Goran Zendelovski | Ss. Cyril & Methodius University in Skopje (original) (raw)

Papers by Goran Zendelovski

Research paper thumbnail of The New World Order from Chinese Perspective

Godišen zbornik - Filozofski fakultet na Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", Skopje/Godišen zbornik - Filozofski fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje, 2023

Nowadays, people, states and international organizations feel more threatened and insecure, more ... more Nowadays, people, states and international organizations feel more threatened and insecure, more than in the past, and this has contributed to an increase in need for security and the establishment of a new order and rules through which the world's problems will be successfully solved. One of the leading countries is the People's Republic of China, which is taking an increasing share on the global stage and is striving to reduce the dominance and role of the United States and European countries. The rise of China as an economic, security-military and information-technological power has contributed to the shift of the centre of gravity and power from the West to the East, and a lot of opportunities have been created for other Asian countries to find their place and role and be an important subject in the new international structure. With the inclusion of new actors on the international stage, the balance of power changes and new rules of the game are imposed, contrary to the Western countries. The "new managers" are expected to have greater responsibility and influence in reforming the existing international institutions, as well as reducing the factors that cause instability and lead to an anarchic world order. However, due to the different values, interests and goals promoted by the PRC, a number of security implications of an international nature, intensification of geopolitical and geo-economics rivalries, polarization, emergence of new risks and dangers, and increased tension between great powers are expected.


Godišen zbornik - Filozofski fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje, 2022

На прагот од третата деценија на 21 век безбедносната парадигма поврзана со предизвиците, ризицит... more На прагот од третата деценија на 21 век безбедносната парадигма поврзана со предизвиците, ризиците и заканите се здоби со значително нови карактеристики. Во таа рамка се изменија геополитичките, воените, економските и еколошките фактори кои ја одредуваат безбедносната реалност во меѓународната заедница и државите. Силите кои ги поттикнаа промените произлегоа од динамиката на процесите на интернационализација и глобализација, а истите беа тригер за продлабочено и пошироко анализирање на безбедноста во современиот меѓузависен свет. Сложеноста произлегува од тоа што современите безбедносни ризици и опасности во многу аспекти се разликуваат од поранешните ризици по тоа што се непредвидливи, тешко се контролираат и одредуваат нивните причини, потекло и ефектите кои можат да ги предизвикаат. Ризиците и заканите денес варираат по форма и интензитет на манифестирање од глобална пандемија до војна на европско тло, можна конфронтација меѓу суперсилите, трка во вооружување, нееднаквост, бегалски, мигрантски, финансиски и енергетски кризи, глобални климатски промени и кибер-напади. Очигледно е дека создадовме ризици и опасности со кои не се соочила ниту една претходна генерација. Ваквото изменето безбедносно окружување го зголеми чувството на беспомошност и бескрајна потрага по безбедност и заштита од новите мултимодални ризици и опасности. Од тие причини, ќе ја анализираме класификацијата на глобалните ризици, како и видовите на безбедносни ризици со кои се соочуваат одредени држави.

Research paper thumbnail of The Ranking of the Western Balkan Countries According to the Degree of Globalization

Prizren social science journal, Dec 31, 2021

Globalization does not have the same impact on countries, it acts differently in countries with d... more Globalization does not have the same impact on countries, it acts differently in countries with different levels of political, economic, social and technological development. Its unequal distribution by region, country or community confirms that it is a complex and deeply asymmetric process. It is confirmed by numerous theories and debates that only explained and defined the phenomenon, but paid little attention to the complexity of globalization and measuring its extent. Empirical indicators can be used to measure the differences between the national and the international in different domains. In this way, it is possible to see to what extent the countries are globalized, i.e., to see the strong influence of globalization processes on the overall state of society. That is why a large number of countries try to use the processes of globalization to promote national interests and improve their position in international relations. Therefore, the analysis of the indexes of globalization will help us to understand with which components of national power the countries dominate on the regional and global scene. The focus of the research is on the analysis of several globalization indexes that include the countries of the Western Balkan. Namely, the degree of globalization of countries is empirically analyzed through the prism of several different indicators that are constructed to measure the overall index of globalization, as well as to measure the political, economic and social dimension of globalization. The inclusion of a larger number of variables enables a more objective and accurate ranking of countries. As the results of the globalization rating of the Western Balkan countries show, it is concluded that the processes of globalization greatly contribute to strengthening and improving cooperation between countries, intensify interdependence, affect Euro-Atlantic integration processes, stimulate economic growth and improve the situation in societies. However, according to the elaborated data, these countries are still in the phase of adjustment or "maturation", therefore, they are in the category of partially globalized countries.

Research paper thumbnail of EU between old and new security strategies approach

Bezbednosni dijalozi, 2017

In 2003 the European security strategy named A Secure Europe in a Better World was adopted. Since... more In 2003 the European security strategy named A Secure Europe in a Better World was adopted. Since then, the security environment changed radically and the perception of security is different than before. The forces that prompted the changes are a result of the dynamics of contemporary globalization that has managed to reshape space, sovereignty and power. These changes bring with them new and often, unpredictable risks and hazards that increased in intensity and time. The global interconnectedness and interdependence between countries and peoples have contributed to greater mobility of tourists, terrorists, students and refugees. Over the past decade the European Union has faced numerous crises and turmoil which indirectly/directly affected its stability and prosperity. From conflicts in Africa, security tensions in Asia, economic crisis, climate change, supply of natural resources, partnerships and expansions, the stability of the Western Balkans, refugee crises to terrorist attacks by non-state actors. These complex events led to tensions and divisions within the Union and beyond, the same were a prelude to reforms of the existing security strategy. A moment of rethinking the new content will interact with the current and future political-security and economic-social environment. Through analysis of the old-new strategic documents in the area of security will acknowledge the extent to which the European Union has evolved. The focus is directed towards the questions whether the "old Europe" is prepared for the new security challenges, and whether strategic goals and principles correspond to the real situation in Europe and the world?

Research paper thumbnail of The Security Implications of Brexit

Godišen zbornik - Filozofski fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje, 2018

Изминатата деценија Европската Унија се соочи со бројни превирања и кризи кои директно влијаеја н... more Изминатата деценија Европската Унија се соочи со бројни превирања и кризи кои директно влијаеја на нејзината стабилност и благосостојба. Почнувајќи од конфликтите во Африка, економските кризи, неизвесноста околу партнерствата и проширувањата, стабилноста на земјите од Западен Балкан, терористичките напади во европските градови, сè до мигрантските и бегалските кризи. Овие комплексни настани, доведоа до тензичност и поделеност во рамките на Унијата, пораст на популистичките партии против ЕУ, а кулминираше со одлуката на Обединетото Кралство да ја напушти Унијата. Во изминатите години Европа важеше за најразвиениот облик на регионална интеграција на политички, економски и безбедносен план, но настаните околу Брегзит го ставија под сомнеж единството и постоењето на Унијата. Овој историски преседан може да има домино-ефект и кај останатите земји-членки на ЕУ и да го смени правецот на државите кон европската безбедност и одбрана. Во трудот ќе се анализираат загубите и придобивките на Велика Британија од членството во Унијата, како и актуелните и идните односи на Британија со Европа и светот и можните импликации врз надворешната и безбедносната политика на Европската Унија.

Research paper thumbnail of Безбедносно-разузнавачка заедница на Република Северна Македонија

Godišen zbornik - Filozofski fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Territory of Macedonia in meeting the aspirations of the Balkan states and great powers

Security Dialogues. Journal in the field of Security, Defence and Peace Studies, 2013

The desire of the Balkan peoples to gain their large national states will be the main cause of th... more The desire of the Balkan peoples to gain their large national states will be the main cause of the Balkan wars. A Balkan war has left open burning questions that are still subject to controversy and potential producers of instability. The model of large nationalist states which was successfully applied by some Western European countries proved to be devastating for the Balkan states. In an attempt to follow the hawkish method of unification of Italy and Germany, at the beginning of the last century Balkan countries has started a war against Turkey and war between themselves. And although their aspirations weren't fully satisfied, however, it can be noted that with the exception of the Macedonian people, the period of the Balkan wars is the only instance in modern history where some people have achieved their nationalistic goals. After the Young Turk Revolution, the Balkan nations will form the Balkan League and will begin accelerated preparations for war. Efforts of the Great Po...

