Rahmat Adnan | Universiti Teknologi Mara (original) (raw)

Rahmat Adnan


Papers by Rahmat Adnan

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of aerobic dance on cardiovascular fitness and body composition in sedentary women

Research paper thumbnail of Validity of Selected Aerobic Capacity Field-Based Test among Rugby Players

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of single and variable cut-off frequencyfor the Butterworth filter utilized in data smoothingfor slow foot velocity during instep soccer kick

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of movement pattern among referee in 2012 Malaysian Cup

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of musical tempo during cycling exercise among undergraduate sport science students

Research paper thumbnail of Ricebag Induced Skin Interface Temperature in Shoulder Injury Patients

ABSTRACT Ricebaghasbeenfoundtobeanalternativetherapyinthemanagementof musculoskeletal injury. The... more ABSTRACT Ricebaghasbeenfoundtobeanalternativetherapyinthemanagementof musculoskeletal injury. The objectives of the present study were: (1) to determine the efficacy of skin heat transfer in ricebag treatments among shoulder injury patients, and (2) to determine the effect of active range of motions (AROM) on shoulder injury patients. This study used the repeated measure design to achieve its objectives. A total of 30 samples comprising of males (n = 19) and females (n = 11) (20 experiments, 10 controls) were recruited into the study, where the mean age for males was 43.21 years old (SD = 15.393), and the mean age for females was 37.00 years old (SD = 11.653). The mean weight of males was 76.53 kg (SD = 9.930) and the mean weight of females was 61.36 kg (SD = 5.679). The mean height of males was 166.05 cm (SD = 6.892) and the mean height of females was 161.76 cm (SD = 6.087). There was a significant difference in temperatures between the ricebag and Hydrocollator (p \ 0.05), but there was no significant differences in temperatures on the skin interface between the Ricebags and Hydrocollator (p = 0.512). There were no significant differences on AROM (Flexion, Extension and Abduction) for both the Ricebag and Hydrocollator (p = 0.300, = 0.548, = 0.305). However, there was a significant difference between the ROM and pre- and posttests after 20 min of treatment (p \ 0.05). In conclusion, Ricebags gave a similar effect as the Hydrocollator on skin interface temperatures and showed a modest improvement on AROM. Hence, Ricebags can be considered as one of the treatment tools in back pain management.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Tenpin Bowling Lane’s Rolling Resistance Based on Kinetics and Kinematics Modeling

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of Handgrip Strength in Predicting Total Body Strength Among High Performance Athletes

Research paper thumbnail of Differences in Game Statistics Between Winning and Losing Football Teams in Malaysia Super League: A Pilot Study

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of Core Stability Exercise and Muscular Stretching on Chronic Low-Back Pain

Research paper thumbnail of Reflection Rate Index of Markers for Motion Capture Application

Research paper thumbnail of A Pilot Study: Effects of Aquatic and Land Spinal Stabilisation Training on the Management of Back Pain

Research paper thumbnail of Differences in Game Statistics Between Winning and Losing Teams in Inter-University Elite Male Sepak Takraw Tournament: A Pilot Study

Research paper thumbnail of A Study on Factors Associated with Physical Fitness Status Among Emergency Response Team of Oil and Gas Company in Peninsular Malaysia

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Ricebag on Skin Interface and Pain in Chronic Back Pain Patients

ABSTRACT Ricebags have been found to be good alternative therapy in the management of chronic bac... more ABSTRACT Ricebags have been found to be good alternative therapy in the management of chronic back pain injury. Hence, the objectives of this study were: (1) to determine the difference in temperatures between the ricebag and skin interface, and (2) to determine the effect of heat compression using ricebags to pain sensation in chronic back pain patients. This study used the repeated measure design to achieve its objectives. A total of 40 male (30 experiments, 10 controls) subjects were recruited into the study where the mean age was 34.3 years old (SD = 8.11) and the mean weight was 72.63 kg (SD = 11.2). There was a sig- nificant difference in temperature between the ricebags and the hydrocullator (p\0.05), but there were no significant differences in temperature on the skin interface between the ricebag and hydrocullator (p = 0.716). On the effects of pain sensation, there was a significant difference in visual analogue scale (VAS) within groups for both ricebags and hydrocullator (p \ 0.05), but there was no significant difference in VAS between ricebags and the hydrocullator (p = 0.303). In con- clusion, ricebags gave similar effects as the hydrocullator on skin interface tem- perature and a modest improvement in pain perception. Thus, ricebags can be considered as one of the treatment tools in back pain management.

Research paper thumbnail of Acute Effects of Using Ricebag on Hip Range of Motion Among Backache Patients

ABSTRACT Chronic back pain is a common injury in almost all age groups. Thermal therapy has been ... more ABSTRACT Chronic back pain is a common injury in almost all age groups. Thermal therapy has been found to give beneficial effects for chronic injury. Since ricebags were found to hold heat better, it could be a good therapy modality for treating chronic back pain injury. The objectives of this study were to (1) deter- mine the differences in temperature between the ricebags and the skin interface and (2) determine the effects of ricebags on the trunk and hip range of motion. To achieve the objectives of this study, two statistical analysis procedures were used. The analysis was conducted with the repeated-measure ANOVA and also the independent t test. A total of 40 subjects from Tuanku Mizan Military Hospital were recruited using the purposing sampling technique. Their mean age was 34.65 (±9.622) years with a mean weight of 72.23 (±11.44) kg. The results showed a significant difference in temperature between the ricebag and the hydrocullator (p \ 0.05). However, there was no significant difference in temperature of the skin interface between the ricebag and the hydrocullator (p = 0.732). On the other hand, although there was improvement in trunk and hip range of motions, there was no significant difference found in trunk and hip range of motions for both groups. Hence, both the ricebag and hydrocullator gave the same effect on skin interface and on trunk and hip range of motions in the patients. Thus, the ricebag can be used as an alternative in chronic back pain management.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Stable Versus Unstable Exercises Among Chronic Low Back Pain Patients

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between 20-m Multistage Fitness Test and Yo-Yo Intermittent Fitness Test in Measuring Cardiovascular Fitness Among Kuching Sarawak Rugby Player

Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Sports Science, Exercise, Engineering and Technology 2014 (ICoSSEET 2014)


Research paper thumbnail of The effects of aerobic dance on cardiovascular fitness and body composition in sedentary women

Research paper thumbnail of Validity of Selected Aerobic Capacity Field-Based Test among Rugby Players

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of single and variable cut-off frequencyfor the Butterworth filter utilized in data smoothingfor slow foot velocity during instep soccer kick

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of movement pattern among referee in 2012 Malaysian Cup

Research paper thumbnail of The effects of musical tempo during cycling exercise among undergraduate sport science students

Research paper thumbnail of Ricebag Induced Skin Interface Temperature in Shoulder Injury Patients

ABSTRACT Ricebaghasbeenfoundtobeanalternativetherapyinthemanagementof musculoskeletal injury. The... more ABSTRACT Ricebaghasbeenfoundtobeanalternativetherapyinthemanagementof musculoskeletal injury. The objectives of the present study were: (1) to determine the efficacy of skin heat transfer in ricebag treatments among shoulder injury patients, and (2) to determine the effect of active range of motions (AROM) on shoulder injury patients. This study used the repeated measure design to achieve its objectives. A total of 30 samples comprising of males (n = 19) and females (n = 11) (20 experiments, 10 controls) were recruited into the study, where the mean age for males was 43.21 years old (SD = 15.393), and the mean age for females was 37.00 years old (SD = 11.653). The mean weight of males was 76.53 kg (SD = 9.930) and the mean weight of females was 61.36 kg (SD = 5.679). The mean height of males was 166.05 cm (SD = 6.892) and the mean height of females was 161.76 cm (SD = 6.087). There was a significant difference in temperatures between the ricebag and Hydrocollator (p \ 0.05), but there was no significant differences in temperatures on the skin interface between the Ricebags and Hydrocollator (p = 0.512). There were no significant differences on AROM (Flexion, Extension and Abduction) for both the Ricebag and Hydrocollator (p = 0.300, = 0.548, = 0.305). However, there was a significant difference between the ROM and pre- and posttests after 20 min of treatment (p \ 0.05). In conclusion, Ricebags gave a similar effect as the Hydrocollator on skin interface temperatures and showed a modest improvement on AROM. Hence, Ricebags can be considered as one of the treatment tools in back pain management.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Tenpin Bowling Lane’s Rolling Resistance Based on Kinetics and Kinematics Modeling

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of Handgrip Strength in Predicting Total Body Strength Among High Performance Athletes

Research paper thumbnail of Differences in Game Statistics Between Winning and Losing Football Teams in Malaysia Super League: A Pilot Study

Research paper thumbnail of Efficacy of Core Stability Exercise and Muscular Stretching on Chronic Low-Back Pain

Research paper thumbnail of Reflection Rate Index of Markers for Motion Capture Application

Research paper thumbnail of A Pilot Study: Effects of Aquatic and Land Spinal Stabilisation Training on the Management of Back Pain

Research paper thumbnail of Differences in Game Statistics Between Winning and Losing Teams in Inter-University Elite Male Sepak Takraw Tournament: A Pilot Study

Research paper thumbnail of A Study on Factors Associated with Physical Fitness Status Among Emergency Response Team of Oil and Gas Company in Peninsular Malaysia

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Ricebag on Skin Interface and Pain in Chronic Back Pain Patients

ABSTRACT Ricebags have been found to be good alternative therapy in the management of chronic bac... more ABSTRACT Ricebags have been found to be good alternative therapy in the management of chronic back pain injury. Hence, the objectives of this study were: (1) to determine the difference in temperatures between the ricebag and skin interface, and (2) to determine the effect of heat compression using ricebags to pain sensation in chronic back pain patients. This study used the repeated measure design to achieve its objectives. A total of 40 male (30 experiments, 10 controls) subjects were recruited into the study where the mean age was 34.3 years old (SD = 8.11) and the mean weight was 72.63 kg (SD = 11.2). There was a sig- nificant difference in temperature between the ricebags and the hydrocullator (p\0.05), but there were no significant differences in temperature on the skin interface between the ricebag and hydrocullator (p = 0.716). On the effects of pain sensation, there was a significant difference in visual analogue scale (VAS) within groups for both ricebags and hydrocullator (p \ 0.05), but there was no significant difference in VAS between ricebags and the hydrocullator (p = 0.303). In con- clusion, ricebags gave similar effects as the hydrocullator on skin interface tem- perature and a modest improvement in pain perception. Thus, ricebags can be considered as one of the treatment tools in back pain management.

Research paper thumbnail of Acute Effects of Using Ricebag on Hip Range of Motion Among Backache Patients

ABSTRACT Chronic back pain is a common injury in almost all age groups. Thermal therapy has been ... more ABSTRACT Chronic back pain is a common injury in almost all age groups. Thermal therapy has been found to give beneficial effects for chronic injury. Since ricebags were found to hold heat better, it could be a good therapy modality for treating chronic back pain injury. The objectives of this study were to (1) deter- mine the differences in temperature between the ricebags and the skin interface and (2) determine the effects of ricebags on the trunk and hip range of motion. To achieve the objectives of this study, two statistical analysis procedures were used. The analysis was conducted with the repeated-measure ANOVA and also the independent t test. A total of 40 subjects from Tuanku Mizan Military Hospital were recruited using the purposing sampling technique. Their mean age was 34.65 (±9.622) years with a mean weight of 72.23 (±11.44) kg. The results showed a significant difference in temperature between the ricebag and the hydrocullator (p \ 0.05). However, there was no significant difference in temperature of the skin interface between the ricebag and the hydrocullator (p = 0.732). On the other hand, although there was improvement in trunk and hip range of motions, there was no significant difference found in trunk and hip range of motions for both groups. Hence, both the ricebag and hydrocullator gave the same effect on skin interface and on trunk and hip range of motions in the patients. Thus, the ricebag can be used as an alternative in chronic back pain management.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Stable Versus Unstable Exercises Among Chronic Low Back Pain Patients

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship Between 20-m Multistage Fitness Test and Yo-Yo Intermittent Fitness Test in Measuring Cardiovascular Fitness Among Kuching Sarawak Rugby Player

Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Sports Science, Exercise, Engineering and Technology 2014 (ICoSSEET 2014)


Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Sports Science, Exercise, Engineering and Technology 2014 (ICoSSEET 2014)

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