Anna Szymanik-Kostrzewska | Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz (original) (raw)

Papers by Anna Szymanik-Kostrzewska

Research paper thumbnail of Selected experiences of primiparous women related to childbirth as a source of information for future mothers

Człowiek i Społeczeństwo, Jun 21, 2024

Wybrane doświadczenia pierworódek związane z porodem jako źródło informacji dla przyszłych matek ... more Wybrane doświadczenia pierworódek związane z porodem jako źródło informacji dla przyszłych matek [Selected experiences of primiparous women related to childbirth as a source of information for future mothers] edited by Lucyna Bakiera, "Człowiek i Społeczeństwo" vol. LVII: Współczesne rodzicielstwo-dylematy i wyzwania [Contemporary parenting-dilemmas and challenges], Poznań 2024, pp. 123-144, Adam Mickiewicz University.

Research paper thumbnail of The usefulness of knowledge sources about upbringing according to the mothers of small children

Wychowanie w Rodzinie, Dec 22, 2018

Użyteczność źródeł wiedzy o wychowaniu w opiniach matek małych dzieci The usefulness of knowledge... more Użyteczność źródeł wiedzy o wychowaniu w opiniach matek małych dzieci The usefulness of knowledge sources about upbringing according to the mothers of small children Streszczenie Cel: Celem prezentowanych badań było określenie użyteczności źródeł wiedzy o wychowaniu dzieci. Metody: Zastosowano autorski Kwestionariusz Źródeł Wiedzy o Wychowaniu. Wyniki: W dobrowolnym, anonimowym badaniu 260 matek przynajmniej jednego dziecka w wieku 1-7 lat określało użyteczność wybranych źródeł wiedzy. Wnioski: Matki za najbardziej użyteczne źródło wiedzy o wychowaniu uznały własny instynkt i odczucia, następnie konkretne wypowiedzi na temat ich dziecka, formułowane przez osoby o wykształceniu medycznym (lekarzy, pielęgniarki) oraz swoje własne doświadczenia z dzieciństwa. Za najmniej użyteczne źródło wiedzy z kolei uznały publiczne wypowiedzi osób medialnych, które nie posiadały specjalistycznej wiedzy o wychowaniu (np. celebrytów). Bardzo mało użyteczne okazały się również wypowiedzi nieznanych matkom osób z Internetu na temat ich dzieci.

Research paper thumbnail of Valuing the well-being of the mother, child and both while solving problems related to motherhood

Wychowanie w Rodzinie, Dec 29, 2023

Aim. The main purpose of the research was to determine which group of participants will value the... more Aim. The main purpose of the research was to determine which group of participants will value the well-being of the mother, the child and both of them the most and to define the similarities and differences in the ways of thinking of mothers, fathers, people without children, and seniors when solving problems related to motherhood.

Research paper thumbnail of “The child is most important in the world, the parent is responsible for its happiness”. Manifestations of mothers’ guiding by selected upbringing myths

Research paper thumbnail of Wzór funkcjonowania Matki-Polki jako korelat wypalenia rodzicielskiego i kierowania się wybranymi mitami rodzicielskimi. Wstępne wyniki badań

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Dec 1, 2022

The pattern of the functioning of a Polish-Mother, based on the cognitive component of her stereo... more The pattern of the functioning of a Polish-Mother, based on the cognitive component of her stereotype shared by mothers, combines certain features, behaviors and devotion to the family. "Parenting myths" are parents' beliefs about the necessity to give their child all the best and ensure a happy childhood. It was assumed, that both self-sacrificing for children and being guided by myths can lead to women's overburdening with parental role. Three methods were used: the Identification with a Polish-Mother Questionnaire, the Selected Parental Myths Questionnaire and Polish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment. 284 mothers (aged 19-55) took part in the research. Preliminary results showed that the degree of identification with the characteristics of the Polish-Mother was negatively correlated with parental burnout symptoms, but positively with following parental myths.

Research paper thumbnail of What is physical attractiveness? A discussion of definitions and paradigms

Roczniki Psychologiczne, 2016

The article raises the issue of physical attractiveness both in terms of its definition and as a ... more The article raises the issue of physical attractiveness both in terms of its definition and as a theoretical construct, which forms the basis for planning empirical research. Based on a review of existing definitions and a predictive analysis of the meaning of terms, a definition of physical attractiveness as one of the types of human attractiveness is proposed. The criteria differentiating physical attractiveness from the related concept of sexual attractiveness are presented. Physical attractiveness is discussed as an object of operationalization in the process of designing research on the assessment or self-assessment of the appearance and characteristics of the human body, including a distinction between its two approaches: holistic (a set of a characteristics whose evaluations are interrelated) and elementary (one characteristic whose evaluations impact the assessment of overall physical attractiveness).

Research paper thumbnail of Co oznacza atrakcyjność fizyczna? Dyskusja o definicjach i ujęciach

Roczniki Psychologiczne, 2016

Prezentowany artykuł porusza problematykĊ atrakcyjnoĞci fizycznej w ujĊciu definicyjnym oraz w ch... more Prezentowany artykuł porusza problematykĊ atrakcyjnoĞci fizycznej w ujĊciu definicyjnym oraz w charakterze konstruktu teoretycznego, bĊdącego podstawą do planowania badaĔ empirycznych. Na podstawie przeglądu dotychczasowych definicji i analizy słownikowego znaczenia terminów składowych zaproponowano definicjĊ atrakcyjnoĞci fizycznej jako jednego z rodzajów atrakcyjno-Ğci człowieka. Zaprezentowane zostały kryteria róĪnicujące atrakcyjnoĞü fizyczną od bliskiej jej atrakcyjnoĞci seksualnej. Omówiono atrakcyjnoĞü fizyczną jako przedmiot operacjonalizacji w toku projektowania badaĔ z zakresu oceny bądĨ samooceny cech wyglądu i ciała człowieka, wraz z podziałem na jej holistyczne (zespół charakterystyk, których oceny wiąĪą siĊ ze sobą) oraz elementarne (jedna charakterystyka, której oceny oddziałują na ocenĊ ogólnej atrakcyjnoĞci fizycznej człowieka) ujĊcie.

Research paper thumbnail of Kompresja wiekowa zachowań w rozwoju dzieci – ujęcie poznawcze i kulturowo-społeczne

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Nov 3, 2015

The article focuses on the issues of a a social phenomenon known as the age compression of behavi... more The article focuses on the issues of a a social phenomenon known as the age compression of behaviours, described as the dysregulation of boundaries between childhood and adulthood in the area of consumer, social and product usage behaviours. The age compression of behaviours was defined as reducing the time from the birth of the child to the moment of undertaking behaviours, which in previous decades were common for adolescents and adults. This phenomenon is discussed from a cognitive perspective, as an effect of acceleration related to certain areas of both children’s cognitive development, as well as and socio-cultural changes which influence changes in the way children are treated. It was assumed that we simultaneously observe behaviours which, on the one hand, are both based on a dysregulation of cognitive processes – accelleration and cognitive asynchrony, and, on the other hand, as well as those resulting from the adaptation to the changing conditions of how children function.

Research paper thumbnail of Rozwój myślenia w dorosłości: o sposobach badania rozumowania postformalnego w codziennych sytuacjach

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Jul 23, 2016

The article presents the results of two studies concerning the development of postformal reasonin... more The article presents the results of two studies concerning the development of postformal reasoning as proposed by G. Lavouvie-Vief, with the use of the everyday problem solving dilemmas taken from the research conducted by R.A. Sebby and D.R. Papini in the Polish adaptation by E. Gurba. Study no. 1 tested the levels of reasoning in 3 age groups: early, middle, and late adulthood, providing the participants with a choice of readymade answers. Study no. 2 tested the levels of reasoning amongst the participants while using a modified version of the test which required giving an answer to an open question pertaining to the solution of a dilemma. Regardless of their age, the participants revealed a lower level of postformal reasoning in Study no. 2. Differences in the influence of spurious variables (sex, level of education) on the presented level of reasoning in the respective Studies were also observed. The discussion attempts to explain the observed differences with relation to the cognitive requirements of both methods of study as well as the form and content of the applied dilemmas

