Derya Soysal | Université libre de Bruxelles (original) (raw)

Papers by Derya Soysal

Research paper thumbnail of Timurlu RÖNESANSI DÖNEMİ, İtalyan Rönesansı kadar prestijli bir Orta Asya Rönesansı

Rönesans hayal satar. Ancak insanlık tarihine damgasını vuran bir başka Rönesans'tan, yani Timurl... more Rönesans hayal satar. Ancak insanlık tarihine damgasını vuran bir başka Rönesans'tan, yani Timurlu Rönesansı'ndan çok az kişi haberdardır. Timurlu Rönesansı, 15. yüzyılda Timurlular tarafından kurulan parlak bir sanatsal, kültürel ve bilimsel dönemdir.

Research paper thumbnail of THE PERIOD OF THE TEMURID RENAISSANCE, a Central Asian Renaissance as prestigious as the Italian Renaissance

The Renaissance, an era of artistic, cultural, scientific, literary renewal, etc., is extensivel... more The Renaissance, an era of artistic, cultural, scientific, literary renewal, etc., is extensively studied in history and literature courses in the West. The Timurid Renaissance, which took place in present-day Uzbekistan in the 16th century AD, shone brightly in architectural, linguistic, poetic, cultural, and scientific aspects. The precious Renaissance spread to the East, leaving its mark on Timurid architecture, which inspired not only the Persians, Turks but also the Russians. In order to cover all areas of the Timurid Renaissance, the present work is based on a review of scientific and historical articles on the subject.

Research paper thumbnail of İpek Yolu'ndan Turizm Başkentine Hive'nin Kalıcı Cazibesi -

Research paper thumbnail of Kırgızistan, dağ severler için yeni destinasyon

Yeni dünyalar keşfetme arzusuyla Avrupalılar, manzara değişikliği ve cennet gibi yeni destinasyon... more Yeni dünyalar keşfetme arzusuyla Avrupalılar, manzara değişikliği ve cennet gibi yeni destinasyonlar arıyor. Bunlar arasında, güzel dağları ve doğayı sevenlerin göz diktiği yeni bir destinasyon olan Kırgızistan da yer alıyor.

Research paper thumbnail of Khiva article

The Uzbek government has decided to designate its historic city, Khiva, as the tourist capital of... more The Uzbek government has decided to designate its historic city, Khiva, as the tourist capital of the Islamic world in 2024. Khiva is a historic city in Uzbekistan that is known for its well-preserved architecture, rich history, and cultural significance. Khiva is a beautiful oasis city with ancient walls, minarets and unique clay buildings."Referred to as the "open-air museum under the sky," this city, for those who wish to visit, is reached by a 1.5-hour plane journey from the capital, Tashkent, first to Urgench, followed by approximately a 45-minute road trip to Khiva.

Research paper thumbnail of Khiva article

Research paper thumbnail of "Beyond the Silk Road: Uzbekistan's modern resurgence and emergence as a strategic partner for the EU"

Historian and environmental expert with a focus on Central Asia history and geography. Central As... more Historian and environmental expert with a focus on Central Asia history and geography. Central Asia's historical significance stems from its strategic location at the crossroads of East and West, nestled between empires and bordering areas of conflict and insecurity (such as Afghanistan, China's Xinjiang province, and Iran). While the region was largely ignored

Research paper thumbnail of Umit odamni o'ldiradi;

Research paper thumbnail of Kulûb-i mecrûhaların tiryâk-misâldir Tanrı Dağları

Kulûb-i mecrûhaların tiryâk-misâldir Tanrı Dağları. Ademoğulların müteaddid hânesi, ehad yuvası v... more Kulûb-i mecrûhaların tiryâk-misâldir Tanrı Dağları. Ademoğulların müteaddid hânesi, ehad yuvası vardır. Her Türk'ün cevherî, hakikatî yuvası Tanrı Dağlarıdır. Tanrı Dağlarının âb'ı olsun sana merhem, şifa, Orada ab-hurde, kavuşur kudsiyyeye, mukaddesata. Yayılsın ceddin ruhları aktâr-ı bedenine Her zerrât-ı cisimin kavuşsun ecdâdının berzah alemine, Ey ebnâ-yı vatan, ırakta yaşıyorsun dâussılâ Bî-cansın, Süvar ol, yaşarsın beka-i ruhi ata yurtta teneffüs et, girifte-dem olmuşsun garibü'd-diyarda Çek içine buy-i ezharı, şükûfe-misâli aç, ciğerlerin alev alsın Cism ü cânına ecdadının beka-i ervâhı yayılsın. Aç, nefessiz ve susuz kaldın, gıda-yı ruhu, Ey Türk, Tanrı Dağlarında bulasın. Bedeninle, deminle, terbabla mirfat olasın. Tanrı Dağları ûlâ evindir, bunu asla ve kat'â unutmayasın Nereye pervaz olursan ol, ukâb çün avdet et bînisyan hatırlayasın. Birleş, kuşla, kurtla, rüzgarla. Dök derdini, akan suya. Bâd, mâ-icârî götürür elemini, acılarını. Kulûb-i mecrûhaların dâru, dermanıdır Tanrı Dağları.

Research paper thumbnail of şükûfe idim, meni iab ettiler, zebl oldum

Research paper thumbnail of Ebz oldu yine a’mâk-I kulûbum


The Renaissance, an era of artistic, cultural, scientific, literary renewal, etc., is extensively... more The Renaissance, an era of artistic, cultural, scientific, literary renewal, etc., is extensively studied in history and literature courses in the West. The Timurid Renaissance, which took place in present-day Uzbekistan in the 16th century AD, shone brightly in architectural, linguistic, poetic, cultural, and scientific aspects. The precious Renaissance spread to the East, leaving its mark on Timurid architecture, which inspired not only the Persians, Turks but also the Russians. In order to cover all areas of the Timurid Renaissance, the present work is based on a review of scientific and historical articles on the subject.

Research paper thumbnail of Kazakhstan, the European Union's new key partner

Kazakhstan is a country rich in resources and a key partner for global giants such as Russia, Ch... more Kazakhstan is a country rich in resources and a key partner for global giants such as Russia, China and Europe. Faced with rising tensions between Europe and Russia, Kazakhstan is becoming a kind of backup for the European Union and allows the latter to multiply its international partners. Not to mention its strategic position which makes the country a growing regional power between Europe and Asia. So that the partnership between Europe and Kazakhstan increases, Kembayev, Z. (2016) noted that “the author argues that the EU-Kazakhstan partnership can develop to the full extent of its potential provided that the EU and post-Soviet countries would be committed to the idea of creating a Wider Europe, i.e., a distinct region based on common values and shared interests”.

Research paper thumbnail of Kazakistan, Avrupa birliğinin yeni kilit ortağı

kaynaklar açısından zengin bir ülke ve Rusya, Çin ve Avrupa gibi küresel devler için kilit bir or... more kaynaklar açısından zengin bir ülke ve Rusya, Çin ve Avrupa gibi küresel devler için kilit bir ortak. Avrupa ve Rusya arasında yükselen tansiyon karşısında Kazakistan, Avrupa Birliği için bir tür yeni partner haline gelmekte ve Avrupa Birliği’nin uluslararası ortaklarını çoğaltmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Ülkeyi Avrupa ve Asya arasında büyüyen bir bölgesel güç haline getiren stratejik konumundan bahsetmeye bile gerek yok.

Research paper thumbnail of Timurlular

Batı Rönesansı gibi, Timurlu Rönesansı da bilim, sanat, mimari vb. aracılığıyla gelişmiştir. Hiç ... more Batı Rönesansı gibi, Timurlu Rönesansı da bilim, sanat, mimari vb. aracılığıyla gelişmiştir. Hiç şüphe yok ki Timur İmparatorluğu döneminde Orta Asya'da polimati (hezârfen) yaygındı. Sonuçta bu dönem tarihe damgasını vurmuştur ve Semerkant'taki bu Timurlu anıtlarını gören ya da görecek olan herkes, yıllar geçmesine rağmen Timurluların sahip oldukları ihtişama kolayca tanıklık edebilir ve birçok tarih hayranının övgülerle dolu olduğu eski günlerin ihtişamını hayal edebilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Le réseau de chaleur couplé à l'hydrogène, option de chauffage du futur ? Derya Soysal, PhD researcher on hydrogen (Université libre de Bruxelles

De nombreuses études suggèrent que la production d'hydrogène jouera un rôle décisif dans les futu... more De nombreuses études suggèrent que la production d'hydrogène jouera un rôle décisif dans les futurs systèmes énergétiques durables. Les réseaux de chauffage urbain (DHNs) se voient également attribuer un rôle crucial pour l'efficacité globale de ces derniers. À cet égard, les flux de chaleur résultant de la production d'hydrogène peuvent conduire à des synergies avec l'approvisionnement en chaleur des systèmes de chauffage urbain. L'hydrogène et le chauffage urbain sont considérés comme deux piliers essentiels d'un futur système énergétique durable. Ce document vise à identifier les synergies technologiques potentielles entre la production d'hydrogène et le réseau de chaleur (DHNs).

