Iurie Stamati | Université Laval (original) (raw)

Books by Iurie Stamati

Research paper thumbnail of Women Archaeologists under Communism (1917-1989). Breaking the Glass Ceiling

This book explores the uncharted territory of the history of archaeology under Communism through ... more This book explores the uncharted territory of the history of archaeology under Communism through the biographies of five women archaeologists from the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Poland. They were all working in medieval archaeology, with a specific focus on the (early) Slavs. The choice of specialists in medieval archaeology has much to do with the fact that in the five East European countries considered in this book, medieval archaeology began to develop into a serious discipline less than a century ago. The main catalyst for the sudden rise of medieval archaeology was a dramatic shift in emphasis from traditional political and constitutional to social and economic history. In all five countries, the rise of medieval archaeology thus coincides in time, and was ultimately caused by the imposition of Communist regimes. The five women were therefore true pioneers in their field, and respective countries.

Research paper thumbnail of The Slavic Dossier. Medieval Archaeology in the Soviet Republic of Moldova: Between State Propaganda and Scholarly Endeavor (ENG)

BRILL, 2019

In The Slavic Dossier, Iurie Stamati’s objective is to understand the reasons for the emergence o... more In The Slavic Dossier, Iurie Stamati’s objective is to understand the reasons for the emergence of two different discourses on the place of the Slavs on the territory of Moldova and their role in the genesis of Moldovans and their culture during the medieval period in the Soviet archaeology. His analysis goes beyond the utilitarian perception of Soviet archeology. To achieve this, Stamati not only questions the political contexts in which these discourses emerged, but also looks at the history of the Moldovan archaeological field, personal profiles of archaeologists, their theoretical and ideological attachment, relationships and interactions with each other inside and outside the archaeological field.

Papers by Iurie Stamati

Research paper thumbnail of Allophone Authors about Historical Moldova and Neighboring Territories. Pleading for a Historiographical Approach (RO)

Archiva Moldaviae XII, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Maria Comşa or How the Relationship between Two “Friendly Countries” Influenced the Career of an Archaeologist (RU)

Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology 5: 15-28, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of WHY ROMANIANS DID NOT BECOME SLAVS?   An essay about the place of medieval Slavs in Romanian national historiography (17th century - beginning of the 20th century) (FR)

Revue Ethnologies, 2017

The 18th century marks the beginning of modern nation building. It is at that moment that scholar... more The 18th century marks the beginning of modern nation building. It is at that moment that scholars from the four corners of Europe set about building pasts for these nations. The new national pantheons filled quickly with glorious forebears, chosen from among the tribes of ancient history and the Middle Ages, but also with cruel enemies whom they had to face. This study will examine the place attributed to the former Slavic tribes in the history of the Romanian nation by learned Romanians from the 17th century onward and up to the beginning of the 20th century. We show how the political and cultural issues of Romanian society, the personal profiles (the origin, the preference for certain modes of thinking, etc.) of those who contributed to the writing of Romanian national history, as well as the professionalizing of historiography, under the auspices of the positivist paradigm, determined the manner in which Romanians scholarship has treated these tribes.

Research paper thumbnail of Despe Transilvania, București, Basarabia, Slavi și multe altele. Interviu cu profesorul Florin Curta, Universitatea din Florida

Plural: history, culture, society 2 : 202–218, 2017

Prof. Florin CURTA s-a născut la 15 ianuarie 1965 în București, România. Este istoric și arheolog... more Prof. Florin CURTA s-a născut la 15 ianuarie 1965 în București, România. Este istoric și arheolog specializat în cercetarea evului mediu central și est-european. Între anii 1990-1993 a activat în cadrul Institutului de Arheologie "Vasile Pârvan" din București. În 1998 își susține teza de doctorat cu titlul "Making an early medieval ethnie: the case of the early Slavs (sixth to seventh century AD)", la Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Statele Unite. Din 1999, este profesor de istorie și arheologie medievală la University of Florida, Gainesville, SUA. Este autorul a patru monografii, a peste 130 de studii si articole și a peste 60 de recenzii. Este și coautor al unui dicționar de sociologie. 1 De asemenea, prof. Florin Curta a editat, singur sau în colaborare, șase volume colective, a ținut prelegeri în mai multe universități din America de nord, America de sud și Europa. 2

Research paper thumbnail of Despe periplul biografic a unui distins istoric. Interviu cu academicianul Victor Spinei 

Plural : history, culture, society 1 : 219–235, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of « “Long Live Romanian Soviet friendship!” An exploration of the relationship between archaeologists from the USSR and the People’s/Socialist Republic of Romania»

Ephemeris Napocenssis XXVI : 235–252, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Încercări de sovietizare a arheologiei românești

Archiva Moldaviae VIII : 195–213, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of TWO CHAPTERS OF THE SOVIETIZATION OF THE ROMANIAN ARCHAEOLOGY (from the late 1940s to the mid-1950s) (ENG)

Archaeologia Bulgarica, 2015

This article addresses two aspects of the Sovietization of Romanian archaeology: the first aspect... more This article addresses two aspects of the Sovietization of Romanian archaeology: the first aspect is the impact of the "Japhetic" theory -put forth by the Soviet linguist Nikolai Marr -on this academic discipline; the second one examines the advent of the Slavic question as a new priority in Romanian archaeological research.


Revue des études slaves, 2014

In this study, we consider the place devoted to the Slavs in the discourses on the ethnogenesis o... more In this study, we consider the place devoted to the Slavs in the discourses on the ethnogenesis of Moldavians, discourses that appeared in Soviet historiography at the beginning of the construction of the concept of Moldavian ethnic group.
We notice that, since 1924 until the mid-1930s, the issue of ethnic individuality of Moldavians failed to exceed the limits of a marginal topic. Because of the rejection of Russian nationalism and panslavic ideology, even those few studies on the ethnogenesis of Moldavians that nevertheless appeared at that time did not insist on the specific role of the Slavs. The situation changed in the mid-1930s.
The government focused on Soviet patriotism based on panrussianism and panslavism. The Soviet authors highlighted the concept of Moldavian ethnic group and insisted upon the deep links connecting Moldavia to the eastern Slavic world. In addition, almost all Soviet writers were ready to present Moldavians as Ukrainians.

Research paper thumbnail of In Memoriam Gheorghe Cebotarenco, Alias Papa Iura (1927-2014)

Plural : history, culture, society 1–2 , 2014

This article is dedicated to the memory of archaeologist Gheorghe Cebotarenco , also known among ... more This article is dedicated to the memory of archaeologist Gheorghe Cebotarenco , also known among archaeologists in Moldova and abroad under the name of "papa Iura". Gheorghe Cebotarenco began his career in the late 1940s and he belongs to the first generation of Moldovan medieval archaeologists. As a student of the archaeologist Georgi Fedorov, from the Institute of Archaeology in Moscow, Gheorghe Cebotarenco specialized in studying the Balkan-Danubian culture, known for the early Middle Ages in southern Moldova and in some regions of Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania. Between many achievements in the field of archaeology, in the history of Moldavian archaeology he would also enter as one of the leading researchers of the medieval fortress of Soroca, situated on the middle course of the Dniester River. Most of his studies have been made within the Section of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, where he retired in 1990 having at that time title Senior Researcher. Appreciation of the scientific activity of Gheorghe Cebotarenco has never been unanimous. Some considered him as an author of original ideas, an authority in the field of Moldavian medieval archaeology, an active discoverer of new sites and an assiduous populariser of archaeologists work. For others, however, he is a typical representative of Soviet historiography, which was continually instrumentalized for political and ideological purposes.


Plural. History. Culture. Society, Vol. 1. no. 1-2, 2013


The Steppe Lands and the World Beyond Them: Studies in Honor of Victor Spinei on his 70th Birthday, Florin Curta, Bogdan-Petru Maleon (ed.), 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Despre câteva probleme arheologice nerezolvate (secolele V/VI-VII)

T. Arnăut, O. Munteanu, S. Musteață, Studii de Istorie veche și medievală. Omagiu Profesorului Gh. Postică, Chișinău: Pontos, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetarea istorico-arheologică cu privire la secolele V/VI-VII P.Chr. în Republica Moldova, între anii 1950-1990

Ephemeris Napocensis, 12, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Les petit pains en glaise – discussion sur la mentalité des habitants de l’établissement de Lazuri datant du Haut Moyen Ages

Transilvania Review 10/2: 83-97, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of „Pâinișoarele” din lut (un exemplu de dialog între arheologie și etnologie)

Acta MuseiPorolissensis XXIII/1, 2000

Problema acestor "pâinişoare" sau "turtiţe" din lut (aşa sunt numite în lucrările de specialitate... more Problema acestor "pâinişoare" sau "turtiţe" din lut (aşa sunt numite în lucrările de specialitate), se anunţa destul de interesantă mai ales că direct asupra acestui subiect, cu mici excepţii', nu s-a oprit nimeni. Într-adevăr, articolele sau publicaţiile de specialitate nu se referă decât tangenţial sau contextual asupra acestor artefacte. Interpretările, de cele mai multe ori, nu sunt pe deplin sau chiar deloc argumentate, cu excepţiile sus amintite. În plus prezentarea şi problematizarea acestora îşi găsesc deplina justificare numai dacă luăm în considerare faptul că "pâinişoarele" de lut sunt printre foarte puţinele, chiar printre unicile obiecte, în afară de ceramică, descoperite în siturile arheologice de tip Praga. Uneori, în afară de acestea se întâlnesc şi nişte obiecte de formă inelară pe care, la nivel intuitiv, 2 le considerăm ca "funcţionalitate", apropiate de primele, astfel încât le vom introduce în studiul nostru.

Book Review by Iurie Stamati

Research paper thumbnail of Magdalena Dembinska, La Fabrique des États de facto : ni guerre ni paix, Montreal :Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, 2021. (RO)

Research paper thumbnail of Guillaume Sauvé, Subir la victoire. Essor et chute de l’intelligentsia libérale en Russie (1987-1993), Montréal : Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2019, c. 394  (RO)

Archiva Moldaviae XII, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Women Archaeologists under Communism (1917-1989). Breaking the Glass Ceiling

This book explores the uncharted territory of the history of archaeology under Communism through ... more This book explores the uncharted territory of the history of archaeology under Communism through the biographies of five women archaeologists from the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Poland. They were all working in medieval archaeology, with a specific focus on the (early) Slavs. The choice of specialists in medieval archaeology has much to do with the fact that in the five East European countries considered in this book, medieval archaeology began to develop into a serious discipline less than a century ago. The main catalyst for the sudden rise of medieval archaeology was a dramatic shift in emphasis from traditional political and constitutional to social and economic history. In all five countries, the rise of medieval archaeology thus coincides in time, and was ultimately caused by the imposition of Communist regimes. The five women were therefore true pioneers in their field, and respective countries.

Research paper thumbnail of The Slavic Dossier. Medieval Archaeology in the Soviet Republic of Moldova: Between State Propaganda and Scholarly Endeavor (ENG)

BRILL, 2019

In The Slavic Dossier, Iurie Stamati’s objective is to understand the reasons for the emergence o... more In The Slavic Dossier, Iurie Stamati’s objective is to understand the reasons for the emergence of two different discourses on the place of the Slavs on the territory of Moldova and their role in the genesis of Moldovans and their culture during the medieval period in the Soviet archaeology. His analysis goes beyond the utilitarian perception of Soviet archeology. To achieve this, Stamati not only questions the political contexts in which these discourses emerged, but also looks at the history of the Moldovan archaeological field, personal profiles of archaeologists, their theoretical and ideological attachment, relationships and interactions with each other inside and outside the archaeological field.

Research paper thumbnail of Allophone Authors about Historical Moldova and Neighboring Territories. Pleading for a Historiographical Approach (RO)

Archiva Moldaviae XII, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Maria Comşa or How the Relationship between Two “Friendly Countries” Influenced the Career of an Archaeologist (RU)

Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology 5: 15-28, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of WHY ROMANIANS DID NOT BECOME SLAVS?   An essay about the place of medieval Slavs in Romanian national historiography (17th century - beginning of the 20th century) (FR)

Revue Ethnologies, 2017

The 18th century marks the beginning of modern nation building. It is at that moment that scholar... more The 18th century marks the beginning of modern nation building. It is at that moment that scholars from the four corners of Europe set about building pasts for these nations. The new national pantheons filled quickly with glorious forebears, chosen from among the tribes of ancient history and the Middle Ages, but also with cruel enemies whom they had to face. This study will examine the place attributed to the former Slavic tribes in the history of the Romanian nation by learned Romanians from the 17th century onward and up to the beginning of the 20th century. We show how the political and cultural issues of Romanian society, the personal profiles (the origin, the preference for certain modes of thinking, etc.) of those who contributed to the writing of Romanian national history, as well as the professionalizing of historiography, under the auspices of the positivist paradigm, determined the manner in which Romanians scholarship has treated these tribes.

Research paper thumbnail of Despe Transilvania, București, Basarabia, Slavi și multe altele. Interviu cu profesorul Florin Curta, Universitatea din Florida

Plural: history, culture, society 2 : 202–218, 2017

Prof. Florin CURTA s-a născut la 15 ianuarie 1965 în București, România. Este istoric și arheolog... more Prof. Florin CURTA s-a născut la 15 ianuarie 1965 în București, România. Este istoric și arheolog specializat în cercetarea evului mediu central și est-european. Între anii 1990-1993 a activat în cadrul Institutului de Arheologie "Vasile Pârvan" din București. În 1998 își susține teza de doctorat cu titlul "Making an early medieval ethnie: the case of the early Slavs (sixth to seventh century AD)", la Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Statele Unite. Din 1999, este profesor de istorie și arheologie medievală la University of Florida, Gainesville, SUA. Este autorul a patru monografii, a peste 130 de studii si articole și a peste 60 de recenzii. Este și coautor al unui dicționar de sociologie. 1 De asemenea, prof. Florin Curta a editat, singur sau în colaborare, șase volume colective, a ținut prelegeri în mai multe universități din America de nord, America de sud și Europa. 2

Research paper thumbnail of Despe periplul biografic a unui distins istoric. Interviu cu academicianul Victor Spinei 

Plural : history, culture, society 1 : 219–235, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of « “Long Live Romanian Soviet friendship!” An exploration of the relationship between archaeologists from the USSR and the People’s/Socialist Republic of Romania»

Ephemeris Napocenssis XXVI : 235–252, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Încercări de sovietizare a arheologiei românești

Archiva Moldaviae VIII : 195–213, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of TWO CHAPTERS OF THE SOVIETIZATION OF THE ROMANIAN ARCHAEOLOGY (from the late 1940s to the mid-1950s) (ENG)

Archaeologia Bulgarica, 2015

This article addresses two aspects of the Sovietization of Romanian archaeology: the first aspect... more This article addresses two aspects of the Sovietization of Romanian archaeology: the first aspect is the impact of the "Japhetic" theory -put forth by the Soviet linguist Nikolai Marr -on this academic discipline; the second one examines the advent of the Slavic question as a new priority in Romanian archaeological research.


Revue des études slaves, 2014

In this study, we consider the place devoted to the Slavs in the discourses on the ethnogenesis o... more In this study, we consider the place devoted to the Slavs in the discourses on the ethnogenesis of Moldavians, discourses that appeared in Soviet historiography at the beginning of the construction of the concept of Moldavian ethnic group.
We notice that, since 1924 until the mid-1930s, the issue of ethnic individuality of Moldavians failed to exceed the limits of a marginal topic. Because of the rejection of Russian nationalism and panslavic ideology, even those few studies on the ethnogenesis of Moldavians that nevertheless appeared at that time did not insist on the specific role of the Slavs. The situation changed in the mid-1930s.
The government focused on Soviet patriotism based on panrussianism and panslavism. The Soviet authors highlighted the concept of Moldavian ethnic group and insisted upon the deep links connecting Moldavia to the eastern Slavic world. In addition, almost all Soviet writers were ready to present Moldavians as Ukrainians.

Research paper thumbnail of In Memoriam Gheorghe Cebotarenco, Alias Papa Iura (1927-2014)

Plural : history, culture, society 1–2 , 2014

This article is dedicated to the memory of archaeologist Gheorghe Cebotarenco , also known among ... more This article is dedicated to the memory of archaeologist Gheorghe Cebotarenco , also known among archaeologists in Moldova and abroad under the name of "papa Iura". Gheorghe Cebotarenco began his career in the late 1940s and he belongs to the first generation of Moldovan medieval archaeologists. As a student of the archaeologist Georgi Fedorov, from the Institute of Archaeology in Moscow, Gheorghe Cebotarenco specialized in studying the Balkan-Danubian culture, known for the early Middle Ages in southern Moldova and in some regions of Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania. Between many achievements in the field of archaeology, in the history of Moldavian archaeology he would also enter as one of the leading researchers of the medieval fortress of Soroca, situated on the middle course of the Dniester River. Most of his studies have been made within the Section of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, where he retired in 1990 having at that time title Senior Researcher. Appreciation of the scientific activity of Gheorghe Cebotarenco has never been unanimous. Some considered him as an author of original ideas, an authority in the field of Moldavian medieval archaeology, an active discoverer of new sites and an assiduous populariser of archaeologists work. For others, however, he is a typical representative of Soviet historiography, which was continually instrumentalized for political and ideological purposes.


Plural. History. Culture. Society, Vol. 1. no. 1-2, 2013


The Steppe Lands and the World Beyond Them: Studies in Honor of Victor Spinei on his 70th Birthday, Florin Curta, Bogdan-Petru Maleon (ed.), 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Despre câteva probleme arheologice nerezolvate (secolele V/VI-VII)

T. Arnăut, O. Munteanu, S. Musteață, Studii de Istorie veche și medievală. Omagiu Profesorului Gh. Postică, Chișinău: Pontos, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetarea istorico-arheologică cu privire la secolele V/VI-VII P.Chr. în Republica Moldova, între anii 1950-1990

Ephemeris Napocensis, 12, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Les petit pains en glaise – discussion sur la mentalité des habitants de l’établissement de Lazuri datant du Haut Moyen Ages

Transilvania Review 10/2: 83-97, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of „Pâinișoarele” din lut (un exemplu de dialog între arheologie și etnologie)

Acta MuseiPorolissensis XXIII/1, 2000

Problema acestor "pâinişoare" sau "turtiţe" din lut (aşa sunt numite în lucrările de specialitate... more Problema acestor "pâinişoare" sau "turtiţe" din lut (aşa sunt numite în lucrările de specialitate), se anunţa destul de interesantă mai ales că direct asupra acestui subiect, cu mici excepţii', nu s-a oprit nimeni. Într-adevăr, articolele sau publicaţiile de specialitate nu se referă decât tangenţial sau contextual asupra acestor artefacte. Interpretările, de cele mai multe ori, nu sunt pe deplin sau chiar deloc argumentate, cu excepţiile sus amintite. În plus prezentarea şi problematizarea acestora îşi găsesc deplina justificare numai dacă luăm în considerare faptul că "pâinişoarele" de lut sunt printre foarte puţinele, chiar printre unicile obiecte, în afară de ceramică, descoperite în siturile arheologice de tip Praga. Uneori, în afară de acestea se întâlnesc şi nişte obiecte de formă inelară pe care, la nivel intuitiv, 2 le considerăm ca "funcţionalitate", apropiate de primele, astfel încât le vom introduce în studiul nostru.