Esra Karaca | Uludag University (original) (raw)
Papers by Esra Karaca
Journal of Microencapsulation, 2012
The purpose of this research was to formulate and systemically evaluate in vitro and in vivo perf... more The purpose of this research was to formulate and systemically evaluate in vitro and in vivo performances of mucoadhesive amoxicillin microparticles for the potential use in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, which were associated with Helicobacter pylori. The chitosan/amoxicillin microparticles were successfully prepared in a process of solution-enhanced dispersion by supercritical CO₂ (SEDS). The morphological characteristics of the mucoadhesive microparticles were studied under scanning electron microscope. The resulted microparticles with mean sizes ranged from 1.0 and 2.5 µm had good mucoadhesive properties. In vitro and in vivo mucoadhesive tests showed that chitosan/amoxicillin mucoadhesive microparticles adhered more strongly to gastric mucous layer and could retain in gastrointestinal tract for an extended period of time. The X-Ray Powder Diffractometry and Differential Scanning Calorimetry analysis demonstrated that the SEDS process was a typical physical coating process to produce drug-polymer composite microparticles, which is favourable for drugs since there is no changes in chemistry. In vitro release test showed that amoxicillin released faster in pH 1.0 hydrochloric acid (HCl) than in pH 7.8 phosphate buffer. In vivo H. pylori clearance tests were also carried out by administering amoxicillin powder and mucoadhesive microparticles to H. pylori infectious Wistar rats under fed conditions at single dose or multiple dose(s) in oral administration. The results showed that amoxicillin mucoadhesive microparticles had a better clearance effect than amoxicillin powder. In conclusion, the prolonged gastrointestinal residence time and enhanced amoxicillin stability resulting from the mucoadhesive microparticles of amoxicillin might make a contribution to H. pylori complete eradication.
Fibers And Polymers/Fibers and polymers, Mar 5, 2024
In this study, a cryogel/nanofiber hybrid material was developed using a new lotus-leaf-inspired ... more In this study, a cryogel/nanofiber hybrid material was developed using a new lotus-leaf-inspired strategy. The lotus effect was generated via beaded poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) nanofibers produced from the 9 wt% PCL solution with low viscosity and high surface tension via electrospinning. A poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) cryogel layer was constructed through polymerization onto the beaded PCL nanofibrous mat. The thickness of the PHEMA cryogel/beaded PCL nanofiber hybrid material was 3.19 ± 0.07 mm. Morphological characterization studies of the hybrid material were conducted by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mean diameter of the beaded PCL nanofibers was 97.22 ± 21.18 nm. The lotus effect created by the beaded PCL nanofibers was investigated by water contact angle (WCA) measurements. The WCA of beadless and beaded PCL nanofibers was 93.42° ± 1.4° and 117.97° ± 5.04°, respectively. The PHEMA cryogel layer was chemically characterized via Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis and the specific groups belonging to 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) was observed. The porosity of the PHEMA cryogel layer was determined via mercury porosimetry. The total porosity of the PHEMA cryogel was 64.42%, and the pore sizes were in the range of 5-200 µm. Swelling kinetics of the PHEMA cryogel/beaded PCL nanofiber hybrid material were also investigated and compared to those of PHEMA cryogel and beaded PCL nanofibers. The maximum swelling ratio of the hybrid material was 509.69% and reached after 180 min. The developed PHEMA cryogel/beaded PCL nanofiber hybrid material met the criteria required for layered structures and biomedical applications whereby its eligible stability, morphology, porosity, and swelling capacity. Consequently, the lotus-leaf-inspired strategy was successful in constructing the cryogel/nanofiber hybrid materials.
ABSTRACT It is essential that quantitative information be available concerning the expected knot ... more ABSTRACT It is essential that quantitative information be available concerning the expected knot performance of a surgical suture during wound closure. In this study, the knot performance of monofilament and braided Polyamide sutures were tested by applying two different knots with two, three and four throws in dry and wet states. Instron Tensile Tester has been used to measure knot performance in this work. It was concluded that granny knot has better knot performance than square knot and once knot was secure, an additional throw did not increase the force to break as expected. It was also observed that in monofilament sutures and in wet state, more throws were needed to secure knot.
Tekstil Ve Konfeksiyon, Dec 1, 2010
International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials
La presente invention concerne un fil polyester fonctionnel contenant de la perlite nanometrique ... more La presente invention concerne un fil polyester fonctionnel contenant de la perlite nanometrique et traitee en surface, dont les proprietes d'absorption de l'eau, d'isolation thermique et phonique, de protection antibacterienne sont ameliorees, de facon qu'il trouve application dans des industries telles que l'industrie automobile, les filtres, le textile et la construction, et autres industries, et concerne egalement le procede de production de ce fil polyester.
Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, Mar 30, 2011
Bu çalışmada; aynı üretim parametreleriyle elde edilmiş 4 farklı kesit tipindeki filamentlerden o... more Bu çalışmada; aynı üretim parametreleriyle elde edilmiş 4 farklı kesit tipindeki filamentlerden oluşan poliester ipliklere, 6 farklı seviyede büküm uygulanmış ve toplamda 24 farklı ipliğe ait kopma mukavemeti ve kopma uzaması değerleri ile büküm miktarı arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlardan; farklı kesite sahip filamentlerden oluşan ipliklerin tamamında, bükümün kopma mukavemeti ve kopma uzaması değerleri üzerinde istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu görülmüş, incelenen iplik özellikleriyle büküm arasında güçlü bir regresyon katsayısına sahip ilişkiler elde edilmiştir. Bükümsüz haldeki kopma mukavemet değerleri dikkate alındığında, içi boş filamentlerden oluşan iplik yapılarındaki kopma mukavemeti kaybı değerlerinin, içi dolu filamentlerden oluşan iplik yapılarındakine göre daha düşük olduğu gözlenmiştir. Kopma uzaması değerlerinde ise; içi boş filamentlerden oluşan iplik yapılarında gerek bükümsüz haldeki kopma uzaması değerlerine göre, gerekse uygulanan büküm miktarına göre daha yüksek değişimler görülmüştür.
AATCC journal of research, Mar 1, 2022
This article is focused on the comparison of dyeing, and washing and light fastness properties of... more This article is focused on the comparison of dyeing, and washing and light fastness properties of conventional and novel perlite-containing polyester woven fabrics via color measurements. All the production processes for the regular and perlite-containing polyester filament yarns were the same. The fabrics were dyed with three medium level energy disperse dyes of different hues in order to observe the shade change caused by the intrinsic yellowness of the perlite-containing fabric. Dyeing and fastness properties of the dyed fabrics were evaluated by their corresponding lightness (L*), chroma (C*), color strength (K/S), and color difference (ΔEab*) results. The perlite-containing fabrics showed similar dyeing and fastness characteristics when compared with the regular fabrics. The perlite-added fabrics were dyed in darker color but had lower chroma values than the regular ones. The perlite-added fabrics also had better fastness results than the regular fabrics when the evaluation was performed in the group itself. Intrinsic yellowness of perlite-added fabrics must be taken into account for any attempt to dye the fabric to a pre-designed shade.
Uludağ Üniversitesi Yayınları No:1-024-0, 2005
INFORMAŢII PENTRU AUTORI 78 Editatã în 6 nr./an, indexatã oi recenzatã în: Edited in 6 issues per... more INFORMAŢII PENTRU AUTORI 78 Editatã în 6 nr./an, indexatã oi recenzatã în: Edited in 6 issues per year, indexed and abstracted in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®), Materials Science Citation Index®, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, World Textile Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, VINITI, Scopus, Toga FIZ technik ProQuest Central Revistã cotatã ISI oi inclusã în Master Journal List a Institutului pentru atiinþa Informãrii din Philadelphia – S.U.A., începând cu vol. 58, nr. 1/2007/ ISI rated magazine, included in the ISI Master Journal List of the Institute of Science Information, Philadelphia, USA, starting with vol. 58, no. 1/2007
Tekstil Ve Konfeksiyon, 2015
Ici dolu ve ici bos dairesel ve trilobal enine kesite sahip poliester liflerden dokunmus iki tip ... more Ici dolu ve ici bos dairesel ve trilobal enine kesite sahip poliester liflerden dokunmus iki tip (bezayagi ve dimi) kumasin kopma kuvveti, kopma uzamasi ve yirtilma kuvveti ozellikleri arastirilmistir. Ici dolu liflerden uretilmis kumaslar ici bos liflerden uretilmis kumaslara gore daha yuksek kopma uzamasi ve yirtilma kuvveti degerleri gosterirken, genellikle daha dusuk kopma kuvveti degerleri gostermislerdir. En yuksek kopma kuvveti degeri ici bos dairesel filamentlerden dokunmus dimi kumasta elde edilirken, en yuksek yirtilma kuvveti degeri ici dolu dairesel kesite sahip filamentlerden dokunmus dimi kumasta elde edilmistir. Dairesel kesitli filamentlerden dokunmus olan kumaslar en yuksek kopma uzamasina sahiptir. Lif kesitinin kopma mukavemeti ile yirtilma mukavemeti uzerindeki etkisi birbirinden farklilik gostermektedir
There are significant problems in the production, use and waste management of petroleum-based pol... more There are significant problems in the production, use and waste management of petroleum-based polymers due to the increasing plastic waste problem, exceeding limit of the greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing fossil resources. The textile sector is the second sector that causes the plastic waste problem after the packaging sector. About 65% of the total yarn produced in the textile industry consists of yarns obtained from petroleum-based polymers. Biopolymers come to the fore in studies carried out within the scope of sustainability philosophies such as using of renewable raw materials, recycling at the end of their life and decomposition without harming the nature. In this study, it is aimed to produce biobased and biodegradable polybutylene succinate (PBS) polymer into multifilament yarn by melt spinning method and examine the effect of different winder speeds on the textile values of PBS yarns. In this context, multifilament yarns with round cross-sections were produced at 4 va...
Tekstil ve Mühendis
Son yıllarda, cerrahi alandaki gelişmeler implante edilebilir biyomedikal malzemelerin gelişimini... more Son yıllarda, cerrahi alandaki gelişmeler implante edilebilir biyomedikal malzemelerin gelişimini desteklemiştir. Biyomalzemeler, hasara uğramış doku/organın işlevini yeniden sağlamak, böylece hastanın yaşam kalitesini artırmak amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. İmplante edilebilir biyomalzemelerin gelişme gösterdiği alanlardan biri de, fıtık oluşumunun neden olduğu karın duvarı kusurlarının onarımıdır. Fıtık onarımı, dünya çapında en yaygın cerrahi prosedürler arasındadır ve zorlu bir klinik sorun olmaya devam etmektedir. Her yıl yaklaşık yirmi milyon hasta, fıtık gelişimine bağlı olarak ameliyat olmaktadır. Karın duvarında oluşan hasarın, mesh adı verilen bir tıbbi tekstil materyalinin implante edilmesi ile onarılması, en yaygın cerrahi yaklaşımlardan biridir. Fıtık cerrahisinde mesh implantasyonu sonrasında enfeksiyon, seroma oluşumu ve adezyon gibi istenmeyen yan etkiler oluşabilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, ülkemizde mesh üretimi yapılmamakta ve kullanılan meshler yurtdışından yüksek bed...
There are significant problems in the production, use and waste management of petroleum-based pol... more There are significant problems in the production, use and waste management of petroleum-based polymers due to the increasing plastic waste problem, exceeding limit of the greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing fossil resources. The textile sector is the second sector that causes the plastic waste problem after the packaging sector. About 65% of the total yarn produced in the textile industry consists of yarns obtained from petroleum-based polymers. Biopolymers come to the fore in studies carried out within the scope of sustainability philosophies such as using of renewable raw materials, recycling at the end of their life and decomposition without harming the nature. In this study, it is aimed to produce biobased and biodegradable polybutylene succinate (PBS) polymer into multifilament yarn by melt spinning method and examine the effect of different winder speeds on the textile values of PBS yarns. In this context, multifilament yarns with round cross-sections were produced at 4 va...
Volume!, 2009
Alginatın benzersiz özellikleri nanolifli yüzeylerin fonksiyonel özellikleri ile birleştiğinde, ö... more Alginatın benzersiz özellikleri nanolifli yüzeylerin fonksiyonel özellikleri ile birleştiğinde, özellikle biyomedikal alanda gelişmiş ürünlerin üretilmesi mümkündür. Bu çalışmada, rijit bir polimer olan sodyum alginatın esnek poli(vinil alkol) polimeri ile karışımından elektro çekim* yöntemi ile nanolifli yüzey elde edilmiştir. Yapılarındaki hidroksil grupları nedeni ile karışımı oluşturan her iki polimer için de su, çözücü özelliği gösterdiğinden, elde edilen nanolifli yüzeyin suya dayanımı oldukça düşük olmuştur. Nanolifli yüzeyin pratik uygulamalarını kolaylaştırmak amacıyla suya dayanım özelliğini geliştirmek için, gluteraldehit/hidroklorik asit/aseton karışımı içerisinde çapraz bağlama işlemi uygulanmıştır. Çapraz bağlama işlemi öncesi ve sonrasında, nanolifli yüzey taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) analizine tabi tutulmuş ve ortalama lif çapları hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca, yüzeye su emicilik ve suya dayanım testleri uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlar; çapraz bağlama işlemi ile yüzeyin su emicilik özelliğinin azaldığını ancak, lifli yapının deformasyona uğramadan nanolifli yüzeyin suya dayanıklı hale geldiğini göstermiştir. Elektro çekim, nanolif, alginat, çapraz bağlama It is possible that improved products for biomedical applications can be produced by combining unique properties of alginate with functional properties of electrospun nanofibers. In this study, nanofibrous mat was produced from blend of rigid sodium alginate polymer and flexible poly(viniyl alcohol) polymer via electrospinning. Water has a solvent effect on both polymers because of hydroxyl groups in their structure. So, the water resistance of the nanofibrous mat produced from these polymers was fairly low. In gluteraldehid/hydrocloric acid/acetone solution, a crosslinking was applied to improve water resistance of nanofibrous mat for its facilitating practical usage. Before and after the crosslinking process, nanofibrous mat was analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and then average fiber diameter was determined.Also, water absorbency and water resistance properties of the mat were tested. The results indicated that water absorbency property of the mat was decreased with the crosslinking application. However, the nanofibrous mat was become resistant to water without any deformation of nanofibrous structure.
Journal of Microencapsulation, 2012
The purpose of this research was to formulate and systemically evaluate in vitro and in vivo perf... more The purpose of this research was to formulate and systemically evaluate in vitro and in vivo performances of mucoadhesive amoxicillin microparticles for the potential use in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, which were associated with Helicobacter pylori. The chitosan/amoxicillin microparticles were successfully prepared in a process of solution-enhanced dispersion by supercritical CO₂ (SEDS). The morphological characteristics of the mucoadhesive microparticles were studied under scanning electron microscope. The resulted microparticles with mean sizes ranged from 1.0 and 2.5 µm had good mucoadhesive properties. In vitro and in vivo mucoadhesive tests showed that chitosan/amoxicillin mucoadhesive microparticles adhered more strongly to gastric mucous layer and could retain in gastrointestinal tract for an extended period of time. The X-Ray Powder Diffractometry and Differential Scanning Calorimetry analysis demonstrated that the SEDS process was a typical physical coating process to produce drug-polymer composite microparticles, which is favourable for drugs since there is no changes in chemistry. In vitro release test showed that amoxicillin released faster in pH 1.0 hydrochloric acid (HCl) than in pH 7.8 phosphate buffer. In vivo H. pylori clearance tests were also carried out by administering amoxicillin powder and mucoadhesive microparticles to H. pylori infectious Wistar rats under fed conditions at single dose or multiple dose(s) in oral administration. The results showed that amoxicillin mucoadhesive microparticles had a better clearance effect than amoxicillin powder. In conclusion, the prolonged gastrointestinal residence time and enhanced amoxicillin stability resulting from the mucoadhesive microparticles of amoxicillin might make a contribution to H. pylori complete eradication.
Fibers And Polymers/Fibers and polymers, Mar 5, 2024
In this study, a cryogel/nanofiber hybrid material was developed using a new lotus-leaf-inspired ... more In this study, a cryogel/nanofiber hybrid material was developed using a new lotus-leaf-inspired strategy. The lotus effect was generated via beaded poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) nanofibers produced from the 9 wt% PCL solution with low viscosity and high surface tension via electrospinning. A poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) cryogel layer was constructed through polymerization onto the beaded PCL nanofibrous mat. The thickness of the PHEMA cryogel/beaded PCL nanofiber hybrid material was 3.19 ± 0.07 mm. Morphological characterization studies of the hybrid material were conducted by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mean diameter of the beaded PCL nanofibers was 97.22 ± 21.18 nm. The lotus effect created by the beaded PCL nanofibers was investigated by water contact angle (WCA) measurements. The WCA of beadless and beaded PCL nanofibers was 93.42° ± 1.4° and 117.97° ± 5.04°, respectively. The PHEMA cryogel layer was chemically characterized via Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis and the specific groups belonging to 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) was observed. The porosity of the PHEMA cryogel layer was determined via mercury porosimetry. The total porosity of the PHEMA cryogel was 64.42%, and the pore sizes were in the range of 5-200 µm. Swelling kinetics of the PHEMA cryogel/beaded PCL nanofiber hybrid material were also investigated and compared to those of PHEMA cryogel and beaded PCL nanofibers. The maximum swelling ratio of the hybrid material was 509.69% and reached after 180 min. The developed PHEMA cryogel/beaded PCL nanofiber hybrid material met the criteria required for layered structures and biomedical applications whereby its eligible stability, morphology, porosity, and swelling capacity. Consequently, the lotus-leaf-inspired strategy was successful in constructing the cryogel/nanofiber hybrid materials.
ABSTRACT It is essential that quantitative information be available concerning the expected knot ... more ABSTRACT It is essential that quantitative information be available concerning the expected knot performance of a surgical suture during wound closure. In this study, the knot performance of monofilament and braided Polyamide sutures were tested by applying two different knots with two, three and four throws in dry and wet states. Instron Tensile Tester has been used to measure knot performance in this work. It was concluded that granny knot has better knot performance than square knot and once knot was secure, an additional throw did not increase the force to break as expected. It was also observed that in monofilament sutures and in wet state, more throws were needed to secure knot.
Tekstil Ve Konfeksiyon, Dec 1, 2010
International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials
La presente invention concerne un fil polyester fonctionnel contenant de la perlite nanometrique ... more La presente invention concerne un fil polyester fonctionnel contenant de la perlite nanometrique et traitee en surface, dont les proprietes d'absorption de l'eau, d'isolation thermique et phonique, de protection antibacterienne sont ameliorees, de facon qu'il trouve application dans des industries telles que l'industrie automobile, les filtres, le textile et la construction, et autres industries, et concerne egalement le procede de production de ce fil polyester.
Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, Mar 30, 2011
Bu çalışmada; aynı üretim parametreleriyle elde edilmiş 4 farklı kesit tipindeki filamentlerden o... more Bu çalışmada; aynı üretim parametreleriyle elde edilmiş 4 farklı kesit tipindeki filamentlerden oluşan poliester ipliklere, 6 farklı seviyede büküm uygulanmış ve toplamda 24 farklı ipliğe ait kopma mukavemeti ve kopma uzaması değerleri ile büküm miktarı arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlardan; farklı kesite sahip filamentlerden oluşan ipliklerin tamamında, bükümün kopma mukavemeti ve kopma uzaması değerleri üzerinde istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu görülmüş, incelenen iplik özellikleriyle büküm arasında güçlü bir regresyon katsayısına sahip ilişkiler elde edilmiştir. Bükümsüz haldeki kopma mukavemet değerleri dikkate alındığında, içi boş filamentlerden oluşan iplik yapılarındaki kopma mukavemeti kaybı değerlerinin, içi dolu filamentlerden oluşan iplik yapılarındakine göre daha düşük olduğu gözlenmiştir. Kopma uzaması değerlerinde ise; içi boş filamentlerden oluşan iplik yapılarında gerek bükümsüz haldeki kopma uzaması değerlerine göre, gerekse uygulanan büküm miktarına göre daha yüksek değişimler görülmüştür.
AATCC journal of research, Mar 1, 2022
This article is focused on the comparison of dyeing, and washing and light fastness properties of... more This article is focused on the comparison of dyeing, and washing and light fastness properties of conventional and novel perlite-containing polyester woven fabrics via color measurements. All the production processes for the regular and perlite-containing polyester filament yarns were the same. The fabrics were dyed with three medium level energy disperse dyes of different hues in order to observe the shade change caused by the intrinsic yellowness of the perlite-containing fabric. Dyeing and fastness properties of the dyed fabrics were evaluated by their corresponding lightness (L*), chroma (C*), color strength (K/S), and color difference (ΔEab*) results. The perlite-containing fabrics showed similar dyeing and fastness characteristics when compared with the regular fabrics. The perlite-added fabrics were dyed in darker color but had lower chroma values than the regular ones. The perlite-added fabrics also had better fastness results than the regular fabrics when the evaluation was performed in the group itself. Intrinsic yellowness of perlite-added fabrics must be taken into account for any attempt to dye the fabric to a pre-designed shade.
Uludağ Üniversitesi Yayınları No:1-024-0, 2005
INFORMAŢII PENTRU AUTORI 78 Editatã în 6 nr./an, indexatã oi recenzatã în: Edited in 6 issues per... more INFORMAŢII PENTRU AUTORI 78 Editatã în 6 nr./an, indexatã oi recenzatã în: Edited in 6 issues per year, indexed and abstracted in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®), Materials Science Citation Index®, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, World Textile Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, VINITI, Scopus, Toga FIZ technik ProQuest Central Revistã cotatã ISI oi inclusã în Master Journal List a Institutului pentru atiinþa Informãrii din Philadelphia – S.U.A., începând cu vol. 58, nr. 1/2007/ ISI rated magazine, included in the ISI Master Journal List of the Institute of Science Information, Philadelphia, USA, starting with vol. 58, no. 1/2007
Tekstil Ve Konfeksiyon, 2015
Ici dolu ve ici bos dairesel ve trilobal enine kesite sahip poliester liflerden dokunmus iki tip ... more Ici dolu ve ici bos dairesel ve trilobal enine kesite sahip poliester liflerden dokunmus iki tip (bezayagi ve dimi) kumasin kopma kuvveti, kopma uzamasi ve yirtilma kuvveti ozellikleri arastirilmistir. Ici dolu liflerden uretilmis kumaslar ici bos liflerden uretilmis kumaslara gore daha yuksek kopma uzamasi ve yirtilma kuvveti degerleri gosterirken, genellikle daha dusuk kopma kuvveti degerleri gostermislerdir. En yuksek kopma kuvveti degeri ici bos dairesel filamentlerden dokunmus dimi kumasta elde edilirken, en yuksek yirtilma kuvveti degeri ici dolu dairesel kesite sahip filamentlerden dokunmus dimi kumasta elde edilmistir. Dairesel kesitli filamentlerden dokunmus olan kumaslar en yuksek kopma uzamasina sahiptir. Lif kesitinin kopma mukavemeti ile yirtilma mukavemeti uzerindeki etkisi birbirinden farklilik gostermektedir
There are significant problems in the production, use and waste management of petroleum-based pol... more There are significant problems in the production, use and waste management of petroleum-based polymers due to the increasing plastic waste problem, exceeding limit of the greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing fossil resources. The textile sector is the second sector that causes the plastic waste problem after the packaging sector. About 65% of the total yarn produced in the textile industry consists of yarns obtained from petroleum-based polymers. Biopolymers come to the fore in studies carried out within the scope of sustainability philosophies such as using of renewable raw materials, recycling at the end of their life and decomposition without harming the nature. In this study, it is aimed to produce biobased and biodegradable polybutylene succinate (PBS) polymer into multifilament yarn by melt spinning method and examine the effect of different winder speeds on the textile values of PBS yarns. In this context, multifilament yarns with round cross-sections were produced at 4 va...
Tekstil ve Mühendis
Son yıllarda, cerrahi alandaki gelişmeler implante edilebilir biyomedikal malzemelerin gelişimini... more Son yıllarda, cerrahi alandaki gelişmeler implante edilebilir biyomedikal malzemelerin gelişimini desteklemiştir. Biyomalzemeler, hasara uğramış doku/organın işlevini yeniden sağlamak, böylece hastanın yaşam kalitesini artırmak amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. İmplante edilebilir biyomalzemelerin gelişme gösterdiği alanlardan biri de, fıtık oluşumunun neden olduğu karın duvarı kusurlarının onarımıdır. Fıtık onarımı, dünya çapında en yaygın cerrahi prosedürler arasındadır ve zorlu bir klinik sorun olmaya devam etmektedir. Her yıl yaklaşık yirmi milyon hasta, fıtık gelişimine bağlı olarak ameliyat olmaktadır. Karın duvarında oluşan hasarın, mesh adı verilen bir tıbbi tekstil materyalinin implante edilmesi ile onarılması, en yaygın cerrahi yaklaşımlardan biridir. Fıtık cerrahisinde mesh implantasyonu sonrasında enfeksiyon, seroma oluşumu ve adezyon gibi istenmeyen yan etkiler oluşabilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, ülkemizde mesh üretimi yapılmamakta ve kullanılan meshler yurtdışından yüksek bed...
There are significant problems in the production, use and waste management of petroleum-based pol... more There are significant problems in the production, use and waste management of petroleum-based polymers due to the increasing plastic waste problem, exceeding limit of the greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing fossil resources. The textile sector is the second sector that causes the plastic waste problem after the packaging sector. About 65% of the total yarn produced in the textile industry consists of yarns obtained from petroleum-based polymers. Biopolymers come to the fore in studies carried out within the scope of sustainability philosophies such as using of renewable raw materials, recycling at the end of their life and decomposition without harming the nature. In this study, it is aimed to produce biobased and biodegradable polybutylene succinate (PBS) polymer into multifilament yarn by melt spinning method and examine the effect of different winder speeds on the textile values of PBS yarns. In this context, multifilament yarns with round cross-sections were produced at 4 va...
Volume!, 2009
Alginatın benzersiz özellikleri nanolifli yüzeylerin fonksiyonel özellikleri ile birleştiğinde, ö... more Alginatın benzersiz özellikleri nanolifli yüzeylerin fonksiyonel özellikleri ile birleştiğinde, özellikle biyomedikal alanda gelişmiş ürünlerin üretilmesi mümkündür. Bu çalışmada, rijit bir polimer olan sodyum alginatın esnek poli(vinil alkol) polimeri ile karışımından elektro çekim* yöntemi ile nanolifli yüzey elde edilmiştir. Yapılarındaki hidroksil grupları nedeni ile karışımı oluşturan her iki polimer için de su, çözücü özelliği gösterdiğinden, elde edilen nanolifli yüzeyin suya dayanımı oldukça düşük olmuştur. Nanolifli yüzeyin pratik uygulamalarını kolaylaştırmak amacıyla suya dayanım özelliğini geliştirmek için, gluteraldehit/hidroklorik asit/aseton karışımı içerisinde çapraz bağlama işlemi uygulanmıştır. Çapraz bağlama işlemi öncesi ve sonrasında, nanolifli yüzey taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) analizine tabi tutulmuş ve ortalama lif çapları hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca, yüzeye su emicilik ve suya dayanım testleri uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlar; çapraz bağlama işlemi ile yüzeyin su emicilik özelliğinin azaldığını ancak, lifli yapının deformasyona uğramadan nanolifli yüzeyin suya dayanıklı hale geldiğini göstermiştir. Elektro çekim, nanolif, alginat, çapraz bağlama It is possible that improved products for biomedical applications can be produced by combining unique properties of alginate with functional properties of electrospun nanofibers. In this study, nanofibrous mat was produced from blend of rigid sodium alginate polymer and flexible poly(viniyl alcohol) polymer via electrospinning. Water has a solvent effect on both polymers because of hydroxyl groups in their structure. So, the water resistance of the nanofibrous mat produced from these polymers was fairly low. In gluteraldehid/hydrocloric acid/acetone solution, a crosslinking was applied to improve water resistance of nanofibrous mat for its facilitating practical usage. Before and after the crosslinking process, nanofibrous mat was analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and then average fiber diameter was determined.Also, water absorbency and water resistance properties of the mat were tested. The results indicated that water absorbency property of the mat was decreased with the crosslinking application. However, the nanofibrous mat was become resistant to water without any deformation of nanofibrous structure.