Gordana Janevska | St.Kliment Ohridski- Bitola (original) (raw)

Papers by Gordana Janevska

Research paper thumbnail of Mathematical Model for Assessment of Production and Energy Utilization of Landfill Gas in the Pelagonija Region in Republic of N. Macedonia

2023 58th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST)

This paper presents a simulation of biogas production in the projected landfill in the Pelagonija... more This paper presents a simulation of biogas production in the projected landfill in the Pelagonija region in the Republic of N. Macedonia, using the Landfill Gas Emissions Model (LandGEM, version 3.03). The purpose of the analysis is to obtain the amount of produced biogas and the possibility of using it as energy, as well as the other products from anaerobic digestion which have a negative impact on the environment.

Research paper thumbnail of SOUTHERN EUROPE 2022

Organization (UNIDO) and the International Center on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP) to provide develop... more Organization (UNIDO) and the International Center on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP) to provide development information about small hydropower. The opinions, statistical data and estimates contained in signed articles are the responsibility of the authors and should not necessarily be considered as reflecting the views or bearing the endorsement of UNIDO or ICSHP. Although great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of information included in the document, neither UNIDO and its Member States, nor ICSHP assume any responsibility for consequences that may arise from the use of the material. This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the UNIDO Secretariat concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as 'developed', 'industrialized' and 'developing' are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. This document may be freely quoted or reprinted but acknowledgement is requested.

Research paper thumbnail of EREMI: An Innovative Interdisciplinary Approach for Higher Education in Resource Efficient Manufacturing Environments

Sustainability, MDPI , 2023

This paper presents an overview of EREMI, a two-year project funded under ERASMUS+ KA203, and its... more This paper presents an overview of EREMI, a two-year project funded under ERASMUS+ KA203, and its results. The project team's main objective was to develop and validate an advanced interdisciplinary higher education curriculum, which includes lifelong learning components. The curriculum focuses on enhancing resource efficiency in manufacturing industries and optimizing poorly or non-digitized industrial physical infrastructure systems. The paper also discusses the results of the project, highlighting the successful achievement of its goals. EREMI effectively supports the transition to Industry 5.0 by preparing a common European pool of future experts. Through comprehensive research and collaboration, the project team has designed curriculum that equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the evolving manufacturing landscape. Furthermore, the paper explores the significance of EREMI's contributions to the field, emphasizing the importance of resource...

Research paper thumbnail of Education for Resource Efficiency in Manufacturing Industries EREMI

2022 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST)


Zbornik na trudovi, TFB, 2013

Трудот презентира пример на анализа на управливост (контролабилност) и опсервабилност на објект н... more Трудот презентира пример на анализа на управливост (контролабилност) и опсервабилност на објект на управување. Притоа, како објект на управување разгледувана е мала хидроелектрана, а анализата на контролабилноста и опсервабилноста извршена е врз основа на познатите алгебарски критериуми. Анализите се реализирани за малата хидроелектрана "Стрежево" врз основа на изведен линеаризиран упростен математички модел за оваа хидроенергетска постројка. Истите се извршени рачно, како и со користење на математичкиот софтверски пакет MATLAB, со цел да се нагласат можностите и предностите што ги нуди современата компјутерска технологија.

Research paper thumbnail of Controllability of a Small Hydro Power Plant

ICEST 2004, 2004

The paper presents the analysis of controllability theory for hydroenergetic installation of the ... more The paper presents the analysis of controllability theory for hydroenergetic installation of the Small Hydro Power Plant "Strezevo" using mathematical algebra. The analysis is based on the linear mathematical model of this plant treated as an object of automatic control.



Европската политика во однос на обновливите извори на енергија воопшто, а во тие рамки и во однос... more Европската политика во однос на обновливите извори на енергија воопшто, а во тие рамки и во однос на малите хидроцентрали (МХЦ), во последните години добива сè поголемо значење. Ваквата политика е креирана имајќи ги предвид преземените обврски со Протоколот од Кјото, па оттука и промовирањето на електричната енергија добиена од обновливи извори на енергија претставува еден од врвните приоритети на ЕУ. Во трудот е даден општ осврт кон МХЦ од аспект на: одржлив развој и интегрално уредување и искористување на водите, заштита на животната средина и намалувањето на емисијата на стакленичките гасови, економичноста и енергетската ефикасност, технолошките решенија.

Research paper thumbnail of ОБНОВЛИВИ ИЗВОРИ НА ЕНЕРГИЈА

• Што се обновливи извори на енергија? ▫ Залихите на фосилните горива брзо се исцрпуваат затоа шт... more • Што се обновливи извори на енергија? ▫ Залихите на фосилните горива брзо се исцрпуваат затоа што брзината на искористување е неспоредливо поголема од брзината на настанување. За нивно обновување се потребни повеќе векови ▫ Обновливата енергија се добива од извори кои континуирано се обновуваат. За разлика од фосилните горива, залихите за обновливите извори не може да се истрошат. ▫ Основни извори на обновливата енергија се:  сонцето (соларна енергија),  ветерот,  водата во движење (реки, плима и осека, морски бранови),  топлината во внатрешноста на земјата (геотермална енергија во облик на топла вода или пареа, топлина на карпите)  биомасата (дрво, органски отпад и разни маслодајни растенија).


POLITEHNIKA 2017, 2017

Noise at work can cause hearing damage that is permanent and disabling. This can be hearing loss ... more Noise at work can cause hearing damage that is permanent and disabling. This can be hearing
loss that is gradual because of exposure to noise over time, but also damage caused by sudden,
extremely loud noises. The damage is disabling as it can stop people being able to understand
speech, keep up with conversations or use the telephone.
This paper presents the European Union regulations on minimum health and safety requirements
regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from noise and its implementation in the
developing countries in relation to:
- the harm that noise can cause;
- identifying if there is a problem with noise at the workplace;
- controlling noise and preventing harm

Research paper thumbnail of Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicle

ICEST Conference 2019, 2019

The paper presents a Hybrid Electrical Vehicle modeling based on multi-physics approach. The inte... more The paper presents a Hybrid Electrical Vehicle modeling based on multi-physics approach. The integrated simulation model of a series-parallel HEV is developed including the electric drive system, PI controller, vehicle load model, and gear box. The system step response is simulated and analyzed. The simulation results confirm the validity of the model.

Research paper thumbnail of Aspects on Modeling of Hydro-Turbine Speed Governor

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 10, Issue 6, ISSN 2229-5518, 2019

The liberalization of the electricity market enforces the use of more productive and energy effic... more The liberalization of the electricity market enforces the use of more productive and energy efficient technologies. Hence, the revitalization of some parts of the equipment in the existing power systems was required. Such a need is imposed on hydro-turbine speed governors. Governor play an important role in hydraulic turbine. It maintains the stability of the system frequency by controlling the speed of the system. The paper analyzes the standard control algorithm for turbine governors, the PID controller. The fundamental basics of PID controllers are illustrated, methods of tuning are considered in order to demonstrate the adaptation of these devices to the system, but also their limitations are highlighted. Finally, alternative control systems are also considered.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis of Mathematical Models of Penstock Dynamics at Hydropower Plants

— The paper discusses mathematical modeling of the dynamics of hydraulic circuit (penstock pipe) ... more — The paper discusses mathematical modeling of the dynamics of hydraulic circuit (penstock pipe) in hydropower plants. Mathematical models of the hydraulic system (pipeline) in hydropower plants differ in their complexity depending on the assumptions introduced during the model development. Which mathematical model will be applied depends on the specific purpose, as well as on the specifically considered hydropower plant. The paper presents a general nonlinear mathematical model of the penstock pipe, which includes two basic equations that describe the transient phenomena of fluid flow (equation of motion and continuity equation). It also considers the simplified mathematical models in which elastic water column theory, as well as non-elastic water column theory is used. In addition, a simulation scheme for models comparison is presented, and the differences in the dynamics covered by separate mathematical models have been analyzed on the basis of simulation results.

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities for Open Source Software in Mechatronic Systems Design

– This paper considers open source software for designing mechatronic systems. Thereby, emphasis ... more – This paper considers open source software for designing mechatronic systems. Thereby, emphasis is placed on Scilab/Xcos. Through simple example the paper presents the way how to formalise dynamic system with known physical and mathematical model in this environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling as an important phase in the process of mechatronic systems design

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electronics, control engin... more Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electronics, control engineering, and computers, all integrated through the design process. As a design philosophy, mechatronics serves as an integrating approach to engineering design. A mechatronic design of product relies heavily on system sensing and component modeling and simulation to establish the optimal design across mechanical and electronic domain when subject to specific cost and performance constraints.
The key to success in mechatronic systems design is a balance between modeling (analyzing skills) and experimentation (hardware implementation skills). Modeling is an important stage in the process of mechatronic systems design. A physical model can be developed by using engineering judgment and simplifying assumptions. Through modeling an engineer can assess the integrated design concepts early at the beginning of the design process.

Research paper thumbnail of Mathematical Modeling of Hybrid Renewable Energy System

—One of the major worldwide concerns is to reduce the emissions from traditional power plants by ... more —One of the major worldwide concerns is to reduce the emissions from traditional power plants by using renewable energy and to reduce the high cost of supplying electricity to remote areas. Hybrid energy systems can provide a good solution for such problems. Hybrid systems are characterized by containing two or more technologies of electrical generation, in order to optimize global efficiency of the processes. Combining multiple renewable energy sources can be a possible solution to overcome defects, which not only provides reliable power but also leads to reduction in required storage capacity. An oversized hybrid system satisfies the load demand, but it can be unnecessarily expensive. An undersized hybrid system is economical, but may not be able to meet the load demand. The optimal sizing of the renewable energy power system depends on the mathematical model of system components. Focusing on the three most used renewable energy sources, a summary of mathematical modeling of various renewable power systems is presented in this paper. More precisely, a general methodology for mathematical modeling of a small hydro-solar-wind power system is described.

Research paper thumbnail of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development -Impacts on the Path to Decarbonsation of Energy Sector

— Societies around the world are on the margin of a deep and urgently required transformation in ... more — Societies around the world are on the margin of a deep and urgently required transformation in the way they produce and use energy. The needed transition in the energy sector is moving the world away from the consumption of fossil fuels towards cleaner, renewable forms of energy. This paper gives an overview to the drivers behind renewable energy as being the many economic, social, political, and environmental imperatives that might motivate society to pursue this transition for a positive outcome. The rapid deployment of renewable energy has been driven mainly by a wide range of objectives (drivers), which include advancing economic development, improving energy security, enhancing energy access and mitigating climate change. Altogether, these drivers might be described as the pursuit of sustainable development, where economic prosperity is advanced around the world while negative impacts are minimized. Furthermore, the paper discusses the situation in Republic of Macedonia from this aspect.

Research paper thumbnail of Bond Graphs Approach to Modeling Thermal Processes

— The paper presents the bond graphs approach to modeling thermal processes. The fundamental theo... more — The paper presents the bond graphs approach to modeling thermal processes. The fundamental theory of bond graph modeling focused on thermal process is explored by considering the example of bath heated by hot fluid. Furthermore, a method to systematically build a bond graph model starting from an ideal physical model is given. In addition, procedure to generate mathematical equations and block diagram out of a causal bond graph is presented. Unlike the traditional mathematical modeling method, where the first step is to develop the equations for individual components, and then based on them the simulation scheme is created, the described method uses a reverse procedure.

Research paper thumbnail of Mathematical Modeling of Pump System

—A linear mathematical model of pump installation, which consists of centrifugal pump powered by ... more —A linear mathematical model of pump installation, which consists of centrifugal pump powered by asynchronous three-phase electric motor and pumping out from a constant level water-tank, is derived in this paper. The mathematical model is developed by analyzing the dynamics of the system and it is based on the basic laws of physics and fluid mechanics. The linearized mathematical model obtained on the basis of realistically adopted and critically studied assumptions is manipulated into state space form. This way obtained mathematical model, as a representative of system dynamics, gives a possibility for further analyses.

Research paper thumbnail of The State of Renewable Electricity – Worldwide, in EU and in R.Macedonia

–The paper gives a brief overview of the role and importance of renewable energy sources focusing... more –The paper gives a brief overview of the role and importance of renewable energy sources focusing on the power sector. From these aspects, the situation worldwide, in EU and in the Republic of Macedonia is considered, pointed out the visions for the future in this sector.

Research paper thumbnail of HYDROENERGY IN MACEDONIA

In Republic of Macedonia there is substantial unused hydro potential for building of large and sm... more In Republic of Macedonia there is substantial unused hydro potential for building of large and small hydro power plants (HPP). Recently an increase in interest for small HPP has been observed. In the Development Programme of the Republic of Macedonia government investment in large and small HPP is one of the priority parts within the development of energy sector. In 2007 the concession for building of small HPPs has begun with the Ministry of Economy announcing four calls for tender concession applications over 140 locations for small HPP with installed capacity of 35 kW to 2500 kW. The article gives a view of the Hydro Power Plant (HPP) as a plant for electricity production from renewable energy source. The present situation in the Republic of Macedonia has been discussed. The article points out the needs and possibilities for building of HPP in Republic of Macedonia. The hydro potential: technically available hydro potential and also the hydro potential used with small and large HPP are given through the concrete data. The article discusses the future plans and scenarios for utilization of hydro potential in Republic of Macedonia.

Research paper thumbnail of Mathematical Model for Assessment of Production and Energy Utilization of Landfill Gas in the Pelagonija Region in Republic of N. Macedonia

2023 58th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST)

This paper presents a simulation of biogas production in the projected landfill in the Pelagonija... more This paper presents a simulation of biogas production in the projected landfill in the Pelagonija region in the Republic of N. Macedonia, using the Landfill Gas Emissions Model (LandGEM, version 3.03). The purpose of the analysis is to obtain the amount of produced biogas and the possibility of using it as energy, as well as the other products from anaerobic digestion which have a negative impact on the environment.

Research paper thumbnail of SOUTHERN EUROPE 2022

Organization (UNIDO) and the International Center on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP) to provide develop... more Organization (UNIDO) and the International Center on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP) to provide development information about small hydropower. The opinions, statistical data and estimates contained in signed articles are the responsibility of the authors and should not necessarily be considered as reflecting the views or bearing the endorsement of UNIDO or ICSHP. Although great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of information included in the document, neither UNIDO and its Member States, nor ICSHP assume any responsibility for consequences that may arise from the use of the material. This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the UNIDO Secretariat concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as 'developed', 'industrialized' and 'developing' are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. This document may be freely quoted or reprinted but acknowledgement is requested.

Research paper thumbnail of EREMI: An Innovative Interdisciplinary Approach for Higher Education in Resource Efficient Manufacturing Environments

Sustainability, MDPI , 2023

This paper presents an overview of EREMI, a two-year project funded under ERASMUS+ KA203, and its... more This paper presents an overview of EREMI, a two-year project funded under ERASMUS+ KA203, and its results. The project team's main objective was to develop and validate an advanced interdisciplinary higher education curriculum, which includes lifelong learning components. The curriculum focuses on enhancing resource efficiency in manufacturing industries and optimizing poorly or non-digitized industrial physical infrastructure systems. The paper also discusses the results of the project, highlighting the successful achievement of its goals. EREMI effectively supports the transition to Industry 5.0 by preparing a common European pool of future experts. Through comprehensive research and collaboration, the project team has designed curriculum that equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the evolving manufacturing landscape. Furthermore, the paper explores the significance of EREMI's contributions to the field, emphasizing the importance of resource...

Research paper thumbnail of Education for Resource Efficiency in Manufacturing Industries EREMI

2022 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST)


Zbornik na trudovi, TFB, 2013

Трудот презентира пример на анализа на управливост (контролабилност) и опсервабилност на објект н... more Трудот презентира пример на анализа на управливост (контролабилност) и опсервабилност на објект на управување. Притоа, како објект на управување разгледувана е мала хидроелектрана, а анализата на контролабилноста и опсервабилноста извршена е врз основа на познатите алгебарски критериуми. Анализите се реализирани за малата хидроелектрана "Стрежево" врз основа на изведен линеаризиран упростен математички модел за оваа хидроенергетска постројка. Истите се извршени рачно, како и со користење на математичкиот софтверски пакет MATLAB, со цел да се нагласат можностите и предностите што ги нуди современата компјутерска технологија.

Research paper thumbnail of Controllability of a Small Hydro Power Plant

ICEST 2004, 2004

The paper presents the analysis of controllability theory for hydroenergetic installation of the ... more The paper presents the analysis of controllability theory for hydroenergetic installation of the Small Hydro Power Plant "Strezevo" using mathematical algebra. The analysis is based on the linear mathematical model of this plant treated as an object of automatic control.



Европската политика во однос на обновливите извори на енергија воопшто, а во тие рамки и во однос... more Европската политика во однос на обновливите извори на енергија воопшто, а во тие рамки и во однос на малите хидроцентрали (МХЦ), во последните години добива сè поголемо значење. Ваквата политика е креирана имајќи ги предвид преземените обврски со Протоколот од Кјото, па оттука и промовирањето на електричната енергија добиена од обновливи извори на енергија претставува еден од врвните приоритети на ЕУ. Во трудот е даден општ осврт кон МХЦ од аспект на: одржлив развој и интегрално уредување и искористување на водите, заштита на животната средина и намалувањето на емисијата на стакленичките гасови, економичноста и енергетската ефикасност, технолошките решенија.

Research paper thumbnail of ОБНОВЛИВИ ИЗВОРИ НА ЕНЕРГИЈА

• Што се обновливи извори на енергија? ▫ Залихите на фосилните горива брзо се исцрпуваат затоа шт... more • Што се обновливи извори на енергија? ▫ Залихите на фосилните горива брзо се исцрпуваат затоа што брзината на искористување е неспоредливо поголема од брзината на настанување. За нивно обновување се потребни повеќе векови ▫ Обновливата енергија се добива од извори кои континуирано се обновуваат. За разлика од фосилните горива, залихите за обновливите извори не може да се истрошат. ▫ Основни извори на обновливата енергија се:  сонцето (соларна енергија),  ветерот,  водата во движење (реки, плима и осека, морски бранови),  топлината во внатрешноста на земјата (геотермална енергија во облик на топла вода или пареа, топлина на карпите)  биомасата (дрво, органски отпад и разни маслодајни растенија).


POLITEHNIKA 2017, 2017

Noise at work can cause hearing damage that is permanent and disabling. This can be hearing loss ... more Noise at work can cause hearing damage that is permanent and disabling. This can be hearing
loss that is gradual because of exposure to noise over time, but also damage caused by sudden,
extremely loud noises. The damage is disabling as it can stop people being able to understand
speech, keep up with conversations or use the telephone.
This paper presents the European Union regulations on minimum health and safety requirements
regarding the exposure of workers to risks arising from noise and its implementation in the
developing countries in relation to:
- the harm that noise can cause;
- identifying if there is a problem with noise at the workplace;
- controlling noise and preventing harm

Research paper thumbnail of Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicle

ICEST Conference 2019, 2019

The paper presents a Hybrid Electrical Vehicle modeling based on multi-physics approach. The inte... more The paper presents a Hybrid Electrical Vehicle modeling based on multi-physics approach. The integrated simulation model of a series-parallel HEV is developed including the electric drive system, PI controller, vehicle load model, and gear box. The system step response is simulated and analyzed. The simulation results confirm the validity of the model.

Research paper thumbnail of Aspects on Modeling of Hydro-Turbine Speed Governor

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 10, Issue 6, ISSN 2229-5518, 2019

The liberalization of the electricity market enforces the use of more productive and energy effic... more The liberalization of the electricity market enforces the use of more productive and energy efficient technologies. Hence, the revitalization of some parts of the equipment in the existing power systems was required. Such a need is imposed on hydro-turbine speed governors. Governor play an important role in hydraulic turbine. It maintains the stability of the system frequency by controlling the speed of the system. The paper analyzes the standard control algorithm for turbine governors, the PID controller. The fundamental basics of PID controllers are illustrated, methods of tuning are considered in order to demonstrate the adaptation of these devices to the system, but also their limitations are highlighted. Finally, alternative control systems are also considered.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis of Mathematical Models of Penstock Dynamics at Hydropower Plants

— The paper discusses mathematical modeling of the dynamics of hydraulic circuit (penstock pipe) ... more — The paper discusses mathematical modeling of the dynamics of hydraulic circuit (penstock pipe) in hydropower plants. Mathematical models of the hydraulic system (pipeline) in hydropower plants differ in their complexity depending on the assumptions introduced during the model development. Which mathematical model will be applied depends on the specific purpose, as well as on the specifically considered hydropower plant. The paper presents a general nonlinear mathematical model of the penstock pipe, which includes two basic equations that describe the transient phenomena of fluid flow (equation of motion and continuity equation). It also considers the simplified mathematical models in which elastic water column theory, as well as non-elastic water column theory is used. In addition, a simulation scheme for models comparison is presented, and the differences in the dynamics covered by separate mathematical models have been analyzed on the basis of simulation results.

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities for Open Source Software in Mechatronic Systems Design

– This paper considers open source software for designing mechatronic systems. Thereby, emphasis ... more – This paper considers open source software for designing mechatronic systems. Thereby, emphasis is placed on Scilab/Xcos. Through simple example the paper presents the way how to formalise dynamic system with known physical and mathematical model in this environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling as an important phase in the process of mechatronic systems design

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electronics, control engin... more Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electronics, control engineering, and computers, all integrated through the design process. As a design philosophy, mechatronics serves as an integrating approach to engineering design. A mechatronic design of product relies heavily on system sensing and component modeling and simulation to establish the optimal design across mechanical and electronic domain when subject to specific cost and performance constraints.
The key to success in mechatronic systems design is a balance between modeling (analyzing skills) and experimentation (hardware implementation skills). Modeling is an important stage in the process of mechatronic systems design. A physical model can be developed by using engineering judgment and simplifying assumptions. Through modeling an engineer can assess the integrated design concepts early at the beginning of the design process.

Research paper thumbnail of Mathematical Modeling of Hybrid Renewable Energy System

—One of the major worldwide concerns is to reduce the emissions from traditional power plants by ... more —One of the major worldwide concerns is to reduce the emissions from traditional power plants by using renewable energy and to reduce the high cost of supplying electricity to remote areas. Hybrid energy systems can provide a good solution for such problems. Hybrid systems are characterized by containing two or more technologies of electrical generation, in order to optimize global efficiency of the processes. Combining multiple renewable energy sources can be a possible solution to overcome defects, which not only provides reliable power but also leads to reduction in required storage capacity. An oversized hybrid system satisfies the load demand, but it can be unnecessarily expensive. An undersized hybrid system is economical, but may not be able to meet the load demand. The optimal sizing of the renewable energy power system depends on the mathematical model of system components. Focusing on the three most used renewable energy sources, a summary of mathematical modeling of various renewable power systems is presented in this paper. More precisely, a general methodology for mathematical modeling of a small hydro-solar-wind power system is described.

Research paper thumbnail of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development -Impacts on the Path to Decarbonsation of Energy Sector

— Societies around the world are on the margin of a deep and urgently required transformation in ... more — Societies around the world are on the margin of a deep and urgently required transformation in the way they produce and use energy. The needed transition in the energy sector is moving the world away from the consumption of fossil fuels towards cleaner, renewable forms of energy. This paper gives an overview to the drivers behind renewable energy as being the many economic, social, political, and environmental imperatives that might motivate society to pursue this transition for a positive outcome. The rapid deployment of renewable energy has been driven mainly by a wide range of objectives (drivers), which include advancing economic development, improving energy security, enhancing energy access and mitigating climate change. Altogether, these drivers might be described as the pursuit of sustainable development, where economic prosperity is advanced around the world while negative impacts are minimized. Furthermore, the paper discusses the situation in Republic of Macedonia from this aspect.

Research paper thumbnail of Bond Graphs Approach to Modeling Thermal Processes

— The paper presents the bond graphs approach to modeling thermal processes. The fundamental theo... more — The paper presents the bond graphs approach to modeling thermal processes. The fundamental theory of bond graph modeling focused on thermal process is explored by considering the example of bath heated by hot fluid. Furthermore, a method to systematically build a bond graph model starting from an ideal physical model is given. In addition, procedure to generate mathematical equations and block diagram out of a causal bond graph is presented. Unlike the traditional mathematical modeling method, where the first step is to develop the equations for individual components, and then based on them the simulation scheme is created, the described method uses a reverse procedure.

Research paper thumbnail of Mathematical Modeling of Pump System

—A linear mathematical model of pump installation, which consists of centrifugal pump powered by ... more —A linear mathematical model of pump installation, which consists of centrifugal pump powered by asynchronous three-phase electric motor and pumping out from a constant level water-tank, is derived in this paper. The mathematical model is developed by analyzing the dynamics of the system and it is based on the basic laws of physics and fluid mechanics. The linearized mathematical model obtained on the basis of realistically adopted and critically studied assumptions is manipulated into state space form. This way obtained mathematical model, as a representative of system dynamics, gives a possibility for further analyses.

Research paper thumbnail of The State of Renewable Electricity – Worldwide, in EU and in R.Macedonia

–The paper gives a brief overview of the role and importance of renewable energy sources focusing... more –The paper gives a brief overview of the role and importance of renewable energy sources focusing on the power sector. From these aspects, the situation worldwide, in EU and in the Republic of Macedonia is considered, pointed out the visions for the future in this sector.

Research paper thumbnail of HYDROENERGY IN MACEDONIA

In Republic of Macedonia there is substantial unused hydro potential for building of large and sm... more In Republic of Macedonia there is substantial unused hydro potential for building of large and small hydro power plants (HPP). Recently an increase in interest for small HPP has been observed. In the Development Programme of the Republic of Macedonia government investment in large and small HPP is one of the priority parts within the development of energy sector. In 2007 the concession for building of small HPPs has begun with the Ministry of Economy announcing four calls for tender concession applications over 140 locations for small HPP with installed capacity of 35 kW to 2500 kW. The article gives a view of the Hydro Power Plant (HPP) as a plant for electricity production from renewable energy source. The present situation in the Republic of Macedonia has been discussed. The article points out the needs and possibilities for building of HPP in Republic of Macedonia. The hydro potential: technically available hydro potential and also the hydro potential used with small and large HPP are given through the concrete data. The article discusses the future plans and scenarios for utilization of hydro potential in Republic of Macedonia.