Ivan Almes | Ukrainian Catholic University (original) (raw)
Books by Ivan Almes
Монографія присвячена історії читання в чернечих обителях Львівської єпархії ранньомодерного часу... more Монографія присвячена історії читання в чернечих обителях Львівської єпархії ранньомодерного часу, що була південно-західною частиною Київської митрополії, територією культурного обміну між латинськими Заходом і Північчю та православними Сходом і Півднем. У XVII ст. «споживання слова» залишалось інтегрованим у церков не правило та келійну молитву, виконуючи функції «духовної вправи». Із середини XVIII ст. у василіянській моделі освіченого благочестя, окрім богослужбового і трапезного, з’являється «медитаційне» читання, а там, де діяли чернечі студії, – і «шкільне». Василіяни намагалися внормувати практики звернення до літератури за зразком латинських моделей lectio librorum – із чіткими вказівками, що, де й коли читати. Поширення однакової літератури в латинській Європі та Київській митрополії сприяло творенню єдиного «цивілізаційного простору», а можливо, опосередковано й утвердженню спільного християнського етосу на основі релігійної культури, однією зі складових якої і були читацькі практики монахів.
The history of reading as a cultural history of the book in early modern Ukraine has, until now, not received a full-fledged, and so interdisciplinary, treatment in historiography. There exist a whole list of research works in bibliology, source studies, history, and philology. However, their discreteness and focus on the specialized reader in summary do not allow one to see the particularities of the early modern culture of the book in the lands of the Kyivan Metropolitanate. In western historiography, the history of reading was a popular area of study from the 1990s to the start of the 2000s. But now it is not trendy and relevant to such an extent, though it remains so for the Eastern European historiography. On the example of the study of reading practices and the culture of the book, to which this monograph is dedicated, I analyzed this important part of the cultural history of Ukraine, described from the wider context of Latin and Orthodox early modern Europe.
Іван Альмес. Від молитви до освіти: Історія читання ченців Львівської єпархії XVII–XVIII ст. Львів: Український католицький університет 2021. 588 с. (Серія «Київське християнство», т. 26).
This collection in memory of Ihor Skochylias (1967–2020), professor of the Ukrainian Catholic Uni... more This collection in memory of Ihor Skochylias (1967–2020), professor of the Ukrainian Catholic University and Habilitated Doctor of History, contains articles by researchers from scholarly institutions of Ukraine, Poland, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Canada, et. al. The edition contains new source materials in Latin and Polish together with their translations into Ukrainian, research on the history of the religious culture of early modern Kyivan Christianity, as well as scholar investigations on the historiography of the Modern Period.
Sub ficu. Collection in Memory of Ihor Skochylias / edited by I. Almes; editorial board: U. Holovatch, Y. Hrytsak, D. Syroyid, A. Yasinovskyi. Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University 2022. 344 pp. (“Kyivan Christianity” Series, vol. 25).
Sub ficu. Меморіальний збірник, присвячений Ігореві Скочилясу / відп. ред. І. Альмес; ред. кол.: У. Головач, Я. Грицак, Д. Сироїд, А. Ясіновський. Львів: Український католицький університет 2022. 344 с. (Серія «Київське християнство», т. 25).
ISBN 978-617-7637-43-0
This bio-bibliographical index traces the academic career of Ihor Skochylias, doctor of history, ... more This bio-bibliographical index traces the academic career of Ihor Skochylias, doctor of history, Senior Researcher of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Ukraine and Vice-Rector for Research at the Ukrainian Catholic University. It reflects the variety of his scholarly interests during 1989–2016 including pre-modern religious culture and ecclesiastical tradition of Eastern Christianity, Uniate confessional identity on the Ukrainian lands, and institutional history of Kyivan Metropolitanate in the comparative perspective.
Свята Тереза від Ісуса і Україна: Науковий збірник / Упоряд. і передмова Б. Чума. Львів: Видавниц... more Свята Тереза від Ісуса і Україна: Науковий збірник / Упоряд. і передмова Б. Чума. Львів: Видавництво УКУ, 2017. 272 с.
Santa Teresa de Jesús y Ucrania: Actas. Edición y prólogo B. Chuma. Lviv, Editorial UCU, 2017. 272 p.
У збірнику вперше в українській гуманітаристиці представлено різноманітні сторони присутності св. Терези від Ісуса та реформованого з її ініціативи Ордену кармелітів босих в Україні. Зокрема, розглянуто особливості релігійного життя в українських землях у період ранньої модерності, основні аспекти вчення святої та поширення її ідей на сході Європи; проаналізовано традиційну для кармелітів босих іконографію, що збереглась у храмі Святого Архистратига Михаїла у Львові; відображено вплив містики св. Терези на українську літературу; подано головні поетичні твори святої в перекладі українською мовою. Для богословів, істориків, культурологів, літературознавців та всіх, хто цікавиться релігійною історією ранньомодерної доби в Україні й у Європі, а також іспансько-українськими зв’язками.
En este libro, cuya temática es casi inédita hasta ahora en el campo de las Humanidades en Ucrania, se presentan diferentes aspectos de la influencia en el país de Sta. Teresa de Jesús y de la presencia de la Orden de los Carmelitas Descalzos, regla que fue reformada gracias a su iniciativa. En particular, se consideran las particularidades de la vida religiosa en tierras ucranianas durante la Edad Premoderna, los principales conceptos de la doctrina de la Santa y la divulgación de sus ideas en el Este de Europa, el análisis de la iconografía carmelitana que se conserva en el templo de San Arcángel Miguel de Lviv y el reflejo de la influencia de la mística de Sta. Teresa en la literatura ucraniana. Además, se publica una antología de los principales poemas de la Santa. La edición está dedicada a teólogos, historiadores, culturólogos, críticos literarios, filólogos y todos aquellos que estén interesados en la historia de la cultura religiosa de Ucrania y de Europa de la Edad Premoderna y también en las relaciones hispanoucranianas.
The school of the Stauropegion confraternity: traditions of the theological education at Lviv. Su... more The school of the Stauropegion confraternity: traditions of the theological education at Lviv. Summaries and Reports (Lviv, 20-22th December 2016) / Ed. by A. Tsebenko, I. Almes. – Lviv: LOTA, 2017. – 68 p.
