Francisco Javier Ibáñez-López | Universidad de Murcia (original) (raw)

Papers by Francisco Javier Ibáñez-López

Research paper thumbnail of Metodologías y retos de la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera a alumnado inmigrante con dificultad lingüística en el sistema educativo español

Porta linguarum, Jan 31, 2024

RESUMEN: El alumnado inmigrante que se incorpora al sistema educativo español se enfrenta a mucha... more RESUMEN: El alumnado inmigrante que se incorpora al sistema educativo español se enfrenta a muchas dificultades, pero la más destacada es la de incorporarse sin conocer el idioma vehicular del centro. Por eso es importante aprenderlo urgentemente, para entender las explicaciones de los docentes y poder comunicarse. No obstante, la adopción de la lengua y cultura del país de acogida no debería reemplazar las del origen de este alumnado, pues son también muy importantes para el desarrollo de su identidad. De ahí que este estudio tenga como objetivo, en primer lugar, analizar las actitudes del profesorado sobre la adaptación cultural, y a la lengua de origen del alumnado inmigrante, en relación con las metodologías empleadas; y, en segundo lugar, comprobar qué metodologías docentes se llevan a cabo en el aula de acogida (para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera), y en el aula de referencia. Para conseguir estos objetivos, se ha encuestado a la totalidad de los profesores (201) que en la Región de Murcia imparten clases a los alumnos de las aulas de acogida. Algunos de los resultados revelan que no se da mucha importancia, en clase, a la lengua y cultura de origen del estudiantado y, sin embargo, sí se realizan adaptaciones curriculares a sus características. Palabras clave: español como lengua extranjera, alumnado extranjero, metodologías docentes, lengua origen, inclusión Methodologies and challenges of teaching Spanish as a foreign language to immigrant students with linguistic handicap in the Spanish educational system ABSTRACT: Immigrant students who join the Spanish educational system face many difficulties, but the most difficult one is to carry out this incorporation without knowing the school's vehicular language. Therefore, it is essential that these students learn Spanish as soon as possible, so that they can understand the teachers' explanations or communicate with their classmates and teachers. However, the adoption of the language and culture of the host country should not replace those of the students' source ones, as they are also important for the development of their identity. Hence, this study aims, firstly, to analyze the teachers' attitudes about the adaptation of their teaching methodologies to the culture and the source language and secondly, to check what teaching methodologies are carried out in the welcome classrooms (for learning Spanish as a foreign language) and in the reference classroom. In order to achieve these objectives, all the teachers (201) in the region of Murcia who teach the students in the welcome classrooms were surveyed. Some of the results, on the one

Research paper thumbnail of S100A12 protein as a porcine health status biomarker when quantified in saliva samples

The Veterinary Journal, Dec 31, 2023

[Research paper thumbnail of <p>There are many lists of research, but… not all serve the same <sub>[Existen muchas listas en investigación, pero … no todas sirven para lo mismo]</sub></p&gt](

Espiral, Sep 20, 2023

La verdad siempre se halla en la simplicidad y no en la multiplicidad y confusión de las cosas" (... more La verdad siempre se halla en la simplicidad y no en la multiplicidad y confusión de las cosas" (Isaac Newton-1642-1727-Matemático y físico británico) Resumen En las últimas décadas se ha ido elaborando una amplia variedad de listas de comprobación para diferentes finalidades. En esta píldora metodológica nos centraremos en dar a conocer a la comunidad académica, alumnado, profesorado y colectivo investigador, la gran utilidad de las listas de: lectura crítica de los artículos científicos, de las orientadas a la mejora en redacción de la producción científica y las de evaluación del riesgo de sesgos de los artículos ya publicados. El objetivo es ayudar a clarificar la finalidad de cada una de ellas y facilitar su utilización en diferentes fases de la investigación. Palabras clave: listas de comprobación; evaluación de la calidad; lectura crítica.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of the circadian cycle, sex and production stage on the reference values of parameters related to stress and pathology in porcine saliva

Porcine Health Management

Background The concentration of biomarkers in saliva could be influenced by several factors not r... more Background The concentration of biomarkers in saliva could be influenced by several factors not related to the specific condition under analyses, which should be considered for proper clinical interpretation. In the present study, the circadian rhythm of C-reactive protein (CRP), haptoglobin (Hp), Pig-MAP, S100A12, Cu, Zn, Adenosine deaminase (ADA), total protein (TP), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), total oxidant status (TOS), oxidative stress index (OSI), cortisol and α-amylase in saliva of 20 female and 20 male pigs was investigated. Moreover, the influence of sex and production phase (post-weaning, fattening and finishing) on the concentrations of biomarkers in a total of 414 healthy pigs was studied and the reference intervals for all salivary biomarkers were calculated accordingly. Results All parameters except Pig-MAP, OSI and α-amylase varied significantly along the daytime, and most of them peak around early afternoon (13–15 h). The cosinor analysis described the temporal...

