Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo | Université libre de Bruxelles (original) (raw)
Papers by Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo
Z Teorii i Praktyki Dydaktycznej Języka Polskiego, Oct 25, 2023
Postscriptum Polonistyczne, Jul 19, 2023
Postscriptum Polonistyczne, Dec 21, 2021
Uniwersytet K omeńsk iego w Brat ysławie Brat ysława, Słowacja Klimat i środowisko naturalne w po... more Uniwersytet K omeńsk iego w Brat ysławie Brat ysława, Słowacja Klimat i środowisko naturalne w podręcznikach do nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego przeznaczonych dla Słowaków * Climate and natural environment in Polish as a foreign language textbooks for Slovaks **
Indeks związkow frazeologicznych ulozonych wedlug komponentow rozpoczyna sie od strony 163.
Indeks związkow frazeologicznych ulozonych wedlug komponentow rozpoczyna sie od strony 163.
Acta Neophilologica, 2021
The aim of this paper is to present the impact of discourse social practices on the content of sc... more The aim of this paper is to present the impact of discourse social practices on the content of scientific terms. Chosen nomenclature such as: gender (ru. гендер), homosexuality (pl. homoseksualizm;ru. гомосексуализм / гомосексуальность), LGBT (ru. ЛГБТ) is researched. First, the methodological frame is established (discourse analysis), which is followed by a description of Gender Studies and the significance of the researched terms. With this background, it is analyzed how the non-scientific interest in the terms proper for Gender Studies was forming. Subsequently, the main actors of the debates concerning Gender Studies and basic argumentation schemas are pointed out.
This PhD thesis concerns the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating young Polish autho... more This PhD thesis concerns the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating young Polish authors' fiction into Russian, as exemplified by the works written by D. Maslowska, M. Witkowski and S. Shuty. The preliminary analysis included in Chapter 1 has enabled the present author to establish several objectives of the research, viz. to locate, describe and analyse the aforementioned basic challenges from the linguistic, literary and cultural points of view on the basis of prose and drama written by selected Polish authors born in the 1970's and 1980's. The corpus analysed comprises seven works by the aforementioned present-day authors that have been translated into Russian by four different translators over the last ten years. The works are as follows: Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą bialo-czerwoną, Dwoje biednych Rumunow mowiących po polsku, Miedzy Nami Dobrze Jest by Dorota Maslowska (the former two translated by I. Lappo, the latter by I. Kiselova); Lubiewo, Margot, Barb...
Acta Neophilologica, 2021
The aim of this paper is to present the impact of discourse social practices on the content of sc... more The aim of this paper is to present the impact of discourse social practices on the content of scientific terms. Chosen nomenclature such as: gender (ru. гендер), homosexuality (pl. homoseksualizm; ru. гомосексуализм / гомосексуальность), LGBT (ru. ЛГБТ ) is researched. First, the methodological frame is established (discourse analysis), which is followed by a description of Gender Studies and the significance of the researched terms. With this background, it is analyzed how the non-scientific interest in the terms proper for Gender Studies was forming. Subsequently, the main actors of the debates concerning Gender Studies and basic argumentation schemas are pointed out. 1 Część 2 artykułu będzie opublikowana w zeszycie 2/2021. 8 Ewelina Woźniak-Wrzesińska, Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo 1. Przedmiot, cel badań W ostatnim czasie zarówno na gruncie polskim, jak i rosyjskim podejmowanie tematu płciowości wiąże się z nie lada ryzykiem. Kulturowo usankcjonowane normy i wyobrażenia dotyczą...
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Artykuł analizuje miejsca trudne dla Słowaków w polskim systemie fonetycznym, a także prezentuje,... more Artykuł analizuje miejsca trudne dla Słowaków w polskim systemie fonetycznym, a także prezentuje, jak niedostatki w kompetencji fonologicznej mogą rzutować również na poprawność ortograficzną tekstów pisanych przez studentów. Praca ma charakter porównawczy, a więc osobno prezentowane są kwestie problematyczne w polskim systemie wokalicznym, konsonantycznym oraz akcentowym w zestawieniu ze słowackim. W każdej z trzech części przedstawiane są typowe błędy w wymowie i pisowni pojawiające się w wypowiedziach ustnych i pisemnych studentów. Celem przyczynku jest przedstawienie wagi kształcenia kompetencji fonologicznej na lektoracie w taki sposób, aby zminimalizować negatywny transfer językowy.
This paper concerns the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating Leo Tostoy’s «The Kreut... more This paper concerns the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating Leo Tostoy’s «The Kreutzer Sonat» into Polish, as exemplified by a comparison of six different versions of the novella in Polish, available nowadays. The analyzed corpus comprises the translations of various authors over the past century – between 1899 and 1987.
Чуждоезиково обучение / Foreign Language Teaching, 2020
The first part of the paper presents a brief glimpse into the history of teaching Polish as a Fo... more The first part of the paper presents a brief glimpse into the history
of teaching Polish as a Foreign Language at universities worldwide. Activities of Bristol Association of Polish and Foreign Teachers of Polish Culture and Polish as a Second Language are also mentioned, as well as its role in offering methodological help for teachers and professors of Polish overseas. The paper offers also a presentation of the current model of teaching Polish abroad coordinated since 2017 by the Polish state agency NAWA. The second part of the paper deals with an overview of university centers teaching Polish in Slovakia. The author focuses mainly on the specifics of Polish education program at the Department of Slavonic Languages, Faculty of Arts at the Comenius University in Bratislava, from the synchronic and diachronic point of view. At the end of the paper, some relevant information about teaching Polish at university centers in Bulgaria is mentioned from the comparative, current perspective.
Jazyk a kultúra, 2018
Does Strzyga Translates (in)to Striga? Slavic Demonology in the Collection of Short Stories The L... more Does Strzyga Translates (in)to Striga? Slavic Demonology in the Collection of Short Stories The Last Wish by A. Sapkowski and its Translation into Slovak Language
This paper deals with Slavic demonology presented in the collection of short stories The Last Wish (Ostatnie życzenie) by the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski. Sapkowski created his own world, where the demons from Slavic mythology, besides German and Celtic, play an important role. The authors of this paper choose 6 demons from the collection of short stories (in Polish: kikimora, leszy, rokita, rusałka, strzyga, Żywia ) , describe their original function in the Polish mythology and folklore and
analyze how these demons were presented in the stories. Then the Slovak translation of the demons is compared with the original names as well as with the Slovak mythology and folklore. Similarities and
differences are explained.
This PhD thesis concerns the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating young Polish autho... more This PhD thesis concerns the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating young Polish authors' fiction into Russian, as exemplified by the works written by D. Masłowska, M. Witkowski and S. Shuty. The preliminary analysis included in Chapter 1 has enabled the present author to establish several objectives of the research, viz. to locate, describe and analyse the aforementioned basic challenges from the linguistic, literary and cultural points of view on the basis of prose and drama written by selected Polish authors born in the 1970's and 1980's. The corpus analysed comprises seven works by the aforementioned present-day authors that have been translated into Russian by four different translators over the last ten years. The works are as follows: Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną, Dwoje biednych Rumunów mówiących po polsku, Między Nami Dobrze Jest by Dorota Masłowska (the former two translated by I. Lappo, the latter by I. Kiselova); Lubiewo, Margot, Barbara Radziwiłłówna z Jaworzna-Szczakowej by Michał Witkowski (translated by I. Chainikov); and Zwał by Sławomir Shuty (translated by L. Tsyvian). The aforementioned works are of interest in that they contain numerous potential translation challenges, as has been admitted by their authors themselves. The challenges in question have been placed in two categories, the first of which is focused on linguistic issues, primarily nonstandard language (e.g. slang, jargon, borrowings, code mixing, taboo vocabulary and offensive words) included in the aforementioned works and translated. The other category is focused on literary and cultural issues and concerns the translation of inter-textual relations at four levels: text-text, text-genre, text-culture and phraseology. This bipartite classification does not entail a strict separation of the two categories but rather a degree of overlap, yet it allows for different points of view on linguistic and cultural challenges in translation. All the phenomena discussed are supported by examples coming from the original texts and their translations and described in detail. To paint a more comprehensive picture of linguistic and cultural challenges, the two aforementioned categories of items studied have been supplied with a third viewpoint, an extrinsic one. This entails the Russian reception of the works by the three writers against the backdrop of synchronically and historically considered reception of Polish literature and culture in Russia. The factors that have been taken account of include the study of post-Soviet-bloc cultural relationships between Poland and Russia, the comparative study of the development of modern literature in both countries and the policies of the Russian publishers that have decided to publish those works. Thanks to this comprehensive approach to comparison, there appears a relatively full image of linguistic and cultural challenges that occur at various stages: the decision to publish a translation of a given work by a young Polish author in Russia, in the translation process, when potential traps await translators as they create the target language text, and finally, the functioning of the completed translation in Russian culture. Discussing these challenges transcends the boundaries of single cases in point, for an attempt has been made herein to present a more general image of challenges in literary translation from Polish into Russian as well as a description of present-day cultural relationships between Poland and Russia. The synchronic and historical comparative view has also allowed for pointing out the similarities and differences between the present-day cultural and literary situations of the two nations.
The text deals with a problem of slang in literary translation on the example of the Russian tran... more The text deals with a problem of slang in literary translation on the example of the Russian translation of modern Polish roman, Zwal by Slawomir Shuty, performed by an old school translator, L. M. Cyv'yan. Examples from the original and translated texts are examined and compared on the basis of four technics of translating idioms, described by Krzysztof Hejwowski in his monography Kognitywno-komunikacyjna teoria przekładu. On this ground, a couple of objections are formed against translation practice of L. M. Cyv'yan, which lead to more general conclusions and assumptions as regards translating slang and modern literature.
Whatever theory of translation and reception we adopt here as a standing one, we cannot forget ab... more Whatever theory of translation and reception we adopt here as a standing one, we cannot forget about importance of translator in reception of text in target culture. Reception of work depends on: which strategies uses the translator, whether he/she leaves cultural content in the same state, or he/she tries to make it more accesible to readers by means of comments in the text or in footnotes, whethwer he/she ‘sterilizes’ the text of potentially not understandable elements or makes them more ‘target-reader-friendly’. This paper aims to evaluate the three works by Dorota Maslowska that were translated into Russian from the point of view of their reception in the Russian Internet sources. It aims also to reflect on degree of untranslability of these works due to their roots in critics of Polish complexes, phobias, disadvantages, mentality and language that the Poles use, which is full of errors, slang and calque.
Conference Presentations by Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo
Granaslavic, 2019
El presente estudio pretende analizar el uso de presentaciones de PowerPoint en las clases de pol... more El presente estudio pretende analizar el uso de presentaciones de PowerPoint en las clases de polaco intermedio y avanzado. Las observaciones incluidas en este texto se basan en la experiencia obtenida por la autora durante su trabajo como profesora de polaco como lengua extranjera en la Universidad Comenius en Bratislava, enseñando sobre todo a grupos eslavos que cuentan con necesidades específicas, debidas a la cercanía del idioma enseñado al idioma materno y otros factores estipulados. La importancia de encontrar soluciones más eficaces para la enseñanza de los estudiantes en Bratislava, resultó en un estudio de medios modernos de glotodidáctica tales como la plataforma de enseñanza de idiomas mayoritarios, Lingoda, que usa presentaciones en PowerPoint como su base metódica. Más adelante se nombran y comparan las ventajas y desventajas del uso de dichas presentaciones durante las clases de idiomas. Para acabar, se incluyen recomendaciones del uso de las mismas.
-, 2018
Prezentacja została wygłoszona podczas konferencji w Rybnej pod Krakowem "Języki specjalistyczne"... more Prezentacja została wygłoszona podczas konferencji w Rybnej pod Krakowem "Języki specjalistyczne" 22 listopad 2018 r. Tematem było omówienie zakresu pojęciowego terminów "adekwatność" oraz "ekwiwalencja" w polskiej oraz rosyjskiej nauce o przekładzie.
PP issue 2020/2 (26) by Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo
Postscriptum Polonistyczne, 2020 • 2 (26), 2020
The paper analyses Polish phonetic system points which are difficult for Slovaks, and shows how s... more The paper analyses Polish phonetic system points which are difficult for Slovaks, and shows how shortcomings in phonological competence may also affect spelling correctness in texts written by students. The paper is of a comparative nature, so the problematic issues are presented separately in the Polish vowel, consonant and accent system compared to the Slovak one. In each of the three parts, typical pronunciation and spelling errors are present that occur in students' spoken and written work. The aim of this contribution is to present the importance of phonological competence training during the foreign language course in such a way as to minimise negative language transfer.
Teaching Documents by Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo
Polski na A część 3. Podręcznik języka polskiego (nie tylko) dla Słowaków. Poziom B2, 2021
Podręcznik Polski na A. Część III został napisany z myślą o osobach, które znają język polski na ... more Podręcznik Polski na A. Część III został napisany z myślą o osobach, które znają język polski na poziomie B1. Stanowi on kontynuację publikacji autorstwa Kingi Wawrzyniak oraz Moniki Krzempek pod tym samym tytułem. Tematy lekcji, materiał leksykalny i zagadnienia gramatyczne dobrano w oparciu o standardy wymagań egzaminacyjnych zawarte na stronie oraz podstawy podejścia zadaniowego opisane w Europejskim Systemie Opisu Kształcenia Językowego (2003) – praca z podręcznikiem ma doprowadzić uczących się do opanowania języka polskiego na poziomie B2. Publikacja powstała w ramach projektów:
Międzynarodowego Funduszu Wyszehradzkiego (International Visegrad Fund) VUSG No 61000029 i jest przeznaczona na wewnętrzny użytek Uniwersytetu Komeńskiego w Bratysławie.
Studenci uczący się języka polskiego na Wydziale Filozoficznym UK posługują się też innymi językami słowiańskimi, dzięki czemu nauka polszczyzny może przebiegać szybciej. Ze względu na to, że pomoce do nauki języka polskiego dostępne na rynku nie są dostosowane do specyficznych potrzeb docelowej grupy odbiorców, zrodził się pomysł wypełnienia tej luki.
The textbook Polski na A. Część III was written for students with a B1 level of Polish. It is the continuation of publications’ series by Kinga Wawrzyniak and Monika Krzempek. Each lesson’s topics, lexical and grammatical materials were chosen based on the certification standard
requirements of Polish and the task-based approach described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2003) – after completing this textbook the student should achieve a B2 level in Polish. The publication was written as a part of the projects International Visegrad Fund VUSG No 61000029, and it is a didactic tool for internal use of the
Comenius University in Bratislava.
Drafts by Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo
Polski na A, część 4. Skrypt do ćwiczenia sprawności mówienia w języku polskim (nie tylko) dla Słowaków Poziom B2, 2022
Podręcznik Polski na A. Część IV został napisany z myślą o osobach, które znają język polski na p... more Podręcznik Polski na A. Część IV został napisany z myślą o osobach, które znają język polski na poziomie B2. Stanowi on kontynuację publikacji autorstwa Kingi Wawrzyniak (2014), Zuzany Obertovej (2021), Moniki Krzempek (2014) oraz Magdaleny Zakrzewskiej-Verdugo (2021) pod tym samym tytułem. Tematy lekcji oraz materiał leksykalny dobrano w oparciu o standardy wymagań egzaminacyjnych zawarte na stronie oraz podstawy podejścia zadaniowego opisane w Europejskim Systemie Opisu Kształcenia Językowego (2003). Praca z podręcznikiem ma doprowadzić uczących się do opanowania mówionego języka polskiego na poziomie B2. Publikacja jest przeznaczona na wewnętrzny użytek Uniwersytetu Komeńskiego w Bratysławie.
The textbook Polski na A. Część IV was written for students with a B2 level of Polish. It is the continuation of publications’ series by Kinga Wawrzyniak (2014), Zuzana Obertová (2021), Monika Krzempek (2014), and Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo (2021). Each lesson’s topics, lexical, and conversational materials were chosen based on the certification standard requirements of Polish and the task-based approach described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2003). After completing this textbook, the student should achieve a B2 level in conversational Polish. The publication is a didactic tool for the internal use of Comenius University in Bratislava.
Z Teorii i Praktyki Dydaktycznej Języka Polskiego, Oct 25, 2023
Postscriptum Polonistyczne, Jul 19, 2023
Postscriptum Polonistyczne, Dec 21, 2021
Uniwersytet K omeńsk iego w Brat ysławie Brat ysława, Słowacja Klimat i środowisko naturalne w po... more Uniwersytet K omeńsk iego w Brat ysławie Brat ysława, Słowacja Klimat i środowisko naturalne w podręcznikach do nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego przeznaczonych dla Słowaków * Climate and natural environment in Polish as a foreign language textbooks for Slovaks **
Indeks związkow frazeologicznych ulozonych wedlug komponentow rozpoczyna sie od strony 163.
Indeks związkow frazeologicznych ulozonych wedlug komponentow rozpoczyna sie od strony 163.
Acta Neophilologica, 2021
The aim of this paper is to present the impact of discourse social practices on the content of sc... more The aim of this paper is to present the impact of discourse social practices on the content of scientific terms. Chosen nomenclature such as: gender (ru. гендер), homosexuality (pl. homoseksualizm;ru. гомосексуализм / гомосексуальность), LGBT (ru. ЛГБТ) is researched. First, the methodological frame is established (discourse analysis), which is followed by a description of Gender Studies and the significance of the researched terms. With this background, it is analyzed how the non-scientific interest in the terms proper for Gender Studies was forming. Subsequently, the main actors of the debates concerning Gender Studies and basic argumentation schemas are pointed out.
This PhD thesis concerns the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating young Polish autho... more This PhD thesis concerns the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating young Polish authors' fiction into Russian, as exemplified by the works written by D. Maslowska, M. Witkowski and S. Shuty. The preliminary analysis included in Chapter 1 has enabled the present author to establish several objectives of the research, viz. to locate, describe and analyse the aforementioned basic challenges from the linguistic, literary and cultural points of view on the basis of prose and drama written by selected Polish authors born in the 1970's and 1980's. The corpus analysed comprises seven works by the aforementioned present-day authors that have been translated into Russian by four different translators over the last ten years. The works are as follows: Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą bialo-czerwoną, Dwoje biednych Rumunow mowiących po polsku, Miedzy Nami Dobrze Jest by Dorota Maslowska (the former two translated by I. Lappo, the latter by I. Kiselova); Lubiewo, Margot, Barb...
Acta Neophilologica, 2021
The aim of this paper is to present the impact of discourse social practices on the content of sc... more The aim of this paper is to present the impact of discourse social practices on the content of scientific terms. Chosen nomenclature such as: gender (ru. гендер), homosexuality (pl. homoseksualizm; ru. гомосексуализм / гомосексуальность), LGBT (ru. ЛГБТ ) is researched. First, the methodological frame is established (discourse analysis), which is followed by a description of Gender Studies and the significance of the researched terms. With this background, it is analyzed how the non-scientific interest in the terms proper for Gender Studies was forming. Subsequently, the main actors of the debates concerning Gender Studies and basic argumentation schemas are pointed out. 1 Część 2 artykułu będzie opublikowana w zeszycie 2/2021. 8 Ewelina Woźniak-Wrzesińska, Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo 1. Przedmiot, cel badań W ostatnim czasie zarówno na gruncie polskim, jak i rosyjskim podejmowanie tematu płciowości wiąże się z nie lada ryzykiem. Kulturowo usankcjonowane normy i wyobrażenia dotyczą...
Postscriptum Polonistyczne
Artykuł analizuje miejsca trudne dla Słowaków w polskim systemie fonetycznym, a także prezentuje,... more Artykuł analizuje miejsca trudne dla Słowaków w polskim systemie fonetycznym, a także prezentuje, jak niedostatki w kompetencji fonologicznej mogą rzutować również na poprawność ortograficzną tekstów pisanych przez studentów. Praca ma charakter porównawczy, a więc osobno prezentowane są kwestie problematyczne w polskim systemie wokalicznym, konsonantycznym oraz akcentowym w zestawieniu ze słowackim. W każdej z trzech części przedstawiane są typowe błędy w wymowie i pisowni pojawiające się w wypowiedziach ustnych i pisemnych studentów. Celem przyczynku jest przedstawienie wagi kształcenia kompetencji fonologicznej na lektoracie w taki sposób, aby zminimalizować negatywny transfer językowy.
This paper concerns the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating Leo Tostoy’s «The Kreut... more This paper concerns the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating Leo Tostoy’s «The Kreutzer Sonat» into Polish, as exemplified by a comparison of six different versions of the novella in Polish, available nowadays. The analyzed corpus comprises the translations of various authors over the past century – between 1899 and 1987.
Чуждоезиково обучение / Foreign Language Teaching, 2020
The first part of the paper presents a brief glimpse into the history of teaching Polish as a Fo... more The first part of the paper presents a brief glimpse into the history
of teaching Polish as a Foreign Language at universities worldwide. Activities of Bristol Association of Polish and Foreign Teachers of Polish Culture and Polish as a Second Language are also mentioned, as well as its role in offering methodological help for teachers and professors of Polish overseas. The paper offers also a presentation of the current model of teaching Polish abroad coordinated since 2017 by the Polish state agency NAWA. The second part of the paper deals with an overview of university centers teaching Polish in Slovakia. The author focuses mainly on the specifics of Polish education program at the Department of Slavonic Languages, Faculty of Arts at the Comenius University in Bratislava, from the synchronic and diachronic point of view. At the end of the paper, some relevant information about teaching Polish at university centers in Bulgaria is mentioned from the comparative, current perspective.
Jazyk a kultúra, 2018
Does Strzyga Translates (in)to Striga? Slavic Demonology in the Collection of Short Stories The L... more Does Strzyga Translates (in)to Striga? Slavic Demonology in the Collection of Short Stories The Last Wish by A. Sapkowski and its Translation into Slovak Language
This paper deals with Slavic demonology presented in the collection of short stories The Last Wish (Ostatnie życzenie) by the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski. Sapkowski created his own world, where the demons from Slavic mythology, besides German and Celtic, play an important role. The authors of this paper choose 6 demons from the collection of short stories (in Polish: kikimora, leszy, rokita, rusałka, strzyga, Żywia ) , describe their original function in the Polish mythology and folklore and
analyze how these demons were presented in the stories. Then the Slovak translation of the demons is compared with the original names as well as with the Slovak mythology and folklore. Similarities and
differences are explained.
This PhD thesis concerns the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating young Polish autho... more This PhD thesis concerns the linguistic and cultural challenges of translating young Polish authors' fiction into Russian, as exemplified by the works written by D. Masłowska, M. Witkowski and S. Shuty. The preliminary analysis included in Chapter 1 has enabled the present author to establish several objectives of the research, viz. to locate, describe and analyse the aforementioned basic challenges from the linguistic, literary and cultural points of view on the basis of prose and drama written by selected Polish authors born in the 1970's and 1980's. The corpus analysed comprises seven works by the aforementioned present-day authors that have been translated into Russian by four different translators over the last ten years. The works are as follows: Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną, Dwoje biednych Rumunów mówiących po polsku, Między Nami Dobrze Jest by Dorota Masłowska (the former two translated by I. Lappo, the latter by I. Kiselova); Lubiewo, Margot, Barbara Radziwiłłówna z Jaworzna-Szczakowej by Michał Witkowski (translated by I. Chainikov); and Zwał by Sławomir Shuty (translated by L. Tsyvian). The aforementioned works are of interest in that they contain numerous potential translation challenges, as has been admitted by their authors themselves. The challenges in question have been placed in two categories, the first of which is focused on linguistic issues, primarily nonstandard language (e.g. slang, jargon, borrowings, code mixing, taboo vocabulary and offensive words) included in the aforementioned works and translated. The other category is focused on literary and cultural issues and concerns the translation of inter-textual relations at four levels: text-text, text-genre, text-culture and phraseology. This bipartite classification does not entail a strict separation of the two categories but rather a degree of overlap, yet it allows for different points of view on linguistic and cultural challenges in translation. All the phenomena discussed are supported by examples coming from the original texts and their translations and described in detail. To paint a more comprehensive picture of linguistic and cultural challenges, the two aforementioned categories of items studied have been supplied with a third viewpoint, an extrinsic one. This entails the Russian reception of the works by the three writers against the backdrop of synchronically and historically considered reception of Polish literature and culture in Russia. The factors that have been taken account of include the study of post-Soviet-bloc cultural relationships between Poland and Russia, the comparative study of the development of modern literature in both countries and the policies of the Russian publishers that have decided to publish those works. Thanks to this comprehensive approach to comparison, there appears a relatively full image of linguistic and cultural challenges that occur at various stages: the decision to publish a translation of a given work by a young Polish author in Russia, in the translation process, when potential traps await translators as they create the target language text, and finally, the functioning of the completed translation in Russian culture. Discussing these challenges transcends the boundaries of single cases in point, for an attempt has been made herein to present a more general image of challenges in literary translation from Polish into Russian as well as a description of present-day cultural relationships between Poland and Russia. The synchronic and historical comparative view has also allowed for pointing out the similarities and differences between the present-day cultural and literary situations of the two nations.
The text deals with a problem of slang in literary translation on the example of the Russian tran... more The text deals with a problem of slang in literary translation on the example of the Russian translation of modern Polish roman, Zwal by Slawomir Shuty, performed by an old school translator, L. M. Cyv'yan. Examples from the original and translated texts are examined and compared on the basis of four technics of translating idioms, described by Krzysztof Hejwowski in his monography Kognitywno-komunikacyjna teoria przekładu. On this ground, a couple of objections are formed against translation practice of L. M. Cyv'yan, which lead to more general conclusions and assumptions as regards translating slang and modern literature.
Whatever theory of translation and reception we adopt here as a standing one, we cannot forget ab... more Whatever theory of translation and reception we adopt here as a standing one, we cannot forget about importance of translator in reception of text in target culture. Reception of work depends on: which strategies uses the translator, whether he/she leaves cultural content in the same state, or he/she tries to make it more accesible to readers by means of comments in the text or in footnotes, whethwer he/she ‘sterilizes’ the text of potentially not understandable elements or makes them more ‘target-reader-friendly’. This paper aims to evaluate the three works by Dorota Maslowska that were translated into Russian from the point of view of their reception in the Russian Internet sources. It aims also to reflect on degree of untranslability of these works due to their roots in critics of Polish complexes, phobias, disadvantages, mentality and language that the Poles use, which is full of errors, slang and calque.
Granaslavic, 2019
El presente estudio pretende analizar el uso de presentaciones de PowerPoint en las clases de pol... more El presente estudio pretende analizar el uso de presentaciones de PowerPoint en las clases de polaco intermedio y avanzado. Las observaciones incluidas en este texto se basan en la experiencia obtenida por la autora durante su trabajo como profesora de polaco como lengua extranjera en la Universidad Comenius en Bratislava, enseñando sobre todo a grupos eslavos que cuentan con necesidades específicas, debidas a la cercanía del idioma enseñado al idioma materno y otros factores estipulados. La importancia de encontrar soluciones más eficaces para la enseñanza de los estudiantes en Bratislava, resultó en un estudio de medios modernos de glotodidáctica tales como la plataforma de enseñanza de idiomas mayoritarios, Lingoda, que usa presentaciones en PowerPoint como su base metódica. Más adelante se nombran y comparan las ventajas y desventajas del uso de dichas presentaciones durante las clases de idiomas. Para acabar, se incluyen recomendaciones del uso de las mismas.
-, 2018
Prezentacja została wygłoszona podczas konferencji w Rybnej pod Krakowem "Języki specjalistyczne"... more Prezentacja została wygłoszona podczas konferencji w Rybnej pod Krakowem "Języki specjalistyczne" 22 listopad 2018 r. Tematem było omówienie zakresu pojęciowego terminów "adekwatność" oraz "ekwiwalencja" w polskiej oraz rosyjskiej nauce o przekładzie.
Postscriptum Polonistyczne, 2020 • 2 (26), 2020
The paper analyses Polish phonetic system points which are difficult for Slovaks, and shows how s... more The paper analyses Polish phonetic system points which are difficult for Slovaks, and shows how shortcomings in phonological competence may also affect spelling correctness in texts written by students. The paper is of a comparative nature, so the problematic issues are presented separately in the Polish vowel, consonant and accent system compared to the Slovak one. In each of the three parts, typical pronunciation and spelling errors are present that occur in students' spoken and written work. The aim of this contribution is to present the importance of phonological competence training during the foreign language course in such a way as to minimise negative language transfer.
Polski na A część 3. Podręcznik języka polskiego (nie tylko) dla Słowaków. Poziom B2, 2021
Podręcznik Polski na A. Część III został napisany z myślą o osobach, które znają język polski na ... more Podręcznik Polski na A. Część III został napisany z myślą o osobach, które znają język polski na poziomie B1. Stanowi on kontynuację publikacji autorstwa Kingi Wawrzyniak oraz Moniki Krzempek pod tym samym tytułem. Tematy lekcji, materiał leksykalny i zagadnienia gramatyczne dobrano w oparciu o standardy wymagań egzaminacyjnych zawarte na stronie oraz podstawy podejścia zadaniowego opisane w Europejskim Systemie Opisu Kształcenia Językowego (2003) – praca z podręcznikiem ma doprowadzić uczących się do opanowania języka polskiego na poziomie B2. Publikacja powstała w ramach projektów:
Międzynarodowego Funduszu Wyszehradzkiego (International Visegrad Fund) VUSG No 61000029 i jest przeznaczona na wewnętrzny użytek Uniwersytetu Komeńskiego w Bratysławie.
Studenci uczący się języka polskiego na Wydziale Filozoficznym UK posługują się też innymi językami słowiańskimi, dzięki czemu nauka polszczyzny może przebiegać szybciej. Ze względu na to, że pomoce do nauki języka polskiego dostępne na rynku nie są dostosowane do specyficznych potrzeb docelowej grupy odbiorców, zrodził się pomysł wypełnienia tej luki.
The textbook Polski na A. Część III was written for students with a B1 level of Polish. It is the continuation of publications’ series by Kinga Wawrzyniak and Monika Krzempek. Each lesson’s topics, lexical and grammatical materials were chosen based on the certification standard
requirements of Polish and the task-based approach described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2003) – after completing this textbook the student should achieve a B2 level in Polish. The publication was written as a part of the projects International Visegrad Fund VUSG No 61000029, and it is a didactic tool for internal use of the
Comenius University in Bratislava.
Polski na A, część 4. Skrypt do ćwiczenia sprawności mówienia w języku polskim (nie tylko) dla Słowaków Poziom B2, 2022
Podręcznik Polski na A. Część IV został napisany z myślą o osobach, które znają język polski na p... more Podręcznik Polski na A. Część IV został napisany z myślą o osobach, które znają język polski na poziomie B2. Stanowi on kontynuację publikacji autorstwa Kingi Wawrzyniak (2014), Zuzany Obertovej (2021), Moniki Krzempek (2014) oraz Magdaleny Zakrzewskiej-Verdugo (2021) pod tym samym tytułem. Tematy lekcji oraz materiał leksykalny dobrano w oparciu o standardy wymagań egzaminacyjnych zawarte na stronie oraz podstawy podejścia zadaniowego opisane w Europejskim Systemie Opisu Kształcenia Językowego (2003). Praca z podręcznikiem ma doprowadzić uczących się do opanowania mówionego języka polskiego na poziomie B2. Publikacja jest przeznaczona na wewnętrzny użytek Uniwersytetu Komeńskiego w Bratysławie.
The textbook Polski na A. Część IV was written for students with a B2 level of Polish. It is the continuation of publications’ series by Kinga Wawrzyniak (2014), Zuzana Obertová (2021), Monika Krzempek (2014), and Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo (2021). Each lesson’s topics, lexical, and conversational materials were chosen based on the certification standard requirements of Polish and the task-based approach described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2003). After completing this textbook, the student should achieve a B2 level in conversational Polish. The publication is a didactic tool for the internal use of Comenius University in Bratislava.