Research paper thumbnail of Karipbek Kuyukov, an exemplary Kazakh fighter for humanity

The USSR had many negative impacts whose traces remain today. One of its problems is the number o... more The USSR had many negative impacts whose traces remain today. One of its problems is the number of disabled, dead people, and uninhabitable lands because of the nuclear tests made by the USSR. During the Cold War, the USSR frequently used Central Asia for nuclear testing and storage of radioactive waste. In Kazakhstan, four nuclear tests were carried out by the Soviet regime, including in Semipalatinsk, a city in the northeast of the country close to three radioactive waste storage sites; in all, eleven such sites were installed in Central Asia by the USSR, particularly in the Ferghana Valley (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan). The consequence of this operation is the direct threat to the health of the populations living in these areas. The Semipalatinsk region is the most polluted in Central Asia. Stawkowski, M. (2016) wrote that "The Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site in Kazakhstan was conceived as an experimental landscape where science, technology, Soviet Cold War militarism, and human biology intersected. As of 2015, thousands of people continue to live in rural communities in the immediate vicinity of this polluted landscape". The author adds that "Today, the Kazakh state recognizes more than 1 million of its citizens as victims of Soviet-era radiation exposure". , the Soviets conducted nuclear tests in Kazakhstan and left dramatics traces. Many children died, were born crippled. This artist, with his fights against nuclear tests and with his art, shows to the world how Kazakhs are fighters

Research paper thumbnail of Azerbaijan, new strategic partner of the European Union

Azerbaijan is a country that is becoming more and more vocal. Certainly, when a few years ago, ve... more Azerbaijan is a country that is becoming more and more vocal. Certainly, when a few years ago, very few spoke about this country, today it is beginning to make the headlines of many newspapers. In a world, where the poles of power change and new powers appear, the EU must find new partners to keep its power. Azerbaijan is undoubtedly a growing country in the Caucasus. It is in the interest of the EU to get closer to this country. As Ciarreta, A., & Nasirov, S. (2012) state. "Azerbaijan is an important country for the energy security of the European Union and plays the role of a transport corridor between Europe and Central Asia."

Research paper thumbnail of L'hydrogène couplé à la capture du carbone, solution miraculeuse ou aveuglement aberrant ? Derya Soysal, PhD researcher on hydrogen (Université libre de Bruxelles

Face au réchauffement climatique, les gouvernements et scientifiques s’orientent vers des soluti... more Face au réchauffement climatique, les gouvernements et scientifiques s’orientent vers des solutions tant technologiques que politiques pour atténuer ses effets. Le GIEC tente de même d'imaginer des scénarios pour atteindre l'objectif de limiter le réchauffement climatique à +1,5°C par rapport à la période préindustrielle. L'un de ces scénarios accorde de l'importance aux technologies à émissions négatives (TEN) et à l’hydrogène. Les TEN consistent à capturer le carbone et à le stocker sous terre ou dans les océans. La technologie de capture du carbone (CCS) et le déploiement de l’hydrogène sont complexes à bien des égards : les avis divergent sur la faisabilité de la technologie, sa capacité de séquestration, sa facilité de déploiement, ainsi que sa sécurité et sa stabilité à long terme. Il est donc intéressant de savoir si le duo Hydrogène (H2) et la capture du carbone (CCS) sont une solution miraculeuse ou d'un aveuglement aberrant.

Research paper thumbnail of Master en Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement

Research paper thumbnail of Timurlu RÖNESANSI DÖNEMİ, İtalyan Rönesansı kadar prestijli bir Orta Asya Rönesansı

Rönesans hayal satar. Ancak insanlık tarihine damgasını vuran bir başka Rönesans'tan, yani Timurl... more Rönesans hayal satar. Ancak insanlık tarihine damgasını vuran bir başka Rönesans'tan, yani Timurlu Rönesansı'ndan çok az kişi haberdardır. Timurlu Rönesansı, 15. yüzyılda Timurlular tarafından kurulan parlak bir sanatsal, kültürel ve bilimsel dönemdir.