Research paper thumbnail of Aulas de acogida: revisión de la normativa y sus consecuencias

Revista iberoamericana de educación (Impresa), Oct 19, 2023

Resumen. Según investigaciones previas, las aulas de acogida no cumplen su misión, o son utilizad... more Resumen. Según investigaciones previas, las aulas de acogida no cumplen su misión, o son utilizadas para la consecución de fines distintos a los inicialmente atribuidos por ley a esta modalidad de acogida de alumnos migrantes. Por ello, el propósito principal de este estudio fue revisar el balance de las Aulas de Acogida en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en la Región de Murcia. Para la consecución del objetivo planteado y en coherencia con el mismo, se ha optado por un diseño metodológico mixto. Este diseño, además, está avalado por el carácter complementario que supone incorporar técnicas cuantitativas, como es el cuestionario, y técnicas cualitativas, como la entrevista. Los informantes de este estudio fueron 16 docentes de un total de 12 centros educativos que cuentan con dicha medida. Los resultados muestran la heterogeneidad de origen del alumnado procedentes de contextos socioeconómicos bajos, la escasez de recursos y necesidad de mejora de muchos aspectos claves de las AC, como la presencia de profesorado con formación específica. Asimismo, se evidencia una gran tendencia al abandono escolar de los discentes sin obtener el certificado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Palabras clave: aula de acogida; normativa; alumnado extranjero; adaptación; familias; logros académicos. Salas de aula de acolhimento: revisão dos regulamentos e suas consequências Resumo. De acordo com pesquisas anteriores, as salas de aula de recepção não cumprem sua missão ou são usadas para outros fins que não os inicialmente atribuídos por lei a esse tipo de recepção de alunos migrantes. Portanto, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o equilíbrio das Salas de Acolhimento na Educação Secundária Obrigatória na Região de Múrcia. Para atingir o objetivo estabelecido e em coerência com ele, foi escolhido um projeto metodológico misto. Esse projeto também é apoiado pela natureza complementar da incorporação de técnicas quantitativas, como o questionário, e técnicas qualitativas, como a entrevista. Os informantes deste estudo foram 16 professores de um total de 12 escolas que possuem essa medida. Os resultados mostram a origem heterogênea dos alunos de baixo nível socioeconômico, a escassez de recursos e a necessidade de melhorar muitos aspectos importantes da AC, como a presença de professores com treinamento específico. Da mesma forma, há uma forte tendência de os alunos abandonarem a escola sem obter o certificado de Ensino Médio Obrigatório. Palavras-chave: sala de acolhimento; regulamentos; estudantes estrangeiros; adaptação; famílias; desempenho acadêmico.

Research paper thumbnail of Whole Sequencing and Detailed Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Genomes in Southeast Spain: Identification of Recurrent Mutations in the 20E (EU1) Variant with Some Clinical Implications

Diseases, Mar 31, 2023

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Research paper thumbnail of Análisis del conocimiento y la percepción del profesorado sobre los procesos de evaluación y acreditación de titulaciones universitarias en educación

Bordón, Dec 26, 2020

INTRODUCCIÓN. Todas las universidades españolas han de someter sus titulaciones a procesos de eva... more INTRODUCCIÓN. Todas las universidades españolas han de someter sus titulaciones a procesos de evaluación y acreditación, si bien se tiene aún escasa información sobre la opinión de los profesores sobre el desarrollo de dichos procesos. Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo conocer la percepción del profesorado de una facultad de Educación de una universidad estatal sobre los procesos de evaluación y acreditación de las titulaciones en educación, y el conocimiento que tienen sobre tales procesos. El centro consiguió en 2018 la acreditación de la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA) de los dos últimos másteres en su oferta de estudios, por lo que en ese momento todas sus titulaciones habían superado la primera evaluación y acreditación de este organismo. MÉTODO. El estudio fue descriptivo y se abordó con un enfoque de investigación mixto mediante la recogida de información cuantitativa y cualitativa, mediante una encuesta tipo escala Likert y entrevistas semiestructuradas. RESULTADOS. A pesar de que los procesos de evaluación y acreditación se entienden como necesarios, los resultados mostraron que también se perciben como burocratizados. El profesorado no se siente formado y participar en ellos supone una carga de trabajo no reconocida. DISCUSIÓN. Las conclusiones apuntan a la necesidad de simplificar y modificar los procesos de evaluación y acreditación, de contar con más medios materiales y humanos para un correcto desarrollo, y de buscar la intervención y participación activa de todos los grupos de interés implicados con el fin de mejorar la calidad de las titulaciones y del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

Research paper thumbnail of Control Violence Begins in Adolescent Dating: A Research from Students’ Perception

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Jul 23, 2022

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Research paper thumbnail of Perspectiva Del Profesorado Sobre La Evolución Académica Del Alumnado Durante Las Clases No Presenciales

Dykinson eBooks, Dec 31, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Double responsibility of foreign language teachers: Primary student-teachers’ perceptions of linguistic and cultural content

Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Jun 1, 2020

Scholars all over the world have been arguing for foreign language instruction which combines lin... more Scholars all over the world have been arguing for foreign language instruction which combines linguistic and cultural content. Eliminating the cultural side results in a deficient process. This study explored prospective teachers' perceptions of both constituents, since they will ultimately be responsible for their implementation in the foreign language classroom. To this end, 137 students from three European universities were chosen and asked to fill out an online questionnaire with Likert scale items. Data was collected and interpreted using the free statistics software package R (R Core Team, 2019). The findings confirmed that the relevance of linguistic / cultural issues was unanimously acknowledged (98,5%), speaking was appointed as the most desired target skill (97,1%), interpersonal relations (88,3%) as the most important aspect of socio-cultural knowledge, and lessons with native speakers (94,2%) as the most relevant classroom resource.

