Eva-Nicoleta Burdusel | "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu (original) (raw)

Papers by Eva-Nicoleta Burdusel

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Transfer in Monastic Context. Erudition and Spirituality in the Translation of Religious Texts

Research paper thumbnail of Literary Geography and Cultural Translation

Lucian Blaga Yearbook, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Interdisciplinary perspectives to cultural diplomacy

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Literary Translation as Linguistic and Cultural Mediation

Analele Universității București, 2022

The present paper aims to highlight the significance of translation studies and the role of profe... more The present paper aims to highlight the significance of translation studies and
the role of professional translators and interpreters as cultural mediators enabled by
linguistic competence. Our goal is to emphasize the power of culture to connect individuals
and communities, to ensure national survival, to preserve tangible and intangible heritage as
the most valuable asset of continuity. Literary translation represents one of the most
powerful and effective means of linguistic and cultural mediation, though equally
challenging due to the complexity of a process often touched by “untranslatability”.

Research paper thumbnail of Contemporary cultural consumption – perspectives and challenges

Cultural creation and artistic innovation have undergone tremendous changes and coped with unprec... more Cultural creation and artistic innovation have undergone tremendous changes and coped with unprecedented challenges in the context of a paradigm shift from paper to electronic, especially regarding their consumption. The gradual though revolutionary transition from the printing press (1454) to the digital press (1993) has triggered ample controversy about the status and the unpredictable future of the book industry – increasingly observing business norms, especially in terms of marketing and promotion, evinced by: a reshaping of the traditional concept of the book (e-books); the accessibility and appeal of blogs as facilitators of online interaction (cultural and literary blogs); as well as the emergence of technological novelty (i.e. new reading supports: tablet, e-reader). [1] Cultural, artistic and literary products, as well as education, have moved from a private ownership, and protected area to the public sphere enabled by social media tools, substantiating the fundamental righ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Power of Culture as the Most Enduring Means of Survival out of the Contemporary Crisis: The Role of Humanities Revisited

Revista Transilvania, 2022

The sciences alone cannot illuminate the entirety of human experience without the light that come... more The sciences alone cannot illuminate the entirety of human experience without the light that comes from arts and humanities" (Antonio R. Damasio: "The Strange Order of Things. Life, Feeling and the Making of the Cultural Mind") "The humanities and arts play a central role in the history of democracy … Literature and philosophy have changed the world" (Ruth O`Brien, foreword to "Not for Profit" by Martha Nussbaum)

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Cultural Translation for Literary Historiography

Revista Transilvania, 2021

Words may, through the devotion, the skill, the passion and the luck of writers, prove the most p... more Words may, through the devotion, the skill, the passion and the luck of writers, prove the most powerful thing in the world. They may move men to speak to each other because some of those words express not just what the writer is thinking but what a huge segment of the world is thinking." (W. Golding-Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) "Good literature erects bridges between different peoples, and by having us enjoy, suffer, or feel surprise, unites us beneath the languages, beliefs, habits, customs, and prejudices that separate us … Literature creates a fraternity within human diversity and eclipses the frontiers erected among men and women by ignorance, ideologies, religions, languages, and stupidity." (Mario Vargas Llosa-Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) "Culture, on a global scale, concerns us all… Culture belongs to all humankind." (J.M.G. Le Clézio-Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) The Role of Cultural Translation for Literary Historiography Abstract: The main objective of the present paper is to highlight the relevance of translation in the scholarly endeavour of placing and firmly setting national literature in a wider context, i.e. planetary literature. Moreover, due to its complexity, long tradition, noble endeavour, worldwide mission and overarching goal, translation-as a fourfold process encompassing the linguistic, cultural, interpretive, comparative dimensions, according to Christian Moraru-serves as a most effective connector between words and worlds, in addition to overcoming successive waves regarding the state of "translatability" as Emily Apter scholarly theorized it, from her first thesis "nothing is translatable" to the twentieth thesis "everything is translatable", where all the intermediary stages, hypotheses, and other theoretical assumptions further investigated.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Institutes – Enablers of Sustainable Development

Management of Sustainable Development, 2015

The primary goal of this study is to examine the role of culture - as one of the most enduring, v... more The primary goal of this study is to examine the role of culture - as one of the most enduring, vital and long-lived components of sustainable development, with multifarious potential continuously explored and capitalized by individuals, communities or institutions. All definitions of the phrase sustainable development include culture as a sine-qua-non element that is also inextricably connected and interdependent with the other three pillars: economic, social and environmental. In this context of cultural centres worldwide, Confucius Institutes represent a successful and efficient managerial model by capitalizing on the most important resource of an organization: human capital.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality Management Principles in the University-Industry Partnership

Balkan Region Conference on Engineering and Business Education, 2015

Purpose of the workIn the context of an intensified and successful cooperation between Continenta... more Purpose of the workIn the context of an intensified and successful cooperation between Continental Automotive Systems SRL and Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania, the most recent initiative is to undertake a research investigation meant to examine the collaboration between higher education and business and identify new means to increase the efficiency of their partnership taking into account the present challenges addressing both academia and industry, as well as facilitating the transition from the former to the latter in the context of the labour market demands.MethodologyThe study will provide an analysis of the public-private partnership based on a recent case study endorsed by a thorough theoretical framework. In this respect, an anonymous questionnaire was addressed to two target groups: employees and team/department leaders at Continental Automotive Systems SRL Sibiu.Important findingsThe results of the case study will provide relevant feedback about the ability of new ...

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Intelligence-A New Paradigm of International Relations

The main goal of the present study is to provide a synthetic and personal perspective on some rec... more The main goal of the present study is to provide a synthetic and personal perspective on some recent approaches to culture in contemporary society and the role of the humanities in higher education. The complex field of international relations can be more accurately and thoroughly analyzed from a cultural paradigm which provides continuity, coherence, authenticity, identity and long-lasting value. Culture is also able to significantly enhance the economic or political influence of a nation, representing not only the nucleus of a society but also acting as a fundamental pillar of public diplomacy. Cultural exchanges-endorsed by an informed understanding of the language, culture and civilization of a nation-provide the foundation for successful cooperation in any international exchange. Intercultural competence, as both an innate or acquired skill, is an important vector of cultural diplomacy or "diplomacy between cultures".

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Cultural Translation for Literary Historiography

Revista Transilvania, 2021

Words may, through the devotion, the skill, the passion and the luck of writers, prove the most p... more Words may, through the devotion, the skill, the passion and the luck of writers, prove the most powerful thing in the world. They may move men to speak to each other because some of those words express not just what the writer is thinking but what a huge segment of the world is thinking." (W. Golding-Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) "Good literature erects bridges between different peoples, and by having us enjoy, suffer, or feel surprise, unites us beneath the languages, beliefs, habits, customs, and prejudices that separate us … Literature creates a fraternity within human diversity and eclipses the frontiers erected among men and women by ignorance, ideologies, religions, languages, and stupidity." (Mario Vargas Llosa-Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) "Culture, on a global scale, concerns us all… Culture belongs to all humankind." (J.M.G. Le Clézio-Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) The Role of Cultural Translation for Literary Historiography Abstract: The main objective of the present paper is to highlight the relevance of translation in the scholarly endeavour of placing and firmly setting national literature in a wider context, i.e. planetary literature. Moreover, due to its complexity, long tradition, noble endeavour, worldwide mission and overarching goal, translation-as a fourfold process encompassing the linguistic, cultural, interpretive, comparative dimensions, according to Christian Moraru-serves as a most effective connector between words and worlds, in addition to overcoming successive waves regarding the state of "translatability" as Emily Apter scholarly theorized it, from her first thesis "nothing is translatable" to the twentieth thesis "everything is translatable", where all the intermediary stages, hypotheses, and other theoretical assumptions further investigated.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Intelligence – a New Paradigm of International Relations

The main goal of the present study is to provide a synthetic and personal perspective on some rec... more The main goal of the present study is to provide a synthetic and personal perspective on some recent approaches to culture in contemporary society and the role of the humanities in higher education. The complex field of international relations can be more accurately and thoroughly analyzed from a cultural paradigm which provides continuity, coherence, authenticity, identity and long-lasting value. Culture is also able to significantly enhance the economic or political influence of a nation, representing not only the nucleus of a society but also acting as a fundamental pillar of public diplomacy. Cultural exchanges – endorsed by an informed understanding of the language, culture and civilization of a nation – provide the foundation for successful cooperation in any international exchange. Intercultural competence, as both an innate or acquired skill, is an important vector of cultural diplomacy or “diplomacy between cultures”.

Research paper thumbnail of Life writing: from the Story of the World to the Story of the Self

Revista Transilvania, 2020

The aim of the present study is at least twofold, combining practical and theoretical perspective... more The aim of the present study is at least twofold, combining practical and theoretical perspectives: the former one is meant to highlight the enduring power of storytelling as the epitome and vital essence of connecting life and literature; and the latter one resorts to a relatively recent concept, i.e. career construction theory delineating the notion of "later career novel". "Career construction theory tells us that the dialogic self uses memories and emotions to create life themes across past, present and future." 1 We have therefore selected two contemporary writers, Julian Barnes and Haruki Murakami, to best illustrate this scholarly goal. Julian Barnes is represented here by two of his recently published writings: Levels of Life (2013) and The Only Story (2018), whereas Haruki Murakami`s meditation on writing and running-What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (2007)-unveils a rich, valuable memoir and a collection of advice in matters of living and writing, apparently written in a leisurely and lively manner, appealing to the reader, a genuine gem of personal and authorial lives, a true manual for athletes training for long-distance races and aspiring writers alike. It is essential, at this preliminary stage, to distinguish between a memoir, with a marked open emphasis on autobiography, and a novel relying primarily on matters of fiction; where the emergence of life writing is a merger of the two. Haruki Murakami`s memoir may be read on several levels: there is a loneliness as a common denominator of both running and writing as solitary endeavors in a race against time and competing with oneself rather than comparing with other participants: either runners or writers; and there is also a particular discipline, which may be read as organization, structure, rigor, a steady pace and rhythm to keep the process going and the flow of creative energy in continuous supply.

Research paper thumbnail of Retorica discursului omiletic 1 . Despre puterea și lumina cuvântului

Revista Transilvania, 2016

Motto: "Şi au zis unul către altul: Oare, nu ardea în noi inima noastră, când ne vorbea pe cale ș... more Motto: "Şi au zis unul către altul: Oare, nu ardea în noi inima noastră, când ne vorbea pe cale și ne tâlcuia Scripturile?" (Sf. Evanghelie dupa Luca, cap. 24, versetul 31) Vom începe studiul despre puterea cuvântului prin câteva considerații preliminare despre semnificația și starea comunicării în societatea contemporană. Comunicarea este o componentă fundamentală în relaționarea interumană și interinstituțională, abilitate esențială în medierea interculturală, reprezintă o punte de legătură într-o lume multipolară, vector de inovare culturală și promovare a imaginii, precum și unul dintre cele mai importante criterii ale angajatorilor în procesul de recrutare, dar și o competență fundamentală în activitățile academice: procesul de predare-învățare-cercetare. Este esențial să remarcăm semnificația cooperării internaționale-într-o lume globală și interconentată, marcată de o dinamică socio-temporală și relativizarea distanțelor geografice-fundamentată de o profundă cunoaștere a altor culturi și civilizații, o bună înțelegere a limbii și ideologiilor mediate de o comunicare eficientă și coerentă. În continuare ne propunem să abordăm procesul de comunicare din perspectiva discursului omiletic și dimensiunea spirituală a ființei umane implicată în dialogul cu sine sau cu ceilalți, cu rol revelator și transformator, și cu multiple valențe care vor fi ilustrate pe parcursul analizei noastre. Vom analiza și exemplifica pe parcursul demersului nostru analitic puterea cuvântului creator în multitudinea conotațiilor pe care le-a dobândit în sfera spirituală, la care vom adăuga și rolul complementar al comportamentul non-verbal: expresivitatea, tonul, timbrul și volumul vocii precum și micile gesturi care pot deveni vectori importanți în transmiterea informațiilor sau învățăturii și descifrarea adevăratelor intenții și înțelesuri ale mesajului. Ascultarea și observarea atentă sunt abilități care pot fi exersate și antrenate pentru a dobândi un grad înalt de acuratețe The Rhetorics of the Homiletical Discourse. On the Power and Light of the Word The present paper, originally delievered as a presentation occasioned by the 2014 National Conference on "Religious Text and Discourse", aims to perform an analysis of the power and the inner light of the word, thus empowering and enlightening both the gifted speaker and the mindful listener. The former part of our study pays attention to verbal and non-verbal dimensions of communication, particularly in religious discourse, whereas the latter section provides a multi-dimensional analysis and semantic interpretation of the word in religious contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Paradigms: Polarity in Cultural and Literary Studies An Intercultural Approach to Translation Literature, Soft Power and Global Diplomacy EVA-NICOLETA BURDUªEL

Transylvanian Review, 2019

S OME PRELIMINARY theoretical considerations are essential for the present scientific undertaking... more S OME PRELIMINARY theoretical considerations are essential for the present scientific undertaking. In this respect, the term cultural paradigm may be defined as an over-arching concept of literary and translation studies, emerging from and revolving around a fundamental pattern characteristic for a particular age or area and indomitably subject to cyclical shifts or radical changes triggered by the natural though unpredictable evolution of society as well as the turning point in the relation between an obsolete past and an unforeseeable future. A paradigm shift, akin to a crisis likely to activate the creative potential, incorporates change and connections, equally reflecting and affecting cultural production and its context. Challenging established assumptions most often encounters resistance and reluctance in the process of awakening and making us aware of different perceptions and enriched perspectives of reality. As Edward de Bono, renown philosopher and intellectual, also warned: "We see what we are prepared to see. We see what we want to see. We see what we are used to seeing. We see what our emotions have sensitized us to see." He further reinforced the idea: "We are excellent at analysis but not nearly so good at design, because design needs a different kind of thinking." 1 Challenging traditional views and disrupting habitual patterns is part of the inexorable evolution of humankind, whether human-created and enforced or rather a metaphor defined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his widely celebrated book as the "Black Swan" theory of randomness and uncertainty, a "combination of low predictability and large impact" shaping a great puzzle. "Black Swan logic makes what you don't know far more relevant that what you do know" and it is also prone to shaking individuals out of the complacency in accepting standardized perspectives, making us aware of "the fragility of our knowledge." "What we call here a Black Swan (and capitalize it) is an event with the following three attributes. First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expec

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Diplomacy -Literary Representations Of Soft Power And Smart Power: Tradition and Modernity

Revista Transilvania, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of A Cultural Approach To Legal Translation: Contemporary Perspectives And Challenges Current relevance of continuous professional training in the context of internationalization

Revista Transilvania, 2019


The present paper aims to examine possibilities for a dialogue of science, art and religion by tr... more The present paper aims to examine possibilities for a dialogue of science, art and religion by tracing Aldous Huxley`s quest for light amid a world of confusion -balancing the intellectual, artistic and human perspectives, by means of investigating evidences of a literary connection and interaction of the ideas advocated by Aldous Huxley, a good many decades ago. "When to his contemporaries he appeared to be more and more out of touch with reality, he now seems prescient … but few within academia have realized the broad cultural impact of his writing." [June Deery, Aldous Huxley and the Mysticism of Science, New York: St. Martin`s Press Inc., 1996, pp.4-5]


Research paper thumbnail of Contemporary cultural consumption.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Transfer in Monastic Context. Erudition and Spirituality in the Translation of Religious Texts

Research paper thumbnail of Literary Geography and Cultural Translation

Lucian Blaga Yearbook, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Interdisciplinary perspectives to cultural diplomacy

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Literary Translation as Linguistic and Cultural Mediation

Analele Universității București, 2022

The present paper aims to highlight the significance of translation studies and the role of profe... more The present paper aims to highlight the significance of translation studies and
the role of professional translators and interpreters as cultural mediators enabled by
linguistic competence. Our goal is to emphasize the power of culture to connect individuals
and communities, to ensure national survival, to preserve tangible and intangible heritage as
the most valuable asset of continuity. Literary translation represents one of the most
powerful and effective means of linguistic and cultural mediation, though equally
challenging due to the complexity of a process often touched by “untranslatability”.

Research paper thumbnail of Contemporary cultural consumption – perspectives and challenges

Cultural creation and artistic innovation have undergone tremendous changes and coped with unprec... more Cultural creation and artistic innovation have undergone tremendous changes and coped with unprecedented challenges in the context of a paradigm shift from paper to electronic, especially regarding their consumption. The gradual though revolutionary transition from the printing press (1454) to the digital press (1993) has triggered ample controversy about the status and the unpredictable future of the book industry – increasingly observing business norms, especially in terms of marketing and promotion, evinced by: a reshaping of the traditional concept of the book (e-books); the accessibility and appeal of blogs as facilitators of online interaction (cultural and literary blogs); as well as the emergence of technological novelty (i.e. new reading supports: tablet, e-reader). [1] Cultural, artistic and literary products, as well as education, have moved from a private ownership, and protected area to the public sphere enabled by social media tools, substantiating the fundamental righ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Power of Culture as the Most Enduring Means of Survival out of the Contemporary Crisis: The Role of Humanities Revisited

Revista Transilvania, 2022

The sciences alone cannot illuminate the entirety of human experience without the light that come... more The sciences alone cannot illuminate the entirety of human experience without the light that comes from arts and humanities" (Antonio R. Damasio: "The Strange Order of Things. Life, Feeling and the Making of the Cultural Mind") "The humanities and arts play a central role in the history of democracy … Literature and philosophy have changed the world" (Ruth O`Brien, foreword to "Not for Profit" by Martha Nussbaum)

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Cultural Translation for Literary Historiography

Revista Transilvania, 2021

Words may, through the devotion, the skill, the passion and the luck of writers, prove the most p... more Words may, through the devotion, the skill, the passion and the luck of writers, prove the most powerful thing in the world. They may move men to speak to each other because some of those words express not just what the writer is thinking but what a huge segment of the world is thinking." (W. Golding-Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) "Good literature erects bridges between different peoples, and by having us enjoy, suffer, or feel surprise, unites us beneath the languages, beliefs, habits, customs, and prejudices that separate us … Literature creates a fraternity within human diversity and eclipses the frontiers erected among men and women by ignorance, ideologies, religions, languages, and stupidity." (Mario Vargas Llosa-Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) "Culture, on a global scale, concerns us all… Culture belongs to all humankind." (J.M.G. Le Clézio-Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) The Role of Cultural Translation for Literary Historiography Abstract: The main objective of the present paper is to highlight the relevance of translation in the scholarly endeavour of placing and firmly setting national literature in a wider context, i.e. planetary literature. Moreover, due to its complexity, long tradition, noble endeavour, worldwide mission and overarching goal, translation-as a fourfold process encompassing the linguistic, cultural, interpretive, comparative dimensions, according to Christian Moraru-serves as a most effective connector between words and worlds, in addition to overcoming successive waves regarding the state of "translatability" as Emily Apter scholarly theorized it, from her first thesis "nothing is translatable" to the twentieth thesis "everything is translatable", where all the intermediary stages, hypotheses, and other theoretical assumptions further investigated.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Institutes – Enablers of Sustainable Development

Management of Sustainable Development, 2015

The primary goal of this study is to examine the role of culture - as one of the most enduring, v... more The primary goal of this study is to examine the role of culture - as one of the most enduring, vital and long-lived components of sustainable development, with multifarious potential continuously explored and capitalized by individuals, communities or institutions. All definitions of the phrase sustainable development include culture as a sine-qua-non element that is also inextricably connected and interdependent with the other three pillars: economic, social and environmental. In this context of cultural centres worldwide, Confucius Institutes represent a successful and efficient managerial model by capitalizing on the most important resource of an organization: human capital.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality Management Principles in the University-Industry Partnership

Balkan Region Conference on Engineering and Business Education, 2015

Purpose of the workIn the context of an intensified and successful cooperation between Continenta... more Purpose of the workIn the context of an intensified and successful cooperation between Continental Automotive Systems SRL and Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania, the most recent initiative is to undertake a research investigation meant to examine the collaboration between higher education and business and identify new means to increase the efficiency of their partnership taking into account the present challenges addressing both academia and industry, as well as facilitating the transition from the former to the latter in the context of the labour market demands.MethodologyThe study will provide an analysis of the public-private partnership based on a recent case study endorsed by a thorough theoretical framework. In this respect, an anonymous questionnaire was addressed to two target groups: employees and team/department leaders at Continental Automotive Systems SRL Sibiu.Important findingsThe results of the case study will provide relevant feedback about the ability of new ...

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Intelligence-A New Paradigm of International Relations

The main goal of the present study is to provide a synthetic and personal perspective on some rec... more The main goal of the present study is to provide a synthetic and personal perspective on some recent approaches to culture in contemporary society and the role of the humanities in higher education. The complex field of international relations can be more accurately and thoroughly analyzed from a cultural paradigm which provides continuity, coherence, authenticity, identity and long-lasting value. Culture is also able to significantly enhance the economic or political influence of a nation, representing not only the nucleus of a society but also acting as a fundamental pillar of public diplomacy. Cultural exchanges-endorsed by an informed understanding of the language, culture and civilization of a nation-provide the foundation for successful cooperation in any international exchange. Intercultural competence, as both an innate or acquired skill, is an important vector of cultural diplomacy or "diplomacy between cultures".

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Cultural Translation for Literary Historiography

Revista Transilvania, 2021

Words may, through the devotion, the skill, the passion and the luck of writers, prove the most p... more Words may, through the devotion, the skill, the passion and the luck of writers, prove the most powerful thing in the world. They may move men to speak to each other because some of those words express not just what the writer is thinking but what a huge segment of the world is thinking." (W. Golding-Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) "Good literature erects bridges between different peoples, and by having us enjoy, suffer, or feel surprise, unites us beneath the languages, beliefs, habits, customs, and prejudices that separate us … Literature creates a fraternity within human diversity and eclipses the frontiers erected among men and women by ignorance, ideologies, religions, languages, and stupidity." (Mario Vargas Llosa-Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) "Culture, on a global scale, concerns us all… Culture belongs to all humankind." (J.M.G. Le Clézio-Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech) The Role of Cultural Translation for Literary Historiography Abstract: The main objective of the present paper is to highlight the relevance of translation in the scholarly endeavour of placing and firmly setting national literature in a wider context, i.e. planetary literature. Moreover, due to its complexity, long tradition, noble endeavour, worldwide mission and overarching goal, translation-as a fourfold process encompassing the linguistic, cultural, interpretive, comparative dimensions, according to Christian Moraru-serves as a most effective connector between words and worlds, in addition to overcoming successive waves regarding the state of "translatability" as Emily Apter scholarly theorized it, from her first thesis "nothing is translatable" to the twentieth thesis "everything is translatable", where all the intermediary stages, hypotheses, and other theoretical assumptions further investigated.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Intelligence – a New Paradigm of International Relations

The main goal of the present study is to provide a synthetic and personal perspective on some rec... more The main goal of the present study is to provide a synthetic and personal perspective on some recent approaches to culture in contemporary society and the role of the humanities in higher education. The complex field of international relations can be more accurately and thoroughly analyzed from a cultural paradigm which provides continuity, coherence, authenticity, identity and long-lasting value. Culture is also able to significantly enhance the economic or political influence of a nation, representing not only the nucleus of a society but also acting as a fundamental pillar of public diplomacy. Cultural exchanges – endorsed by an informed understanding of the language, culture and civilization of a nation – provide the foundation for successful cooperation in any international exchange. Intercultural competence, as both an innate or acquired skill, is an important vector of cultural diplomacy or “diplomacy between cultures”.

Research paper thumbnail of Life writing: from the Story of the World to the Story of the Self

Revista Transilvania, 2020

The aim of the present study is at least twofold, combining practical and theoretical perspective... more The aim of the present study is at least twofold, combining practical and theoretical perspectives: the former one is meant to highlight the enduring power of storytelling as the epitome and vital essence of connecting life and literature; and the latter one resorts to a relatively recent concept, i.e. career construction theory delineating the notion of "later career novel". "Career construction theory tells us that the dialogic self uses memories and emotions to create life themes across past, present and future." 1 We have therefore selected two contemporary writers, Julian Barnes and Haruki Murakami, to best illustrate this scholarly goal. Julian Barnes is represented here by two of his recently published writings: Levels of Life (2013) and The Only Story (2018), whereas Haruki Murakami`s meditation on writing and running-What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (2007)-unveils a rich, valuable memoir and a collection of advice in matters of living and writing, apparently written in a leisurely and lively manner, appealing to the reader, a genuine gem of personal and authorial lives, a true manual for athletes training for long-distance races and aspiring writers alike. It is essential, at this preliminary stage, to distinguish between a memoir, with a marked open emphasis on autobiography, and a novel relying primarily on matters of fiction; where the emergence of life writing is a merger of the two. Haruki Murakami`s memoir may be read on several levels: there is a loneliness as a common denominator of both running and writing as solitary endeavors in a race against time and competing with oneself rather than comparing with other participants: either runners or writers; and there is also a particular discipline, which may be read as organization, structure, rigor, a steady pace and rhythm to keep the process going and the flow of creative energy in continuous supply.

Research paper thumbnail of Retorica discursului omiletic 1 . Despre puterea și lumina cuvântului

Revista Transilvania, 2016

Motto: "Şi au zis unul către altul: Oare, nu ardea în noi inima noastră, când ne vorbea pe cale ș... more Motto: "Şi au zis unul către altul: Oare, nu ardea în noi inima noastră, când ne vorbea pe cale și ne tâlcuia Scripturile?" (Sf. Evanghelie dupa Luca, cap. 24, versetul 31) Vom începe studiul despre puterea cuvântului prin câteva considerații preliminare despre semnificația și starea comunicării în societatea contemporană. Comunicarea este o componentă fundamentală în relaționarea interumană și interinstituțională, abilitate esențială în medierea interculturală, reprezintă o punte de legătură într-o lume multipolară, vector de inovare culturală și promovare a imaginii, precum și unul dintre cele mai importante criterii ale angajatorilor în procesul de recrutare, dar și o competență fundamentală în activitățile academice: procesul de predare-învățare-cercetare. Este esențial să remarcăm semnificația cooperării internaționale-într-o lume globală și interconentată, marcată de o dinamică socio-temporală și relativizarea distanțelor geografice-fundamentată de o profundă cunoaștere a altor culturi și civilizații, o bună înțelegere a limbii și ideologiilor mediate de o comunicare eficientă și coerentă. În continuare ne propunem să abordăm procesul de comunicare din perspectiva discursului omiletic și dimensiunea spirituală a ființei umane implicată în dialogul cu sine sau cu ceilalți, cu rol revelator și transformator, și cu multiple valențe care vor fi ilustrate pe parcursul analizei noastre. Vom analiza și exemplifica pe parcursul demersului nostru analitic puterea cuvântului creator în multitudinea conotațiilor pe care le-a dobândit în sfera spirituală, la care vom adăuga și rolul complementar al comportamentul non-verbal: expresivitatea, tonul, timbrul și volumul vocii precum și micile gesturi care pot deveni vectori importanți în transmiterea informațiilor sau învățăturii și descifrarea adevăratelor intenții și înțelesuri ale mesajului. Ascultarea și observarea atentă sunt abilități care pot fi exersate și antrenate pentru a dobândi un grad înalt de acuratețe The Rhetorics of the Homiletical Discourse. On the Power and Light of the Word The present paper, originally delievered as a presentation occasioned by the 2014 National Conference on "Religious Text and Discourse", aims to perform an analysis of the power and the inner light of the word, thus empowering and enlightening both the gifted speaker and the mindful listener. The former part of our study pays attention to verbal and non-verbal dimensions of communication, particularly in religious discourse, whereas the latter section provides a multi-dimensional analysis and semantic interpretation of the word in religious contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Paradigms: Polarity in Cultural and Literary Studies An Intercultural Approach to Translation Literature, Soft Power and Global Diplomacy EVA-NICOLETA BURDUªEL

Transylvanian Review, 2019

S OME PRELIMINARY theoretical considerations are essential for the present scientific undertaking... more S OME PRELIMINARY theoretical considerations are essential for the present scientific undertaking. In this respect, the term cultural paradigm may be defined as an over-arching concept of literary and translation studies, emerging from and revolving around a fundamental pattern characteristic for a particular age or area and indomitably subject to cyclical shifts or radical changes triggered by the natural though unpredictable evolution of society as well as the turning point in the relation between an obsolete past and an unforeseeable future. A paradigm shift, akin to a crisis likely to activate the creative potential, incorporates change and connections, equally reflecting and affecting cultural production and its context. Challenging established assumptions most often encounters resistance and reluctance in the process of awakening and making us aware of different perceptions and enriched perspectives of reality. As Edward de Bono, renown philosopher and intellectual, also warned: "We see what we are prepared to see. We see what we want to see. We see what we are used to seeing. We see what our emotions have sensitized us to see." He further reinforced the idea: "We are excellent at analysis but not nearly so good at design, because design needs a different kind of thinking." 1 Challenging traditional views and disrupting habitual patterns is part of the inexorable evolution of humankind, whether human-created and enforced or rather a metaphor defined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his widely celebrated book as the "Black Swan" theory of randomness and uncertainty, a "combination of low predictability and large impact" shaping a great puzzle. "Black Swan logic makes what you don't know far more relevant that what you do know" and it is also prone to shaking individuals out of the complacency in accepting standardized perspectives, making us aware of "the fragility of our knowledge." "What we call here a Black Swan (and capitalize it) is an event with the following three attributes. First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expec

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Diplomacy -Literary Representations Of Soft Power And Smart Power: Tradition and Modernity

Revista Transilvania, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of A Cultural Approach To Legal Translation: Contemporary Perspectives And Challenges Current relevance of continuous professional training in the context of internationalization

Revista Transilvania, 2019


The present paper aims to examine possibilities for a dialogue of science, art and religion by tr... more The present paper aims to examine possibilities for a dialogue of science, art and religion by tracing Aldous Huxley`s quest for light amid a world of confusion -balancing the intellectual, artistic and human perspectives, by means of investigating evidences of a literary connection and interaction of the ideas advocated by Aldous Huxley, a good many decades ago. "When to his contemporaries he appeared to be more and more out of touch with reality, he now seems prescient … but few within academia have realized the broad cultural impact of his writing." [June Deery, Aldous Huxley and the Mysticism of Science, New York: St. Martin`s Press Inc., 1996, pp.4-5]


Research paper thumbnail of Contemporary cultural consumption.pdf


Istoria Traducerilor în Limba Română, 2023

Menționăm la începutul demersului științific principala ipoteză de lucru pentru această succintă ... more Menționăm la începutul demersului științific principala ipoteză de lucru pentru această succintă prezentare conform căreia spiritualitatea, în înțelesul ei cel mai larg, și cultura religioasă au reprezentat o contribuție esențială și un imbold puternic pentru promovarea limbii și culturii române cu precădere într-o perioadă ostilă din punct de vedere al conducerii administrative și politice.

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review Literature and the World Stefan Helgesson Mads Rosendahl Thomsen

Revista Transilvania, 2023

Is Romanian literature a world literature? Are all literatures world literature? … in the twenty-... more Is Romanian literature a world literature? Are all literatures world literature? … in the twenty-first century, the ways in which a literature participates in, and actually fosters, a world and acquires a presence and stature in it are no longer a foregone conclusion, a given, or a function of that literature`s historically privileged or underprivileged position in a hierarchically organized and economicallypolitically constituted literary world system." Romanian Literature as World Literature 1 Changing Paradigms in Literary, Cultural and Translation Studies: Worlding the Word across Culture, Space and Time Humanities have undergone major paradigm shifts in recent decades, fundamentally prompted by the changes in the areas of literary, cultural and translation studies, spreading virally and with a worldwide impact. A paradigm shift, particularly in the arts, culture, literature, represents a unique combination of massive change and long-term continuity, equally triggered by the imperative need to coin new concepts to accommodate more effectively the new perspectives of life and the world as well as trends in society, on the one hand, and the emerging scholarly preoccupations to articulate the most recent phenomena and recurrent novel patterns in academic terms, highlighting the transition from the "Republic of Professors" (Albert Thibaudet) to the "World Republic of Letters" (Pascale Casanova). The idea of world literature takes us back to Goethe`s concept of Weltliteratur-commonly a harbinger of modernity-and which has gained unparalleled authority in the academia and further benefited from the landmark definitions amply set forth in the books authored by David Damrosch, who summed up: "I take world literature to encompass all literary works that circulate beyond their culture of origin, either in translation or in their original language." 2 The book authored by the two renown academics, Stefan Helgesson-professor