andri nurtantiono | Islamic University of Indonesia (original) (raw)

Papers by andri nurtantiono

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Brand Image, Price Discount, Package Bonuses Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Impulse Buying Pada Produk Oriflame

Research paper thumbnail of Pengelolaan Bisnis Non Riba” pada ISTIQOMAH Paguyuban Pedagang dan Petani desa Blumbang Kecamatan Tawangmangu Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat STIE Surakarta

Paguyuban Pedagang dan Petani Istiqomah yang beranggotakan warga desa Blumbang, Kecamatan Tawangm... more Paguyuban Pedagang dan Petani Istiqomah yang beranggotakan warga desa Blumbang, Kecamatan Tawangmangu, Karanganyar Jawa Tengah merupakan wadah untuk pedagang dan petani yang kegiatannya selama ini lebih banyak sebagai wadah silaturahmi dengan mengadakan acara arisan dan kajian agama serta informasi dari pemerintah daerah Karanganyar. Sebagai sebuah organisasi paguyuban pedagang dan petani akan lebih menguntungkan jika mendapatkan kajian-kajian yang bersifat membangun dan memberikan informasi dan wawasan bagaimana berbisnis dan berwirausaha. Kepedulian STIE Surakarta terhadap UKM menjadi dorongan untuk memberikan kajian bertema ‘‘Pengelolaan Bisnis Non Riba “ pada UKM dan Paguyuban Istiqomah tersebut. Dengan metode berbagi (sharing) dan diskusi yang dilakukan di aula masjid di desa Blumbang yang dihadiri oleh 30 peserta, kegiatan pengabdian ini berjalan dengan lancar dan beberapa diskusi melengkapi kegiatan pengabdian ini.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Brand Image, Price Discount, Package Bonuses Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Impulse Buying Pada Produk Oriflame

Juremi: Jurnal Riset Ekonomi

This study aims to determine the effect of Brand Image, Price Discount, Package Bonuses and Produ... more This study aims to determine the effect of Brand Image, Price Discount, Package Bonuses and Product Quality on Impulse Buying on Oriflame Products. The type of method used in this study is a quantitative method with a non-probability sampling technique. This study used a sample of 97 respondents through the distribution of questionnaires. Data analysis used multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS version 23. The results of this study simultaneously showed that the variable brand image, price discount, package bonuses, and product quality had a positive and significant effect on impulse buying. However, partially the brand image and price discount variables have no positive effect on impulse buying. While the variable package bonuses and product quality have a positive effect on impulse buying.

Research paper thumbnail of Implikasi Store Atmosphere, Kualitas Produk, Persepsi Harga, Dan Gaya Hidup Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian DI Euphoria Café Karanganyar


This study aims to determine the effect of store atmosphere, product quality, price perception, a... more This study aims to determine the effect of store atmosphere, product quality, price perception, and lifestyle on purchasing decisions at Euphoria Café Karanganyar. The type of research used is quantitative research with survey methods conducted on visitors to Euphoria Café Karanganyar. The results of the analysis using multiple regression analysis are store atmosphere, product quality, lifestyle have a significant effect on purchasing decisions at Euphoria Karanganyar, while price perceptions have no significant effect on purchasing decisions at Euphoria Café Karanganyar. Suggestions in this study are referring to the store atmosphere variable at Euphoria Karanganyar, further improving the attractive decorations and seating layouts on the first and second floors which are not only able to accommodate a large number of visitors but also add comfort when they visit. Referring to lifestyle variables, hanging out activities for visitors can become one of the lifestyles that are carried ...

Research paper thumbnail of Minat Beli Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mascara Maybelline


The reason for this reasoning is to determine the impact of Brand Image and Promotion on Purchase... more The reason for this reasoning is to determine the impact of Brand Image and Promotion on Purchase Decisions with Purchase Intention as an intermediary variable. This strategy uses path analysis. The test used was 97 respondents. Collecting information by means of a questionnaire. It turns out that the variables of Brand Image and Promotion have an impact on Buying Interest at the same time. The Brand Image variable displays a noteworthy impact on Purchase Intention. The progress variable is partially unimportant for intentional purchases. The concurrent impact of Brand Image, Promotion, and Buying Interest factors have a synchronous impact on Purchase Decision. Partial Impact of Brand Image and Purchase Interest have an impact on Purchase Decision, while promotion is not affected by Purchase Decision. Keyword: Brand Image, Promotion, Purchase Interest, Purchase Decision

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Bisnis Pada Kelompok Ibu-Ibu PKK DI Kalurahan Gayam Dan Bendosari Kabupaten Sukoharjo


Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Citra Merek, Promosi, Harga, dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Pengguna Aplikasi Shopee)

Jurnal Sinar Manajemen

Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Citra Merek, Promosi, Harga dan Kualitas Pelayanan ... more Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Citra Merek, Promosi, Harga dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Pengguna Aplikasi Shopee). Jenis riset yang digunakan yakni penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data memakai kuesioner dengan 97 responden yang diolah lewat SPSS 20 jadi metodologi studi ini. Analisis data memakai regresi linier berganda. Hasil riset memperlihatkan Citra Merek berdampak signifikan pada keputusan pembelian di aplikasi Shopee, ini terbukti lewat nilai thitung yakni 2,173 serta nilai signifikansi ialah 0,032. Promosi berdampak signifikan pada keputusan pembelian di aplikasi Shopee, itu terbukti dengan nilai thitung yakni 3,559 dan nilai signifikansi ialah 0,001. Harga tidak berdampak signifikan pada keputusan pembelian di aplikasi Shopee, ini terbukti nilai thitung yakni 0,919 dan nilai signifikansi yakni 0,361. Kualitas Pelayanan berdampak signifikan pada keputusan pembelian di aplikasi Shopee, ini terbukti lewat nilai thitung yak...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Melakukan Pinjaman Pada Ksu Jati Diri Simo Boyolali

Intention of this research is : 1) To know reputation factor influence of company, loan procedure... more Intention of this research is : 1) To know reputation factor influence of company, loan procedure and level of service to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali. 2) To know factor having an effect on most dominant to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali. Hypothesis submitted is : 1) Anticipated there is influence between company reputations, loan procedure and level of service to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali; 2) Anticipated loan procedure factor to have influence very dominan to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali. Population from this research is consumer (client) what does loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali. Level of sample in this research 80 responders. Data source applied is primary data. Data collecting technique applied is observation, questionaire and documentation. Analyzer applied is validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression, test t,...

Research paper thumbnail of Komunitas, Mediadistribusi Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consume (B2C) Dan Consume to Consume (C2C)

Graduasi, Mar 1, 2011

Abstract The presence of community is increasingly becoming a necessity, can not be arrested anda... more Abstract The presence of community is increasingly becoming a necessity, can not be arrested andavoided. They appeared like mushrooms rainy season. Some are born organically, since the latterexperience, interests, and hobbies of their members. Some are deliberately designed andsponsored by a particular manufacturer. With the emergence of community activities for thebusinesstobemorepotent andcapableof connectingsomecirclesas well as apart of theactivitiesof business to business (B2B), business to Consume (B2C) and Consume to Consume (C2C). Inaddition further benefits gained from the community, the first can increase customer loyalty andcommitment. Second, communities can be used as a forum to educate customers. Finally, thecommunity will stimulate the innovation of products and services on the basis of the information inthecommunitythat will spur widespreaddisseminationof theproduct. Keywords : Business To Business (B2b), Business To Consume (B2C), Consume To Consume(C2C), Community

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Produk, Harga Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Pada Pembelian Handphone “Cross” DI Sukoharjo

Graduasi, Nov 1, 2014

Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality, price and prom... more Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality, price and promotion to purchases Cross handphone either partially or simultaneously, and know the most dominant factor influence on the purchase of “Cross handphones” in Sukoharjo. Using multiple regression analysis, F test, t test, the results of a study of 100 consumers, proving that there is simultaneously a positive and significant influence between product quality, price and promotion on purchase decisions. Partially positive and significant influence purchasing decisions contained in the price and promotion, where the price is the most dominant factors that influence on purchasing decisions. With the above results, it is expected the company always pay attention to pricing strategies, namely at an affordable price, the suitability of the price with quality products, competitive price and features. For product quality should be improved by adding features, more easily repaired, the model is more up to date and durable. For promotion company is expected to always promote “Cross Handphone” by improving the quality of the promotion in an attractive form of advertising that consumers are curious and raises interest to buy. Keywords: Consumer Purchasing Decisions, Quality Product, Price, Promotion

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Produk, Persepsi Harga, Promosi Dan Gaya Hidup Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Wardah DI Solo Raya

Creative Research Management Journal, 2021

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of products, price perceptions, promotions ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of products, price perceptions, promotions and lifestyle onWardah product purchasing decisions in Solo Raya. The population in this study is an unlimited population because the population is unknown. The method of determining the sample is purposive sampling. The number of samples obtained by 97 respondents. Using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. Collecting data in the form of a questionnaire and the measurement scale is a Likert scale. The results of the research are the product has no partial or individual effect on the purchasing decision of Wardah products in Solo Raya, Price Perception has no partial or individual effect on the purchasing decision of Wardah products in Solo Raya, Promotion has no partial or individual effect on the purchasing decision of Wardah products in Solo Raya, Gaya Life has a partial or individual effect on the Purchase Decision of Wardah products in Solo Raya. Product, Price Perception...

Research paper thumbnail of Antara Persepsi Dan Pengaruh Lingkungan Terdekat, Faktor Penentu Konsumen Pada Pembelian Sepeda Motor “Honda”

The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of family, reference groups and perception... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of family, reference groups and perceptions on purchasing decisions for Honda motorcycles in Surakarta City. This research approach uses quantitative research methods, in the form of empirical research with the object of the people of Surakarta City who have Honda motorcycles with 128 respondents as the research sample. All hypotheses in this study were proven, namely that either partially or simultan the Family, Reference Groups and Perceptions Variables had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. Perception Variables become the dominant variable influencing the Purchase Decision. Keywords : Purchase Decision, Family, Reference Group, Perception

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Faktor-faktor Eksternal Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Memilih Belanja Di Assalaam Hypermarket

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of cultural, reference groups, family an... more The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of cultural, reference groups, family and social class factors, either partially or simultan to consumer decision in choosing shopping in Assalaam Hypermarket. The analytical tool used in this study were: Multiple linear regression test, Test t, Test F and The coefficient of determination (R2) or Adjusted R Square. The results of data analysis concludes that the cultural, reference groups, family and social class variables influence the purchasing decisions of consumers on Assalam Hypermarket, either partially or simultan, Cultural Variables become the dominant factor in the purchase decision. Suggestions that emerged in this study were The management should pay more attention to factors such as cultural community grows in accordance with decisions of private consumption, the reference group is able to provide encouragement to consume, the number of family members and their effects on individual consumption decisions, and soci...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Word of Mouth (Wom), Kualitas Pelayanan, Keamanan Dan Kepercayaan Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Menggunakan Jasa Transportasi Online Grabbike DI Kota Surakarta

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Word of Mouth, Service Quality, Security... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Word of Mouth, Service Quality, Security, and Trust on Consumer Decisions using GrabBike Online Transportation Services in Surakarta City. From distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents, results show that Word of Mouth, Service Quality, and Trust have a significant effect on consumer decisions while security has no significant effect on consumer decisions. Keywords: Consumer Decisions, Word of Mouth, Service Quality, Security, Trust

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Sikap Dan Norma Subyektif Terhadap Niat Beli Masyarakat Sebagai Konsumen Big TV Pada Kelurahan Sei Agul Kecamatan Medan Barat

Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis

The rise of information technology today, resulted in viewers want more information forms from ab... more The rise of information technology today, resulted in viewers want more information forms from abroad in the form of news and entertainment shows. The need for more extensive information, an opportunity for the satellite television station. Satellite TV is not to compete with each other is BIG TV, which is one of the satellite TV channel highest and the lowest in Indonesia, both SD (standard definition) and HD (high definition), while becoming a satellite TV pay-first serving HD channels more lots for its customers. From the description, the problem in this research is formulated as follows: "Is the consumer attitudes and subjective norms significantly influence consumer intentions to buy BIG TV on agul Sei Village West district of Medan." This study aimed to analyze the influence of consumer attitudes, subjective norms influence on consumer intentions to buy BIG TV and to know how consumer intentions to buy BIG TV on agul Sei Village West district of Medan. The benefits o...

Research paper thumbnail of The Importance Role E-Collaboration Capability and Information System Maturity on Knowledge Sharing and SMEs Marketing Performance

International Journal of e-Collaboration

This article discusses the effect of e-collaboration capability and information system maturity o... more This article discusses the effect of e-collaboration capability and information system maturity on knowledge sharing and SMEs marketing performance. This study was conducted at SMEs in Central Java which had used information system and technology in collaborating with partners and customers. There were 160 respondents in this research who were the owners or managers of SMEs in Central Java, Indonesia. This research used structural equation modeling analysis. AMOS version 21 was used to process the data. The result of this research showed that all proposed hypotheses were accepted. First, e-collaboration capability has positively and significantly influenced knowledge sharing. Second, knowledge sharing has positively and significantly influenced SME marketing performance. Third, e-collaboration capability has positively and significantly influenced SME marketing performance. Fourth, information system maturity has positively and significantly influenced knowledge sharing. Fifth, info...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Sikap Pelaku Bisnis Terhadap Perbankan Syariah DI Kota Surakarta

Graduasi, Nov 1, 2011

The development of Islamic banking is not as expected, the causes include the low level of unders... more The development of Islamic banking is not as expected, the causes include the low level of understanding and cynical view of society, including among Moslims themselves. Looking at the above phenomenon, it should be done at the same time revamping effort trying to align with the wishes of the community in order to market its products. Theory of Reasoned Action of Fishbein and Ajzen. is one of the theories that try to predict consumers' desires or intentions .. Factors affecting the intention is the attitude in action and subjective norms regarding a person's perception, whether other people that are lionized will affect behavior. The purpose of the study were: to determine how attitudes and subjective norms of business and its influence on the intention to become customers of Islamic banks in Surakarta With a sample of a total of 100 businesses, the results showed that attitudes towards Islamic banking business in Surakarta was positive with the highest attribute on friendly service, while the Subjective Norm is in a position to agree and disagree. Both these variables are Attitude and Subjective Norm despite positive value but not significant. Suggestions that the researcher is necessary to convey a better image of Islamic banking and periodic dissemination to the public, especially business people.

Research paper thumbnail of Kecerdasan Emosional, Kompetensi Kepemimpinan Transformasional

Graduasi, Mar 1, 2012

Abstract Transformational leadership is the ability of leaders to motivate followers to reachbeyo... more Abstract Transformational leadership is the ability of leaders to motivate followers to reachbeyond what is normally done. Competence or ability to realize one's ownfeelings, aware of the feelings of others, distinguish between them, and useinformation to guide one's thinking and behavior is the competence of EmotionalIntelligence (Emotional Quotient / Emotional Intelligence). Emotional Intelligenceis Intrapersonal dimension, as an indicator of self-awareness and selfexpression,interpersonal used to measure the social awareness andinterpersonal relationships, Stress Management is used for Management andControl of Emotion, Adaptation is used as an indicator of the ability to ManagingChange, and General Mood is used as an indicator of Motivation self. Keywords: leadership, Transformational Leadership, Emotional Intelligence

Research paper thumbnail of Kepemimpinan, Dambaan Pengikut Pada Pimpinannya

Graduasi, Mar 1, 2010

Being a peacemaker for all people and be able to bring justice for all is the typical leadership.... more Being a peacemaker for all people and be able to bring justice for all is the typical leadership. The degree to which a leader capable of doing leadership activities can be measured in conjunction with the effects of leadership on subordinates, followers, or in this society. Subordinates berkepemimpinan a leader who feels the absence of confidence, admiration, loyalty, and respect for these leaders and they are motivated to do things better than originally expected leader. Leaders motivate subordinates by: 1) make them more aware of the importance of the results of a job. 2) encourage them to be more selfish and self-organization, and 3) enable the needs at a higher level. There are five characteristics of leadership of the most coveted by followers, namely: 1) Having a plan in the future (capability elements), 2) honest (the main character), 3) Caring, respect for employees (the main character), 4) Integrity (the main character) , 5) Wise (the main character and abilities).

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Dimensi Kualitas Produk Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Sepeda Motor Yamaha “Mio” DI Kalurahan Makamhaji, Kecamatan Kartasura, Kabupaten Sukoharjo

Graduasi, Nov 1, 2013

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study : 1 ) To determine the effect of product quality " Mio &q... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this study : 1 ) To determine the effect of product quality " Mio " Yamaha motorcycle which consists of the performance , reliability , durability , esthetic , conformance to specification , serviceability , features , and perceived quality on customer satisfaction in kalurahan Makamhaji , sub Kartasura , Sukoharjo ; 2 ) To determine the effect of the most dominant of product quality " Mio " Yamaha motorcycle which consists of the performance , reliability , durability , esthetic , conformance to specification , serviceability , features , and perceived quality on customer satisfaction in the village Makamhaji , Kartasura, Sukoharjo. . Based on the analysis , the results showed that : 1 ) There is the influence of the dimensions of product quality Yamaha motorcycle " Mio " which consists of the performance , reliability , durability , esthetic , conformance to specification , serviceability , features , and perceived quality on customer satisfaction motorcycle brand Yamaha " Mio " in the Village Makamhaji , Kartasura , Sukoharjo ; 2 ) factors of product quality " Mio " Yamaha motorcycle the most dominant influence on consumer satisfaction Yamaha motorcycle brand " Mio " in the Village Makamhaji , Kartasura , Sukoharjo is the durability factor of the quality of the product . Keywords : performance , reliability , durability , esthetic , conformance to specification , serviceability , features , and perceived quality , customer satisfaction

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Brand Image, Price Discount, Package Bonuses Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Impulse Buying Pada Produk Oriflame

Research paper thumbnail of Pengelolaan Bisnis Non Riba” pada ISTIQOMAH Paguyuban Pedagang dan Petani desa Blumbang Kecamatan Tawangmangu Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat STIE Surakarta

Paguyuban Pedagang dan Petani Istiqomah yang beranggotakan warga desa Blumbang, Kecamatan Tawangm... more Paguyuban Pedagang dan Petani Istiqomah yang beranggotakan warga desa Blumbang, Kecamatan Tawangmangu, Karanganyar Jawa Tengah merupakan wadah untuk pedagang dan petani yang kegiatannya selama ini lebih banyak sebagai wadah silaturahmi dengan mengadakan acara arisan dan kajian agama serta informasi dari pemerintah daerah Karanganyar. Sebagai sebuah organisasi paguyuban pedagang dan petani akan lebih menguntungkan jika mendapatkan kajian-kajian yang bersifat membangun dan memberikan informasi dan wawasan bagaimana berbisnis dan berwirausaha. Kepedulian STIE Surakarta terhadap UKM menjadi dorongan untuk memberikan kajian bertema ‘‘Pengelolaan Bisnis Non Riba “ pada UKM dan Paguyuban Istiqomah tersebut. Dengan metode berbagi (sharing) dan diskusi yang dilakukan di aula masjid di desa Blumbang yang dihadiri oleh 30 peserta, kegiatan pengabdian ini berjalan dengan lancar dan beberapa diskusi melengkapi kegiatan pengabdian ini.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Brand Image, Price Discount, Package Bonuses Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Impulse Buying Pada Produk Oriflame

Juremi: Jurnal Riset Ekonomi

This study aims to determine the effect of Brand Image, Price Discount, Package Bonuses and Produ... more This study aims to determine the effect of Brand Image, Price Discount, Package Bonuses and Product Quality on Impulse Buying on Oriflame Products. The type of method used in this study is a quantitative method with a non-probability sampling technique. This study used a sample of 97 respondents through the distribution of questionnaires. Data analysis used multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS version 23. The results of this study simultaneously showed that the variable brand image, price discount, package bonuses, and product quality had a positive and significant effect on impulse buying. However, partially the brand image and price discount variables have no positive effect on impulse buying. While the variable package bonuses and product quality have a positive effect on impulse buying.

Research paper thumbnail of Implikasi Store Atmosphere, Kualitas Produk, Persepsi Harga, Dan Gaya Hidup Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian DI Euphoria Café Karanganyar


This study aims to determine the effect of store atmosphere, product quality, price perception, a... more This study aims to determine the effect of store atmosphere, product quality, price perception, and lifestyle on purchasing decisions at Euphoria Café Karanganyar. The type of research used is quantitative research with survey methods conducted on visitors to Euphoria Café Karanganyar. The results of the analysis using multiple regression analysis are store atmosphere, product quality, lifestyle have a significant effect on purchasing decisions at Euphoria Karanganyar, while price perceptions have no significant effect on purchasing decisions at Euphoria Café Karanganyar. Suggestions in this study are referring to the store atmosphere variable at Euphoria Karanganyar, further improving the attractive decorations and seating layouts on the first and second floors which are not only able to accommodate a large number of visitors but also add comfort when they visit. Referring to lifestyle variables, hanging out activities for visitors can become one of the lifestyles that are carried ...

Research paper thumbnail of Minat Beli Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mascara Maybelline


The reason for this reasoning is to determine the impact of Brand Image and Promotion on Purchase... more The reason for this reasoning is to determine the impact of Brand Image and Promotion on Purchase Decisions with Purchase Intention as an intermediary variable. This strategy uses path analysis. The test used was 97 respondents. Collecting information by means of a questionnaire. It turns out that the variables of Brand Image and Promotion have an impact on Buying Interest at the same time. The Brand Image variable displays a noteworthy impact on Purchase Intention. The progress variable is partially unimportant for intentional purchases. The concurrent impact of Brand Image, Promotion, and Buying Interest factors have a synchronous impact on Purchase Decision. Partial Impact of Brand Image and Purchase Interest have an impact on Purchase Decision, while promotion is not affected by Purchase Decision. Keyword: Brand Image, Promotion, Purchase Interest, Purchase Decision

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Bisnis Pada Kelompok Ibu-Ibu PKK DI Kalurahan Gayam Dan Bendosari Kabupaten Sukoharjo


Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Citra Merek, Promosi, Harga, dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Pengguna Aplikasi Shopee)

Jurnal Sinar Manajemen

Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Citra Merek, Promosi, Harga dan Kualitas Pelayanan ... more Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Citra Merek, Promosi, Harga dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Pengguna Aplikasi Shopee). Jenis riset yang digunakan yakni penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data memakai kuesioner dengan 97 responden yang diolah lewat SPSS 20 jadi metodologi studi ini. Analisis data memakai regresi linier berganda. Hasil riset memperlihatkan Citra Merek berdampak signifikan pada keputusan pembelian di aplikasi Shopee, ini terbukti lewat nilai thitung yakni 2,173 serta nilai signifikansi ialah 0,032. Promosi berdampak signifikan pada keputusan pembelian di aplikasi Shopee, itu terbukti dengan nilai thitung yakni 3,559 dan nilai signifikansi ialah 0,001. Harga tidak berdampak signifikan pada keputusan pembelian di aplikasi Shopee, ini terbukti nilai thitung yakni 0,919 dan nilai signifikansi yakni 0,361. Kualitas Pelayanan berdampak signifikan pada keputusan pembelian di aplikasi Shopee, ini terbukti lewat nilai thitung yak...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Melakukan Pinjaman Pada Ksu Jati Diri Simo Boyolali

Intention of this research is : 1) To know reputation factor influence of company, loan procedure... more Intention of this research is : 1) To know reputation factor influence of company, loan procedure and level of service to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali. 2) To know factor having an effect on most dominant to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali. Hypothesis submitted is : 1) Anticipated there is influence between company reputations, loan procedure and level of service to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali; 2) Anticipated loan procedure factor to have influence very dominan to decision of consumer in doing loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali. Population from this research is consumer (client) what does loan at KSU Jati Diri Simo Boyolali. Level of sample in this research 80 responders. Data source applied is primary data. Data collecting technique applied is observation, questionaire and documentation. Analyzer applied is validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression, test t,...

Research paper thumbnail of Komunitas, Mediadistribusi Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consume (B2C) Dan Consume to Consume (C2C)

Graduasi, Mar 1, 2011

Abstract The presence of community is increasingly becoming a necessity, can not be arrested anda... more Abstract The presence of community is increasingly becoming a necessity, can not be arrested andavoided. They appeared like mushrooms rainy season. Some are born organically, since the latterexperience, interests, and hobbies of their members. Some are deliberately designed andsponsored by a particular manufacturer. With the emergence of community activities for thebusinesstobemorepotent andcapableof connectingsomecirclesas well as apart of theactivitiesof business to business (B2B), business to Consume (B2C) and Consume to Consume (C2C). Inaddition further benefits gained from the community, the first can increase customer loyalty andcommitment. Second, communities can be used as a forum to educate customers. Finally, thecommunity will stimulate the innovation of products and services on the basis of the information inthecommunitythat will spur widespreaddisseminationof theproduct. Keywords : Business To Business (B2b), Business To Consume (B2C), Consume To Consume(C2C), Community

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Produk, Harga Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Pada Pembelian Handphone “Cross” DI Sukoharjo

Graduasi, Nov 1, 2014

Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality, price and prom... more Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality, price and promotion to purchases Cross handphone either partially or simultaneously, and know the most dominant factor influence on the purchase of “Cross handphones” in Sukoharjo. Using multiple regression analysis, F test, t test, the results of a study of 100 consumers, proving that there is simultaneously a positive and significant influence between product quality, price and promotion on purchase decisions. Partially positive and significant influence purchasing decisions contained in the price and promotion, where the price is the most dominant factors that influence on purchasing decisions. With the above results, it is expected the company always pay attention to pricing strategies, namely at an affordable price, the suitability of the price with quality products, competitive price and features. For product quality should be improved by adding features, more easily repaired, the model is more up to date and durable. For promotion company is expected to always promote “Cross Handphone” by improving the quality of the promotion in an attractive form of advertising that consumers are curious and raises interest to buy. Keywords: Consumer Purchasing Decisions, Quality Product, Price, Promotion

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Produk, Persepsi Harga, Promosi Dan Gaya Hidup Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Wardah DI Solo Raya

Creative Research Management Journal, 2021

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of products, price perceptions, promotions ... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of products, price perceptions, promotions and lifestyle onWardah product purchasing decisions in Solo Raya. The population in this study is an unlimited population because the population is unknown. The method of determining the sample is purposive sampling. The number of samples obtained by 97 respondents. Using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. Collecting data in the form of a questionnaire and the measurement scale is a Likert scale. The results of the research are the product has no partial or individual effect on the purchasing decision of Wardah products in Solo Raya, Price Perception has no partial or individual effect on the purchasing decision of Wardah products in Solo Raya, Promotion has no partial or individual effect on the purchasing decision of Wardah products in Solo Raya, Gaya Life has a partial or individual effect on the Purchase Decision of Wardah products in Solo Raya. Product, Price Perception...

Research paper thumbnail of Antara Persepsi Dan Pengaruh Lingkungan Terdekat, Faktor Penentu Konsumen Pada Pembelian Sepeda Motor “Honda”

The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of family, reference groups and perception... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of family, reference groups and perceptions on purchasing decisions for Honda motorcycles in Surakarta City. This research approach uses quantitative research methods, in the form of empirical research with the object of the people of Surakarta City who have Honda motorcycles with 128 respondents as the research sample. All hypotheses in this study were proven, namely that either partially or simultan the Family, Reference Groups and Perceptions Variables had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. Perception Variables become the dominant variable influencing the Purchase Decision. Keywords : Purchase Decision, Family, Reference Group, Perception

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Faktor-faktor Eksternal Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Memilih Belanja Di Assalaam Hypermarket

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of cultural, reference groups, family an... more The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of cultural, reference groups, family and social class factors, either partially or simultan to consumer decision in choosing shopping in Assalaam Hypermarket. The analytical tool used in this study were: Multiple linear regression test, Test t, Test F and The coefficient of determination (R2) or Adjusted R Square. The results of data analysis concludes that the cultural, reference groups, family and social class variables influence the purchasing decisions of consumers on Assalam Hypermarket, either partially or simultan, Cultural Variables become the dominant factor in the purchase decision. Suggestions that emerged in this study were The management should pay more attention to factors such as cultural community grows in accordance with decisions of private consumption, the reference group is able to provide encouragement to consume, the number of family members and their effects on individual consumption decisions, and soci...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Word of Mouth (Wom), Kualitas Pelayanan, Keamanan Dan Kepercayaan Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Menggunakan Jasa Transportasi Online Grabbike DI Kota Surakarta

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Word of Mouth, Service Quality, Security... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Word of Mouth, Service Quality, Security, and Trust on Consumer Decisions using GrabBike Online Transportation Services in Surakarta City. From distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents, results show that Word of Mouth, Service Quality, and Trust have a significant effect on consumer decisions while security has no significant effect on consumer decisions. Keywords: Consumer Decisions, Word of Mouth, Service Quality, Security, Trust

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Sikap Dan Norma Subyektif Terhadap Niat Beli Masyarakat Sebagai Konsumen Big TV Pada Kelurahan Sei Agul Kecamatan Medan Barat

Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis

The rise of information technology today, resulted in viewers want more information forms from ab... more The rise of information technology today, resulted in viewers want more information forms from abroad in the form of news and entertainment shows. The need for more extensive information, an opportunity for the satellite television station. Satellite TV is not to compete with each other is BIG TV, which is one of the satellite TV channel highest and the lowest in Indonesia, both SD (standard definition) and HD (high definition), while becoming a satellite TV pay-first serving HD channels more lots for its customers. From the description, the problem in this research is formulated as follows: "Is the consumer attitudes and subjective norms significantly influence consumer intentions to buy BIG TV on agul Sei Village West district of Medan." This study aimed to analyze the influence of consumer attitudes, subjective norms influence on consumer intentions to buy BIG TV and to know how consumer intentions to buy BIG TV on agul Sei Village West district of Medan. The benefits o...

Research paper thumbnail of The Importance Role E-Collaboration Capability and Information System Maturity on Knowledge Sharing and SMEs Marketing Performance

International Journal of e-Collaboration

This article discusses the effect of e-collaboration capability and information system maturity o... more This article discusses the effect of e-collaboration capability and information system maturity on knowledge sharing and SMEs marketing performance. This study was conducted at SMEs in Central Java which had used information system and technology in collaborating with partners and customers. There were 160 respondents in this research who were the owners or managers of SMEs in Central Java, Indonesia. This research used structural equation modeling analysis. AMOS version 21 was used to process the data. The result of this research showed that all proposed hypotheses were accepted. First, e-collaboration capability has positively and significantly influenced knowledge sharing. Second, knowledge sharing has positively and significantly influenced SME marketing performance. Third, e-collaboration capability has positively and significantly influenced SME marketing performance. Fourth, information system maturity has positively and significantly influenced knowledge sharing. Fifth, info...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Sikap Pelaku Bisnis Terhadap Perbankan Syariah DI Kota Surakarta

Graduasi, Nov 1, 2011

The development of Islamic banking is not as expected, the causes include the low level of unders... more The development of Islamic banking is not as expected, the causes include the low level of understanding and cynical view of society, including among Moslims themselves. Looking at the above phenomenon, it should be done at the same time revamping effort trying to align with the wishes of the community in order to market its products. Theory of Reasoned Action of Fishbein and Ajzen. is one of the theories that try to predict consumers' desires or intentions .. Factors affecting the intention is the attitude in action and subjective norms regarding a person's perception, whether other people that are lionized will affect behavior. The purpose of the study were: to determine how attitudes and subjective norms of business and its influence on the intention to become customers of Islamic banks in Surakarta With a sample of a total of 100 businesses, the results showed that attitudes towards Islamic banking business in Surakarta was positive with the highest attribute on friendly service, while the Subjective Norm is in a position to agree and disagree. Both these variables are Attitude and Subjective Norm despite positive value but not significant. Suggestions that the researcher is necessary to convey a better image of Islamic banking and periodic dissemination to the public, especially business people.

Research paper thumbnail of Kecerdasan Emosional, Kompetensi Kepemimpinan Transformasional

Graduasi, Mar 1, 2012

Abstract Transformational leadership is the ability of leaders to motivate followers to reachbeyo... more Abstract Transformational leadership is the ability of leaders to motivate followers to reachbeyond what is normally done. Competence or ability to realize one's ownfeelings, aware of the feelings of others, distinguish between them, and useinformation to guide one's thinking and behavior is the competence of EmotionalIntelligence (Emotional Quotient / Emotional Intelligence). Emotional Intelligenceis Intrapersonal dimension, as an indicator of self-awareness and selfexpression,interpersonal used to measure the social awareness andinterpersonal relationships, Stress Management is used for Management andControl of Emotion, Adaptation is used as an indicator of the ability to ManagingChange, and General Mood is used as an indicator of Motivation self. Keywords: leadership, Transformational Leadership, Emotional Intelligence

Research paper thumbnail of Kepemimpinan, Dambaan Pengikut Pada Pimpinannya

Graduasi, Mar 1, 2010

Being a peacemaker for all people and be able to bring justice for all is the typical leadership.... more Being a peacemaker for all people and be able to bring justice for all is the typical leadership. The degree to which a leader capable of doing leadership activities can be measured in conjunction with the effects of leadership on subordinates, followers, or in this society. Subordinates berkepemimpinan a leader who feels the absence of confidence, admiration, loyalty, and respect for these leaders and they are motivated to do things better than originally expected leader. Leaders motivate subordinates by: 1) make them more aware of the importance of the results of a job. 2) encourage them to be more selfish and self-organization, and 3) enable the needs at a higher level. There are five characteristics of leadership of the most coveted by followers, namely: 1) Having a plan in the future (capability elements), 2) honest (the main character), 3) Caring, respect for employees (the main character), 4) Integrity (the main character) , 5) Wise (the main character and abilities).

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Dimensi Kualitas Produk Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Sepeda Motor Yamaha “Mio” DI Kalurahan Makamhaji, Kecamatan Kartasura, Kabupaten Sukoharjo

Graduasi, Nov 1, 2013

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study : 1 ) To determine the effect of product quality " Mio &q... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this study : 1 ) To determine the effect of product quality " Mio " Yamaha motorcycle which consists of the performance , reliability , durability , esthetic , conformance to specification , serviceability , features , and perceived quality on customer satisfaction in kalurahan Makamhaji , sub Kartasura , Sukoharjo ; 2 ) To determine the effect of the most dominant of product quality " Mio " Yamaha motorcycle which consists of the performance , reliability , durability , esthetic , conformance to specification , serviceability , features , and perceived quality on customer satisfaction in the village Makamhaji , Kartasura, Sukoharjo. . Based on the analysis , the results showed that : 1 ) There is the influence of the dimensions of product quality Yamaha motorcycle " Mio " which consists of the performance , reliability , durability , esthetic , conformance to specification , serviceability , features , and perceived quality on customer satisfaction motorcycle brand Yamaha " Mio " in the Village Makamhaji , Kartasura , Sukoharjo ; 2 ) factors of product quality " Mio " Yamaha motorcycle the most dominant influence on consumer satisfaction Yamaha motorcycle brand " Mio " in the Village Makamhaji , Kartasura , Sukoharjo is the durability factor of the quality of the product . Keywords : performance , reliability , durability , esthetic , conformance to specification , serviceability , features , and perceived quality , customer satisfaction