example of Tyrol, it examines the traces of music in medical records. The article therefore emphasizes a desideratum of research, in which it draws attention to musical patients and their instruments.

Research paper thumbnail of Exemplary Expertise. Josef Maschka’s Forensic Case Digest of Prague Faculty Opinions (1853–1873)

Based on the multi-volume case digest offaculty opinions, edited by Josef Maschka from Charles Un... more Based on the multi-volume case digest offaculty opinions, edited by Josef Maschka from Charles University in Pragueduring the second half of the nineteenth century, this paper examines boththe intention and efficacy of this exceptional medico-legal source. Facultyopinions were the result of a collective discourse, aimed at presenting an irrevocablemedical expertise to support court decisions in controversial cases.Our analysis addresses two separate levels of meaning: first, we reconstructthe actual circumstances of examination, answering questions as to why thefaculty was involved and which schemes were followed. How did their expertview refer to previous medical opinions and which discursive strategies wereused to strengthen the faculty’s hegemonic interpretation? Our second focuslies on the digest’s educational value, asking whom it was aimed at and how itwas received by the audience. Finally, did faculty opinions really present exemplaryexpertise?Based on the multi-volume case d...

Research paper thumbnail of Der Teufel als Ohrwurm

Der Teufel als Ohrwurm. Über das Hören und Spüren von Stimmen im Sinnesraum der Irrenanstalt, 2022

The Devil as an Earworm. On Hearing and Sensing Voices in the Sensory Space of the Asylum. This a... more The Devil as an Earworm. On Hearing and Sensing Voices in the Sensory Space of the Asylum. This article examines sensory experiences as well as spatial practices in the asylum. The case history of an unmarried maid who was treated at the insane asylum in Hall in Tyrol around the middle of the nineteenth century serves as a central thread. Her medical record thematizes senses and spaces 'outside' and 'inside' the body, focusing on individualized dimensions of experiencing psychiatric sensescapes. The spatial and sensual references in medical records often point beyond the epistemic institutional place and can be elaborated based on more dynamic concepts of space, such as those provided by Henri Lefebvre. This article further links the case of the young woman plagued by terrible visions and haunted by inner voices with reflections on spatial and metaphorical resonance phenomena and addresses the space-arranging practices of physicians in the asylum.

Research paper thumbnail of Schmerz, Männlichkeit und Religion: Selbstbestrafungen im Fokus der Tiroler Psychiatrie im Vormärz

Research paper thumbnail of The Devil in the Madhouse

Research paper thumbnail of Rezension: Gerd Schwerhoff: Historische Kriminalitätsforschung (rezensiert von Maria Heidegger)

Research paper thumbnail of Ernährung in der psychiatrischen Anstalt : Quellenbefunde am Beispiel der "Irrenanstalt" Hall in Tirol, 1830–1914

Research paper thumbnail of Gutachten und Diskussionsbeiträge zu Esther Hornung, doing identity doing, biography, doing conversion in den Analysekategorien „Geschlecht“, „Konfession“, „Heimat“

Research paper thumbnail of Mustergültige Fälle. Josef Maschkas Sammlungen von gerichtsmedizinischen Fakultätsgutachten der Universität Prag (1853–1873)

Based on the multi-volume case digest offaculty opinions, edited by Josef Maschka from Charles Un... more Based on the multi-volume case digest offaculty opinions, edited by Josef Maschka from Charles University in Pragueduring the second half of the nineteenth century, this paper examines boththe intention and efficacy of this exceptional medico-legal source. Facultyopinions were the result of a collective discourse, aimed at presenting an irrevocablemedical expertise to support court decisions in controversial cases.Our analysis addresses two separate levels of meaning: first, we reconstructthe actual circumstances of examination, answering questions as to why thefaculty was involved and which schemes were followed. How did their expertview refer to previous medical opinions and which discursive strategies wereused to strengthen the faculty’s hegemonic interpretation? Our second focuslies on the digest’s educational value, asking whom it was aimed at and how itwas received by the audience. Finally, did faculty opinions really present exemplaryexpertise?

Research paper thumbnail of Gutachterei': Beiträge der Medical Humanities zu Ambivalenzen der Begutachtung

Die Beitrage des Bandes beschaftigen sich mit Begutachtungspraktiken verschiedener Epochen und ze... more Die Beitrage des Bandes beschaftigen sich mit Begutachtungspraktiken verschiedener Epochen und zeigen die Entwicklung des Gutachtens als einen Prozess auf, der zunehmend der Diskussion, Ausverhandlung und dem Einfluss von Wissen und Gegenwissen um soziokulturelle Normen unterliegt. Ausgehend von der Annahme, dass der Medizin in der Klassifikation, Bewertung und Einschatzung bzw. in der Subjektivierung von Einzelnen und Gruppen eine besondere Bedeutung zukommt, ruckt insbesondere jenes Verhaltnis in den Fokus, das durch die Tatigkeit des Gutachtens zwischen und fur Menschen hergestellt wird.

Research paper thumbnail of Child Care : Kulturen, Konzepte und Politiken der Fremdbetreuung von Kindern

Research paper thumbnail of »… leider trägt er überall seinen verkehrten Kopf mit«

Research paper thumbnail of Kuraufenthalte zum Kurieren von Seelenleiden. Befunde anhand von Krankenakten der frühen Anstaltspsychiatrie (Tirol 1830-1850)

VIRUS - Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Psychiatrische Landschaften. Die Psychiatrie und ihre Patientinnen und Patienten im historischen Raum Tirol-Südtirol von 1830 bis zur Gegenwart / L'assistenza psichiatrica istituzionale e territoriale nell'area del Tirolo storico (secoli XIX-XXI). Ein Interreg IV Projekt Italien-Österreich (2008 ...

VIRUS - Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of »Aus Verdruß das Sacktuch klein zerschnitten«

Historische Geschlechterforschung, Jun 4, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of »Aus Verdruß das Sacktuch klein zerschnitten«

transcript Verlag eBooks, Dec 31, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of „Nirgends sieht man Beistand“. Sinnlich-emotionale Herausforderungen in der Pflege von Cholerakranken in den 1830er Jahren

Cholera reached the gates of Vienna in August 1831 and continued to afflict the east and south of... more Cholera reached the gates of Vienna in August 1831 and continued to afflict the east and south of the Austrian monarchy with varying intensity until 1837. The first advisory books were published in the fall of 1831 and addressed the emotions triggered by the new epidemic and, in the centuries-old tradition of dietetics for body and soul, problematized the dangerous effects of fear and terror for the healthy and the sick. Against this backdrop, this article explores the role and significance attributed to emotions in the nursing and treatment of cholera patients during the first wave. How, for example, were fear, repulsion, and disgust thematized and evaluated in the course of the perception of crisis and disaster? How was it possible to lay hands on the sick (or dead) body, and how were feelings of fear or disgust suppressed in the process of care? In order to explore such questions, the article connects with new research that argues for a combination of sensory and emotional-historical approaches. The findings may also contribute to a discussion of perceived emotionalities and sensory experiences in the face of ordered/ overwhelming caregiving relationships during the current pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of „zur Erregung eines angenehmen Lebensgefühls“ (J. C. Reil). Therapeutische Konzepte von Sexualität in der frühen Psychiatrie

Virus, 2020

In dem von mir untersuchten Aktensample (116 Akten weiblicher Patientinnen) wurde die Diagnose "N... more In dem von mir untersuchten Aktensample (116 Akten weiblicher Patientinnen) wurde die Diagnose "Nymphomanie" in den 1830er und 1840er Jahren siebenmal gestellt. Eine Untersuchung dieser Fälle im Hinblick auf weibliches sexuelles Begehren und wie sich dieses in miteinander verknüpften historischen Wis sens feldern artikuliert, steht noch aus.

Research paper thumbnail of Patient*innen und Passionen. Eine Schmerzgeschichte des Katholizismus in Österreich im 19. Jahrhundert – Ein Kooperationsprojekt an den Universitäten Innsbruck und Antwerpen (2018–2022)

Virus, 2020

The still rather young history of pain is more and more critical about the finalist historiograph... more The still rather young history of pain is more and more critical about the finalist historiography postulating an increasing secularization and medicalisation of pain in the modern era. In the nineteenth century, so the narrative goes, pain lost its status as a 'gift' of God, turned into something that needed to be avoided and became more and more controlled thanks to medical progress as e.g. the invention of anaesthetics. Against such a backdrop, numerous religious practices of nineteenth-century Catholicism appear like anachronistic remnants of medieval, pain-idealising traditions and cults like Christ´s passion, at odds with secular and medical perspectives. This narrative of contrast does not adequately capture the history of Catholic views on pain. Whilst there was a relatively small elite group that did indeed cultivate this idealization of passion, other Catholic initiatives, like charity organisations, hospitals and religious orders focusing on health care, engaged in activities that aimed to relieve the suffering of their fellows. The research project described here addresses settings and cases where both the positive and the negative view on pain existed at the same time.

Research paper thumbnail of Der Teufel als Ohrwurm

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2022

The Devil as an Earworm. On Hearing and Sensing Voices in the Sensory Space of the Asylum. This a... more The Devil as an Earworm. On Hearing and Sensing Voices in the Sensory Space of the Asylum. This article examines sensory experiences as well as spatial practices in the asylum. The case history of an unmarried maid who was treated at the insane asylum in Hall in Tyrol around the middle of the nineteenth century serves as a central thread. Her medical record thematizes senses and spaces 'outside' and 'inside' the body, focusing on individualized dimensions of experiencing psychiatric sensescapes. The spatial and sensual references in medical records often point beyond the epistemic institutional place and can be elaborated based on more dynamic concepts of space, such as those provided by Henri Lefebvre. This article further links the case of the young woman plagued by terrible visions and haunted by inner voices with reflections on spatial and metaphorical resonance phenomena and addresses the space-arranging practices of physicians in the asylum.

[Research paper thumbnail of „[…] auch richtete man mit passenden Geigenvorstellungen etwas.“ Auf Spurensuche nach der Musikpraxis in der frühen Anstaltspsychiatrie](

Virus. Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin, 2023

This contribution explores musical practices in German-speaking asylums in the first half of the ... more This contribution explores musical practices in German-speaking asylums in the first half of the nineteenth century. Using the example of the provincial mental asylum in Hall in Tyrol, established in 1830, it sheds light on the presence of musical sound in ‘silent’ archival sources. Therefore, the article investigates the question of what we can actually learn about the fading sounds and musical experiences of psychiatric patients. Firstly, it focuses on the institution as a space for music performance; secondly, it discusses conceptual framings for music therapy in early psychiatry up to 1850. A third thread of discussion derives from a close reading of contemporary medical literature and concerns the ambivalent perceptions of the effects of music. While this approach focuses more on the perspectives of physicians, the fourth section of this paper takes a patient-oriented perspective. Using the example of Tyrol, it examines the traces of music in medical records. The article therefore emphasizes a desideratum of research, in which it draws attention to musical patients and their instruments.

Research paper thumbnail of Exemplary Expertise. Josef Maschka’s Forensic Case Digest of Prague Faculty Opinions (1853–1873)

Based on the multi-volume case digest offaculty opinions, edited by Josef Maschka from Charles Un... more Based on the multi-volume case digest offaculty opinions, edited by Josef Maschka from Charles University in Pragueduring the second half of the nineteenth century, this paper examines boththe intention and efficacy of this exceptional medico-legal source. Facultyopinions were the result of a collective discourse, aimed at presenting an irrevocablemedical expertise to support court decisions in controversial cases.Our analysis addresses two separate levels of meaning: first, we reconstructthe actual circumstances of examination, answering questions as to why thefaculty was involved and which schemes were followed. How did their expertview refer to previous medical opinions and which discursive strategies wereused to strengthen the faculty’s hegemonic interpretation? Our second focuslies on the digest’s educational value, asking whom it was aimed at and how itwas received by the audience. Finally, did faculty opinions really present exemplaryexpertise?Based on the multi-volume case d...

Research paper thumbnail of Der Teufel als Ohrwurm

Der Teufel als Ohrwurm. Über das Hören und Spüren von Stimmen im Sinnesraum der Irrenanstalt, 2022

The Devil as an Earworm. On Hearing and Sensing Voices in the Sensory Space of the Asylum. This a... more The Devil as an Earworm. On Hearing and Sensing Voices in the Sensory Space of the Asylum. This article examines sensory experiences as well as spatial practices in the asylum. The case history of an unmarried maid who was treated at the insane asylum in Hall in Tyrol around the middle of the nineteenth century serves as a central thread. Her medical record thematizes senses and spaces 'outside' and 'inside' the body, focusing on individualized dimensions of experiencing psychiatric sensescapes. The spatial and sensual references in medical records often point beyond the epistemic institutional place and can be elaborated based on more dynamic concepts of space, such as those provided by Henri Lefebvre. This article further links the case of the young woman plagued by terrible visions and haunted by inner voices with reflections on spatial and metaphorical resonance phenomena and addresses the space-arranging practices of physicians in the asylum.

Research paper thumbnail of Schmerz, Männlichkeit und Religion: Selbstbestrafungen im Fokus der Tiroler Psychiatrie im Vormärz

Research paper thumbnail of The Devil in the Madhouse

Research paper thumbnail of Rezension: Gerd Schwerhoff: Historische Kriminalitätsforschung (rezensiert von Maria Heidegger)

Research paper thumbnail of Ernährung in der psychiatrischen Anstalt : Quellenbefunde am Beispiel der "Irrenanstalt" Hall in Tirol, 1830–1914

Research paper thumbnail of Gutachten und Diskussionsbeiträge zu Esther Hornung, doing identity doing, biography, doing conversion in den Analysekategorien „Geschlecht“, „Konfession“, „Heimat“

Research paper thumbnail of Mustergültige Fälle. Josef Maschkas Sammlungen von gerichtsmedizinischen Fakultätsgutachten der Universität Prag (1853–1873)

Based on the multi-volume case digest offaculty opinions, edited by Josef Maschka from Charles Un... more Based on the multi-volume case digest offaculty opinions, edited by Josef Maschka from Charles University in Pragueduring the second half of the nineteenth century, this paper examines boththe intention and efficacy of this exceptional medico-legal source. Facultyopinions were the result of a collective discourse, aimed at presenting an irrevocablemedical expertise to support court decisions in controversial cases.Our analysis addresses two separate levels of meaning: first, we reconstructthe actual circumstances of examination, answering questions as to why thefaculty was involved and which schemes were followed. How did their expertview refer to previous medical opinions and which discursive strategies wereused to strengthen the faculty’s hegemonic interpretation? Our second focuslies on the digest’s educational value, asking whom it was aimed at and how itwas received by the audience. Finally, did faculty opinions really present exemplaryexpertise?

Research paper thumbnail of Gutachterei': Beiträge der Medical Humanities zu Ambivalenzen der Begutachtung

Die Beitrage des Bandes beschaftigen sich mit Begutachtungspraktiken verschiedener Epochen und ze... more Die Beitrage des Bandes beschaftigen sich mit Begutachtungspraktiken verschiedener Epochen und zeigen die Entwicklung des Gutachtens als einen Prozess auf, der zunehmend der Diskussion, Ausverhandlung und dem Einfluss von Wissen und Gegenwissen um soziokulturelle Normen unterliegt. Ausgehend von der Annahme, dass der Medizin in der Klassifikation, Bewertung und Einschatzung bzw. in der Subjektivierung von Einzelnen und Gruppen eine besondere Bedeutung zukommt, ruckt insbesondere jenes Verhaltnis in den Fokus, das durch die Tatigkeit des Gutachtens zwischen und fur Menschen hergestellt wird.

Research paper thumbnail of Child Care : Kulturen, Konzepte und Politiken der Fremdbetreuung von Kindern

Research paper thumbnail of »… leider trägt er überall seinen verkehrten Kopf mit«

Research paper thumbnail of Kuraufenthalte zum Kurieren von Seelenleiden. Befunde anhand von Krankenakten der frühen Anstaltspsychiatrie (Tirol 1830-1850)

VIRUS - Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Psychiatrische Landschaften. Die Psychiatrie und ihre Patientinnen und Patienten im historischen Raum Tirol-Südtirol von 1830 bis zur Gegenwart / L'assistenza psichiatrica istituzionale e territoriale nell'area del Tirolo storico (secoli XIX-XXI). Ein Interreg IV Projekt Italien-Österreich (2008 ...

VIRUS - Beiträge zur Sozialgeschichte der Medizin, 2020