The collection consists of the summaries and reports presented on the Scientifi c Conference of the young scientists „The school of the Stauropegion Confraternity: traditions of the theological education at Lviv”, which was held at Lviv Orthodox Theological Academy on 20-22th December 2016. The texts of the scientists from the different academic institutions in Lviv represent the next topics: theological education of the cultural and religious institutions in the early modern Lviv; history and historiography of the school of the Lviv Dormition Confraternity; schools of the confraternities at Lviv today.
Школа Львівського ставропігійного братства: традиції духовної освіти у Львові: тези доповідей та повідомлення наукової конференції молодих вчених (Львів, 20-22 грудня 2016 р.) / Упоряд. А. Цебенко, І. Альмес. – Львів: ЛПБА, 2017. – 68 с/
У збірнику вміщено тези доповідей та повідомлення учасників наукової конференції молодих вчених „Школа Львівського ставропігійного братства: традиції духовної освіти у Львові”, яка відбулась 20-22 грудня 2016 р. у Львівській Православній Богословській академії. В текстах дослідників з різних академічних середовищ Львова розглянуто питання духовної освіти різних культурних та релігійних осередків ранньомодерного Львова, історію та історіографію школи Львівського Успенського братства, а також традиції братського шкільництва у Львові сьогодні.
Papers by Ivan Almes
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi, 2024
The paper studies the problem of the unification of the liturgical books in the Basilian monaster... more The paper studies the problem of the unification of the liturgical books in the Basilian monasteries of the Lviv eparchy in the second half of the 18 th century. Research concentrates on the problem of Zamość council resolution implementation by analyzing the "church books" in the monasteries of Basilians. Investigating the "book lists" from inventory descriptions and protocols of visitations allows to trace changes in the monasteries concerning the "church books" as it was fixed in the documents, a major part of which used for this research are from the Lviv archives. Among the main indicators of a certain liturgical tradition are the texts of the Liturgicon and the Euchologion. In the second half of the 18 th century, the presence of Univ and Pochaiv Liturgicon and Euchologion was selective since we do not have data for all decades for all monasteries. At the same time, such an analysis allows tracing a clear tendency-the full-fledged unification of liturgical literature in Basilian monasteries can be noted at the start of the 1760s.
Roczniki Humanistyczne, tom LXXI , zeszyt 2 (zeszyt specjalny), 2023
The paper studies the correspondence from the papal archives on the eve of the Zamość Council 172... more The paper studies the correspondence from the papal archives on the eve of the Zamość Council 1720. Research on corresponding raises the question of tensions between Latin and Uniates hierarchs on the eve of the council and in which way these debates were “moderated” from Rome by the apostolic nuncio. The article concentrates on the so-called Memorial of Apostolic Nuncio Girolamo Grimaldi prepared already in 1716. After that research analysed a “campaign” in May-June 1720 organized by Apostolic Nuncio to gather information about the affairs of the Ruthenian Uniates to update the council’s agenda. The group of informants included the rector of Papal College in Lviv, Stefano Trombetti, and Latin Archbishop of Lviv Jan Skarbek. Girolamo Grimaldi also sent letters to the Uniate bishops (Yosyf Levytskyi and Atanasiy Sheptytskyi) each of them responded to the apostolic nuncio, sharing their propositions regarding the agenda of the planned council of the Kyivan Uniate Metropolitanate.
Дермань і Мізоч в історії та культурі Волині, 2023
Функціонування «заборонених», у т. ч. і «єретичних» книг у василіянських монастирях ранньомодерно... more Функціонування «заборонених», у т. ч. і «єретичних» книг у василіянських монастирях ранньомодерного часу на сьогодні все ще залишається маловивченим. В обителях василіян Руської провінції до кінця 1770-х рр. практики окремого реєстрування такої літератури фактично не існувало. Беата Лоренс віднайшла подібні списки у бібліотеках тільки двох чернечих спільнот – луцької (1763 р.) та львівської святоюрської (1773 р.). Заборона тих чи тих текстів не поширилася і серед василіян Львівської єпархії, хоча в монастирях про таку практику знали. Лише в декількох із понад 40 досліджуваних монастирських бібліотек Львівського владицтва вдалося виявити «Індекси заборонених книг». В інвентарях деяких обителей могли позначати певні книги як prohibiti, та про повноцінні рубрики забороненої літератури усе ж не йшлося.
Conference Programme, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 26-28 June, 2023
Науковий щорічник "Історія релігій в Україні", 2023
The paper studies the practices of monks in the Pochaiv Basilian monastery printing house in the ... more The paper studies the practices of monks in the Pochaiv Basilian monastery printing house in the 18th century. It was one of the typical Ukrainian monastery typographies of the premodern time. Monks-professional, together with other non-monks’ staff (engravers, foundries, etc.), ensured the functioning of the mentioned printing house. Research on the visitation descriptions of the 1730s and 1770s has found that up to seven monks worked in the typography. The cited archival sources traced
the dynamics of monks’ practices in the printing house of that time. In the 1730s, young 20 years old Basilians operated the Pochaiv typography under the chief elder hieromonk called prefect. They all worked without any payment because of some obedience within the monastery community life. In the 1770s, learners of the local monastery printing house still provided most of its activities. These Basilians started their monastery life in Pochaiv and learned printing crafts there. Because the type of monastery printing house strictly regulated its activities without non-monastic practices, monks had to learn printing affairs and be effective in typography without breaking clausura rules. That was impossible if they left monasteries (disobeyed clausura) and had lessons in craftsman, for instance, in Lviv. If Basilians with local primary schooling carried out almost all technical issues in the typography, then more educated and skilled monks censored and corrected editions there. They also started monks’ life in the local Pochaiv monastery but later graduated from philosophical and theological studies within Ruthenian Basilian province or, less often, in Rome. The paper concludes that monks-professionals fixed out a successful Pochaiv printing house that was approved not only by high-quality editions but by a simple fact – 40% of all monastery incomes in some decades from the typography.
Ukrainian Historical Review / Український історичний огляд, 2022
The article explores the spreading of Enlightenment ideas within the Basilian monasteries of the ... more The article explores the spreading of Enlightenment ideas within the Basilian monasteries of the L’viv eparchy in the second half of the 18th century. Based on inventory descriptions from the L’viv archives, the repertoire of Enlightenment books was revealed, which usually circulated in the largest monastic libraries of the L’viv eparchy. Research is undertaken within the religious history context, especially within the Catholic Enlightenment in Europe, that rationalized and deepened reforms of Trident. To protect the fundamental Christian dogmas, Catholicism reinterpreted them in a “new” language, more understandable for its time. Without any doubt, studying the library collections is appropriate for the mentioned research because books are the sources of particular ideas and beliefs. Research has found that Enlightenment books were rare in the Basilian monastery libraries of the L’viv eparchy until the 1770s. The article examines only the two largest monastery libraries of the Basilians in the L’viv eparchy – in Pidhirtsi and L’viv St. Onuphry. A collection of French books (the language of Enlightenment and international communication) was found in the Pidhirtsi monastery in the late 1760s – early 1770s. For example, samples of “Les Aventures de Télémaque” (1699) written by archbishop François Fénelon or “L’École du monde, ou Instruction d’un père à un fils” by French playwright and “journalist” Eustache le Noble. L’viv St. Onuphry monastery library in 1778 had a few Enlightenment books as well. Since Basilians studied philosophy, there was a great collection of philosophical books. For instance, there were samples of treatises written by such well-known philosophers as Christian Wolff, Friedrich Christian Baumeister, Ignatz von Metzburg. To sum up, it can be argued that Enlightenment books were not popular in the mentioned monastery libraries. During the research, no texts of Voltaire, Diderot, or Montesquieu were found. However, the obtained results reaffirmed that it is necessary to explore the issue of the Enlightenment ideas in the Basilian monasteries of early modern Ukraine in more depth.
This article investigates the problem of spreading of the Protestant ideas in the Basilian monast... more This article investigates the problem of spreading of the Protestant ideas in the Basilian monasteries of the Lviv eparchy in the 18th century. How did Reformation reach the Uniate monasteries of the early modern Ukraine? If so, how was it represented? These questions are examining in the paper. It has been studied above 100 book lists of the 30 monasteries from archives mostly in Lviv. Consequently, research found the works of 14 protestants, authors mainly of the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century. Treatises of the protestants were preserved in four monastery libraries, and also in at least four private Basilian book collections. Research states that Basilians in the Lviv eparchy didn't know so much about Protestants, at least based on research on the book collections. It looks like that it was on the margins of Basilian intellectual interests. But it is obvious that such study perspective does not allow to fully show the reception of the Protestant tradition.
Stolen Churches or Bridges to Orthodoxy? Impulses for Theological Dialogue Between Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, 2021
Ivan Almes, "“Kyivan Christianity”: Early Modern Cultural History and Impulses for Dialogue betwe... more Ivan Almes, "“Kyivan Christianity”: Early Modern Cultural History and Impulses for Dialogue between Churches in Ukraine", in Stolen Churches or Bridges to Orthodoxy? Impulses for Theological Dialogue Between Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, eds. Vladimir Latinovic, Anastacia Wooden (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2021), vol. 1: Historical and Theological Perspectives on the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Dialogue, pp. 87-99.
This paper examines cultural history as an inclusive approach to study the history of the church in the multireligious early modern Eastern Europe in general and Ukraine in particular. It is not a confessional history, that focuses on certain confessional communities but considers the cultural history of specific religious communities including all of its problems and achievements as well as favorable and inconvenient historical facts. This research claims that the concept of Kyivan Christianity remains promising for the long-term research issues as well as for the up-to-date evaluation of the religious and cultural processes in contemporary Ukraine.
Патріярхат, 2021
Альмес І. Мрія про 100 томів. З історії "київського християнства" // Патріярхат, 3 (2021), с. 35-... more Альмес І. Мрія про 100 томів. З історії "київського християнства" // Патріярхат, 3 (2021), с. 35-37.
20 грудня 2020 року передчасно відійшов у вічність професор Ігор Скочиляс – відомий історик Церкви, автор таких дослідницьких концептів, як, наприклад, Slavia Unita, один із головних натхненників масштабного дослідницького проєкту «Київське християнство», який реалізовують під патронатом глави УГКЦ Блаженнішого Святослава Шевчука в Українському католицькому університеті.
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History. Ukrainian Catholic University. L... more Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History.
Ukrainian Catholic University. Lviv, 2018.
The research concentrates on the cultural history of the Orthodox and Uniate monastery libraries of the Lviv Eparchy in the 17th and 18th centuries. The libraries were investigated applying interdisciplinary research methods within the concepts of the Ukrainian religious culture of the early modern time. Different sources, which are preserved mainly in contemporary Lviv, Kyiv and Ternopil State Archives and libraries, were studied thoroughly. The collections of Polish and Austrian scientific institutions in were also included in the study.
History of monasteries of the Lviv Eparchy is represented with a special emphasis on spiritual, cultural and educational activities of monks. Outlining this background contributes to a comprehensive historical analysis of libraries within the monastic life, which makes it possible to provide conclusions on suggested ways of collecting books and systematizing them within libraries. A comprehensive quantitative analysis of the libraries was set as one of the research tasks. It was found that due to the local circumstances Orthodox and Uniate (Basilian) monastery libraries of the Lviv Eparchy were smaller than Catholic in Lviv or Orthodox ones in Kyiv and Moscow. These local circumstances comprised a lower educational level of monks, scarce means, not numerous monastic communities and a dense network of monasteries in the Lviv Eparchy.
Another major task of the dissertation was to reconstruct, describe and analyze the book repertoire in the monasteries. It was suggested to represent the book repertoire by two “reading canons” constructed according to the confessional affiliation: Lectio Orthodoxorum and Lectio Basilianorum. Lectio Orthodoxorum is represented, apart from liturgical books, by a topical “triad” of patristic, hagiographic and preaching literature. Secular literature and especially Ancient literature as well as books in Latin, which were considered fundamental for a Western-oriented humanistic educational system, were poorly represented or almost absent in the monasteries under study. Lectio Basilianorum consisted of the same literature as in Catholic monasteries of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: the Bible and commentaries to it, treatises of the Fathers of the Church, various homiletic writings, as well as moral theology and meditative literature. Study of theological educational literature of monks reveals that scholastic discourse still dominated in the monasteries. Basilians read books written by Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans and also Protestant authors. They were aware of basic post-tridentine theological literature as well as ancient and humanistic treatises. However, the research did not reveal any influences of the Enlightenment on the monasteries, which is common for religious culture of the Kyivan Metropolitanate.
The study concludes that “reading canon” and reading practices of the Basilians represent polymorphism of the Ukrainian early modern culture, which is revealed in disposition to absorb and synthesize external influences, and simultaneously react to the threat of disintegration. The dissertation also verifies thesis that texts formed Uniate identity known as Slavia Unita. Book culture was the approved way to construct cultural and religious systems. It was previously shown that common liturgical books provide unification of the Uniate rite (especially by the Missal published in Univ and Pochaiv printing houses). Besides liturgical books, Uniate identity was also determined by the hagiography and partly by the moral theologies. It should be emphasized that this research observes intensive and widespread confessionalization within Basilian monasteries of the Lviv Eparchy only from 1760s.
З історії західноукраїнських земель, 2019
The article studies the «post-history» of the lost monastic library of Manyava Skete, one of the ... more The article studies the «post-history» of the lost monastic library of Manyava Skete, one of the most significant monasteries of early modern Ukraine. Orthodox monastery in Manyava under the title the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was founded in the early XVIIth century by the ascetic Job (Knyahynytskyi), who practiced monasticism in Greek mount Athos. In 1620 monastery received the status of stauropegion from the patriarch of Constantinople, and after it depended directly from a mentioned patriarch. Soon in 1628, it became the proto-monastery; it means “guiding” monastery in the Ruthenian, Belz and Podolian voivodeship, as well as for a few monastic communities in the Bukovina and Moldova. The history of the early modern Manyava monastic library is unknown, because of the lack of sources. In other words, the history of this monastic library is lost because any inventories or lists of books that allow making its complex analysis are lost as well. That is why, at least the «post-history» of the mentioned library should be studied. It means a history of the library after the dissolution of the Manyava Skete in 1785. The disappearance of Manyava monastic library, in general, demonstrates the main methods of the monastic libraries losing, effected by the Austrian state monasteries’ dissolution in the late XVIII century. Research has found that books from the Manyava monastery after its dissolution were transferred to the university libraries in Lviv and Vienna. But it should be mentioned that it’s hard to clear verify a sending of the c odex to the capital of the Habsburg monarchy. They were bought by or gifted to the private collection such as priest Antin Petrushevich or August Bielowski. Books relocated as well as to the church institution (Przemyshl Greek-catholic cathedral chapter, Lviv Theological Academy), to the parishes (Rakovets), and the Romanian monasteries (Putna, Suceviţa) libraries. Consequently, the article examines the routes by which books from Manyava primarily passed on private collections or institution in XIX century and later transferred to the scholar libraries in contemporary Ukraine, Poland, and Romania.
Kolekcję prywatne w zbiorach książki dawnej. Studia, 2020
Almes I. Spisy ksiąg prywatnych księgozbiorów mnichów prawosławnych i bazylianów eparchii lwowski... more Almes I. Spisy ksiąg prywatnych księgozbiorów mnichów prawosławnych i bazylianów eparchii lwowskiey od końca XVII do XVIII w. // Kolekcję prywatne w zbiorach książki dawnej. Studia / pod red. D. Sidorowicz-Mulak, A. Franczyk-Cegły. Wrocław 2020, t. 1, s. 165–182.
Монографія присвячена історії читання в чернечих обителях Львівської єпархії ранньомодерного часу... more Монографія присвячена історії читання в чернечих обителях Львівської єпархії ранньомодерного часу, що була південно-західною частиною Київської митрополії, територією культурного обміну між латинськими Заходом і Північчю та православними Сходом і Півднем. У XVII ст. «споживання слова» залишалось інтегрованим у церков не правило та келійну молитву, виконуючи функції «духовної вправи». Із середини XVIII ст. у василіянській моделі освіченого благочестя, окрім богослужбового і трапезного, з’являється «медитаційне» читання, а там, де діяли чернечі студії, – і «шкільне». Василіяни намагалися внормувати практики звернення до літератури за зразком латинських моделей lectio librorum – із чіткими вказівками, що, де й коли читати. Поширення однакової літератури в латинській Європі та Київській митрополії сприяло творенню єдиного «цивілізаційного простору», а можливо, опосередковано й утвердженню спільного християнського етосу на основі релігійної культури, однією зі складових якої і були читацькі практики монахів.
The history of reading as a cultural history of the book in early modern Ukraine has, until now, not received a full-fledged, and so interdisciplinary, treatment in historiography. There exist a whole list of research works in bibliology, source studies, history, and philology. However, their discreteness and focus on the specialized reader in summary do not allow one to see the particularities of the early modern culture of the book in the lands of the Kyivan Metropolitanate. In western historiography, the history of reading was a popular area of study from the 1990s to the start of the 2000s. But now it is not trendy and relevant to such an extent, though it remains so for the Eastern European historiography. On the example of the study of reading practices and the culture of the book, to which this monograph is dedicated, I analyzed this important part of the cultural history of Ukraine, described from the wider context of Latin and Orthodox early modern Europe.
Іван Альмес. Від молитви до освіти: Історія читання ченців Львівської єпархії XVII–XVIII ст. Львів: Український католицький університет 2021. 588 с. (Серія «Київське християнство», т. 26).
This collection in memory of Ihor Skochylias (1967–2020), professor of the Ukrainian Catholic Uni... more This collection in memory of Ihor Skochylias (1967–2020), professor of the Ukrainian Catholic University and Habilitated Doctor of History, contains articles by researchers from scholarly institutions of Ukraine, Poland, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Canada, et. al. The edition contains new source materials in Latin and Polish together with their translations into Ukrainian, research on the history of the religious culture of early modern Kyivan Christianity, as well as scholar investigations on the historiography of the Modern Period.
Sub ficu. Collection in Memory of Ihor Skochylias / edited by I. Almes; editorial board: U. Holovatch, Y. Hrytsak, D. Syroyid, A. Yasinovskyi. Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University 2022. 344 pp. (“Kyivan Christianity” Series, vol. 25).
Sub ficu. Меморіальний збірник, присвячений Ігореві Скочилясу / відп. ред. І. Альмес; ред. кол.: У. Головач, Я. Грицак, Д. Сироїд, А. Ясіновський. Львів: Український католицький університет 2022. 344 с. (Серія «Київське християнство», т. 25).
ISBN 978-617-7637-43-0
This bio-bibliographical index traces the academic career of Ihor Skochylias, doctor of history, ... more This bio-bibliographical index traces the academic career of Ihor Skochylias, doctor of history, Senior Researcher of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of Ukraine and Vice-Rector for Research at the Ukrainian Catholic University. It reflects the variety of his scholarly interests during 1989–2016 including pre-modern religious culture and ecclesiastical tradition of Eastern Christianity, Uniate confessional identity on the Ukrainian lands, and institutional history of Kyivan Metropolitanate in the comparative perspective.
Свята Тереза від Ісуса і Україна: Науковий збірник / Упоряд. і передмова Б. Чума. Львів: Видавниц... more Свята Тереза від Ісуса і Україна: Науковий збірник / Упоряд. і передмова Б. Чума. Львів: Видавництво УКУ, 2017. 272 с.
Santa Teresa de Jesús y Ucrania: Actas. Edición y prólogo B. Chuma. Lviv, Editorial UCU, 2017. 272 p.
У збірнику вперше в українській гуманітаристиці представлено різноманітні сторони присутності св. Терези від Ісуса та реформованого з її ініціативи Ордену кармелітів босих в Україні. Зокрема, розглянуто особливості релігійного життя в українських землях у період ранньої модерності, основні аспекти вчення святої та поширення її ідей на сході Європи; проаналізовано традиційну для кармелітів босих іконографію, що збереглась у храмі Святого Архистратига Михаїла у Львові; відображено вплив містики св. Терези на українську літературу; подано головні поетичні твори святої в перекладі українською мовою. Для богословів, істориків, культурологів, літературознавців та всіх, хто цікавиться релігійною історією ранньомодерної доби в Україні й у Європі, а також іспансько-українськими зв’язками.
En este libro, cuya temática es casi inédita hasta ahora en el campo de las Humanidades en Ucrania, se presentan diferentes aspectos de la influencia en el país de Sta. Teresa de Jesús y de la presencia de la Orden de los Carmelitas Descalzos, regla que fue reformada gracias a su iniciativa. En particular, se consideran las particularidades de la vida religiosa en tierras ucranianas durante la Edad Premoderna, los principales conceptos de la doctrina de la Santa y la divulgación de sus ideas en el Este de Europa, el análisis de la iconografía carmelitana que se conserva en el templo de San Arcángel Miguel de Lviv y el reflejo de la influencia de la mística de Sta. Teresa en la literatura ucraniana. Además, se publica una antología de los principales poemas de la Santa. La edición está dedicada a teólogos, historiadores, culturólogos, críticos literarios, filólogos y todos aquellos que estén interesados en la historia de la cultura religiosa de Ucrania y de Europa de la Edad Premoderna y también en las relaciones hispanoucranianas.
The school of the Stauropegion confraternity: traditions of the theological education at Lviv. Su... more The school of the Stauropegion confraternity: traditions of the theological education at Lviv. Summaries and Reports (Lviv, 20-22th December 2016) / Ed. by A. Tsebenko, I. Almes. – Lviv: LOTA, 2017. – 68 p.
The collection consists of the summaries and reports presented on the Scientifi c Conference of the young scientists „The school of the Stauropegion Confraternity: traditions of the theological education at Lviv”, which was held at Lviv Orthodox Theological Academy on 20-22th December 2016. The texts of the scientists from the different academic institutions in Lviv represent the next topics: theological education of the cultural and religious institutions in the early modern Lviv; history and historiography of the school of the Lviv Dormition Confraternity; schools of the confraternities at Lviv today.
Школа Львівського ставропігійного братства: традиції духовної освіти у Львові: тези доповідей та повідомлення наукової конференції молодих вчених (Львів, 20-22 грудня 2016 р.) / Упоряд. А. Цебенко, І. Альмес. – Львів: ЛПБА, 2017. – 68 с/
У збірнику вміщено тези доповідей та повідомлення учасників наукової конференції молодих вчених „Школа Львівського ставропігійного братства: традиції духовної освіти у Львові”, яка відбулась 20-22 грудня 2016 р. у Львівській Православній Богословській академії. В текстах дослідників з різних академічних середовищ Львова розглянуто питання духовної освіти різних культурних та релігійних осередків ранньомодерного Львова, історію та історіографію школи Львівського Успенського братства, а також традиції братського шкільництва у Львові сьогодні.
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi, 2024
The paper studies the problem of the unification of the liturgical books in the Basilian monaster... more The paper studies the problem of the unification of the liturgical books in the Basilian monasteries of the Lviv eparchy in the second half of the 18 th century. Research concentrates on the problem of Zamość council resolution implementation by analyzing the "church books" in the monasteries of Basilians. Investigating the "book lists" from inventory descriptions and protocols of visitations allows to trace changes in the monasteries concerning the "church books" as it was fixed in the documents, a major part of which used for this research are from the Lviv archives. Among the main indicators of a certain liturgical tradition are the texts of the Liturgicon and the Euchologion. In the second half of the 18 th century, the presence of Univ and Pochaiv Liturgicon and Euchologion was selective since we do not have data for all decades for all monasteries. At the same time, such an analysis allows tracing a clear tendency-the full-fledged unification of liturgical literature in Basilian monasteries can be noted at the start of the 1760s.
Roczniki Humanistyczne, tom LXXI , zeszyt 2 (zeszyt specjalny), 2023
The paper studies the correspondence from the papal archives on the eve of the Zamość Council 172... more The paper studies the correspondence from the papal archives on the eve of the Zamość Council 1720. Research on corresponding raises the question of tensions between Latin and Uniates hierarchs on the eve of the council and in which way these debates were “moderated” from Rome by the apostolic nuncio. The article concentrates on the so-called Memorial of Apostolic Nuncio Girolamo Grimaldi prepared already in 1716. After that research analysed a “campaign” in May-June 1720 organized by Apostolic Nuncio to gather information about the affairs of the Ruthenian Uniates to update the council’s agenda. The group of informants included the rector of Papal College in Lviv, Stefano Trombetti, and Latin Archbishop of Lviv Jan Skarbek. Girolamo Grimaldi also sent letters to the Uniate bishops (Yosyf Levytskyi and Atanasiy Sheptytskyi) each of them responded to the apostolic nuncio, sharing their propositions regarding the agenda of the planned council of the Kyivan Uniate Metropolitanate.
Дермань і Мізоч в історії та культурі Волині, 2023
Функціонування «заборонених», у т. ч. і «єретичних» книг у василіянських монастирях ранньомодерно... more Функціонування «заборонених», у т. ч. і «єретичних» книг у василіянських монастирях ранньомодерного часу на сьогодні все ще залишається маловивченим. В обителях василіян Руської провінції до кінця 1770-х рр. практики окремого реєстрування такої літератури фактично не існувало. Беата Лоренс віднайшла подібні списки у бібліотеках тільки двох чернечих спільнот – луцької (1763 р.) та львівської святоюрської (1773 р.). Заборона тих чи тих текстів не поширилася і серед василіян Львівської єпархії, хоча в монастирях про таку практику знали. Лише в декількох із понад 40 досліджуваних монастирських бібліотек Львівського владицтва вдалося виявити «Індекси заборонених книг». В інвентарях деяких обителей могли позначати певні книги як prohibiti, та про повноцінні рубрики забороненої літератури усе ж не йшлося.
Conference Programme, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 26-28 June, 2023
Науковий щорічник "Історія релігій в Україні", 2023
The paper studies the practices of monks in the Pochaiv Basilian monastery printing house in the ... more The paper studies the practices of monks in the Pochaiv Basilian monastery printing house in the 18th century. It was one of the typical Ukrainian monastery typographies of the premodern time. Monks-professional, together with other non-monks’ staff (engravers, foundries, etc.), ensured the functioning of the mentioned printing house. Research on the visitation descriptions of the 1730s and 1770s has found that up to seven monks worked in the typography. The cited archival sources traced
the dynamics of monks’ practices in the printing house of that time. In the 1730s, young 20 years old Basilians operated the Pochaiv typography under the chief elder hieromonk called prefect. They all worked without any payment because of some obedience within the monastery community life. In the 1770s, learners of the local monastery printing house still provided most of its activities. These Basilians started their monastery life in Pochaiv and learned printing crafts there. Because the type of monastery printing house strictly regulated its activities without non-monastic practices, monks had to learn printing affairs and be effective in typography without breaking clausura rules. That was impossible if they left monasteries (disobeyed clausura) and had lessons in craftsman, for instance, in Lviv. If Basilians with local primary schooling carried out almost all technical issues in the typography, then more educated and skilled monks censored and corrected editions there. They also started monks’ life in the local Pochaiv monastery but later graduated from philosophical and theological studies within Ruthenian Basilian province or, less often, in Rome. The paper concludes that monks-professionals fixed out a successful Pochaiv printing house that was approved not only by high-quality editions but by a simple fact – 40% of all monastery incomes in some decades from the typography.
Ukrainian Historical Review / Український історичний огляд, 2022
The article explores the spreading of Enlightenment ideas within the Basilian monasteries of the ... more The article explores the spreading of Enlightenment ideas within the Basilian monasteries of the L’viv eparchy in the second half of the 18th century. Based on inventory descriptions from the L’viv archives, the repertoire of Enlightenment books was revealed, which usually circulated in the largest monastic libraries of the L’viv eparchy. Research is undertaken within the religious history context, especially within the Catholic Enlightenment in Europe, that rationalized and deepened reforms of Trident. To protect the fundamental Christian dogmas, Catholicism reinterpreted them in a “new” language, more understandable for its time. Without any doubt, studying the library collections is appropriate for the mentioned research because books are the sources of particular ideas and beliefs. Research has found that Enlightenment books were rare in the Basilian monastery libraries of the L’viv eparchy until the 1770s. The article examines only the two largest monastery libraries of the Basilians in the L’viv eparchy – in Pidhirtsi and L’viv St. Onuphry. A collection of French books (the language of Enlightenment and international communication) was found in the Pidhirtsi monastery in the late 1760s – early 1770s. For example, samples of “Les Aventures de Télémaque” (1699) written by archbishop François Fénelon or “L’École du monde, ou Instruction d’un père à un fils” by French playwright and “journalist” Eustache le Noble. L’viv St. Onuphry monastery library in 1778 had a few Enlightenment books as well. Since Basilians studied philosophy, there was a great collection of philosophical books. For instance, there were samples of treatises written by such well-known philosophers as Christian Wolff, Friedrich Christian Baumeister, Ignatz von Metzburg. To sum up, it can be argued that Enlightenment books were not popular in the mentioned monastery libraries. During the research, no texts of Voltaire, Diderot, or Montesquieu were found. However, the obtained results reaffirmed that it is necessary to explore the issue of the Enlightenment ideas in the Basilian monasteries of early modern Ukraine in more depth.
This article investigates the problem of spreading of the Protestant ideas in the Basilian monast... more This article investigates the problem of spreading of the Protestant ideas in the Basilian monasteries of the Lviv eparchy in the 18th century. How did Reformation reach the Uniate monasteries of the early modern Ukraine? If so, how was it represented? These questions are examining in the paper. It has been studied above 100 book lists of the 30 monasteries from archives mostly in Lviv. Consequently, research found the works of 14 protestants, authors mainly of the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century. Treatises of the protestants were preserved in four monastery libraries, and also in at least four private Basilian book collections. Research states that Basilians in the Lviv eparchy didn't know so much about Protestants, at least based on research on the book collections. It looks like that it was on the margins of Basilian intellectual interests. But it is obvious that such study perspective does not allow to fully show the reception of the Protestant tradition.
Stolen Churches or Bridges to Orthodoxy? Impulses for Theological Dialogue Between Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, 2021
Ivan Almes, "“Kyivan Christianity”: Early Modern Cultural History and Impulses for Dialogue betwe... more Ivan Almes, "“Kyivan Christianity”: Early Modern Cultural History and Impulses for Dialogue between Churches in Ukraine", in Stolen Churches or Bridges to Orthodoxy? Impulses for Theological Dialogue Between Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, eds. Vladimir Latinovic, Anastacia Wooden (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2021), vol. 1: Historical and Theological Perspectives on the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Dialogue, pp. 87-99.
This paper examines cultural history as an inclusive approach to study the history of the church in the multireligious early modern Eastern Europe in general and Ukraine in particular. It is not a confessional history, that focuses on certain confessional communities but considers the cultural history of specific religious communities including all of its problems and achievements as well as favorable and inconvenient historical facts. This research claims that the concept of Kyivan Christianity remains promising for the long-term research issues as well as for the up-to-date evaluation of the religious and cultural processes in contemporary Ukraine.
Патріярхат, 2021
Альмес І. Мрія про 100 томів. З історії "київського християнства" // Патріярхат, 3 (2021), с. 35-... more Альмес І. Мрія про 100 томів. З історії "київського християнства" // Патріярхат, 3 (2021), с. 35-37.
20 грудня 2020 року передчасно відійшов у вічність професор Ігор Скочиляс – відомий історик Церкви, автор таких дослідницьких концептів, як, наприклад, Slavia Unita, один із головних натхненників масштабного дослідницького проєкту «Київське християнство», який реалізовують під патронатом глави УГКЦ Блаженнішого Святослава Шевчука в Українському католицькому університеті.
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History. Ukrainian Catholic University. L... more Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History.
Ukrainian Catholic University. Lviv, 2018.
The research concentrates on the cultural history of the Orthodox and Uniate monastery libraries of the Lviv Eparchy in the 17th and 18th centuries. The libraries were investigated applying interdisciplinary research methods within the concepts of the Ukrainian religious culture of the early modern time. Different sources, which are preserved mainly in contemporary Lviv, Kyiv and Ternopil State Archives and libraries, were studied thoroughly. The collections of Polish and Austrian scientific institutions in were also included in the study.
History of monasteries of the Lviv Eparchy is represented with a special emphasis on spiritual, cultural and educational activities of monks. Outlining this background contributes to a comprehensive historical analysis of libraries within the monastic life, which makes it possible to provide conclusions on suggested ways of collecting books and systematizing them within libraries. A comprehensive quantitative analysis of the libraries was set as one of the research tasks. It was found that due to the local circumstances Orthodox and Uniate (Basilian) monastery libraries of the Lviv Eparchy were smaller than Catholic in Lviv or Orthodox ones in Kyiv and Moscow. These local circumstances comprised a lower educational level of monks, scarce means, not numerous monastic communities and a dense network of monasteries in the Lviv Eparchy.
Another major task of the dissertation was to reconstruct, describe and analyze the book repertoire in the monasteries. It was suggested to represent the book repertoire by two “reading canons” constructed according to the confessional affiliation: Lectio Orthodoxorum and Lectio Basilianorum. Lectio Orthodoxorum is represented, apart from liturgical books, by a topical “triad” of patristic, hagiographic and preaching literature. Secular literature and especially Ancient literature as well as books in Latin, which were considered fundamental for a Western-oriented humanistic educational system, were poorly represented or almost absent in the monasteries under study. Lectio Basilianorum consisted of the same literature as in Catholic monasteries of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: the Bible and commentaries to it, treatises of the Fathers of the Church, various homiletic writings, as well as moral theology and meditative literature. Study of theological educational literature of monks reveals that scholastic discourse still dominated in the monasteries. Basilians read books written by Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans and also Protestant authors. They were aware of basic post-tridentine theological literature as well as ancient and humanistic treatises. However, the research did not reveal any influences of the Enlightenment on the monasteries, which is common for religious culture of the Kyivan Metropolitanate.
The study concludes that “reading canon” and reading practices of the Basilians represent polymorphism of the Ukrainian early modern culture, which is revealed in disposition to absorb and synthesize external influences, and simultaneously react to the threat of disintegration. The dissertation also verifies thesis that texts formed Uniate identity known as Slavia Unita. Book culture was the approved way to construct cultural and religious systems. It was previously shown that common liturgical books provide unification of the Uniate rite (especially by the Missal published in Univ and Pochaiv printing houses). Besides liturgical books, Uniate identity was also determined by the hagiography and partly by the moral theologies. It should be emphasized that this research observes intensive and widespread confessionalization within Basilian monasteries of the Lviv Eparchy only from 1760s.
З історії західноукраїнських земель, 2019
The article studies the «post-history» of the lost monastic library of Manyava Skete, one of the ... more The article studies the «post-history» of the lost monastic library of Manyava Skete, one of the most significant monasteries of early modern Ukraine. Orthodox monastery in Manyava under the title the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was founded in the early XVIIth century by the ascetic Job (Knyahynytskyi), who practiced monasticism in Greek mount Athos. In 1620 monastery received the status of stauropegion from the patriarch of Constantinople, and after it depended directly from a mentioned patriarch. Soon in 1628, it became the proto-monastery; it means “guiding” monastery in the Ruthenian, Belz and Podolian voivodeship, as well as for a few monastic communities in the Bukovina and Moldova. The history of the early modern Manyava monastic library is unknown, because of the lack of sources. In other words, the history of this monastic library is lost because any inventories or lists of books that allow making its complex analysis are lost as well. That is why, at least the «post-history» of the mentioned library should be studied. It means a history of the library after the dissolution of the Manyava Skete in 1785. The disappearance of Manyava monastic library, in general, demonstrates the main methods of the monastic libraries losing, effected by the Austrian state monasteries’ dissolution in the late XVIII century. Research has found that books from the Manyava monastery after its dissolution were transferred to the university libraries in Lviv and Vienna. But it should be mentioned that it’s hard to clear verify a sending of the c odex to the capital of the Habsburg monarchy. They were bought by or gifted to the private collection such as priest Antin Petrushevich or August Bielowski. Books relocated as well as to the church institution (Przemyshl Greek-catholic cathedral chapter, Lviv Theological Academy), to the parishes (Rakovets), and the Romanian monasteries (Putna, Suceviţa) libraries. Consequently, the article examines the routes by which books from Manyava primarily passed on private collections or institution in XIX century and later transferred to the scholar libraries in contemporary Ukraine, Poland, and Romania.
Kolekcję prywatne w zbiorach książki dawnej. Studia, 2020
Almes I. Spisy ksiąg prywatnych księgozbiorów mnichów prawosławnych i bazylianów eparchii lwowski... more Almes I. Spisy ksiąg prywatnych księgozbiorów mnichów prawosławnych i bazylianów eparchii lwowskiey od końca XVII do XVIII w. // Kolekcję prywatne w zbiorach książki dawnej. Studia / pod red. D. Sidorowicz-Mulak, A. Franczyk-Cegły. Wrocław 2020, t. 1, s. 165–182.
КАЛОФОНІЯ: Науковий збірник з історії церковної монодії та гимнографії, 2018
«Drogi klejnocie naroda ruskiego»: духовна пісня середини XVIII ст. на честь ікони Божої Матері В... more «Drogi klejnocie naroda ruskiego»: духовна пісня середини XVIII ст. на честь ікони Божої Матері Віцинського василіанського монастиря // КАЛОФОНІЯ: Науковий збірник з історії церковної монодії та гимнографії. Львів : Український католицький університет, 2018, ч. 9, с. 265–277.
На перехресті культур: Монастир і храм Пресвятої Трійці у Вільнюсі: Колективна монографія за ред. Альфредаса Бумблаускаса, Сальвіюса Кулявічюса та Ігоря Скочиляса / 2-ге виправл. й доповн. видання, 2019
[Підрозділ монографії] Друкарня // На перехресті культур: Монастир і храм Пресвятої Трійці у Віль... more [Підрозділ монографії] Друкарня // На перехресті культур: Монастир і храм Пресвятої Трійці у Вільнюсі: Колективна монографія за ред. Альфредаса Бумблаускаса, Сальвіюса Кулявічюса та Ігоря Скочиляса / 2-ге виправл. й доповн. видання. Львів : Український католицький університет, 2019. С. 301–308. (Серія «Київське християнство», т. 16).
