Riku Asakura (original) (raw)

"Sitting around doing nothing won't get us anywhere!"

―Geed's catchphrase before transforming[src]

"You go! I go! Here we go!"

―Geed's catchphrase when he uses Fusion Rise forms[src]

"Time to get ready! Geed!"

―Geed's transformation catchphrase using Primitive[src]

"Time for my courage to burn bright! Geed!"

―Geed's transformation catchphrase using Solid Burning[src]

"I'll show you something shocking! Geed!"

―Geed's transformation catchphrase using Acro Smasher[src]

"I'll defend hope! Geed!"

―Geed's transformation catchphrase using Magnificent[src]

"Time to defy fate! Geed!"

―Geed's transformation catchphrase using Royal Megamaster[src]

"Ultimate Final! Connect the wishes!! Geed!"

―Geed's transformation catchphrase using Ultimate Final[src]

"Live! Unite! Up! Ultraman Ginga! Ultraman X! Ultraman Orb! Assemble! Glittering Stars!! Geed!"

―Geed's transformation catchphrase using Galaxy Rising[src]

"Unwavering! Power to protect!! Geed!"

―Geed's transformation catchphrase using Tetrite Cross[src]

Riku Asakura (朝倉 陸(リク), Asakura Riku) is the "biological" son and clone of Ultraman Belial created by Kei Fukuide using Belial's DNA. In the form of Ultraman Geed (ウルトラマンジード, Urutoraman Jīdo), Riku seeks to shed his father's fearful legacy that he was burdened with and become a hero of justice.


Riku is a selfless, heroic, and kind person who aspired to become a hero just like his idol Don-Shine. While initially thrilled by the discovery of him possessing powers to fight monsters on even footing to protect those he cared about, it comes to a revelation of him being a clone and son of the dreaded fallen Ultra, Belial, a fact that motivated him to be his own person and to control his own fate. This in turn, led to Riku rejecting all sense of debt to Belial and Kei who shaped his life for their own gain as well as taking his calling as an Ultra seriously.

Unlike his creators, Riku possesses a great deal of compassion which stemmed from his bright upbringing and those who cared for him. Not only he offered the homeless Alien Pegassa Pega shelter in his house, Riku also felt sorry for what had become of Belial and Kei. He even attempted to reason with his nemeses to no avail, and clearly saddened that he had to put the latter out of misery in the end, especially upon discovering that Belial's quest for revenge turned his life a miserable one. Ultimately, his compassion, along with determination to control his own destiny, has allowed Riku to overcome his nemeses and ultimately, becoming a true protector before everyone, including Ultraman King.



As Reibatos attempted to revive Ultraman Belial to no avail, he realized that the evil Ultra was still alive. Soon, Reibatos would be approached by Belial himself, who promptly killed the former with his Deathcium Beam. In one account, Belial appeared to be Geed, likely in a vision, foreshadowing the birth of Belial's son and the role he would soon play in time to come.[Ultra Fight Orb][The Symbol of Geed]

Ultraman Geed[]


19 years ago, Ultraman Belial had recruited the Alien Sturm, Kei Fukuide to serve as his personal scientist, after the destruction of the latter's homeworld. At the time, as the Land of Light's battle with Belial raged on, Ultraman Hikari created the Ultra Capsules to preserve the powers of the Ultras. Belial and Kei would formulate a plan to gather and activate the capsules, which began with Kei stealing the Capsules and the Risers from the Land of Light.

During their time together, Belial soon realized that the Capsules could only be activated via the power of an Ultra, to which Kei suggested that they create their own Ultra from Belial's DNA. Thus upon being provided with a sample of the evil Ultra's genetic material, the Alien Sturm was tasked with creating a "vessel" of flesh made from Belial's DNA. Eventually, a baby was created out of Belial's essence, and Kei left the infant on Earth to mature on his own until it was old enough to serve them in their evil plans. After Kei left though, the baby was found by a group of scientists outside of their observatory and the baby was left in their care instead. A local administrator named Sui Asakura, had opted to adopt the infant with his wife, but she had passed away before they could come to a decision, thus the baby (named Riku by Sui) was placed in foster care instead, adopted by the Aizaki family.[The Geed Identity][My Name]

As Riku grew older, he was very shy and interacted if very few people, with the exception of his childhood friend (and later AIB agent,) Moa Aizaki. However when he was 13-years old, he met Pega, an Alien Pegassa, and the two instantly became friends due to Riku being fascinated to meet a real alien, and because the two shared a bond over having no place to live (Pega was stranded on Earth after his ship was damaged beyond repair.)[Pega Runs Away from Home].

Becoming Geed[]

6 years later, Riku and Pega would eventually find a home and a job by working for Haruo at the Ginga Marketplace until one day, their home was destroyed by the fusion beast, Skull Gomora. One night while in their lament, Riku and Pega met the artificial intelligence known as REM who took them deep within the Observatory that Riku was dropped off at when he was a baby. REM reveals to Riku that he carried Ultraman DNA (although she did not mention his affiliation with Belial) and is capable of fighting monsters by taking on the form of an Ultra as well. Then when Skull Gomora returned to wreck havoc, Riku uses this newfound power to destroy the monster himself. Thus Riku dubbed his new form as Ultraman Geed (naming the form after his personal catchphrase: "SittinG around DOing nothing won't get us anywhere!")[Welcome to the Secret Base]

Despite using his powers for good though, Riku was put off by the fact that society rejects Ultraman Geed due to his resemblence to his father. Riku initially refuses to transform into Geed again, but after meeting a girl named Laiha Toba, who revealed to know more about the mysteries of the Little Stars, Riku realized that it was his duty to protect the people of Japan after defeating Skull Gomora again, and after revealing his true identity to her, Laiha moved into Riku's new home, and the both of them settled to find out more about Riku's past and the secrets of the Little Stars.[The Girl Who Cuts Monsters] During their time together, Riku, Laiha, and Pega also met the Salaryman Leito Igaguri, who had become the latest Human Host for Ultraman Zero. Using Leito to stay on Earth and recover from his battles with Ultraman Belial after the Crisis Impact, Zero learned of Geed and his connection with Belial and realizing that the young Ultra was in need of training and growth, Zero served as a part-time protector of Earth to assist Geed when he was in a pinch, as well as to offer advice that helped Riku on his journey to be a true Ultra.[A Job Where You Investigate Aliens]

Confronting his Creator and Father[]

During Riku's time with his new friends though, so too did he encounter many dangerous enemies. Feeling that he was old enough and ready to finally serve in their plans, Belial sent Kei to spy on Riku and prepare him for his return. Taking the form of many Fusion Beasts, as well utilizing the powers of his Monster Capsules, Kei fought against Ultraman Geed on many occasions, when in reality, he was testing Riku's might and to see if he was worthy yet of carrying out his Father's Legacy. Also with every battle they fought in, Geed/Riku grew stronger and stronger thanks to the assistance of the Little Stars he was acquiring from those he was protecting from their battles.[The Girl Who Cuts Monsters] Feeling that he was stronger enough to serve them, Kei took the offense and stole Riku's Ultra Capsules in a firece between between himself (as Pedanium Zetton) and Geed. However, Kei became unstable due to having an insufficient amount of Ultra Capsules and went on a rampage. It was until he was confronted by Geed in his new Magnificent form that the psychotic assistant of Belial was taken down.[The Geed Identity][My Name]

Despite Kei's failure though, this did not stop Belial's plans, and after freeing himself from one of Ultraman Zero attempts to seal him away, Ultraman Belial finally revealed himself to the Universe for the first time since the Impact Crisis... Confronting his son in the middle of a battle between him and an Alien Godora, despite the assistance of Zero Beyond, Belial was able to handle both ultras with little effort, and the twisted Ultra viciously attacked his own son, even transforming into a Fusion Beast known as "Chimeraberos".[The First Day of the End of the World] Chimeraberos absorbed Geed into his own body and flew off to the Moon, where Belial brainwashed Riku by reminding him of humanity's continuous distrust in him for his resemblance to Belial. Corrupted by his own father, Geed was tricked into using Chimeraberos's body to battle against Zero Beyond (who had arrived to save him, oblivious to Belial's corruption of him.) However, Laiha was teleported to the inside Chimeraberos's body as well (by Ultraman King,) and she tried to snap Geed out of Belial's control by reminding Riku of the times he spent with his friends, and of the more pleasent times he had on earth.

With Laiha's words gradually freeing him from Belial's control, Riku finally snapped out of it and escaped from Chimeraberos's body. Dragging their battle back down to Earth. Geed battled Chimeraberos with all of his forms, while Laiha prayed for Geed to win, and like the others who have done so before her, her Little Star left her body and took the form of Geed's strongest Ultra Capsule yet: Ultraman King! Riku was thus presented with a sword known as the "King Sword," and merging it with his Ultra Capsules, Geed transformed into his new Royal Megamaster form and easily brushed off all of Chimeraberos's attacks, as well as bombarded him with the unfathomble power of Ultraman King. Riku then told Belial that while he could never escape his family's legacy, he could still change his own fate. To which her finally destroyed Chimeraberos and Ultraman Belial with his Royal End attack. Having witnessed his heroics, the population of Japan finally saw the good in Geed, and the Ultra was finally accepted as their hero.[The King's Miracle! Time to Change Fate!!]

Belial's Second Coming[]

Although Geed had managed to finally defeat his father and change his own destiny, his troubles were far from over... Kei was revealed to still be alive, but was severely weakened from their last fight and suffering from amnesia. Before Riku could deal with the hysterical alien though, he and his friends were confronted by a Dada in a customized Legionoid, who was out to kill Kei for murdering one of his men. During the fiasco involving the alien, Kei eventually regained his memories and became a threat to Riku and his friends once more.[Inheritor of the Dream] With Belial gone, Taking shelter with a non-fiction writer named "Isikari Arie," who was influenced by Kei's enigmatic persona and after learning about his secrets involving the Ultras, Kei plotted to finish what his master started: The destruction of Riku's Universe. During Riku and Kei's reignited battles, Riku learned that Kei was after 2 incredibly powerful Monster Capsules that once belonged to him: Alien Empera and Dark Lugiel.

Working together with Arie, the duo managed to procure the capsules from AIB, and after battling against Riku as King Galactron, Kei double-crossed Arie and stabbed her with an energy blade.[Repossession] With the capsules back in Kei's possession, Riku challenged the Alien Sturm to one final battle in Okinawa, where the two met and fought fiercely. Despite Kei's efforts, using both Monster Capsules and the power of the Alien Sturm's Sun to his advantage to balloon his Pedanium Zetton to titanic proportions, Geed's Royal Megamaster form and Fusion Beast's own size was Kei's own undoing, and the Alien Sturm was beaten by the Ultra once more. After their battle though, Arie suddenly reappeared, taking the monster capsules from Kei, and tearing out his Sturm Organs to consume them herself. Arie revealed that she was Ultraman Belial in disguise the whole time! The evil Ultra had granted Kei the ability to Fusion Rise without knowing it so as to strengthen him until this moment. With Kei of no more use to him, and strong enough to return to full-power once more, Belial used the Monster Capsules of Alien Empera and Dark Lugiel to transform into a new demonic fusion form... Ultraman Belial Atrocious.[The Sturm's Light]

With Belial Atrocious slowly drawing in energy from Ultraman King's abundant Carellen Element from all over the Universe, Riku stayed with AIB as they formulated a plan to stop the evil Ultra for good: Have Ultraman Zero draw out Belial Atrocious and then have Pega use the Neo Britannia (REM in ship form) to expose the evil Ultra to an enzyme that is being created by Tri-Tip to weaken Belial, allowing Ultraman Geed and Zegan to banish him to an exiled dimension and trap the evil ultra within permanently. The plan appeared to be going smoothly, with Zero Beyond managing to hold off Belial at an even standing. However, Kei was revealed to still be alive, and he distracted Zero by threatening to murder Leito's family if he didn't surrender. Despite some assistance from Laiha standing up the crazed and dying alien sturm, Belial Atrocious managed to take down Zero Beyond and the Neo Britannia with little effort, forcing Riku to go against AIB's plan, and fend off his superpowered father.[The Fragments of Hope] Despite giving it his all though, even in his Royal Megamaster form, Belial Atrocious's absorbed energy proved to be much more powerful, and Geed was overpowered with little effort, much like the others. Thanks to a last-minute intervention by Zero stabbing and pumping Belial with the enzyme, and the timely arrive of Father of Ultra to face-off with Belial as a failsafe, Riku managed to escape with his life and prepared for phase 2 of AIB's plan.

Ultra Father and Belial Atrocious's battle raged on, but like the others, Belial Atrocious overpowered him and left the veteran Ultra physically drained. Father's battle however proved valuable, as Riku again transformed into Ultraman Geed, while Zena took control of Zegan and both ultra and monster fired their respective beams at one another, causing both attacks to destabilize and generate a black hole above the city. Belial however remained unaffected by their efforts, and he destroyed Zegan shortly after. Before Belial could overpower his son once again though, Riku refused to give up, and after powering up his ultra capsules, Ultraman King appears himself. Granting some of his Carellen Element to Riku, Ultraman Geed split into all five of his separate forms: Primitive, Solid Burning, Acro Smasher, Magnificent, and Royal Megamaster. The five forms of Geed fought back without mercy and the superpowered evil Ultra was unable to stand up to his son's 5-on-1 assault. Finally with the evil Ultra weakened, all 5 form of Geed struck him with their respective attacks, neutralizing the monster capsules that made up Belial Atrocious's form, turning Belial back into normal.

With his father weakened, Geed dragged Belial and himself into the exiled dimension. Inside the Black Hole, Geed and the weakened Belial fought one another, where Riku witnessed Belial's memories, including:

Feeling sympathetic for how much pain his father had went through in his quest for more power, Riku plead for Belial to let go of his past and move on. Belial however, too far gone from redemption, refused and continued to fight. With no other choice, Geed fired his Wrecking Burst attack and Belial fires his Deathcium Beam. With Belial too weak to fight on, Geed won the beam battle and once again, Ultraman Belial was destroyed. Geed then escaped the exiled dimension before the portal closed up, AIB's plan a success.

Riku met up with Laiha (who was left to deal with Kei), and both of them were confronted by Ultraman King, who informed them that the Carellen Elements have been purified and he has returned to full-power, with all the damage caused by Belial having been healed thanks to their efforts. King and Father thank Riku for everything he has done before parting ways themselves, leaving Earth's safety in their hands.With Belial no more, life went back to normal for Riku and his friends. Riku had resumed his normal job with Haruo at the Ginga Marketplace, but was happy to see that everyone finally recognizing Geed as Earth's Savior.[The Symbol of Geed]

Connect the Wishes![]

to be added

Ultraman R/B the Movie: Select! The Crystal of Bond[]

to be added

Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes[]

to be added

Ultraman Taiga[]

to be added

New Generation Climax[]

to be added

Ultraman Z[]

to be added

Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad[]

to be added[Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad]



Ultraman Geed[]

Ultraman Geed

UMGeed-Ultraman Geed

Ultraman Geed

Geed's true form is that of Belial's Early Style but with a capsule-shaped Color Timer. This form is inaccessible to him and only appears as a transition state during his transformations.

During his transformation, light energy is emitted from the Geed Riser, causing Riku to undergo an initial transformation and take on the form of an Ultraman. The energy of the Ultra Capsules fuse with this state to form each type of Ultraman Geed. It appears in a golden light when transforming into Royal Megamaster.[1]

Body Features

Appearance: Geed Episodes 1-25, Z Episodes 6-7, 15


UMGeed-Geed Primitive


"Fusion Rise! Ultraman! Ultraman Belial! Ultraman Geed: Primitive!"

―Transformation announcement[src]


Primitive (プリミティブ, Purimitibu) is Geed's default form that uses the power of Ultraman and Ultraman Belial.

Body Features


Geed Claw abilities


Appearance: Geed Episodes 1-11, 14-25, Ultraman Geed The Movie: Connect the Wishes!, Ultraman R/B The Movie: Select! The Crystal of Bond, Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes, Ultraman Taiga the Movie: New Generation Climax, Z Episodes 6, 15

Solid Burning

UMGeed-Geed Solid Burning

Solid Burning

"Fusion Rise! Ultraseven! Ultraman Leo! Ultraman Geed: Solid Burning!"

―Transformation announcement[src]


Solid Burning (ソリッドバーニング, Soriddo Bāningu) is Geed's strength form that uses the power of Ultraseven and Ultraman Leo. Its appearance is more mechanical than Geed's other Fusion Rise forms.

Body Features


Geed Claw abilities

Appearance: Geed Episodes 3, 6, 9, 11, 17, 20, 25, Ultraman Geed The Movie: Connect The Wishes!, Ultraman R/B The Movie: Select! The Crystal of Bond, Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes

Acro Smasher

UMGeed-Geed Acro Smasher

Acro Smasher

"Fusion Rise! Ultraman Hikari! Ultraman Cosmos! Ultraman Geed: Acro Smasher!"

―Transformation announcement[src]


Acro Smasher (アクロスマッシャー, Akuro Sumasshā) is Geed's speed form that uses the power of Ultraman Hikari and Ultraman Cosmos.


Geed Claw abilities

Appearance: Geed Episodes 5-6, 8, 10, 17, 19-20, 25, Ultraman Geed The Movie: Connect The Wishes!, Ultraman R/B The Movie: Select! The Crystal of Bond, Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes


UMGeed-Geed Magnificent


"Fusion Rise! Ultraman Zero! Father of Ultra! Ultraman Geed: Magnificent!"

―Transformation announcement[src]


Magnificent (マグニフィセント, Magunifisento) is Geed's Fusion Rise that uses the power of Ultraman Zero and Father of Ultra.

Body Features


Geed Claw abilities

Appearance: Geed Episodes 12, 14-15, 17, 23, 25, Ultraman Geed The Movie: Connect The Wishes!, Ultraman R/B The Movie: Select! The Crystal of Bond, Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes, Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes

Royal Megamaster

UMGeed-Geed Royal Megamaster

Royal Megamaster

"Ultraman Belial! Ultraman King! In the name of the King! Ultraman Geed: Royal Megamaster!"

―Transformation announcement[src]


Royal Megamaster (ロイヤルメガマスター, Roiyaru Mega-Masutā) is Geed's most powerful Fusion Rise form that uses the power of Ultraman King and Ultraman Belial.


King Sword abilities

Geed Claw abilities

Appearance: Geed Episodes 17-23, 25, Ultraman Geed The Movie: Connect The Wishes!, Ultraman R/B The Movie: Select! The Crystal of Bond, Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes

Shining Mystic

UMGeed-Geed Shining Mystic

Shining Mystic

"Fusion Rise! Ultraman! Shining Ultraman Zero! Ultraman Geed: Shining Mystic!"

―Transformation announcement[src]

Shining Mystic (シャイニングミスティック, Shainingu Misutikku) is Geed's Fusion Rise that uses the power of Ultraman and Shining Ultraman Zero.


UMGeed-Geed Tri-Slugger


"Fusion Rise! Ultraman Orb Emerium Slugger,! Ultraman Belial! Ultraman Geed: Tri-Slugger!"

―Transformation announcement[src]

Tri-Slugger (トライスラッガー, Torai Suraggā) is Geed's Fusion Rise that uses the power of Ultraman Orb Emerium Slugger and Ultraman Belial.

Mugen Crosser

UMGeed-Geed Mugen Crosser

Mugen Crosser

"Fusion Rise! Ultraman Tiga! Ultraman Zero Luna-Miracle Zero! Ultraman Geed: Mugen Crosser!"

―Transformation announcement[src]

Mugen Crosser (ムゲンクロッサー, Mugen Kurossā, lit. "Infinite Crosser") is Geed's Fusion Rise that uses the power of Ultraman Tiga and Luna-Miracle Zero.

Brave Challenger

UMGeed-Geed Brave Challenger

Brave Challenger

"Fusion Rise! Ultraman Orb Spacium Zeperion! Ultraman Mebius! Ultraman Geed: Brave Challenger!"

―Transformation announcement[src]

Brave Challenger (ブレイブチャレンジャー, Bureibu Charenjā) is Geed's Fusion Rise that uses the power of Ultraman Orb Spacium Zeperion and Ultraman Mebius.

Fire Leader

UMGeed-Geed Fire Leader

Fire Leader

"Fusion Rise! Zoffy! Ultraman Mebius! Ultraman Geed: Fire Leader!"

―Transformation announcement[src]

Fire Leader (ファイヤーリーダー, Faiyā Rīdā) is Geed's Fusion Rise that uses the power of Zoffy and Ultraman Mebius.

Le-Over Fist

UMGeed-Geed Le-Over Fist

Le-Over Fist

"Fusion Rise! Ultraman Leo! Astra! Ultraman Geed: Le-Over Fist!"

―Transformation announcement[src]

Le-Over Fist (リーオーバーフィスト, Rīōbā Fisuto) is Geed's Fusion Rise that uses the power of Ultraman Leo and Astra.

Migthy Trekker

UMGeed-Geed Mighty Trekker

Migthy Trekker

"Fusion Rise! Ultraman Dyna! Ultraman Cosmos! Ultraman Geed: Mighty Trekker!"

―Transformation announcement[src]

Mighty Trekker (マイティトレッカー, Maiti Torekkā) is Geed's Fusion Rise that uses the power of Ultraman Dyna and Ultraman Cosmos. The word "Trekker" can be interpreted as "Traveler".

Photon Knight

UMGeed-Geed Photon Knight

Photon Knight

"Fusion Rise! Ultraman Gaia V2! Ultraman Hikari! Ultraman Geed: Photon Knight!"

―Transformation announcement[src]

Photon Knight (フォトンナイト, Foton Naito) is Geed's Fusion Rise that uses the power of Ultraman Gaia (V2) and Ultraman Hikari.

Dandit Truth

UMGeed-Geed Dandit Truth

Dandit Truth

"Fusion Rise! Father of Ultra! Ultraman Belial! Ultraman Geed: Dandit Truth!"

―Transformation announcement[src]

Dandit Truth (ダンディットトゥルース, Danditto Turūsu) is Geed's Fusion Rise that uses the power of Father of Ultra and Ultraman Belial. The word "Dandit" means "Punished" in Hindi Language.

Noactive Succeed

UMGeed-Geed Noactive Succeed

Noactive Succeed

"Fusion Rise! Ultraman Nexus Junis! Ultimate Zero! Ultraman Geed: Noactive Succeed!"

―Transformation announcement[src]

Noactive Succeed (ノアクティブサクシード, Noakutibu Sakushīdo) is Geed's Fusion Rise that uses the power of Ultimate Zero and Ultraman Nexus Junis.

Ultimate Final

UMGeed-Geed Ultimate Final

Ultimate Final

UMGeed-Geed Ultimate Final (Giga Finalizer)

Ultimate Final (Giga Finalizer)

"Ultimate Evolution! Ultraman Geed: Ultimate Final!"

―Transformation announcement[src]


Ultimate Final (ウルティメイトファイナル, Urutimeito Fainaru) is Geed's ultimate form that uses the Evolution Capsule with the Giga Finalizer to transform.


Giga Finalizer abilities

Appearance: Ultraman Geed The Movie: Connect the Wishes!, Ultraman R/B The Movie: Select! The Crystal of Bond, Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes, Ultraman Taiga the Movie: New Generation Climax

Galaxy Rising

UMZ-Geed Galaxy Rising

Galaxy Rising

"Ginga. X. Orb. Ultraman Geed Galaxy Rising."

―Transformation announcement[src]


Galaxy Rising (ギャラクシーライジング, Gyarakushī Raijingu) is Geed's Ultra Fusion accessed with the Ginga, X, and Orb Medals through the Ultra Z Riser in conjunction with his Primitive fusion through his Ultra Access Card. Based on the all well-balanced Primitive, Geed's overall attack power has been enhanced.[4]


Ultra Z Riser abilities

Appearance: Z Episodes 6-7, 15

Tetrite Cross

UMZ-Geed Tetrite Cross

Galaxy Tetrite Cross

"Jack. Cosmos. Nexus. Ultraman Geed Tetrite Cross."

―Transformation announcement[src]


Tetrite Cross (テトライトクロス, Tetoraito Kurosu)[5] is Geed's Ultra Fusion accessed with the Jack, Cosmos, and Nexus through the Ultra Z Riser.


This form is exclusive to Ultraman Fusion Fight! Z Heat.





Family[] Ultraman Belial † - Father, Genetic Template, and Former Enthraller Sui Asakura - Adoptive Father Allies[] Nebula HousePega - Best Friend Rem Laiha Toba Haruo Kume AIB Moa Aizaki Zenna Tri-Tip Alien Zobetai Nabia Ultraman Zero Leito Igaguri Ultraman King Father of Ultra Jugglus Juggler Airu Higa Gai Kurenai/Ultraman Orb Ultimate Force Zero Glenfire Mirror Knight Jean-Bot Jean-Nine Gukulushisa Katsumi Minato/Ultraman Rosso Isami Minato/Ultraman Blu Asahi Minato/Ultrawoman Grigio Daichi Oozora/Ultraman X Hikaru Raido/Ultraman Ginga Sho/Ultraman Victory Ultraman Taro Tri-Squad Ultraman Taiga Ultraman Titas Ultraman Fuma Hiroyuki Kudo Haruki Natsukawa Ultraman Z STORAGE Yoko Nakashima Yuka Ohta Enemies[] Kei Fukuide † - Creator Alien Shadow Kuruto GillvalisValis Raiders Ultraman TregearLeague of Darkness Ultra Dark-KillerDark LugielEtelgarUltraman X DarknessUltraman Geed DarknessUltraman Orb DarknessUltraman Zero DarknessGrimdoCelebro

Ultraman Items[]

UMRB-Geed Crystal

Geed Primitive Crystal

UMTaiga-Ultraman Geed-let

Ultraman Geed-let

UMTaiga-Ultraman Geed Royal Megamaster-let

Ultraman Geed Royal Megamaster-let

Ultraman Geed Medal (ウルトラマンジードメダル, Urutoraman Jīdo Medaru): An Ultra Medal that holds the power of Ultraman Geed.

Ultraman Geed Medal

Ultraman Geed Medal

Ultraman Geed Medal (Special ver.)

Ultraman Geed Medal (Special ver.)

UMZ-Ultraman Geed Royal Megamaster Medal

Royal Megamaster Medal

Royal Megamaster Medal (ロイヤルメガマスターメダル, Roiyaru Mega-Masutā Medaru)}: An Ultra Medal that holds the power of Ultraman Geed Royal Megamaster.

UMZ-Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final Medal

Ultimate Final Medal

Ultimate Final Medal (ウルティメイトファイナルメダル, Urutimeito Fainaru Medaru): An Ultra Medal that holds the power of Ultraman Geed Ultimate Final.

UMZ-Geed Rise Medal

Ultraman Geed Rise Medal

Ultraman Geed Rise Medal (ウルトラマンジードライズメダル, Urutoraman Jīdo Raizu Medaru): A special Ultra Medal that holds the power of Ultraman Geed. Can be used with Ultraman Zero Beyond and Belial Atrocious in Ultra Z Riser to access Ultraman Z Delta Rise Claw.

Behind the Scenes[]


Riku Asakura is portrayed by Tatsuomi Hamada (濱田龍臣, Hamada Tatsuomi). As Ultraman Geed, his suit actor is Hideyoshi Iwata (岩田 栄慶, Iwata Hideyoshi)



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 ウルトラマンジード超全集
  2. https://twitter.com/TsuburayaGlobal/status/1286828515489243136
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 ウルトラ特撮 PERFECT MOOK vol.40ウルトラマンZ
  4. http://m-78.jp/z/ultraman/
  5. https://youtu.be/1eWRwJMTo4I?t=444
v • t • eUltraman Geed Characters
Ultras Ultraman Geed/Riku Asakura Ultraman Zero
Allies Pega Rem Laiha Toba Leito Igaguri
AIB Moa Aizaki Zenna
Supporting Characters Moko Nabia Airu Higa Gukulushisa
Villains Ultraman Belial Kei Fukuide Kuruto Gillvalis
v • t • eUltraman Taiga Characters
Ultras Ultraman Taiga Ultraman Titas Ultraman Fuma Ultraman Taro Ultraman Zero Ultraman Ginga/Hikaru Raido Ultraman Victory/Sho Ultraman X/Daichi Oozora Ultraman Orb/Gai Kurenai Ultraman Geed/Riku Asakura Ultraman Rosso/Katsumi Minato Ultraman Blu/Isami Minato Ultrawoman Grigio/Asahi Minato
EGIS Hiroyuki Kudo Homare Souya Pirika Asahikawa Kana Sasaki
Supporting Characters Volk Ai Tennoji Maiko Namekata Maria Ilt Meed Hitomi Mizuno Sachiko Motomiya Mystie Osamu Tasaki Shinji
Villains Ultraman Tregear Zolin Abel Mabuze Seiji Komori
v • t • eUltraman Z Characters
Ultras Ultraman Z Ultraman Zero Ultraman Geed Ultraman Ace
STORAGE Shota Hebikura Haruki Natsukawa Yoko Nakashima Yuka Ohta Kojiro Inaba
GAF Shinya Kaburagi Saburo Kuriyama Takeshi Asano Mai Yuki
Villains Celebro
v • t • eUltras
Ultra HeroesFirst Generation/Classic Ultraman Zoffy Ultraseven Ultraman Jack Ultraman Ace Father of Ultra Mother of Ultra Ultraman Taro Ultraman Leo Astra Ultraman King Ultraman Joneus Loto Elek Amia Ultraman 80 Yullian Second Generation Ultraman Tiga Ultraman Dyna Ultraman Gaia Ultraman Agul Ultraman Cosmos Ultraman Justice Ultraman Legend Ultraman the Next Ultraman Nexus Ultraman Noa Ultraman Max Ultraman Xenon Ultraman Mebius Ultraman Hikari New Generation Ultraman Ginga Ultraman Victory Ultraman Ginga Victory Ultraman X Ultraman Orb Ultraman Geed Ultraman Rosso Ultraman Blu Ultraman Ruebe Ultrawoman Grigio Ultraman Gruebe Ultraman Taiga Ultraman Titas Ultraman Fuma Ultraman Reiga Ultraman Z Ultraman Trigger Ultraman Decker Ultraman Dinas Ultraman Blazar Ultraman Arc Other Ultraman Scott Ultraman Chuck Ultrawoman Beth Ultraman Great Ultraman Powered Ultraman Zearth Ultraman Neos Ultraseven 21 Ultraman Nice Ultraman Boy Ultraman Zero Ultraman Saga Ultraman Ribut Sora Ultraman Regulos
Evil UltrasDark Warriors Evil Tiga Camearra Darramb Hudra Chaos Ultraman Dark Faust Dark Mephisto Dark Mephisto (Zwei) Dark Zagi Ultraman Belial Ultraman Zero Darkness Ultraman Orb Dark Ultraman Tregear Ultraman Geed Darkness Ultraman X Darkness Ultraman Orb Darkness Ultraman Belial (Parallel Isotope) Ultraman Tregear (Parallel Isotope) Carmeara Darrgon Hudram Trigger Dark Evil Trigger Ultrawoman Grigio Darkness Imitations & Robots Imit-Ultraman Imitation Ultraseven Ace Robot Imitation Astra Delusion Ultraseven Imitation Ultraman Joneus Ultraman Shadow Imit-Ultraman Dyna Terranoid Imit-Ultraman Agul Imit-Ultraman Gaia Phantom Ultraman Agul Imitation Ultraman Cosmos Imitation Ultraman Mebius Imitation Tsurugi Imitation Ultraman Mebius Darklops Zero Darklops Imitation Ultraman (SR) Imitation Zoffy (SR) Imitation Ultraman Jack (SR) Imitation Ultraman Ace (SR) Illusion Ultraman Zero Imitation Mother of Ultra Imit-Ultraman Belial Ultroid Zero