Ruslan Rasid | UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta (original) (raw)
Papers by Ruslan Rasid
Tahdis: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Hadis, Jun 30, 2021
Islam sebagai agama Al-Salaam (keselamatan) sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kemanusian, sala... more Islam sebagai agama Al-Salaam (keselamatan) sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kemanusian, salah satu nilai kemanusiaan yang tidak terlepas dari Islam adalah menjadi sosok penebar rahmat (kasih sayang) kepada umat manusia tanpa memandang latar belakang perbedaan. Terdapat beberapa hadis yang mengarah kepada konsep rahmat dan dapat dijadikan pedoman hidup bagi umat Islam dalam beragama di tengah kemajemukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana konsep rahmat dalam Islam berdasarkan hadis Nabi Muhammad saw. yang berbunyi "innamā anā rahmatun muhdātun," Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa konsep rahmat berdasarkan hadis tersebut adalah rahmat dalam Islam tidak terbatas pada menebar belas kasih kepada siapa saja. Namun lebih dari pada itu, kerahmatan Islam menyentuh sendisendi kehidupan masyarakat lebih luas. Islam tidak mengajak seseorang untuk mengikuti ajarannya secara paksa. Rahmat diartikan pula sebagai upaya mendoakan kebaikan untuk orang lain serta menghargai dan menghormati segala bentuk perbedaan. Kata Kunci Konsep Rahmat, Islam, Hadis, innama ana rahmatun muhdatun Abstact Islam as the religion of Al-Salaam (salvation) highly upholds human values, one of the human values that cannot be separated from Islam is to be a figure who spreads mercy (love) to mankind regardless of background differences. There are several hadiths that point to the concept of grace and can be used as a life guide for Muslims in being religious in the midst of diversity. The purpose of this research was to analyze how the concept of grace in Islam based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad which reads "innamā anā rahmatun muhdātun," The research result states that the concept of mercy based on the hadith that grace in Islam was not limited to spreading compassion to anyone. But more than that, the mercy of Islam touches the joints of wider society. Islam does not invite someone to follow its teachings by force. Rahmat is also interpreted as an effort to pray for the good of others and to respect and respect all forms of differences.
Tahdis: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Hadis, 2021
Islam sebagai agama Al-Salaam (keselamatan) sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kemanusian, sala... more Islam sebagai agama Al-Salaam (keselamatan) sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kemanusian, salah satu nilai kemanusiaan yang tidak terlepas dari Islam adalah menjadi sosok penebar rahmat (kasih sayang) kepada umat manusia tanpa memandang latar belakang perbedaan. Terdapat beberapa hadis yang mengarah kepada konsep rahmat dan dapat dijadikan pedoman hidup bagi umat Islam dalam beragama di tengah kemajemukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana konsep rahmat dalam Islam berdasarkan hadis Nabi Muhammad saw. yang berbunyi "innamā anā rahmatun muhdātun," Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa konsep rahmat berdasarkan hadis tersebut adalah rahmat dalam Islam tidak terbatas pada menebar belas kasih kepada siapa saja. Namun lebih dari pada itu, kerahmatan Islam menyentuh sendisendi kehidupan masyarakat lebih luas. Islam tidak mengajak seseorang untuk mengikuti ajarannya secara paksa. Rahmat diartikan pula sebagai upaya mendoakan kebaikan untuk orang lain serta menghargai dan menghormati segala bentuk perbedaan. Kata Kunci Konsep Rahmat, Islam, Hadis, innama ana rahmatun muhdatun Abstact Islam as the religion of Al-Salaam (salvation) highly upholds human values, one of the human values that cannot be separated from Islam is to be a figure who spreads mercy (love) to mankind regardless of background differences. There are several hadiths that point to the concept of grace and can be used as a life guide for Muslims in being religious in the midst of diversity. The purpose of this research was to analyze how the concept of grace in Islam based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad which reads "innamā anā rahmatun muhdātun," The research result states that the concept of mercy based on the hadith that grace in Islam was not limited to spreading compassion to anyone. But more than that, the mercy of Islam touches the joints of wider society. Islam does not invite someone to follow its teachings by force. Rahmat is also interpreted as an effort to pray for the good of others and to respect and respect all forms of differences.
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora
Counseling as a discipline that focuses on advocating for problem-solving demands to be carried o... more Counseling as a discipline that focuses on advocating for problem-solving demands to be carried out by individuals who have ideal qualifications so that the counseling carried out can be successful. Several figures have formulated certain ideal criteria for both counselors and counselees. Meanwhile, the book Adab al-Alim wa al-Mutaallim by Sheikh Hasyim Asy'ari has an interesting discussion, namely the classification of the ideal personality of alim (teacher) and mutaallim (student). This concept then makes researchers interested in discussing it from the point of view of counseling science. The purpose of this study is to describe the ideal personal concept of alim and mutaallim and will then be adopted with a counseling approach. The problems to be answered are, 1) what is the ideal personal concept of the counselor in the book of Adab al-Alim wa al-Mutaallim? 2) what is the concept of the counselee's ideal personality in the book of Adab al-Alim wa al-Mutaallim? To answer this problem, the researcher first describes the data related to the ideal personality of the pious and mutaallim and analyzes it (content analysis). From these data, the researcher describes it into categories, continues it in several factors, and then concludes inductively to build an ideal personality theory for counselors and counselees. The results of this study indicate that the ideal personality of the counselor and counselee by adopting the pious and mutaallim personality is divided into two parts, the first is personal and interpersonal personality. The two personal personalities include the entire personality of the counselor and counselee which is internal and not directly related to the opponent. While interpersonal personality is a personality that is directly related to and has an impact on the opponent.
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences
Differences qualitative and quantitative research to academicians and researchers mainly concentr... more Differences qualitative and quantitative research to academicians and researchers mainly concentrated on education studies is only able to browse and identify with the fundamental difference merely as example: research that only uses quantitative data but using the qualitative as a benchmark often not considered as a quantitative research Likewise , qualitative research that uses quantitative data is not considered qualitative research. If traced further, actually qualitative and quantitative research very spacious and is a level. Qualitative and quantitative research in the context of methodology includes a researcher's conception of social reality, the researcher's self placement in relation to the reality study and various other reviews. Therefore, in this research article,is stated that the correlation between qualitative and quantitative research in educational research methodology is possible if both are based on the same paradigm. Conversely qualitative and quantit...
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences
The imbalance in the social structure in Emile Durkheim's opinion is at least influenced by t... more The imbalance in the social structure in Emile Durkheim's opinion is at least influenced by three factors, namely equlibrium, external and consensus. The Covid-19 pandemic that befell mankind from various directions has caused a rigid shift in student learning. Where initially, educators had a big role in student learning completeness during the education level. However, after this outbreak there was a shift in function. Teachers do not fully play an active role in student learning completeness. However, sometimes the parents at home take the role. Therefore. The purpose of this study was to analyze parent’s role in online distance learning. The results of this study state that: 1). The teacher only functions as a giver and receiver of tasks; 2) Parents apart from being caregivers of students at home, they also have a dual task
This study aims to analyze the organization of the Islamic education system which aims to analyze... more This study aims to analyze the organization of the Islamic education system which aims to analyze the Muslim community in Patani-Thailand. The research methodology used in this study is qualitative-descriptive. The results showed that the transformation of the Islamic education system in Patani started from: First, the mosque or surau system. In the early days of Islam, this mosque / surau system was a place for "Tok Pakai" /Students learn the basic sciences of religion from the "Tok Guru" /Teacher until now the development of the mosque or surau system has integrated the Malay school system with the aim of preserving the Malay culture. Second, the traditional cottage system. In general, it is almost the same as the Islamic boarding schools in the archipelago, nowadays it is almost rare to find traditional Islamic boarding schools. Through various rules and policies of the Thai government, the proximity of all traditional Islamic boarding schools to transform int...
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 2021
Alfred Schutz with his phenomenology introduced the concept of multiple reality. For Schutz, the ... more Alfred Schutz with his phenomenology introduced the concept of multiple reality. For Schutz, the reality in this world is not only in the reality of social life, but also includes fantasy reality, dream reality, etc. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyze and describe how the concepts, characteristics, methods and examples of the use of the phenomenological approach in Alfred Schutz's perspective qualitative research methodology. The results of the study explain that the phenomenological approach pioneered by Edmund Husserl has a watchword: zuruck zu den sachen selbst (back to things themselves) that a method for explain phenomena in their purity, where these phenomena are anything that in some way appears in human consciousness . Whether in the form of something as a result of fiction or in the form of something real.
ABSTRAK Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi terbesar di ujung timur Indonesia dengan luas wilayah... more ABSTRAK Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi terbesar di ujung timur Indonesia dengan luas wilayah 41.066.000 hektare, berpenduduk sekitar 1.641.430 jiwa, dengan tingkat kepadatan hanya 3 orang/km2.1 Dengan keberagaman dan keberagamaan dan adaptasi penduduk terhadap lingkungan mewujudkan fenomena. Salah satu yang wujud adalah problem keagamaan terkait dengan masyarakat muallaf. Komunitas mualaf Suku Abun, Tambraw, menempati beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Sorong, seperti Klalin dan SP2. Keperluan pendidikan Islam belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi. Untuk saat ini, pendidikan Islam untuk masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun ini dilayani dengan dua model, yakni verbal dan nonverbal. Metode verbal dengan melakukam ceramah-ceramah di masjid. Majelis taklim. Sedangkan nonverbal lebih pada pendampingan dan teladan berislam selama di pemukiman Mualaf Suku Abun yang diprakarsai oleh H. Tamher sejak tahun 1997 – sekarang. Masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun, saat ini menempati beberapa wilayah diantaranya: Klalin dan Bendungan, Kabupaten Sorong; Kampung Baun, Tambrauw. Pendampingan dan bimbingan keagamaan sementara ini disediakan Yayasan Bina Umat Islam Sorong (YABUIS) yang dipimpin H. Tamher. Pendidikan yang dilakukan masih berupa pendidikan nonformal di mushola kecil di pemukiman mualaf dengan materi membaca Al Quran, pelatihan Sholat, berwudhu. Masyarakt Suku Abun meggelar ritual tahunan seperti permohonan keberkahan sebelum musim tanam, peringatan maulid Nabi Saw. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Participatory Action Research dengan pengambilan data dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan dengan wawancara terlibat, observasi, telaah dokumen, serta focus group discussion. Lokasi penelitian berada di dua tempat, yakni Kampung Mualaf Suku Abun di Klalin, SP 2 Kabupaten Sorong dan Kampung Baun (domisili asli Suku Abun) Kabupaten Tambrauw Papua Barat.
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna
Religion must be able to adapt to the environment. Implementing values contained in the scientifi... more Religion must be able to adapt to the environment. Implementing values contained in the scientific realm needs to follow reality and developments. Besides that, it must able to answer all real problems in humanitarian and must be environmental friendly. As a Muslim, what is our attitude towards classical traditions / turats, western civilization and today's reality. This study aims to analyze Hassan Hanafi's thoughts in his Muqaddimah fi ʻilmi istighrab. Hassan Hanafi wants to acculturate the culture of eastern civilization which is termed al-anā with western or European civilization which is termed al-akhār with the aim of eliminating the impact of eurocentrism / eurocentricity (al-Markaziỹah al-Ȗrubiỹah) so that it can balance the flow of western progression and spur the spirit of eastern revival. The method used is the translation method and descriptive analysis. Hassan Hanafi's idea through the concept of al-Istighrāb (oxidentalis) is an effort to acculturate and rej...
K. H. Ahmad Dahlan sebagai pelopor sekaligus pendiri persyarikatan Muhammadiyahyangbercirikan ger... more K. H. Ahmad Dahlan sebagai pelopor sekaligus pendiri persyarikatan Muhammadiyahyangbercirikan gerakan Islam, gerakan dakwah,gerakan purifikasi, dan pembaharuan.Secara historis, faktor-faktor yang melatar belakangi berdirinya Muhammadiyahkarenaadanya pemahaman agama Islamyang beragam di pulau Jawa, kondisi keadaan masyarakatKauman-Yogyakarta ketikaitu yang jauh dari kesejahteraan, pelayanan kesehatan danpendidikan bagi pribumi. Hal tersebut mendorong K. H. Ahmad Dahlan untuk melakukanupaya perubahan, mengembalikan kemurnian ajaran Islam, mengangkat harkat, dan hargadiri masyarakat Kauman sehingga dengan gaya seperti itu terbentuk pola-polakepemimpinan transformatif. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatifjenispenelitian historis. Metode ini dianggap paling relevan dalam menelusuri pola, strategi dangaya kepemimpinan transformatif K. H. Ahmad Dahlan diMuhammadiyah. Hasil kajianmenunjukkan bahwa K. H. Ahmad Dahlan memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan transformatifyang bersifat karismatik, m...
Mohammed Arkoun's thought in his monumental work, "aina huwa al-fikr al-islāmiy"was... more Mohammed Arkoun's thought in his monumental work, "aina huwa al-fikr al-islāmiy"was inspired by two famous Muslim intellectuals, Imam Ghazali and Ibn Rusyd. Arkoun'swork is an idea that spurs the spirit of contemporary Muslims to think ahead by using all thepotential they have so that it can make Islam a religion that can adapt to the development ofthe times or in a religious language called shālihun likulli makānin wa shālihun likulli zamānin.In addition, the concept of thought in the work is aimed primarily at opening up broaderhorizons of Arabic Islamic thought and can be used as a method of understandingcontemporary social science based on Islamic views. One effort undertaken by MohammedArkoun is to consolidate modern historical methodology with classical Islamic thought,because for Arkoun that is the only way to achieve a scientific understanding of the historicalthe reality of Islamic society. The perceived impact is the disappearance of all disputes, bothrac...
The topic of Multiculturalism Living Quran Muhammadiyah Papua and Application of Islamic Objectif... more The topic of Multiculturalism Living Quran Muhammadiyah Papua and Application of Islamic Objectification Theory Kuntowijoyo intends to highlight the application of Da'wah bil regards Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah West Papua. Where is the application of da'wah bil hal Muhammadiyah West Papua by pioneering educational institutions from kindergarten to college, religious institutions such as mosques, pesantren, taklim assemblies, missionary corps and so on. Social institutions such as orphanages. Economic institutions such as Baitul Maal wa Attamwil (BMT). Philanthropic institutions such as Lazis Muhammadiyah. Health institutions such as clinics, and others. In the opinion of the author, once again, is the application of da'wah bil hal. Where the da'wah bil thing is the Muhammadiyah pattern in general and the West Papua Muhammadiyah pattern, according to the author, is the application of Kuntowijoyo's social theory of objectification of Islam. Plus, because of the exis...
