Sufriadi Sufriadi | UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh (original) (raw)


Papers by Sufriadi Sufriadi

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Materi Ajar Sampah Dengan Pendekatan Sains Teknologi Society (STS) Pada Siswa SMP Negeri Banda Aceh

Jurnal Biology Education

Kurikulum 2013 bertujuan untuk mendorong siswa tingkat sekolah menengah agar mampu lebih baik dal... more Kurikulum 2013 bertujuan untuk mendorong siswa tingkat sekolah menengah agar mampu lebih baik dalam melakukan observasi, bertanya, bernalar, dan mengkomunikasikan. Siswa diharapkan mampu untuk presentasi apa yang mereka peroleh atau mereka ketahui atau ide-ide awal sebelum proses belajar atau menerima materi pelajaran dari guru. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian development atau pengembangan materi ajar yang dikembangkan berupa. Rencana Pelajaran Ssiswa (RPS) Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) dan buku siswa (BS). Dari hasil penelusuran angket guru dan siswa di SMP N 2, SMP N 6, dan SMP N 18 Banda Aceh ditemukan bahwa persoalan dasar dalam materi sampah atau limbah rumah tangga adalah kurangnya sosialisasi kesehatan dalam lingkungan. Terbatasnya pengetahuan siswa dan kurang sossilisasi di masyarakat maka siswa tidak mengetahui penerapan materi ajar sampah/limbah dan penanganannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hasil angket siswa menunjukkan hanya 26% siswa yang sudah menerapkan materi ajar...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Human Resource Planning on the Administration Staff

Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, 2017

This research aimed to determine the planning arrangement, the implementation effectiveness and t... more This research aimed to determine the planning arrangement, the implementation effectiveness and the efforts to overcome the obstacles in the planning and implementing human resource planning on the administration staff at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Administration and human resource management are the capital of the development in which the purpose of it is to gain the improvement in all aspects. Human resources are very valuable that require a serious planning when adopted into an organization. Human resources are known as a crucial component, recognized as a universal element in the organization effectiveness and a key to a competitive profit source. Besides giving an excellent service to the society, the task of human resources is to complete all the programs or the activities related to the government policies that affect human welfare in positive ways. The research used the qualitative method with case study design because the focu...

Research paper thumbnail of Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat dari Sub Kelas Sympetaleae yang digunakan Masyarakat

Serambi Saintia : Jurnal Sains dan Aplikasi, 2019

Tumbuhan ini sebagian besar tumbuh di perkarangan rumah atau kebun masyarakat di kawasan Pagar ai... more Tumbuhan ini sebagian besar tumbuh di perkarangan rumah atau kebun masyarakat di kawasan Pagar air Aceh Besar baik dibudidaya atau secara liar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan lokasi penelitiannya adalah seluruh perkarangan rumah dan kebun yang terdapat di Gampong Tanjong Pagar Air Aceh Besar, Pengambilan data dengan cara observasi di lapangan dan mencatat jenis tanaman berkhasiat obat serta wawancara dengan ibu rumah tangga cara penggunaan sebagai obat. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 16 jenis tanaman dari sub kelas Sympetaleae yang terdapat di perkampungan dan bermanfaat sebagai obat, 10 jenis ditemukan banyak tumbuh di areal perkarangan rumah masyarkat sedangkan 6 jenis lagi tumbuh dikebun masyarakat atau sebagai bunga/hiasan rumah. Adapun organ tanaman yang banyak dipakai untuk obat berupa, akar, batang, daun, kulit, buah, herba, rimpang, biji, getah, atau umbi sekalipunt. Berbagai macam khasiat dari jenis-jenis tanaman obat yang dijumpai dilokasi pen...

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Understanding Integrity and Professional Values for Academic Ethics Practices Among Lecturers in Islamic Religious Higher Education

International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation, 2020

Education, the phenomenon of deterioration in academic ethics among lecturers, is alarming in Ind... more Education, the phenomenon of deterioration in academic ethics among lecturers, is alarming in Indonesia. That reflecting in decline in the value of integrity and the value of professionalism among lecturers. Therefore, this study focuses on the influence of understanding integrity and professional values on lecturers' academic ethics practices. The methodology of this study uses quantitative methods using descriptive survey studies. The data of this study were collected using questionnaire, where the understanding of integrity is measured with integrity according to the Hadith of the Prophet by Hanafi Hamdani (2014), professional values have measured using Wilson (2010) survey questionnaire on moral reasoning, and ethical decision making and academic ethics practices were measured using the College Teaching Behaviors Inventory (CTBI) developed by Braxton & Bayer (2003). The sampling method is to use a stratified sampling technique. Lecturers have randomly selected a total of 439...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Human Resource Planning on the Administration Staff

Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, Jan 28, 2017

This research aimed to determine the planning arrangement, the implementation effectiveness and t... more This research aimed to determine the planning arrangement, the implementation effectiveness and the efforts to overcome the obstacles in the planning and implementing human resource planning on the administration staff at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Administration and human resource management are the capital of the development in which the purpose of it is to gain the improvement in all aspects. Human resources are very valuable that require a serious planning when adopted into an organization. Human resources are known as a crucial component, recognized as a universal element in the organization effectiveness and a key to a competitive profit source. Besides giving an excellent service to the society, the task of human resources is to complete all the programs or the activities related to the government policies that affect human welfare in positive ways. The research used the qualitative method with case study design because the focus of this research was the specific phenomenon, the human resource planning on the staff administration.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Materi Ajar Sampah Dengan Pendekatan Sains Teknologi Society (STS) Pada Siswa SMP Negeri Banda Aceh

Jurnal Biology Education

Kurikulum 2013 bertujuan untuk mendorong siswa tingkat sekolah menengah agar mampu lebih baik dal... more Kurikulum 2013 bertujuan untuk mendorong siswa tingkat sekolah menengah agar mampu lebih baik dalam melakukan observasi, bertanya, bernalar, dan mengkomunikasikan. Siswa diharapkan mampu untuk presentasi apa yang mereka peroleh atau mereka ketahui atau ide-ide awal sebelum proses belajar atau menerima materi pelajaran dari guru. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian development atau pengembangan materi ajar yang dikembangkan berupa. Rencana Pelajaran Ssiswa (RPS) Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) dan buku siswa (BS). Dari hasil penelusuran angket guru dan siswa di SMP N 2, SMP N 6, dan SMP N 18 Banda Aceh ditemukan bahwa persoalan dasar dalam materi sampah atau limbah rumah tangga adalah kurangnya sosialisasi kesehatan dalam lingkungan. Terbatasnya pengetahuan siswa dan kurang sossilisasi di masyarakat maka siswa tidak mengetahui penerapan materi ajar sampah/limbah dan penanganannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hasil angket siswa menunjukkan hanya 26% siswa yang sudah menerapkan materi ajar...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Human Resource Planning on the Administration Staff

Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, 2017

This research aimed to determine the planning arrangement, the implementation effectiveness and t... more This research aimed to determine the planning arrangement, the implementation effectiveness and the efforts to overcome the obstacles in the planning and implementing human resource planning on the administration staff at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Administration and human resource management are the capital of the development in which the purpose of it is to gain the improvement in all aspects. Human resources are very valuable that require a serious planning when adopted into an organization. Human resources are known as a crucial component, recognized as a universal element in the organization effectiveness and a key to a competitive profit source. Besides giving an excellent service to the society, the task of human resources is to complete all the programs or the activities related to the government policies that affect human welfare in positive ways. The research used the qualitative method with case study design because the focu...

Research paper thumbnail of Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat dari Sub Kelas Sympetaleae yang digunakan Masyarakat

Serambi Saintia : Jurnal Sains dan Aplikasi, 2019

Tumbuhan ini sebagian besar tumbuh di perkarangan rumah atau kebun masyarakat di kawasan Pagar ai... more Tumbuhan ini sebagian besar tumbuh di perkarangan rumah atau kebun masyarakat di kawasan Pagar air Aceh Besar baik dibudidaya atau secara liar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan lokasi penelitiannya adalah seluruh perkarangan rumah dan kebun yang terdapat di Gampong Tanjong Pagar Air Aceh Besar, Pengambilan data dengan cara observasi di lapangan dan mencatat jenis tanaman berkhasiat obat serta wawancara dengan ibu rumah tangga cara penggunaan sebagai obat. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 16 jenis tanaman dari sub kelas Sympetaleae yang terdapat di perkampungan dan bermanfaat sebagai obat, 10 jenis ditemukan banyak tumbuh di areal perkarangan rumah masyarkat sedangkan 6 jenis lagi tumbuh dikebun masyarakat atau sebagai bunga/hiasan rumah. Adapun organ tanaman yang banyak dipakai untuk obat berupa, akar, batang, daun, kulit, buah, herba, rimpang, biji, getah, atau umbi sekalipunt. Berbagai macam khasiat dari jenis-jenis tanaman obat yang dijumpai dilokasi pen...

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Understanding Integrity and Professional Values for Academic Ethics Practices Among Lecturers in Islamic Religious Higher Education

International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation, 2020

Education, the phenomenon of deterioration in academic ethics among lecturers, is alarming in Ind... more Education, the phenomenon of deterioration in academic ethics among lecturers, is alarming in Indonesia. That reflecting in decline in the value of integrity and the value of professionalism among lecturers. Therefore, this study focuses on the influence of understanding integrity and professional values on lecturers' academic ethics practices. The methodology of this study uses quantitative methods using descriptive survey studies. The data of this study were collected using questionnaire, where the understanding of integrity is measured with integrity according to the Hadith of the Prophet by Hanafi Hamdani (2014), professional values have measured using Wilson (2010) survey questionnaire on moral reasoning, and ethical decision making and academic ethics practices were measured using the College Teaching Behaviors Inventory (CTBI) developed by Braxton & Bayer (2003). The sampling method is to use a stratified sampling technique. Lecturers have randomly selected a total of 439...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Human Resource Planning on the Administration Staff

Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, Jan 28, 2017

This research aimed to determine the planning arrangement, the implementation effectiveness and t... more This research aimed to determine the planning arrangement, the implementation effectiveness and the efforts to overcome the obstacles in the planning and implementing human resource planning on the administration staff at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Administration and human resource management are the capital of the development in which the purpose of it is to gain the improvement in all aspects. Human resources are very valuable that require a serious planning when adopted into an organization. Human resources are known as a crucial component, recognized as a universal element in the organization effectiveness and a key to a competitive profit source. Besides giving an excellent service to the society, the task of human resources is to complete all the programs or the activities related to the government policies that affect human welfare in positive ways. The research used the qualitative method with case study design because the focus of this research was the specific phenomenon, the human resource planning on the staff administration.