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- Frank Adlington-Stringer This is why I left Labour 🥀 Unlike Labour, the Green Party decides its policy democratically and allows you to view it in full online at any time (policy.greenparty.org.uk) 🗳️ Our progressive approach and refusal to accept funding from dodgy donors means we can focus on delivering the best solutions for our communities 💚 I came into this campaign with a plan. A plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, and I have stuck by it. On day one, I committed to ending roughsleeping, kickstarting a Green Industrial Revolution, establishing citizens assemblies, and much more 💪🏼 Labour didn't have a plan then and they still don't now, just look at our submissions into the elections booklet via the link in my bio. I have provided a full plan for you whilst Labour just about managed to conjure up five meaningless sentences 🙄 Throughout this campaign, as I have gained the support of voters, Labour have sought to adopt my policies, hollow them out, and say something that sounds vaguely similar. They are scared of the support for the Greens and are abusing their position as the self-declared 'main opposition' to stifle progressive campaigns 💔 If you want Green, then you have to vote Green 💚 Labour have shown that they don't want to work with progressives but instead keep the establishment in power at any cost. Keir Starmer has u-turned time and again, we cannot trust Labour to deliver on our priorities 👎🏼 #chesterfield #derbyshiredales #derbyshire #derby #nottingham #notts #nottinghamshire #mansfield #citizensassemblies #democracy #green #greenparty #labour #keirstarmer #eastmidlands #eastmidlandsmayor #frankformayor
- Central Co-op To mark 180 years of co-operation, we’ve worked in collaboration with leading UK Co-ops to launch an innovative new Fund for International Co-operative Development (FICD)💚 The new fund will provide financial support and expertise to co-operatives globally, help communities rebuild after crises, foster peace, and create sustainable economies. As our CEO, Debbie Robinson, highlights: “The creation of a Fund for International Co-operative Development represents an exciting opportunity to grow the Co-op economy on an international scale. Together, as co-operators, we can work to find co-operative solutions to global challenges. By supporting new co-operatives through Co-op to Co-op trade, the Fund will encourage economic participation, building resilience in Co-ops and helping to address Food security challenges through greater access to safe and nutritious food.” Learn more about the fund and its impact here: https://lnkd.in/gnNqncrv
- Eugene Minogue 'Where have all the childhoods gone?' - Paul Lindley OBE & Anne Longfield CBE in Policy Press It has been over 15 years since the last government Play Strategy (which was developed by the last Labour government, together with Play England). It was launched in 2008, but the strategy itself is now largely forgotten. Meanwhile, the very nature of childhood has changed in ways we could never have imagined. Over the last decade, children and families have lost so many different environments for play and fun. 800 playgrounds have closed, along with more than half of all youth centres and nearly every Sure Start centre. School playing fields have been sold off and our streets have heavier traffic and feel less safe for children to play. We live in an era of ‘No Ball Games’ signs and reduced school playtime. The loss of free play, particularly active outdoor play, initiated and directed by children themselves has meant many children are no longer playing for hours every day, burning calories, learning social and creative skills, making sense of the world around them, and reducing stress. Yet over the last decade there has been an unforgiveable absence of vision for optimising opportunities to play. The need for a new national conversation about how to encourage and support children to play has never been more urgent. That is why the #RaisingTheNation Play Commission was launched in partnership the Centre for Young Lives, and the timing could not be better with a new government. We believe that play can and should become a central part of childhood again, and that government can play a creative, leading role in supporting parents, families and children to play. This☝🏼is why Play England are calling for meaningful change as part of the government’s legislative programme, through the introduction of play sufficiency legislation and a new national play strategy. https://lnkd.in/gWCHVGSR It's vitally important that the new government urgently address the decline in children's play over recent decades. Together, we can deliver transformational change and secure a legacy for our future generations by giving children their childhood back! #PlayCommission #PlaySufficiency #FreePlay #NationalPlayStrategy #PhysicalLiteracy #PhysicalActivity #PlayStreet #SchoolStreets #StreetPlay #HomeZones #Playgrounds #Parks #FreerangeUrbanNeighbourhoods #FUN #Playces #Splace #KnowBallGames #UNCRC #Article31
- Kieron Boyle Excellent coverage of the IPPR Commission into Health and Prosperity across today's papers, including in The Guardian. https://lnkd.in/eifgjqKB I've been privileged to be on the Commission for the past three years, alongside Ara Darzi, Sally Davies, Andy Burnham, James Bethell, Sophie Howe, Matthew Taylor and other leading figures from across the political spectrum. The summary of our findings? Britain is getting sicker and poorer. This is not coincidence: our poor population health is harming our individual prosperity and our national economy. The flipside of this challenge is an opportunity — better health is exactly the medicine our economy needs. But our current approach to the nation’s health is not working to deliver genuinely healthier lives. We need to move from a sickness model of health policy to a health creation one, where everyone in society is empowered to contribute to healthier, happier and fairer lives. Practically this means: 1️⃣ A shift from work that harms health, to work that creates it 2️⃣ A shift from tolerating sickness, to an active industrial strategy for health 3️⃣ From waiting for sickness, to health creation at the start of life 4️⃣ From places that make us sick, to empowered, healthy communities 5️⃣ From reactive services, to preventative, primary care led healthcare I do encourage you to read and engage with the report, which will be launched by Wes Streeting tomorrow. It sets out policy recommendations that form an oven-ready plan for this parliament and a substantive contribution to the new government’s health mission. The report is here: https://lnkd.in/eJtt9zt4 Congratulations to the team of Christopher Thomas, Jamie O'Halloran, Henry Parkes, David Hawkey, Annie Williamson, Parth Patel, Efua P., Harry Quilter-Pinner and Carys Roberts for the deep work and analysis that sits behind this seminal report. #health #prosperity
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