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya
Internalization of Islamic religious values is a process of putting religious values fully into t... more Internalization of Islamic religious values is a process of putting religious values fully into the heart so Internalization of Islamic religious values is a process of putting religious values fully into the heart so that the spirit and soul move based on the teachings of Islam. The purpose of the research was to describe the implementation of internalization of Islamic religious values through extracurricular activities of Islamic spirituality at SMA IT Ar-Rohmah Kretek Bantul Yogyakarta. This study uses qualitative research. The results of this study show that the process of internalizing Islamic religious values through extracurricular activities of Islamic spirituality uses two ways, namely direct and indirect. The supporting factor is that most of the students come from religious families and educated families and the availability of infrastructure facilities
Ruslan Rasid & Huilman Djafar, 2019
Mohammed Arkoun's thought in his monumental work, "aina huwa al-fikr al-islāmiy" was inspired by ... more Mohammed Arkoun's thought in his monumental work, "aina huwa al-fikr al-islāmiy"
was inspired by two famous Muslim intellectuals, Imam Ghazali and Ibn Rusyd. Arkoun's
work is an idea that spurs the spirit of contemporary Muslims to think ahead by using all the
potential they have so that it can make Islam a religion that can adapt to the development of
the times or in religious language called shālihun likulli makānin wa shālihun likulli zamānin.
In addition, the concept of thought in the work is aimed primarily at opening up broader
horizons of Arabic Islamic thought, and can be used as a method of understanding
contemporary social science based on Islamic views. One effort undertaken by Mohammed
Arkoun is to consolidate modern historical methodology with classical Islamic thought,
because for Arkoun that is the only way to achieve a scientific understanding of the historical
reality of Islamic society. The perceived impact is the disappearance of all disputes, both
racial and religious. Some of the directions of his thinking are as follows: 1) Arkoun's way of
perceiving himself; 2) Agendas that must be implemented include building an applied
Islamology / islāmiỹāt tathbȉqhiỹah by trying to apply scientific methodology to the Koran;
- The Western way (alGharb) knows Islam; 4) Return to the starting point; 5) Secularism
and Islam; 6) Islam, Science and Philosophy; 7) Islam and Human Rights; 8) Sufism; - European nationalism; 10) Think openly.
Keywords: Arkoun, contemporary Islam, concepts, social science
Ruslan Rasid, Hilman Djafar, Ismail Suardi Wekke
pemimpin dan kepemimpinan dalam perspektif tafsir ulama Nusantara sehingga dengan berbagai gagasa... more pemimpin dan kepemimpinan dalam perspektif tafsir ulama Nusantara sehingga dengan berbagai gagasan yang ada dapat diterapkan dalam dunia modern saat ini. Selain itu pula, sebagai bukti bahwa ulama Nusantara mulai abad klasik hingga kontemporer saat sekarang ini memiliki perhatian yang penuh dalam bidang penafsiran dengan berbagai metode pendekatan tafsir yang digunakannya seperti al-Tahliiliy/Deskriptif-Analisis, al-Ijmaaliy/Global, al-Muqhaaran/perbandingan, dan al-Maudhu’iy/tematik dalam merumuskan berbagai persoalan keummatan terutama mengenai konsep pemimpin dan kepemimpinan yang ideal bagi bangsa Indonesia dikarenakan tafsir yang ada disesuaikan dengan kondisi sosio-histori dan budaya masyarakat Nusantara yang dengannya agar terhindar dari kesalahfahaman terkait dengan konsep pemimpin maupun kepemimpinan Islam itu sendiri yang erat kaitannya dan lebih condong dibawa ke arah politik Islam (al-Siyāsah al-Islāmiyyah) sehingga menimbulkan berbagai diskursus. Adapun metode penelitian yang dilakukan pada artikel ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan kajian kepustakaan/library researh dengan menghimpun, mendeskripsikan secara naratif terhadap tafsir ulama Nusantara al-Mu’tabarah pada Q.S. Al-Baqarah:30-33 yang menjadi pokok analisis kajiannya. Adapun hasil penelitian menyebutkan perihal mengenai tentang konsep pemimpin dan kepemimpinan dengan menelaah tafsir ulama Nusantara didapati bahwa: pemimpin harus memiliki keimanan dan ketakwaan, adanya musyawarah dalam pengangkatan pemimpin, pemimpin itu bersifat absolut dan berkedudukan tinggi, pemimpin harus memiliki pengetahuan yang luas dan kecerdasan yang unggul, pemimpin adalah seorang leader, serta pemimpin menghidupkan fungsi kaderisasi/regenerasi. Harapnnya adalah dengan adanya konsep pemimpin dan kepemimpinan yang dikonstruksikan melalui tafsir ulama Nusantara ini menjadi sebuah barometer dalam mengaplikatifkan fungsi-fungsi kepemimpinan dalam setiap lini atau strata kehidupan.
Kata Kunci: Konsep Pemimpin dan Kepemimpinan, Tafsir, Ulama Nusantara
Ismail Suardi Wekke, Ruslan Rasid, & Hilman Djafar, 2019
ABSTRACT This article aims to reconstruct systematically, accurately, and objectively to the hist... more ABSTRACT
This article aims to reconstruct systematically, accurately, and objectively to the history, struggles and personalities H. Rauf Abu normative and interpretative so finding empirical evidence of a representative in the context of sociology. The methodology used in this study is qualitative method with a historical approach / historical research. Further that in discovering the historical evidence of historical or at least there are four ways that can be done in tandem so that the study of this history can interpreted well, namely: the primary source / primary resources (depth interviews with resource persons who knew H. Rauf Abu, Manuscript, important notes, and documentation related to H. Rauf Abu), secondary sources / secondary resources, notes that are walking / running record, collecting back / Recollection. The results obtained are: First, the discussion about Rauf Abu and Muhammadiyah West Papua in general and Sorong in particular can not be separated because of all the stories begins his discussion of the history and the struggle that time. Second: Enterprises largely Amal Muhammadiyah (AUM) Sorong initiated and driven directly by H. Rauf Abu alongside private funds, he also moves the congregation and the muhsinin for worked together namely his ability to embrace all parties to jointly fastabiqul Khairaat in Muhammadiyah’s organization. Third, H. Rauf Abu is the figure of an ideologue and a core cadre of Muhammadiyah who was sent to Papua with a mission of Islam and Muhammadiyah mission. Fourth, Personality H. Rauf Abu highly prominent in Muhammadiyah’s organization specifically whom are pious, unyielding, hard-working, conscientious, generous, charismatic, talk less do more, and does not like to make a speech. So from the results obtained on the history, struggles and personalities H. Rauf Abu Dg.
Muhammad Adnan Firdaus, Ruslan Rasid, Hilman Djafar , 2019
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to study about The Implementation of Multiple Intelligen... more ABSTRACT
The purpose of this research is to study about The Implementation of Multiple Intelligence for Teaching in creating favorite school and output implementation of multiple intelligence that can be seen on the students as a target. In order for these objectives to be realized the researchers took SDIT Al Izzah Sorong in West Papua as a sample and the object of research, The methodology used is qualitative research. The data collection techniques include: observation, interviews, and documentation. Sources of primary data is Headmaster of SDIT al Izzah and the teacher of SDIT al Izzah, Secondary data source that the various references and school documents then the data were analyzed using the theory of Miles and Huberman namely through three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and penAs for the conclusions offered are testing the validity of the data is done by triangulation techniques and data sources.The results showed: First, SDIT al Izzah Sorong has to apply the learning multiple intelligence since its establishment until now because, based on its vision of intelligent Multiple Intelligence (MI), through Integrated learning activities, namely the study, Exploration, Define, Present, Apply, the World, and Ukhrowi. Additionally, SDIT al Izzah also has Class Skill to classify learners' interests and talents. Second,Output of students in learning multiple intelligence SDIT al Izzah Sorong is dhikr morning and evening, have empathy, controlling emotions and good at communicating, loving environment, like sports and art. Learning process in multiple intelligence SDIT al Izzah Sorong has produced output corresponding to the multiple intelligence theory initiated by Howard Gardner.
Hilman Djafar, Ruslan Rasid, & Syafruddin Sabonnama
A B S T R A K Misi agama Islam dalam konteks beragaman dan keberagamaan tampil sebagai pembawa mi... more A B S T R A K Misi agama Islam dalam konteks beragaman dan keberagamaan tampil sebagai pembawa misi 0 2 0 9 rahmatan lil'ālam n secara totalitas, konferehensif, dan paripurna (syāmil wa mutakāmil) hingga menyentuh ranah pengelolaan sumber daya yang melibatkan masyarakat tanpa dibatasi oleh berbagai latar belakang perbedaan dengan tujuan mewujudkan tatanan ekosistem kehidupan yang baik. Dengan demikian, lahirlah pandangan iklusif (imanen) yang terpatri dalam diri masyarakat yakni suatu kesadaran akan adanya satu kesatuan utuh yang tidak dapat terpisahkan baik antara manusia sebagai pengelola dan lingkungan hidup sebagai sumber daya yang dikelola. Rumah Singgah Kota Sorong tidak hanya sebatas menampung anak yatim piatu dari latar belakang etnis, agama, dan bahasa dengan memberikan kehidupan yang layak serta memiliki pendidikan yang layak sebagaimana rumah singgah atau panti asuhan lainnya. Namun mereka ikut berkontribusi secara totalitas merawat alam dengan cara membersihkan seluruh sampah sepanjang sungai Sorong secara berkelanjutan hingga melibatkan masyarakat bersama-sama hingga terjadi perjumpaan etnisitas yang merajut harmonisasi kehidupan secara berkelanjutan. Sehingga tercapailah pesan-pesan atau kampanye positif bagi lingkungan hidup sekitar untuk menjaga kebersihan hingga keterlibatan masyarakat dalam mera wat ekosistem alam sekitar secara simultan. Oleh karena hal unik dan fenomena tersebut, Artikel ini akan berupaya menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan perihal peran rumah singgah yang ikut serta menjaga ekologi lingkungan hidup sekitar sebagai bentuk aplikatif keikutsertaan masyarakat dari mega program Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs dalam hal Life on Land and Below Water yang menjadi program internasional saat ini. Metodologi yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi etnografis yaitu melakukan perekaman seluruh fakta empiris peneliti selama observasi di lapangan. Kemudian data yang ada akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori Miles dan Huberman untuk mendapatkan konklusi/kesimpulan akhir yang bersifat objektif dan akurat.
Hilman Djafar, Ruslan Rasid, 2019
This article aims to describe and analyze the concept of leader and leadership in perspective int... more This article aims to describe and analyze the concept of leader and leadership in perspective interpretation of Ulama Nusantara with varius of existing ideas can be applied in modern world. Besides that, as proof that the ulama nusantara began a century classic to contemporary nowadays it have full attention in interpretation with the various methods of interpretation’s approach uses such as al-Tahliiliy / Descriptive-Analysis, al-Ijmaaliy / Global, al-Muqhaaran / comparison, and al-Maudhu'iy / thematic in formulating the concept of leader and leadership are ideal for Indonesia and the interpretation that adapted to the socio-historical conditions of Nusantara that with it avoid misunderstandings related to the concept of islamic leader and leadership that is closely related and more inclined towards to political Islam (al-siyasa al-Islamiyya) so it’s inflict many discourse. The method of research in this article is qualitative method approach to the study of literature / library Researh by collect, describe in a narrative to ulama nusantara’s interpretation al-Mu'tabaroh in Surat al-Baqarah: 30-33 are the subject of analysis studies. The results of the studies said about the concept of leader and leadership by examining ulama nusantara’s interpretations was found that the leader must have faith and piety, there is deliberations in the appointment of the leader, the leader has absolute and high standing, a leader must have extensive knowledge and superior intelligence, the leader is a leader, and leaders turn on a regeneration. It hopes that with the concept of leader and leadership in ulama nusantara constructed through ulama nusantara’s interpretation became a barometer in applaying leadership functions.
Ismail Suardi Wekke, Aji Sofanudin, Ngesti Wihayuningtyas, Hilman Djafar, & Ruslan Rasyid, 2019
ABSTRAK Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi terbesar di ujung timur Indonesia dengan luas wilaya... more ABSTRAK
Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi terbesar di ujung timur Indonesia dengan luas wilayah 41.066.000 hektare, berpenduduk sekitar 1.641.430 jiwa, dengan tingkat kepadatan hanya 3 orang/km2.1 Dengan keberagaman dan keberagamaan dan adaptasi penduduk terhadap lingkungan mewujudkan fenomena. Salah satu yang wujud adalah problem keagamaan terkait dengan masyarakat muallaf.
Komunitas mualaf Suku Abun, Tambraw, menempati beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Sorong, seperti Klalin dan SP2. Keperluan pendidikan Islam belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi. Untuk saat ini, pendidikan Islam untuk masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun ini dilayani dengan dua model, yakni verbal dan nonverbal. Metode verbal dengan melakukam ceramah-ceramah di masjid. Majelis taklim. Sedangkan nonverbal lebih pada pendampingan dan teladan berislam selama di pemukiman Mualaf Suku Abun yang diprakarsai oleh H. Tamher sejak tahun 1997 – sekarang. Masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun, saat ini menempati beberapa wilayah diantaranya: Klalin dan Bendungan, Kabupaten Sorong; Kampung Baun, Tambrauw.
Pendampingan dan bimbingan keagamaan sementara ini disediakan Yayasan Bina Umat Islam Sorong (YABUIS) yang dipimpin H. Tamher. Pendidikan yang dilakukan masih berupa pendidikan nonformal di mushola kecil di pemukiman mualaf dengan materi membaca Al Quran, pelatihan Sholat, berwudhu. Masyarakt Suku Abun meggelar ritual tahunan seperti permohonan keberkahan sebelum musim tanam, peringatan maulid Nabi Saw.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Participatory Action Research dengan pengambilan data dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan dengan wawancara terlibat, observasi, telaah dokumen, serta focus group discussion. Lokasi penelitian berada di dua tempat, yakni Kampung Mualaf Suku Abun di Klalin, SP 2 Kabupaten Sorong dan Kampung Baun (domisili asli Suku Abun) Kabupaten Tambrauw Papua Barat.
Tahdis: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Hadis, Jun 30, 2021
Islam sebagai agama Al-Salaam (keselamatan) sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kemanusian, sala... more Islam sebagai agama Al-Salaam (keselamatan) sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kemanusian, salah satu nilai kemanusiaan yang tidak terlepas dari Islam adalah menjadi sosok penebar rahmat (kasih sayang) kepada umat manusia tanpa memandang latar belakang perbedaan. Terdapat beberapa hadis yang mengarah kepada konsep rahmat dan dapat dijadikan pedoman hidup bagi umat Islam dalam beragama di tengah kemajemukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana konsep rahmat dalam Islam berdasarkan hadis Nabi Muhammad saw. yang berbunyi "innamā anā rahmatun muhdātun," Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa konsep rahmat berdasarkan hadis tersebut adalah rahmat dalam Islam tidak terbatas pada menebar belas kasih kepada siapa saja. Namun lebih dari pada itu, kerahmatan Islam menyentuh sendisendi kehidupan masyarakat lebih luas. Islam tidak mengajak seseorang untuk mengikuti ajarannya secara paksa. Rahmat diartikan pula sebagai upaya mendoakan kebaikan untuk orang lain serta menghargai dan menghormati segala bentuk perbedaan. Kata Kunci Konsep Rahmat, Islam, Hadis, innama ana rahmatun muhdatun Abstact Islam as the religion of Al-Salaam (salvation) highly upholds human values, one of the human values that cannot be separated from Islam is to be a figure who spreads mercy (love) to mankind regardless of background differences. There are several hadiths that point to the concept of grace and can be used as a life guide for Muslims in being religious in the midst of diversity. The purpose of this research was to analyze how the concept of grace in Islam based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad which reads "innamā anā rahmatun muhdātun," The research result states that the concept of mercy based on the hadith that grace in Islam was not limited to spreading compassion to anyone. But more than that, the mercy of Islam touches the joints of wider society. Islam does not invite someone to follow its teachings by force. Rahmat is also interpreted as an effort to pray for the good of others and to respect and respect all forms of differences.
Tahdis: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Hadis, 2021
Islam sebagai agama Al-Salaam (keselamatan) sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kemanusian, sala... more Islam sebagai agama Al-Salaam (keselamatan) sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kemanusian, salah satu nilai kemanusiaan yang tidak terlepas dari Islam adalah menjadi sosok penebar rahmat (kasih sayang) kepada umat manusia tanpa memandang latar belakang perbedaan. Terdapat beberapa hadis yang mengarah kepada konsep rahmat dan dapat dijadikan pedoman hidup bagi umat Islam dalam beragama di tengah kemajemukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana konsep rahmat dalam Islam berdasarkan hadis Nabi Muhammad saw. yang berbunyi "innamā anā rahmatun muhdātun," Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa konsep rahmat berdasarkan hadis tersebut adalah rahmat dalam Islam tidak terbatas pada menebar belas kasih kepada siapa saja. Namun lebih dari pada itu, kerahmatan Islam menyentuh sendisendi kehidupan masyarakat lebih luas. Islam tidak mengajak seseorang untuk mengikuti ajarannya secara paksa. Rahmat diartikan pula sebagai upaya mendoakan kebaikan untuk orang lain serta menghargai dan menghormati segala bentuk perbedaan. Kata Kunci Konsep Rahmat, Islam, Hadis, innama ana rahmatun muhdatun Abstact Islam as the religion of Al-Salaam (salvation) highly upholds human values, one of the human values that cannot be separated from Islam is to be a figure who spreads mercy (love) to mankind regardless of background differences. There are several hadiths that point to the concept of grace and can be used as a life guide for Muslims in being religious in the midst of diversity. The purpose of this research was to analyze how the concept of grace in Islam based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad which reads "innamā anā rahmatun muhdātun," The research result states that the concept of mercy based on the hadith that grace in Islam was not limited to spreading compassion to anyone. But more than that, the mercy of Islam touches the joints of wider society. Islam does not invite someone to follow its teachings by force. Rahmat is also interpreted as an effort to pray for the good of others and to respect and respect all forms of differences.
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora
Counseling as a discipline that focuses on advocating for problem-solving demands to be carried o... more Counseling as a discipline that focuses on advocating for problem-solving demands to be carried out by individuals who have ideal qualifications so that the counseling carried out can be successful. Several figures have formulated certain ideal criteria for both counselors and counselees. Meanwhile, the book Adab al-Alim wa al-Mutaallim by Sheikh Hasyim Asy'ari has an interesting discussion, namely the classification of the ideal personality of alim (teacher) and mutaallim (student). This concept then makes researchers interested in discussing it from the point of view of counseling science. The purpose of this study is to describe the ideal personal concept of alim and mutaallim and will then be adopted with a counseling approach. The problems to be answered are, 1) what is the ideal personal concept of the counselor in the book of Adab al-Alim wa al-Mutaallim? 2) what is the concept of the counselee's ideal personality in the book of Adab al-Alim wa al-Mutaallim? To answer this problem, the researcher first describes the data related to the ideal personality of the pious and mutaallim and analyzes it (content analysis). From these data, the researcher describes it into categories, continues it in several factors, and then concludes inductively to build an ideal personality theory for counselors and counselees. The results of this study indicate that the ideal personality of the counselor and counselee by adopting the pious and mutaallim personality is divided into two parts, the first is personal and interpersonal personality. The two personal personalities include the entire personality of the counselor and counselee which is internal and not directly related to the opponent. While interpersonal personality is a personality that is directly related to and has an impact on the opponent.
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences
Differences qualitative and quantitative research to academicians and researchers mainly concentr... more Differences qualitative and quantitative research to academicians and researchers mainly concentrated on education studies is only able to browse and identify with the fundamental difference merely as example: research that only uses quantitative data but using the qualitative as a benchmark often not considered as a quantitative research Likewise , qualitative research that uses quantitative data is not considered qualitative research. If traced further, actually qualitative and quantitative research very spacious and is a level. Qualitative and quantitative research in the context of methodology includes a researcher's conception of social reality, the researcher's self placement in relation to the reality study and various other reviews. Therefore, in this research article,is stated that the correlation between qualitative and quantitative research in educational research methodology is possible if both are based on the same paradigm. Conversely qualitative and quantit...
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences
The imbalance in the social structure in Emile Durkheim's opinion is at least influenced by t... more The imbalance in the social structure in Emile Durkheim's opinion is at least influenced by three factors, namely equlibrium, external and consensus. The Covid-19 pandemic that befell mankind from various directions has caused a rigid shift in student learning. Where initially, educators had a big role in student learning completeness during the education level. However, after this outbreak there was a shift in function. Teachers do not fully play an active role in student learning completeness. However, sometimes the parents at home take the role. Therefore. The purpose of this study was to analyze parent’s role in online distance learning. The results of this study state that: 1). The teacher only functions as a giver and receiver of tasks; 2) Parents apart from being caregivers of students at home, they also have a dual task
This study aims to analyze the organization of the Islamic education system which aims to analyze... more This study aims to analyze the organization of the Islamic education system which aims to analyze the Muslim community in Patani-Thailand. The research methodology used in this study is qualitative-descriptive. The results showed that the transformation of the Islamic education system in Patani started from: First, the mosque or surau system. In the early days of Islam, this mosque / surau system was a place for "Tok Pakai" /Students learn the basic sciences of religion from the "Tok Guru" /Teacher until now the development of the mosque or surau system has integrated the Malay school system with the aim of preserving the Malay culture. Second, the traditional cottage system. In general, it is almost the same as the Islamic boarding schools in the archipelago, nowadays it is almost rare to find traditional Islamic boarding schools. Through various rules and policies of the Thai government, the proximity of all traditional Islamic boarding schools to transform int...
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 2021
Alfred Schutz with his phenomenology introduced the concept of multiple reality. For Schutz, the ... more Alfred Schutz with his phenomenology introduced the concept of multiple reality. For Schutz, the reality in this world is not only in the reality of social life, but also includes fantasy reality, dream reality, etc. Therefore, the aim of this research is to analyze and describe how the concepts, characteristics, methods and examples of the use of the phenomenological approach in Alfred Schutz's perspective qualitative research methodology. The results of the study explain that the phenomenological approach pioneered by Edmund Husserl has a watchword: zuruck zu den sachen selbst (back to things themselves) that a method for explain phenomena in their purity, where these phenomena are anything that in some way appears in human consciousness . Whether in the form of something as a result of fiction or in the form of something real.
ABSTRAK Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi terbesar di ujung timur Indonesia dengan luas wilayah... more ABSTRAK Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi terbesar di ujung timur Indonesia dengan luas wilayah 41.066.000 hektare, berpenduduk sekitar 1.641.430 jiwa, dengan tingkat kepadatan hanya 3 orang/km2.1 Dengan keberagaman dan keberagamaan dan adaptasi penduduk terhadap lingkungan mewujudkan fenomena. Salah satu yang wujud adalah problem keagamaan terkait dengan masyarakat muallaf. Komunitas mualaf Suku Abun, Tambraw, menempati beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Sorong, seperti Klalin dan SP2. Keperluan pendidikan Islam belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi. Untuk saat ini, pendidikan Islam untuk masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun ini dilayani dengan dua model, yakni verbal dan nonverbal. Metode verbal dengan melakukam ceramah-ceramah di masjid. Majelis taklim. Sedangkan nonverbal lebih pada pendampingan dan teladan berislam selama di pemukiman Mualaf Suku Abun yang diprakarsai oleh H. Tamher sejak tahun 1997 – sekarang. Masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun, saat ini menempati beberapa wilayah diantaranya: Klalin dan Bendungan, Kabupaten Sorong; Kampung Baun, Tambrauw. Pendampingan dan bimbingan keagamaan sementara ini disediakan Yayasan Bina Umat Islam Sorong (YABUIS) yang dipimpin H. Tamher. Pendidikan yang dilakukan masih berupa pendidikan nonformal di mushola kecil di pemukiman mualaf dengan materi membaca Al Quran, pelatihan Sholat, berwudhu. Masyarakt Suku Abun meggelar ritual tahunan seperti permohonan keberkahan sebelum musim tanam, peringatan maulid Nabi Saw. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Participatory Action Research dengan pengambilan data dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan dengan wawancara terlibat, observasi, telaah dokumen, serta focus group discussion. Lokasi penelitian berada di dua tempat, yakni Kampung Mualaf Suku Abun di Klalin, SP 2 Kabupaten Sorong dan Kampung Baun (domisili asli Suku Abun) Kabupaten Tambrauw Papua Barat.
Jurnal Tarbiyatuna
Religion must be able to adapt to the environment. Implementing values contained in the scientifi... more Religion must be able to adapt to the environment. Implementing values contained in the scientific realm needs to follow reality and developments. Besides that, it must able to answer all real problems in humanitarian and must be environmental friendly. As a Muslim, what is our attitude towards classical traditions / turats, western civilization and today's reality. This study aims to analyze Hassan Hanafi's thoughts in his Muqaddimah fi ʻilmi istighrab. Hassan Hanafi wants to acculturate the culture of eastern civilization which is termed al-anā with western or European civilization which is termed al-akhār with the aim of eliminating the impact of eurocentrism / eurocentricity (al-Markaziỹah al-Ȗrubiỹah) so that it can balance the flow of western progression and spur the spirit of eastern revival. The method used is the translation method and descriptive analysis. Hassan Hanafi's idea through the concept of al-Istighrāb (oxidentalis) is an effort to acculturate and rej...
K. H. Ahmad Dahlan sebagai pelopor sekaligus pendiri persyarikatan Muhammadiyahyangbercirikan ger... more K. H. Ahmad Dahlan sebagai pelopor sekaligus pendiri persyarikatan Muhammadiyahyangbercirikan gerakan Islam, gerakan dakwah,gerakan purifikasi, dan pembaharuan.Secara historis, faktor-faktor yang melatar belakangi berdirinya Muhammadiyahkarenaadanya pemahaman agama Islamyang beragam di pulau Jawa, kondisi keadaan masyarakatKauman-Yogyakarta ketikaitu yang jauh dari kesejahteraan, pelayanan kesehatan danpendidikan bagi pribumi. Hal tersebut mendorong K. H. Ahmad Dahlan untuk melakukanupaya perubahan, mengembalikan kemurnian ajaran Islam, mengangkat harkat, dan hargadiri masyarakat Kauman sehingga dengan gaya seperti itu terbentuk pola-polakepemimpinan transformatif. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatifjenispenelitian historis. Metode ini dianggap paling relevan dalam menelusuri pola, strategi dangaya kepemimpinan transformatif K. H. Ahmad Dahlan diMuhammadiyah. Hasil kajianmenunjukkan bahwa K. H. Ahmad Dahlan memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan transformatifyang bersifat karismatik, m...
Mohammed Arkoun's thought in his monumental work, "aina huwa al-fikr al-islāmiy"was... more Mohammed Arkoun's thought in his monumental work, "aina huwa al-fikr al-islāmiy"was inspired by two famous Muslim intellectuals, Imam Ghazali and Ibn Rusyd. Arkoun'swork is an idea that spurs the spirit of contemporary Muslims to think ahead by using all thepotential they have so that it can make Islam a religion that can adapt to the development ofthe times or in a religious language called shālihun likulli makānin wa shālihun likulli zamānin.In addition, the concept of thought in the work is aimed primarily at opening up broaderhorizons of Arabic Islamic thought and can be used as a method of understandingcontemporary social science based on Islamic views. One effort undertaken by MohammedArkoun is to consolidate modern historical methodology with classical Islamic thought,because for Arkoun that is the only way to achieve a scientific understanding of the historicalthe reality of Islamic society. The perceived impact is the disappearance of all disputes, bothrac...
The topic of Multiculturalism Living Quran Muhammadiyah Papua and Application of Islamic Objectif... more The topic of Multiculturalism Living Quran Muhammadiyah Papua and Application of Islamic Objectification Theory Kuntowijoyo intends to highlight the application of Da'wah bil regards Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah West Papua. Where is the application of da'wah bil hal Muhammadiyah West Papua by pioneering educational institutions from kindergarten to college, religious institutions such as mosques, pesantren, taklim assemblies, missionary corps and so on. Social institutions such as orphanages. Economic institutions such as Baitul Maal wa Attamwil (BMT). Philanthropic institutions such as Lazis Muhammadiyah. Health institutions such as clinics, and others. In the opinion of the author, once again, is the application of da'wah bil hal. Where the da'wah bil thing is the Muhammadiyah pattern in general and the West Papua Muhammadiyah pattern, according to the author, is the application of Kuntowijoyo's social theory of objectification of Islam. Plus, because of the exis...
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya
Internalization of Islamic religious values is a process of putting religious values fully into t... more Internalization of Islamic religious values is a process of putting religious values fully into the heart so Internalization of Islamic religious values is a process of putting religious values fully into the heart so that the spirit and soul move based on the teachings of Islam. The purpose of the research was to describe the implementation of internalization of Islamic religious values through extracurricular activities of Islamic spirituality at SMA IT Ar-Rohmah Kretek Bantul Yogyakarta. This study uses qualitative research. The results of this study show that the process of internalizing Islamic religious values through extracurricular activities of Islamic spirituality uses two ways, namely direct and indirect. The supporting factor is that most of the students come from religious families and educated families and the availability of infrastructure facilities
Ruslan Rasid & Huilman Djafar, 2019
Mohammed Arkoun's thought in his monumental work, "aina huwa al-fikr al-islāmiy" was inspired by ... more Mohammed Arkoun's thought in his monumental work, "aina huwa al-fikr al-islāmiy"
was inspired by two famous Muslim intellectuals, Imam Ghazali and Ibn Rusyd. Arkoun's
work is an idea that spurs the spirit of contemporary Muslims to think ahead by using all the
potential they have so that it can make Islam a religion that can adapt to the development of
the times or in religious language called shālihun likulli makānin wa shālihun likulli zamānin.
In addition, the concept of thought in the work is aimed primarily at opening up broader
horizons of Arabic Islamic thought, and can be used as a method of understanding
contemporary social science based on Islamic views. One effort undertaken by Mohammed
Arkoun is to consolidate modern historical methodology with classical Islamic thought,
because for Arkoun that is the only way to achieve a scientific understanding of the historical
reality of Islamic society. The perceived impact is the disappearance of all disputes, both
racial and religious. Some of the directions of his thinking are as follows: 1) Arkoun's way of
perceiving himself; 2) Agendas that must be implemented include building an applied
Islamology / islāmiỹāt tathbȉqhiỹah by trying to apply scientific methodology to the Koran;
- The Western way (alGharb) knows Islam; 4) Return to the starting point; 5) Secularism
and Islam; 6) Islam, Science and Philosophy; 7) Islam and Human Rights; 8) Sufism; - European nationalism; 10) Think openly.
Keywords: Arkoun, contemporary Islam, concepts, social science
Ruslan Rasid, Hilman Djafar, Ismail Suardi Wekke
pemimpin dan kepemimpinan dalam perspektif tafsir ulama Nusantara sehingga dengan berbagai gagasa... more pemimpin dan kepemimpinan dalam perspektif tafsir ulama Nusantara sehingga dengan berbagai gagasan yang ada dapat diterapkan dalam dunia modern saat ini. Selain itu pula, sebagai bukti bahwa ulama Nusantara mulai abad klasik hingga kontemporer saat sekarang ini memiliki perhatian yang penuh dalam bidang penafsiran dengan berbagai metode pendekatan tafsir yang digunakannya seperti al-Tahliiliy/Deskriptif-Analisis, al-Ijmaaliy/Global, al-Muqhaaran/perbandingan, dan al-Maudhu’iy/tematik dalam merumuskan berbagai persoalan keummatan terutama mengenai konsep pemimpin dan kepemimpinan yang ideal bagi bangsa Indonesia dikarenakan tafsir yang ada disesuaikan dengan kondisi sosio-histori dan budaya masyarakat Nusantara yang dengannya agar terhindar dari kesalahfahaman terkait dengan konsep pemimpin maupun kepemimpinan Islam itu sendiri yang erat kaitannya dan lebih condong dibawa ke arah politik Islam (al-Siyāsah al-Islāmiyyah) sehingga menimbulkan berbagai diskursus. Adapun metode penelitian yang dilakukan pada artikel ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan kajian kepustakaan/library researh dengan menghimpun, mendeskripsikan secara naratif terhadap tafsir ulama Nusantara al-Mu’tabarah pada Q.S. Al-Baqarah:30-33 yang menjadi pokok analisis kajiannya. Adapun hasil penelitian menyebutkan perihal mengenai tentang konsep pemimpin dan kepemimpinan dengan menelaah tafsir ulama Nusantara didapati bahwa: pemimpin harus memiliki keimanan dan ketakwaan, adanya musyawarah dalam pengangkatan pemimpin, pemimpin itu bersifat absolut dan berkedudukan tinggi, pemimpin harus memiliki pengetahuan yang luas dan kecerdasan yang unggul, pemimpin adalah seorang leader, serta pemimpin menghidupkan fungsi kaderisasi/regenerasi. Harapnnya adalah dengan adanya konsep pemimpin dan kepemimpinan yang dikonstruksikan melalui tafsir ulama Nusantara ini menjadi sebuah barometer dalam mengaplikatifkan fungsi-fungsi kepemimpinan dalam setiap lini atau strata kehidupan.
Kata Kunci: Konsep Pemimpin dan Kepemimpinan, Tafsir, Ulama Nusantara
Ismail Suardi Wekke, Ruslan Rasid, & Hilman Djafar, 2019
ABSTRACT This article aims to reconstruct systematically, accurately, and objectively to the hist... more ABSTRACT
This article aims to reconstruct systematically, accurately, and objectively to the history, struggles and personalities H. Rauf Abu normative and interpretative so finding empirical evidence of a representative in the context of sociology. The methodology used in this study is qualitative method with a historical approach / historical research. Further that in discovering the historical evidence of historical or at least there are four ways that can be done in tandem so that the study of this history can interpreted well, namely: the primary source / primary resources (depth interviews with resource persons who knew H. Rauf Abu, Manuscript, important notes, and documentation related to H. Rauf Abu), secondary sources / secondary resources, notes that are walking / running record, collecting back / Recollection. The results obtained are: First, the discussion about Rauf Abu and Muhammadiyah West Papua in general and Sorong in particular can not be separated because of all the stories begins his discussion of the history and the struggle that time. Second: Enterprises largely Amal Muhammadiyah (AUM) Sorong initiated and driven directly by H. Rauf Abu alongside private funds, he also moves the congregation and the muhsinin for worked together namely his ability to embrace all parties to jointly fastabiqul Khairaat in Muhammadiyah’s organization. Third, H. Rauf Abu is the figure of an ideologue and a core cadre of Muhammadiyah who was sent to Papua with a mission of Islam and Muhammadiyah mission. Fourth, Personality H. Rauf Abu highly prominent in Muhammadiyah’s organization specifically whom are pious, unyielding, hard-working, conscientious, generous, charismatic, talk less do more, and does not like to make a speech. So from the results obtained on the history, struggles and personalities H. Rauf Abu Dg.
Muhammad Adnan Firdaus, Ruslan Rasid, Hilman Djafar , 2019
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to study about The Implementation of Multiple Intelligen... more ABSTRACT
The purpose of this research is to study about The Implementation of Multiple Intelligence for Teaching in creating favorite school and output implementation of multiple intelligence that can be seen on the students as a target. In order for these objectives to be realized the researchers took SDIT Al Izzah Sorong in West Papua as a sample and the object of research, The methodology used is qualitative research. The data collection techniques include: observation, interviews, and documentation. Sources of primary data is Headmaster of SDIT al Izzah and the teacher of SDIT al Izzah, Secondary data source that the various references and school documents then the data were analyzed using the theory of Miles and Huberman namely through three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and penAs for the conclusions offered are testing the validity of the data is done by triangulation techniques and data sources.The results showed: First, SDIT al Izzah Sorong has to apply the learning multiple intelligence since its establishment until now because, based on its vision of intelligent Multiple Intelligence (MI), through Integrated learning activities, namely the study, Exploration, Define, Present, Apply, the World, and Ukhrowi. Additionally, SDIT al Izzah also has Class Skill to classify learners' interests and talents. Second,Output of students in learning multiple intelligence SDIT al Izzah Sorong is dhikr morning and evening, have empathy, controlling emotions and good at communicating, loving environment, like sports and art. Learning process in multiple intelligence SDIT al Izzah Sorong has produced output corresponding to the multiple intelligence theory initiated by Howard Gardner.
Hilman Djafar, Ruslan Rasid, & Syafruddin Sabonnama
A B S T R A K Misi agama Islam dalam konteks beragaman dan keberagamaan tampil sebagai pembawa mi... more A B S T R A K Misi agama Islam dalam konteks beragaman dan keberagamaan tampil sebagai pembawa misi 0 2 0 9 rahmatan lil'ālam n secara totalitas, konferehensif, dan paripurna (syāmil wa mutakāmil) hingga menyentuh ranah pengelolaan sumber daya yang melibatkan masyarakat tanpa dibatasi oleh berbagai latar belakang perbedaan dengan tujuan mewujudkan tatanan ekosistem kehidupan yang baik. Dengan demikian, lahirlah pandangan iklusif (imanen) yang terpatri dalam diri masyarakat yakni suatu kesadaran akan adanya satu kesatuan utuh yang tidak dapat terpisahkan baik antara manusia sebagai pengelola dan lingkungan hidup sebagai sumber daya yang dikelola. Rumah Singgah Kota Sorong tidak hanya sebatas menampung anak yatim piatu dari latar belakang etnis, agama, dan bahasa dengan memberikan kehidupan yang layak serta memiliki pendidikan yang layak sebagaimana rumah singgah atau panti asuhan lainnya. Namun mereka ikut berkontribusi secara totalitas merawat alam dengan cara membersihkan seluruh sampah sepanjang sungai Sorong secara berkelanjutan hingga melibatkan masyarakat bersama-sama hingga terjadi perjumpaan etnisitas yang merajut harmonisasi kehidupan secara berkelanjutan. Sehingga tercapailah pesan-pesan atau kampanye positif bagi lingkungan hidup sekitar untuk menjaga kebersihan hingga keterlibatan masyarakat dalam mera wat ekosistem alam sekitar secara simultan. Oleh karena hal unik dan fenomena tersebut, Artikel ini akan berupaya menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan perihal peran rumah singgah yang ikut serta menjaga ekologi lingkungan hidup sekitar sebagai bentuk aplikatif keikutsertaan masyarakat dari mega program Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs dalam hal Life on Land and Below Water yang menjadi program internasional saat ini. Metodologi yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi etnografis yaitu melakukan perekaman seluruh fakta empiris peneliti selama observasi di lapangan. Kemudian data yang ada akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori Miles dan Huberman untuk mendapatkan konklusi/kesimpulan akhir yang bersifat objektif dan akurat.
Hilman Djafar, Ruslan Rasid, 2019
This article aims to describe and analyze the concept of leader and leadership in perspective int... more This article aims to describe and analyze the concept of leader and leadership in perspective interpretation of Ulama Nusantara with varius of existing ideas can be applied in modern world. Besides that, as proof that the ulama nusantara began a century classic to contemporary nowadays it have full attention in interpretation with the various methods of interpretation’s approach uses such as al-Tahliiliy / Descriptive-Analysis, al-Ijmaaliy / Global, al-Muqhaaran / comparison, and al-Maudhu'iy / thematic in formulating the concept of leader and leadership are ideal for Indonesia and the interpretation that adapted to the socio-historical conditions of Nusantara that with it avoid misunderstandings related to the concept of islamic leader and leadership that is closely related and more inclined towards to political Islam (al-siyasa al-Islamiyya) so it’s inflict many discourse. The method of research in this article is qualitative method approach to the study of literature / library Researh by collect, describe in a narrative to ulama nusantara’s interpretation al-Mu'tabaroh in Surat al-Baqarah: 30-33 are the subject of analysis studies. The results of the studies said about the concept of leader and leadership by examining ulama nusantara’s interpretations was found that the leader must have faith and piety, there is deliberations in the appointment of the leader, the leader has absolute and high standing, a leader must have extensive knowledge and superior intelligence, the leader is a leader, and leaders turn on a regeneration. It hopes that with the concept of leader and leadership in ulama nusantara constructed through ulama nusantara’s interpretation became a barometer in applaying leadership functions.
Ismail Suardi Wekke, Aji Sofanudin, Ngesti Wihayuningtyas, Hilman Djafar, & Ruslan Rasyid, 2019
ABSTRAK Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi terbesar di ujung timur Indonesia dengan luas wilaya... more ABSTRAK
Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi terbesar di ujung timur Indonesia dengan luas wilayah 41.066.000 hektare, berpenduduk sekitar 1.641.430 jiwa, dengan tingkat kepadatan hanya 3 orang/km2.1 Dengan keberagaman dan keberagamaan dan adaptasi penduduk terhadap lingkungan mewujudkan fenomena. Salah satu yang wujud adalah problem keagamaan terkait dengan masyarakat muallaf.
Komunitas mualaf Suku Abun, Tambraw, menempati beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Sorong, seperti Klalin dan SP2. Keperluan pendidikan Islam belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi. Untuk saat ini, pendidikan Islam untuk masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun ini dilayani dengan dua model, yakni verbal dan nonverbal. Metode verbal dengan melakukam ceramah-ceramah di masjid. Majelis taklim. Sedangkan nonverbal lebih pada pendampingan dan teladan berislam selama di pemukiman Mualaf Suku Abun yang diprakarsai oleh H. Tamher sejak tahun 1997 – sekarang. Masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun, saat ini menempati beberapa wilayah diantaranya: Klalin dan Bendungan, Kabupaten Sorong; Kampung Baun, Tambrauw.
Pendampingan dan bimbingan keagamaan sementara ini disediakan Yayasan Bina Umat Islam Sorong (YABUIS) yang dipimpin H. Tamher. Pendidikan yang dilakukan masih berupa pendidikan nonformal di mushola kecil di pemukiman mualaf dengan materi membaca Al Quran, pelatihan Sholat, berwudhu. Masyarakt Suku Abun meggelar ritual tahunan seperti permohonan keberkahan sebelum musim tanam, peringatan maulid Nabi Saw.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Participatory Action Research dengan pengambilan data dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan dengan wawancara terlibat, observasi, telaah dokumen, serta focus group discussion. Lokasi penelitian berada di dua tempat, yakni Kampung Mualaf Suku Abun di Klalin, SP 2 Kabupaten Sorong dan Kampung Baun (domisili asli Suku Abun) Kabupaten Tambrauw Papua Barat.
Mata kuliah media pembelajaran ini merupakan mata kuliah yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa jurusan ... more Mata kuliah media pembelajaran ini merupakan mata kuliah yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa jurusan tarbiyah di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Yapis Manokwari, Papua Barat. Pembahasan yang termaktub dalam mata kuliah ini meliputi: pengertian media, tujuan, manfaat, sumber dan alat peraga pembelajaran; peran, fungsi, klasifikasi dan karakteristik media pembelajaran; jenis dan kriteria media pembelajaran; pembelajaran berbasis komputer model tutorial; pembelajaran drill practise; pembelajaran komputer model games; pembelajaran berbasis multimedia presentasi; pembelajaran jarak jauh; penilaian portofolio dalam pembelajaran.
STIT Yapis Manokwari, 2021
Mata kuliah metedologi penelitian (1) ini merupakan mata kuliah yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa j... more Mata kuliah metedologi penelitian (1) ini merupakan mata kuliah yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa jurusan tarbiyah di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Yapis Manokwari, Papua Barat. Pada dasarnya penelitian metodologi penelitian (1) ini dapat diambil ketika mahasiswa telah menempuh matakuliah bahasa Indonesia dan bimbingan karya ilmiah. Mata kuliah ini lebih menitikberatkan kepada metodologi penelitian kualitatif, tentunya hal tersebut didasari oleh penelitian-penelitian studi Islam, tarbiyah dan islamic research lainnya lebih banyak mengarah kepada penelitian kualitatif walau terdapat pula beberapa penelitian yang menggunakan metodologi kuantitatif atau gabungan dari keduanya. Adapun pembahasan yang termaktub dalam mata kuliah ini meliputi: 1) Pengertian, konsep, landasan teoretis dan paradigma dalam penelitian, 2) Penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif (definisi, ciri, perbedaan dan kelebihan/kekurangannya), 3) Penelitian studi kasus dan contoh penerapannya, 4) Penelitian histografi/kajian tokoh dan contoh penerapannya, 5) Penelitian fenomenologi dan contoh penerapannya, 6) Penelitian etnografi dan contoh penerapannya, 7) Penelitian netnografi dan contoh penerapannya, 8) Penelitian hermeneutika dan contoh penerapannya, 9) Penelitian dramaturgi dan contoh penerapannya.