Amirah Diniaty | UIN SUSKA Riau (original) (raw)

Papers by Amirah Diniaty

Research paper thumbnail of Peluang dan Tantangan Pelayanan Konseling Pada Setting Masyarakat di Indonesia (Perspektif Dari Perkembangan Konseling Setting Masyarakat Di Amerika)

DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ, Mar 1, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Awareness of the Use of Social Media Among Students: Malaysia and Indonesia

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Jun 22, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Psikologi dan Keterlibatan Perempuan dalam Pengelolaan Bina Keluarga Remaja (BKR) di Wilayah Perbatasan

Sosial Budaya

Kesuksesan sebuah program pemberdayaan tidak saja ditentukan oleh faktor dari luar diri individu ... more Kesuksesan sebuah program pemberdayaan tidak saja ditentukan oleh faktor dari luar diri individu pesertanya, tapi ia jug ditentukan oleh faktor dari dalam individu yaitu pemberdayaan psikologi. Artikel ini membahas pengaruh pemberdayaan psikologi terhadap keterlibatan perempuan dengan kelompok sosial kemasyarakatan Bina Keluarga Remaja (BKR). Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif, menggunkan wawancara dan observasi sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberdayaan psikologi mempengaruhi keterlibatan perempuan dengan BKR. Aspek lain yang ditemukan adalah dukungan suami terhadap keterlibtaan isteri dengan BKR merupakan hal yang mendukung tingginya psikologi perempuan di wilayah perbatasan. Direkomendasikan agar pihak yang terkait dalam pemberdayan perempuan mempertimbangkan keterwakilan gender dalam setiap program pemberdayaan. Penelitian selanjutnya terkait pemberdayaan psikologi diarahkan pada jumlah informan yang lebih besar dan pa...

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Research paper thumbnail of DINAMIKA PERUBAHAN DALAM KONSELING : Memahami Permasalahan Klien dan Penanganannya (Hasil Check Similarity)

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Bimbingan Konseling

Zanafa, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Students’ Extracurricular Activities in Higher Education and Its Effect on Personal Development and Academic Achievement (Case Study In Islamic State University of Suska Riau)

AL-Ta lim, 2014

This study investigates the students’ extracurricular activities at Islamic State University of S... more This study investigates the students’ extracurricular activities at Islamic State University of Suska Riau concerning the types and forms of their activities, background of the activity, benefits of extracurricular activities, and its effect on students’ self-development and academic achievement. 300 students who enroll at sixth semester in eight Faculties (Tarbiyah and Teacher’s Training, Sharia and Law, Ushuludin, Dakwah and Communication Sciences, Science and Technology, Psychology, Economics and Social Sciences, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry) were the sample of this study. The data were then processed statistically using percentages and regression of correlation. It was found that the type of extracurricular followed by the students were leadership (70%), those of whom had the motivation to add insight, knowledge and more critical thinking were (44.67%). Some students followed extra-curricular activity because of their solicitation or to follow the main stream (37%), some stu...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pengalaman Siswa Tentang Pendidikan Seks Selama Masa Pandemi Serta Peran Guru Bimbingan Konseling

International Virtual Conference on Islamic Guidance and Counseling

This research aimed at knowing 1) students' experiences of sex education during the pandemic,... more This research aimed at knowing 1) students' experiences of sex education during the pandemic, 2) the role of guidance and counseling teachers in providing sex education to students during the pandemic, 3) supporting and obstructing factors the successful implementing counseling services regarding to sex education at State Senior High School 10 Pekanbaru. It was a descriptive qualitative. The main informants of this research were 4 guidance and counseling teachers and 10 students. The object of this research was the role of guidance and counseling teachers in providing sex education to students during the pandemic period. Interview and documentation techniques were used for collecting the data. Data analysis using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The findings of this research showed that students got experiences about sex education from online media. The Information obtained by students related to reproductive organs, sexual orientation, sexual de...

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Research paper thumbnail of Counselor’s Role in Managing Learning Loss in The Post-Pandemic Period

Pamomong: Journal of Islamic Educational Counseling

This study aims to depict the counselors' understanding of senior high school students’ learn... more This study aims to depict the counselors' understanding of senior high school students’ learning loss and their role in handling student learning loss. Applying descriptive qualitative study, this study involves four counselors, two homeroom teachers, and six students experiencing learning loss. The data were collected through interviews and analyzed descriptively. The study found that the counselors understood that the students experienced learning loss, indicated by decrease in their academic achievement, was caused by their lack of autonomous learning, internet connection issues, and lack of learning motivation. To address this issue, counselors attempted to motivate their students, invited them to an individual counseling session, and collaborated with homeroom teachers.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Millenial Muslim Activity using Internet: An Indonesian Perception (Hasil Check Similarity)

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Research paper thumbnail of Metaphorical Death Acceptance (Mda) Technique in Counseling Religious

International Virtual Conference on Islamic Guidance and Counseling, 2021

The Metaphorical Death Acceptance (MDA) technique contains a symbolic thought, the experience, a ... more The Metaphorical Death Acceptance (MDA) technique contains a symbolic thought, the experience, a game of someone about accepting the death process they will experience. It prepares the client in a relaxed condition and then brought to the spiritual experience he meets the angel of revocation to face his God. Conditions imagine this process of death to be the starting point of change in the client because the client is invited to think about whatever hopes, desires, and final judgments of himself and others when he will die. The researcher compiles this module from using action research. The researcher used the MDA technique when carrying out the group and individual counseling. The samples in this study were 50 students and 30 housewives. The results of these techniques helped clients perceive the problems they experience, instill their Islamic faith and become missionary missions for counselors. This is one of counseling religious for the client to get the meaning of life.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kompetensi Multikultural pada Konseling Lesbian Gay Biseksual dan Transgender dalam Perspektif Islam

Angka kasus LGBT yang meningkat setiap tahunnya menjadi kekhawatiran dan isu yang harus disikapi ... more Angka kasus LGBT yang meningkat setiap tahunnya menjadi kekhawatiran dan isu yang harus disikapi bijak dan kompeten oleh konselor dalam praktik konseling. Tulisan ini membahas secara teoritis hasil-hasil penelitian tentang kompetensi multikultural yang harus dimiliki konselor dalam praktik konseling terhadap kasus LGBT dalam perspektif Islam. Gagasan enam kontinum dalam praktik konseling terhadap kasus LGBT yang harus dikuasai konselor meliputi Self, Relationship, Differential of feeling,Identify, Spiritual Intervention dan Acceptane of environmental. Kode Etik American Counseling Association (ACA) mensyaratkan penegasan identitas LGBT, termasuk memvalidasi individu LGBT sebagai bagian dari kompetensi yang harus dikuasai konselor. Selain itu konselor sendiri harus mengenali dirinya sendiri, melakukan penilaian biopsikososial menyeluruh terhadap klien LGBT, tidak menyalahkan, dan menjunjung standar etika. Sebagai konselor muslim, pandangan konselor tentang ajaran Islam yang melaran...

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Research paper thumbnail of Do We Have To Worry The Internet Syndrome At The Millenial Muslim Generations In The Digital 4.0 Era?

Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development

This research aims to describe the internet syndrome at the younger generation of Muslims; freque... more This research aims to describe the internet syndrome at the younger generation of Muslims; frequency, duration, type of application, content accessed, and their attitude towards the negative content. This research applied the survey method. The respondents were elementary, junior, and senior high school students in Pekanbaru City, which numbered 130 people. The purposive random sampling research samples were students in Islamic curriculum background schools that were accessible to researchers. The data were gained through closed questionnaires and analyzed descriptively. The results show that internet use in younger generation of Muslim is worrying, judging from the frequency and duration of their access, and more on social media to chat, to share photos or to view videos. Most respondents used their allowance to access the internet without their parents’ concern. High school respondents are tempted to see sadistic and pornographic content when accessing the internet, compared to ju...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis “Sense of Community” Mahasiswa Program Studi Bimbingan Konselingdi Ptkin Berdasarkan Status Institusi Dan Sekolah Asal

S ense of community (SOC) on student self Prodi BK in Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri (P... more S ense of community (SOC) on student self Prodi BK in Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri (PTKIN) will lead to a sense of empathy, mutual aid between the academic community in order to achieve success together in learning and career as a counselor later,.This study is a comparative study using factor analysis with Kruskal Willis. The study population was student of Counseling 4th semester of the academic year 2014/2015 in PTKIN different status is IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang, State Islamic University Syarif Kasim Sultan Riau and IAIN Jamil Jambek Bukittinggi. These samples included 136 people. Data were collected by questionnaire and processed using SPSS. The results showed differences in student scores SOC Prodi BK based on the status of their home institutions and schools are boarding schools, high schools, and vocational MAN.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Gender Terhadap Peran Guru Bimbingan Konseling Dalam Pelaksanaan Konseling Online Pada Masa Pandemic Covid 19

Penelitian ini menganalisis aspek gender dari peran guru Bimbingan Konseling dalam pelaksanaan ko... more Penelitian ini menganalisis aspek gender dari peran guru Bimbingan Konseling dalam pelaksanaan konseling online bagi siswa sekolah menengah dimasa pandemic. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Data primer dikumpulkan dengan wawancara semi terstruktur pada tiga guru BK perempuan dan tiga guru BK laki-laki, yang memiliki latar pendidikan, umur, dan masa bertugas yang sama, namun bertugas di sekolah menengah atas yang berbeda. Data hasil wawancara dianalisis secara tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Guru BK (perempuan dan laki-laki) melakukan konseling online selama masa pandemic menggunakan aplikasi synchronous (seperti zoom, google meet, whatsapp chat, video call, dan telephone) dan asynchronous (seperti email, e learning). Masalah belajar paling banyak dibicarakan siswa dalam konseling online pada guru BK perempuan dan laki-laki. Siswa perempuan lebih banyak menjadi klien dalam konseling online dibandingkan siswa laki-laki, dan mereka tidak membedakan jenis kelamin gur...

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Research paper thumbnail of Isu-Isu Dalam Praktik Konseling Perkawinan dan Perspektif Islam

Tingginya angka perceraian, menjadi isu yang tidak pernah berhenti dibicarakan dalam setiap decad... more Tingginya angka perceraian, menjadi isu yang tidak pernah berhenti dibicarakan dalam setiap decade, padahal keutuhan rumah tangga menjadi benteng bagi individu untuk menghadapi permasalahan dimasyakarat. Untuk itu layanan konseling perkawinan menjadi satu solusi dan harus dipahami oleh konselor. Tulisan ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan secara konseptual isu-isu pelaksanaan konseling perkawinan dan perspektif Islam.

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Research paper thumbnail of Revisiting Counseling Theory to Help Clients in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0

This research revealed the phenomenon of Indonesia as a country with a demographic bonus of over ... more This research revealed the phenomenon of Indonesia as a country with a demographic bonus of over 262 million population facing the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. There were different cases of people with the ability to catch up with this development thereby leading to shock and mental instability. Therefore, counselors need to understand this phenomenon and revisit their counseling theories in order to be optimal in helping clients (especially teenager and adult) deal with these problems. The library research method was used in this study. After the review of the works of literature as regards the concept, it was found that the flow of existentialism is being used to view humans. This, according to Albert Ellis, shows that it is not an external experience or event that causes emotionality but an understanding given to it. However, this means that the client’s understanding of the challenges in the industrial revolution must be discussed in the counseling session so as ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Media Sosial Dan Pemahaman Tentang Radikalisme Di Kalangan Pelajar Muslim

Media sosial merupakan salah satu sarana penyebarluasan paham radikal terutama bagi generasi muda... more Media sosial merupakan salah satu sarana penyebarluasan paham radikal terutama bagi generasi muda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap penggunaan media sosial oleh pelajar musllim di tingkat sekolah menangah atas, dan kaitannya dengan pemahaman mereka tentang radikalisme. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survey terhadap 316 orang pelajar dari 5 sekolah menengah atas yang ada di kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru. Sampel penelitian ini diambil secara random dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket dalam bentuk google form yang berisi pertanyaan tentang; jenis dan konten media sosial yang diakses, intensitas dan upaya yang dilakukan pelajar untuk menggunakan media sosial. Pemahaman tentang radikalisme dilihat dari jawaban responden terhadap item-item yang diklasifikasi menjadi skala likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelajar yang intensitas akses media sosialnya rendah, cendrung kurang memahami tentang radikalisme dan bahayanya. Jika dilihat dari m...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dukungan Orangtua terhadap Minat Belajar Siswa

Minat mempunyai peran penting dalam proses pembelajaran, karena dengan adanya minat, siswa akan l... more Minat mempunyai peran penting dalam proses pembelajaran, karena dengan adanya minat, siswa akan lebih konsentrasi, semangat, gembira, tidak mudah bosan, dan bersungguh-sungguh dalam belajar. Sehingga dengan demikian siswa mencapai suatu keberhasilan belajar. Minat belajar dipengaruhi oleh faktor dalam diri dan dari luar diri individu, salah satu faktor dari luar diri adalah dukungan orangtua. Minat belajar siswa yang tidak terlepas dari dukungan orangtua karena orangtua adalah orang yang sangat urgen dengan diri siswa. Dukungan yang diberikan orangtua berupa dukungan emosional seperti kepedulian, perhatian, motivasi kepada anak (siswa), dukungan penghargaan berupa dorongan positif atau reward , dukungan instrumental berupa fasilitas belajar, biaya, dan dukungan informasi berupa petunjuk, saran, nasehat, berbagi pengalaman yang diberikan orangtua kepada anaknya yang berperan sebagai siswa dalam belajar. Adanya dukungan orangtua tersebut akan memicu minat siswa dalam belajar.

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Research paper thumbnail of Peluang dan Tantangan Pelayanan Konseling Pada Setting Masyarakat di Indonesia (Perspektif Dari Perkembangan Konseling Setting Masyarakat Di Amerika)

DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ, Mar 1, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Awareness of the Use of Social Media Among Students: Malaysia and Indonesia

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Jun 22, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Psikologi dan Keterlibatan Perempuan dalam Pengelolaan Bina Keluarga Remaja (BKR) di Wilayah Perbatasan

Sosial Budaya

Kesuksesan sebuah program pemberdayaan tidak saja ditentukan oleh faktor dari luar diri individu ... more Kesuksesan sebuah program pemberdayaan tidak saja ditentukan oleh faktor dari luar diri individu pesertanya, tapi ia jug ditentukan oleh faktor dari dalam individu yaitu pemberdayaan psikologi. Artikel ini membahas pengaruh pemberdayaan psikologi terhadap keterlibatan perempuan dengan kelompok sosial kemasyarakatan Bina Keluarga Remaja (BKR). Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif, menggunkan wawancara dan observasi sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberdayaan psikologi mempengaruhi keterlibatan perempuan dengan BKR. Aspek lain yang ditemukan adalah dukungan suami terhadap keterlibtaan isteri dengan BKR merupakan hal yang mendukung tingginya psikologi perempuan di wilayah perbatasan. Direkomendasikan agar pihak yang terkait dalam pemberdayan perempuan mempertimbangkan keterwakilan gender dalam setiap program pemberdayaan. Penelitian selanjutnya terkait pemberdayaan psikologi diarahkan pada jumlah informan yang lebih besar dan pa...

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Research paper thumbnail of DINAMIKA PERUBAHAN DALAM KONSELING : Memahami Permasalahan Klien dan Penanganannya (Hasil Check Similarity)

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Bimbingan Konseling

Zanafa, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Students’ Extracurricular Activities in Higher Education and Its Effect on Personal Development and Academic Achievement (Case Study In Islamic State University of Suska Riau)

AL-Ta lim, 2014

This study investigates the students’ extracurricular activities at Islamic State University of S... more This study investigates the students’ extracurricular activities at Islamic State University of Suska Riau concerning the types and forms of their activities, background of the activity, benefits of extracurricular activities, and its effect on students’ self-development and academic achievement. 300 students who enroll at sixth semester in eight Faculties (Tarbiyah and Teacher’s Training, Sharia and Law, Ushuludin, Dakwah and Communication Sciences, Science and Technology, Psychology, Economics and Social Sciences, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry) were the sample of this study. The data were then processed statistically using percentages and regression of correlation. It was found that the type of extracurricular followed by the students were leadership (70%), those of whom had the motivation to add insight, knowledge and more critical thinking were (44.67%). Some students followed extra-curricular activity because of their solicitation or to follow the main stream (37%), some stu...

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Research paper thumbnail of Pengalaman Siswa Tentang Pendidikan Seks Selama Masa Pandemi Serta Peran Guru Bimbingan Konseling

International Virtual Conference on Islamic Guidance and Counseling

This research aimed at knowing 1) students' experiences of sex education during the pandemic,... more This research aimed at knowing 1) students' experiences of sex education during the pandemic, 2) the role of guidance and counseling teachers in providing sex education to students during the pandemic, 3) supporting and obstructing factors the successful implementing counseling services regarding to sex education at State Senior High School 10 Pekanbaru. It was a descriptive qualitative. The main informants of this research were 4 guidance and counseling teachers and 10 students. The object of this research was the role of guidance and counseling teachers in providing sex education to students during the pandemic period. Interview and documentation techniques were used for collecting the data. Data analysis using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The findings of this research showed that students got experiences about sex education from online media. The Information obtained by students related to reproductive organs, sexual orientation, sexual de...

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Research paper thumbnail of Counselor’s Role in Managing Learning Loss in The Post-Pandemic Period

Pamomong: Journal of Islamic Educational Counseling

This study aims to depict the counselors' understanding of senior high school students’ learn... more This study aims to depict the counselors' understanding of senior high school students’ learning loss and their role in handling student learning loss. Applying descriptive qualitative study, this study involves four counselors, two homeroom teachers, and six students experiencing learning loss. The data were collected through interviews and analyzed descriptively. The study found that the counselors understood that the students experienced learning loss, indicated by decrease in their academic achievement, was caused by their lack of autonomous learning, internet connection issues, and lack of learning motivation. To address this issue, counselors attempted to motivate their students, invited them to an individual counseling session, and collaborated with homeroom teachers.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Millenial Muslim Activity using Internet: An Indonesian Perception (Hasil Check Similarity)

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Research paper thumbnail of Metaphorical Death Acceptance (Mda) Technique in Counseling Religious

International Virtual Conference on Islamic Guidance and Counseling, 2021

The Metaphorical Death Acceptance (MDA) technique contains a symbolic thought, the experience, a ... more The Metaphorical Death Acceptance (MDA) technique contains a symbolic thought, the experience, a game of someone about accepting the death process they will experience. It prepares the client in a relaxed condition and then brought to the spiritual experience he meets the angel of revocation to face his God. Conditions imagine this process of death to be the starting point of change in the client because the client is invited to think about whatever hopes, desires, and final judgments of himself and others when he will die. The researcher compiles this module from using action research. The researcher used the MDA technique when carrying out the group and individual counseling. The samples in this study were 50 students and 30 housewives. The results of these techniques helped clients perceive the problems they experience, instill their Islamic faith and become missionary missions for counselors. This is one of counseling religious for the client to get the meaning of life.

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Research paper thumbnail of Kompetensi Multikultural pada Konseling Lesbian Gay Biseksual dan Transgender dalam Perspektif Islam

Angka kasus LGBT yang meningkat setiap tahunnya menjadi kekhawatiran dan isu yang harus disikapi ... more Angka kasus LGBT yang meningkat setiap tahunnya menjadi kekhawatiran dan isu yang harus disikapi bijak dan kompeten oleh konselor dalam praktik konseling. Tulisan ini membahas secara teoritis hasil-hasil penelitian tentang kompetensi multikultural yang harus dimiliki konselor dalam praktik konseling terhadap kasus LGBT dalam perspektif Islam. Gagasan enam kontinum dalam praktik konseling terhadap kasus LGBT yang harus dikuasai konselor meliputi Self, Relationship, Differential of feeling,Identify, Spiritual Intervention dan Acceptane of environmental. Kode Etik American Counseling Association (ACA) mensyaratkan penegasan identitas LGBT, termasuk memvalidasi individu LGBT sebagai bagian dari kompetensi yang harus dikuasai konselor. Selain itu konselor sendiri harus mengenali dirinya sendiri, melakukan penilaian biopsikososial menyeluruh terhadap klien LGBT, tidak menyalahkan, dan menjunjung standar etika. Sebagai konselor muslim, pandangan konselor tentang ajaran Islam yang melaran...

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Research paper thumbnail of Do We Have To Worry The Internet Syndrome At The Millenial Muslim Generations In The Digital 4.0 Era?

Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development

This research aims to describe the internet syndrome at the younger generation of Muslims; freque... more This research aims to describe the internet syndrome at the younger generation of Muslims; frequency, duration, type of application, content accessed, and their attitude towards the negative content. This research applied the survey method. The respondents were elementary, junior, and senior high school students in Pekanbaru City, which numbered 130 people. The purposive random sampling research samples were students in Islamic curriculum background schools that were accessible to researchers. The data were gained through closed questionnaires and analyzed descriptively. The results show that internet use in younger generation of Muslim is worrying, judging from the frequency and duration of their access, and more on social media to chat, to share photos or to view videos. Most respondents used their allowance to access the internet without their parents’ concern. High school respondents are tempted to see sadistic and pornographic content when accessing the internet, compared to ju...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis “Sense of Community” Mahasiswa Program Studi Bimbingan Konselingdi Ptkin Berdasarkan Status Institusi Dan Sekolah Asal

S ense of community (SOC) on student self Prodi BK in Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri (P... more S ense of community (SOC) on student self Prodi BK in Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri (PTKIN) will lead to a sense of empathy, mutual aid between the academic community in order to achieve success together in learning and career as a counselor later,.This study is a comparative study using factor analysis with Kruskal Willis. The study population was student of Counseling 4th semester of the academic year 2014/2015 in PTKIN different status is IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang, State Islamic University Syarif Kasim Sultan Riau and IAIN Jamil Jambek Bukittinggi. These samples included 136 people. Data were collected by questionnaire and processed using SPSS. The results showed differences in student scores SOC Prodi BK based on the status of their home institutions and schools are boarding schools, high schools, and vocational MAN.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Gender Terhadap Peran Guru Bimbingan Konseling Dalam Pelaksanaan Konseling Online Pada Masa Pandemic Covid 19

Penelitian ini menganalisis aspek gender dari peran guru Bimbingan Konseling dalam pelaksanaan ko... more Penelitian ini menganalisis aspek gender dari peran guru Bimbingan Konseling dalam pelaksanaan konseling online bagi siswa sekolah menengah dimasa pandemic. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Data primer dikumpulkan dengan wawancara semi terstruktur pada tiga guru BK perempuan dan tiga guru BK laki-laki, yang memiliki latar pendidikan, umur, dan masa bertugas yang sama, namun bertugas di sekolah menengah atas yang berbeda. Data hasil wawancara dianalisis secara tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Guru BK (perempuan dan laki-laki) melakukan konseling online selama masa pandemic menggunakan aplikasi synchronous (seperti zoom, google meet, whatsapp chat, video call, dan telephone) dan asynchronous (seperti email, e learning). Masalah belajar paling banyak dibicarakan siswa dalam konseling online pada guru BK perempuan dan laki-laki. Siswa perempuan lebih banyak menjadi klien dalam konseling online dibandingkan siswa laki-laki, dan mereka tidak membedakan jenis kelamin gur...

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Research paper thumbnail of Isu-Isu Dalam Praktik Konseling Perkawinan dan Perspektif Islam

Tingginya angka perceraian, menjadi isu yang tidak pernah berhenti dibicarakan dalam setiap decad... more Tingginya angka perceraian, menjadi isu yang tidak pernah berhenti dibicarakan dalam setiap decade, padahal keutuhan rumah tangga menjadi benteng bagi individu untuk menghadapi permasalahan dimasyakarat. Untuk itu layanan konseling perkawinan menjadi satu solusi dan harus dipahami oleh konselor. Tulisan ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan secara konseptual isu-isu pelaksanaan konseling perkawinan dan perspektif Islam.

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Research paper thumbnail of Revisiting Counseling Theory to Help Clients in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0

This research revealed the phenomenon of Indonesia as a country with a demographic bonus of over ... more This research revealed the phenomenon of Indonesia as a country with a demographic bonus of over 262 million population facing the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. There were different cases of people with the ability to catch up with this development thereby leading to shock and mental instability. Therefore, counselors need to understand this phenomenon and revisit their counseling theories in order to be optimal in helping clients (especially teenager and adult) deal with these problems. The library research method was used in this study. After the review of the works of literature as regards the concept, it was found that the flow of existentialism is being used to view humans. This, according to Albert Ellis, shows that it is not an external experience or event that causes emotionality but an understanding given to it. However, this means that the client’s understanding of the challenges in the industrial revolution must be discussed in the counseling session so as ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Media Sosial Dan Pemahaman Tentang Radikalisme Di Kalangan Pelajar Muslim

Media sosial merupakan salah satu sarana penyebarluasan paham radikal terutama bagi generasi muda... more Media sosial merupakan salah satu sarana penyebarluasan paham radikal terutama bagi generasi muda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap penggunaan media sosial oleh pelajar musllim di tingkat sekolah menangah atas, dan kaitannya dengan pemahaman mereka tentang radikalisme. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survey terhadap 316 orang pelajar dari 5 sekolah menengah atas yang ada di kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru. Sampel penelitian ini diambil secara random dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket dalam bentuk google form yang berisi pertanyaan tentang; jenis dan konten media sosial yang diakses, intensitas dan upaya yang dilakukan pelajar untuk menggunakan media sosial. Pemahaman tentang radikalisme dilihat dari jawaban responden terhadap item-item yang diklasifikasi menjadi skala likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelajar yang intensitas akses media sosialnya rendah, cendrung kurang memahami tentang radikalisme dan bahayanya. Jika dilihat dari m...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dukungan Orangtua terhadap Minat Belajar Siswa

Minat mempunyai peran penting dalam proses pembelajaran, karena dengan adanya minat, siswa akan l... more Minat mempunyai peran penting dalam proses pembelajaran, karena dengan adanya minat, siswa akan lebih konsentrasi, semangat, gembira, tidak mudah bosan, dan bersungguh-sungguh dalam belajar. Sehingga dengan demikian siswa mencapai suatu keberhasilan belajar. Minat belajar dipengaruhi oleh faktor dalam diri dan dari luar diri individu, salah satu faktor dari luar diri adalah dukungan orangtua. Minat belajar siswa yang tidak terlepas dari dukungan orangtua karena orangtua adalah orang yang sangat urgen dengan diri siswa. Dukungan yang diberikan orangtua berupa dukungan emosional seperti kepedulian, perhatian, motivasi kepada anak (siswa), dukungan penghargaan berupa dorongan positif atau reward , dukungan instrumental berupa fasilitas belajar, biaya, dan dukungan informasi berupa petunjuk, saran, nasehat, berbagi pengalaman yang diberikan orangtua kepada anaknya yang berperan sebagai siswa dalam belajar. Adanya dukungan orangtua tersebut akan memicu minat siswa dalam belajar.

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