Research paper thumbnail of Perception, knowledge, and attitudes towards molar incisor hypomineralization among Spanish dentists: a cross-sectional study

BMC Oral Health, Sep 18, 2020

Background: Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a growing health problem, and its treatment... more Background: Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a growing health problem, and its treatment is a challenge. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate and compare the perceptions, knowledge, and clinical experiences of MIH in general dental practitioners (GDPs) and paediatric dentists (PDs) in Spain. Methods: All dentists belonging to the College of Dentists of the Region of Murcia, in the SouthEast of Spain, were invited to participate in a cross-sectional survey. They were asked to complete a two-part questionnaire including sociodemographic profiles and knowledge, experience, and perceptions of MIH. Data were analysed using Pearson's chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and Cramer's V test. Results: The overall response rate was 18.6% (214/1147). Most respondents were aged 31-40 years (44.86%), with more than 15 years of professional experience (39.72%). They worked mainly in the private sector (84.58%) and were licensed in dentistry (74.30%): 95.45% of PDs had detected an increase in the incidence of MIH in recent years (p < 0.001). Only 23.80% of GDPs claimed to have made a training course on MIH. With respect to the aetiology, chronic medical conditions (p = 0.029) and environmental pollutants (p = 0.008) were the only factors that showed significant betweengroup differences. Durability (p = 0.009) and remineralization potential (p = 0.018) were the factors where there was a between-group difference in the choice of the restoration material. In the case of post-eruptive fractures and opacities, the preferred material for both groups was resin-modified glass ionomer (RMGIC). However, in incisor lesions, composite was the material of choice for both groups, with significant differences (p = 0.032) in the use of glass ionomer. Most respondents expressed a need for continuing education on MIH. Conclusion: Spanish dentists perceived an increase in the incidence of MIH. The material of choice was RMGIC for non-aesthetic sectors and composite for incisors. Dentists believe it is difficult or very difficult to manage MIH, since the long-term success of restorations of MIH lesions is compromised because resin adhesion is not good. Both GDPs and PDs believe they need more training on the aetiology, diagnosis, and treatment of MIH.

Research paper thumbnail of The Connection Between Stress and Immune Status in Pigs: A First Salivary Analytical Panel for Disease Differentiation

Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Jun 16, 2022

This paper analyzes the association between stress and immune response activations in different d... more This paper analyzes the association between stress and immune response activations in different diseases, based on the salivary analytics. Moreover, a first attempt to discriminate between diseases was performed by principal component analysis. The salivary analytics consisted of the measurement of psychosocial stress (cortisol and salivary alpha-amylase) indicators, innate (acute phase proteins: C-reactive protein and haptoglobin), and adaptive immune (adenosine deaminase, Cu and Zn) markers and oxidative stress parameters (antioxidant capacity and oxidative status). A total of 107 commercial growing pigs in the field were divided into six groups according to the signs of disease after proper veterinary clinical examination, especially, healthy pigs, pigs with rectal prolapse, tail-biting lesions, diarrhea, lameness, or dyspnea. Associations between stress and immune markers were observed with different intensities. High associations (r = 0.61) were observed between oxidative stress markers and adaptive immune markers. On the other hand, moderate associations (r = 0.31-0.48) between psychosocial stress markers with both innate and adaptive immune markers were observed. All pathological conditions showed statistically significant differences in at least 4 out of the 11 salivary markers studied, with no individual marker dysregulated in all the diseases. Moreover, each disease condition showed differences in the degree of activation of the analyzed systems which could be used to create different salivary profiles. A total of two dimensions were selected through the principal component analysis to explain the 48.3% of the variance of our data. Lameness and rectal prolapse were the two pathological conditions most distant from the healthy condition followed by dyspnea. Tail-biting lesions and diarrhea were also far from the other diseases but near to healthy animals. There is still room for improvements, but these preliminary results displayed a great potential for disease detection and characterization using salivary biomarkers profiling in the near future.

Research paper thumbnail of A multi-herd study shows that saliva is more than a reflection of serum biomarkers in pigs

Animal, Dec 1, 2021

This study evaluates if biomarkers of porcine health status in saliva samples is a mere reflectio... more This study evaluates if biomarkers of porcine health status in saliva samples is a mere reflection of serum to detect disease in pigs under field conditions. Four farms from the same commercial company were included to obtain samples from animals with different pathological conditions. A total of 10 healthy animals and 10-15 animals from each farm with clinical symptoms of the disease were sampled for paired saliva and blood during a veterinary clinical visit. The biomarker panel included acute-phase proteins (APPs), C-reactive protein (CRP), haptoglobin (Hp), an inflammatory marker, adenosine deaminase (ADA), the total antioxidant capacity (TAC), the levels of essential trace elements, copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), and the measurement of the total protein content (TP). After detailed statistical analysis, the results showed that saliva could replace serum for APP measurements since a good agreement has been observed between the concentrations of APPs in both body fluids. For any other biomarker, no agreement between the concentrations quantified in serum and saliva samples was observed visually. However, salivary ADA and TP concentrations were statistically significantly higher in the diseased, whereas the statistical tests with serum concentrations were inconclusive. Furthermore, greater differentiation between healthy and diseased animals could be observed when the distribution of biomarkers was analysed in saliva than in other serum samples. The diagnostic power to discriminate between healthy and diseased pigs is similar in saliva and in serum samples. Preliminary regression models may offer an optimal combination of biomarkers for disease detection in saliva (Hp, CRP, and TAC) and serum (Hp, CRP, and Cu), which demands less labour, sample, and financial cost for saliva determinations. The contradictory results observed for TAC, Cu, and Zn levels between body fluids indicate a need for further studies. To sum up, saliva-based biomarkers instead of serum-based biomarkers could contribute to more efficient detection of diseased animals.

