Rojo López | Universidad de Murcia (original) (raw)
Papers by Rojo López
Human Cognitive Processing
International journal of english studies, Vol, 2007
It has been long noted that Spanish does not license the use of manner verbs when describing teli... more It has been long noted that Spanish does not license the use of manner verbs when describing telic motion events, particularly when they involve boundary crossing (Aske, 1989; Slobin & Hoiting, 1994). The only exception to this constraint seems to be punctual acts, especially vertical boundary crossing situations, such as tirarse a la piscina (lit. ‘throw oneself into the pool’) (Naigles et al., 1998). Slobin (2004, 2006) has pointed out the low salience of manner in Spanish; the Spanish manner verb lexicon is not as extensive and frequently used as that of high manner salient languages like English, and as a result Spanish speakers are thought to attend less to manner than English speakers. In this study, we ask whether Spanish speakers would accept a manner verb in a boundary-crossing event, when manner of motion is made highly salient, either by contextual or by cultural means. Our research, though still preliminary, suggests both contextual manner salience and cultural manner sa...
Onomázein Revista de lingüística filología y traducción
Research on audio description (AD) has undergone an enormous development in the last decade. Unfo... more Research on audio description (AD) has undergone an enormous development in the last decade. Unfortunately, little attention has been devoted to the social, psychological and emotional factors influencing AD, one exception being the recent line of research which empirically explores the emotional reception of AD (Ramos & Rojo, 2014; Ramos, 2015, 2016) and the influence of psychological factors in its production phase (Ramos & Rojo, 2020). Results from these studies satisfactorily prove that audio described films are capable of evoking a similar emotional response to that elicited by their audiovisual counterparts, especially for scenes inducing disgust and fear, and that reception and production depend largely on film typology. The purpose of this new study is to analyse whether the audio described version of porn scenes can also offer its audience a similar experience to that provided by the original audiovisual scenes. Forty-seven sighted and visually impaired women (mean age = 25...
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Methodology, 2022
Translation process research (TPR) is an atheoretical label used to describe research within cogn... more Translation process research (TPR) is an atheoretical label used to describe research within cognitive translation and interpreting studies (CTIS) devoted to the study of the cognition involved in multilingual mediated communication with written source texts. Research methods are a pivotal issue in TPR, where researchers’ main aim is to develop rigorous, reliable methods to access the evidence of the workings of translators’ minds. Moreover, the drive in TPR for advancing fast and catching up with the pace of other cognitive science disciplines has resulted in a profusion of research topics, data coding, and tools. This chapter provides a snapshot of research methodology in TPR with an eye to identifying limitations, challenges, and opportunities for improvement. After introducing some basic notions related to quantitative and qualitative research, it focuses on three key types of research in TPR: quasi experimental, observational, and the cognitive research of texts. Each type is briefly contextualized and defined in relation to the theoretical paradigm it adheres to, its contexts of application and topics, and the data collection and analysis methods most frequently employed. Core results and critical issues are also discussed. The chapter closes with a few recommendations for practice.
This paper aims to unravel the impact of Francoist censorship in the translation into Spanish of ... more This paper aims to unravel the impact of Francoist censorship in the translation into Spanish of Kingsley Amis' The Anti-Death League. The novel was published by Lumen in 1967, immediately after the Press Law of 1966, a time at which the coercive measures adopted certainly encouraged self-censorship by translators, but also by publishers. There is a tendency in the literature to unfairly and systematically attribute any example of self- censorship to translators. In contrast, the present paper provides evidence against this assumption, distinguishing between two types of censorship mechanisms: external censorship, determined by factors other than the
The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research
Onomázein Revista de lingüística filología y traducción
The present paper explores the role of political ideology in translation by focusing on the influ... more The present paper explores the role of political ideology in translation by focusing on the influence that the affective charge of sociopolitical concepts may have on the translation process of 51 Catalan translation students in the specific context of Catalonia’s independence crisis. The study tests whether the students’ political position in the independence conflict in Catalonia influences the time they use to understand newspaper headlines on the independence crisis and choose a suitable translation. Participants’ reaction times are assumed to be influenced by the relevance of expressions whose ideological content matches or not participants’ position in the conflict. Results from the study report no significant interaction for the congruency between participants’ ideology and the content of source text or translation options. But even if no statistical significance is reported, the tendency observed in the data reveals that the influence of affectively congruent or incongruent ...
Target. International Journal of Translation Studies
This study explores the potential effects of musical congruence and incongruence on translation q... more This study explores the potential effects of musical congruence and incongruence on translation quality and creativity. An experiment was carried out in which participants translated excerpts from happy and sad narratives while they listened to source-text congruent and incongruent soundtracks. Statistical analyses were performed to compare translation performance under three different sound conditions: musical congruence, musical incongruence, and silence. The results reveal a positive influence of congruent musical stimuli on translation creativity. Correlations are also found between levels of empathy and creativity, suggesting that an increase in translation creativity under the effects of music could be mediated by reported high levels of empathy under the musical congruence condition.
En ambitos como la inteligencia artificial, la psicologia cognitiva y la linguistica cognitiva, l... more En ambitos como la inteligencia artificial, la psicologia cognitiva y la linguistica cognitiva, la creciente adopcion de modelos de comprension basados en estructuras interactivas de conocimiento ha generado una cierta proliferacion de etiquetas utilizadas para designar a dichas estructuras (por ejemplo, schemata, schema, frame, script, scenario, etc). De entre todas ellas, las mas generales para referirse a estas estructuras de conocimiento parecen ser 'frame' y 'schema' en ingles, y 'esquema' en espanol. Como resultado, el termino 'frame' ha sido utilizado de manera diferente por un amplio numero de autores. Este trabajo intenta aclarar, en la medida de lo posible, la confusion terminologica, definiendo en mayor profundidad la nocion de 'frame' ('esquema') y analizando su papel en la teoria sobre el significado conocida con el nombre de 'Frame Semantics.'
Cuadernos de Filología Inglesa, 1997
This paper reports a study which, applying Bialystok's framework for analysing Rask variation... more This paper reports a study which, applying Bialystok's framework for analysing Rask variation, investigates the proficiency of 52 English learners of Spanish at two different levels -advanced and intermediate with regard to four Spanish conjunctions across the following Rask conditions judging grammatical sentences (GRIGRJ, judging ungrammatical sentences (UNG/UNG). correcting ungrammatical urrerances (UNG > GRJ, and translating orally (OTJ. Al1 the racks presented the some linguistic context and were carried our under similar conditions. Results of the study provide evidence in support of the hypothesis that the utterances of second language learners show a systematic variability related to Rask. The study also shows that such variability may be related to the different demands each Rask imposes on the learners' ability to analyse linguistic knowledge and/or on their ability to control the access to that knowledge. Moreover, we attempt to argue that Bialysrok 'S use ...
espanolEn sus esfuerzos por alcanzar un metodo de investigacion cientifico, el estudio de la trad... more espanolEn sus esfuerzos por alcanzar un metodo de investigacion cientifico, el estudio de la traduccion se ha convertido en un ambito de naturaleza ‘interdisciplinar’ que intenta adoptar los descubrimientos mas recientes de otras disciplinas modernas. Entre estas disciplinas destaca la influencia de las pertenecientes a la denominada ‘ciencia cognitiva’, sobre todo de la psicologia cognitiva y de la linguistica cognitiva (LC). El objetivo de este trabajo es precisamente indicar algunas de las contribuciones que estas dos disciplinas pueden aportar al estudio de la traduccion EnglishIn its effort to adopt a more scientific research program, translation has become an “interdisciplinary” field which has gained many insights from other modern disciplines, above all from cognitive psychology and cognitive linguistics. This paper attempts to outline some of the main contributions these two disciplines can make to the study of translation
Contents: The Ins and Outs of Translation: A Puzzling Crosslinguistic Riddle - Stepping up from t... more Contents: The Ins and Outs of Translation: A Puzzling Crosslinguistic Riddle - Stepping up from the Bottom Level: The Translation of Words - Multi-word Structures: Translating Phraseological Units (PUs) - Above the Word: The Translation of Grammar - Beyond the Sentence: Exploring the Notion of Context.
Información del artículo La traducción de elementos culturales: metonimia, esquemas y pragmática.
1.1. El proceso de traducción es un proceso complejo, en el que se implican multitud de niveles y... more 1.1. El proceso de traducción es un proceso complejo, en el que se implican multitud de niveles y factores que con frecuencia van más allá de lo puramente gramatical. Dicha complejidad ha sido suficientemente ilustrada en los diferentes enfoques adoptados por los estudiosos de este tema a lo largo de la historia de la traducción' . Sin embargo, a pesar de las diferencias existentes entre las numerosas definiciones del proceso de traducción, existen ciertos rasgos que, explícita o implícitamente, parecen recurrir en la mayoría de ellas. Nos referimos a nociones como las de "contenido", cierto tipo de "movimiento" de una lengua a otra, y la necesidad de encontrar "equivalentes" en la lengua meta que preserven los rasgos del original.
(2000) Rojo López. