Izabela Kapsa | Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz (original) (raw)
Papers by Izabela Kapsa
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers have been trying to identify which personal resources ca... more Since the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers have been trying to identify which personal resources can contribute to minimizing the mental health costs in students incurred due to the restrictions that disrupted safety and predictability in their academic lives. The aim of the study was to verify if and how individual factors (resilience and positivity) and socio-environmental factors (social support and nationality) allow prediction of the level of perceived stress. University students (n = 559) from Poland, Serbia, and Italy were surveyed using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), the Positivity Scale (PS), and the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL-12). Personal resources—positivity, resilience, and support—were found to be positively interrelated and significantly associated with stress levels. Additionally, gender and nationality differentiated stress levels. A general linear model (GLM) showed that levels of perceived stress are best expl...
BRILL eBooks, Feb 20, 2024
BRILL eBooks, Feb 20, 2024
Studies in digital politics and governance, Dec 31, 2022
BRILL eBooks, Feb 20, 2024
Przegląd Europejski, Dec 9, 2021
Universal access to new technologies influences citizen participation, and its growth is recognis... more Universal access to new technologies influences citizen participation, and its growth is recognised as one of the most important goals of electronic democracy. Apart from presenting the most important approaches to citizen participation in the context of e-democracy, the main aim of this article is to present the analytical framework for researching e-participation. Even though it is a relatively new area of scientific research, it is the subject of numerous theoretical reflections and empirical verification. Recognising e-participation as one of the dimensions of e-democracy, the author aims to answer the following research question: how to analyse e-participation from the democratic perspective? Apart from presenting the most important approaches to citizen participation in the context of e-democracy, the author indicates the analytical framework based on the own research and the literature review.
Uniwersystet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2020
Problematyka partycypacji obywatelskiej stanowi aktualny przedmiot zainteresowania badaczy reprez... more Problematyka partycypacji obywatelskiej stanowi aktualny przedmiot zainteresowania badaczy reprezentujących różne dyscypliny w ramach nauk społecznych. Wraz z dynamicznym rozwojem nowych technologii i społeczeństwa informacyjnego, w wielu państwach podjęto działania zmierzające do zwiększenia zaangażowania obywatelskiego i wprowadzenia rozwiązań w zakresie nie tylko aktu wyborczego (e-voting i i-voting), ale także dostarczania informacji i usług publicznych drogą elektroniczną (e-government). Niniejsza praca wpisuje się w ten dynamicznie rozwijający się nurt badań naukowych poświęconych wpływowi ICT na zaangażowanie obywateli w proces podejmowania decyzji politycznych oraz ich relacje z instytucjami państwa, w tym administracją publiczną. Tematem rozważań teoretycznych są zagadnienia związane z partycypacją obywatelską i jej ewolucją w kierunku e-partycypacji. Przedmiotem analizy empirycznej są zaś deklaracje i opinie Polaków na temat elektronicznej administracji oraz głosowania elektronicznego traktowane jako przejaw partycypacji obywatelskiej. Podjęta w książce problematyka powinna zainteresować zarówno badaczy, jak i praktyków zajmujących się zwiększaniem udziału obywateli w życiu politycznym, a także wpływu nowych technologii na relacje obywatel-państwo.
Proceedings TIE 2022
One of the many efforts by governments to decrease disease during COVID-19 pandemic was reducing ... more One of the many efforts by governments to decrease disease during COVID-19 pandemic was reducing social contact and distance learning. In the long run, these decisions had ramifications beyond the risk of contracting the virus. Young people studying at universities have been deprived of contacts with their peers and forced to efficiently use technology for the purpose of acquiring knowledge. It required the ability to maintain or regain mental health despite experiencing difficulties that is called “resilience”. The main aim of this paper is to present the results of quantitative analysis of the perceived stress, cyber and psychological resilience of Polish students. The analyses show that majority of students use digital devices in an informed and safe manner while most of them presented high levels of stress and rather low or medium resilience, which may raise questions about the positive adaptation of students to remote learning and coping with pandemic situations in general.
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Apart from benefits, internet voting security is most frequently discussed by opponents and suppo... more Apart from benefits, internet voting security is most frequently discussed by opponents and supporters of this form of electoral participation. Although this voting method is not available in Poland, the debate on the implementation of i-voting appears in each election. The COVID-19 pandemic showed a great need to implement additional remote voting methods in the elections, and increasingly more countries are considering the introduction of i-vote in the future. Although there is no plan for the nearest future in Poland, citizens' opinions suggest that this voting procedure would meet many of its users. The paper's main aim is to analyse Poles' opinions about the risks and benefits of internet voting. The results of our own studies are based on a survey among Poles regarding their views on internet voting. The main goal is to verify if Poles more often highlight the benefits than risks of i-voting, and if the opinions about risks and benefits of i-voting differ depending...
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2017
Background: Yangzheng Xiaoji (YZXJ) is a Chinese medicine formulation made of 16 herbs and used i... more Background: Yangzheng Xiaoji (YZXJ) is a Chinese medicine formulation made of 16 herbs and used in patients with solid cancers. The aim of this randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled multi-center trial (YANG-1,ClinicalTrials.gov registration No. NCT02195453) is to evaluate the impact of Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule on the quality of life (QoL) and treatment-related side effects in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) receiving chemotherapy. Method: Patients with advanced NSCLC and with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0 to 1, who receive first-line chemotherapy (gemcitabine or pemetrexed and cisplatin), were randomized (1:1) to Yangzheng Xiaoji (YZXJ) or placebo combined with chemotherapy. The primary endpoint was QoL (Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) and Lung Cancer Symptom Scale (LCSS)) after two or four cycles of chemotherapy. The second endpoints included overall response rate, progression free survival and toxicity. Result: Between 10/2014 and 4/2017, the trial enrolled and randomized 504 patients from 25 centers in China. 397 patients received at least two cycles of chemotherapy and were included for final analysis. Baseline characteristics, including FACT-L and LCSS scores, were well balanced between two groups. The mean FACT-L scores were significantly changed in both groups from the baseline to that after chemotherapy (97.58 increase to 100.89 in YZXJ/chemotherapy arm, P<0.001; 93.83 decrease to 97.93 in placebo arm, P<0.001). The mean score of LCSS from baseline was significantly changed in YZXJ/chemotherapy groups (25.84 decrease to 22.31, P<0.001), but there was no statistical difference in the placebo group(25.59 vs. 26.45, P¼0.136). The YZXJ/ chemotherapy arm had a better QoL than the placebo/chemotherapy arm (FACT-L, 3.30 vs.-4.09; P<0.001) as well as improved lung cancer symptoms compared with placebo (LCSS,-3.53 vs.-0.86; P<0.001). There was no statistical difference in chemotherapy completion rate, ORR and PFS between two groups. The most common adverse events were bone marrow toxicity (70.92% vs. 67.59%) and gastrointestinal reaction (34.66% vs. 63.24%) (YZXJ vs. Placebo, P¼0.441 and P<0.001, respectively). The rate of fatigue was significantly lower in YZXJ group than placebo group (4.38% vs. 30.04%, P<0.001). Conclusion: For patients with advanced NSCLC who received platinum-based chemotherapy, Yangzheng Xiaoji Capsule significantly improved the quality of life and symptoms, especially fatigue and gastrointestinal reaction.
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Toruniu, 2017
The article presents the results of empirical research on the social attitude of young people tow... more The article presents the results of empirical research on the social attitude of young people towards selected social, ethnic and national groups and the diagnosis of personality-authoritarian tendencies in perceiving modern reality. The main purpose of the analysis of the collected empirical material is to indicate the level of acceptance of secondary school students towards selected social and ethnic groups. That has been done in context of current conflicts and socio-political crises that represent a hypothetical threat to mature democratic values relevant to mature societies such as tolerance and openness to people of different cultures, traditions, appearance, beliefs or views. In addition, an attempt was made to examine the relationship between the social distance displayed by respondents to particular social groups included in the measurement process and the degree of empowerment in authoritative responses in respondents' statements. The research results show that secondary school students are most distanced towards the culturally and ethnically outermost groups and less towards similar cultural and ethnic groups, while those with higher predispositions for authoritarian thinking have shown a stronger social distance to refugee groups, selected ethnic people or homosexuals. The current crisis and tense situation in international relations are very likely to contribute to strengthening the beliefs amongst the young people that the modern world is a very dangerous place to live, and this translates into a higher level of social distance towards culturally distant groups.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2014
Po wyborach parlamentarnych w 2010 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii została utworzona koalicja rządowa, p... more Po wyborach parlamentarnych w 2010 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii została utworzona koalicja rządowa, pierwszy raz od prawie stu lat. W umowie koalicyjnej Partia Konserwatywna i Liberalni Demokraci uzgodnili program rządu, którego treść budziła sprzeciw wielu grup społecznych. Swoje niezadowolenie wyrażały one podczas licznych wystąpień publicznych: demonstracje studentów, bezrobotnych, lokatorów. Zarówno rząd koalicyjny, jak i protesty polityczne to zjawiska nietypowe dla brytyjskiej rzeczywistości politycznej. Artykuł zawiera tezę, że ich geneza ma związek ze zmianą statusu politycznego Lib Dems. After the 2010 general elections the coalition government was formed in the UK, the first time in nearly a century. In the coalition agreement, the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats agreed to the government program, the content of which prompted protests from many groups. They expressed their displeasure at numerous public speaking: demonstrations by students, the unemployed, tenants. Both, the coalition government and political protests are unusual phenomena for the British political reality. This article contains the idea that their origin is related to the change in political status of Lib Dems. Słowa kluczowe: protest polityczny, społeczeństwo obywatelskie, demonstracje w Londynie, rząd Camerona, Liberalni Demokraci.
Zwiększające się zainteresowanie partycypacją obywateli w procesach podejmowania decyzji politycz... more Zwiększające się zainteresowanie partycypacją obywateli w procesach podejmowania decyzji politycznych i w życiu publicznym jest wynikiem ewolucji współczesnych demokracji, głębokich przeobrażeń zachodzących w społeczeństwach, a także szeroko w ostatnich latach dyskutowanego kryzysu demokracji przedstawicielskiej. Tematem rozważań w niniejszej pracy są zagadnienia związane z partycypacją wyborczą oraz alternatywnymi metodami głosowania w wyborach. Przedmiotem analizy empirycznej są poglądy i deklarowane postawy Polaków na temat alternatywnych procedur głosowania rozpatrywane z perspektywy różnych zmiennych o charakterze demograficznym i politycznym. Badanie problematyki związanej z alternatywnymi metodami głosowania jest tym bardziej istotne, iż w coraz większej liczbie państw Europy i świata dyskutowane są obecnie kwestie związane z wdrożeniem różnych dodatkowych form głosowania, które zwiększą szanse przeprowadzenia bezpiecznych wyborów. Prezentowane wyniki badań mają więc znaczenie nie tylko dla rozwoju nauki w kontekście wyzwań stojących przed współczesną demokracją, ale są także ważne dla samych wyborców, stanowiąc jednocześnie istotną wskazówkę dla elit politycznych tworzących prawo wyborcze.
14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, 2021
The article analyzes the relations between political trust-one of the most important values in th... more The article analyzes the relations between political trust-one of the most important values in the life of political communities-and election-related behaviors in the narrow meaning of voting. Researchers investigate the phenomenon of decreasing turnout as one of the expressions of democratic crisis. When studying such a complex problem, it is essential to search for multi-theme causes which might be helpful in understanding the topic and possibly finding a solution for it. The author of this article, while assuming the correctness of analyzes conducted thus far, which indicate that the problem lies in weaker attachment to political parties, less interest in politics and inadequate tools, raises questions whether the decreasing turnout in individual states may be related to the level of trust that citizens put in political institutions and whether there is a relation between these both indicators. In order to answer these questions, the author employs a quantitative analysis of data which derive from reports containing percentage levels of political trust and turnout in the elections, a comparative analysis, as well as an overview of literature on the subject.
Public Money & Management, 2020
Przegląd Politologiczny, 2018
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers have been trying to identify which personal resources ca... more Since the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers have been trying to identify which personal resources can contribute to minimizing the mental health costs in students incurred due to the restrictions that disrupted safety and predictability in their academic lives. The aim of the study was to verify if and how individual factors (resilience and positivity) and socio-environmental factors (social support and nationality) allow prediction of the level of perceived stress. University students (n = 559) from Poland, Serbia, and Italy were surveyed using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), the Positivity Scale (PS), and the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL-12). Personal resources—positivity, resilience, and support—were found to be positively interrelated and significantly associated with stress levels. Additionally, gender and nationality differentiated stress levels. A general linear model (GLM) showed that levels of perceived stress are best expl...
BRILL eBooks, Feb 20, 2024
BRILL eBooks, Feb 20, 2024
Studies in digital politics and governance, Dec 31, 2022
BRILL eBooks, Feb 20, 2024
Przegląd Europejski, Dec 9, 2021
Universal access to new technologies influences citizen participation, and its growth is recognis... more Universal access to new technologies influences citizen participation, and its growth is recognised as one of the most important goals of electronic democracy. Apart from presenting the most important approaches to citizen participation in the context of e-democracy, the main aim of this article is to present the analytical framework for researching e-participation. Even though it is a relatively new area of scientific research, it is the subject of numerous theoretical reflections and empirical verification. Recognising e-participation as one of the dimensions of e-democracy, the author aims to answer the following research question: how to analyse e-participation from the democratic perspective? Apart from presenting the most important approaches to citizen participation in the context of e-democracy, the author indicates the analytical framework based on the own research and the literature review.
Uniwersystet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2020
Problematyka partycypacji obywatelskiej stanowi aktualny przedmiot zainteresowania badaczy reprez... more Problematyka partycypacji obywatelskiej stanowi aktualny przedmiot zainteresowania badaczy reprezentujących różne dyscypliny w ramach nauk społecznych. Wraz z dynamicznym rozwojem nowych technologii i społeczeństwa informacyjnego, w wielu państwach podjęto działania zmierzające do zwiększenia zaangażowania obywatelskiego i wprowadzenia rozwiązań w zakresie nie tylko aktu wyborczego (e-voting i i-voting), ale także dostarczania informacji i usług publicznych drogą elektroniczną (e-government). Niniejsza praca wpisuje się w ten dynamicznie rozwijający się nurt badań naukowych poświęconych wpływowi ICT na zaangażowanie obywateli w proces podejmowania decyzji politycznych oraz ich relacje z instytucjami państwa, w tym administracją publiczną. Tematem rozważań teoretycznych są zagadnienia związane z partycypacją obywatelską i jej ewolucją w kierunku e-partycypacji. Przedmiotem analizy empirycznej są zaś deklaracje i opinie Polaków na temat elektronicznej administracji oraz głosowania elektronicznego traktowane jako przejaw partycypacji obywatelskiej. Podjęta w książce problematyka powinna zainteresować zarówno badaczy, jak i praktyków zajmujących się zwiększaniem udziału obywateli w życiu politycznym, a także wpływu nowych technologii na relacje obywatel-państwo.
Proceedings TIE 2022
One of the many efforts by governments to decrease disease during COVID-19 pandemic was reducing ... more One of the many efforts by governments to decrease disease during COVID-19 pandemic was reducing social contact and distance learning. In the long run, these decisions had ramifications beyond the risk of contracting the virus. Young people studying at universities have been deprived of contacts with their peers and forced to efficiently use technology for the purpose of acquiring knowledge. It required the ability to maintain or regain mental health despite experiencing difficulties that is called “resilience”. The main aim of this paper is to present the results of quantitative analysis of the perceived stress, cyber and psychological resilience of Polish students. The analyses show that majority of students use digital devices in an informed and safe manner while most of them presented high levels of stress and rather low or medium resilience, which may raise questions about the positive adaptation of students to remote learning and coping with pandemic situations in general.
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Apart from benefits, internet voting security is most frequently discussed by opponents and suppo... more Apart from benefits, internet voting security is most frequently discussed by opponents and supporters of this form of electoral participation. Although this voting method is not available in Poland, the debate on the implementation of i-voting appears in each election. The COVID-19 pandemic showed a great need to implement additional remote voting methods in the elections, and increasingly more countries are considering the introduction of i-vote in the future. Although there is no plan for the nearest future in Poland, citizens' opinions suggest that this voting procedure would meet many of its users. The paper's main aim is to analyse Poles' opinions about the risks and benefits of internet voting. The results of our own studies are based on a survey among Poles regarding their views on internet voting. The main goal is to verify if Poles more often highlight the benefits than risks of i-voting, and if the opinions about risks and benefits of i-voting differ depending...
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2017
Background: Yangzheng Xiaoji (YZXJ) is a Chinese medicine formulation made of 16 herbs and used i... more Background: Yangzheng Xiaoji (YZXJ) is a Chinese medicine formulation made of 16 herbs and used in patients with solid cancers. The aim of this randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled multi-center trial (YANG-1,ClinicalTrials.gov registration No. NCT02195453) is to evaluate the impact of Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule on the quality of life (QoL) and treatment-related side effects in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) receiving chemotherapy. Method: Patients with advanced NSCLC and with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0 to 1, who receive first-line chemotherapy (gemcitabine or pemetrexed and cisplatin), were randomized (1:1) to Yangzheng Xiaoji (YZXJ) or placebo combined with chemotherapy. The primary endpoint was QoL (Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) and Lung Cancer Symptom Scale (LCSS)) after two or four cycles of chemotherapy. The second endpoints included overall response rate, progression free survival and toxicity. Result: Between 10/2014 and 4/2017, the trial enrolled and randomized 504 patients from 25 centers in China. 397 patients received at least two cycles of chemotherapy and were included for final analysis. Baseline characteristics, including FACT-L and LCSS scores, were well balanced between two groups. The mean FACT-L scores were significantly changed in both groups from the baseline to that after chemotherapy (97.58 increase to 100.89 in YZXJ/chemotherapy arm, P<0.001; 93.83 decrease to 97.93 in placebo arm, P<0.001). The mean score of LCSS from baseline was significantly changed in YZXJ/chemotherapy groups (25.84 decrease to 22.31, P<0.001), but there was no statistical difference in the placebo group(25.59 vs. 26.45, P¼0.136). The YZXJ/ chemotherapy arm had a better QoL than the placebo/chemotherapy arm (FACT-L, 3.30 vs.-4.09; P<0.001) as well as improved lung cancer symptoms compared with placebo (LCSS,-3.53 vs.-0.86; P<0.001). There was no statistical difference in chemotherapy completion rate, ORR and PFS between two groups. The most common adverse events were bone marrow toxicity (70.92% vs. 67.59%) and gastrointestinal reaction (34.66% vs. 63.24%) (YZXJ vs. Placebo, P¼0.441 and P<0.001, respectively). The rate of fatigue was significantly lower in YZXJ group than placebo group (4.38% vs. 30.04%, P<0.001). Conclusion: For patients with advanced NSCLC who received platinum-based chemotherapy, Yangzheng Xiaoji Capsule significantly improved the quality of life and symptoms, especially fatigue and gastrointestinal reaction.
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Toruniu, 2017
The article presents the results of empirical research on the social attitude of young people tow... more The article presents the results of empirical research on the social attitude of young people towards selected social, ethnic and national groups and the diagnosis of personality-authoritarian tendencies in perceiving modern reality. The main purpose of the analysis of the collected empirical material is to indicate the level of acceptance of secondary school students towards selected social and ethnic groups. That has been done in context of current conflicts and socio-political crises that represent a hypothetical threat to mature democratic values relevant to mature societies such as tolerance and openness to people of different cultures, traditions, appearance, beliefs or views. In addition, an attempt was made to examine the relationship between the social distance displayed by respondents to particular social groups included in the measurement process and the degree of empowerment in authoritative responses in respondents' statements. The research results show that secondary school students are most distanced towards the culturally and ethnically outermost groups and less towards similar cultural and ethnic groups, while those with higher predispositions for authoritarian thinking have shown a stronger social distance to refugee groups, selected ethnic people or homosexuals. The current crisis and tense situation in international relations are very likely to contribute to strengthening the beliefs amongst the young people that the modern world is a very dangerous place to live, and this translates into a higher level of social distance towards culturally distant groups.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2014
Po wyborach parlamentarnych w 2010 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii została utworzona koalicja rządowa, p... more Po wyborach parlamentarnych w 2010 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii została utworzona koalicja rządowa, pierwszy raz od prawie stu lat. W umowie koalicyjnej Partia Konserwatywna i Liberalni Demokraci uzgodnili program rządu, którego treść budziła sprzeciw wielu grup społecznych. Swoje niezadowolenie wyrażały one podczas licznych wystąpień publicznych: demonstracje studentów, bezrobotnych, lokatorów. Zarówno rząd koalicyjny, jak i protesty polityczne to zjawiska nietypowe dla brytyjskiej rzeczywistości politycznej. Artykuł zawiera tezę, że ich geneza ma związek ze zmianą statusu politycznego Lib Dems. After the 2010 general elections the coalition government was formed in the UK, the first time in nearly a century. In the coalition agreement, the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats agreed to the government program, the content of which prompted protests from many groups. They expressed their displeasure at numerous public speaking: demonstrations by students, the unemployed, tenants. Both, the coalition government and political protests are unusual phenomena for the British political reality. This article contains the idea that their origin is related to the change in political status of Lib Dems. Słowa kluczowe: protest polityczny, społeczeństwo obywatelskie, demonstracje w Londynie, rząd Camerona, Liberalni Demokraci.
Zwiększające się zainteresowanie partycypacją obywateli w procesach podejmowania decyzji politycz... more Zwiększające się zainteresowanie partycypacją obywateli w procesach podejmowania decyzji politycznych i w życiu publicznym jest wynikiem ewolucji współczesnych demokracji, głębokich przeobrażeń zachodzących w społeczeństwach, a także szeroko w ostatnich latach dyskutowanego kryzysu demokracji przedstawicielskiej. Tematem rozważań w niniejszej pracy są zagadnienia związane z partycypacją wyborczą oraz alternatywnymi metodami głosowania w wyborach. Przedmiotem analizy empirycznej są poglądy i deklarowane postawy Polaków na temat alternatywnych procedur głosowania rozpatrywane z perspektywy różnych zmiennych o charakterze demograficznym i politycznym. Badanie problematyki związanej z alternatywnymi metodami głosowania jest tym bardziej istotne, iż w coraz większej liczbie państw Europy i świata dyskutowane są obecnie kwestie związane z wdrożeniem różnych dodatkowych form głosowania, które zwiększą szanse przeprowadzenia bezpiecznych wyborów. Prezentowane wyniki badań mają więc znaczenie nie tylko dla rozwoju nauki w kontekście wyzwań stojących przed współczesną demokracją, ale są także ważne dla samych wyborców, stanowiąc jednocześnie istotną wskazówkę dla elit politycznych tworzących prawo wyborcze.
14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, 2021
The article analyzes the relations between political trust-one of the most important values in th... more The article analyzes the relations between political trust-one of the most important values in the life of political communities-and election-related behaviors in the narrow meaning of voting. Researchers investigate the phenomenon of decreasing turnout as one of the expressions of democratic crisis. When studying such a complex problem, it is essential to search for multi-theme causes which might be helpful in understanding the topic and possibly finding a solution for it. The author of this article, while assuming the correctness of analyzes conducted thus far, which indicate that the problem lies in weaker attachment to political parties, less interest in politics and inadequate tools, raises questions whether the decreasing turnout in individual states may be related to the level of trust that citizens put in political institutions and whether there is a relation between these both indicators. In order to answer these questions, the author employs a quantitative analysis of data which derive from reports containing percentage levels of political trust and turnout in the elections, a comparative analysis, as well as an overview of literature on the subject.
Public Money & Management, 2020
Przegląd Politologiczny, 2018