Universal Life Church's Journal (original) (raw)

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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inUniversal Life Church's LiveJournal:

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Friday, July 17th, 2009
_2:05 am_[blueraven6] SFIU - ULC - Searcher Foundation Internet University - Universal Life Church Dedicated to the Identification and Recovery of Missing Children - Internationally.Chaplain Col. Blue Raven SixPROJECT BLUELIGHThttp://sfiu.tripod.com/bluelightsearcherus@earthlink.net (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Sunday, April 6th, 2008
_7:39 pm_[the_real_eris] No matter what is happening to us, politically and economically, even if aliens invade, we have to keep helping hungry children and dying people in poor countries. Think of others before ourselves. We have to keep acting like happy people. (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Friday, April 4th, 2008
_12:07 pm_[scarcrest] Performing weddings So, I've just agreed to perform a wedding ... if the couple wants me to do so. (The maid of honor said they were having trouble finding someone, and I told her she could let them know I'm an ordained ULC minister.)Has anyone done this? If so, what's a fair rate to charge the couple? (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, December 20th, 2007
_9:38 am_[foolishgirl5239] Hi there! I've been ordained with ULC since about 2000, maybe 2001, I can't quite remember. At any rate, it was back with the credential wallet cards were still paper (I REALLY need to get one of those plastic ones..). I go by Reverend Kate, and even have a radio show. On the air my religion is music, but in reality it is my own blending of judeaism, pagan, wiccan, and native american, I even have some essays posted online, if anyone is interested.I have to perform a commitment ceremony this evening for a nice young lesbian couple, and even though I have been ordained all these years, I haven't performed a ceremony yet. What I am wondering is what *I* say. They have written their own vows, but even though an actual legal marriage is not legal in our state, I want them to feel as if the *only* thing missing is the state's approval, you know? So what do I say?Thanks in advance for any who can help me quickly! :)~RevKate~ Current Mood: anxious (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, June 22nd, 2007
_2:19 pm_[mal_in_np] So many websites Hi, I'm newly interested in ULC, but while doing research I've found so many different websites. There is the ULC monastery, the ULC seminary, ULC.net, ULC HQ. I was wondering if someone can explain how these websites are connected (or in some cases no longer connected).Thanks! (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, May 30th, 2007
_1:44 pm_[sanctummysteria] Need some help I've been asked by my employer to wed her and her life-partner. We are in a No-Civil Union state and though this "marriage" doesn't count per se, I'd like it done right.I am not Christian, but they want a non-denominational Christian wedding with fixed-gay vows. Is there anyone who can point in the right direction of the Christian vows so that I may fix them as they see fit?? I'm truly at a loss! Current Mood: contemplative (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, October 8th, 2006
_7:33 pm_[wizrardofcymru] Greetings From The Netherlands.I was ordained in 1997, I'm new to LJ and as such new to this community on LJ.Happy to welcome brothers ans sisters to my friends list.. just drop me a line sometime.Peace. Current Mood: satisfied (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Wednesday, September 6th, 2006
_10:30 am_[techno1992] Credentials Has anyone had any experience obtaining Credentials from the ULC HQ? Current Mood: curious (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Friday, April 21st, 2006
_4:41 pm_[indigowombat] Hello. I'm Rev. Matthew A. Young. I've been an ordained ULC minister since March of 2004. I'm preparing to start a congregation in my area (I live in Davis, CA). The congregation is to be called IncandEssence: A Universal Life Church. My intent is to use this church as a vehicle to raise funds for and provide services for those whose levels of social diversity gives them challenges in integrating into mainstream society as a functional individual capable of meeting their full potential. Initially my efforts will focus on supporting those who are diverse in sexuality/lifestyle (gay/lesbian/bi/poly/etc.) and those who are diverse in neurological development (autistic/Asperger's Syndrome/cerebral palsy/Tourette's/ADD/dyslexic/etc.). I have not yet selected a Secretary and Treasurer for my congregation. I have created the community incand_essence for my future congregation. I am interested in any advice that anyone has to offer on the matter of starting a congregation carefully and legally, on finding like-minded ULC ministers or prospective ULC ministers in my area to serve on the Board of Directors, and any other advice or support you think may be welcome. I also intend to provide conventional church services such as weddings, funerals, regularly scheduled services, and counseling. I am performing my first wedding this July.Blessings, and thank you for your time. (Comment on this)
Monday, October 31st, 2005
_12:32 am_[elswet] Well Happy Samhain, Everyone! I'm Elswet, and I've been ordained with ULC since August 9, 2000. I'm new to the ULC LJ community and thought I would take the time to introduce myself.In a world of cultural and religious persecution, I am happy to find a religious organization of ANY denomination which is tolerant of others' beliefs and spiritual traditions.I think we are all blessed. Blessed Be.Elswet. Current Mood: quixotic (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Friday, August 12th, 2005
_2:30 pm_[savoir_esprit] Greetings I am recently ordained and a non-denominational Christian in my beliefs. I see, reading a lot of these posts, that the ability to perform weddings (maybe a special one that's already planned) is an impetous for many to become ordained. My motive, in part, is to grant a very ill friend's wish I perform his funeral, when the time comes. I am honored to be bestowed such an important role in his life, at his choosing, but hope we have a lot of time before I'm needed. I have glanced at the training site a bit. But since I found this group, I thought I'd ask if anyone else had experiences leading a funeral or memorial service? Any suggestions--things that worked particularly well? Either during the service itself, preparation or working with the family before or after? Thank you all kindly for your thoughts. (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, July 28th, 2005
_5:06 pm_[lilith_storm] The rub OK, I am an ordained minister through the ULC. I am registered with them as Pagan, I have made no quams about it and they are fine with this. All is well and good. As yet I have not filed my credentials yet, as I received them for my own sake and never intended to use them fully. Recently someone important to me has made me reconcider this, so I did a quick search to see what I would need to do.OKLAHOMA Ordained ministers of the gospel of any denomination who are at least 18 years of age may perform marriages. --- Ministers must file a copy of their credentials with the county clerk before performing marriages. ---Ministers must complete a certificate of marriage and return it to the clerk or judge who issued the marriage license. --- For questions see the clerk of the county court. But, do you see the rub? I'm not "of the gospel", as it puts it. I'm a Pagan. So, can they stop me from filing? Possibly. Would it be legal? Probably. i've sent a short email to the county clerk, asking what the fees for filing would be as well as exactly what information she would need. this is a rather small county, in fact the clerk used to work at my High School when I was younger. I wonder if she will recognise my name? Current Mood: contemplative (6 Comments |Comment on this)
_12:46 pm_[psykoboy2] Hello.I'm recently ordained as of about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I'll be performing my first wedding ceremony in September.I'm tyring to find out what I need to do, as a minister, in order to wed my friends. I've contacted local and state offices and it seems all I need to do is sign their license and be done with it.Is it really that simple?I know laws vary by state, but I was wondering what others experiences were in doing this.Thank you in advance. (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, July 9th, 2005
_5:11 pm_[rescuejumper] Hi I'm a ULC minister from englandGreetings to you all Current Mood: happy (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, June 25th, 2005
_6:50 pm_[tyciol] Well this group sure isn't very active...So I'm wondering. Besides the ability to perform weddings and funerals, what are the benefits to getting the free reverendship? Someone I talked to said I had to be careful about what I repeated that people have told me in confidence or I could get sued. I don't intend to betray anyone's trust, priest or not, but last I checked, I'm pretty sure priests couldn't get sued the same way psychiatrists and doctors can. Isn't it up to the respective church to deal with the minister doing that?Also I'm wondering about any possible tax breaks :) I am low on the moneys, and I hear things can be written off if used for religious purposes. (9 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, June 16th, 2005
_11:15 pm_[tyciol] Hello friendly people. Well lesse... to tell you the truth, I was most attracted by the ridiculous offer of free priestly status without any testing or questioning at all, quite interesting that, you must admit that for all of you, it's probably what made the thing catch your eye.So anyway, delving a bit deeper, I'm thinking that perhaps this might have more use than getting a plaque on my wall and being able to marry whoever I want :) I am much interested in this minister's education program and monk program. I especially like the idea of monks, monks are very cool, very studious. There's this Thai Buddhist monastery nearby and I like all the monks there.So, I am contemplating getting the free ministryship, I mentioned it in jest before to my family but I don't think they took it seriously, so I think I will tell them. I'm getting more and more out there after all, so I think they'd accept it.So... yeah I suppose that's it... maybe I'll talk later. (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, March 24th, 2005
_10:56 pm_[iandjones] Hi all,I have a question - one that came to my mind last year after having performed a wedding for two friends of mine: My ordination certificate is in pretty sad shape... rather than re-ordaining myself on the website, d'you think the church would be willing/able to reprint mine, with the original ordination date? (I'd hate to have a new one, which is why I'm hesitant to redo the web ordination.)Thanks!--Rev. Ian (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2005
_5:26 pm_[sfcitygrl] hello i Just wanted to post that my Best friend is ordianed by your church in ca and has married two of our friends one traditional, one non traditional, and will the the officiant in my union ceremony in July to my partner in California. I support all of you ...Blessed bedj (Comment on this)
Saturday, March 5th, 2005
_1:23 am_[greeneyedcutie] hey new here.. i have a general question.. anyone help.. anyone from PA might be more useful? Hello everyone. I was just ordained, but I have a question. I want to be able to do a ceremony legally here in Philadelphia, do I have to register somewhere or give paperwork somewhere.. I am just so lost. Please help me!!Thank You!-Kim (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Tuesday, February 8th, 2005
_6:54 pm_[jscottinfo] Brand new member of the ULC just ordained today! My philosophical background consists largely of Buddhist and Pantheist philosophical views. The driving force of unity behind the ULC is a refreshing and positive step towards bringing people together by embracing their differences rather than forcing individuals to "choose sides" which inevitable leads to fragmentation. It's my honor to be here and I look forward to serving my friends and families in the times that are most intimate to them. Current Mood: calm (3 Comments |Comment on this)

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