На перехресті культур: Монастир і храм Пресвятої Трійці у Вільнюсі: Колективна монографія за ред. Альфредаса Бумблаускаса, Сальвіюса Кулявічюса та Ігоря Скочиляса / 2-ге виправл. й доповн. видання, 2019
[Підрозділ монографії] Бібліотека // На перехресті культур: Монастир і храм Пресвятої Трійці у Ві... more [Підрозділ монографії] Бібліотека // На перехресті культур: Монастир і храм Пресвятої Трійці у Вільнюсі: Колективна монографія за ред. Альфредаса Бумблаускаса, Сальвіюса Кулявічюса та Ігоря Скочиляса / 2-ге виправл. й доповн. видання. Львів : Український католицький університет, 2019. С. 291–300. (Серія «Київське християнство», т. 16).
Київська академія, Київ 2017, вип. 14, с. 115-149
The article studies the problem of book culture on the Ukrainian lands in the early modern time. ... more The article studies the problem of book culture on the Ukrainian lands in the early modern time. In particular, this problem is studied by learning libraries of the Krekhiv, St. Onuphry in Lviv, Pidhirci and Terebovlya monasteries in the Lviv eparchy. The book culture of the monasteries of the “Kyivan tradition” is examined in comparison with the book cultures of Catholic monasteries in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In general, the mentioned libraries were small in comparison with the Catholic monastery libraries; for example, the largest one in Krekhiv consisted of approximately 100 volumes. Lectio Orthodoxorum is represented, besides liturgical books, by the thematic “triad” of patristic, hagiography, and preaching literature. And it does not look peculiarly, because similar literature was in Russian or Bulgarian Orthodox monastery libraries. For instance, Bulgarian monastery libraries mostly consisted of manuscript liturgical books, collections of sermons, etc. However, the same monasteries under consideration, such as Basilian in the 18th Century, were completely different according to the thematic review. Additionally, Lectio Orthodoxorum was almost entirely composed of literature in Cyrillic. Only a few books were in Latin or in Polish. It means that the monasteries under study were not examples of so called «Polonica Orthodoxe», and the monks were not the part of contemporary Latin respublica litterarum. «Secular», and especially ancient literature, which was considered fundamental for a Westernoriented humanistic educational system, was lacking in the mentioned monasteries, and so were the books in Latin. This presents an indirect evidence about the degree and kind of education of those monks. It also suggests that, in general, the monks in these monasteries did not need a larger or more differentiated kind of literature. The liturgical cycle in the monasteries determined all their monastic life, and they were basically focused on prayer: intellectual activity, including reading of books, was probably beyond their scope and needs.
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi, Warszawa 2017, R. 11, s. 59–69
This article studies the significance of the Polish books in the Basilian monasteries of the Lviv... more This article studies the significance of the Polish books in the Basilian monasteries of the Lviv eparchy in the 18 th century. During this century the number of the Polish, as well as Latin books were growing. A significant number of Polish books can be analyzed not only as latinisation or polonisation of Basilian monasteries, monks communities of the Eastern-Christian rite on the Ukrainian lands, but as "westernisation " as well. It means absorption of the contemporary Western (Latin) culture by the Polish mediation as the "latinitas polonice". And it is verified in the most of Basilian monastery libraries of the Lviv eparchy of the 18 th century.
Ostkirchliche Studien, 2019
[Review] На перехресті культур: монастир і храм Пресвятої Трійці у Вільнюсі / Наук. ред.: А. Бумб... more [Review] На перехресті культур: монастир і храм Пресвятої Трійці у Вільнюсі / Наук. ред.: А. Бумблаускас, С. Кулявічюс, І. Скочиляс. Колективна монографія. Вільнюс: [Вільнюський університет], 2017. 472 с. = Kultūrų kryžkelė: Vilniaus Švč. Trejybės šventovė ir vienuolynas. Wiss. Red.: Alfredas Bumblauskas, Salvijus Kulevičius, Ihoris Skočiliasas. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2017. 471 S. // Ostkirchliche Studien. Würzburg: Verlag Echter, 2019. Bd. 68. S. 371-374.
Дрогобицький краєзнавчий збірник, 2019
[Рец. на:] Krochmal A. Archiwum historyczne eparchii przemyskiej. Warszawa; Przemyśl: Archiwum Pa... more [Рец. на:] Krochmal A. Archiwum historyczne eparchii przemyskiej. Warszawa; Przemyśl: Archiwum Państwowe w Przemyślu, 2016. 620 + [20] s. // Дрогобицький краєзнавчий збірник. Дрогобич, 2019. Вип. 21. С. 502–506.
Київська академія, 2018
(Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz. Band 114)
Наукові зошити історичного факультету Львівського університету, Львів 2017, вип. 18, с. 337-339., 2017
Київська академія, Київ 2017, вип. 14, с. 204-212
Записки Наукового товариства імені Шевченка, Львів, 2017, т. 270: Праці Історично-філософської секції, с. 623-627
Соціум. Альманах соціальної історії, Київ, 2017, вип. 13-14, с. 378-383
Oleh Dukh. The Venerable Ladies. Female Monastic Communities of Lviv and Peremyshl Eparchies in ... more Oleh Dukh. The Venerable Ladies. Female Monastic Communities
of Lviv and Peremyshl Eparchies in the Early Modern Period. – Lviv: UCU
Publishing House, 2017. – 752 p. + 7 maps. – (Series «Kyivan Christianity», Vol. 5)
Записки наукового товариства імені Шевченка, Львів, 2015, т. CCLXVIII: Праці Комісії спеціальних (допоміжних) історичних дисциплін, с. 563-569
Kasaty klasztorów na obszarze dawnej Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów i na Śląsku na tle procesów ... more Kasaty klasztorów na obszarze dawnej Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów i na Śląsku na tle procesów sekularyzacyjnych w Europie = Dissolutiones monasteriorum in Re Publica Utriusque Nationis et Silesia sitorum ad processus Europaeae saecularisationis relata / Red. Marek Derwich. -Wrocław: Wrocławskie Towarzystwo Miłośników Historii, 2014. -T. 1. -464 s.; T. 2 -474 s.; T. 3. -520 s.; T. 4. -560 s. (Opera ad Historiam Monasticam Spectantiam, Series I, Colloquia, 8/I-IV).
Вісник НТШ, Львів, 2014, ч. 51-52, с. 51-53, 2014