Jurnal al-Balagh | UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta (original) (raw)
Papers by Jurnal al-Balagh
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
Framing analysis, methodically is used to dissect discourse impulses that leading to stigma cryst... more Framing analysis, methodically is used to dissect discourse impulses that leading to stigma crystallization. Media frames an issue by using language tools and plays a subconscious role in the attitude and understanding of society. Although, basically, every media does framing, but the problem that comes next is when this framing becomes an interest to postulate the lame proposition socially and logically. This research efforts to analyze in narrative about how religion is mediated by Kompas.com, through framing information issue about the Rape by the Board of Pesantren issue in framing analysis of Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. In conclusion, the Kompas electronic media framing gives rise to a certain tendency toward the negative stigma of pesantren in the public through a narrowing of news content in the media, especially from the interpretation and reporting analysis that revolves around closed syntactic and syntagmatic interactions. Analisis framing secara metodis digunakan untuk membedah impuls-impuls pembelokan wacana yang berujung pada kristalisasi stigma. Media membingkai sebuah isu dengan menggunakan perangkat bahasa dan memainkan peran bawah sadar atas sikap dan pemahaman masyarakat. Meski pada dasarnya setiap media melakukan pembingkaian, tetapi permasalahan yang muncul adalah ketika pembingkaian ini menjadi sebuah kepentingan untuk mempostulatkan proposisi yang timpang secara sosial dan juga nalar. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menganalisis
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
Tanean Lanjang is a very unique culture. It's from building construction, social interactions, an... more Tanean Lanjang is a very unique culture. It's from building construction, social interactions, and until the related spiritual values. This is reinforced by the da'wah strategy by the theologian who are accepted by everyone who runs the culture. This research aims to describe the da'wah strategy of theologian in Tanean Lanjang culture. With qualitative descriptive method, this research found that strategy of da'wah for encountering conflict conducted by theologian in Tanean Lanjang is Persuasive strategy, Al-Hikmah, Al-Mau'idzoh Hasanah. These methods are implemented within the Tanean Lanjang cultural community to motivative, facilitative, and mediative objectives. Budaya Tanean Lanjang merupakan budaya yang sangat unik. Mulai dari konstruk bangunan, interaksi sosial, dan nilai-nilai spiritual yang saling berkaitan. Hal itu diperkuat oleh strategi dakwah ulama yang diterima oleh setiap orang yang menjalankan budaya tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi dakwah ulama dalam budaya Tanean Lanjang. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa strategi dakwah penanganan konflik yang dilakukan oleh ulama dalam Tanean Lanjang adalah strategi Persuasif, Al-Hikmah, Al-Mau'idzoh Hasanah. Metode-metode itu dilaksanakan masyarakat dalam budaya Tanean Lanjang dengan tujuan motivatif, fasilitatif, dan mediatif.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
The blissfulness means a happiness that is felt (enjoyed) by someone. In addition, the life of pe... more The blissfulness means a happiness that is felt (enjoyed) by someone. In addition, the life of pesantren students (santri) are often connoted to simplicity in standing alone and live what it is worth. But they live simplicity, the university students in IDIA Prenduan have logic happiness in their life. Therefore, this writing covered about logic happiness of university students in IDIA Prenduan, and the factors of happiness for university students. By qualitative descriptive method found that they are happy live in pesantren campus because they have new friends in all of corner Indonesian Archipelago. In addition, the existence of program and learning system that put forward pesantren subject (ma'hadi) and Islamic syari'at, so that they are happy study in IDIA Prenduan. The togetherness in learning and worship makes them happy. What else all of Kiai often take the theme of thankful in lecturing and learning IDIA Prenduan. The thankful connected to happiness, in addition, in importance education, IDIA Prenduan directs to university students to be a patient and sincere. The sincerity is spirit all branches of human belief. Kebahagiaan berarti rangkaian bahagia-bahagia yang dialami (dinikmati) oleh seseorang. Di samping itu, kehidupan santri sering dikonotasikan dengan kesederhanaan dalam kemandirian serta hidup apa adanya dalam perantauan jauh dari kedua orang tua. Namun walaupun hidup dengan sederhana, para mahasantri di IDIA
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
World Muslimah is a beauty contest set up by Eka Shanty and aimed as a forum for women in veil to... more World Muslimah is a beauty contest set up by Eka Shanty and aimed as a forum for women in veil to join the beauty queens contest, especially by highlighting the side of spiritualism in women. However, the contest attracts criticism from online media, one of them is arrahmah.com, which is one of the popular online Islamic media with high number of visitors. This research aims to know the framing of arrahmah.com media against the World Muslimah beauty contest. The authors use Pan and Kosicki framing theory to analyze the media ideology to the construction of the reality that is raised. Methodically, this article is a qualitative study based on literature research. From this research, it can be seen from the media perspective through the subjective side of the author, which states that this a beauty contest event is not taught in Islam and women who follow the event is considered to have taken off her side of virtuousness. World Muslimah adalah kontes kecantikan yang didirikan oleh Eka Shanty dan bertujuan sebagai wadah bagi para perempuan berhijab guna mengikuti kontes ratu kecantikan, terutama dengan menonjolkan sisi spiritualisme perempuan. Namun demikian, kontes ini menuai kritik dari sejumlah media online, salah satunya arrahmah. com. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembingkaian media arrahmah.com terhadap kontes kecantikan World Muslimah. Penulis menggunakan teori pembingkaian Pan dan Kosicki untuk menganalisis ideologi media terhadap konstruksi realitas yang dimunculkan. Secara
Jurnal al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
This article attempts to describe the process of Islamic counseling with scaling question techniq... more This article attempts to describe the process of Islamic counseling with scaling question technique in order to reduce patient's anxiety. The method used is qualitative descriptive and the determination of the subjects is chosen with the purposive sampling. The results of the study show the practice of scaling question technique with the following sequence of processes: (1) rapport, (2) asking for complaints during hospitalization, (3) asking the patient to take a comfortable position with his eyes closed then feel what the burden of his mind , (4) asking the patient to tell what he is feeling when his eyes are closed, (5) asking the level of problem between 0-10, (6) dialogue plus exposing the wisdom or risk until the patient raises the insight or gets enlightenment, (7) reinforced with the verses of the Qur'an or hadith, (8) Asking the level of problem between 0-10 back, (9) farewell. Artikel ini berupaya mendeskripsikan proses konseling islami dengan teknik scaling question dalam rangka mengurangi kecemasan pasien. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dan penentuan subyek dipilih dengan sampling purposif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan praktik teknik scaling question islami dengan urutan proses sebagai berikut: (1) rapport, (2) menanyakan keluhan-keluhan selama rawat inap, (3) meminta pasien untuk mengambil posisi yang nyaman dengan mata terpejam kemudian merasakan apa yang menjadi beban pikirannya, (4) meminta pasien menceritakan apa yang sedang dirasakannya saat mata terpejam tadi, (5) menanyakan tingkatan masalah antara 0–10,
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. When the first pillar of Islam until the fourth has been done,... more Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. When the first pillar of Islam until the fourth has been done, the Muslims wants to complete the pillar by performing the pilgrimage as the fifth obligation. However, in modern times today, along with the increasing number of hajj quotas, automatically caused the turn period of hajj to be increased as well. In fact, it raises some problems, especially for the elder Hajj pilgrims. This research aims to identify some problems that arise from the preparation of Hajj until the completion of Hajj in the elderly congregation. The problem is studied based on the perspective of Islamic guidance and counseling by using literature review. This research also uses qualitative approach in the form of case study technique. The result, there are some problems of Hajj experienced by the elderly so that it's needful for assistance and psychological guidance in the implementation of the pilgrimage by the elderly congregation. Ibadah haji merupakan rukun Islam yang kelima. Ketika rukun Islam yang pertama sampai yang keempat sudah terlaksana, umat Islam ingin menyempurnakan dengan menunaikan ibadah haji sebagai kewajiban yang kelima. Namun demikian, di zaman modern saat ini, seiring dengan semakin bertambahnya kuota haji, pada akhirnya menyebabkan masa tunggu giliran haji menjadi bertambah pula. Hal ini nyatanya memunculkan beberapa permasalahan, terutama bagi para calon jamaah haji yang lanjut usia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
This article describes the concept of guidance and counseling rational emotive behavior therapy (... more This article describes the concept of guidance and counseling rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) Islamic to increase the resilience of prostitutes. REBT is an approach that directive, the approach to reeducation counselees to understand the cognitive input that causes emotional disturbance, trying to change the thought patterns counselee to let the irrational thoughts or study anticipates the benefits or consequences of behavior. Resilience is the ability of individuals to adapt, so as to put themselves well against an unpleasant experience. Islamic REBT approach focuses on thinking (aqliyah) rational individual to the nature of the individual who escorted counselees aware that he is a servant and vicegerent of Allah in order to survive counselees his life in this world and hereafter. Islamic REBT counseling techniques are affective, cognitive, and behavioral adapted to the conditions of the counselee. Such techniques include: Assertive adaptive, Reinforcement, Social and Assertive modeling exercise.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
This research is focused on the development of science profession course in the Program of Commun... more This research is focused on the development of science profession course in the Program of Communication Studies and Islamic Broadcasting since when it became a part of the Department of Da’wah, STAIN Surakarta, to becoming part of the Da’wah and Communication Major, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Da’wah, IAIN Surakarta. Some problems in this research are: (1) How does the distribution map of the existing profession in the Major of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting (KPI)? (2) How does the development of profession-based courses in the Major of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting (KPI)? Researchers categorize that the distribution map of subjects in KPI Major into six components, namely component Institute, component Department, Component Science Courses of KPI Major, Professional Components of KPI Major in Journalism Concentration, Professional Components of KPI Major in Broadcasting Concentration, Professional Components of KPI Major in Public Relation Concentration. With such a profession component in KPI Major, it can be expected to create students for becoming professionals in their field with the result by targeting appropriate academic skills in learning outcomes and the standards graduates competency will be achieved.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
The economic and religious condition of orphans in the coastal and confine areas of Padang City a... more The economic and religious condition of orphans in the coastal and confine areas of Padang City are being concerned. While the attention of Moslem to empower their economic and religiousness is still lacked. This research focused on the disclosure of realities in poverty and religiousness of orphans in the coastal and confine areas of Padang City, then it would be analyzed based on the perspective of community empowerment by using descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study show that: (1) The reality of poverty of orphans in the coastal and confine areas of Padang City is very worrying and requires special empowerment. The poverty can be observed from the condition of house that is suffered a lot of damage and the difficulty of the expense of basic foods they encountered. (2) The reality of religiousness of orphans is also being concerned. The religious problem is considered from the implementation of prayers and reading Qur'an that they have not done best yet. Meanwhile, The attention had been given by the board of mosque and mushalla was only a bit advice when distribute of compensation money. This research is expected to be a contribution for da’wah practitioners, empowerment agencies, mosque and mushalla administrators, religious institutions and other social institutions in Padang City and throughout Indonesia for the welfare of orphans through empowerment activities.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
Mass media is an effective instrument in shaping public opinion. Though mass media is believed to... more Mass media is an effective instrument in shaping public opinion. Though mass media is believed to be principally transparent and independent, the information presented to the public is the result of human construction based on their understanding of the reality of knowledge. In this topic, majority of Moslem, recently, claim that some popular mass media are not objective in reporting terrorism. For that reason, this article efforts whether the image of Islam as a religion of terror is constructed, especially from the online media framing in Kompas.com about the incident in Charlie Hebdo’s media in Paris.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
The dialectic of intrapersonal communication help us to understand several sides of metaphysics i... more The dialectic of intrapersonal communication help us to understand several sides of metaphysics in the science of communication. At this level of communication, communication activities can be analyzed from the dialectic and the dialogue which is in monologue concept. Objectivity of communicative action will be traced from intersubjectivity of each individual. In this article, the communicative action will be reviewed by a phenomenal figure of Dimas Kanjeng Taat Pribadi. By reviewing and studying at this level of communication, we will try to understand the construction of knowledge, attitudes, and the subjective actions of individuals that necessitate a distinctive or enchanting communication style when they communicate with others.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
Islam is a da’wah religion which disseminate the truth. But on the other hand, Islam is a politic... more Islam is a da’wah religion which disseminate the truth. But on the other hand, Islam is a political religion that is often used as the basis of ideology and struggle in the democratics era that upholds the constitution. Nowadays Muslims have various political channels through Islamic political party. But each Islamic party has different interests although equally portray itself as the da’wah party or Indonesian Muslim political home. In the dynamics, political behavior by using da’wah symbols and labeling was also performed by parties with nationalist genealogy like Partai Demokrasi Indonesia – Perjuangan, Partai Golongan Karya, and Partai Demokrat through the Islamic religious wing organization. One actual case we can make a referral is the DKI Jakarta governor election. That phenomenon is authentic evidence that the negotiation between da’wah and practical politics is happen. To deepen the phenomenon, this study used qualitative types, descriptive approach, and interactive data analyst methods by Miles and Huberman. The research results showed that the da’wah agendas which organized tends to be incidental to adjust with the political constellation that they face and optimized just ahead of key moments in the political calendar like regional head election. It can be concluded that the orientation of Islamic religious wing organization by nationalist political party are more on political da’wah rather than da’wah politics. So that in the negotiations between da’wah and practical politics, the political aspect is more advantaged than the da’wah aspect.
Self concept is individual evaluation of one's characteristics and ability. A family as the first... more Self concept is individual evaluation of one's characteristics and ability. A family as the first and major institution for the adolescent has an important role in providing education, love, guidance and supervision so they can grow up with positive self concept. The purpose of the research is to know the relationship between the harmony level of family and the self concept of adolescent in Bayat, Klaten. The research uses correlative quantitative method. It involves 53 adolescent chosen by random sampling. The result of the research shows high harmony level of family in Bayat (71,7%), and high category of adolescent's self concept (56,6%). The hypothesis testing with Pearson Product Moment correlative analysis shows that there is positive and significant relationship between the harmony level of family and the adolescent's self concept with the probability 0,000 (< 0,05) and correlation coefficient (rxy) 0,713.
The research is aimed to measure the effectiveness of Islamic values used as a material in group ... more The research is aimed to measure the effectiveness of Islamic values used as a material in group counseling service in the school to increase the honesty of students at SMP-IT Masjid Syuhada Yogyakarta. The research method used is one group pre-test and post-test design experiment involving eight students of SMP-IT Masjid Syuhada. The research subject is chosen from the scale of the lowest honesty and based on the result of discussion among the researcher, the school counselor and the master of the class. The data are collected by using the scale of students' honesty (ri= 0,367 – 0,729 α= 0,810), questionnaire, observation, and interview. The data analysis technique used is wilcoxon signed ranks test. The result of wilcoxon signed ranks test shows different score of the research subject's (the students) honesty level before and after joining the group counseling service based on Islamic values (manipulation), Z =-2,232 and p-value = 0,026 (p-values < 0,050. The practical nuance of Islamic values supports the research subject in understanding and practicing the teaching got from their study and interaction with their parents and other people in their daily life. It can be concluded from the research that group counseling based on Islamic values can increase the students' honesty, so it can be used to develop the counseling service in the school especially for the students with low level of honesty.
Abstrak Mass media have an important role in today religious life of society. The relationship be... more Abstrak Mass media have an important role in today religious life of society. The relationship between religion and mass media is mutual relationship with many influential factors involved. The article explains this relationship from various view points and approaches. The facts found show that beside giving positive support, mass media also brings negative effects in the process of religious spreading. The pragmatism of media causes the media have not orientated on the growing of constructive values anymore, but have tended to be manipulative. Media massa memiliki peran yang penting dalam kehidupan umat beragama pada masa kini. Hubungan antara agama dan media massa bersifat mutualisme dengan berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Artikel ini memaparkan hubungan keduanya dengan berbagai sudut pandang dan pendekatan. Berbagai fakta menunjukkan bahwa media selain memudahkan namun juga membawa sisi negatif dalam proses penyebaran agama. Pragmatisme media cenderung menyebabkan media tidak lagi berorientasi pada penanaman nilai-nilai konstruktif, bahkan cenderung manipulatif.
Islamic boarding school (Pondok pesantren) is an effective media to transform religious and cultu... more Islamic boarding school (Pondok pesantren) is an effective media to transform religious and cultural values. The holistic educational system design of Islamic boarding school is able to internalize some important values to santri (Islamic boarding school's students). The tolerance on the pluralism of religiosity is an important value for the moslem young generation in facing differences. The pluralism can be grown up by using some educational activities, including muhadlaroh (training of speech). The research focuses on the religious material related to pluralism in understanding religion delivered by the students of PP. Al-Muayyad and PP. Takmirul Islam Surakarta in their speeches when joining the muhadharoh. By qualitative approach, the data analysis reveals that the students of PP. Al-Muayyad and PP. Takmirul Islam Surakarta has good understanding on the pluralism of religiosity. Abstrak Pondok pesantren merupakan wadah efektif untuk transformasi nilai-nilai agama dan budaya. Desai sistem pendidikan holistik pesantren mampu menginternalisasi berbagai nilai penting pada diri santri. Toleransi atas pluralisme keberagamaan merupakan nilai yang perlu ditanamkan untuk menyiapkan generasi muda muslim toleran terhadap perbedaan. Pluralisme dapat ditanamkan dalam berbagai kegiatan pendidikan, diantaranya kegiatan muhadlaroh (latihan pidato). Penelitian ini fokus pada analisis materi-materi keagamaan bermuatan pluralisme pemahaman beragama yang disampaikan santri-santri PP Al Muayyad dan PP Takmirul Islam Surakarta dalam kegiatan latihan pidato. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, analisis atas data yang didapatkan menyimpulkan bahwa pluralisme keagamaan santri di PP Al Muayyad Surakarta dan PP Takmirul Islam Surakarta berjalan secara baik.
The study discusses the types of religious and cultural communication of Kompolan Sabellesen ritu... more The study discusses the types of religious and cultural communication of Kompolan Sabellesen ritual implementing dhikir khataman Tarekat Qadiriyah Nashabandiyah, and how the people in Bluto village mean the values of sufistic proselytizing internalized in Kompolan Sabellesen. The research is a case study with qualitative approach based on anthropological study. The analysis uses the symbolic interpretative madzhab. The result of the study shows that Kompolan Sabellesen has a very important role in the dynamic life of people in Madura. The collaboration of religious and cultural teaching becomes one unity that influences the way how the people view their religion and socialize its religious teaching in the society. Kompolan Sebellesen is a communication medium of religion and culture packed in religious rite collaborated with cultural practices as a means of strengthening Islamic brotherhood to create harmonic and humanitarian society. Moreover, by contemplating dhikir khataman Tarekat Qadiriyah Naqshabandiyah in Kompolan Sabellesen, they feel positive energy that results peace and happiness. In order to get the blessing of sufistic values, they usually use pure water that has been recited some prayers to drink as the manifestation of sacredness in profanity. Thus, the existence of Kompolan Sabellesen should be maintained as mediation and meditation media in approaching the God by using sufistic values internalized in cultural rite.
This paper is aimed to reveal An-Na'im's idea of constitutionalism, human rights, and citizenship... more This paper is aimed to reveal An-Na'im's idea of constitutionalism, human rights, and citizenship in reading the phenomena of some activists' struggle for enforcing Shari'ah in South Sulawesi. It is important to notice that today's debatable issue is about to what extents Shari'ah can be implemented in Indonesia and how it should be tolerated by Muslims and non-Muslims living there. For such reason, reading An-Na'im who has focused on Shar'ia in a secular state, is necessary. This study has efforts to critically respond An-Na'im in the case of KPPSI (Preparatory Committee for the Implementation of Shari'ah), a committee that believes that special status for South Sulawesi to implement Shari'ah will be the best solution for Indonesian, especially in South Sulawesi. The discussion is generally divided into three parts: (1) exploring An-Na'im's points of views, especially in regard with Shari'ah and secular state; (2) a short description of KPPSI, either about its historical phases or political agenda, in enforcing Shari'ah in South Sulawesi; and (3) a critical view of Shari'ah on the ground by which the KPPSI will be used as a case to reconsider about paradoxical applicability of An-Na'im notion on Shari'ah in secular state. To conclude, the important remarks are provided in the end of this paper.
The Study aims to know further about the implementation of Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT)... more The Study aims to know further about the implementation of Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) to people with the possibility of being infected by HIV/AIDS. It is governmental service program starting from counseling, testing, and post testing in order to minimize the contagious risk of HIV/AIDS. Through the qualitative-descriptive approach, this study showed that the implementation of VCT program is very important because the process emphasizes the acceptance of client, building relationship, exploring, identifying, giving information, planning activity, determining decision, testing, up to developing the readiness of client, making planning, reading off the test’s result, explaining result of the test, giving support and motivation. All of these are purposed to minimize the contagious risk, and make the infected one more optimistic in experiencing life.
When talking about propaganda and cross-cultural communication, there are at least three key word... more When talking about propaganda and cross-cultural communication, there are at least three key words to unravel these issues, namely propaganda, communication, and culture. All of the three have their own meaning and function. Here the need for more in-depth decomposition.
Learning cross-cultural communication is necessary because it is a ticket for us to be able to adapt wherever we are, particularly in Indonesia where the various tribes and cultures live together. A prolonged conflict would occur if the person does not understand the differences and does nothing with cross-cultural communication. By studying how to build the cross-cultural communication, people will understand the differences and be neutral or moderate. So the conflict rose among different ethnic cultures will not happen.
In addition, studying the cross-cultural communication will make us more cautious in building relationship to the different cultures. Preachers should be able to understand the place, culture, customs, and language of his objects because it will determine the success of their preaching.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
Framing analysis, methodically is used to dissect discourse impulses that leading to stigma cryst... more Framing analysis, methodically is used to dissect discourse impulses that leading to stigma crystallization. Media frames an issue by using language tools and plays a subconscious role in the attitude and understanding of society. Although, basically, every media does framing, but the problem that comes next is when this framing becomes an interest to postulate the lame proposition socially and logically. This research efforts to analyze in narrative about how religion is mediated by Kompas.com, through framing information issue about the Rape by the Board of Pesantren issue in framing analysis of Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. In conclusion, the Kompas electronic media framing gives rise to a certain tendency toward the negative stigma of pesantren in the public through a narrowing of news content in the media, especially from the interpretation and reporting analysis that revolves around closed syntactic and syntagmatic interactions. Analisis framing secara metodis digunakan untuk membedah impuls-impuls pembelokan wacana yang berujung pada kristalisasi stigma. Media membingkai sebuah isu dengan menggunakan perangkat bahasa dan memainkan peran bawah sadar atas sikap dan pemahaman masyarakat. Meski pada dasarnya setiap media melakukan pembingkaian, tetapi permasalahan yang muncul adalah ketika pembingkaian ini menjadi sebuah kepentingan untuk mempostulatkan proposisi yang timpang secara sosial dan juga nalar. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menganalisis
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
Tanean Lanjang is a very unique culture. It's from building construction, social interactions, an... more Tanean Lanjang is a very unique culture. It's from building construction, social interactions, and until the related spiritual values. This is reinforced by the da'wah strategy by the theologian who are accepted by everyone who runs the culture. This research aims to describe the da'wah strategy of theologian in Tanean Lanjang culture. With qualitative descriptive method, this research found that strategy of da'wah for encountering conflict conducted by theologian in Tanean Lanjang is Persuasive strategy, Al-Hikmah, Al-Mau'idzoh Hasanah. These methods are implemented within the Tanean Lanjang cultural community to motivative, facilitative, and mediative objectives. Budaya Tanean Lanjang merupakan budaya yang sangat unik. Mulai dari konstruk bangunan, interaksi sosial, dan nilai-nilai spiritual yang saling berkaitan. Hal itu diperkuat oleh strategi dakwah ulama yang diterima oleh setiap orang yang menjalankan budaya tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi dakwah ulama dalam budaya Tanean Lanjang. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa strategi dakwah penanganan konflik yang dilakukan oleh ulama dalam Tanean Lanjang adalah strategi Persuasif, Al-Hikmah, Al-Mau'idzoh Hasanah. Metode-metode itu dilaksanakan masyarakat dalam budaya Tanean Lanjang dengan tujuan motivatif, fasilitatif, dan mediatif.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
The blissfulness means a happiness that is felt (enjoyed) by someone. In addition, the life of pe... more The blissfulness means a happiness that is felt (enjoyed) by someone. In addition, the life of pesantren students (santri) are often connoted to simplicity in standing alone and live what it is worth. But they live simplicity, the university students in IDIA Prenduan have logic happiness in their life. Therefore, this writing covered about logic happiness of university students in IDIA Prenduan, and the factors of happiness for university students. By qualitative descriptive method found that they are happy live in pesantren campus because they have new friends in all of corner Indonesian Archipelago. In addition, the existence of program and learning system that put forward pesantren subject (ma'hadi) and Islamic syari'at, so that they are happy study in IDIA Prenduan. The togetherness in learning and worship makes them happy. What else all of Kiai often take the theme of thankful in lecturing and learning IDIA Prenduan. The thankful connected to happiness, in addition, in importance education, IDIA Prenduan directs to university students to be a patient and sincere. The sincerity is spirit all branches of human belief. Kebahagiaan berarti rangkaian bahagia-bahagia yang dialami (dinikmati) oleh seseorang. Di samping itu, kehidupan santri sering dikonotasikan dengan kesederhanaan dalam kemandirian serta hidup apa adanya dalam perantauan jauh dari kedua orang tua. Namun walaupun hidup dengan sederhana, para mahasantri di IDIA
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
World Muslimah is a beauty contest set up by Eka Shanty and aimed as a forum for women in veil to... more World Muslimah is a beauty contest set up by Eka Shanty and aimed as a forum for women in veil to join the beauty queens contest, especially by highlighting the side of spiritualism in women. However, the contest attracts criticism from online media, one of them is arrahmah.com, which is one of the popular online Islamic media with high number of visitors. This research aims to know the framing of arrahmah.com media against the World Muslimah beauty contest. The authors use Pan and Kosicki framing theory to analyze the media ideology to the construction of the reality that is raised. Methodically, this article is a qualitative study based on literature research. From this research, it can be seen from the media perspective through the subjective side of the author, which states that this a beauty contest event is not taught in Islam and women who follow the event is considered to have taken off her side of virtuousness. World Muslimah adalah kontes kecantikan yang didirikan oleh Eka Shanty dan bertujuan sebagai wadah bagi para perempuan berhijab guna mengikuti kontes ratu kecantikan, terutama dengan menonjolkan sisi spiritualisme perempuan. Namun demikian, kontes ini menuai kritik dari sejumlah media online, salah satunya arrahmah. com. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembingkaian media arrahmah.com terhadap kontes kecantikan World Muslimah. Penulis menggunakan teori pembingkaian Pan dan Kosicki untuk menganalisis ideologi media terhadap konstruksi realitas yang dimunculkan. Secara
Jurnal al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
This article attempts to describe the process of Islamic counseling with scaling question techniq... more This article attempts to describe the process of Islamic counseling with scaling question technique in order to reduce patient's anxiety. The method used is qualitative descriptive and the determination of the subjects is chosen with the purposive sampling. The results of the study show the practice of scaling question technique with the following sequence of processes: (1) rapport, (2) asking for complaints during hospitalization, (3) asking the patient to take a comfortable position with his eyes closed then feel what the burden of his mind , (4) asking the patient to tell what he is feeling when his eyes are closed, (5) asking the level of problem between 0-10, (6) dialogue plus exposing the wisdom or risk until the patient raises the insight or gets enlightenment, (7) reinforced with the verses of the Qur'an or hadith, (8) Asking the level of problem between 0-10 back, (9) farewell. Artikel ini berupaya mendeskripsikan proses konseling islami dengan teknik scaling question dalam rangka mengurangi kecemasan pasien. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dan penentuan subyek dipilih dengan sampling purposif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan praktik teknik scaling question islami dengan urutan proses sebagai berikut: (1) rapport, (2) menanyakan keluhan-keluhan selama rawat inap, (3) meminta pasien untuk mengambil posisi yang nyaman dengan mata terpejam kemudian merasakan apa yang menjadi beban pikirannya, (4) meminta pasien menceritakan apa yang sedang dirasakannya saat mata terpejam tadi, (5) menanyakan tingkatan masalah antara 0–10,
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. When the first pillar of Islam until the fourth has been done,... more Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. When the first pillar of Islam until the fourth has been done, the Muslims wants to complete the pillar by performing the pilgrimage as the fifth obligation. However, in modern times today, along with the increasing number of hajj quotas, automatically caused the turn period of hajj to be increased as well. In fact, it raises some problems, especially for the elder Hajj pilgrims. This research aims to identify some problems that arise from the preparation of Hajj until the completion of Hajj in the elderly congregation. The problem is studied based on the perspective of Islamic guidance and counseling by using literature review. This research also uses qualitative approach in the form of case study technique. The result, there are some problems of Hajj experienced by the elderly so that it's needful for assistance and psychological guidance in the implementation of the pilgrimage by the elderly congregation. Ibadah haji merupakan rukun Islam yang kelima. Ketika rukun Islam yang pertama sampai yang keempat sudah terlaksana, umat Islam ingin menyempurnakan dengan menunaikan ibadah haji sebagai kewajiban yang kelima. Namun demikian, di zaman modern saat ini, seiring dengan semakin bertambahnya kuota haji, pada akhirnya menyebabkan masa tunggu giliran haji menjadi bertambah pula. Hal ini nyatanya memunculkan beberapa permasalahan, terutama bagi para calon jamaah haji yang lanjut usia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
This article describes the concept of guidance and counseling rational emotive behavior therapy (... more This article describes the concept of guidance and counseling rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) Islamic to increase the resilience of prostitutes. REBT is an approach that directive, the approach to reeducation counselees to understand the cognitive input that causes emotional disturbance, trying to change the thought patterns counselee to let the irrational thoughts or study anticipates the benefits or consequences of behavior. Resilience is the ability of individuals to adapt, so as to put themselves well against an unpleasant experience. Islamic REBT approach focuses on thinking (aqliyah) rational individual to the nature of the individual who escorted counselees aware that he is a servant and vicegerent of Allah in order to survive counselees his life in this world and hereafter. Islamic REBT counseling techniques are affective, cognitive, and behavioral adapted to the conditions of the counselee. Such techniques include: Assertive adaptive, Reinforcement, Social and Assertive modeling exercise.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
This research is focused on the development of science profession course in the Program of Commun... more This research is focused on the development of science profession course in the Program of Communication Studies and Islamic Broadcasting since when it became a part of the Department of Da’wah, STAIN Surakarta, to becoming part of the Da’wah and Communication Major, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Da’wah, IAIN Surakarta. Some problems in this research are: (1) How does the distribution map of the existing profession in the Major of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting (KPI)? (2) How does the development of profession-based courses in the Major of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting (KPI)? Researchers categorize that the distribution map of subjects in KPI Major into six components, namely component Institute, component Department, Component Science Courses of KPI Major, Professional Components of KPI Major in Journalism Concentration, Professional Components of KPI Major in Broadcasting Concentration, Professional Components of KPI Major in Public Relation Concentration. With such a profession component in KPI Major, it can be expected to create students for becoming professionals in their field with the result by targeting appropriate academic skills in learning outcomes and the standards graduates competency will be achieved.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
The economic and religious condition of orphans in the coastal and confine areas of Padang City a... more The economic and religious condition of orphans in the coastal and confine areas of Padang City are being concerned. While the attention of Moslem to empower their economic and religiousness is still lacked. This research focused on the disclosure of realities in poverty and religiousness of orphans in the coastal and confine areas of Padang City, then it would be analyzed based on the perspective of community empowerment by using descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study show that: (1) The reality of poverty of orphans in the coastal and confine areas of Padang City is very worrying and requires special empowerment. The poverty can be observed from the condition of house that is suffered a lot of damage and the difficulty of the expense of basic foods they encountered. (2) The reality of religiousness of orphans is also being concerned. The religious problem is considered from the implementation of prayers and reading Qur'an that they have not done best yet. Meanwhile, The attention had been given by the board of mosque and mushalla was only a bit advice when distribute of compensation money. This research is expected to be a contribution for da’wah practitioners, empowerment agencies, mosque and mushalla administrators, religious institutions and other social institutions in Padang City and throughout Indonesia for the welfare of orphans through empowerment activities.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
Mass media is an effective instrument in shaping public opinion. Though mass media is believed to... more Mass media is an effective instrument in shaping public opinion. Though mass media is believed to be principally transparent and independent, the information presented to the public is the result of human construction based on their understanding of the reality of knowledge. In this topic, majority of Moslem, recently, claim that some popular mass media are not objective in reporting terrorism. For that reason, this article efforts whether the image of Islam as a religion of terror is constructed, especially from the online media framing in Kompas.com about the incident in Charlie Hebdo’s media in Paris.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
The dialectic of intrapersonal communication help us to understand several sides of metaphysics i... more The dialectic of intrapersonal communication help us to understand several sides of metaphysics in the science of communication. At this level of communication, communication activities can be analyzed from the dialectic and the dialogue which is in monologue concept. Objectivity of communicative action will be traced from intersubjectivity of each individual. In this article, the communicative action will be reviewed by a phenomenal figure of Dimas Kanjeng Taat Pribadi. By reviewing and studying at this level of communication, we will try to understand the construction of knowledge, attitudes, and the subjective actions of individuals that necessitate a distinctive or enchanting communication style when they communicate with others.