Research paper thumbnail of Restructuring of the World Order in Contemporary International Relations

Bezbednosni dijalozi, 2015

In the past decade a series of viewpoints and scenarios about the existing international order ha... more In the past decade a series of viewpoints and scenarios about the existing international order have appeared. The dilemma arises over the question which model explains the best the new constellation of international relations. Disintegration of the bipolar structure has left a number of potential crisis areas with undefined lines of delineation. Imbalance has created a strategic gap so even a small local tremor may create unforeseeable global consequences. The complexity arises from the various types and the intensity of the transnational challenges and threats that have impact on the role and activities of the international actors. Intensification of some issues, such as climate change, regulation of global financial markets, migration, disintegration of states, terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, has additionally complicated the global state of affairs. Globalization has increased the impact and power of international organizations, transnational corporations, non-state actors and sub-state actors. There is an unequal distribution of power in international relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Реформи во одбраната

Книга во три глави за реформите во одбраната во Република Македонија

Research paper thumbnail of Great power's military bases and strengthening security in the urbanized world

Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози, 2019

The great powers spend enormous resources to achieve their national and geo-strategic interests. ... more The great powers spend enormous resources to achieve their national and geo-strategic interests. They have the capacity to protect national interests beyond their national borders. Such a need for expansion and achievement of a strategic advantage is in correlation with the maintenance and upgrading of powerful armed forces. One way to ensure a global presence in regions of interest is to open military land, sea and air bases. In recent years, the great powers, in particular the United States of America, have reaffirmed the strategic commitment to strengthen their military presence in the region of Southeast Europe. With this approach, emphasis is placed on security policies, which should ensure the achievement of national and regional political and economic interests.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Communication in Ethnic–Political Conflicts

Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, 2017

Трудот ja анализира улогата на комуникацијата во контекст на етнополитичките конфликти. Во таа на... more Трудот ja анализира улогата на комуникацијата во контекст на етнополитичките конфликти. Во таа насока, трудот анализира дали и какео влијание има процесот на комуникација во разбирањето и во разрешувањето на етнополитичките конфликти. Вообичаено, традиционалниот пристап на разрешување конфликти е насочен кон постигнување прифатливи политички договори како инструменти за решавање на конфликтот. Сепак, новите начини на комуникација, посебно на микрониво, го насочија вниманието кон одредени нови прашања и влијанија на оеој план. Повеќето од овие ноеи влијанија ce насочени кон иницирање промена во односите и релациите помеѓу спротивставените страни, наспроти кон постигнување договори. Начелно, станува збор за пристап во решавањето на конфликтот кој ja наметнува потребата од долгорочни комуникации и контакти заради воспоставување постабилни и кооперативни односи. Врз основа на тоа, анализата во трудот е фокусирана на карактеристиките на етнополитичките конфликти (еклучувајќи ги ниените теориски аспекти, причините, последиците и напорите за нивно решавање), како и на значењето на комуникацијата во разбирањето и решавањето на овие конфликти. Во оваа насока, предмет на анализа во трудот претстаеуваат микро и макронивоата на комуникација и нивната улога во однос на ова прашање.

