Amir Tengku Ramly | Universitas Ibn Khaldun (original) (raw)
Papers by Amir Tengku Ramly
Jurnal Manajemen (edisi elektronik), Jun 30, 2019
Scientific Journal of Reflection, Jul 1, 2022
An organization that is advanced and competitive is an organization that always runs the wheels o... more An organization that is advanced and competitive is an organization that always runs the wheels of the organization well, and pays attention to and fixes the slightest problem in the organization to find a solution. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the organization as a reflection of the comparison or gap between what is expected and the reality obtained. Satisfaction will be felt by employees. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of leadership style, organizational culture and position promotion on job satisfaction of the employees of the Bima City Agriculture Office. As input for the preparation of programs and activities within the Bima City Agriculture Office. Between the dependent variable and the independent variable. The population of this study were all civil servants serving at the Bima City Agriculture Service as many as 119 people. The sample approach in this study was a probability approach and used arandom sampling techniquewith the Slovin formula so that the number of research samples was 34 people. The research instrument is a questionnaire that uses a Likert scale. The data is then analyzed with multiple linear regression. The results of the study provide empirical evidence that: (1) Leadership style has no significant and significant effect on employee job satisfaction, meaning that high job satisfaction does not depend on the superior's leadership style; (2) Organizational culture has no significant effect on employee job satisfaction: (3) Position promotion has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction at the Department of Agriculture of the City of Bima. Therefore, as an effort to increase job satisfaction, it is necessary to have a professional promotion without being judged on the basis of proximity alone.
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen, Jan 31, 2023
The bureaucracy reform program aims to achieve high employee integrity, create responsible employ... more The bureaucracy reform program aims to achieve high employee integrity, create responsible employees and the ability of employees to provide excellent service. The Citarum-Ciliwung Watershed and Forest Management Center (BPDASHL) has the task of serving the community in the field of forest and land rehabilitation along the Citarum-Ciliwung watershed so that its employees are expected to have good performance. This study aims to examine the effect of motivation, transformational leadership and job satisfaction on the performance of BPDASHL Citarum-Ciliwung employees. The data used is primary data in the form of questionnaire results from 45 respondents who are civil servants of BPDASHL Citarum-Ciliwung. The data was processed using Microsoft Excel tools, analyzed descriptively and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling method and the Partial Least Square approach. The results showed that motivation had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, job satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, while transformational leadership had no positive effect on employee performance. Motivation is influenced by the desire to work well according to performance targets. Employee performance does not depend on the way the leader leads because the employees perform well in accordance with the determination they have in completing the work. Satisfaction is created because the results are in accordance with the target both in terms of quality and quantity and have succeeded in the success of the office's performance.
Diversity Jurnal Ilmiah Pascasarjana, Aug 1, 2022
Hasil penelitian ini menujukan bahwa peran pendidikan agama islam dalam membentuk karakter siswa ... more Hasil penelitian ini menujukan bahwa peran pendidikan agama islam dalam membentuk karakter siswa ini dilakukan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang yang membentuk kepribadian siswa berani dan mandiri seperti: (1) Kegiatan Intra kurikuler atau KBM, dalam kegiatan ini guru menamkan karakter dalam proses kegiatan belaja mengajar dari semua mata pelajaran agama seperti, Aqidah Akhlak, at-Tauhid, al-Qur'an Hadist, Sejarah Islam, Fiqh, dan bahasa Arab. Setiap guru harus mencerminkan akhlak yang baik dan menjadi suritauladan yang baik. (2) Kegiatan Extrakurikuler yang meliputi: Muhadarah (latihan berpidato), Tilawatil Qur'an, Olahraga, Kaligrafi dan Hadrah, dalam kegiatan tersebut siswa dituntut untuk tawadhu, jujur, amanah, bertanggung jawab, percaya diri, menghargai prestasi, religius dan kerja keras. (3) Kegiatan Asrama, kegiatan ini dilakuan diluar jam KBM dan extrakurikuler seperti, membersihkan kamar mandi, merapikan tempat tidur,bergotong royong (kerja bakti), piket asrama dll. Kegiatan ini menanamkan kepada siswa untuk lebih mandiri, tolong menolong,peduli terhadap sesama, peduli lingkungan dan kebersihan, dibentuk seperti sebuah masyarakat kecil. Dengan demikian siswa dididik agar tumnuh memiliki karakter, karena dengan itu siswa siap menghadapi kehidupan diera modernnisasi.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Jan 30, 2017
Ibn Khaldun University which is the oldest Islamic campus in the city of Bogor founded by ulama l... more Ibn Khaldun University which is the oldest Islamic campus in the city of Bogor founded by ulama leaders has a future interest to be a modern, leading-edge private campus with strong Islamic roots. This study aims to get UIKA's human resource management strategy that can become a strategic human resource for the achievement of UIKA's mission vision. This study is evaluativedescriptive, scientific literature search results with secondary data and modern theories of strategic management. UIKA's human resource development starts from creating strategic plan, UIKA's future organizational structure and determining three important competency standards, namely (1) core competency standard, and (2) managerial competency standard, and (3) Supporting Competency.
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture on improving the performance o... more This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture on improving the performance of education personnel at IBI Kesatuan. The variables used are loyalty and responsibility as independent variables, performance as the dependent variable and teamwork as the intervening variable. Quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire resulted as many as 58 (fifty eight) education personnel respondents at IBI Kesatuan, then the data was measured using Path Analysis through the SPSS v.22 program. Analysis of model 1 indicates that loyalty has a positive effect on teamwork, while responsibility does not have a positive effect on teamwork. From the analysis of model 2, it is found that loyalty has a positive and significant effect on performance, Responsibility has a positive and significant effect on performance, while Tteamwork has no significant effect on performance. However, simultaneously obtained the results that the influence of loyalty, responsibility and teamwork toge...
Jurnal ilmiah manajemen dan bisnis, Mar 31, 2022
The purpose of this study is to describe a general description of the conditions of Security Mana... more The purpose of this study is to describe a general description of the conditions of Security Management System (SMS) implementation in the PT KCI Greater Jakarta area, examine indicators that can affect the implementation of SMS at PT KCI Greater Jakarta area, and formulate a priority scale strategy for SMS at PT KCI Greater Jakarta area during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researcher uses Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method by including six indicators of field certification, employee skills training, reporting & administration, archive documentation, and performance evaluation as the selection of indicators that affect implementation, and three alternative selection strategies, namely training competencies, documentation & records, and controls & processes. The results showed that the most influential indicators were the Documentation Archive 0.331, Reporting & Administration 0.223, and Operational Control 0.203, while the appropriate alternative strategies to determine steps in implementing SMS during the covid-19 pandemic were Documentation & Records 0.594 and control and process 0.262. The results imply that to achieve the successful implementation of the SMS program at PT KCI, a document filing system and good operational control are needed in each security unit.
Jurnal Manajemen
The success of the spread of Islam on the island of Java shows that the Walisongo have good missi... more The success of the spread of Islam on the island of Java shows that the Walisongo have good missionary management. Evidence in the form of facts, data and information in this research can be traced from historical sites by confirming to the guards and security passed down from generation to generation from the direct heirs and officials in the local area. In addition, various documents in the form of literature can be studied in depth. This research was conducted using a case study approach related to managing the Walisongo da'wah strategy in the region of Java Island. The data used comes from literature and documents, with data analysis carried out in a descriptive-normative manner. The results of the study can be concluded that (1) the management of the walisongo's da'wah when they entered Java was carried out with good collaboration and teamwork, (2) the management of the walisongo's da'wah involved people who had positions, both in government and society, (3 ...
Diversity: Jurnal Ilmiah Pascasarjana
Peranan perencanaan pekerjaan dan analisis pekerjaan terhadap tujuan organisasi perusahaan/instan... more Peranan perencanaan pekerjaan dan analisis pekerjaan terhadap tujuan organisasi perusahaan/instansi mempunyai peran yang sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan perencanaan sumberdaya manusia dan analisis pekerjaan terhadap keberhasilan organisasi perusahaan/instansi. Metode penelitian menggunakan literature review. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peran perencanaan sumberdaya manusia yang terdapat pada jurnal hasil review, yaitu untuk menentukan kualitas dan kuantitas karyawan yang akan mengisi semua jabatan dalam perusahaan, untuk menghindari terjadinya mismanajemen dan tumpang tindih dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan untuk mempermudah koordinasi, integrasi, dan sinkronisasi (KIS) sehingga produktivitas kerja meningkat. Sedangkan peran analisis pekerjaan yaitu untuk memperoleh tenaga kerja pada posisi yang tepat, untuk memberikan kepuasan pada diri tenaga kerja dan untuk menciptakan iklim dan kondisi kerja yang kondusif. Peran perencanaan sumberdaya manu...
Idarah Tarbawiyah: Journal of Management in Islamic Education
Many schools do not want to accept children with special needs, because it is difficult to educat... more Many schools do not want to accept children with special needs, because it is difficult to educate and many teachers do not know the science to educate children with special needs. On the other hand, schools open inclusive education for all children with special needs in order to be able to develop themselves like other normal children. The purpose of this research is to be able to produce or formulate a method of creativity for ABK. The method used in this research is R&D with data analysis techniques used are primary data and secondary data where the data is obtained from the researcher's teaching place and also from existing research either through articles or journals, theses or dissertations. The results of this study indicate that ABK needs the right method in learning activities that will support it, creativity methods are very helpful for ABK in learning, one of which is peer tutoring and interactive games that make it easier for ABK to capture learning. Smart teachers w...
Jurnal Manajemen
Understanding the character of learning is one of the important factors for success in learning a... more Understanding the character of learning is one of the important factors for success in learning and in the future. The era of 4.0 and the COVID-19 pandemic today has forced major changes in the teaching and learning system so that it is not disruptive. The learning process in the 4.0 era requires all-digital and effective breakthroughs. This condition is also supported by the COVID-19 pandemic which is predicted not to end soon. This study aims to (1) design a digital student character understanding test tool (2) develop students through a character approach to learning the Pumping HR Model concept, (3) develop teaching-learning techniques based on student character development through strengthening personality, competence and values. - spirituality values. The research method used is a qualitative study of literature and evaluation of the test equipment used for decades. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of personality tests (behavior and character) in the l...
Diversity Jurnal Ilmiah Pascasarjana, Aug 1, 2022
Pandemi Virus Covid-19 telah membuat perubahan seluruh aktivitas kerja di dunia termasuk Indonesi... more Pandemi Virus Covid-19 telah membuat perubahan seluruh aktivitas kerja di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Diterapkannya pola kerja WFH (Work From Home) tentunya memiliki pengaruh terhadap Produktivitas kerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kantor Dinas BMKG Kota Bogor, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Virus Covid-19 dan pola kerja WFH (Work From Home) Terhadap produktivitas Sumberdaya Manusia. Studi ini memiliki implikasi bagi dunia kerja yang ingin mengukur produktivitas untuk menentukan arah kebijakan Perusahaan kedepan, termasuk pada Dinas pemerintahan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, menggunakan Kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 30 Responden PNS unit Kerja Teknik Operasional dan manajemen pada Kantor BMKG dan juga melalui studi literatur Artikel jurnal. Metode yang digunakan adalah regresi Linear berganda menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 25 dengan Uji Statistik Deskriptif, Uji Asumsi Klasik, Pengujian Normalitas, Uji Multikoliniaritas, Uji Heteroskedastisitas, Uji Atokorelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Variabel dampak Covid-19 tidak ada pengaruh dampak covid terhadap produktivitas SDM. Variabel Pola kerja WFH tidak ada pengaruh pola kerja WFH terhadap produktivitas SDM. Pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan pada Dinas BMKG kota Bogor Pandemi Covid-19 dan pola kerja WFH tidak berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas SDM
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business
An organization that is advanced and competitive is an organization that always runs the wheels o... more An organization that is advanced and competitive is an organization that always runs the wheels of the organization well, and pays attention to and fixes the slightest problem in the organization to find a solution. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the organization as a reflection of the comparison or gap between what is expected and the reality obtained. Satisfaction will be felt by employees. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of leadership style, organizational culture and position promotion on job satisfaction of the employees of the Bima City Agriculture Office. As input for the preparation of programs and activities within the Bima City Agriculture Office. Between the dependent variable and the independent variable. The population of this study were all civil servants serving at the Bima City Agriculture Service as many as 119 people. The sample approach in this study was a probability approach and used arandom sampling techniquewith the Slovin formula so...
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business
Maximum employee discipline must be a concern for organizational leaders. Through a persuasive ap... more Maximum employee discipline must be a concern for organizational leaders. Through a persuasive approach influencing attitudes, beliefs, and behavior as an effort to increase one's awareness and willingness to obey all applicable regulations. The provision of punishment, such as a warning or suspension, is referred to as a disciplinary action. In addition, a conducive and comfortable work climate will create enthusiasm for employees to work, improve performance and work discipline in every job. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a persuasive approach, a formal approach, and an organizational climate on the work discipline of the Bima Regency Inspectorate's employees. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The population is all civil servants in the Bima Regency Inspectorate, totaling 83 employees. In the comparison, the sampling technique is proportional random sampling with the number of samples determined as many as 65 employees....
Masalah yang dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian adalah pelatihan yang tidak tepat sasaran yang da... more Masalah yang dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian adalah pelatihan yang tidak tepat sasaran yang dapat dilihat dari peserta pelatihan terhadap materi yang diberikan. Pelaksanaan kepemimpinan yang belum efektif. Pemahaman tentang budaya perusahaan yang belum maksimal sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa: 1) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan terhadap kinerja karyawan di Bank bjb Syariah Cabang Bogor. 2) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan di Bank bjb Syariah Cabang Bogor. 3) Untuk menganalisis budaya perusahaan karyawan pada PT Bank bjb syariah Cabang Bogor. 4) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan, kepemimpinan dan budaya perusahaan kinerja karyawan pada PT Bank bjb syariah Cabang Bogor. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan kuisioner yang diberikan kepada responden yang merupakan karyawan Bank bjb Syariah Cabang Bogor sebanyak 60 Responden. Hipotesis yang digunakan adalah SPSS (Statistical Product a...
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2021
Jurnal Manajemen (edisi elektronik), Jun 30, 2019
Scientific Journal of Reflection, Jul 1, 2022
An organization that is advanced and competitive is an organization that always runs the wheels o... more An organization that is advanced and competitive is an organization that always runs the wheels of the organization well, and pays attention to and fixes the slightest problem in the organization to find a solution. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the organization as a reflection of the comparison or gap between what is expected and the reality obtained. Satisfaction will be felt by employees. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of leadership style, organizational culture and position promotion on job satisfaction of the employees of the Bima City Agriculture Office. As input for the preparation of programs and activities within the Bima City Agriculture Office. Between the dependent variable and the independent variable. The population of this study were all civil servants serving at the Bima City Agriculture Service as many as 119 people. The sample approach in this study was a probability approach and used arandom sampling techniquewith the Slovin formula so that the number of research samples was 34 people. The research instrument is a questionnaire that uses a Likert scale. The data is then analyzed with multiple linear regression. The results of the study provide empirical evidence that: (1) Leadership style has no significant and significant effect on employee job satisfaction, meaning that high job satisfaction does not depend on the superior's leadership style; (2) Organizational culture has no significant effect on employee job satisfaction: (3) Position promotion has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction at the Department of Agriculture of the City of Bima. Therefore, as an effort to increase job satisfaction, it is necessary to have a professional promotion without being judged on the basis of proximity alone.
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen, Jan 31, 2023
The bureaucracy reform program aims to achieve high employee integrity, create responsible employ... more The bureaucracy reform program aims to achieve high employee integrity, create responsible employees and the ability of employees to provide excellent service. The Citarum-Ciliwung Watershed and Forest Management Center (BPDASHL) has the task of serving the community in the field of forest and land rehabilitation along the Citarum-Ciliwung watershed so that its employees are expected to have good performance. This study aims to examine the effect of motivation, transformational leadership and job satisfaction on the performance of BPDASHL Citarum-Ciliwung employees. The data used is primary data in the form of questionnaire results from 45 respondents who are civil servants of BPDASHL Citarum-Ciliwung. The data was processed using Microsoft Excel tools, analyzed descriptively and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling method and the Partial Least Square approach. The results showed that motivation had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, job satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, while transformational leadership had no positive effect on employee performance. Motivation is influenced by the desire to work well according to performance targets. Employee performance does not depend on the way the leader leads because the employees perform well in accordance with the determination they have in completing the work. Satisfaction is created because the results are in accordance with the target both in terms of quality and quantity and have succeeded in the success of the office's performance.