Jurnal Al-Balagh Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah IAIN Surakarta, 2017
Islam is a da’wah religion which disseminate the truth. But on the other hand, Islam is a politic... more Islam is a da’wah religion which disseminate the truth. But on the other hand, Islam is a political religion that is often used as the basis of ideology and struggle in the democratics era that upholds the constitution. Nowadays Muslims have various political channels through Islamic political party. But each Islamic party has different interests although equally portray itself as the da’wah party or Indonesian Muslim political home. In the dynamics, political behavior by using da’wah symbols and labeling was also performed by parties with nationalist genealogy like Partai Demokrasi Indonesia – Perjuangan, Partai Golongan Karya, and Partai Demokrat through the Islamic religious wing organization. One actual case we can make a referral is the DKI Jakarta governor election. That phenomenon is authentic evidence that the negotiation between da’wah and practical politics is happen. To deepen the phenomenon, this study used qualitative types, descriptive approach, and interactive data analyst methods by Miles and Huberman. The research results showed that the da’wah agendas which organized tends to be incidental to adjust with the political constellation that they face and optimized just ahead of key moments in the political calendar like regional head election. It can be concluded that the orientation of Islamic religious wing organization by nationalist political party are more on political da’wah rather than da’wah politics. So that in the negotiations between da’wah and practical politics, the political aspect is more advantaged than the da’wah aspect.
Self concept is individual evaluation of one's characteristics and ability. A family as the first... more Self concept is individual evaluation of one's characteristics and ability. A family as the first and major institution for the adolescent has an important role in providing education, love, guidance and supervision so they can grow up with positive self concept. The purpose of the research is to know the relationship between the harmony level of family and the self concept of adolescent in Bayat, Klaten. The research uses correlative quantitative method. It involves 53 adolescent chosen by random sampling. The result of the research shows high harmony level of family in Bayat (71,7%), and high category of adolescent's self concept (56,6%). The hypothesis testing with Pearson Product Moment correlative analysis shows that there is positive and significant relationship between the harmony level of family and the adolescent's self concept with the probability 0,000 (< 0,05) and correlation coefficient (rxy) 0,713.
The research is aimed to measure the effectiveness of Islamic values used as a material in group ... more The research is aimed to measure the effectiveness of Islamic values used as a material in group counseling service in the school to increase the honesty of students at SMP-IT Masjid Syuhada Yogyakarta. The research method used is one group pre-test and post-test design experiment involving eight students of SMP-IT Masjid Syuhada. The research subject is chosen from the scale of the lowest honesty and based on the result of discussion among the researcher, the school counselor and the master of the class. The data are collected by using the scale of students' honesty (ri= 0,367 – 0,729 α= 0,810), questionnaire, observation, and interview. The data analysis technique used is wilcoxon signed ranks test. The result of wilcoxon signed ranks test shows different score of the research subject's (the students) honesty level before and after joining the group counseling service based on Islamic values (manipulation), Z =-2,232 and p-value = 0,026 (p-values < 0,050. The practical nuance of Islamic values supports the research subject in understanding and practicing the teaching got from their study and interaction with their parents and other people in their daily life. It can be concluded from the research that group counseling based on Islamic values can increase the students' honesty, so it can be used to develop the counseling service in the school especially for the students with low level of honesty.
Abstrak Mass media have an important role in today religious life of society. The relationship be... more Abstrak Mass media have an important role in today religious life of society. The relationship between religion and mass media is mutual relationship with many influential factors involved. The article explains this relationship from various view points and approaches. The facts found show that beside giving positive support, mass media also brings negative effects in the process of religious spreading. The pragmatism of media causes the media have not orientated on the growing of constructive values anymore, but have tended to be manipulative. Media massa memiliki peran yang penting dalam kehidupan umat beragama pada masa kini. Hubungan antara agama dan media massa bersifat mutualisme dengan berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Artikel ini memaparkan hubungan keduanya dengan berbagai sudut pandang dan pendekatan. Berbagai fakta menunjukkan bahwa media selain memudahkan namun juga membawa sisi negatif dalam proses penyebaran agama. Pragmatisme media cenderung menyebabkan media tidak lagi berorientasi pada penanaman nilai-nilai konstruktif, bahkan cenderung manipulatif.