Research paper thumbnail of Contemporary Security Risks and Threats During Global Crises

Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje

Research paper thumbnail of Преструктурирање на светскиот поредок во новата констелација на меѓународните односи

Bezbednosni dijalozi, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Security and intelligence community of the Republic of North Macedonia

Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The Pandemic of Fake News and Disinformation in the Age of Deglobalization

Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози, 2021

In recent decades, globalization has distributed information and technological power around the w... more In recent decades, globalization has distributed information and technological power around the world.This aspect of globalization has given rise to interdependence and an integration process that has united all into one global network and virtual space, contributing to the mutual inclusion and mixing of local and national with global. The power of modern information and communication technology and mass media has proven to be a superior "mass weapon" and an instrument of modern organization and coordination of activities in many aspects. The achievements in the information and technological aspects of globalization have led to substantial changes in the concepts of national and international security.Internet access has opened the "doors" of individuals, organizations and countries to a global audience. Such openness to the world for many countries, instead of a chance, posed a threat to national security. As a powerful weapon, sophisticated technologies are used simultaneously, both to encourage and to prevent structural change and activity in states and societies.Before and after the outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the mass media and social networks played a significant role in the disseminating of information and presenting the situation regarding political and economic events in the world, international security and public health. But during the pandemic crisis, the media space gained importance and was used as a means of sharing fake news and disinformation that contributed to distorting the image of reality and real events in countries and the world.

Research paper thumbnail of The Ranking of the Western Balkan Countries According to the Degree of Globalization


Globalization does not have the same impact on countries, it acts differently in countries with d... more Globalization does not have the same impact on countries, it acts differently in countries with different levels of political, economic, social and technological development. Its unequal distribution by region, country or community confirms that it is a complex and deeply asymmetric process. It is confirmed by numerous theories and debates that only explained and defined the phenomenon, but paid little attention to the complexity of globalization and measuring its extent. Empirical indicators can be used to measure the differences between the national and the international in different domains. In this way, it is possible to see to what extent the countries are globalized, i.e., to see the strong influence of globalization processes on the overall state of society. That is why a large number of countries try to use the processes of globalization to promote national interests and improve their position in international relations. Therefore, the analysis of the indexes of globalizatio...

Research paper thumbnail of Реформи во одбраната

Research paper thumbnail of Restructuring of the World Order in Contemporary International Relations

Research paper thumbnail of EU between old and new security strategies approach

Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози

Research paper thumbnail of R. N. Macedonia and the CFSP of the European Union: achievements and challenges

Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje

Research paper thumbnail of The New World Order from Chinese Perspective

Godišen zbornik - Filozofski fakultet na Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", Skopje/Godišen zbornik - Filozofski fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje, 2023

Nowadays, people, states and international organizations feel more threatened and insecure, more ... more Nowadays, people, states and international organizations feel more threatened and insecure, more than in the past, and this has contributed to an increase in need for security and the establishment of a new order and rules through which the world's problems will be successfully solved. One of the leading countries is the People's Republic of China, which is taking an increasing share on the global stage and is striving to reduce the dominance and role of the United States and European countries. The rise of China as an economic, security-military and information-technological power has contributed to the shift of the centre of gravity and power from the West to the East, and a lot of opportunities have been created for other Asian countries to find their place and role and be an important subject in the new international structure. With the inclusion of new actors on the international stage, the balance of power changes and new rules of the game are imposed, contrary to the Western countries. The "new managers" are expected to have greater responsibility and influence in reforming the existing international institutions, as well as reducing the factors that cause instability and lead to an anarchic world order. However, due to the different values, interests and goals promoted by the PRC, a number of security implications of an international nature, intensification of geopolitical and geo-economics rivalries, polarization, emergence of new risks and dangers, and increased tension between great powers are expected.


Godišen zbornik - Filozofski fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje, 2022

