Dzulkifli Hadi Imawan | Universitas Islam Indonesia (original) (raw)
Papers by Dzulkifli Hadi Imawan
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Oct 24, 2019
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam
The focus of research is how the values of moral education contained in the book Adabul'Alim ... more The focus of research is how the values of moral education contained in the book Adabul'Alim wal Muta'allim fima Yahtaju ilaih al-Muta'allim in KH Hasyim Asy'ari 's thinking in the world of modern Islamic education and also how the role of the book Adabul'Alim wal Muta'allim fima Yahtaju ilaih al-Muta'allim in the development of modern Islamic education in Indonesia. This type of research is a literature study. Primary sources and data come from the book Adabul'Alim wal Muta'allim fima Yahtaju ilaih al-Muta'allim. The results of the first research on moral education in the book Adabul'Alim wal Muta'allim fima Yahtaju ilaih al-Muta'allimt consist of 8 chapters which can be classified into 3 important parts, namely the significance of education, the responsibilities and duties of students, and the responsibilities and duties of the teacher. Two roles of the book Adabul'Alim wal Muta'allim fima Yahtaju ilaih al-Muta'al...
Jurnal Pemikiran Islam
The role of the Prophet Muhammad in spreading the teachings of Islam not only influenced the dyna... more The role of the Prophet Muhammad in spreading the teachings of Islam not only influenced the dynamics of the rule of law (shari'ah) but also the formation of world civilization. This article will explain the role of Rasulullah in building civilization and intellect in the Islamic world. This study is a literature review using a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. This research concludes that Muhammad saw. has succeeded in changing the civilization of the Arabs into a more civilized nation. In terms of thought, the Prophet Muhammad was the center of all Islamic teachings in the process of the early formation of Islamic society. The existence of the Prophet is the only human being who has the authority to justify the thought of Islamic law in that society.AbstrakPeran Rasulullah Muhammad saw dalam menyebarkan ajaran Islam tidak hanya memberikan pengaruh pada dinamika aturan hukum (syari’at) an sich, melainkan memberikan pengaruh terhadap pembentukan peradaban ...
The Journal of Risale-i Nur Studies, Jul 31, 2019
This paper aimed to discuss about the ideal person of preacher (da'i) according to Imam B... more This paper aimed to discuss about the ideal person of preacher (da'i) according to Imam Badiuzzaman Sa'id an-Nursi. He was one of the great scholars from Turkey and he played a major role in the spread of Islamic preaching and gave birth to many dai who were able to carry out the mandate of da'wah by consistently following the instructions (manhaj) of Muhammad the Messenger of Allah and his companions and their heirs from the Rabbani clerics, also able to face da'wah challenges in every time and in every different place. Therefore, this research will look for the ideal person of preacher capable of carrying the Islamic preaching in our contemporary era according to Imam Badiuzzaman Said an-Nursi on his book of Rasail al-Nur. This study used a literatue study on the book of Rasail Nur and other books related to Imam Badiuzzaman Said an-Nursi accompanied by tahqiq about the verses of the quran and the hadith of the Prophet. And the results of this study revealed that the ideal person of preacher according to Imam Badiuzzaman Sa'id an-Nursi is a person who has strong faith, extensive scientific insight, and is able to be a good example. The ideal person of preacher like this will be able to carry out the mandate of Islamic preaching (da'wah) and can face the challenges of da'wah by consistently following the instructions (manhaj) of Muhammad the Messenger of Allah and his companions in order to elevate the religion of Allah in the contemporary era.
Santri: Journal of Pesantren and Fiqh Sosial, 2021
This study will examine the contribution of Shaykh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari in grounding Islam ... more This study will examine the contribution of Shaykh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari in grounding Islam in the archipelago in the 18th century AD. He had a major contribution in grounding Islam in Nusantara in the 18th century AD. He left a great legacy in the form of scholarly works in various funun (Kitab Kuning) and also Pesantrens. Therefore, this study is to examine how far the contribution of Shaykh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari in grounding Islam in Nusantara through the Kitab Kuning and his Pesantren in the 18th century AD. This study is qualitative with a historical approach and a research library. The results of this study state that Shaykh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari contributed greatly in grounding Islam in Nusantara through the Kitab Kuning and also through the Pesantren Dalam Pagar which produces many national figures to date.
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2021
Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 2021
This study explains the contribution of the Alawiyyin scholars in the Islamization of the archipe... more This study explains the contribution of the Alawiyyin scholars in the Islamization of the archipelago in the 15th-16th centuries AD. The Alawiyyin scholar or Bani Alawi was the descendant of Sayyid Alawi bin Ubaidillah bin Ahmad al-Muhajir who was connected to the Prophet Muhammad. They had played a major role in spreading Islam in the archipelago and contributed to the intellectual-spiritual development of Islamic civilizations in the archipelago. However, unfortunately, their role was not widely written by historians even though many classical scientific sources recorded their history. Therefore, this study provides new facts in revealing their contribution in spreading Islam in the archipelago through various works of literature of classical scholars who had recorded their contributions during the Islamization in the archipelago. This study was conducted using a literature study; with historical analysis to find historical data and facts about the contribution of Alawiyyin schola...
Refleksi Pembelajaran Inovatif, 2021
Pendidikan Agama Islam merupakan salah satu materi wajib bagi mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indones... more Pendidikan Agama Islam merupakan salah satu materi wajib bagi mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia. Pendidikan Agama Islam berisi penjelasan tentang akidah, Syariah, dan akhlak serta keteladanan diajarkan untuk membina mahasiswa menjadi muslim yang baik. Tetapi pandemi Covid-19 memaksa pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dilakukan dengan jarak jauh dengan media online (daring). Karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menelisik bagaimana pendidikan Agama Islam dengan daring (online) dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan Research and development in education (R&D). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa agar dapat dipahami oleh mahasiswa dengan baik upaya pembinaan iman dan adab dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam dilakukan dengan menyiapkan materi dalam bentuk softfile dan video, memanfaatkan media-media online seperti google classroom, youtube, whatsapp, zoom untuk pembelajaran dan melakukan instrument penilaian sebagai evaluasi.
The International Journal of Pegon : Islam Nusantara civilization, 2018
This paper is about to discuss a scholar of Nusantara in Haramain who has a major role in the dev... more This paper is about to discuss a scholar of Nusantara in Haramain who has a major role in the development of da’wah and intellectuals in the Islamic world in the 19th century ADthe 19th-20th century AD was the golden age of the scholar of Nusantara in Haramain because of the quantity and quality of those who did not exist before or since. But the traces of their da’wah are not widely known by the present generation like Shaykh Muhammad Nawawi al-Bantani. Therefore, thisstudy will discuss the history of one of Nusantara scholar in Haramain, Shaykh Muhammad Nawawi al-Bantani by taking the focus of his study of dakwah and his intellectual contribution in the Islamic world.The study used is a study of literature on the biography of Haramain scholars, especially the literary sources that discussed Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantani. the results of this study suggest that Shaikh Muhammad Nawawi al-Bantani was a great Haramain scholar who came from the archipelago, and he was well known by the Haram...
This paper aimed to discuss about the intellectual network of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani and... more This paper aimed to discuss about the intellectual network of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani and his contribution to the grounding of Islam in Indonesia during the 18th century. He was one of the great scholars who had an intellectual network in Indonesian archipelago and Arabian Peninsula. He played a big role in the dissemination of Islamic lecture in both countries. His impact was widely documented in the biographies of the Arabic figure ( tarajim ) and isnad . Therefore, this study attempted to trace his intellectual network and his contributions to the Islamic world, especially in Indonesia at 18th century. This study used a literature study on the biography of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani, information was obtained from literature sources related to him and his work. The results of this study revealed that Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani had a lot of intellectual networks that connected the Indonesian and Arabian Peninsula’s scholars and played a major role in grounding Is...
This paper discussed Islamic philanthropy as a solution to the development of a civil society in ... more This paper discussed Islamic philanthropy as a solution to the development of a civil society in Indonesia. Muhammad SAW's teachings of Islamic philanthropy has been proven in history to be a solution to the awakening of Muslims in building a prosperous, educated and civilized society.Therefore, this paper attempted to analyze the urgency of Islamic philanthropy as a solution to the development of an advanced and civilized Islamic society in Indonesia. The information obtained from various literature sources related to Islamic philanthropy were analyzed in this research study. The results of this study showed that the existence of laws on Islamic philanthropy, cooperation between the government and Indonesian Islamic organizations in socializing Islamic philanthropy, and the expounded understanding of philanthropic meanings and purposes for their application in this recent times are important solutions to the development of a civil society in Indonesia.
Revisão: Os Autores O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade s... more Revisão: Os Autores O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. Conselho Editorial Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas APRESENTAÇÃO O e-book intitulado "Música: Circunstâncias Naturais e Sociais" reúne pesquisas que abordam a música em suas diversas manifestações. Sabe-se que a música e seus elementos permeiam a vida do homem desde os primórdios da civilização, adquirindo funções variadas como comunicação, expressão, rituais de cura, entre outros. A música também é considerada como a manifestação artística que estimula mais áreas do cérebro simultaneamente, para quem ouve e, mais ainda, para quem pratica. Desde então, muito se descobriu sobre os benefícios da aplicação da música enquanto ferramenta de socialização, comunicação, estimulação, em se tratando de aspectos físicos e fisiológicos, cognitivos, emocionais e relacionais. Neste e-book pode-se ver a amplitude de pesquisas relacionadas à música, desde uma análise técnica relacionada a performance e estética até o seu uso terapêutico. A primeira seção traz artigos que relacionam a prática de música à área educacional, pensando em modelos de ensino, contribuições para a formação do professor e seu uso tanto na educação a distância quanto na infantil, tratando do contexto mais amplo da educação e ainda de aspectos tecnológicos envolvidos no ensino específico da música. Na sequência, 'Estética e Performance Musical' dedica-se a explorar aspectos envolvidos na composição e execução de peças, considerando o processo criativo, a relação entre os elementos musicais, questões técnicas e a própria performance enquanto experiência estética. A terceira seção ajuda a reconhecer a importância da música como instrumento de socialização, pois, em sendo uma forma de expressão, permite que o homem se comunique e se relacione com o seu meio. Os artigos aqui reunidos exploram questões culturais que constituem e são constituídas nessa relação homemcomunidade, abordando elementos expressivos e perceptivos, competitividade versus integração, música como memória cultural, reflexões sobre gênero e sobre o pensamento enquanto força ativa e criativa. Para finalizar, apresenta-se um artigo que enfatiza a utilização da música com enfoque terapêutico, sendo aplicada na estimulação cognitiva em um caso específico de demência. Aos autores, fica o agradecimento pela produção e o desejo de que a busca pelo conhecimento continue sendo uma constante. Aos leitores, que este material seja provocativo e os incentive a também compartilhar suas experiências.
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora, 2021
This article examines kitab kuning (lit. yellow books: i.e, traditional or classical Islamic text... more This article examines kitab kuning (lit. yellow books: i.e, traditional or classical Islamic texts taught in pesantrens) and the formation of the religious character of Muslims in Indonesia. The study of religious character values in the 'kitab kuning' was carried out at the State Madrasah Aliyah of the Religious Program (MANPK) MAN 1 Yogyakarta. MAPK provides additional 'kitab kuning' class to students so that they can become superior students in religious insight, nationality and the formation of Muslim character in Indonesia. Therefore, this study is important to determine the formation of Muslim character in Indonesia through learning the 'kitab kuning'. Using qualitative approach, this field research used interviews, observation and documentation in data collection. The result is that the 'kitab kuning' namely Ta'lim al-Muta'allim influences the formation of religious character values for Indonesian Muslims. These character values include; (1) maintaining knowledge, (2) respecting teachers and friends, (3) glorifying books, diligently studying and worshiping, (4) avoiding arrogance and humiliating others, (5) being patience in learning and discussion, (6) maintaining integrity (upholding the value of honesty), and (7) being responsible.
Millah, 2020
meneliti bidang studi agama yang diterbitkan dua kali setahun secara tematik yaitu setiap bulan F... more meneliti bidang studi agama yang diterbitkan dua kali setahun secara tematik yaitu setiap bulan Februari dan Agustus. Visi Menjadi salah satu referensi utama dalam bidang studi agama secara akademis baik nasional maupun internasional Misi Media pencerahan studi agama dalam memecahkan masalah-masalah sosial-keagamaan
Santri: Journal of Pesantren and Fiqh Sosial, 2020
This study will examine the contribution of Shaykh Muhammad Mahfuzh al-Tarmasi in the intellectua... more This study will examine the contribution of Shaykh Muhammad Mahfuzh al-Tarmasi in the intellectual-spiritual development of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia in the 20th century M. Shaykh Muhammad Mahfuzh al-Tarmasi who became one of the archipelago scholars who teach at the Haram Mosque was noted to have a major role in the development pesantren intellectual-spiritual in the archipelago in the 20th century AD Even though Indonesia at that time was still overshadowed by colonialism, but through its guidance to students in Mecca made a major contribution in improving the intellectual-spiritual boarding schools in the archipelago so that Indonesia was free from colonialism. Therefore, this research becomes important to know how the contribution of Shaykh Muhammad Mahfuzh al-Tarmasi in the intellectual-spiritual development in Indonesian pesantren in the 20th century AD. This study is a qualitative research with a historical approach. The results of this study stated that Shaykh Mu...
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, 2018
Tulisan ini hendak membahas tentang Ulama-ulama Indonesia yang memiliki sumbangsih intelektual da... more Tulisan ini hendak membahas tentang Ulama-ulama Indonesia yang memiliki sumbangsih intelektual dan dakwah Islam pada abad ke-19 M di dunia Islam. Abad ke-19 M merupakan abad kelam bagi Indonesia karena adanya penjajahan Belanda yang mencapai puncaknya. Tapi disisi lain, ulama-ulama Indonesia mampu memainkan peran besar dalam perkembangan intelektual di dunia Islam dengan menjadi para pengajar di Masjidil Haram, Makkah al-Mukarramah. Sejarah itu seakan tertutup banyak debu sehingga sedikit sekali yang mengkaji terkait sejarah ulama-ulama Indonesia yang berpengaruh tersebut. Oleh karena itulah, kajian ini akan mencoba fokus untuk menelaah sejarah ulama-ulama tersebut dan sumbangsih intelektual mereka di dunia Islam. Kajian yang digunakan adalah kajian literature mengenai biografi para ulama Indonesia, khususnya suber-sumber kepustakaan yang terkait para ulama Indonesia yang berpengaruh di dunia Islam khususnya Makkah al-Mukarramah. Hasil dari kajian ini menyatakan bahwa para ulama Indonesia memiliki sumbangsih intelektual dan dakwah islam. Lewat pengajaran di Masjidil Haram dan karya-karya mereka, lahir para ulama besar yang berperan penting dalam penyebaran Islam dan kebangkitan umat Islam di dunia Islam.
Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization
The paper aimed to discuss the contribution of Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry in popularizing Islamic ... more The paper aimed to discuss the contribution of Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry in popularizing Islamic Law through his work al-Shirath al-Mustaqim in the Nusantara. Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry was a prominent scholar among the Nusantara Scholars who had a major influence on the intellectual and spiritual development of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam in the 17th century AD. He is a scholar who is known as an expert in fiqh (Islamic Law) and served as a judge (Qadli Malikul Adil) just during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Tsani. Therefore, this study aims to examine Shaykh Nuruddin Ar-Raniry's contribution to Islamic law through his book entitled as-Shirath al-Mustaqim. The research method in this study is a library study by analyzing the books of Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry and other books related to this study. This study explains that Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry contributed to grounding the Islamic jurisprudence of the Syafii Madhhab in Nusantara in the 17th century AD through his work as-Sh...
The paper aimed to discuss the contribution of Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry in popularizing Islamic ... more The paper aimed to discuss the contribution of Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry in popularizing Islamic Law through his work al-Shirath al-Mustaqim in the Nusantara. Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry was a prominent scholar among the Nusantara Scholars who had a major influence on the intellectual and spiritual development of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam in the 17 th century AD. He is a scholar who is known as an expert in fiqh (Islamic Law) and served as a judge (Qadli Malikul Adil) just during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Tsani. Therefore, this study aims to examine Shaykh Nuruddin Ar-Raniry's contribution to Islamic law through his book entitled as-Shirath al-Mustaqim. The research method in this study is a library study by analyzing the books of Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry and other books related to this study. This study explains that Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry contributed to grounding the Islamic jurisprudence of the Syafii Madhhab in Nusantara in the 17th century AD through his work as-Shirath al-Mustaqim and encouraged the later Nusantara scholars in advancing Islamic legal literacy in Nusantara.
This paper aimed to discuss about the intellectual network of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani and... more This paper aimed to discuss about the intellectual network of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani and his contribution to the grounding of Islam in Indonesia during the 18th century. He was one of the great scholars who had an intellectual network in Indonesian archipelago and Arabian Peninsula. He played a big role in the dissemination of Islamic lecture in both countries. His impact was widely documented in the biographies of the Arabic figure (tarajim) and isnad. Therefore, this study attempted to trace his intellectual network and his contributions to the Islamic world, especially in Indonesia at 18th century. This study used a literature study on the biography of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani, information was obtained from literature sources related to him and his work. The results of this study revealed that Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani had a lot of intellectual networks that connected the Indonesian and Arabian Peninsula's scholars and played a major role in grounding Islam in Indonesia. This was carried out through the caderization of his students and the publication of his writings, which brought by his students to Indonesia. His works encouraged Indonesian Muslims to adhere to the teachings of Ahlu al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah, hold on to syafi'i madzhab, and accept the sunni tasawwuf as the teachings of the Prophet.
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Oct 24, 2019
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam
The focus of research is how the values of moral education contained in the book Adabul'Alim ... more The focus of research is how the values of moral education contained in the book Adabul'Alim wal Muta'allim fima Yahtaju ilaih al-Muta'allim in KH Hasyim Asy'ari 's thinking in the world of modern Islamic education and also how the role of the book Adabul'Alim wal Muta'allim fima Yahtaju ilaih al-Muta'allim in the development of modern Islamic education in Indonesia. This type of research is a literature study. Primary sources and data come from the book Adabul'Alim wal Muta'allim fima Yahtaju ilaih al-Muta'allim. The results of the first research on moral education in the book Adabul'Alim wal Muta'allim fima Yahtaju ilaih al-Muta'allimt consist of 8 chapters which can be classified into 3 important parts, namely the significance of education, the responsibilities and duties of students, and the responsibilities and duties of the teacher. Two roles of the book Adabul'Alim wal Muta'allim fima Yahtaju ilaih al-Muta'al...
Jurnal Pemikiran Islam
The role of the Prophet Muhammad in spreading the teachings of Islam not only influenced the dyna... more The role of the Prophet Muhammad in spreading the teachings of Islam not only influenced the dynamics of the rule of law (shari'ah) but also the formation of world civilization. This article will explain the role of Rasulullah in building civilization and intellect in the Islamic world. This study is a literature review using a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. This research concludes that Muhammad saw. has succeeded in changing the civilization of the Arabs into a more civilized nation. In terms of thought, the Prophet Muhammad was the center of all Islamic teachings in the process of the early formation of Islamic society. The existence of the Prophet is the only human being who has the authority to justify the thought of Islamic law in that society.AbstrakPeran Rasulullah Muhammad saw dalam menyebarkan ajaran Islam tidak hanya memberikan pengaruh pada dinamika aturan hukum (syari’at) an sich, melainkan memberikan pengaruh terhadap pembentukan peradaban ...
The Journal of Risale-i Nur Studies, Jul 31, 2019
This paper aimed to discuss about the ideal person of preacher (da'i) according to Imam B... more This paper aimed to discuss about the ideal person of preacher (da'i) according to Imam Badiuzzaman Sa'id an-Nursi. He was one of the great scholars from Turkey and he played a major role in the spread of Islamic preaching and gave birth to many dai who were able to carry out the mandate of da'wah by consistently following the instructions (manhaj) of Muhammad the Messenger of Allah and his companions and their heirs from the Rabbani clerics, also able to face da'wah challenges in every time and in every different place. Therefore, this research will look for the ideal person of preacher capable of carrying the Islamic preaching in our contemporary era according to Imam Badiuzzaman Said an-Nursi on his book of Rasail al-Nur. This study used a literatue study on the book of Rasail Nur and other books related to Imam Badiuzzaman Said an-Nursi accompanied by tahqiq about the verses of the quran and the hadith of the Prophet. And the results of this study revealed that the ideal person of preacher according to Imam Badiuzzaman Sa'id an-Nursi is a person who has strong faith, extensive scientific insight, and is able to be a good example. The ideal person of preacher like this will be able to carry out the mandate of Islamic preaching (da'wah) and can face the challenges of da'wah by consistently following the instructions (manhaj) of Muhammad the Messenger of Allah and his companions in order to elevate the religion of Allah in the contemporary era.
Santri: Journal of Pesantren and Fiqh Sosial, 2021
This study will examine the contribution of Shaykh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari in grounding Islam ... more This study will examine the contribution of Shaykh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari in grounding Islam in the archipelago in the 18th century AD. He had a major contribution in grounding Islam in Nusantara in the 18th century AD. He left a great legacy in the form of scholarly works in various funun (Kitab Kuning) and also Pesantrens. Therefore, this study is to examine how far the contribution of Shaykh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari in grounding Islam in Nusantara through the Kitab Kuning and his Pesantren in the 18th century AD. This study is qualitative with a historical approach and a research library. The results of this study state that Shaykh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari contributed greatly in grounding Islam in Nusantara through the Kitab Kuning and also through the Pesantren Dalam Pagar which produces many national figures to date.
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2021
Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 2021
This study explains the contribution of the Alawiyyin scholars in the Islamization of the archipe... more This study explains the contribution of the Alawiyyin scholars in the Islamization of the archipelago in the 15th-16th centuries AD. The Alawiyyin scholar or Bani Alawi was the descendant of Sayyid Alawi bin Ubaidillah bin Ahmad al-Muhajir who was connected to the Prophet Muhammad. They had played a major role in spreading Islam in the archipelago and contributed to the intellectual-spiritual development of Islamic civilizations in the archipelago. However, unfortunately, their role was not widely written by historians even though many classical scientific sources recorded their history. Therefore, this study provides new facts in revealing their contribution in spreading Islam in the archipelago through various works of literature of classical scholars who had recorded their contributions during the Islamization in the archipelago. This study was conducted using a literature study; with historical analysis to find historical data and facts about the contribution of Alawiyyin schola...
Refleksi Pembelajaran Inovatif, 2021
Pendidikan Agama Islam merupakan salah satu materi wajib bagi mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indones... more Pendidikan Agama Islam merupakan salah satu materi wajib bagi mahasiswa Universitas Islam Indonesia. Pendidikan Agama Islam berisi penjelasan tentang akidah, Syariah, dan akhlak serta keteladanan diajarkan untuk membina mahasiswa menjadi muslim yang baik. Tetapi pandemi Covid-19 memaksa pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dilakukan dengan jarak jauh dengan media online (daring). Karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menelisik bagaimana pendidikan Agama Islam dengan daring (online) dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan Research and development in education (R&D). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa agar dapat dipahami oleh mahasiswa dengan baik upaya pembinaan iman dan adab dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam dilakukan dengan menyiapkan materi dalam bentuk softfile dan video, memanfaatkan media-media online seperti google classroom, youtube, whatsapp, zoom untuk pembelajaran dan melakukan instrument penilaian sebagai evaluasi.
The International Journal of Pegon : Islam Nusantara civilization, 2018
This paper is about to discuss a scholar of Nusantara in Haramain who has a major role in the dev... more This paper is about to discuss a scholar of Nusantara in Haramain who has a major role in the development of da’wah and intellectuals in the Islamic world in the 19th century ADthe 19th-20th century AD was the golden age of the scholar of Nusantara in Haramain because of the quantity and quality of those who did not exist before or since. But the traces of their da’wah are not widely known by the present generation like Shaykh Muhammad Nawawi al-Bantani. Therefore, thisstudy will discuss the history of one of Nusantara scholar in Haramain, Shaykh Muhammad Nawawi al-Bantani by taking the focus of his study of dakwah and his intellectual contribution in the Islamic world.The study used is a study of literature on the biography of Haramain scholars, especially the literary sources that discussed Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantani. the results of this study suggest that Shaikh Muhammad Nawawi al-Bantani was a great Haramain scholar who came from the archipelago, and he was well known by the Haram...
This paper aimed to discuss about the intellectual network of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani and... more This paper aimed to discuss about the intellectual network of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani and his contribution to the grounding of Islam in Indonesia during the 18th century. He was one of the great scholars who had an intellectual network in Indonesian archipelago and Arabian Peninsula. He played a big role in the dissemination of Islamic lecture in both countries. His impact was widely documented in the biographies of the Arabic figure ( tarajim ) and isnad . Therefore, this study attempted to trace his intellectual network and his contributions to the Islamic world, especially in Indonesia at 18th century. This study used a literature study on the biography of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani, information was obtained from literature sources related to him and his work. The results of this study revealed that Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani had a lot of intellectual networks that connected the Indonesian and Arabian Peninsula’s scholars and played a major role in grounding Is...
This paper discussed Islamic philanthropy as a solution to the development of a civil society in ... more This paper discussed Islamic philanthropy as a solution to the development of a civil society in Indonesia. Muhammad SAW's teachings of Islamic philanthropy has been proven in history to be a solution to the awakening of Muslims in building a prosperous, educated and civilized society.Therefore, this paper attempted to analyze the urgency of Islamic philanthropy as a solution to the development of an advanced and civilized Islamic society in Indonesia. The information obtained from various literature sources related to Islamic philanthropy were analyzed in this research study. The results of this study showed that the existence of laws on Islamic philanthropy, cooperation between the government and Indonesian Islamic organizations in socializing Islamic philanthropy, and the expounded understanding of philanthropic meanings and purposes for their application in this recent times are important solutions to the development of a civil society in Indonesia.
Revisão: Os Autores O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade s... more Revisão: Os Autores O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. Conselho Editorial Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas APRESENTAÇÃO O e-book intitulado "Música: Circunstâncias Naturais e Sociais" reúne pesquisas que abordam a música em suas diversas manifestações. Sabe-se que a música e seus elementos permeiam a vida do homem desde os primórdios da civilização, adquirindo funções variadas como comunicação, expressão, rituais de cura, entre outros. A música também é considerada como a manifestação artística que estimula mais áreas do cérebro simultaneamente, para quem ouve e, mais ainda, para quem pratica. Desde então, muito se descobriu sobre os benefícios da aplicação da música enquanto ferramenta de socialização, comunicação, estimulação, em se tratando de aspectos físicos e fisiológicos, cognitivos, emocionais e relacionais. Neste e-book pode-se ver a amplitude de pesquisas relacionadas à música, desde uma análise técnica relacionada a performance e estética até o seu uso terapêutico. A primeira seção traz artigos que relacionam a prática de música à área educacional, pensando em modelos de ensino, contribuições para a formação do professor e seu uso tanto na educação a distância quanto na infantil, tratando do contexto mais amplo da educação e ainda de aspectos tecnológicos envolvidos no ensino específico da música. Na sequência, 'Estética e Performance Musical' dedica-se a explorar aspectos envolvidos na composição e execução de peças, considerando o processo criativo, a relação entre os elementos musicais, questões técnicas e a própria performance enquanto experiência estética. A terceira seção ajuda a reconhecer a importância da música como instrumento de socialização, pois, em sendo uma forma de expressão, permite que o homem se comunique e se relacione com o seu meio. Os artigos aqui reunidos exploram questões culturais que constituem e são constituídas nessa relação homemcomunidade, abordando elementos expressivos e perceptivos, competitividade versus integração, música como memória cultural, reflexões sobre gênero e sobre o pensamento enquanto força ativa e criativa. Para finalizar, apresenta-se um artigo que enfatiza a utilização da música com enfoque terapêutico, sendo aplicada na estimulação cognitiva em um caso específico de demência. Aos autores, fica o agradecimento pela produção e o desejo de que a busca pelo conhecimento continue sendo uma constante. Aos leitores, que este material seja provocativo e os incentive a também compartilhar suas experiências.
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora, 2021
This article examines kitab kuning (lit. yellow books: i.e, traditional or classical Islamic text... more This article examines kitab kuning (lit. yellow books: i.e, traditional or classical Islamic texts taught in pesantrens) and the formation of the religious character of Muslims in Indonesia. The study of religious character values in the 'kitab kuning' was carried out at the State Madrasah Aliyah of the Religious Program (MANPK) MAN 1 Yogyakarta. MAPK provides additional 'kitab kuning' class to students so that they can become superior students in religious insight, nationality and the formation of Muslim character in Indonesia. Therefore, this study is important to determine the formation of Muslim character in Indonesia through learning the 'kitab kuning'. Using qualitative approach, this field research used interviews, observation and documentation in data collection. The result is that the 'kitab kuning' namely Ta'lim al-Muta'allim influences the formation of religious character values for Indonesian Muslims. These character values include; (1) maintaining knowledge, (2) respecting teachers and friends, (3) glorifying books, diligently studying and worshiping, (4) avoiding arrogance and humiliating others, (5) being patience in learning and discussion, (6) maintaining integrity (upholding the value of honesty), and (7) being responsible.
Millah, 2020
meneliti bidang studi agama yang diterbitkan dua kali setahun secara tematik yaitu setiap bulan F... more meneliti bidang studi agama yang diterbitkan dua kali setahun secara tematik yaitu setiap bulan Februari dan Agustus. Visi Menjadi salah satu referensi utama dalam bidang studi agama secara akademis baik nasional maupun internasional Misi Media pencerahan studi agama dalam memecahkan masalah-masalah sosial-keagamaan
Santri: Journal of Pesantren and Fiqh Sosial, 2020
This study will examine the contribution of Shaykh Muhammad Mahfuzh al-Tarmasi in the intellectua... more This study will examine the contribution of Shaykh Muhammad Mahfuzh al-Tarmasi in the intellectual-spiritual development of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia in the 20th century M. Shaykh Muhammad Mahfuzh al-Tarmasi who became one of the archipelago scholars who teach at the Haram Mosque was noted to have a major role in the development pesantren intellectual-spiritual in the archipelago in the 20th century AD Even though Indonesia at that time was still overshadowed by colonialism, but through its guidance to students in Mecca made a major contribution in improving the intellectual-spiritual boarding schools in the archipelago so that Indonesia was free from colonialism. Therefore, this research becomes important to know how the contribution of Shaykh Muhammad Mahfuzh al-Tarmasi in the intellectual-spiritual development in Indonesian pesantren in the 20th century AD. This study is a qualitative research with a historical approach. The results of this study stated that Shaykh Mu...
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, 2018
Tulisan ini hendak membahas tentang Ulama-ulama Indonesia yang memiliki sumbangsih intelektual da... more Tulisan ini hendak membahas tentang Ulama-ulama Indonesia yang memiliki sumbangsih intelektual dan dakwah Islam pada abad ke-19 M di dunia Islam. Abad ke-19 M merupakan abad kelam bagi Indonesia karena adanya penjajahan Belanda yang mencapai puncaknya. Tapi disisi lain, ulama-ulama Indonesia mampu memainkan peran besar dalam perkembangan intelektual di dunia Islam dengan menjadi para pengajar di Masjidil Haram, Makkah al-Mukarramah. Sejarah itu seakan tertutup banyak debu sehingga sedikit sekali yang mengkaji terkait sejarah ulama-ulama Indonesia yang berpengaruh tersebut. Oleh karena itulah, kajian ini akan mencoba fokus untuk menelaah sejarah ulama-ulama tersebut dan sumbangsih intelektual mereka di dunia Islam. Kajian yang digunakan adalah kajian literature mengenai biografi para ulama Indonesia, khususnya suber-sumber kepustakaan yang terkait para ulama Indonesia yang berpengaruh di dunia Islam khususnya Makkah al-Mukarramah. Hasil dari kajian ini menyatakan bahwa para ulama Indonesia memiliki sumbangsih intelektual dan dakwah islam. Lewat pengajaran di Masjidil Haram dan karya-karya mereka, lahir para ulama besar yang berperan penting dalam penyebaran Islam dan kebangkitan umat Islam di dunia Islam.
Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization
The paper aimed to discuss the contribution of Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry in popularizing Islamic ... more The paper aimed to discuss the contribution of Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry in popularizing Islamic Law through his work al-Shirath al-Mustaqim in the Nusantara. Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry was a prominent scholar among the Nusantara Scholars who had a major influence on the intellectual and spiritual development of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam in the 17th century AD. He is a scholar who is known as an expert in fiqh (Islamic Law) and served as a judge (Qadli Malikul Adil) just during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Tsani. Therefore, this study aims to examine Shaykh Nuruddin Ar-Raniry's contribution to Islamic law through his book entitled as-Shirath al-Mustaqim. The research method in this study is a library study by analyzing the books of Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry and other books related to this study. This study explains that Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry contributed to grounding the Islamic jurisprudence of the Syafii Madhhab in Nusantara in the 17th century AD through his work as-Sh...
The paper aimed to discuss the contribution of Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry in popularizing Islamic ... more The paper aimed to discuss the contribution of Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry in popularizing Islamic Law through his work al-Shirath al-Mustaqim in the Nusantara. Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry was a prominent scholar among the Nusantara Scholars who had a major influence on the intellectual and spiritual development of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam in the 17 th century AD. He is a scholar who is known as an expert in fiqh (Islamic Law) and served as a judge (Qadli Malikul Adil) just during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Tsani. Therefore, this study aims to examine Shaykh Nuruddin Ar-Raniry's contribution to Islamic law through his book entitled as-Shirath al-Mustaqim. The research method in this study is a library study by analyzing the books of Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry and other books related to this study. This study explains that Shaykh Nuruddin ar-Raniry contributed to grounding the Islamic jurisprudence of the Syafii Madhhab in Nusantara in the 17th century AD through his work as-Shirath al-Mustaqim and encouraged the later Nusantara scholars in advancing Islamic legal literacy in Nusantara.
This paper aimed to discuss about the intellectual network of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani and... more This paper aimed to discuss about the intellectual network of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani and his contribution to the grounding of Islam in Indonesia during the 18th century. He was one of the great scholars who had an intellectual network in Indonesian archipelago and Arabian Peninsula. He played a big role in the dissemination of Islamic lecture in both countries. His impact was widely documented in the biographies of the Arabic figure (tarajim) and isnad. Therefore, this study attempted to trace his intellectual network and his contributions to the Islamic world, especially in Indonesia at 18th century. This study used a literature study on the biography of Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani, information was obtained from literature sources related to him and his work. The results of this study revealed that Shaykh Abdusshamad al-Falimbani had a lot of intellectual networks that connected the Indonesian and Arabian Peninsula's scholars and played a major role in grounding Islam in Indonesia. This was carried out through the caderization of his students and the publication of his writings, which brought by his students to Indonesia. His works encouraged Indonesian Muslims to adhere to the teachings of Ahlu al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah, hold on to syafi'i madzhab, and accept the sunni tasawwuf as the teachings of the Prophet.
Diva Press, 2020
Kata wakaf atau waqf berasal dari bahasa Arab yang berasal dari akar kata wa-qa-fa berarti menaha... more Kata wakaf atau waqf berasal dari bahasa Arab yang berasal dari akar kata wa-qa-fa berarti menahan, berhenti, diam di tempat atau berdiri. Kata waqafayaqifu-waqfan semakna dengan kata habasa-yahbisu-tahbisan maknanya terhalang untuk menggunakan. Kata waqf dalam bahasa Arab mengandung makna: menahan, menahan harta untuk diwakafkan, tidak dipindah milikkan. 6
Diva Press, 2021
tab Mir'atu af-Thullab kar) a Syaikh Abdurrnuf al-<.,inkili <koleksi Dzulkifli) 78 C.-m,bar CJ Mu... more tab Mir'atu af-Thullab kar) a Syaikh Abdurrnuf al-<.,inkili <koleksi Dzulkifli) 78 C.-m,bar CJ Muqadd1mah dan habman akhir kitab Mir'atu al-Thullab.