Angelina Stanojoska | St.Kliment Ohridski- Bitola (original) (raw)

Papers by Angelina Stanojoska

Research paper thumbnail of „Самохраните мајки – жртви на мултиплицирано насилство“

Целта на овој документ е да се нотираат проблемите и недостатоците во делот на појавата на дискри... more Целта на овој документ е да се нотираат проблемите и недостатоците во делот на појавата на дискриминација во случај на семејно насилство врз жената од страна на институциите на системот и да се дадат препораки за надминување на проблемите и недостатоците во однос на дискриминацијата, при слуачаи на семејно насилство врз жените во нашата држава. Документот ќе се обиде да ги идентификува можностите за понатамошно усовршување на капацитетите на институциите на системот во начинот на нивно постапувње кон жртвите на семејно насилство.

Research paper thumbnail of Theory of push and pull factors: A new way of explaining the old

Globalization, economic crises, political instability, conflicts, wars, ethnic cleanings, social ... more Globalization, economic crises, political instability, conflicts, wars, ethnic cleanings, social inequality, market economy, discrimination, and the wider processes of transformation, especially in the last ten years were and still are the main reasons for an even bigger wave of migration. Having such a suitable ground, trafficking in human beings became an important "player" in the world of suffering, money and crime.

Research paper thumbnail of Life in a Backpack: The EU's Asylum Policies and its impact on Macedonian Asylum Legislation

Starting the Arab spring in 2010 and going through the latest and ongoing Syrian conflict and cri... more Starting the Arab spring in 2010 and going through the latest and ongoing Syrian conflict and crises, Balkans
and Macedonian railways have been and are a place where many human destinies cross their paths walking
to the Member States of the European Union. On the other side, Macedonia is struggling with an influx of
refugees, finding itself in a status quo position, even looking as it does not know how to solve the situation.
Migrants were killed on railways every day not being able to use any kind of public transportation; their
smuggling became a normal business for organized crime groups; Macedonian citizens started to earn money
on refugees’ misfortune. The paper using the comparative method and document analysis, gives an overview
of the EU’s legislation in the area, its improvement and current impact on things, all of it concluded with the
Macedonian legal solutions regarding asylum and authors’ recommendations.

Research paper thumbnail of The Connection between Terrorism and Organized Crime: Narcoterrorism and other hybrids

Globalization, which has had its expansion after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the opening of ... more Globalization, which has had its expansion after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the opening of borders after the fall of the ruler of Eastern Europe -Soviet Union brought the development of many spheres of social life. The development of positive values of society meant development of negative too.

Research paper thumbnail of The Circulus Vitiosus of Hate and Crime: Hate Crimes and the case of the Republic of Macedonia

Always connected to the dark side of humans, hate has been reason for many mistakes during human ... more Always connected to the dark side of humans, hate has been reason for many mistakes during human existence. It has been known as a trigger for wars, but also as a starting point for individual activities. On the other side, human nature and choices through life are predictors of how many and how different characteristics a human being will “wear” through its existence. And although every day we proclaim equality among people, every day people are discriminated because of something. Their color of skin, their ethnical origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious views… These and other “differences” very often are used as reasons for justifying criminal acts. Killers justify their brutality with someone’s different color of skin or something else.
The deaths of Mathew Shepard and James Bird are not the only ones, but were the ones that awoke American society and opened the question of existence of hate crimes. Today, although societies are becoming more modern with every moment that passes, humans become more brutal. Hate crimes and discrimination happen more often, with a goal to deliver a message to the “different” and tell them they are not accepted and welcomed.
The paper includes short historical review of hate crimes, their beginning, legal solutions, and criminological characteristics. And also gives an overview of Macedonian situation through numbers given by the Helsinki Committee of human rights.

Research paper thumbnail of Structure of organized criminal groups originating from the Balkan Peninsula: Models of Trafficking in Human Beings Criminal Groups

The Balkan territory through the years has been and is known for the violence that has happened a... more The Balkan territory through the years has been and is known for the violence that has happened and it’s happening on its soil. Known by the permanent war conflicts, the Balkans are still in the role of path of crime, with every criminal path going through it, but also as a nest of crime, an origin place of many criminal groups that are active here, but also in the other regions of the European continent.
Albanian, Bulgarian and Serbian criminal groups are the ones that rule the Balkan territory, and commit several of “modern”, organized crimes. The model of trafficking in human beings on the Balkans is known as a model of violence, because of the use of violent methods as instrumentum operandi.
The paper will try with a comparative analysis to build the structure of organized criminal groups on the Balkans, make the difference between the vertical and horizontal division of roles, and try to explain their modus operandi and its fluctuation through the years.

Research paper thumbnail of Sport events as a field for violent games between fans: The case of the Republic of Macedonia and its legislation

The attention and institutional reaction of every organization which treats these problems starte... more The attention and institutional reaction of every organization which treats these problems started shortly after the incident on Heysel Stadium, Belgium, on May 28 th 1985. The question which still has no answer is the one if that was a hooligans clash or was a security omission. Few months later, the Council of Europe adopted the European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches. Knowing the circumstances on the Balkan Peninsula we ask where are the ex-Yugoslav republics on this. How is it possible in democratic societies as ours declare, sport spectators and fans to become disposable goods? Is hooliganism the "privilege" of England or is it slowly, but surely becoming universal adjective for fan groups all around the world? Macedonian stadiums today are places used for national, ethnic or religious matches. In our country, the Law for prevention of violence and misbehavior on sport events was adopted by authorities in 2004, using the example of Croatia and Serbia. But nine years later we still have the dilemma will its amendments decrease the risk of appearance of violence on sport events and are those amendments a reflection of the real situation in the Republic of Macedonia? The paper gives a short historical overview of the problem of violence on sport events in Europe and the Balkan countries and examines the problems in Macedonia and its legislation. It is absolutely inevitable the necessity of solving the problem through interdisciplinary prism and not to let the legislation and its sanctions to be used as the only weapon of prevention.

Research paper thumbnail of Trafficking in Human Beings for the purpose of Organ Removal and Trafficking in Organs, Tissues and Cells: Can Human Life be Bought?

The end of the XX and the beginning of the next one, the XXI century, were and still are years ma... more The end of the XX and the beginning of the next one, the XXI century, were and still are years marked with many crimes connected with trafficking. The three leading forbidden industries today contain the word trafficking. The drug trafficking, trafficking in arms and trafficking in human beings financially gain the most of the criminal profit. The last one of them, the trafficking in human beings although it is still the third criminal industry in the world, has the most complex process that ends with many possibilities of exploitation, starting from the sexual one, to the labour exploitation, slavery, servitude, and removal of human organs. Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal, today, in the Macedonian and the international scientific thought is one of the topics that suffer from a lack of research. Maybe it is because of its dark side, the lack of domestic and international documents, and the dark figure of cases. On the other side of trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal is the trafficking in human organs, tissues and cells which is a different crime, but with a same purpose. A purpose filled with material benefit for the traffickers, illegally transplanted organ and a new life for the patient in most of the cases. The paper will try to explain the differences and the similarities between the two crimes connected with illegal sale of human parts and their transplantation, the criminal organizations and their way of act, their consequences, the ones for the patients, the victims and the ones for the society, the international documents and domestic legislature.

Research paper thumbnail of Trafficking in Human Beings and Violence: Balkan Peninsula and the Violent Entrepreneur Model

Balkan Peninsula known by its violent history is home for crime groups working by the model of vi... more Balkan Peninsula known by its violent history is home for crime groups working by the model of violence. This model pertains almost only to the trafficking of women. It involves large numbers of women from the Balkans and those sold off to Balkan traders by crime groups from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Therefore, it controls women from their base in the Balkans through their exploitation in the brothels of Western Europe. Balkan traders in women run an integrated business and are middlemen for the groups from Eastern Europe. 3 It is model whose core is violence. Through violent methods victims are controlled, exploited, many even do not survive the process of their trafficking. The paper aims to explain the methods of "working" of criminal groups on the Balkan soil, especially explain the usage of extreme violence (violence is known as characteristic of trafficking in human beings everywhere, but is a crucial instrument in these countries). Using data from authorities in some Balkan countries, and going through stories of survived victims, violent modus operandi will be explained, its consequences and possible forms.

Research paper thumbnail of On the path of smuggling of migrants business: Macedonian case

The beginning of Arab spring and permanent war conflicts since December 2010 made Republic of Mac... more The beginning of Arab spring and permanent war conflicts since December 2010 made Republic of Macedonia one of mostly “visited” countries by illegal migrants. Using criminal groups help, illegal migrants are travelling through Macedonian territory and making efforts to get to the European Union. The increased numbers of smuggling of migrants’ cases is one of many indicators showing that the Macedonian path is one of the most often used on the way to “promised” European Union. The paper makes an overview of the most important phenomenological characteristics of this crime in the Republic of Macedonia.

Research paper thumbnail of The Process of Trafficking in Human Beings: Phases of committing the crime

The modus operandi is connected with the characteristics of the perpetrator of the crime; therefo... more The modus operandi is connected with the characteristics of the perpetrator of the crime; therefore it is a mean which through its analyses gives information that can be used to build a profile of the possible perpetrator of the crime.
The XX and the beginning of the XXI century are marked by the many attempts to get to the real meaning and content of the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings. Called modern slavery, existing through the years, it has been adjusting its characteristics on the society’s conditions, and its criminal process on the field conditions.
The paper is directed to explain the process of trafficking in human beings using a review of its three phases, and afterwards building a framework of the possible modus operandi of the organized crime groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Violence on sport fields as the most used weapon for national and religious "conflicts": The Yugoslavian Myth

Sport violence or violence on sport fields is a phenomenon known to these territories. As we some... more Sport violence or violence on sport fields is a phenomenon known to these territories. As we sometimes mention today sport arenas are a place where spectators are playing violent games, using the places where sport spirit and joy should be in the center as a place for national or sometimes religious disputes. "The moment when an individual connects the rules of standard communication with society is the moment when a deviant behavior begins." 1 The reasons for such acts are numerous and are result of different nature. We will agree that the appearance of violence and misbehavior on sport fields is not a phenomenon of the new era. Contrary, it is an act which has historical dimension, an act whose life begins during antique period, and during years it just evaluated and it is still alive. What is sport violence and how it can be defined?

Research paper thumbnail of Prevention on Spectator's Violence and Misbehavior at Sport Events: The need of Institutional Cooperation before Penal Sanctioning

Republic of Macedonia was the last of the ex-Yugoslav republics that adopted the Law for preventi... more Republic of Macedonia was the last of the ex-Yugoslav republics that adopted the Law for prevention of violence and misbehavior on sport events. The experts in this field were certain that only giving a place of these actions into penal law and their incriminating will be enough so other similar actions not happen in future. But what happens on the outside, in the sport arenas is something different. The law from 2004, its newer versions from 2008 and 2011, opened a Pandora Box full with disadvantages.

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review, Human Trafficking in Europe, Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, Issue 6:3 - 4

Human history is replete with examples of countries founded on slavery, which believed that the e... more Human history is replete with examples of countries founded on slavery, which believed that the exploitation of slaves was not immoral. Rather, that slaves were simply inferior to others and deserve their circumstances. Modern slavery -bearing similar but not identical hallmarks of past practices -has taken on new lingo, such as human trafficking, which in fact is the trading of people over boundaries for the purpose of enslavement. Slavery and society have been, and continue to be, walking side by side.

Research paper thumbnail of How a does a cybercriminal does look like? Building a profile of modern criminals

Cybercrime, by definition, is strongly connected with computers and networks. But machines, how m... more Cybercrime, by definition, is strongly connected with computers and networks. But machines, how much important they can be for this crime, are totally amoral and do whatever we tell them to do. Cybercrime has always been in step with new technology, better said it was born with it. Without any regrets we can call it the newest type of crime, the crime that showed us how dark human soul can be, because people started using its tools for better life to destroy some parts of it.

Research paper thumbnail of Trafficking in Human Beings and the post-conflict Balkans  as suitable grounds for continuous criminal process

From the moment of its creation, man was trying to impose his will over the will of others. Slave... more From the moment of its creation, man was trying to impose his will over the will of others. Slaves have existed from always. Human history is filled with examples of countries that were founded on slavery and which believed that exploitation of these slaves is not exploitation, but that these people are inferior to others and deserve that situation. As Aristotle himself in his work "Politics" said that "it is clear that some people are born as free, while others such as slaves, and that for the latter ones their condition of slavery, is justice and profit."

JLIA VOL. 1 No. 2 2015 by Angelina Stanojoska


Starting the Arab spring in 2010 and going through the latest and ongoing Syrian conflict and cri... more Starting the Arab spring in 2010 and going through the latest and ongoing Syrian conflict and crises, Balkans
and Macedonian railways have been and are a place where many human destinies cross their paths walking
to the Member States of the European Union. On the other side, Macedonia is struggling with an influx of
refugees, finding itself in a status quo position, even looking as it does not know how to solve the situation.
Migrants were killed on railways every day not being able to use any kind of public transportation; their
smuggling became a normal business for organized crime groups; Macedonian citizens started to earn money
on refugees’ misfortune. The paper using the comparative method and document analysis, gives an overview
of the EU’s legislation in the area, its improvement and current impact on things, all of it concluded with the
Macedonian legal solutions regarding asylum and authors’ recommendations.

Research paper thumbnail of „Самохраните мајки – жртви на мултиплицирано насилство“

Целта на овој документ е да се нотираат проблемите и недостатоците во делот на појавата на дискри... more Целта на овој документ е да се нотираат проблемите и недостатоците во делот на појавата на дискриминација во случај на семејно насилство врз жената од страна на институциите на системот и да се дадат препораки за надминување на проблемите и недостатоците во однос на дискриминацијата, при слуачаи на семејно насилство врз жените во нашата држава. Документот ќе се обиде да ги идентификува можностите за понатамошно усовршување на капацитетите на институциите на системот во начинот на нивно постапувње кон жртвите на семејно насилство.

Research paper thumbnail of Theory of push and pull factors: A new way of explaining the old

Globalization, economic crises, political instability, conflicts, wars, ethnic cleanings, social ... more Globalization, economic crises, political instability, conflicts, wars, ethnic cleanings, social inequality, market economy, discrimination, and the wider processes of transformation, especially in the last ten years were and still are the main reasons for an even bigger wave of migration. Having such a suitable ground, trafficking in human beings became an important "player" in the world of suffering, money and crime.

Research paper thumbnail of Life in a Backpack: The EU's Asylum Policies and its impact on Macedonian Asylum Legislation

Starting the Arab spring in 2010 and going through the latest and ongoing Syrian conflict and cri... more Starting the Arab spring in 2010 and going through the latest and ongoing Syrian conflict and crises, Balkans
and Macedonian railways have been and are a place where many human destinies cross their paths walking
to the Member States of the European Union. On the other side, Macedonia is struggling with an influx of
refugees, finding itself in a status quo position, even looking as it does not know how to solve the situation.
Migrants were killed on railways every day not being able to use any kind of public transportation; their
smuggling became a normal business for organized crime groups; Macedonian citizens started to earn money
on refugees’ misfortune. The paper using the comparative method and document analysis, gives an overview
of the EU’s legislation in the area, its improvement and current impact on things, all of it concluded with the
Macedonian legal solutions regarding asylum and authors’ recommendations.

Research paper thumbnail of The Connection between Terrorism and Organized Crime: Narcoterrorism and other hybrids

Globalization, which has had its expansion after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the opening of ... more Globalization, which has had its expansion after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the opening of borders after the fall of the ruler of Eastern Europe -Soviet Union brought the development of many spheres of social life. The development of positive values of society meant development of negative too.

Research paper thumbnail of The Circulus Vitiosus of Hate and Crime: Hate Crimes and the case of the Republic of Macedonia

Always connected to the dark side of humans, hate has been reason for many mistakes during human ... more Always connected to the dark side of humans, hate has been reason for many mistakes during human existence. It has been known as a trigger for wars, but also as a starting point for individual activities. On the other side, human nature and choices through life are predictors of how many and how different characteristics a human being will “wear” through its existence. And although every day we proclaim equality among people, every day people are discriminated because of something. Their color of skin, their ethnical origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious views… These and other “differences” very often are used as reasons for justifying criminal acts. Killers justify their brutality with someone’s different color of skin or something else.
The deaths of Mathew Shepard and James Bird are not the only ones, but were the ones that awoke American society and opened the question of existence of hate crimes. Today, although societies are becoming more modern with every moment that passes, humans become more brutal. Hate crimes and discrimination happen more often, with a goal to deliver a message to the “different” and tell them they are not accepted and welcomed.
The paper includes short historical review of hate crimes, their beginning, legal solutions, and criminological characteristics. And also gives an overview of Macedonian situation through numbers given by the Helsinki Committee of human rights.

Research paper thumbnail of Structure of organized criminal groups originating from the Balkan Peninsula: Models of Trafficking in Human Beings Criminal Groups

The Balkan territory through the years has been and is known for the violence that has happened a... more The Balkan territory through the years has been and is known for the violence that has happened and it’s happening on its soil. Known by the permanent war conflicts, the Balkans are still in the role of path of crime, with every criminal path going through it, but also as a nest of crime, an origin place of many criminal groups that are active here, but also in the other regions of the European continent.
Albanian, Bulgarian and Serbian criminal groups are the ones that rule the Balkan territory, and commit several of “modern”, organized crimes. The model of trafficking in human beings on the Balkans is known as a model of violence, because of the use of violent methods as instrumentum operandi.
The paper will try with a comparative analysis to build the structure of organized criminal groups on the Balkans, make the difference between the vertical and horizontal division of roles, and try to explain their modus operandi and its fluctuation through the years.

Research paper thumbnail of Sport events as a field for violent games between fans: The case of the Republic of Macedonia and its legislation

The attention and institutional reaction of every organization which treats these problems starte... more The attention and institutional reaction of every organization which treats these problems started shortly after the incident on Heysel Stadium, Belgium, on May 28 th 1985. The question which still has no answer is the one if that was a hooligans clash or was a security omission. Few months later, the Council of Europe adopted the European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches. Knowing the circumstances on the Balkan Peninsula we ask where are the ex-Yugoslav republics on this. How is it possible in democratic societies as ours declare, sport spectators and fans to become disposable goods? Is hooliganism the "privilege" of England or is it slowly, but surely becoming universal adjective for fan groups all around the world? Macedonian stadiums today are places used for national, ethnic or religious matches. In our country, the Law for prevention of violence and misbehavior on sport events was adopted by authorities in 2004, using the example of Croatia and Serbia. But nine years later we still have the dilemma will its amendments decrease the risk of appearance of violence on sport events and are those amendments a reflection of the real situation in the Republic of Macedonia? The paper gives a short historical overview of the problem of violence on sport events in Europe and the Balkan countries and examines the problems in Macedonia and its legislation. It is absolutely inevitable the necessity of solving the problem through interdisciplinary prism and not to let the legislation and its sanctions to be used as the only weapon of prevention.

Research paper thumbnail of Trafficking in Human Beings for the purpose of Organ Removal and Trafficking in Organs, Tissues and Cells: Can Human Life be Bought?

The end of the XX and the beginning of the next one, the XXI century, were and still are years ma... more The end of the XX and the beginning of the next one, the XXI century, were and still are years marked with many crimes connected with trafficking. The three leading forbidden industries today contain the word trafficking. The drug trafficking, trafficking in arms and trafficking in human beings financially gain the most of the criminal profit. The last one of them, the trafficking in human beings although it is still the third criminal industry in the world, has the most complex process that ends with many possibilities of exploitation, starting from the sexual one, to the labour exploitation, slavery, servitude, and removal of human organs. Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal, today, in the Macedonian and the international scientific thought is one of the topics that suffer from a lack of research. Maybe it is because of its dark side, the lack of domestic and international documents, and the dark figure of cases. On the other side of trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal is the trafficking in human organs, tissues and cells which is a different crime, but with a same purpose. A purpose filled with material benefit for the traffickers, illegally transplanted organ and a new life for the patient in most of the cases. The paper will try to explain the differences and the similarities between the two crimes connected with illegal sale of human parts and their transplantation, the criminal organizations and their way of act, their consequences, the ones for the patients, the victims and the ones for the society, the international documents and domestic legislature.

Research paper thumbnail of Trafficking in Human Beings and Violence: Balkan Peninsula and the Violent Entrepreneur Model

Balkan Peninsula known by its violent history is home for crime groups working by the model of vi... more Balkan Peninsula known by its violent history is home for crime groups working by the model of violence. This model pertains almost only to the trafficking of women. It involves large numbers of women from the Balkans and those sold off to Balkan traders by crime groups from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Therefore, it controls women from their base in the Balkans through their exploitation in the brothels of Western Europe. Balkan traders in women run an integrated business and are middlemen for the groups from Eastern Europe. 3 It is model whose core is violence. Through violent methods victims are controlled, exploited, many even do not survive the process of their trafficking. The paper aims to explain the methods of "working" of criminal groups on the Balkan soil, especially explain the usage of extreme violence (violence is known as characteristic of trafficking in human beings everywhere, but is a crucial instrument in these countries). Using data from authorities in some Balkan countries, and going through stories of survived victims, violent modus operandi will be explained, its consequences and possible forms.

Research paper thumbnail of On the path of smuggling of migrants business: Macedonian case

The beginning of Arab spring and permanent war conflicts since December 2010 made Republic of Mac... more The beginning of Arab spring and permanent war conflicts since December 2010 made Republic of Macedonia one of mostly “visited” countries by illegal migrants. Using criminal groups help, illegal migrants are travelling through Macedonian territory and making efforts to get to the European Union. The increased numbers of smuggling of migrants’ cases is one of many indicators showing that the Macedonian path is one of the most often used on the way to “promised” European Union. The paper makes an overview of the most important phenomenological characteristics of this crime in the Republic of Macedonia.

Research paper thumbnail of The Process of Trafficking in Human Beings: Phases of committing the crime

The modus operandi is connected with the characteristics of the perpetrator of the crime; therefo... more The modus operandi is connected with the characteristics of the perpetrator of the crime; therefore it is a mean which through its analyses gives information that can be used to build a profile of the possible perpetrator of the crime.
The XX and the beginning of the XXI century are marked by the many attempts to get to the real meaning and content of the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings. Called modern slavery, existing through the years, it has been adjusting its characteristics on the society’s conditions, and its criminal process on the field conditions.
The paper is directed to explain the process of trafficking in human beings using a review of its three phases, and afterwards building a framework of the possible modus operandi of the organized crime groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Violence on sport fields as the most used weapon for national and religious "conflicts": The Yugoslavian Myth

Sport violence or violence on sport fields is a phenomenon known to these territories. As we some... more Sport violence or violence on sport fields is a phenomenon known to these territories. As we sometimes mention today sport arenas are a place where spectators are playing violent games, using the places where sport spirit and joy should be in the center as a place for national or sometimes religious disputes. "The moment when an individual connects the rules of standard communication with society is the moment when a deviant behavior begins." 1 The reasons for such acts are numerous and are result of different nature. We will agree that the appearance of violence and misbehavior on sport fields is not a phenomenon of the new era. Contrary, it is an act which has historical dimension, an act whose life begins during antique period, and during years it just evaluated and it is still alive. What is sport violence and how it can be defined?

Research paper thumbnail of Prevention on Spectator's Violence and Misbehavior at Sport Events: The need of Institutional Cooperation before Penal Sanctioning

Republic of Macedonia was the last of the ex-Yugoslav republics that adopted the Law for preventi... more Republic of Macedonia was the last of the ex-Yugoslav republics that adopted the Law for prevention of violence and misbehavior on sport events. The experts in this field were certain that only giving a place of these actions into penal law and their incriminating will be enough so other similar actions not happen in future. But what happens on the outside, in the sport arenas is something different. The law from 2004, its newer versions from 2008 and 2011, opened a Pandora Box full with disadvantages.

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review, Human Trafficking in Europe, Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, Issue 6:3 - 4

Human history is replete with examples of countries founded on slavery, which believed that the e... more Human history is replete with examples of countries founded on slavery, which believed that the exploitation of slaves was not immoral. Rather, that slaves were simply inferior to others and deserve their circumstances. Modern slavery -bearing similar but not identical hallmarks of past practices -has taken on new lingo, such as human trafficking, which in fact is the trading of people over boundaries for the purpose of enslavement. Slavery and society have been, and continue to be, walking side by side.

Research paper thumbnail of How a does a cybercriminal does look like? Building a profile of modern criminals

Cybercrime, by definition, is strongly connected with computers and networks. But machines, how m... more Cybercrime, by definition, is strongly connected with computers and networks. But machines, how much important they can be for this crime, are totally amoral and do whatever we tell them to do. Cybercrime has always been in step with new technology, better said it was born with it. Without any regrets we can call it the newest type of crime, the crime that showed us how dark human soul can be, because people started using its tools for better life to destroy some parts of it.

Research paper thumbnail of Trafficking in Human Beings and the post-conflict Balkans  as suitable grounds for continuous criminal process

From the moment of its creation, man was trying to impose his will over the will of others. Slave... more From the moment of its creation, man was trying to impose his will over the will of others. Slaves have existed from always. Human history is filled with examples of countries that were founded on slavery and which believed that exploitation of these slaves is not exploitation, but that these people are inferior to others and deserve that situation. As Aristotle himself in his work "Politics" said that "it is clear that some people are born as free, while others such as slaves, and that for the latter ones their condition of slavery, is justice and profit."


Starting the Arab spring in 2010 and going through the latest and ongoing Syrian conflict and cri... more Starting the Arab spring in 2010 and going through the latest and ongoing Syrian conflict and crises, Balkans
and Macedonian railways have been and are a place where many human destinies cross their paths walking
to the Member States of the European Union. On the other side, Macedonia is struggling with an influx of
refugees, finding itself in a status quo position, even looking as it does not know how to solve the situation.
Migrants were killed on railways every day not being able to use any kind of public transportation; their
smuggling became a normal business for organized crime groups; Macedonian citizens started to earn money
on refugees’ misfortune. The paper using the comparative method and document analysis, gives an overview
of the EU’s legislation in the area, its improvement and current impact on things, all of it concluded with the
Macedonian legal solutions regarding asylum and authors’ recommendations.