Research paper thumbnail of All joy and less fun: Maternity difficulties and limitations in the perception of Polish mothers

Couple and Family Psychology, Dec 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of School readiness of pre-school children are six-year-old children ready for a school education

The article constitutes a report from own research on the issue of school readiness for six-year-... more The article constitutes a report from own research on the issue of school readiness for six-year-old children. In the first step, the level of school competences of six-year-olds measured by Intelligence and Development Scales (IDS) was analyzed. The second stage involved checking how the competences corresponding to the dimensions of the IDS_SR subscales are evaluated by the mothers of the examined children using the Child's School Readiness Questionnaire by Parents (KGSD-R) and to what extent these assessments correlate with the results of the IDS scale. The studies included 68 mothers and 68 children. The criterion of including the child in the sample was age, i.e. age of six years (6; 0-6; 11). The selection for the test was carried out using the "snowball" method. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the examined children present an average level of school readiness, sufficient to take up school education. In addition, in general, the older children are, the higher scores they obtain in IDS_SR subscales. Subjective assessments of mothers moderately correlate with the results of objective measurement, and the tool used requires further improvement.

Research paper thumbnail of Dziecko jako projekt rodzicielski

Research paper thumbnail of Wzór funkcjonowania Matki-Polki jako korelat wypalenia rodzicielskiego i kierowania się wybranymi mitami rodzicielskimi. Wstępne wyniki badań

Psychologia Rozwojowa

The Polish-Mother’s Pattern of Functioning as a Correlate of Parental Burnout and Following Selec... more The Polish-Mother’s Pattern of Functioning as a Correlate of Parental Burnout and Following Selected Parental Myths. Preliminary Research Results The pattern of the functioning of a Polish mother, based on the cognitive component of her stereotype shared by mothers, combines certain features, behaviors and devotion to the family. “Parenting myths”are parents’beliefs about the necessity to give their child all the best and ensure a happy childhood. It was assumed, that both self-sacrificing for children and being guided by myths can lead to women’s overburdening with parental role. Three methods were used: the Identification with a Polish Mother Questionnaire, the Selected Parental Myths Questionnaire and Polish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment. 284 mothers (aged 19–55) took part in the research. Preliminary results showed that the degree of identification with the characteristics of the Polish-Mother was negatively correlated with parental burnout symptoms, but positively ...

Research paper thumbnail of Motywacje do chwalenia a wybrane sposoby chwalenia małych dzieci przez matki. Raport z badań

Research paper thumbnail of Rozwój myślenia w dorosłości: o sposobach badania rozumowania postformalnego w codziennych sytuacjach

The article presents the results of two studies concerning the development of postformal reasonin... more The article presents the results of two studies concerning the development of postformal reasoning as proposed by G. Lavouvie-Vief, with the use of the everyday problem solving dilemmas taken from the research conducted by R.A. Sebby and D.R. Papini in the Polish adaptation by E. Gurba. Study no. 1 tested the levels of reasoning in 3 age groups: early, middle, and late adulthood, providing the participants with a choice of readymade answers. Study no. 2 tested the levels of reasoning amongst the participants while using a modified version of the test which required giving an answer to an open question pertaining to the solution of a dilemma. Regardless of their age, the participants revealed a lower level of postformal reasoning in Study no. 2. Differences in the influence of spurious variables (sex, level of education) on the presented level of reasoning in the respective Studies were also observed. The discussion attempts to explain the observed differences with relation to the co...