Islamic boarding school (Pondok pesantren) is an effective media to transform religious and cultu... more Islamic boarding school (Pondok pesantren) is an effective media to transform religious and cultural values. The holistic educational system design of Islamic boarding school is able to internalize some important values to santri (Islamic boarding school's students). The tolerance on the pluralism of religiosity is an important value for the moslem young generation in facing differences. The pluralism can be grown up by using some educational activities, including muhadlaroh (training of speech). The research focuses on the religious material related to pluralism in understanding religion delivered by the students of PP. Al-Muayyad and PP. Takmirul Islam Surakarta in their speeches when joining the muhadharoh. By qualitative approach, the data analysis reveals that the students of PP. Al-Muayyad and PP. Takmirul Islam Surakarta has good understanding on the pluralism of religiosity. Abstrak Pondok pesantren merupakan wadah efektif untuk transformasi nilai-nilai agama dan budaya. Desai sistem pendidikan holistik pesantren mampu menginternalisasi berbagai nilai penting pada diri santri. Toleransi atas pluralisme keberagamaan merupakan nilai yang perlu ditanamkan untuk menyiapkan generasi muda muslim toleran terhadap perbedaan. Pluralisme dapat ditanamkan dalam berbagai kegiatan pendidikan, diantaranya kegiatan muhadlaroh (latihan pidato). Penelitian ini fokus pada analisis materi-materi keagamaan bermuatan pluralisme pemahaman beragama yang disampaikan santri-santri PP Al Muayyad dan PP Takmirul Islam Surakarta dalam kegiatan latihan pidato. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, analisis atas data yang didapatkan menyimpulkan bahwa pluralisme keagamaan santri di PP Al Muayyad Surakarta dan PP Takmirul Islam Surakarta berjalan secara baik.
The study discusses the types of religious and cultural communication of Kompolan Sabellesen ritu... more The study discusses the types of religious and cultural communication of Kompolan Sabellesen ritual implementing dhikir khataman Tarekat Qadiriyah Nashabandiyah, and how the people in Bluto village mean the values of sufistic proselytizing internalized in Kompolan Sabellesen. The research is a case study with qualitative approach based on anthropological study. The analysis uses the symbolic interpretative madzhab. The result of the study shows that Kompolan Sabellesen has a very important role in the dynamic life of people in Madura. The collaboration of religious and cultural teaching becomes one unity that influences the way how the people view their religion and socialize its religious teaching in the society. Kompolan Sebellesen is a communication medium of religion and culture packed in religious rite collaborated with cultural practices as a means of strengthening Islamic brotherhood to create harmonic and humanitarian society. Moreover, by contemplating dhikir khataman Tarekat Qadiriyah Naqshabandiyah in Kompolan Sabellesen, they feel positive energy that results peace and happiness. In order to get the blessing of sufistic values, they usually use pure water that has been recited some prayers to drink as the manifestation of sacredness in profanity. Thus, the existence of Kompolan Sabellesen should be maintained as mediation and meditation media in approaching the God by using sufistic values internalized in cultural rite.
This paper is aimed to reveal An-Na'im's idea of constitutionalism, human rights, and citizenship... more This paper is aimed to reveal An-Na'im's idea of constitutionalism, human rights, and citizenship in reading the phenomena of some activists' struggle for enforcing Shari'ah in South Sulawesi. It is important to notice that today's debatable issue is about to what extents Shari'ah can be implemented in Indonesia and how it should be tolerated by Muslims and non-Muslims living there. For such reason, reading An-Na'im who has focused on Shar'ia in a secular state, is necessary. This study has efforts to critically respond An-Na'im in the case of KPPSI (Preparatory Committee for the Implementation of Shari'ah), a committee that believes that special status for South Sulawesi to implement Shari'ah will be the best solution for Indonesian, especially in South Sulawesi. The discussion is generally divided into three parts: (1) exploring An-Na'im's points of views, especially in regard with Shari'ah and secular state; (2) a short description of KPPSI, either about its historical phases or political agenda, in enforcing Shari'ah in South Sulawesi; and (3) a critical view of Shari'ah on the ground by which the KPPSI will be used as a case to reconsider about paradoxical applicability of An-Na'im notion on Shari'ah in secular state. To conclude, the important remarks are provided in the end of this paper.
The Study aims to know further about the implementation of Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT)... more The Study aims to know further about the implementation of Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) to people with the possibility of being infected by HIV/AIDS. It is governmental service program starting from counseling, testing, and post testing in order to minimize the contagious risk of HIV/AIDS. Through the qualitative-descriptive approach, this study showed that the implementation of VCT program is very important because the process emphasizes the acceptance of client, building relationship, exploring, identifying, giving information, planning activity, determining decision, testing, up to developing the readiness of client, making planning, reading off the test’s result, explaining result of the test, giving support and motivation. All of these are purposed to minimize the contagious risk, and make the infected one more optimistic in experiencing life.
When talking about propaganda and cross-cultural communication, there are at least three key word... more When talking about propaganda and cross-cultural communication, there are at least three key words to unravel these issues, namely propaganda, communication, and culture. All of the three have their own meaning and function. Here the need for more in-depth decomposition.
Learning cross-cultural communication is necessary because it is a ticket for us to be able to adapt wherever we are, particularly in Indonesia where the various tribes and cultures live together. A prolonged conflict would occur if the person does not understand the differences and does nothing with cross-cultural communication. By studying how to build the cross-cultural communication, people will understand the differences and be neutral or moderate. So the conflict rose among different ethnic cultures will not happen.
In addition, studying the cross-cultural communication will make us more cautious in building relationship to the different cultures. Preachers should be able to understand the place, culture, customs, and language of his objects because it will determine the success of their preaching.