На прагот од третата деценија на 21 век безбедносната парадигма поврзана со предизвиците, ризицит... more На прагот од третата деценија на 21 век безбедносната парадигма поврзана со предизвиците, ризиците и заканите се здоби со значително нови карактеристики. Во таа рамка се изменија геополитичките, воените, економските и еколошките фактори кои ја одредуваат безбедносната реалност во меѓународната заедница и државите. Силите кои ги поттикнаа промените произлегоа од динамиката на процесите на интернационализација и глобализација, а истите беа тригер за продлабочено и пошироко анализирање на безбедноста во современиот меѓузависен свет. Сложеноста произлегува од тоа што современите безбедносни ризици и опасности во многу аспекти се разликуваат од поранешните ризици по тоа што се непредвидливи, тешко се контролираат и одредуваат нивните причини, потекло и ефектите кои можат да ги предизвикаат. Ризиците и заканите денес варираат по форма и интензитет на манифестирање од глобална пандемија до војна на европско тло, можна конфронтација меѓу суперсилите, трка во вооружување, нееднаквост, бегалски, мигрантски, финансиски и енергетски кризи, глобални климатски промени и кибер-напади. Очигледно е дека создадовме ризици и опасности со кои не се соочила ниту една претходна генерација. Ваквото изменето безбедносно окружување го зголеми чувството на беспомошност и бескрајна потрага по безбедност и заштита од новите мултимодални ризици и опасности. Од тие причини, ќе ја анализираме класификацијата на глобалните ризици, како и видовите на безбедносни ризици со кои се соочуваат одредени држави.

Research paper thumbnail of The Ranking of the Western Balkan Countries According to the Degree of Globalization

Prizren social science journal, Dec 31, 2021

Globalization does not have the same impact on countries, it acts differently in countries with d... more Globalization does not have the same impact on countries, it acts differently in countries with different levels of political, economic, social and technological development. Its unequal distribution by region, country or community confirms that it is a complex and deeply asymmetric process. It is confirmed by numerous theories and debates that only explained and defined the phenomenon, but paid little attention to the complexity of globalization and measuring its extent. Empirical indicators can be used to measure the differences between the national and the international in different domains. In this way, it is possible to see to what extent the countries are globalized, i.e., to see the strong influence of globalization processes on the overall state of society. That is why a large number of countries try to use the processes of globalization to promote national interests and improve their position in international relations. Therefore, the analysis of the indexes of globalization will help us to understand with which components of national power the countries dominate on the regional and global scene. The focus of the research is on the analysis of several globalization indexes that include the countries of the Western Balkan. Namely, the degree of globalization of countries is empirically analyzed through the prism of several different indicators that are constructed to measure the overall index of globalization, as well as to measure the political, economic and social dimension of globalization. The inclusion of a larger number of variables enables a more objective and accurate ranking of countries. As the results of the globalization rating of the Western Balkan countries show, it is concluded that the processes of globalization greatly contribute to strengthening and improving cooperation between countries, intensify interdependence, affect Euro-Atlantic integration processes, stimulate economic growth and improve the situation in societies. However, according to the elaborated data, these countries are still in the phase of adjustment or "maturation", therefore, they are in the category of partially globalized countries.

Research paper thumbnail of EU between old and new security strategies approach

Bezbednosni dijalozi, 2017

In 2003 the European security strategy named A Secure Europe in a Better World was adopted. Since... more In 2003 the European security strategy named A Secure Europe in a Better World was adopted. Since then, the security environment changed radically and the perception of security is different than before. The forces that prompted the changes are a result of the dynamics of contemporary globalization that has managed to reshape space, sovereignty and power. These changes bring with them new and often, unpredictable risks and hazards that increased in intensity and time. The global interconnectedness and interdependence between countries and peoples have contributed to greater mobility of tourists, terrorists, students and refugees. Over the past decade the European Union has faced numerous crises and turmoil which indirectly/directly affected its stability and prosperity. From conflicts in Africa, security tensions in Asia, economic crisis, climate change, supply of natural resources, partnerships and expansions, the stability of the Western Balkans, refugee crises to terrorist attacks by non-state actors. These complex events led to tensions and divisions within the Union and beyond, the same were a prelude to reforms of the existing security strategy. A moment of rethinking the new content will interact with the current and future political-security and economic-social environment. Through analysis of the old-new strategic documents in the area of security will acknowledge the extent to which the European Union has evolved. The focus is directed towards the questions whether the "old Europe" is prepared for the new security challenges, and whether strategic goals and principles correspond to the real situation in Europe and the world?