Research paper thumbnail of Dziecko jako projekt rodzicielski

Research paper thumbnail of Kompresja wiekowa zachowań w rozwoju dzieci – ujęcie poznawcze i kulturowo-społeczne

The article focuses on the issues of a a social phenomenon known as the age compression of behavi... more The article focuses on the issues of a a social phenomenon known as the age compression of behaviours, described as the dysregulation of boundaries between childhood and adulthood in the area of consumer, social and product usage behaviours. The age compression of behaviours was defined as reducing the time from the birth of the child to the moment of undertaking behaviours, which in previous decades were common for adolescents and adults. This phenomenon is discussed from a cognitive perspective, as an effect of acceleration related to certain areas of both children’s cognitive development, as well as and socio-cultural changes which influence changes in the way children are treated. It was assumed that we simultaneously observe behaviours which, on the one hand, are both based on a dysregulation of cognitive processes – accelleration and cognitive asynchrony, and, on the other hand, as well as those resulting from the adaptation to the changing conditions of how children function.

Research paper thumbnail of „Tylko mnie kochaj”. O popularności wśród matek małych dzieci mitu wychowawczego o miłości zdolnej zastąpić wychowanie

Research paper thumbnail of Gotowość szkolna dzieci przedszkolnych: czy sześcioletnie dzieci są dojrzałe do podjęcia nauki szkolnej?

The article constitutes a report from own research on the issue of school readiness for six-year-... more The article constitutes a report from own research on the issue of school readiness for six-year-old children. In the first step, the level of school competences of six-year-olds measured by Intelligence and Development Scales (IDS) was analyzed. The second stage involved checking how the competences corresponding to the dimensions of the IDS_SR subscales are evaluated by the mothers of the examined children using the Child's School Readiness Questionnaire by Parents (KGSD-R) and to what extent these assessments correlate with the results of the IDS scale. The studies included 68 mothers and 68 children. The criterion of including the child in the sample was age, i.e. age of six years (6; 0-6; 11). The selection for the test was carried out using the "snowball" method. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the examined children present an average level of school readiness, sufficient to take up school education. In addition, in general, the older children are, the higher scores they obtain in IDS_SR subscales. Subjective assessments of mothers moderately correlate with the results of objective measurement, and the tool used requires further improvement.

Research paper thumbnail of All joy and less fun: Maternity difficulties and limitations in the perception of Polish mothers

Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Selected experiences of primiparous women related to childbirth as a source of information for future mothers

Człowiek i Społeczeństwo, Jun 21, 2024

Wybrane doświadczenia pierworódek związane z porodem jako źródło informacji dla przyszłych matek ... more Wybrane doświadczenia pierworódek związane z porodem jako źródło informacji dla przyszłych matek [Selected experiences of primiparous women related to childbirth as a source of information for future mothers] edited by Lucyna Bakiera, "Człowiek i Społeczeństwo" vol. LVII: Współczesne rodzicielstwo-dylematy i wyzwania [Contemporary parenting-dilemmas and challenges], Poznań 2024, pp. 123-144, Adam Mickiewicz University.

Research paper thumbnail of The usefulness of knowledge sources about upbringing according to the mothers of small children

Wychowanie w Rodzinie, Dec 22, 2018

Użyteczność źródeł wiedzy o wychowaniu w opiniach matek małych dzieci The usefulness of knowledge... more Użyteczność źródeł wiedzy o wychowaniu w opiniach matek małych dzieci The usefulness of knowledge sources about upbringing according to the mothers of small children Streszczenie Cel: Celem prezentowanych badań było określenie użyteczności źródeł wiedzy o wychowaniu dzieci. Metody: Zastosowano autorski Kwestionariusz Źródeł Wiedzy o Wychowaniu. Wyniki: W dobrowolnym, anonimowym badaniu 260 matek przynajmniej jednego dziecka w wieku 1-7 lat określało użyteczność wybranych źródeł wiedzy. Wnioski: Matki za najbardziej użyteczne źródło wiedzy o wychowaniu uznały własny instynkt i odczucia, następnie konkretne wypowiedzi na temat ich dziecka, formułowane przez osoby o wykształceniu medycznym (lekarzy, pielęgniarki) oraz swoje własne doświadczenia z dzieciństwa. Za najmniej użyteczne źródło wiedzy z kolei uznały publiczne wypowiedzi osób medialnych, które nie posiadały specjalistycznej wiedzy o wychowaniu (np. celebrytów). Bardzo mało użyteczne okazały się również wypowiedzi nieznanych matkom osób z Internetu na temat ich dzieci.

Research paper thumbnail of Valuing the well-being of the mother, child and both while solving problems related to motherhood

Wychowanie w Rodzinie, Dec 29, 2023

Aim. The main purpose of the research was to determine which group of participants will value the... more Aim. The main purpose of the research was to determine which group of participants will value the well-being of the mother, the child and both of them the most and to define the similarities and differences in the ways of thinking of mothers, fathers, people without children, and seniors when solving problems related to motherhood.

Research paper thumbnail of “The child is most important in the world, the parent is responsible for its happiness”. Manifestations of mothers’ guiding by selected upbringing myths

Research paper thumbnail of Wzór funkcjonowania Matki-Polki jako korelat wypalenia rodzicielskiego i kierowania się wybranymi mitami rodzicielskimi. Wstępne wyniki badań

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Dec 1, 2022

The pattern of the functioning of a Polish-Mother, based on the cognitive component of her stereo... more The pattern of the functioning of a Polish-Mother, based on the cognitive component of her stereotype shared by mothers, combines certain features, behaviors and devotion to the family. "Parenting myths" are parents' beliefs about the necessity to give their child all the best and ensure a happy childhood. It was assumed, that both self-sacrificing for children and being guided by myths can lead to women's overburdening with parental role. Three methods were used: the Identification with a Polish-Mother Questionnaire, the Selected Parental Myths Questionnaire and Polish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment. 284 mothers (aged 19-55) took part in the research. Preliminary results showed that the degree of identification with the characteristics of the Polish-Mother was negatively correlated with parental burnout symptoms, but positively with following parental myths.

Research paper thumbnail of What is physical attractiveness? A discussion of definitions and paradigms

Roczniki Psychologiczne, 2016

The article raises the issue of physical attractiveness both in terms of its definition and as a ... more The article raises the issue of physical attractiveness both in terms of its definition and as a theoretical construct, which forms the basis for planning empirical research. Based on a review of existing definitions and a predictive analysis of the meaning of terms, a definition of physical attractiveness as one of the types of human attractiveness is proposed. The criteria differentiating physical attractiveness from the related concept of sexual attractiveness are presented. Physical attractiveness is discussed as an object of operationalization in the process of designing research on the assessment or self-assessment of the appearance and characteristics of the human body, including a distinction between its two approaches: holistic (a set of a characteristics whose evaluations are interrelated) and elementary (one characteristic whose evaluations impact the assessment of overall physical attractiveness).

Research paper thumbnail of Co oznacza atrakcyjność fizyczna? Dyskusja o definicjach i ujęciach

Roczniki Psychologiczne, 2016

Prezentowany artykuł porusza problematykĊ atrakcyjnoĞci fizycznej w ujĊciu definicyjnym oraz w ch... more Prezentowany artykuł porusza problematykĊ atrakcyjnoĞci fizycznej w ujĊciu definicyjnym oraz w charakterze konstruktu teoretycznego, bĊdącego podstawą do planowania badaĔ empirycznych. Na podstawie przeglądu dotychczasowych definicji i analizy słownikowego znaczenia terminów składowych zaproponowano definicjĊ atrakcyjnoĞci fizycznej jako jednego z rodzajów atrakcyjno-Ğci człowieka. Zaprezentowane zostały kryteria róĪnicujące atrakcyjnoĞü fizyczną od bliskiej jej atrakcyjnoĞci seksualnej. Omówiono atrakcyjnoĞü fizyczną jako przedmiot operacjonalizacji w toku projektowania badaĔ z zakresu oceny bądĨ samooceny cech wyglądu i ciała człowieka, wraz z podziałem na jej holistyczne (zespół charakterystyk, których oceny wiąĪą siĊ ze sobą) oraz elementarne (jedna charakterystyka, której oceny oddziałują na ocenĊ ogólnej atrakcyjnoĞci fizycznej człowieka) ujĊcie.

Research paper thumbnail of Kompresja wiekowa zachowań w rozwoju dzieci – ujęcie poznawcze i kulturowo-społeczne

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Nov 3, 2015

The article focuses on the issues of a a social phenomenon known as the age compression of behavi... more The article focuses on the issues of a a social phenomenon known as the age compression of behaviours, described as the dysregulation of boundaries between childhood and adulthood in the area of consumer, social and product usage behaviours. The age compression of behaviours was defined as reducing the time from the birth of the child to the moment of undertaking behaviours, which in previous decades were common for adolescents and adults. This phenomenon is discussed from a cognitive perspective, as an effect of acceleration related to certain areas of both children’s cognitive development, as well as and socio-cultural changes which influence changes in the way children are treated. It was assumed that we simultaneously observe behaviours which, on the one hand, are both based on a dysregulation of cognitive processes – accelleration and cognitive asynchrony, and, on the other hand, as well as those resulting from the adaptation to the changing conditions of how children function.

Research paper thumbnail of Rozwój myślenia w dorosłości: o sposobach badania rozumowania postformalnego w codziennych sytuacjach

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Jul 23, 2016

The article presents the results of two studies concerning the development of postformal reasonin... more The article presents the results of two studies concerning the development of postformal reasoning as proposed by G. Lavouvie-Vief, with the use of the everyday problem solving dilemmas taken from the research conducted by R.A. Sebby and D.R. Papini in the Polish adaptation by E. Gurba. Study no. 1 tested the levels of reasoning in 3 age groups: early, middle, and late adulthood, providing the participants with a choice of readymade answers. Study no. 2 tested the levels of reasoning amongst the participants while using a modified version of the test which required giving an answer to an open question pertaining to the solution of a dilemma. Regardless of their age, the participants revealed a lower level of postformal reasoning in Study no. 2. Differences in the influence of spurious variables (sex, level of education) on the presented level of reasoning in the respective Studies were also observed. The discussion attempts to explain the observed differences with relation to the cognitive requirements of both methods of study as well as the form and content of the applied dilemmas

Research paper thumbnail of All joy and less fun: Maternity difficulties and limitations in the perception of Polish mothers

Couple and Family Psychology, Dec 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of School readiness of pre-school children are six-year-old children ready for a school education

The article constitutes a report from own research on the issue of school readiness for six-year-... more The article constitutes a report from own research on the issue of school readiness for six-year-old children. In the first step, the level of school competences of six-year-olds measured by Intelligence and Development Scales (IDS) was analyzed. The second stage involved checking how the competences corresponding to the dimensions of the IDS_SR subscales are evaluated by the mothers of the examined children using the Child's School Readiness Questionnaire by Parents (KGSD-R) and to what extent these assessments correlate with the results of the IDS scale. The studies included 68 mothers and 68 children. The criterion of including the child in the sample was age, i.e. age of six years (6; 0-6; 11). The selection for the test was carried out using the "snowball" method. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the examined children present an average level of school readiness, sufficient to take up school education. In addition, in general, the older children are, the higher scores they obtain in IDS_SR subscales. Subjective assessments of mothers moderately correlate with the results of objective measurement, and the tool used requires further improvement.

Research paper thumbnail of Dziecko jako projekt rodzicielski

Research paper thumbnail of Wzór funkcjonowania Matki-Polki jako korelat wypalenia rodzicielskiego i kierowania się wybranymi mitami rodzicielskimi. Wstępne wyniki badań

Psychologia Rozwojowa

The Polish-Mother’s Pattern of Functioning as a Correlate of Parental Burnout and Following Selec... more The Polish-Mother’s Pattern of Functioning as a Correlate of Parental Burnout and Following Selected Parental Myths. Preliminary Research Results The pattern of the functioning of a Polish mother, based on the cognitive component of her stereotype shared by mothers, combines certain features, behaviors and devotion to the family. “Parenting myths”are parents’beliefs about the necessity to give their child all the best and ensure a happy childhood. It was assumed, that both self-sacrificing for children and being guided by myths can lead to women’s overburdening with parental role. Three methods were used: the Identification with a Polish Mother Questionnaire, the Selected Parental Myths Questionnaire and Polish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment. 284 mothers (aged 19–55) took part in the research. Preliminary results showed that the degree of identification with the characteristics of the Polish-Mother was negatively correlated with parental burnout symptoms, but positively ...

Research paper thumbnail of Motywacje do chwalenia a wybrane sposoby chwalenia małych dzieci przez matki. Raport z badań

Research paper thumbnail of Rozwój myślenia w dorosłości: o sposobach badania rozumowania postformalnego w codziennych sytuacjach

The article presents the results of two studies concerning the development of postformal reasonin... more The article presents the results of two studies concerning the development of postformal reasoning as proposed by G. Lavouvie-Vief, with the use of the everyday problem solving dilemmas taken from the research conducted by R.A. Sebby and D.R. Papini in the Polish adaptation by E. Gurba. Study no. 1 tested the levels of reasoning in 3 age groups: early, middle, and late adulthood, providing the participants with a choice of readymade answers. Study no. 2 tested the levels of reasoning amongst the participants while using a modified version of the test which required giving an answer to an open question pertaining to the solution of a dilemma. Regardless of their age, the participants revealed a lower level of postformal reasoning in Study no. 2. Differences in the influence of spurious variables (sex, level of education) on the presented level of reasoning in the respective Studies were also observed. The discussion attempts to explain the observed differences with relation to the co...

Research paper thumbnail of Dziecko jako projekt rodzicielski

Research paper thumbnail of Kompresja wiekowa zachowań w rozwoju dzieci – ujęcie poznawcze i kulturowo-społeczne

The article focuses on the issues of a a social phenomenon known as the age compression of behavi... more The article focuses on the issues of a a social phenomenon known as the age compression of behaviours, described as the dysregulation of boundaries between childhood and adulthood in the area of consumer, social and product usage behaviours. The age compression of behaviours was defined as reducing the time from the birth of the child to the moment of undertaking behaviours, which in previous decades were common for adolescents and adults. This phenomenon is discussed from a cognitive perspective, as an effect of acceleration related to certain areas of both children’s cognitive development, as well as and socio-cultural changes which influence changes in the way children are treated. It was assumed that we simultaneously observe behaviours which, on the one hand, are both based on a dysregulation of cognitive processes – accelleration and cognitive asynchrony, and, on the other hand, as well as those resulting from the adaptation to the changing conditions of how children function.

Research paper thumbnail of „Tylko mnie kochaj”. O popularności wśród matek małych dzieci mitu wychowawczego o miłości zdolnej zastąpić wychowanie

Research paper thumbnail of Gotowość szkolna dzieci przedszkolnych: czy sześcioletnie dzieci są dojrzałe do podjęcia nauki szkolnej?

The article constitutes a report from own research on the issue of school readiness for six-year-... more The article constitutes a report from own research on the issue of school readiness for six-year-old children. In the first step, the level of school competences of six-year-olds measured by Intelligence and Development Scales (IDS) was analyzed. The second stage involved checking how the competences corresponding to the dimensions of the IDS_SR subscales are evaluated by the mothers of the examined children using the Child's School Readiness Questionnaire by Parents (KGSD-R) and to what extent these assessments correlate with the results of the IDS scale. The studies included 68 mothers and 68 children. The criterion of including the child in the sample was age, i.e. age of six years (6; 0-6; 11). The selection for the test was carried out using the "snowball" method. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the examined children present an average level of school readiness, sufficient to take up school education. In addition, in general, the older children are, the higher scores they obtain in IDS_SR subscales. Subjective assessments of mothers moderately correlate with the results of objective measurement, and the tool used requires further improvement.

Research paper thumbnail of All joy and less fun: Maternity difficulties and limitations in the perception of Polish mothers

Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 2021