Research paper thumbnail of THE PERIOD OF THE TEMURID RENAISSANCE, a Central Asian Renaissance as prestigious as the Italian Renaissance

The Renaissance, an era of artistic, cultural, scientific, literary renewal, etc., is extensivel... more The Renaissance, an era of artistic, cultural, scientific, literary renewal, etc., is extensively studied in history and literature courses in the West. The Timurid Renaissance, which took place in present-day Uzbekistan in the 16th century AD, shone brightly in architectural, linguistic, poetic, cultural, and scientific aspects. The precious Renaissance spread to the East, leaving its mark on Timurid architecture, which inspired not only the Persians, Turks but also the Russians. In order to cover all areas of the Timurid Renaissance, the present work is based on a review of scientific and historical articles on the subject.

Research paper thumbnail of İpek Yolu'ndan Turizm Başkentine Hive'nin Kalıcı Cazibesi -

Research paper thumbnail of Kırgızistan, dağ severler için yeni destinasyon

Yeni dünyalar keşfetme arzusuyla Avrupalılar, manzara değişikliği ve cennet gibi yeni destinasyon... more Yeni dünyalar keşfetme arzusuyla Avrupalılar, manzara değişikliği ve cennet gibi yeni destinasyonlar arıyor. Bunlar arasında, güzel dağları ve doğayı sevenlerin göz diktiği yeni bir destinasyon olan Kırgızistan da yer alıyor.

Research paper thumbnail of Khiva article

The Uzbek government has decided to designate its historic city, Khiva, as the tourist capital of... more The Uzbek government has decided to designate its historic city, Khiva, as the tourist capital of the Islamic world in 2024. Khiva is a historic city in Uzbekistan that is known for its well-preserved architecture, rich history, and cultural significance. Khiva is a beautiful oasis city with ancient walls, minarets and unique clay buildings."Referred to as the "open-air museum under the sky," this city, for those who wish to visit, is reached by a 1.5-hour plane journey from the capital, Tashkent, first to Urgench, followed by approximately a 45-minute road trip to Khiva.

Research paper thumbnail of Khiva article

Research paper thumbnail of "Beyond the Silk Road: Uzbekistan's modern resurgence and emergence as a strategic partner for the EU"

Historian and environmental expert with a focus on Central Asia history and geography. Central As... more Historian and environmental expert with a focus on Central Asia history and geography. Central Asia's historical significance stems from its strategic location at the crossroads of East and West, nestled between empires and bordering areas of conflict and insecurity (such as Afghanistan, China's Xinjiang province, and Iran). While the region was largely ignored

Research paper thumbnail of Umit odamni o'ldiradi;

Research paper thumbnail of Kulûb-i mecrûhaların tiryâk-misâldir Tanrı Dağları

Kulûb-i mecrûhaların tiryâk-misâldir Tanrı Dağları. Ademoğulların müteaddid hânesi, ehad yuvası v... more Kulûb-i mecrûhaların tiryâk-misâldir Tanrı Dağları. Ademoğulların müteaddid hânesi, ehad yuvası vardır. Her Türk'ün cevherî, hakikatî yuvası Tanrı Dağlarıdır. Tanrı Dağlarının âb'ı olsun sana merhem, şifa, Orada ab-hurde, kavuşur kudsiyyeye, mukaddesata. Yayılsın ceddin ruhları aktâr-ı bedenine Her zerrât-ı cisimin kavuşsun ecdâdının berzah alemine, Ey ebnâ-yı vatan, ırakta yaşıyorsun dâussılâ Bî-cansın, Süvar ol, yaşarsın beka-i ruhi ata yurtta teneffüs et, girifte-dem olmuşsun garibü'd-diyarda Çek içine buy-i ezharı, şükûfe-misâli aç, ciğerlerin alev alsın Cism ü cânına ecdadının beka-i ervâhı yayılsın. Aç, nefessiz ve susuz kaldın, gıda-yı ruhu, Ey Türk, Tanrı Dağlarında bulasın. Bedeninle, deminle, terbabla mirfat olasın. Tanrı Dağları ûlâ evindir, bunu asla ve kat'â unutmayasın Nereye pervaz olursan ol, ukâb çün avdet et bînisyan hatırlayasın. Birleş, kuşla, kurtla, rüzgarla. Dök derdini, akan suya. Bâd, mâ-icârî götürür elemini, acılarını. Kulûb-i mecrûhaların dâru, dermanıdır Tanrı Dağları.

Research paper thumbnail of şükûfe idim, meni iab ettiler, zebl oldum

Research paper thumbnail of Ebz oldu yine a’mâk-I kulûbum


The Renaissance, an era of artistic, cultural, scientific, literary renewal, etc., is extensively... more The Renaissance, an era of artistic, cultural, scientific, literary renewal, etc., is extensively studied in history and literature courses in the West. The Timurid Renaissance, which took place in present-day Uzbekistan in the 16th century AD, shone brightly in architectural, linguistic, poetic, cultural, and scientific aspects. The precious Renaissance spread to the East, leaving its mark on Timurid architecture, which inspired not only the Persians, Turks but also the Russians. In order to cover all areas of the Timurid Renaissance, the present work is based on a review of scientific and historical articles on the subject.

Research paper thumbnail of Kazakhstan, the European Union's new key partner

Kazakhstan is a country rich in resources and a key partner for global giants such as Russia, Ch... more Kazakhstan is a country rich in resources and a key partner for global giants such as Russia, China and Europe. Faced with rising tensions between Europe and Russia, Kazakhstan is becoming a kind of backup for the European Union and allows the latter to multiply its international partners. Not to mention its strategic position which makes the country a growing regional power between Europe and Asia. So that the partnership between Europe and Kazakhstan increases, Kembayev, Z. (2016) noted that “the author argues that the EU-Kazakhstan partnership can develop to the full extent of its potential provided that the EU and post-Soviet countries would be committed to the idea of creating a Wider Europe, i.e., a distinct region based on common values and shared interests”.

Research paper thumbnail of Kazakistan, Avrupa birliğinin yeni kilit ortağı

kaynaklar açısından zengin bir ülke ve Rusya, Çin ve Avrupa gibi küresel devler için kilit bir or... more kaynaklar açısından zengin bir ülke ve Rusya, Çin ve Avrupa gibi küresel devler için kilit bir ortak. Avrupa ve Rusya arasında yükselen tansiyon karşısında Kazakistan, Avrupa Birliği için bir tür yeni partner haline gelmekte ve Avrupa Birliği’nin uluslararası ortaklarını çoğaltmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Ülkeyi Avrupa ve Asya arasında büyüyen bir bölgesel güç haline getiren stratejik konumundan bahsetmeye bile gerek yok.

Research paper thumbnail of Timurlular

Batı Rönesansı gibi, Timurlu Rönesansı da bilim, sanat, mimari vb. aracılığıyla gelişmiştir. Hiç ... more Batı Rönesansı gibi, Timurlu Rönesansı da bilim, sanat, mimari vb. aracılığıyla gelişmiştir. Hiç şüphe yok ki Timur İmparatorluğu döneminde Orta Asya'da polimati (hezârfen) yaygındı. Sonuçta bu dönem tarihe damgasını vurmuştur ve Semerkant'taki bu Timurlu anıtlarını gören ya da görecek olan herkes, yıllar geçmesine rağmen Timurluların sahip oldukları ihtişama kolayca tanıklık edebilir ve birçok tarih hayranının övgülerle dolu olduğu eski günlerin ihtişamını hayal edebilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Le réseau de chaleur couplé à l'hydrogène, option de chauffage du futur ? Derya Soysal, PhD researcher on hydrogen (Université libre de Bruxelles

De nombreuses études suggèrent que la production d'hydrogène jouera un rôle décisif dans les futu... more De nombreuses études suggèrent que la production d'hydrogène jouera un rôle décisif dans les futurs systèmes énergétiques durables. Les réseaux de chauffage urbain (DHNs) se voient également attribuer un rôle crucial pour l'efficacité globale de ces derniers. À cet égard, les flux de chaleur résultant de la production d'hydrogène peuvent conduire à des synergies avec l'approvisionnement en chaleur des systèmes de chauffage urbain. L'hydrogène et le chauffage urbain sont considérés comme deux piliers essentiels d'un futur système énergétique durable. Ce document vise à identifier les synergies technologiques potentielles entre la production d'hydrogène et le réseau de chaleur (DHNs).