Diversity Jurnal Ilmiah Pascasarjana, Aug 1, 2022
Hasil penelitian ini menujukan bahwa peran pendidikan agama islam dalam membentuk karakter siswa ... more Hasil penelitian ini menujukan bahwa peran pendidikan agama islam dalam membentuk karakter siswa ini dilakukan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang yang membentuk kepribadian siswa berani dan mandiri seperti: (1) Kegiatan Intra kurikuler atau KBM, dalam kegiatan ini guru menamkan karakter dalam proses kegiatan belaja mengajar dari semua mata pelajaran agama seperti, Aqidah Akhlak, at-Tauhid, al-Qur'an Hadist, Sejarah Islam, Fiqh, dan bahasa Arab. Setiap guru harus mencerminkan akhlak yang baik dan menjadi suritauladan yang baik. (2) Kegiatan Extrakurikuler yang meliputi: Muhadarah (latihan berpidato), Tilawatil Qur'an, Olahraga, Kaligrafi dan Hadrah, dalam kegiatan tersebut siswa dituntut untuk tawadhu, jujur, amanah, bertanggung jawab, percaya diri, menghargai prestasi, religius dan kerja keras. (3) Kegiatan Asrama, kegiatan ini dilakuan diluar jam KBM dan extrakurikuler seperti, membersihkan kamar mandi, merapikan tempat tidur,bergotong royong (kerja bakti), piket asrama dll. Kegiatan ini menanamkan kepada siswa untuk lebih mandiri, tolong menolong,peduli terhadap sesama, peduli lingkungan dan kebersihan, dibentuk seperti sebuah masyarakat kecil. Dengan demikian siswa dididik agar tumnuh memiliki karakter, karena dengan itu siswa siap menghadapi kehidupan diera modernnisasi.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Jan 30, 2017
Ibn Khaldun University which is the oldest Islamic campus in the city of Bogor founded by ulama l... more Ibn Khaldun University which is the oldest Islamic campus in the city of Bogor founded by ulama leaders has a future interest to be a modern, leading-edge private campus with strong Islamic roots. This study aims to get UIKA's human resource management strategy that can become a strategic human resource for the achievement of UIKA's mission vision. This study is evaluativedescriptive, scientific literature search results with secondary data and modern theories of strategic management. UIKA's human resource development starts from creating strategic plan, UIKA's future organizational structure and determining three important competency standards, namely (1) core competency standard, and (2) managerial competency standard, and (3) Supporting Competency.
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies
This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture on improving the performance o... more This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture on improving the performance of education personnel at IBI Kesatuan. The variables used are loyalty and responsibility as independent variables, performance as the dependent variable and teamwork as the intervening variable. Quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire resulted as many as 58 (fifty eight) education personnel respondents at IBI Kesatuan, then the data was measured using Path Analysis through the SPSS v.22 program. Analysis of model 1 indicates that loyalty has a positive effect on teamwork, while responsibility does not have a positive effect on teamwork. From the analysis of model 2, it is found that loyalty has a positive and significant effect on performance, Responsibility has a positive and significant effect on performance, while Tteamwork has no significant effect on performance. However, simultaneously obtained the results that the influence of loyalty, responsibility and teamwork toge...
Jurnal ilmiah manajemen dan bisnis, Mar 31, 2022
The purpose of this study is to describe a general description of the conditions of Security Mana... more The purpose of this study is to describe a general description of the conditions of Security Management System (SMS) implementation in the PT KCI Greater Jakarta area, examine indicators that can affect the implementation of SMS at PT KCI Greater Jakarta area, and formulate a priority scale strategy for SMS at PT KCI Greater Jakarta area during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researcher uses Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method by including six indicators of field certification, employee skills training, reporting & administration, archive documentation, and performance evaluation as the selection of indicators that affect implementation, and three alternative selection strategies, namely training competencies, documentation & records, and controls & processes. The results showed that the most influential indicators were the Documentation Archive 0.331, Reporting & Administration 0.223, and Operational Control 0.203, while the appropriate alternative strategies to determine steps in implementing SMS during the covid-19 pandemic were Documentation & Records 0.594 and control and process 0.262. The results imply that to achieve the successful implementation of the SMS program at PT KCI, a document filing system and good operational control are needed in each security unit.
Jurnal Manajemen
The success of the spread of Islam on the island of Java shows that the Walisongo have good missi... more The success of the spread of Islam on the island of Java shows that the Walisongo have good missionary management. Evidence in the form of facts, data and information in this research can be traced from historical sites by confirming to the guards and security passed down from generation to generation from the direct heirs and officials in the local area. In addition, various documents in the form of literature can be studied in depth. This research was conducted using a case study approach related to managing the Walisongo da'wah strategy in the region of Java Island. The data used comes from literature and documents, with data analysis carried out in a descriptive-normative manner. The results of the study can be concluded that (1) the management of the walisongo's da'wah when they entered Java was carried out with good collaboration and teamwork, (2) the management of the walisongo's da'wah involved people who had positions, both in government and society, (3 ...
Diversity: Jurnal Ilmiah Pascasarjana
Peranan perencanaan pekerjaan dan analisis pekerjaan terhadap tujuan organisasi perusahaan/instan... more Peranan perencanaan pekerjaan dan analisis pekerjaan terhadap tujuan organisasi perusahaan/instansi mempunyai peran yang sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan perencanaan sumberdaya manusia dan analisis pekerjaan terhadap keberhasilan organisasi perusahaan/instansi. Metode penelitian menggunakan literature review. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peran perencanaan sumberdaya manusia yang terdapat pada jurnal hasil review, yaitu untuk menentukan kualitas dan kuantitas karyawan yang akan mengisi semua jabatan dalam perusahaan, untuk menghindari terjadinya mismanajemen dan tumpang tindih dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan untuk mempermudah koordinasi, integrasi, dan sinkronisasi (KIS) sehingga produktivitas kerja meningkat. Sedangkan peran analisis pekerjaan yaitu untuk memperoleh tenaga kerja pada posisi yang tepat, untuk memberikan kepuasan pada diri tenaga kerja dan untuk menciptakan iklim dan kondisi kerja yang kondusif. Peran perencanaan sumberdaya manu...
Idarah Tarbawiyah: Journal of Management in Islamic Education
Many schools do not want to accept children with special needs, because it is difficult to educat... more Many schools do not want to accept children with special needs, because it is difficult to educate and many teachers do not know the science to educate children with special needs. On the other hand, schools open inclusive education for all children with special needs in order to be able to develop themselves like other normal children. The purpose of this research is to be able to produce or formulate a method of creativity for ABK. The method used in this research is R&D with data analysis techniques used are primary data and secondary data where the data is obtained from the researcher's teaching place and also from existing research either through articles or journals, theses or dissertations. The results of this study indicate that ABK needs the right method in learning activities that will support it, creativity methods are very helpful for ABK in learning, one of which is peer tutoring and interactive games that make it easier for ABK to capture learning. Smart teachers w...
Jurnal Manajemen
Understanding the character of learning is one of the important factors for success in learning a... more Understanding the character of learning is one of the important factors for success in learning and in the future. The era of 4.0 and the COVID-19 pandemic today has forced major changes in the teaching and learning system so that it is not disruptive. The learning process in the 4.0 era requires all-digital and effective breakthroughs. This condition is also supported by the COVID-19 pandemic which is predicted not to end soon. This study aims to (1) design a digital student character understanding test tool (2) develop students through a character approach to learning the Pumping HR Model concept, (3) develop teaching-learning techniques based on student character development through strengthening personality, competence and values. - spirituality values. The research method used is a qualitative study of literature and evaluation of the test equipment used for decades. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of personality tests (behavior and character) in the l...
Diversity Jurnal Ilmiah Pascasarjana, Aug 1, 2022
Pandemi Virus Covid-19 telah membuat perubahan seluruh aktivitas kerja di dunia termasuk Indonesi... more Pandemi Virus Covid-19 telah membuat perubahan seluruh aktivitas kerja di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Diterapkannya pola kerja WFH (Work From Home) tentunya memiliki pengaruh terhadap Produktivitas kerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kantor Dinas BMKG Kota Bogor, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Virus Covid-19 dan pola kerja WFH (Work From Home) Terhadap produktivitas Sumberdaya Manusia. Studi ini memiliki implikasi bagi dunia kerja yang ingin mengukur produktivitas untuk menentukan arah kebijakan Perusahaan kedepan, termasuk pada Dinas pemerintahan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, menggunakan Kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 30 Responden PNS unit Kerja Teknik Operasional dan manajemen pada Kantor BMKG dan juga melalui studi literatur Artikel jurnal. Metode yang digunakan adalah regresi Linear berganda menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 25 dengan Uji Statistik Deskriptif, Uji Asumsi Klasik, Pengujian Normalitas, Uji Multikoliniaritas, Uji Heteroskedastisitas, Uji Atokorelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Variabel dampak Covid-19 tidak ada pengaruh dampak covid terhadap produktivitas SDM. Variabel Pola kerja WFH tidak ada pengaruh pola kerja WFH terhadap produktivitas SDM. Pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan pada Dinas BMKG kota Bogor Pandemi Covid-19 dan pola kerja WFH tidak berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas SDM
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business
An organization that is advanced and competitive is an organization that always runs the wheels o... more An organization that is advanced and competitive is an organization that always runs the wheels of the organization well, and pays attention to and fixes the slightest problem in the organization to find a solution. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the organization as a reflection of the comparison or gap between what is expected and the reality obtained. Satisfaction will be felt by employees. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of leadership style, organizational culture and position promotion on job satisfaction of the employees of the Bima City Agriculture Office. As input for the preparation of programs and activities within the Bima City Agriculture Office. Between the dependent variable and the independent variable. The population of this study were all civil servants serving at the Bima City Agriculture Service as many as 119 people. The sample approach in this study was a probability approach and used arandom sampling techniquewith the Slovin formula so...
SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REFLECTION : Economic, Accounting, Management and Business
Maximum employee discipline must be a concern for organizational leaders. Through a persuasive ap... more Maximum employee discipline must be a concern for organizational leaders. Through a persuasive approach influencing attitudes, beliefs, and behavior as an effort to increase one's awareness and willingness to obey all applicable regulations. The provision of punishment, such as a warning or suspension, is referred to as a disciplinary action. In addition, a conducive and comfortable work climate will create enthusiasm for employees to work, improve performance and work discipline in every job. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a persuasive approach, a formal approach, and an organizational climate on the work discipline of the Bima Regency Inspectorate's employees. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The population is all civil servants in the Bima Regency Inspectorate, totaling 83 employees. In the comparison, the sampling technique is proportional random sampling with the number of samples determined as many as 65 employees....
Masalah yang dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian adalah pelatihan yang tidak tepat sasaran yang da... more Masalah yang dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian adalah pelatihan yang tidak tepat sasaran yang dapat dilihat dari peserta pelatihan terhadap materi yang diberikan. Pelaksanaan kepemimpinan yang belum efektif. Pemahaman tentang budaya perusahaan yang belum maksimal sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa: 1) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan terhadap kinerja karyawan di Bank bjb Syariah Cabang Bogor. 2) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan di Bank bjb Syariah Cabang Bogor. 3) Untuk menganalisis budaya perusahaan karyawan pada PT Bank bjb syariah Cabang Bogor. 4) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan, kepemimpinan dan budaya perusahaan kinerja karyawan pada PT Bank bjb syariah Cabang Bogor. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan kuisioner yang diberikan kepada responden yang merupakan karyawan Bank bjb Syariah Cabang Bogor sebanyak 60 Responden. Hipotesis yang digunakan adalah SPSS (Statistical Product a...
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2021