Research paper thumbnail of The Security Implications of Brexit

Godišen zbornik - Filozofski fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje, 2018

Изминатата деценија Европската Унија се соочи со бројни превирања и кризи кои директно влијаеја н... more Изминатата деценија Европската Унија се соочи со бројни превирања и кризи кои директно влијаеја на нејзината стабилност и благосостојба. Почнувајќи од конфликтите во Африка, економските кризи, неизвесноста околу партнерствата и проширувањата, стабилноста на земјите од Западен Балкан, терористичките напади во европските градови, сè до мигрантските и бегалските кризи. Овие комплексни настани, доведоа до тензичност и поделеност во рамките на Унијата, пораст на популистичките партии против ЕУ, а кулминираше со одлуката на Обединетото Кралство да ја напушти Унијата. Во изминатите години Европа важеше за најразвиениот облик на регионална интеграција на политички, економски и безбедносен план, но настаните околу Брегзит го ставија под сомнеж единството и постоењето на Унијата. Овој историски преседан може да има домино-ефект и кај останатите земји-членки на ЕУ и да го смени правецот на државите кон европската безбедност и одбрана. Во трудот ќе се анализираат загубите и придобивките на Велика Британија од членството во Унијата, како и актуелните и идните односи на Британија со Европа и светот и можните импликации врз надворешната и безбедносната политика на Европската Унија.

Research paper thumbnail of Безбедносно-разузнавачка заедница на Република Северна Македонија

Godišen zbornik - Filozofski fakultet na Univerzitetot, Skopje, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Territory of Macedonia in meeting the aspirations of the Balkan states and great powers

Security Dialogues. Journal in the field of Security, Defence and Peace Studies, 2013

The desire of the Balkan peoples to gain their large national states will be the main cause of th... more The desire of the Balkan peoples to gain their large national states will be the main cause of the Balkan wars. A Balkan war has left open burning questions that are still subject to controversy and potential producers of instability. The model of large nationalist states which was successfully applied by some Western European countries proved to be devastating for the Balkan states. In an attempt to follow the hawkish method of unification of Italy and Germany, at the beginning of the last century Balkan countries has started a war against Turkey and war between themselves. And although their aspirations weren't fully satisfied, however, it can be noted that with the exception of the Macedonian people, the period of the Balkan wars is the only instance in modern history where some people have achieved their nationalistic goals. After the Young Turk Revolution, the Balkan nations will form the Balkan League and will begin accelerated preparations for war. Efforts of the Great Po...

Research paper thumbnail of Restructuring of the World Order in Contemporary International Relations

Bezbednosni dijalozi, 2015

In the past decade a series of viewpoints and scenarios about the existing international order ha... more In the past decade a series of viewpoints and scenarios about the existing international order have appeared. The dilemma arises over the question which model explains the best the new constellation of international relations. Disintegration of the bipolar structure has left a number of potential crisis areas with undefined lines of delineation. Imbalance has created a strategic gap so even a small local tremor may create unforeseeable global consequences. The complexity arises from the various types and the intensity of the transnational challenges and threats that have impact on the role and activities of the international actors. Intensification of some issues, such as climate change, regulation of global financial markets, migration, disintegration of states, terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, has additionally complicated the global state of affairs. Globalization has increased the impact and power of international organizations, transnational corporations, non-state actors and sub-state actors. There is an unequal distribution of power in international relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Реформи во одбраната

Книга во три глави за реформите во одбраната во Република Македонија

Research paper thumbnail of Great power's military bases and strengthening security in the urbanized world

Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози, 2019

The great powers spend enormous resources to achieve their national and geo-strategic interests. ... more The great powers spend enormous resources to achieve their national and geo-strategic interests. They have the capacity to protect national interests beyond their national borders. Such a need for expansion and achievement of a strategic advantage is in correlation with the maintenance and upgrading of powerful armed forces. One way to ensure a global presence in regions of interest is to open military land, sea and air bases. In recent years, the great powers, in particular the United States of America, have reaffirmed the strategic commitment to strengthen their military presence in the region of Southeast Europe. With this approach, emphasis is placed on security policies, which should ensure the achievement of national and regional political and economic interests.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Communication in Ethnic–Political Conflicts

Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, 2017

Трудот ja анализира улогата на комуникацијата во контекст на етнополитичките конфликти. Во таа на... more Трудот ja анализира улогата на комуникацијата во контекст на етнополитичките конфликти. Во таа насока, трудот анализира дали и какео влијание има процесот на комуникација во разбирањето и во разрешувањето на етнополитичките конфликти. Вообичаено, традиционалниот пристап на разрешување конфликти е насочен кон постигнување прифатливи политички договори како инструменти за решавање на конфликтот. Сепак, новите начини на комуникација, посебно на микрониво, го насочија вниманието кон одредени нови прашања и влијанија на оеој план. Повеќето од овие ноеи влијанија ce насочени кон иницирање промена во односите и релациите помеѓу спротивставените страни, наспроти кон постигнување договори. Начелно, станува збор за пристап во решавањето на конфликтот кој ja наметнува потребата од долгорочни комуникации и контакти заради воспоставување постабилни и кооперативни односи. Врз основа на тоа, анализата во трудот е фокусирана на карактеристиките на етнополитичките конфликти (еклучувајќи ги ниените теориски аспекти, причините, последиците и напорите за нивно решавање), како и на значењето на комуникацијата во разбирањето и решавањето на овие конфликти. Во оваа насока, предмет на анализа во трудот претстаеуваат микро и макронивоата на комуникација и нивната улога во однос на ова прашање.

Research paper thumbnail of Contemporary Security Risks and Threats During Global Crises

Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje

Research paper thumbnail of Преструктурирање на светскиот поредок во новата констелација на меѓународните односи

Bezbednosni dijalozi, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Security and intelligence community of the Republic of North Macedonia

Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The Pandemic of Fake News and Disinformation in the Age of Deglobalization

Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози, 2021

In recent decades, globalization has distributed information and technological power around the w... more In recent decades, globalization has distributed information and technological power around the world.This aspect of globalization has given rise to interdependence and an integration process that has united all into one global network and virtual space, contributing to the mutual inclusion and mixing of local and national with global. The power of modern information and communication technology and mass media has proven to be a superior "mass weapon" and an instrument of modern organization and coordination of activities in many aspects. The achievements in the information and technological aspects of globalization have led to substantial changes in the concepts of national and international security.Internet access has opened the "doors" of individuals, organizations and countries to a global audience. Such openness to the world for many countries, instead of a chance, posed a threat to national security. As a powerful weapon, sophisticated technologies are used simultaneously, both to encourage and to prevent structural change and activity in states and societies.Before and after the outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the mass media and social networks played a significant role in the disseminating of information and presenting the situation regarding political and economic events in the world, international security and public health. But during the pandemic crisis, the media space gained importance and was used as a means of sharing fake news and disinformation that contributed to distorting the image of reality and real events in countries and the world.

Research paper thumbnail of The Ranking of the Western Balkan Countries According to the Degree of Globalization


Globalization does not have the same impact on countries, it acts differently in countries with d... more Globalization does not have the same impact on countries, it acts differently in countries with different levels of political, economic, social and technological development. Its unequal distribution by region, country or community confirms that it is a complex and deeply asymmetric process. It is confirmed by numerous theories and debates that only explained and defined the phenomenon, but paid little attention to the complexity of globalization and measuring its extent. Empirical indicators can be used to measure the differences between the national and the international in different domains. In this way, it is possible to see to what extent the countries are globalized, i.e., to see the strong influence of globalization processes on the overall state of society. That is why a large number of countries try to use the processes of globalization to promote national interests and improve their position in international relations. Therefore, the analysis of the indexes of globalizatio...

Research paper thumbnail of Реформи во одбраната

Research paper thumbnail of Restructuring of the World Order in Contemporary International Relations

Research paper thumbnail of EU between old and new security strategies approach

Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози

Research paper thumbnail of R. N. Macedonia and the CFSP of the European Union: achievements and challenges

Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje