María José Esteve Ramos | Universitat Jaume I de Castelló (original) (raw)

Books by María José Esteve Ramos

Research paper thumbnail of A Philologist World of Texts. Festschrift in Honour of Professor Smith

Studies in English Language and Literature (SELAL), 2, 2022

This volume contains a collection of articles by Spanish researchers on History of English Langua... more This volume contains a collection of articles by Spanish researchers on History of English Language and Medieval Studies. All of them have gathered in this tribute to Professor Smith, after decades of professional relationship, both in Glasgow and in different Universities across the Spanish territory. These contributions are very much aligned with some of his major interests and areas of expertise, mainly manuscript studies, historical linguistics and editing. The chapters cover a variety of topics related to philological studies and are addressed to professionals o students alike.

Research paper thumbnail of Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts (CELiST)

Coruña Corpus, 2020

This is part of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing and contains forty samples of tex... more This is part of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing and contains forty samples of texts published between 1700 and 1900, all of them directly written in English and representing different genres.

Research paper thumbnail of Textual reception and Cultural Debate in Medieval English Studies

This book is a rigorous and broad update of the state of the art in the investigation of Old and ... more This book is a rigorous and broad update of the state of the art in the investigation of Old and Middle English. The volume, written by some of the best known experts in this field, addresses different issues, such as etymology, manuscript sources, and medieval literary traditions, among others. Its contents will be particularly useful for those interested in the different perspectives of current research in the field, exhorting the reader to consider the relationship of the medieval textual heritage and language with both its contemporary medieval audience and the readers of the 21st century. This book will appeal to specialists in Old and Middle English language and literature and also to university students. In contrast with monographs, which focus on a specific aspect, these essays allow a broader panorama of what is being done and the approaches currently being used.

Research paper thumbnail of Linguistic and translation studies in scientific communication

Research paper thumbnail of English Medical Vocabulary in Ophthalmology: a Historical Review

The study of scientific language and literature has been a major trend within the wider field of ... more The study of scientific language and literature has been a major trend within the wider field of English studies, and a lot of research has focused on the study of its lexicon in each period from a synchronic perspective.

However, a diachronic review of a specific field of science had only been undertaken in specific periods of the language, and not much attention had been paid to the evolution of a subspecialty from its early origin to our present day use. This work attempts a study of the lexicon referred to anatomy and disease terms from a morphological and etymological point of view. Results suggest that the presence of the native lexicon may be higher than expected, and that the language of ophthalmology presents its own characteristics since as early as Old English, defining the specialised area with a terminology of its own, a version of what is nowadays called ESP.

Seven texts, each of them belonging to the main periods of the language, have been selected in order to extract the data. Interesting conclusions regarding the composition of medical vocabulary proof that the historical perspective enhances and implements the modern idea of the Latinate predominance in this area.

ISBN 9783895860232. LINCOM Studies in English Linguistics 13. 306pp. 2008.

Papers by María José Esteve Ramos

Research paper thumbnail of The transmission of exempla in Mediaeval Romances: manuscripts, sources and reception.1

A Philologist World of Texts. Festscrhift in Honour of Professor Jeremy Smith, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The Transmission of the Agnus Castus Herbal: From Manuscript to Early Print

Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny , 2021

This article aims at understanding how scientific writing was evolving from the medieval to the E... more This article aims at understanding how scientific writing was evolving from the medieval to the Early Modern times through the study of two copies of the same text belonging to both periods: the Agnus Castus Herbal. This text offers the possibility of studying the fluidity of this specific type of discourse in a time of a profound technological innovation, reflecting the way the texts were not only produced but also perceived. For those making decisions on how to present this old material to new readers and through a new medium, the influence of the new humanist views and the powerful middle-class may have influenced the final resolutions. The Agnus Castus Herbal was a very popular tract in the Middle Ages, a fundamental part of medical treatments at the time, and was probably still of great interest in the early sixteenth century. Its Early Modern English counterpart-published in 1525-is the first Herbal printed in England.

Research paper thumbnail of "This Ingenious hypothesis hath a great appearance of truth": The expression of true facts in the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts.

“All families and genera”. Exploring the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts. , 2021

This chapter addresses the way scientists of the Enlightenment made their assump-tions and new th... more This chapter addresses the way scientists of the Enlightenment made their assump-tions and new theories sound more truthful and reliable. Many resources were at hand for this purpose, but the use of adverbs – and more specifically adverbs of certainty – was one of them, and this study aims at showing that the writers of these important works used them to support their attempts to sound truthful, in a society which was the receptor of new and unprecedented knowledge, as part of newly established rules of a more clear and plain English.Experimental disciplines gradually developed in the period known as Late Modern English, coinciding with the ideological currents and newly promoted methods of the so-called Age of Reason. Specialised discourse begins to acquire its most distinctive features, and the expression of assertion appears as a reinforcement of the individual contribution to science. Life Sciences, however, present a line of discourse that moves between a more humanistic approach in describing nature and a more analytical one when it comes down to explaining the more experimental part. In both cases, e.g. when referring to the description of new species or when presenting new results, the writer will necessarily address the reader in order to pursue the belief that what is hitherto being exposed is a true fact–persuasively, in line with classical rhetorical goals. Following the same approach as in previous research (Esteve-Ramos and Lareo 2019), this chapter looks into how adverbs of certainty are used in scientific texts, and compares the results with the ones already obtained in the Corpus of English History Texts (CHET).© 2021 John Benjamins Publishing Com

(PDF) Chapter 11. “This ingenious hypothe∫is hath a great appearance of truth”: The expression of true facts in the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts. Available from: [accessed Jan 11 2022].

Research paper thumbnail of “For to understand that much work the leche shall have”: The context of the Agnus Castus herbal in Sloane 7”

Of ye Olde Englisch Langage and Textes: New Perspectives on Old and Middle English Language and Literature. Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature, vol 57. Pérez Lorido, R. Carlos Prado-Alonso y Paula Rodríguez Puente (eds). Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of Manuscript Context in Textual Transmission of Scientific material: A Comparison of Sources from the SLoane Collection.

Literature, science & religion. Textual transmission and translation in Medieval and early modern Europe. Reichenberger., 2020

Research paper thumbnail of A corpus-based study of some certainty adverbs in the Corpus of History English Texts

Writing History in Late Modern English. Explorations of the Coruña Corpus, by Moskowich, Isabel, Begoña Crespo, Luis Puente-Castelo and Leida Maria Monaco (eds.), 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Manuscript contexts and the transmission of the Agnus Castus herbal in MS Sloane 3160

Journal of the Spanish Society for English Medieval Language and Literature (SELIM Journal), 24, 2019

MS Sloane 3160 is a miscellaneous volume containing one copy of the herbal Agnus Castus in Middle... more MS Sloane 3160 is a miscellaneous volume containing one copy of the herbal Agnus Castus in Middle English. Traditionally, editions focused on texts in isolation and did not look in detail to the rest of the material, diminishing the potential of manuscript contexts in explaining how texts flow and are received by a specific audience. If we consider these groupings of texts a collective product in which all the co-texts are part of an internal dialogue, the importance of looking at the whole volume from a collective perspective becomes paramount in understanding the final aim of the compiler, and the processes of transmission of the texts and/or texts. The objective of this article has been to study the arrangement of the material contained in MS Sloane 3160 as a starting point to frame future comparison with manuscripts containing the same herbal. The results point to the identification of patterns which would confirm the “anthologistic impulse” (Lerer, 2000). The structure of this manuscript would contain a spectrum of the most important areas that would cover the contents of a typical vademecum of the time, including religious texts, but more studies are needed in order to be able to assess these contexts in medical miscellanies. The impact and transmission of the Agnus Castus herbal needs to be study collectively, and assessing the manuscript contexts in which the text is naturally embedded points to the right direction in understanding all the processes therein.

Research paper thumbnail of A study of nouns and their provenance in the astronomy section of the Coruna Corpus of scientific English writing: some preliminary considerations.

Los caminos de la lengua. Estudios en homenaje a Enrique ALcaraz., 2010

Research paper thumbnail of 18th century scientific writing: a study of make complex predicates in the Coruna Corpus."

ICAME Journal, 32 69-96, 2008

Complex predicates formed by the verb make plus a noun are suitable for being studied historicall... more Complex predicates formed by the verb make plus a noun are suitable for being studied historically with very interesting results, as it was observed in previous literature. However, our interest lies in tracing, comparing and understanding what may be the variation of these constructions in scientific writing, and in their different chronological layers, analysing different scientific disciplines included in the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing (CC hereafter). As this proves to be a long-term objective, the aim of this paper is to study the use of complex predicates in only one of these disciplines. To this end, some texts included in the 18 th century Life Sciences discipline of the CC have been analysed. Linguistic and extralinguistic information has been taken into account. Finally, the use of complex predicates and related verbs made by the scientists in question has been compared.

Research paper thumbnail of (Re)Searching the Medieval: a Vision of Recent Perspectives

Textual reception and cultural debate in Medieval English, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Medical terminology across the centuries: distinctive features of a chronological study in the field of ophthalmology

Iberica, n.12, pp. 111-126, 2006

This article deals with the comparison of the lexical features of two texts from a diachronic poi... more This article deals with the comparison of the lexical features of two texts from a diachronic point of view. Interest in lexical comparison arises from the fact that the two texts belong to a specialised field within medicine-ophthalmology-and both can be considered of the same genre. The linguistic analysis focuses on morphological and etymological aspects, based on previous studies with a historical perspective in the field of medicine (Norri, 1992). As a result of the study, different implications concerning the use of words from the Germanic native stock or from other sources, together with the different social and scientific changes, are shown in this article. Resumen La terminología médica a través de los siglos: rasgos distintivos de un estudio cronológico en el campo de la oftalmología Este artículo trata de comparar las características léxicas de dos textos desde una perspectiva diacrónica. Este interés en la comparación léxica surge del hecho de que los dos textos pertenecen a un campo de especialidad dentro de la medicina-oftalmología-y ambos se pueden considerar del mismo género. El análisis lingüístico se centra en aspectos morfológicos y etimológicos, criterios basados en estudios anteriores sobre el inglés médico desde una perspectiva histórica (Norri, 1992). Como resultado de este estudio, destacan las diferentes implicaciones sobre el uso del vocabulario de origen germánico o de otras fuentes, junto con los diferentes cambios científicos y sociales que se muestran en este artículo. Palabras clave: inglés medico, lingüística histórica, lexicología, lingüística de corpus Medical terminology across the centuries: distinctive features of a chronological study in the field of ophthalmology

Research paper thumbnail of In and out of Europe: the Arabs, the English and the sciencie of medicine

El discurso artístico norte y sur : eurocentrismo y transculturalismos / coord. por José Luis Caramés Lage, Carmen Escobedo de Tapia, Jorge Luis Bueno Alonso, Vol. 1, Tomo 12, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of "Thys manner of infirmyte the grete lechys of Salerne clepyd obtalmyam": a study of medical terms in Benvenutus Grassus

Miscelánea: A journal of english and American Studies Nº 37 pP 39-51, 2008

Miscelánea: A journal of english and american studies, ISSN 1137-6368, Nº 37, 2008, págs. 39-51

Research paper thumbnail of Some considerations on the significance of anglo-saxon coins, with special reference to the collection of the Royal Museum of Scotland

Actas de X Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Medieval (SELIM) / coord. por Ana María Hornero Corisco, María Pilar Navarro Errasti,, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of The Identification of Sources in The South English Legendary: A Case of Textual Connection in the Europe of the 13th Century

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature , 1997

Research paper thumbnail of A Philologist World of Texts. Festschrift in Honour of Professor Smith

Studies in English Language and Literature (SELAL), 2, 2022

This volume contains a collection of articles by Spanish researchers on History of English Langua... more This volume contains a collection of articles by Spanish researchers on History of English Language and Medieval Studies. All of them have gathered in this tribute to Professor Smith, after decades of professional relationship, both in Glasgow and in different Universities across the Spanish territory. These contributions are very much aligned with some of his major interests and areas of expertise, mainly manuscript studies, historical linguistics and editing. The chapters cover a variety of topics related to philological studies and are addressed to professionals o students alike.

Research paper thumbnail of Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts (CELiST)

Coruña Corpus, 2020

This is part of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing and contains forty samples of tex... more This is part of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing and contains forty samples of texts published between 1700 and 1900, all of them directly written in English and representing different genres.

Research paper thumbnail of Textual reception and Cultural Debate in Medieval English Studies

This book is a rigorous and broad update of the state of the art in the investigation of Old and ... more This book is a rigorous and broad update of the state of the art in the investigation of Old and Middle English. The volume, written by some of the best known experts in this field, addresses different issues, such as etymology, manuscript sources, and medieval literary traditions, among others. Its contents will be particularly useful for those interested in the different perspectives of current research in the field, exhorting the reader to consider the relationship of the medieval textual heritage and language with both its contemporary medieval audience and the readers of the 21st century. This book will appeal to specialists in Old and Middle English language and literature and also to university students. In contrast with monographs, which focus on a specific aspect, these essays allow a broader panorama of what is being done and the approaches currently being used.

Research paper thumbnail of Linguistic and translation studies in scientific communication

Research paper thumbnail of English Medical Vocabulary in Ophthalmology: a Historical Review

The study of scientific language and literature has been a major trend within the wider field of ... more The study of scientific language and literature has been a major trend within the wider field of English studies, and a lot of research has focused on the study of its lexicon in each period from a synchronic perspective.

However, a diachronic review of a specific field of science had only been undertaken in specific periods of the language, and not much attention had been paid to the evolution of a subspecialty from its early origin to our present day use. This work attempts a study of the lexicon referred to anatomy and disease terms from a morphological and etymological point of view. Results suggest that the presence of the native lexicon may be higher than expected, and that the language of ophthalmology presents its own characteristics since as early as Old English, defining the specialised area with a terminology of its own, a version of what is nowadays called ESP.

Seven texts, each of them belonging to the main periods of the language, have been selected in order to extract the data. Interesting conclusions regarding the composition of medical vocabulary proof that the historical perspective enhances and implements the modern idea of the Latinate predominance in this area.

ISBN 9783895860232. LINCOM Studies in English Linguistics 13. 306pp. 2008.

Research paper thumbnail of The transmission of exempla in Mediaeval Romances: manuscripts, sources and reception.1

A Philologist World of Texts. Festscrhift in Honour of Professor Jeremy Smith, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The Transmission of the Agnus Castus Herbal: From Manuscript to Early Print

Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny , 2021

This article aims at understanding how scientific writing was evolving from the medieval to the E... more This article aims at understanding how scientific writing was evolving from the medieval to the Early Modern times through the study of two copies of the same text belonging to both periods: the Agnus Castus Herbal. This text offers the possibility of studying the fluidity of this specific type of discourse in a time of a profound technological innovation, reflecting the way the texts were not only produced but also perceived. For those making decisions on how to present this old material to new readers and through a new medium, the influence of the new humanist views and the powerful middle-class may have influenced the final resolutions. The Agnus Castus Herbal was a very popular tract in the Middle Ages, a fundamental part of medical treatments at the time, and was probably still of great interest in the early sixteenth century. Its Early Modern English counterpart-published in 1525-is the first Herbal printed in England.

Research paper thumbnail of "This Ingenious hypothesis hath a great appearance of truth": The expression of true facts in the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts.

“All families and genera”. Exploring the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts. , 2021

This chapter addresses the way scientists of the Enlightenment made their assump-tions and new th... more This chapter addresses the way scientists of the Enlightenment made their assump-tions and new theories sound more truthful and reliable. Many resources were at hand for this purpose, but the use of adverbs – and more specifically adverbs of certainty – was one of them, and this study aims at showing that the writers of these important works used them to support their attempts to sound truthful, in a society which was the receptor of new and unprecedented knowledge, as part of newly established rules of a more clear and plain English.Experimental disciplines gradually developed in the period known as Late Modern English, coinciding with the ideological currents and newly promoted methods of the so-called Age of Reason. Specialised discourse begins to acquire its most distinctive features, and the expression of assertion appears as a reinforcement of the individual contribution to science. Life Sciences, however, present a line of discourse that moves between a more humanistic approach in describing nature and a more analytical one when it comes down to explaining the more experimental part. In both cases, e.g. when referring to the description of new species or when presenting new results, the writer will necessarily address the reader in order to pursue the belief that what is hitherto being exposed is a true fact–persuasively, in line with classical rhetorical goals. Following the same approach as in previous research (Esteve-Ramos and Lareo 2019), this chapter looks into how adverbs of certainty are used in scientific texts, and compares the results with the ones already obtained in the Corpus of English History Texts (CHET).© 2021 John Benjamins Publishing Com

(PDF) Chapter 11. “This ingenious hypothe∫is hath a great appearance of truth”: The expression of true facts in the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts. Available from: [accessed Jan 11 2022].

Research paper thumbnail of “For to understand that much work the leche shall have”: The context of the Agnus Castus herbal in Sloane 7”

Of ye Olde Englisch Langage and Textes: New Perspectives on Old and Middle English Language and Literature. Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature, vol 57. Pérez Lorido, R. Carlos Prado-Alonso y Paula Rodríguez Puente (eds). Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of Manuscript Context in Textual Transmission of Scientific material: A Comparison of Sources from the SLoane Collection.

Literature, science & religion. Textual transmission and translation in Medieval and early modern Europe. Reichenberger., 2020

Research paper thumbnail of A corpus-based study of some certainty adverbs in the Corpus of History English Texts

Writing History in Late Modern English. Explorations of the Coruña Corpus, by Moskowich, Isabel, Begoña Crespo, Luis Puente-Castelo and Leida Maria Monaco (eds.), 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Manuscript contexts and the transmission of the Agnus Castus herbal in MS Sloane 3160

Journal of the Spanish Society for English Medieval Language and Literature (SELIM Journal), 24, 2019

MS Sloane 3160 is a miscellaneous volume containing one copy of the herbal Agnus Castus in Middle... more MS Sloane 3160 is a miscellaneous volume containing one copy of the herbal Agnus Castus in Middle English. Traditionally, editions focused on texts in isolation and did not look in detail to the rest of the material, diminishing the potential of manuscript contexts in explaining how texts flow and are received by a specific audience. If we consider these groupings of texts a collective product in which all the co-texts are part of an internal dialogue, the importance of looking at the whole volume from a collective perspective becomes paramount in understanding the final aim of the compiler, and the processes of transmission of the texts and/or texts. The objective of this article has been to study the arrangement of the material contained in MS Sloane 3160 as a starting point to frame future comparison with manuscripts containing the same herbal. The results point to the identification of patterns which would confirm the “anthologistic impulse” (Lerer, 2000). The structure of this manuscript would contain a spectrum of the most important areas that would cover the contents of a typical vademecum of the time, including religious texts, but more studies are needed in order to be able to assess these contexts in medical miscellanies. The impact and transmission of the Agnus Castus herbal needs to be study collectively, and assessing the manuscript contexts in which the text is naturally embedded points to the right direction in understanding all the processes therein.

Research paper thumbnail of A study of nouns and their provenance in the astronomy section of the Coruna Corpus of scientific English writing: some preliminary considerations.

Los caminos de la lengua. Estudios en homenaje a Enrique ALcaraz., 2010

Research paper thumbnail of 18th century scientific writing: a study of make complex predicates in the Coruna Corpus."

ICAME Journal, 32 69-96, 2008

Complex predicates formed by the verb make plus a noun are suitable for being studied historicall... more Complex predicates formed by the verb make plus a noun are suitable for being studied historically with very interesting results, as it was observed in previous literature. However, our interest lies in tracing, comparing and understanding what may be the variation of these constructions in scientific writing, and in their different chronological layers, analysing different scientific disciplines included in the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing (CC hereafter). As this proves to be a long-term objective, the aim of this paper is to study the use of complex predicates in only one of these disciplines. To this end, some texts included in the 18 th century Life Sciences discipline of the CC have been analysed. Linguistic and extralinguistic information has been taken into account. Finally, the use of complex predicates and related verbs made by the scientists in question has been compared.

Research paper thumbnail of (Re)Searching the Medieval: a Vision of Recent Perspectives

Textual reception and cultural debate in Medieval English, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Medical terminology across the centuries: distinctive features of a chronological study in the field of ophthalmology

Iberica, n.12, pp. 111-126, 2006

This article deals with the comparison of the lexical features of two texts from a diachronic poi... more This article deals with the comparison of the lexical features of two texts from a diachronic point of view. Interest in lexical comparison arises from the fact that the two texts belong to a specialised field within medicine-ophthalmology-and both can be considered of the same genre. The linguistic analysis focuses on morphological and etymological aspects, based on previous studies with a historical perspective in the field of medicine (Norri, 1992). As a result of the study, different implications concerning the use of words from the Germanic native stock or from other sources, together with the different social and scientific changes, are shown in this article. Resumen La terminología médica a través de los siglos: rasgos distintivos de un estudio cronológico en el campo de la oftalmología Este artículo trata de comparar las características léxicas de dos textos desde una perspectiva diacrónica. Este interés en la comparación léxica surge del hecho de que los dos textos pertenecen a un campo de especialidad dentro de la medicina-oftalmología-y ambos se pueden considerar del mismo género. El análisis lingüístico se centra en aspectos morfológicos y etimológicos, criterios basados en estudios anteriores sobre el inglés médico desde una perspectiva histórica (Norri, 1992). Como resultado de este estudio, destacan las diferentes implicaciones sobre el uso del vocabulario de origen germánico o de otras fuentes, junto con los diferentes cambios científicos y sociales que se muestran en este artículo. Palabras clave: inglés medico, lingüística histórica, lexicología, lingüística de corpus Medical terminology across the centuries: distinctive features of a chronological study in the field of ophthalmology

Research paper thumbnail of In and out of Europe: the Arabs, the English and the sciencie of medicine

El discurso artístico norte y sur : eurocentrismo y transculturalismos / coord. por José Luis Caramés Lage, Carmen Escobedo de Tapia, Jorge Luis Bueno Alonso, Vol. 1, Tomo 12, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of "Thys manner of infirmyte the grete lechys of Salerne clepyd obtalmyam": a study of medical terms in Benvenutus Grassus

Miscelánea: A journal of english and American Studies Nº 37 pP 39-51, 2008

Miscelánea: A journal of english and american studies, ISSN 1137-6368, Nº 37, 2008, págs. 39-51

Research paper thumbnail of Some considerations on the significance of anglo-saxon coins, with special reference to the collection of the Royal Museum of Scotland

Actas de X Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Medieval (SELIM) / coord. por Ana María Hornero Corisco, María Pilar Navarro Errasti,, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of The Identification of Sources in The South English Legendary: A Case of Textual Connection in the Europe of the 13th Century

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature , 1997