Nora S. Eggen | University of Oslo (original) (raw)
Articles by Nora S. Eggen
Profetsitater i koronaviruspandemiens tid: Om hvordan muslimer i Norge forvalter profeten Muhammads arv, 2021
Sammen med flere muslimske trossamfunn deltok paraplyorganisasjonene Islamsk Råd Norge (IRN) og M... more Sammen med flere muslimske trossamfunn deltok paraplyorganisasjonene Islamsk Råd Norge (IRN) og Muslimsk Dialognettverk (MDN) i informasjonsarbeid og holdningskampanjer gjennom koronaviruspandemien 2020 og 2021. I informasjonsarbeidet inngikk blant annet råd basert på fortellinger knyttet til profeten Muhammad. Denne artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i ett profetutsagn sitert i oversatt form og viser hvordan dette utsagnet inngår i en løpende tolkningshistorie med relevans for stadig nye kontekster. Den autoriteten slike utsagn tillegges avhenger av hvilket syn på Muhammad som legges til grunn og hvilken forpliktelse det innebaerer, og den funksjonen profetsitater kan få i en bestemt sammenheng vil altså både bero på og vaere et uttrykk for en bestemt profetologi. Det tekstarbeidet og den tekstformidlingen IRN og MDN bidrar til med sine reiserådsutsagn kan forstås som meningsskapende og praksisdannende arbeid. Dessuten gjenspeiler den måten IRN og MDN benytter seg av disse tekstene på et innholds-og kontekstbasert syn på sunnaen, og det gjenspeiler en tradisjon for å bruke sunnaen som organiserende orienteringspunkter.
Tidsskrift for islamforskning , 2022
The Ambiguous Figure of the Neighbor in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Texts and Receptions, ed. Marianne Bjelland Kartzow, 2021
Journal of Islamic Ethics, 2021
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.
Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History Volume 17. Britain, the Netherlands and Scandinavia (1800-1914), eds. David Thomas and John A. Chesworth, 2021
Freedom of Expression in Islam: Challenging Apostasy and Blasphemy Laws, eds. Christian Moe, Kari Vogt, Lena Larsen, Khalid Muhammad Masud, 2021
Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation, eds. Sameh Hanna, Hanem El-Farahaty, Abdel-Wahab Khalifa., 2019
Gjenoversettelse av hellige tekster, 2019
Kirke og kultur, 2019
Det koranske utsagnet «hankjønn er ikke som hunkjønn» (wa-laysa l-dhakaru kal-unthā, 3:36) antyde... more Det koranske utsagnet «hankjønn er
ikke som hunkjønn» (wa-laysa l-dhakaru
kal-unthā, 3:36) antyder et binært
kjønnsbegrep. Imidlertid er det hverken
klart om det dreier seg om en ontologisk
eller sosial kjønnsforskjell, eller om
utsagnet innebærer en evaluerende
vekting mellom kjønnene. I hvilken
sammenheng opptrer dette utsagnet i
koranteksten, hva betyr det her, hvilken
normativ kraft har det, og hva kan det
tilføre diskusjonen om Koranen og kjønn?
Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies, 2019
Conceptualizing the World: An Exploration Across Disciplines, 2018
In medieval Islamic thought, the world was conceptualized as a means of knowledge. Furthermore, e... more In medieval Islamic thought, the world was conceptualized as a means of knowledge. Furthermore, existence was perceived as a plurality of worlds, a multiverse. Combining these two ontological ideas, scholars developed theories of differentiated spheres of epistemological and hermeneutical activity. One such scholar in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries was Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī (d. 1111), a celebrated theologian, jurist, and mystic and a towering figure in subsequent Islamic thought. How were these ideas of the world constructed? Moreover, how and why did al-Ghazālī formulate a theory of meaning and interpretation using the idea of existence as a multiverse of knowledge with multiple domains? In this chapter I will discuss conceptualizations of the world in medieval Arabic lexicography and examine how these conceptualizations were employed in the thought of al-Ghazālī, with a particular view to his work Mishkāt al-anwār and situating the ideas within the larger frame of his work as well as the works of his predecessors.
In Conceptualizing the World: An Exploration Across Disciplines, 40-53. Ed. by Helge Jordheim and Erling Sandmo. Oxford: Berghahn, 2018.
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 2018
A number of scholars in the medieval Islamic West engaged with the work of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī (... more A number of scholars in the medieval Islamic West engaged with the work of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī (d. 505/1111), and he was both celebrated and criticised. Among the scholars who are allotted with a prominent role in the controversies around his work, is the Ceutan judge and scholar al-Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ (d. 544/1149). To some extent, his role in the controversies which allegedly resulted in the burning of some of al-Ghazālī's books, has become a significant element in ʿIyāḍ's intellectual and historical biography and in construing him as a somewhat fanatic defender of a particular scholarly tradition, the Mālikī tradition, and a particular political order, the Almoravid dynasty. Although ʿIyāḍ's own writings clearly position him within the Mālikī scholarly tradition and although historical evidence clearly suggests that he sided with the Almoravids in the Almoravid-Almohad conflict of the early twelfth century, the image of a fierce fanatic and a book burner seems to stem from a later date. The earliest traceable source for this image is an anecdote in al-Shaʿrānī's (d. 973/1565) Lawāqiḥ al-anwār. In other, later sources additional and partly different images of ʿIyāḍ are construed, motivated by the controversies over al-Ghazālī. However the basis for these images is likewise neither to be found in ʿIyāḍ's own work nor in available historical sources earlier than al-Shaʿrānī.
Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 2018
This article presents the history of Arabic-Islamic studies in Norway, within the wider framework... more This article presents the history of Arabic-Islamic studies in Norway, within the wider framework of Scandinavia and Europe. While Semitic studies reach well back into the sixteenth century in Sweden and Denmark, it was only in the early nineteenth century that the study of Arabic was introduced into Norway with the establishment of a university in 1811. From their inception, Arabic and Semitic studies were instrumental in reaching out into the world as well as in defining the national self-identity. I discuss these developments and the role and function philology played in various studies, programmes and disciplines, taking into account the shifting historical and sociocultural contexts. Issues of relevance and utility value as well as diverse political and economic concerns have throughout history formed the structural frameworks. Simultaneously, however, I demonstrate how individual motivation and impetus have continued to be of vital importance to the development of the fields. Finally, I discuss some of the current challenges and prospects for philological studies, and argue for the continued relevance for these methodological approaches.
Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 2016
In this article I offer a case study on conceptualisations of Islam in translations of the Qur'an... more In this article I offer a case study on conceptualisations of Islam in translations of the Qur'an into the Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages during the past 170 years. The verbal noun islām, together with the cognate verb aslama and active participle muslim, form a central word group within the conceptual framework of the Qur'an. In this article I examine how this lexical cluster is translated in a selection of Scandinavian translations of the Qur'an and analyse the wider impact of different translation strategies. The focus in this case study is on the ideologically loaded conceptual continuities and shifts these strategies and choices generate in the translated text.
Micro-Level Analyses of the Qurʾān, 2014
Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 2011
Hellige skrifter i verdensreligionene, red. Jens Braarvik og Årstein Justnes, 2011
Skal vi forstå samfunnet, må vi kjenne religionene. Og for å forstå religionene, må vi også kjenn... more Skal vi forstå samfunnet, må vi kjenne religionene. Og for å forstå religionene, må vi også kjenne de hellige skriftene. Det sies ofte at Bibelen er en grunnbok i vår kultur. Men i et pluralistisk samfunn med stadig flere religiøse uttrykk, trenger vi også å bli bevisst andre religiøse grunnbøker. Når verden globaliseres, globaliseres også vi, og når samfunnet pluraliseres, pluraliseres også en størrelse som «vår kultur». Denne boken tar for seg de hellige skriftene i de fem klassiske «verdensreligionene»: jødedom, kristendom, islam, hinduisme og buddhisme, som alle er godt representert og etablert i Norge.
Profetsitater i koronaviruspandemiens tid: Om hvordan muslimer i Norge forvalter profeten Muhammads arv, 2021
Sammen med flere muslimske trossamfunn deltok paraplyorganisasjonene Islamsk Råd Norge (IRN) og M... more Sammen med flere muslimske trossamfunn deltok paraplyorganisasjonene Islamsk Råd Norge (IRN) og Muslimsk Dialognettverk (MDN) i informasjonsarbeid og holdningskampanjer gjennom koronaviruspandemien 2020 og 2021. I informasjonsarbeidet inngikk blant annet råd basert på fortellinger knyttet til profeten Muhammad. Denne artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i ett profetutsagn sitert i oversatt form og viser hvordan dette utsagnet inngår i en løpende tolkningshistorie med relevans for stadig nye kontekster. Den autoriteten slike utsagn tillegges avhenger av hvilket syn på Muhammad som legges til grunn og hvilken forpliktelse det innebaerer, og den funksjonen profetsitater kan få i en bestemt sammenheng vil altså både bero på og vaere et uttrykk for en bestemt profetologi. Det tekstarbeidet og den tekstformidlingen IRN og MDN bidrar til med sine reiserådsutsagn kan forstås som meningsskapende og praksisdannende arbeid. Dessuten gjenspeiler den måten IRN og MDN benytter seg av disse tekstene på et innholds-og kontekstbasert syn på sunnaen, og det gjenspeiler en tradisjon for å bruke sunnaen som organiserende orienteringspunkter.
Tidsskrift for islamforskning , 2022
The Ambiguous Figure of the Neighbor in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Texts and Receptions, ed. Marianne Bjelland Kartzow, 2021
Journal of Islamic Ethics, 2021
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.
Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History Volume 17. Britain, the Netherlands and Scandinavia (1800-1914), eds. David Thomas and John A. Chesworth, 2021
Freedom of Expression in Islam: Challenging Apostasy and Blasphemy Laws, eds. Christian Moe, Kari Vogt, Lena Larsen, Khalid Muhammad Masud, 2021
Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation, eds. Sameh Hanna, Hanem El-Farahaty, Abdel-Wahab Khalifa., 2019
Gjenoversettelse av hellige tekster, 2019
Kirke og kultur, 2019
Det koranske utsagnet «hankjønn er ikke som hunkjønn» (wa-laysa l-dhakaru kal-unthā, 3:36) antyde... more Det koranske utsagnet «hankjønn er
ikke som hunkjønn» (wa-laysa l-dhakaru
kal-unthā, 3:36) antyder et binært
kjønnsbegrep. Imidlertid er det hverken
klart om det dreier seg om en ontologisk
eller sosial kjønnsforskjell, eller om
utsagnet innebærer en evaluerende
vekting mellom kjønnene. I hvilken
sammenheng opptrer dette utsagnet i
koranteksten, hva betyr det her, hvilken
normativ kraft har det, og hva kan det
tilføre diskusjonen om Koranen og kjønn?
Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies, 2019
Conceptualizing the World: An Exploration Across Disciplines, 2018
In medieval Islamic thought, the world was conceptualized as a means of knowledge. Furthermore, e... more In medieval Islamic thought, the world was conceptualized as a means of knowledge. Furthermore, existence was perceived as a plurality of worlds, a multiverse. Combining these two ontological ideas, scholars developed theories of differentiated spheres of epistemological and hermeneutical activity. One such scholar in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries was Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī (d. 1111), a celebrated theologian, jurist, and mystic and a towering figure in subsequent Islamic thought. How were these ideas of the world constructed? Moreover, how and why did al-Ghazālī formulate a theory of meaning and interpretation using the idea of existence as a multiverse of knowledge with multiple domains? In this chapter I will discuss conceptualizations of the world in medieval Arabic lexicography and examine how these conceptualizations were employed in the thought of al-Ghazālī, with a particular view to his work Mishkāt al-anwār and situating the ideas within the larger frame of his work as well as the works of his predecessors.
In Conceptualizing the World: An Exploration Across Disciplines, 40-53. Ed. by Helge Jordheim and Erling Sandmo. Oxford: Berghahn, 2018.
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 2018
A number of scholars in the medieval Islamic West engaged with the work of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī (... more A number of scholars in the medieval Islamic West engaged with the work of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī (d. 505/1111), and he was both celebrated and criticised. Among the scholars who are allotted with a prominent role in the controversies around his work, is the Ceutan judge and scholar al-Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ (d. 544/1149). To some extent, his role in the controversies which allegedly resulted in the burning of some of al-Ghazālī's books, has become a significant element in ʿIyāḍ's intellectual and historical biography and in construing him as a somewhat fanatic defender of a particular scholarly tradition, the Mālikī tradition, and a particular political order, the Almoravid dynasty. Although ʿIyāḍ's own writings clearly position him within the Mālikī scholarly tradition and although historical evidence clearly suggests that he sided with the Almoravids in the Almoravid-Almohad conflict of the early twelfth century, the image of a fierce fanatic and a book burner seems to stem from a later date. The earliest traceable source for this image is an anecdote in al-Shaʿrānī's (d. 973/1565) Lawāqiḥ al-anwār. In other, later sources additional and partly different images of ʿIyāḍ are construed, motivated by the controversies over al-Ghazālī. However the basis for these images is likewise neither to be found in ʿIyāḍ's own work nor in available historical sources earlier than al-Shaʿrānī.
Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 2018
This article presents the history of Arabic-Islamic studies in Norway, within the wider framework... more This article presents the history of Arabic-Islamic studies in Norway, within the wider framework of Scandinavia and Europe. While Semitic studies reach well back into the sixteenth century in Sweden and Denmark, it was only in the early nineteenth century that the study of Arabic was introduced into Norway with the establishment of a university in 1811. From their inception, Arabic and Semitic studies were instrumental in reaching out into the world as well as in defining the national self-identity. I discuss these developments and the role and function philology played in various studies, programmes and disciplines, taking into account the shifting historical and sociocultural contexts. Issues of relevance and utility value as well as diverse political and economic concerns have throughout history formed the structural frameworks. Simultaneously, however, I demonstrate how individual motivation and impetus have continued to be of vital importance to the development of the fields. Finally, I discuss some of the current challenges and prospects for philological studies, and argue for the continued relevance for these methodological approaches.
Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 2016
In this article I offer a case study on conceptualisations of Islam in translations of the Qur'an... more In this article I offer a case study on conceptualisations of Islam in translations of the Qur'an into the Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages during the past 170 years. The verbal noun islām, together with the cognate verb aslama and active participle muslim, form a central word group within the conceptual framework of the Qur'an. In this article I examine how this lexical cluster is translated in a selection of Scandinavian translations of the Qur'an and analyse the wider impact of different translation strategies. The focus in this case study is on the ideologically loaded conceptual continuities and shifts these strategies and choices generate in the translated text.
Micro-Level Analyses of the Qurʾān, 2014
Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 2011
Hellige skrifter i verdensreligionene, red. Jens Braarvik og Årstein Justnes, 2011
Skal vi forstå samfunnet, må vi kjenne religionene. Og for å forstå religionene, må vi også kjenn... more Skal vi forstå samfunnet, må vi kjenne religionene. Og for å forstå religionene, må vi også kjenne de hellige skriftene. Det sies ofte at Bibelen er en grunnbok i vår kultur. Men i et pluralistisk samfunn med stadig flere religiøse uttrykk, trenger vi også å bli bevisst andre religiøse grunnbøker. Når verden globaliseres, globaliseres også vi, og når samfunnet pluraliseres, pluraliseres også en størrelse som «vår kultur». Denne boken tar for seg de hellige skriftene i de fem klassiske «verdensreligionene»: jødedom, kristendom, islam, hinduisme og buddhisme, som alle er godt representert og etablert i Norge.
Norsk oversetterleksikon, 2017
Samtiden, spesialnummer Humaniora, red. Christine Amadou, 2016
Islamsk humanisme, red. Ellen Reiss og Linda Noor, 2016
Religion og livssyn, 2013
Gjennom historien har mennesker, stilt overfor urettferdighet og undertrykkelse, funnet en utvei ... more Gjennom historien har mennesker, stilt overfor urettferdighet og undertrykkelse, funnet en utvei i migrasjon, og i Koranen fremholdes nettopp denne løsningen som lovende: "Den som emigrerer for Guds skyld, finner mange muligheter på jorden. " (4:100) Denne formen for forflytning, som ikke bare er oppbrudd i fysisk forstand, men som også innebaerer et opprør mot urett og en higen etter et nytt og bedre liv, er i islamsk tradisjon knyttet til begrepet hijra. Som så ofte er tilfelle bygges ikke koranteksten over utlegginger av slike abstrakte begreper, men over fortellinger, beskrivelser og oppfordringer til handling, og det er fremfor alt gjennom verbet "å emigrere" (hjara) og den aktive partisippen "emigrant" (muhajir) ideene omkring hijra formes i koranteksten. Den grunnleggende betydning av verbet hajara er å reise ut, og det brukes i generell språkbruk om så vel fugletrekk som menneskers migrasjon. Gjennom sin rotbetydning er ordet knyttet til å bryte bånd, men, som en av de tidlige leksikografene nevner, også til å forme nye bånd. (Ibn Faris 1971 6:34) I lys av koranteksten kan migrasjon forstås som et frigjøringsprosjekt som innebaerer to bevegelser: frigjøring fra undertrykking (4:97) og frigjøring "til Gud og Hans sendebud". (4:100)
Scandinavian Journal of History, 2016
Gjenoversettelse hellige tekster. Red. Nora S. Eggen, Nina Zandjani, and Tor Ivar Østmoe. Oslo: Hermes Academic Publishing, 2019., 2019
Tidsskrift for Islamforskning =, Dec 22, 2023
Tidsskrift for Islamforskning
Lånordet sharia, som i dag er i alminnelig bruk i svensk, dansk og norsk, har sitt opphav i det a... more Lånordet sharia, som i dag er i alminnelig bruk i svensk, dansk og norsk, har sitt opphav i det arabiske substantivet sharīʿa, med de beslektede formene substantivet sharʿa og verbet sharaʿa, som alle opptrer i koranteksten. Denne artikkelen tar for seg hvordan disse ordene er oversatt, definert, forklart og brukt i skandinaviske koranoversettelser og faglige fremstillinger, i et historisk perspektiv. I koranoversettelsene er ordene gjengitt semantisk med ulike betydninger knyttet til begreper som vei og retning eller terminologisk med vokabular fra et juridisk domene, og lånordet sharia er her fraværende. Frem til 1970-tallet var heller ikke lånordet særlig utbredt i faglitteraturen, men det ble etter hvert en del av et standardvokabular i fremstillinger av og diskusjoner omkring islam. I faglitteraturen varierer forståelsen mellom en legalistisk og en moralsk oppfatning av islams normative aspekter, og forklares gjennom begreper som lovreligion, etikk og hverdagsjuss.
Chaos: skandinavisk tidsskrift for religionshistoriske studier, 2017
Babylon Nordisk tidsskrift for Midtøstenstudier, 2022
Babylon Nordic Journal of Middle East Studies, 2018
Autoritet, forstått som legitim innflytelse, er både vanskelig definerbart og vanskelig målbart. ... more Autoritet, forstått som legitim innflytelse, er både vanskelig definerbart og vanskelig målbart. I denne artikkelen diskuterer jeg hvordan den nordafrikanske lærde al-Qādī ʿIyād (d. 1149) tilkjente sine forgjengere i mālikī-tradisjonen ulike former for autoritet gjennom sitt biografiske oppslagsverk Tartīb al-madārik.
Scandinavian Journal of History, 2016
Kirke og Kultur, 2019
Det koranske utsagnet «hankjønn er ikke som hunkjønn» (wa-laysa l-dhakaru kal-unthā, 3:36) antyde... more Det koranske utsagnet «hankjønn er ikke som hunkjønn» (wa-laysa l-dhakaru kal-unthā, 3:36) antyder et binaert kjønnsbegrep. Imidlertid er det hverken klart om det dreier seg om en ontologisk eller sosial kjønnsforskjell, eller om utsagnet innebaerer en evaluerende vekting mellom kjønnene. I hvilken sammenheng opptrer dette utsagnet i koranteksten, hva betyr det her, hvilken normativ kraft har det, og hva kan det tilføre diskusjonen om Koranen og kjønn? I koranpassasjen 3:35-3:51 utvikles beretningen om Maryams (Marias) fødsel, oppvekst og livsoppgave. 1 Det utsnittet jeg tar for meg av denne beretningen, handler om Maryams mor og innledes med at hun lover at barnet hun baerer i magen, skal vies Herrens tjeneste (3:35). 2 Etter fødselen bemerker moren at barnet er et jentebarn (fa-lammā waḍaʿathā qālat rabbi innī waḍaʿatuhā unthā), og deretter følger et utsagn som både kan leses som morens førstepersonstemme: «Gud vet bedre hva jeg har født» og som en tredjepersons fortellerstemme: «Gud vet bedre hva hun fødte» (wa-llāhu aʿalamu bi-mā waḍaʿatu/waḍaʿat, 3:36). 3 Det neste utsagnet utgjør denne artikkelens omdreiningspunkt: «Og hankjønn er ikke som hunkjønn» (walaysa l-dhakaru kal-unthā, 3:36). Utsagnet har en uavklart avsenderstemme, og jeg vil i det videre diskutere hvordan både språklige, narrative og kontekstuelle faktorer gir ulike tolkningsmuligheter for dette utsagnet spesielt og dermed for et koransk kjønnsbegrep generelt. Koranen og kjønn Debattene om fremstillinger av kjønn i Koranen dreier seg gjerne om to overordnede spørsmål: Fremholdes det grunnleggende, ontologiske eller sosiale, forskjeller mellom kjønnene, og
The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation, 2019
The Ambiguous Figure of the Neighbour in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Texts and Receptions, 2021
In literary genres concerned with an ethics of character, scholars in the third through fifth/nin... more In literary genres concerned with an ethics of character, scholars in the third through fifth/ninth through eleventh century wrote about social trust. In this article I examine the ethical thinking of four such scholars: Ibn Abī l-Dunyā (d. 281/894), al-Kharāʾiṭī (d. 327/939), al-Māwardī (d. 450/1058), and al-Ghazālī (d. 505/1111). Locating conceptualisations of the ethical concerns related to trust and mistrust, trustworthiness, trusting and misplaced trust, in a semantic field including the vocabulary of amāna, tawakkul, thiqa and ḥusn al-ẓann, I identify and discuss in this article some of these concerns, and I analyse in what ways the scholars’ respective conceptualisations of issues related to trust are similar, and how they differ from each other. While some scholars explicitly conceptualise the ethical value of trust in the concept of amāna, the juxtaposed social and spiritual aspects of the concept of amāna is more implicit with other scholars.
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 2018
A number of scholars in the medieval Islamic West engaged with the work of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī (... more A number of scholars in the medieval Islamic West engaged with the work of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī (d. 505/1111), and he was both celebrated and criticised. Among the scholars who are allotted with a prominent role in the controversies around his work, is the Ceutan judge and scholar al-Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ (d. 544/1149). To some extent, his role in the controversies which allegedly resulted in the burning of some of al-Ghazālī’s books, has become a significant element in ʿIyāḍ’s intellectual and historical biography and in construing him as a somewhat fanatic defender of a particular scholarly tradition, the Mālikī tradition, and a particular political order, the Almoravid dynasty. Although ʿIyāḍ’s own writings clearly position him within the Mālikī scholarly tradition and although historical evidence clearly suggests that he sided with the Almoravids in the Almoravid–Almohad conflict of the early twelfth century, the image of a fierce fanatic and a book burner seems to stem from a later date. ...
Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies, 2019
The Qurʾān is often described as a holy book revered by Muslims. While this is a functional descr... more The Qurʾān is often described as a holy book revered by Muslims. While this is a functional description on one level, taking into consideration the inherent structures and flexibilities in the text, as well as its discursive nature, its interpretation and reception, it may in a more comprehensible way be described as a hypertext.
Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 2018
This article presents the history of Arabic-Islamic studies in Norway, within the wider framework... more This article presents the history of Arabic-Islamic studies in Norway, within the wider framework of Scandinavia and Europe. While Semitic studies reach well back into the sixteenth century in Sweden and Denmark, it was only in the early nineteenth century that the study of Arabic was introduced into Norway with the establishment of a university in 1811. From their inception, Arabic and Semitic studies were instrumental in reaching out into the world as well as in defining the national self-identity. I discuss these developments and the role and function philology played in various studies, programmes and disciplines, taking into account the shifting historical and socio-cultural contexts. Issues of relevance and utility value as well as diverse political and economic concerns have throughout history formed the structural frameworks. Simultaneously, however, I demonstrate how individual motivation and impetus has continued to be of vital importance to the development of the fields. Finally, I discuss some of the current challenges and prospects for philological studies, and argue for the continued relevance for these methodological approaches.
Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 2016
In this article I offer a case study on conceptualisations of Islam in translations of the Qur... more In this article I offer a case study on conceptualisations of Islam in translations of the Qur'an into the Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages during the past 170 years. While situating the translations as well as their translators in their historical and cultural contexts, the study does not take an assumed motivation of the translator as a starting point for the analysis, nor is it source text oriented and framed by discussions on translatability. Rather, this study aims at investigating the conceptual impact of different translation strategies, through a comprehensive micro-level analysis of eight target texts and their translations of the Qur'anic lexical cluster islām/aslama/muslim. The differences between the translations are mainly born out of two overall translation strategies: choosing between a monosemantic and a polysemantic view of the Qur'anic language and between the generic and the technical sense of the lexemes. I argue that these choices and how the...