Research paper thumbnail of Karipbek Kuyukov, an exemplary Kazakh fighter for humanity

The USSR had many negative impacts whose traces remain today. One of its problems is the number o... more The USSR had many negative impacts whose traces remain today. One of its problems is the number of disabled, dead people, and uninhabitable lands because of the nuclear tests made by the USSR. During the Cold War, the USSR frequently used Central Asia for nuclear testing and storage of radioactive waste. In Kazakhstan, four nuclear tests were carried out by the Soviet regime, including in Semipalatinsk, a city in the northeast of the country close to three radioactive waste storage sites; in all, eleven such sites were installed in Central Asia by the USSR, particularly in the Ferghana Valley (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan). The consequence of this operation is the direct threat to the health of the populations living in these areas. The Semipalatinsk region is the most polluted in Central Asia. Stawkowski, M. (2016) wrote that "The Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site in Kazakhstan was conceived as an experimental landscape where science, technology, Soviet Cold War militarism, and human biology intersected. As of 2015, thousands of people continue to live in rural communities in the immediate vicinity of this polluted landscape". The author adds that "Today, the Kazakh state recognizes more than 1 million of its citizens as victims of Soviet-era radiation exposure". , the Soviets conducted nuclear tests in Kazakhstan and left dramatics traces. Many children died, were born crippled. This artist, with his fights against nuclear tests and with his art, shows to the world how Kazakhs are fighters

Research paper thumbnail of Azerbaijan, new strategic partner of the European Union

Azerbaijan is a country that is becoming more and more vocal. Certainly, when a few years ago, ve... more Azerbaijan is a country that is becoming more and more vocal. Certainly, when a few years ago, very few spoke about this country, today it is beginning to make the headlines of many newspapers. In a world, where the poles of power change and new powers appear, the EU must find new partners to keep its power. Azerbaijan is undoubtedly a growing country in the Caucasus. It is in the interest of the EU to get closer to this country. As Ciarreta, A., & Nasirov, S. (2012) state. "Azerbaijan is an important country for the energy security of the European Union and plays the role of a transport corridor between Europe and Central Asia."

Research paper thumbnail of L'hydrogène couplé à la capture du carbone, solution miraculeuse ou aveuglement aberrant ? Derya Soysal, PhD researcher on hydrogen (Université libre de Bruxelles

Face au réchauffement climatique, les gouvernements et scientifiques s’orientent vers des soluti... more Face au réchauffement climatique, les gouvernements et scientifiques s’orientent vers des solutions tant technologiques que politiques pour atténuer ses effets. Le GIEC tente de même d'imaginer des scénarios pour atteindre l'objectif de limiter le réchauffement climatique à +1,5°C par rapport à la période préindustrielle. L'un de ces scénarios accorde de l'importance aux technologies à émissions négatives (TEN) et à l’hydrogène. Les TEN consistent à capturer le carbone et à le stocker sous terre ou dans les océans. La technologie de capture du carbone (CCS) et le déploiement de l’hydrogène sont complexes à bien des égards : les avis divergent sur la faisabilité de la technologie, sa capacité de séquestration, sa facilité de déploiement, ainsi que sa sécurité et sa stabilité à long terme. Il est donc intéressant de savoir si le duo Hydrogène (H2) et la capture du carbone (CCS) sont une solution miraculeuse ou d'un aveuglement aberrant.

Research paper thumbnail of Master en Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement

Research paper thumbnail of The disastrous impacts of Soviet totalitarian policy on Central Asia

Many say that the USSR enabled industrialisation in Central Asia and the economic development of ... more Many say that the USSR enabled industrialisation in Central Asia and the economic development of the region. It is true that the Soviet government attached importance to the development of the very poor rural areas. The USSR also enabled the education of women, which was an important factor in the development of these areas. In Central Asia in particular and in all other regions of the Soviet Union, women's education was an important factor in the development of these areas (Soysal, D. 2018). However, the USSR had many negative impacts whose traces remain today. the disasters of the extreme left's policies are reflected today both in environmental and political terms in Central Asia.

Research paper thumbnail of Uzbekistan a growing and radiant power between Europe and Asia

Uzbekistan, with its 35 million inhabitants, its ever-increasing resources and its geographical p... more Uzbekistan, with its 35 million inhabitants, its ever-increasing resources and its geographical position, is a growing power. That is why the European Union is seeking to develop multidimensional cooperation between Uzbekistan and the EU. In the future, Uzbekistan will play a crucial role in the international arena, especially due to its natural resources, political strategy and strategic position between Europe and Asia

Research paper thumbnail of Jeotermal arama sondaj camurunun nasıl bertaraf edilmesi gerekiyor

Jeotermal arama sondaj çamurunun nasıl bertaraf edilmesi gerektiği ve jeotermal arama sondaj faal... more Jeotermal arama sondaj çamurunun nasıl bertaraf edilmesi gerektiği ve jeotermal arama sondaj faaliyetlerinde yeraltı su kalitesinde izlenmesi gereken kirlilik parametreler, gerekçeler : Jeotermal kaynak aramada sondaj en etkili yöntemdir. Sondaj deliklerinden gelen yeraltı suyu çok büyük miktarlarda mineral madde içerebilir (kaya parçaları, ince kumlar, siltler, killer vs.) ve doğrudan suya deşarj edilemez (akarsular, göl, vs.). Sondajın yapılması, çamur üretimine neden olur. Çoğu jeotermal sondaj şu 2 yöntemlerden biriyle gerçekleşmektedir: (1) Kaya topraklarının veya çökeltilerin yükselmesini ve yeraltısuyunda varsa, yeraltı suyunun yükselmesini sağlayan basınçlı hava enjeksiyonuyla (2) Matkap kafasını döndürerek kayaları ve gevşek zemini saldırılması). Bu yöntem, aracı soğutmak, "deliği" gevşek toprakta tutmak ve kaya veya çökeltilerin (kesimler) yüzeyini kaldırmak için çamurun kullanılmasını içerir. (Mpagazehe, Jeremiah N and all. 2013) 1 Ana teknik fonksiyonlara (duvar stabilizasyonu, hafriyat malzemesinin taşınması) ek olarak, çevre gereklilikleri, özellikle atık mevzuatı (aşağıda açıklanacak) çok katıdır. Bu özellik, çalışma sırasında oluşan atığın atıl veya tehlikeli yapısını tanımlamak ve sonuç olarak arıtma kanallarını belirlemek için akışkanların fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri hakkında iyi bir bilgi gerektirir. Bir kazı kazarken, başlangıçta temiz olan sıvı kazılan topraktan gelen malzemelerle yüklenir. Bu malzemeler ya kırılır ya da daha ince malzemeler ise parçalanır. Temiz çamurun başlangıçtaki özellikleri iyice modifiye olur. 2 (Pantet, A. and all. 1996) Çamur artık olduğu gibi kullanılamaz ve geri dönüşüm için ya da imha için arıtılmalıdır. Bir yandan, kısmen geri dönüştürülmesi gereken bir çalışma aracı olarak kabul edilen çamurun ve diğer yandan depolanması için işlenmesi gereken çamuru ayırt etmek gerekir. Sondaj atığı yasal tanımı maden atıkları 15.07.2015 tarihli ve 29417 sayılı resmi gazetede yayınlanan Maden Atıkları Yönetmeliği ile yapılmıştır. Bu yönetmeliğe göre sondaj atıkları maden atığı olarak tanımlanmıştır. Maden atıkları ise Madde 4(m) üzerinden madenlerin aranması, çıkarılması, hazırlanması ve zenginleştirilmesi veya depolanması sırasında oluşan katı veya şlam/sulu çamur şeklinde madde veya malzeme olarak açıklanmıştır. 3 (Resmi Gazete, Atık yönetimi yönetmeliği, 2015)

Research paper thumbnail of Paper about Negative emission technologies- miraculous solution or aberrant blindness?

The IPCC tries to imagine scenarios to meet the objective of limiting global warming to +1.5°C co... more The IPCC tries to imagine scenarios to meet the objective of limiting global warming to +1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial period. One scenario places importance on negative emission technologies (NETs). NETs involve taking GHGs and storing them underground or in the oceans. CCS is complex in many ways: there are differing views on the feasibility of the technology, its sequestration capacity, its deployability, and its long-term safety and stability. It was therefore interesting to know if they are a miraculous solution or an aberrant blindness. This study aims to study the representations of NETs among academics and to see how representations of the economy and the environment are determinant in the representations of NETs. The research is based on semi-directive interviews with seven academics. The results show, through discourse analysis, that academics neither support nor totally reject NETs. These social representations vary on the place that academics give to NETs among solutions to address global warming. Support for NETs and CCS is conditional on the implementation of a range of other decarbonization solutions, particularly renewable energy and energy efficiency. Interviewees are quite critical of the environmental impacts of CCS, the economic cost and the carbon sequestration capacity.