Research paper thumbnail of Los procesos de acreditación de las titulaciones universitarias desde la perspectiva del profesorado

Revista Complutense de Educación, Jan 9, 2023

Resumen. Todas las titulaciones de la Educación Superior deben ser sometidas a procesos de evalua... more Resumen. Todas las titulaciones de la Educación Superior deben ser sometidas a procesos de evaluación y acreditación en su diseño, implantación y desarrollo. Aunque el profesorado universitario es actor fundamental en la realización e implementación de estos procesos, no se conoce cuál es su conocimiento, percepción y grado de satisfacción sobre la ejecución de los mismos. Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar el conocimiento y la percepción del profesorado de cinco facultades de una universidad pública española sobre los procesos de evaluación y acreditación de sus titulaciones, y comparar si las opiniones varían en función de si el profesorado ha participado en algún proceso de evaluación y acreditación o si ha colaborado activamente en la Comisión de Calidad del centro o de alguna titulación. Este estudio de corte descriptivo y enfoque de investigación mixto recabó información del profesorado mediante una escala tipo Likert y grupos focales. Los resultados mostraron que el profesorado tiene un conocimiento limitado de la estructuración y desarrollo de estos procesos, que aumenta cuando se tiene experiencia en su realización o como miembro de una Comisión de Calidad, y que disminuye entre los docentes que no están empleados a tiempo completo. Además, los participantes manifestaron percibir estos procesos como tediosos, rígidos, encorsetados en una burocracia que supone una carga más de trabajo no reconocido, y para el que no se sienten suficientemente formados e informados. Las conclusiones apuntan a una necesaria revisión de estos procesos de evaluación y acreditación con el fin de simplificarlos y orientarlos hacia los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, y realizar acciones de formación e información que fomenten la cultura de la evaluación. Palabras clave: acreditación (educación); evaluación; Educación Superior; calidad de la educación. [en] Accreditation processes of university degrees from the perspective of the teachers Abstract. All Higher Education qualifications must undergo evaluation and accreditation processes when they are designed, implemented and developed. University teachers are key actors in such processes, yet how much they know and what they think about evaluation and accreditation is still unknown. The aim of this study was to find out about how much teachers from five faculties from a state university know and how they feel about evaluation and accreditation of degrees, and to compare their opinions in terms of whether they had participated in such processes or had been members of the Quality Committee of their faculty or of a degree. This was a descriptive, mixed-methods study in which data were collected via a Likert scale and focus groups, which allowed collecting quantitative and qualitative data. The results showed that teachers know little about the structuring and development of evaluation and accreditation processes. Nevertheless, teachers seem to know more about evaluation and accreditation when they have actively participated in such processes or when they have been members of a Quality Committee, while those teachers how are employed part time seem to know less about evaluation and accreditation. Participants felt such that evaluation and accreditation are tedious, rigid, bureaucratic processes, that load teachers with extra, unacknowledged work. Evaluation and accreditation must be reviewed so that they are simplified, focus on teaching-learning, and training is given to parties involved in order to foster an evaluation spirit among teaching staff.

[Research paper thumbnail of <p>Basic survival manual for descriptive statistical analysis [Manual de supervivencia básico para los análisis estadísticos descriptivos]</p&gt](

Research paper thumbnail of Whole Sequencing and Detailed Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Genomes in Southeast Spain: Identification of Recurrent Mutations in the 20E (EU1) Variant with Some Clinical Implications


During the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, new waves have been associated with new varian... more During the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, new waves have been associated with new variants and have the potential to escape vaccinations. Therefore, it is useful to conduct retrospective genomic surveillance research. Herein, we present a detailed analysis of 88 SARS-CoV-2 genomes belonging to samples taken from COVID-19 patients from October 2020 to April 2021 at the “Reina Sofía” Hospital (Murcia, Spain) focused to variant appeared later. The results at the mentioned stage show the turning point since the 20E (EU1) variant was still prevalent (71.6%), but Alpha was bursting to 14.8%. Concern mutations have been found in 5 genomes classified as 20E (EU1), which were not characteristic of this still little evolved variant. Most of those mutations are found in the spike protein, namely Δ69–70, E484K, Q675H and P681H. However, a relevant deletion in ORF1a at positions 3675–3677 was also identified. These mutations have been reported in many later SARS-CoV-2 lineages, includin...

Research paper thumbnail of Deep Sedation for Dental Care Management in Healthy and Special Health Care Needs Children: A Retrospective Study

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Background: Very young children, and those with disabilities and extensive oral pathology, who ca... more Background: Very young children, and those with disabilities and extensive oral pathology, who cannot be treated in the dental chair, require deep sedation or general anesthesia for dental treatment. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe and compare the oral health status in healthy and SHCN children and the treatments performed under deep sedation on an outpatient basis with a minimal intervention approach, and their impact on quality of life. Methods: A retrospective study between 2006 and 2018 was made. A total of 230 medical records of healthy and SHCN children were included. The data extracted were age, sex, systemic health status, reason for sedation, oral health status before sedation, treatments administered during sedation, and follow-up. The quality of life after deep sedation of 85 children was studied through parental questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential analyses were made. Results: Of the 230 children, 47.4% were healthy and 52.6% were SHCN. The median ...

Research paper thumbnail of Una mirada matemática a los relatos

El libro pretende ayudar al profesorado de Educación Infantil (EI) a planificar actividades de ap... more El libro pretende ayudar al profesorado de Educación Infantil (EI) a planificar actividades de aprendizaje matemático funcionales, mostrando cómo crear en el aula la necesidad de saber, de buscar, de mirar y de trabajar, en este caso, desde los relatos. Y se hace desde el ámbito de la Teoría de las Situaciones Didácticas, formulada por Guy Brousseau (1998), que proporciona un marco para la actividad del profesorado y permite planificar una evolución adecuada y coherente de las actividades de aprendizaje diseñadas. Con esa intención de utilidad para el profesorado, se presentan ejemplos de análisis del contenido matemático de los relatos, así como de actividades que han sido implementadas en aulas de EI y que se han utilizado en la formación matemático-didáctica del profesorado de EI en la Universidad de Murcia. También se han incluido anexos que recogen poemas e imágenes (dibujos, escenarios, viñetas) que se pueden utilizar para actividades relacionadas con cuentos, poemas y canciones.

Research paper thumbnail of A systematic review and meta-analysis of the serological diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection highlight the lack of a One Health integrative research

Research in Veterinary Science

Research paper thumbnail of Percepción de los adolescentes sobre el consumo de redes sociales

RELATEC. Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa

Research paper thumbnail of Metodologías y retos de la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera a alumnado inmigrante con dificultad lingüística en el sistema educativo español

Porta linguarum, Jan 31, 2024

RESUMEN: El alumnado inmigrante que se incorpora al sistema educativo español se enfrenta a mucha... more RESUMEN: El alumnado inmigrante que se incorpora al sistema educativo español se enfrenta a muchas dificultades, pero la más destacada es la de incorporarse sin conocer el idioma vehicular del centro. Por eso es importante aprenderlo urgentemente, para entender las explicaciones de los docentes y poder comunicarse. No obstante, la adopción de la lengua y cultura del país de acogida no debería reemplazar las del origen de este alumnado, pues son también muy importantes para el desarrollo de su identidad. De ahí que este estudio tenga como objetivo, en primer lugar, analizar las actitudes del profesorado sobre la adaptación cultural, y a la lengua de origen del alumnado inmigrante, en relación con las metodologías empleadas; y, en segundo lugar, comprobar qué metodologías docentes se llevan a cabo en el aula de acogida (para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera), y en el aula de referencia. Para conseguir estos objetivos, se ha encuestado a la totalidad de los profesores (201) que en la Región de Murcia imparten clases a los alumnos de las aulas de acogida. Algunos de los resultados revelan que no se da mucha importancia, en clase, a la lengua y cultura de origen del estudiantado y, sin embargo, sí se realizan adaptaciones curriculares a sus características. Palabras clave: español como lengua extranjera, alumnado extranjero, metodologías docentes, lengua origen, inclusión Methodologies and challenges of teaching Spanish as a foreign language to immigrant students with linguistic handicap in the Spanish educational system ABSTRACT: Immigrant students who join the Spanish educational system face many difficulties, but the most difficult one is to carry out this incorporation without knowing the school's vehicular language. Therefore, it is essential that these students learn Spanish as soon as possible, so that they can understand the teachers' explanations or communicate with their classmates and teachers. However, the adoption of the language and culture of the host country should not replace those of the students' source ones, as they are also important for the development of their identity. Hence, this study aims, firstly, to analyze the teachers' attitudes about the adaptation of their teaching methodologies to the culture and the source language and secondly, to check what teaching methodologies are carried out in the welcome classrooms (for learning Spanish as a foreign language) and in the reference classroom. In order to achieve these objectives, all the teachers (201) in the region of Murcia who teach the students in the welcome classrooms were surveyed. Some of the results, on the one

Research paper thumbnail of S100A12 protein as a porcine health status biomarker when quantified in saliva samples

The Veterinary Journal, Dec 31, 2023

[Research paper thumbnail of <p>There are many lists of research, but… not all serve the same <sub>[Existen muchas listas en investigación, pero … no todas sirven para lo mismo]</sub></p&gt](

Espiral, Sep 20, 2023

La verdad siempre se halla en la simplicidad y no en la multiplicidad y confusión de las cosas" (... more La verdad siempre se halla en la simplicidad y no en la multiplicidad y confusión de las cosas" (Isaac Newton-1642-1727-Matemático y físico británico) Resumen En las últimas décadas se ha ido elaborando una amplia variedad de listas de comprobación para diferentes finalidades. En esta píldora metodológica nos centraremos en dar a conocer a la comunidad académica, alumnado, profesorado y colectivo investigador, la gran utilidad de las listas de: lectura crítica de los artículos científicos, de las orientadas a la mejora en redacción de la producción científica y las de evaluación del riesgo de sesgos de los artículos ya publicados. El objetivo es ayudar a clarificar la finalidad de cada una de ellas y facilitar su utilización en diferentes fases de la investigación. Palabras clave: listas de comprobación; evaluación de la calidad; lectura crítica.

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of the circadian cycle, sex and production stage on the reference values of parameters related to stress and pathology in porcine saliva

Porcine Health Management

Background The concentration of biomarkers in saliva could be influenced by several factors not r... more Background The concentration of biomarkers in saliva could be influenced by several factors not related to the specific condition under analyses, which should be considered for proper clinical interpretation. In the present study, the circadian rhythm of C-reactive protein (CRP), haptoglobin (Hp), Pig-MAP, S100A12, Cu, Zn, Adenosine deaminase (ADA), total protein (TP), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), total oxidant status (TOS), oxidative stress index (OSI), cortisol and α-amylase in saliva of 20 female and 20 male pigs was investigated. Moreover, the influence of sex and production phase (post-weaning, fattening and finishing) on the concentrations of biomarkers in a total of 414 healthy pigs was studied and the reference intervals for all salivary biomarkers were calculated accordingly. Results All parameters except Pig-MAP, OSI and α-amylase varied significantly along the daytime, and most of them peak around early afternoon (13–15 h). The cosinor analysis described the temporal...

Research paper thumbnail of Aulas de acogida: revisión de la normativa y sus consecuencias

Revista iberoamericana de educación (Impresa), Oct 19, 2023

Resumen. Según investigaciones previas, las aulas de acogida no cumplen su misión, o son utilizad... more Resumen. Según investigaciones previas, las aulas de acogida no cumplen su misión, o son utilizadas para la consecución de fines distintos a los inicialmente atribuidos por ley a esta modalidad de acogida de alumnos migrantes. Por ello, el propósito principal de este estudio fue revisar el balance de las Aulas de Acogida en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en la Región de Murcia. Para la consecución del objetivo planteado y en coherencia con el mismo, se ha optado por un diseño metodológico mixto. Este diseño, además, está avalado por el carácter complementario que supone incorporar técnicas cuantitativas, como es el cuestionario, y técnicas cualitativas, como la entrevista. Los informantes de este estudio fueron 16 docentes de un total de 12 centros educativos que cuentan con dicha medida. Los resultados muestran la heterogeneidad de origen del alumnado procedentes de contextos socioeconómicos bajos, la escasez de recursos y necesidad de mejora de muchos aspectos claves de las AC, como la presencia de profesorado con formación específica. Asimismo, se evidencia una gran tendencia al abandono escolar de los discentes sin obtener el certificado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Palabras clave: aula de acogida; normativa; alumnado extranjero; adaptación; familias; logros académicos. Salas de aula de acolhimento: revisão dos regulamentos e suas consequências Resumo. De acordo com pesquisas anteriores, as salas de aula de recepção não cumprem sua missão ou são usadas para outros fins que não os inicialmente atribuídos por lei a esse tipo de recepção de alunos migrantes. Portanto, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o equilíbrio das Salas de Acolhimento na Educação Secundária Obrigatória na Região de Múrcia. Para atingir o objetivo estabelecido e em coerência com ele, foi escolhido um projeto metodológico misto. Esse projeto também é apoiado pela natureza complementar da incorporação de técnicas quantitativas, como o questionário, e técnicas qualitativas, como a entrevista. Os informantes deste estudo foram 16 professores de um total de 12 escolas que possuem essa medida. Os resultados mostram a origem heterogênea dos alunos de baixo nível socioeconômico, a escassez de recursos e a necessidade de melhorar muitos aspectos importantes da AC, como a presença de professores com treinamento específico. Da mesma forma, há uma forte tendência de os alunos abandonarem a escola sem obter o certificado de Ensino Médio Obrigatório. Palavras-chave: sala de acolhimento; regulamentos; estudantes estrangeiros; adaptação; famílias; desempenho acadêmico.

Research paper thumbnail of Whole Sequencing and Detailed Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Genomes in Southeast Spain: Identification of Recurrent Mutations in the 20E (EU1) Variant with Some Clinical Implications

Diseases, Mar 31, 2023

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Research paper thumbnail of Análisis del conocimiento y la percepción del profesorado sobre los procesos de evaluación y acreditación de titulaciones universitarias en educación

Bordón, Dec 26, 2020

INTRODUCCIÓN. Todas las universidades españolas han de someter sus titulaciones a procesos de eva... more INTRODUCCIÓN. Todas las universidades españolas han de someter sus titulaciones a procesos de evaluación y acreditación, si bien se tiene aún escasa información sobre la opinión de los profesores sobre el desarrollo de dichos procesos. Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo conocer la percepción del profesorado de una facultad de Educación de una universidad estatal sobre los procesos de evaluación y acreditación de las titulaciones en educación, y el conocimiento que tienen sobre tales procesos. El centro consiguió en 2018 la acreditación de la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA) de los dos últimos másteres en su oferta de estudios, por lo que en ese momento todas sus titulaciones habían superado la primera evaluación y acreditación de este organismo. MÉTODO. El estudio fue descriptivo y se abordó con un enfoque de investigación mixto mediante la recogida de información cuantitativa y cualitativa, mediante una encuesta tipo escala Likert y entrevistas semiestructuradas. RESULTADOS. A pesar de que los procesos de evaluación y acreditación se entienden como necesarios, los resultados mostraron que también se perciben como burocratizados. El profesorado no se siente formado y participar en ellos supone una carga de trabajo no reconocida. DISCUSIÓN. Las conclusiones apuntan a la necesidad de simplificar y modificar los procesos de evaluación y acreditación, de contar con más medios materiales y humanos para un correcto desarrollo, y de buscar la intervención y participación activa de todos los grupos de interés implicados con el fin de mejorar la calidad de las titulaciones y del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

Research paper thumbnail of Control Violence Begins in Adolescent Dating: A Research from Students’ Perception

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Jul 23, 2022

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Research paper thumbnail of Perspectiva Del Profesorado Sobre La Evolución Académica Del Alumnado Durante Las Clases No Presenciales

Dykinson eBooks, Dec 31, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Double responsibility of foreign language teachers: Primary student-teachers’ perceptions of linguistic and cultural content

Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Jun 1, 2020

Scholars all over the world have been arguing for foreign language instruction which combines lin... more Scholars all over the world have been arguing for foreign language instruction which combines linguistic and cultural content. Eliminating the cultural side results in a deficient process. This study explored prospective teachers' perceptions of both constituents, since they will ultimately be responsible for their implementation in the foreign language classroom. To this end, 137 students from three European universities were chosen and asked to fill out an online questionnaire with Likert scale items. Data was collected and interpreted using the free statistics software package R (R Core Team, 2019). The findings confirmed that the relevance of linguistic / cultural issues was unanimously acknowledged (98,5%), speaking was appointed as the most desired target skill (97,1%), interpersonal relations (88,3%) as the most important aspect of socio-cultural knowledge, and lessons with native speakers (94,2%) as the most relevant classroom resource.

Research paper thumbnail of Perception, knowledge, and attitudes towards molar incisor hypomineralization among Spanish dentists: a cross-sectional study

BMC Oral Health, Sep 18, 2020

Background: Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a growing health problem, and its treatment... more Background: Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a growing health problem, and its treatment is a challenge. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate and compare the perceptions, knowledge, and clinical experiences of MIH in general dental practitioners (GDPs) and paediatric dentists (PDs) in Spain. Methods: All dentists belonging to the College of Dentists of the Region of Murcia, in the SouthEast of Spain, were invited to participate in a cross-sectional survey. They were asked to complete a two-part questionnaire including sociodemographic profiles and knowledge, experience, and perceptions of MIH. Data were analysed using Pearson's chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and Cramer's V test. Results: The overall response rate was 18.6% (214/1147). Most respondents were aged 31-40 years (44.86%), with more than 15 years of professional experience (39.72%). They worked mainly in the private sector (84.58%) and were licensed in dentistry (74.30%): 95.45% of PDs had detected an increase in the incidence of MIH in recent years (p < 0.001). Only 23.80% of GDPs claimed to have made a training course on MIH. With respect to the aetiology, chronic medical conditions (p = 0.029) and environmental pollutants (p = 0.008) were the only factors that showed significant betweengroup differences. Durability (p = 0.009) and remineralization potential (p = 0.018) were the factors where there was a between-group difference in the choice of the restoration material. In the case of post-eruptive fractures and opacities, the preferred material for both groups was resin-modified glass ionomer (RMGIC). However, in incisor lesions, composite was the material of choice for both groups, with significant differences (p = 0.032) in the use of glass ionomer. Most respondents expressed a need for continuing education on MIH. Conclusion: Spanish dentists perceived an increase in the incidence of MIH. The material of choice was RMGIC for non-aesthetic sectors and composite for incisors. Dentists believe it is difficult or very difficult to manage MIH, since the long-term success of restorations of MIH lesions is compromised because resin adhesion is not good. Both GDPs and PDs believe they need more training on the aetiology, diagnosis, and treatment of MIH.

Research paper thumbnail of The Connection Between Stress and Immune Status in Pigs: A First Salivary Analytical Panel for Disease Differentiation

Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Jun 16, 2022

This paper analyzes the association between stress and immune response activations in different d... more This paper analyzes the association between stress and immune response activations in different diseases, based on the salivary analytics. Moreover, a first attempt to discriminate between diseases was performed by principal component analysis. The salivary analytics consisted of the measurement of psychosocial stress (cortisol and salivary alpha-amylase) indicators, innate (acute phase proteins: C-reactive protein and haptoglobin), and adaptive immune (adenosine deaminase, Cu and Zn) markers and oxidative stress parameters (antioxidant capacity and oxidative status). A total of 107 commercial growing pigs in the field were divided into six groups according to the signs of disease after proper veterinary clinical examination, especially, healthy pigs, pigs with rectal prolapse, tail-biting lesions, diarrhea, lameness, or dyspnea. Associations between stress and immune markers were observed with different intensities. High associations (r = 0.61) were observed between oxidative stress markers and adaptive immune markers. On the other hand, moderate associations (r = 0.31-0.48) between psychosocial stress markers with both innate and adaptive immune markers were observed. All pathological conditions showed statistically significant differences in at least 4 out of the 11 salivary markers studied, with no individual marker dysregulated in all the diseases. Moreover, each disease condition showed differences in the degree of activation of the analyzed systems which could be used to create different salivary profiles. A total of two dimensions were selected through the principal component analysis to explain the 48.3% of the variance of our data. Lameness and rectal prolapse were the two pathological conditions most distant from the healthy condition followed by dyspnea. Tail-biting lesions and diarrhea were also far from the other diseases but near to healthy animals. There is still room for improvements, but these preliminary results displayed a great potential for disease detection and characterization using salivary biomarkers profiling in the near future.

Research paper thumbnail of A multi-herd study shows that saliva is more than a reflection of serum biomarkers in pigs

Animal, Dec 1, 2021

This study evaluates if biomarkers of porcine health status in saliva samples is a mere reflectio... more This study evaluates if biomarkers of porcine health status in saliva samples is a mere reflection of serum to detect disease in pigs under field conditions. Four farms from the same commercial company were included to obtain samples from animals with different pathological conditions. A total of 10 healthy animals and 10-15 animals from each farm with clinical symptoms of the disease were sampled for paired saliva and blood during a veterinary clinical visit. The biomarker panel included acute-phase proteins (APPs), C-reactive protein (CRP), haptoglobin (Hp), an inflammatory marker, adenosine deaminase (ADA), the total antioxidant capacity (TAC), the levels of essential trace elements, copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), and the measurement of the total protein content (TP). After detailed statistical analysis, the results showed that saliva could replace serum for APP measurements since a good agreement has been observed between the concentrations of APPs in both body fluids. For any other biomarker, no agreement between the concentrations quantified in serum and saliva samples was observed visually. However, salivary ADA and TP concentrations were statistically significantly higher in the diseased, whereas the statistical tests with serum concentrations were inconclusive. Furthermore, greater differentiation between healthy and diseased animals could be observed when the distribution of biomarkers was analysed in saliva than in other serum samples. The diagnostic power to discriminate between healthy and diseased pigs is similar in saliva and in serum samples. Preliminary regression models may offer an optimal combination of biomarkers for disease detection in saliva (Hp, CRP, and TAC) and serum (Hp, CRP, and Cu), which demands less labour, sample, and financial cost for saliva determinations. The contradictory results observed for TAC, Cu, and Zn levels between body fluids indicate a need for further studies. To sum up, saliva-based biomarkers instead of serum-based biomarkers could contribute to more efficient detection of diseased animals.

Research paper thumbnail of Los procesos de acreditación de las titulaciones universitarias desde la perspectiva del profesorado

Revista Complutense de Educación, Jan 9, 2023

Resumen. Todas las titulaciones de la Educación Superior deben ser sometidas a procesos de evalua... more Resumen. Todas las titulaciones de la Educación Superior deben ser sometidas a procesos de evaluación y acreditación en su diseño, implantación y desarrollo. Aunque el profesorado universitario es actor fundamental en la realización e implementación de estos procesos, no se conoce cuál es su conocimiento, percepción y grado de satisfacción sobre la ejecución de los mismos. Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar el conocimiento y la percepción del profesorado de cinco facultades de una universidad pública española sobre los procesos de evaluación y acreditación de sus titulaciones, y comparar si las opiniones varían en función de si el profesorado ha participado en algún proceso de evaluación y acreditación o si ha colaborado activamente en la Comisión de Calidad del centro o de alguna titulación. Este estudio de corte descriptivo y enfoque de investigación mixto recabó información del profesorado mediante una escala tipo Likert y grupos focales. Los resultados mostraron que el profesorado tiene un conocimiento limitado de la estructuración y desarrollo de estos procesos, que aumenta cuando se tiene experiencia en su realización o como miembro de una Comisión de Calidad, y que disminuye entre los docentes que no están empleados a tiempo completo. Además, los participantes manifestaron percibir estos procesos como tediosos, rígidos, encorsetados en una burocracia que supone una carga más de trabajo no reconocido, y para el que no se sienten suficientemente formados e informados. Las conclusiones apuntan a una necesaria revisión de estos procesos de evaluación y acreditación con el fin de simplificarlos y orientarlos hacia los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, y realizar acciones de formación e información que fomenten la cultura de la evaluación. Palabras clave: acreditación (educación); evaluación; Educación Superior; calidad de la educación. [en] Accreditation processes of university degrees from the perspective of the teachers Abstract. All Higher Education qualifications must undergo evaluation and accreditation processes when they are designed, implemented and developed. University teachers are key actors in such processes, yet how much they know and what they think about evaluation and accreditation is still unknown. The aim of this study was to find out about how much teachers from five faculties from a state university know and how they feel about evaluation and accreditation of degrees, and to compare their opinions in terms of whether they had participated in such processes or had been members of the Quality Committee of their faculty or of a degree. This was a descriptive, mixed-methods study in which data were collected via a Likert scale and focus groups, which allowed collecting quantitative and qualitative data. The results showed that teachers know little about the structuring and development of evaluation and accreditation processes. Nevertheless, teachers seem to know more about evaluation and accreditation when they have actively participated in such processes or when they have been members of a Quality Committee, while those teachers how are employed part time seem to know less about evaluation and accreditation. Participants felt such that evaluation and accreditation are tedious, rigid, bureaucratic processes, that load teachers with extra, unacknowledged work. Evaluation and accreditation must be reviewed so that they are simplified, focus on teaching-learning, and training is given to parties involved in order to foster an evaluation spirit among teaching staff.

[Research paper thumbnail of <p>Basic survival manual for descriptive statistical analysis [Manual de supervivencia básico para los análisis estadísticos descriptivos]</p&gt](

Research paper thumbnail of Whole Sequencing and Detailed Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Genomes in Southeast Spain: Identification of Recurrent Mutations in the 20E (EU1) Variant with Some Clinical Implications


During the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, new waves have been associated with new varian... more During the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, new waves have been associated with new variants and have the potential to escape vaccinations. Therefore, it is useful to conduct retrospective genomic surveillance research. Herein, we present a detailed analysis of 88 SARS-CoV-2 genomes belonging to samples taken from COVID-19 patients from October 2020 to April 2021 at the “Reina Sofía” Hospital (Murcia, Spain) focused to variant appeared later. The results at the mentioned stage show the turning point since the 20E (EU1) variant was still prevalent (71.6%), but Alpha was bursting to 14.8%. Concern mutations have been found in 5 genomes classified as 20E (EU1), which were not characteristic of this still little evolved variant. Most of those mutations are found in the spike protein, namely Δ69–70, E484K, Q675H and P681H. However, a relevant deletion in ORF1a at positions 3675–3677 was also identified. These mutations have been reported in many later SARS-CoV-2 lineages, includin...

Research paper thumbnail of Deep Sedation for Dental Care Management in Healthy and Special Health Care Needs Children: A Retrospective Study

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Background: Very young children, and those with disabilities and extensive oral pathology, who ca... more Background: Very young children, and those with disabilities and extensive oral pathology, who cannot be treated in the dental chair, require deep sedation or general anesthesia for dental treatment. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe and compare the oral health status in healthy and SHCN children and the treatments performed under deep sedation on an outpatient basis with a minimal intervention approach, and their impact on quality of life. Methods: A retrospective study between 2006 and 2018 was made. A total of 230 medical records of healthy and SHCN children were included. The data extracted were age, sex, systemic health status, reason for sedation, oral health status before sedation, treatments administered during sedation, and follow-up. The quality of life after deep sedation of 85 children was studied through parental questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential analyses were made. Results: Of the 230 children, 47.4% were healthy and 52.6% were SHCN. The median ...

Research paper thumbnail of Una mirada matemática a los relatos

El libro pretende ayudar al profesorado de Educación Infantil (EI) a planificar actividades de ap... more El libro pretende ayudar al profesorado de Educación Infantil (EI) a planificar actividades de aprendizaje matemático funcionales, mostrando cómo crear en el aula la necesidad de saber, de buscar, de mirar y de trabajar, en este caso, desde los relatos. Y se hace desde el ámbito de la Teoría de las Situaciones Didácticas, formulada por Guy Brousseau (1998), que proporciona un marco para la actividad del profesorado y permite planificar una evolución adecuada y coherente de las actividades de aprendizaje diseñadas. Con esa intención de utilidad para el profesorado, se presentan ejemplos de análisis del contenido matemático de los relatos, así como de actividades que han sido implementadas en aulas de EI y que se han utilizado en la formación matemático-didáctica del profesorado de EI en la Universidad de Murcia. También se han incluido anexos que recogen poemas e imágenes (dibujos, escenarios, viñetas) que se pueden utilizar para actividades relacionadas con cuentos, poemas y canciones.

Research paper thumbnail of A systematic review and meta-analysis of the serological diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection highlight the lack of a One Health integrative research

Research in Veterinary Science

Research paper thumbnail of Percepción de los adolescentes sobre el consumo de redes sociales

RELATEC. Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa