Sydney Freeman, Jr. | University of Idaho (original) (raw)

Papers by Sydney Freeman, Jr.

Research paper thumbnail of How It\u27s Done : The Role of Mentoring and Advice in Preparing the Next Generation of Historically Black College and University Presidents

The college and university presidency is one of the most coveted positions in academe. Due to the... more The college and university presidency is one of the most coveted positions in academe. Due to the projected retirements of current Historically Black College and University (HBCU) presidents, the researchers interviewed 21 current presidents, institutional board members, and presidential search firm personnel to explore what current HBCU leadership identifies as important mentoring/mentee practices, mentoring/mentee opportunities, and professional advice for HBCU presidential aspirants to consider. The findings, based on the coding and analysis of semi-structured qualitative interviews, revealed that self-awareness, focusing on the essential aspects of the job and not merely the perks, openness to being mentored and willingness to shadow a successful leader, experience in serving in various administrative capacities, participating in professional leadership development activities, earning of a terminal degree, displaying humility, understanding academic politics, and learning how to...

Research paper thumbnail of Put Some Respect on My Name

Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress

This critical douethographic study investigates the challenges and provides strategies related to... more This critical douethographic study investigates the challenges and provides strategies related to the use of academic titles and establishing an academic persona within the academy. Both authors engage in a reflective examination of their life experiences, culture, and values, which have shaped their identities as scholars and professionals. The study then explores the varied challenges that both authors have experienced in their roles as early/mid-career professors. The results of the study indicated that the academy can present some unique challenges for non-tenured faculty, which include the acknowledgement of positionality and authority; students as customers’ mentality; lack of respect for non-dominant norms; ageism experienced by young professors; and issues of peer-ship versus colleagueship as opposed to essential personhood.

Research paper thumbnail of Utilizing Multi-Grounded Theory in a Dissertation: Reflections and Insights

The Qualitative Report, May 18, 2018

Recently developed and growing in popularity in Europe, Multi-Grounded Theory is seldom used in t... more Recently developed and growing in popularity in Europe, Multi-Grounded Theory is seldom used in the United States today. In order to promote the research method, this article traces the academic origins of Multi-Grounded Theory and, via a personal reflection, provides an example of successful employment of this approach. Multi-Grounded Theory is recommended to strong, organized doctoral candidates and other researchers who are able to navigate the combination of qualitative and quantitative data encouraged by this approach.

Research paper thumbnail of Managing Stress in a Time of Increased Pressure: Perspectives from University Presidents

The modern university presidency continues to become more complex, resulting in numerous personal... more The modern university presidency continues to become more complex, resulting in numerous personal and professional stresses placed on a president. This study explores the sources, impacts, and successful prevention and management of stress in the position. Data for the study comes from qualitative phenomenological interviews with five sitting presidents of public and private universities in the United States. Using a theoretical lens derived from executive stress theory, the authors examine the degree to which a need for personal control and stability play a role in producing stress and motivating certain stress responses. Meaningful relationships, positive mindsets, and repeatable practices of self-care and reflection are found to have a positive impact on presidents’ ability to manage stress. Greater awareness of stress management through education and training will benefit presidents and prospective presidents in navigating the position.

Research paper thumbnail of The Hidden Curriculum of Starting an Open-Access Online Journal: An Editor’s Perspective

Journal of Research Initiatives, 2018

His research investigates the challenges facing higher education administration programs, specifi... more His research investigates the challenges facing higher education administration programs, specifically, higher education as a field of study and the university presidency. He serves on multiple academic journal editorial and review boards, including serving as managing editor of the

Research paper thumbnail of The Characteristics of Historically Black College and University Presidents and Their Role in Grooming the Next Generation of Leaders

Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education, 2014

Background/Context Although research on college and university presidents has grown in recent dec... more Background/Context Although research on college and university presidents has grown in recent decades, historically Black college and university (HBCU) presidents have rarely been included in this research. We know almost nothing about the pathways to the HBCU presidency or the role that current presidents play in grooming future presidents. More literature is needed in order to deepen our understanding of the HBCU presidency. Purpose With this study, we sought to capture the background characteristics of HBCU leaders, to lay the ground work for future studies on HBCU presidents, and to understand the role these leaders play in grooming and mentoring the next generation of HBCU leaders. Research Design In order to answer our research questions, we used a combination a surveys, document analysis, and qualitative interviews. Conclusions and Recommendations Our conclusions and recommendations point to a recycling of presidents at HBCUs as well as the disproportionate presence of long-t...

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Perceptions of Effective Leadership Practices of Presidents of Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 2020

Anchored in the anti-deficit approach, this manuscript investigated perceptions of effective lead... more Anchored in the anti-deficit approach, this manuscript investigated perceptions of effective leadership practices of presidents at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). This manuscript provides a unique contribution to the literature by utilizing a general qualitative research approach to learn from a diverse set of voices of leaders and scholars within this sector that serve in various roles (e.g., Deans, Vice Presidents, and scholars) or who study leadership at these institutions. The study found that effective leaders at HBCUs generally have success across two categories — experiential skills and professional knowledge. This study adds to the paucity of literature in this area by expanding and complicating our understanding of effective leadership practices of presidents at HBCUs.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategies for Doctoral Students Who Desire to Become Higher Education Faculty Members at Top Ranked Programs

International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 2014

Strategies for doctoral students who desire to become higher education faculty members at top-ran... more Strategies for doctoral students who desire to become higher education faculty members at top-ranked programs.

Research paper thumbnail of Advancing Higher Education as a Field of Study

Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2017

Aim/Purpose: The book, Advancing Higher Education as a Field of Study: In Quest of Doctoral Degre... more Aim/Purpose: The book, Advancing Higher Education as a Field of Study: In Quest of Doctoral Degree Guidelines – Commemorating 120 Years of Excellence by Sydney Freeman, Jr., Linda Serra Hagedorn, Lester F. Goodchild, and Dianne A. Wright (Editors), Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2014, 340 pages, $49.95 (softcover) is reviewed and recommended for faculty and administrators who have a graduate program in higher education at their respective institution or may need information on how a program can be created using standardized curriculum guidelines.

Research paper thumbnail of Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, Volume 2 - Printable Table of Contents

Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2017

Table of Contents for Volume 2, 2017, Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education

Research paper thumbnail of Core Curricula in Higher Education Doctoral Programs: Becoming an Discipline

Proceedings of the 2015 InSITE Conference, 2015

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the status of the core curriculum in higher ed... more The purpose of the present study is to investigate the status of the core curriculum in higher education doctoral programs from the perspective of program directors. We used online survey analytic techniques to query program directors about their EdD and PhD programs in higher education, credit hours, and curricular content. Our study confirms previous work finding that there is common agreement in the subject matter areas of organization, leadership, administration, and history. What our work adds is that there is a growing consensus among higher education doctoral programs about the position of higher education law and finance in the curricular core. In addition, we find there is a growing interest in public policy and community colleges over time, with a majority of EdD programs including instruction in these areas. Nevertheless, majoritarian agreement does not meet at a level wherein consensus can be inferred, especially within PhD programs where requirements are more varied acr...

Research paper thumbnail of Executive Higher Education Doctoral Programs in the United States: A Demographic Market-Based Analysis

Proceedings of the 2017 InSITE Conference, 2017

NC 4.0) This article is licensed to you under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 In... more NC 4.0) This article is licensed to you under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. When you copy and redistribute this paper in full or in part, you need to provide proper attribution to it to ensure that others can later locate this work (and to ensure that others do not accuse you of plagiarism). You may (and we encourage you to) adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any non-commercial purposes. This license does not permit you to use this material for commercial purposes.

Research paper thumbnail of Is there a Core Curriculum across Higher Education Doctoral Programs?

International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 2016

Currently the study of higher education has been referred to as a multidisciplinary field. Consen... more Currently the study of higher education has been referred to as a multidisciplinary field. Consensus is continuing to evolve regarding both what is considered the appropriate coursework and the foundational knowledgebase of this field. The study of higher education is maturing and has the potential to transition from being seen as a field to being respected as an academic discipline. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the status of the core curriculum in higher education doctoral programs from the perspective of program directors with programs that required the completion of standardized coursework prior to beginning a dissertation. We used online survey analytic techniques to query program directors about their EdD and PhD programs in higher education, credit hours, and curricular content. Our study confirms previous work finding that there is common agreement in the subject matter areas of organization, leadership, administration, and history. What our work adds is...

Research paper thumbnail of Introducing the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education (JSPTE)

Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2016

Introduction to the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education (JPSTE). Pages ... more Introduction to the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education (JPSTE). Pages 1-71 comprise the inaugural series of papers.

Research paper thumbnail of Setting a New Global Agenda: Learning from International Approaches to Higher Education Leadership Development

Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2019

Aim/Purpose: This paper establishes a research agenda for learning from global approaches to high... more Aim/Purpose: This paper establishes a research agenda for learning from global approaches to higher education as a field of study by encouraging research into new methods and practices in leadership development from emerging scholars and practitioners around the world. Background: Significant growth has occurred in the number of academic programs, research centers, and scholars serving in the field of higher education in the last two decades. This presents an opportunity to expand methods and practices in a new and global direction. Methodology: Conceptual essay Contribution: We identify the need to expand research on higher education as a field of study beyond national and Western constructs. Findings: Several specific initiatives, resources, and potential research areas for future scholars are discussed, including curricular, pedagogical, and programmatic best practices and internal and external leadership development programs in higher education. Recommendations for Practitioners...

Research paper thumbnail of Table of Contents for Volume 5, 2020 of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education

Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2020

Table of Contents for Volume 5, 2020 of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary E... more Table of Contents for Volume 5, 2020 of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education

Research paper thumbnail of Table of Contents for Volume 4, 2019, of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education

Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2019

Table of Contents for Volume 4, 2019, of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary ... more Table of Contents for Volume 4, 2019, of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education

Research paper thumbnail of Liderazgo en la empresa online neguentrópica

Revista Española de Pedagogía, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The Manuscript Dissertation: A Means of Increasing Competitive Edge for Tenure-track Faculty Positions

International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 2018

Aim/Purpose: The traditional doctoral dissertation is the first major research project that is le... more Aim/Purpose: The traditional doctoral dissertation is the first major research project that is led by doctoral students, but it does not necessarily prepare them to publish shorter articles in journals. The manuscript dissertation provides a way for doctoral students to establish themselves as researchers while gaining the experience of developing peer-reviewed manuscripts before graduation, thus enhancing career opportunities as tenure-track faculty. Background: This paper demonstrates how the manuscript dissertation can be employed to increase doctoral student publications before graduation. Methodology: This article uses autoethnography to describe the process and results of writing a manuscript dissertation. Contribution: This paper contrasts dissertation styles, explaining the benefits and challenges of the manuscript dissertation option in particular. Findings: I found that it was important to have an influential and established dissertation chair, develop credibility by displ...

Research paper thumbnail of An Examination of the Barriers to Leadership for Faculty of Color at U.S. Universities

Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 2019

Aim/Purpose: The aim and purpose of this study is to understand why there is a dearth of faculty ... more Aim/Purpose: The aim and purpose of this study is to understand why there is a dearth of faculty of color ascending to senior levels of leadership in higher education institutions, and to identify strategies to increase the representation of faculty of color in university senior administrative positions. Background: There is a lack of faculty of color in senior level academic administrative position in the United States. Although there is clear evidence that faculty of color have not been promoted to senior level positions at the same rate as their White colleagues, besides racism there has been little evidence regarding the cause of such disparities. This is becoming an issue of increased importance as the student bodies of most U.S. higher educational institutions are becoming increasingly more inclusive of people of various racial and ethnic backgrounds. Methodology: Qualitative interviews were used Contribution: This study adds to the research and information made previously ava...

Research paper thumbnail of How It\u27s Done : The Role of Mentoring and Advice in Preparing the Next Generation of Historically Black College and University Presidents

The college and university presidency is one of the most coveted positions in academe. Due to the... more The college and university presidency is one of the most coveted positions in academe. Due to the projected retirements of current Historically Black College and University (HBCU) presidents, the researchers interviewed 21 current presidents, institutional board members, and presidential search firm personnel to explore what current HBCU leadership identifies as important mentoring/mentee practices, mentoring/mentee opportunities, and professional advice for HBCU presidential aspirants to consider. The findings, based on the coding and analysis of semi-structured qualitative interviews, revealed that self-awareness, focusing on the essential aspects of the job and not merely the perks, openness to being mentored and willingness to shadow a successful leader, experience in serving in various administrative capacities, participating in professional leadership development activities, earning of a terminal degree, displaying humility, understanding academic politics, and learning how to...

Research paper thumbnail of Put Some Respect on My Name

Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress

This critical douethographic study investigates the challenges and provides strategies related to... more This critical douethographic study investigates the challenges and provides strategies related to the use of academic titles and establishing an academic persona within the academy. Both authors engage in a reflective examination of their life experiences, culture, and values, which have shaped their identities as scholars and professionals. The study then explores the varied challenges that both authors have experienced in their roles as early/mid-career professors. The results of the study indicated that the academy can present some unique challenges for non-tenured faculty, which include the acknowledgement of positionality and authority; students as customers’ mentality; lack of respect for non-dominant norms; ageism experienced by young professors; and issues of peer-ship versus colleagueship as opposed to essential personhood.

Research paper thumbnail of Utilizing Multi-Grounded Theory in a Dissertation: Reflections and Insights

The Qualitative Report, May 18, 2018

Recently developed and growing in popularity in Europe, Multi-Grounded Theory is seldom used in t... more Recently developed and growing in popularity in Europe, Multi-Grounded Theory is seldom used in the United States today. In order to promote the research method, this article traces the academic origins of Multi-Grounded Theory and, via a personal reflection, provides an example of successful employment of this approach. Multi-Grounded Theory is recommended to strong, organized doctoral candidates and other researchers who are able to navigate the combination of qualitative and quantitative data encouraged by this approach.

Research paper thumbnail of Managing Stress in a Time of Increased Pressure: Perspectives from University Presidents

The modern university presidency continues to become more complex, resulting in numerous personal... more The modern university presidency continues to become more complex, resulting in numerous personal and professional stresses placed on a president. This study explores the sources, impacts, and successful prevention and management of stress in the position. Data for the study comes from qualitative phenomenological interviews with five sitting presidents of public and private universities in the United States. Using a theoretical lens derived from executive stress theory, the authors examine the degree to which a need for personal control and stability play a role in producing stress and motivating certain stress responses. Meaningful relationships, positive mindsets, and repeatable practices of self-care and reflection are found to have a positive impact on presidents’ ability to manage stress. Greater awareness of stress management through education and training will benefit presidents and prospective presidents in navigating the position.

Research paper thumbnail of The Hidden Curriculum of Starting an Open-Access Online Journal: An Editor’s Perspective

Journal of Research Initiatives, 2018

His research investigates the challenges facing higher education administration programs, specifi... more His research investigates the challenges facing higher education administration programs, specifically, higher education as a field of study and the university presidency. He serves on multiple academic journal editorial and review boards, including serving as managing editor of the

Research paper thumbnail of The Characteristics of Historically Black College and University Presidents and Their Role in Grooming the Next Generation of Leaders

Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education, 2014

Background/Context Although research on college and university presidents has grown in recent dec... more Background/Context Although research on college and university presidents has grown in recent decades, historically Black college and university (HBCU) presidents have rarely been included in this research. We know almost nothing about the pathways to the HBCU presidency or the role that current presidents play in grooming future presidents. More literature is needed in order to deepen our understanding of the HBCU presidency. Purpose With this study, we sought to capture the background characteristics of HBCU leaders, to lay the ground work for future studies on HBCU presidents, and to understand the role these leaders play in grooming and mentoring the next generation of HBCU leaders. Research Design In order to answer our research questions, we used a combination a surveys, document analysis, and qualitative interviews. Conclusions and Recommendations Our conclusions and recommendations point to a recycling of presidents at HBCUs as well as the disproportionate presence of long-t...

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring Perceptions of Effective Leadership Practices of Presidents of Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress, 2020

Anchored in the anti-deficit approach, this manuscript investigated perceptions of effective lead... more Anchored in the anti-deficit approach, this manuscript investigated perceptions of effective leadership practices of presidents at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). This manuscript provides a unique contribution to the literature by utilizing a general qualitative research approach to learn from a diverse set of voices of leaders and scholars within this sector that serve in various roles (e.g., Deans, Vice Presidents, and scholars) or who study leadership at these institutions. The study found that effective leaders at HBCUs generally have success across two categories — experiential skills and professional knowledge. This study adds to the paucity of literature in this area by expanding and complicating our understanding of effective leadership practices of presidents at HBCUs.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategies for Doctoral Students Who Desire to Become Higher Education Faculty Members at Top Ranked Programs

International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 2014

Strategies for doctoral students who desire to become higher education faculty members at top-ran... more Strategies for doctoral students who desire to become higher education faculty members at top-ranked programs.

Research paper thumbnail of Advancing Higher Education as a Field of Study

Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2017

Aim/Purpose: The book, Advancing Higher Education as a Field of Study: In Quest of Doctoral Degre... more Aim/Purpose: The book, Advancing Higher Education as a Field of Study: In Quest of Doctoral Degree Guidelines – Commemorating 120 Years of Excellence by Sydney Freeman, Jr., Linda Serra Hagedorn, Lester F. Goodchild, and Dianne A. Wright (Editors), Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2014, 340 pages, $49.95 (softcover) is reviewed and recommended for faculty and administrators who have a graduate program in higher education at their respective institution or may need information on how a program can be created using standardized curriculum guidelines.

Research paper thumbnail of Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, Volume 2 - Printable Table of Contents

Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2017

Table of Contents for Volume 2, 2017, Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education

Research paper thumbnail of Core Curricula in Higher Education Doctoral Programs: Becoming an Discipline

Proceedings of the 2015 InSITE Conference, 2015

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the status of the core curriculum in higher ed... more The purpose of the present study is to investigate the status of the core curriculum in higher education doctoral programs from the perspective of program directors. We used online survey analytic techniques to query program directors about their EdD and PhD programs in higher education, credit hours, and curricular content. Our study confirms previous work finding that there is common agreement in the subject matter areas of organization, leadership, administration, and history. What our work adds is that there is a growing consensus among higher education doctoral programs about the position of higher education law and finance in the curricular core. In addition, we find there is a growing interest in public policy and community colleges over time, with a majority of EdD programs including instruction in these areas. Nevertheless, majoritarian agreement does not meet at a level wherein consensus can be inferred, especially within PhD programs where requirements are more varied acr...

Research paper thumbnail of Executive Higher Education Doctoral Programs in the United States: A Demographic Market-Based Analysis

Proceedings of the 2017 InSITE Conference, 2017

NC 4.0) This article is licensed to you under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 In... more NC 4.0) This article is licensed to you under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. When you copy and redistribute this paper in full or in part, you need to provide proper attribution to it to ensure that others can later locate this work (and to ensure that others do not accuse you of plagiarism). You may (and we encourage you to) adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any non-commercial purposes. This license does not permit you to use this material for commercial purposes.

Research paper thumbnail of Is there a Core Curriculum across Higher Education Doctoral Programs?

International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 2016

Currently the study of higher education has been referred to as a multidisciplinary field. Consen... more Currently the study of higher education has been referred to as a multidisciplinary field. Consensus is continuing to evolve regarding both what is considered the appropriate coursework and the foundational knowledgebase of this field. The study of higher education is maturing and has the potential to transition from being seen as a field to being respected as an academic discipline. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the status of the core curriculum in higher education doctoral programs from the perspective of program directors with programs that required the completion of standardized coursework prior to beginning a dissertation. We used online survey analytic techniques to query program directors about their EdD and PhD programs in higher education, credit hours, and curricular content. Our study confirms previous work finding that there is common agreement in the subject matter areas of organization, leadership, administration, and history. What our work adds is...

Research paper thumbnail of Introducing the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education (JSPTE)

Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2016

Introduction to the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education (JPSTE). Pages ... more Introduction to the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education (JPSTE). Pages 1-71 comprise the inaugural series of papers.

Research paper thumbnail of Setting a New Global Agenda: Learning from International Approaches to Higher Education Leadership Development

Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2019

Aim/Purpose: This paper establishes a research agenda for learning from global approaches to high... more Aim/Purpose: This paper establishes a research agenda for learning from global approaches to higher education as a field of study by encouraging research into new methods and practices in leadership development from emerging scholars and practitioners around the world. Background: Significant growth has occurred in the number of academic programs, research centers, and scholars serving in the field of higher education in the last two decades. This presents an opportunity to expand methods and practices in a new and global direction. Methodology: Conceptual essay Contribution: We identify the need to expand research on higher education as a field of study beyond national and Western constructs. Findings: Several specific initiatives, resources, and potential research areas for future scholars are discussed, including curricular, pedagogical, and programmatic best practices and internal and external leadership development programs in higher education. Recommendations for Practitioners...

Research paper thumbnail of Table of Contents for Volume 5, 2020 of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education

Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2020

Table of Contents for Volume 5, 2020 of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary E... more Table of Contents for Volume 5, 2020 of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education

Research paper thumbnail of Table of Contents for Volume 4, 2019, of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education

Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, 2019

Table of Contents for Volume 4, 2019, of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary ... more Table of Contents for Volume 4, 2019, of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education

Research paper thumbnail of Liderazgo en la empresa online neguentrópica

Revista Española de Pedagogía, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of The Manuscript Dissertation: A Means of Increasing Competitive Edge for Tenure-track Faculty Positions

International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 2018

Aim/Purpose: The traditional doctoral dissertation is the first major research project that is le... more Aim/Purpose: The traditional doctoral dissertation is the first major research project that is led by doctoral students, but it does not necessarily prepare them to publish shorter articles in journals. The manuscript dissertation provides a way for doctoral students to establish themselves as researchers while gaining the experience of developing peer-reviewed manuscripts before graduation, thus enhancing career opportunities as tenure-track faculty. Background: This paper demonstrates how the manuscript dissertation can be employed to increase doctoral student publications before graduation. Methodology: This article uses autoethnography to describe the process and results of writing a manuscript dissertation. Contribution: This paper contrasts dissertation styles, explaining the benefits and challenges of the manuscript dissertation option in particular. Findings: I found that it was important to have an influential and established dissertation chair, develop credibility by displ...

Research paper thumbnail of An Examination of the Barriers to Leadership for Faculty of Color at U.S. Universities

Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 2019

Aim/Purpose: The aim and purpose of this study is to understand why there is a dearth of faculty ... more Aim/Purpose: The aim and purpose of this study is to understand why there is a dearth of faculty of color ascending to senior levels of leadership in higher education institutions, and to identify strategies to increase the representation of faculty of color in university senior administrative positions. Background: There is a lack of faculty of color in senior level academic administrative position in the United States. Although there is clear evidence that faculty of color have not been promoted to senior level positions at the same rate as their White colleagues, besides racism there has been little evidence regarding the cause of such disparities. This is becoming an issue of increased importance as the student bodies of most U.S. higher educational institutions are becoming increasingly more inclusive of people of various racial and ethnic backgrounds. Methodology: Qualitative interviews were used Contribution: This study adds to the research and information made previously ava...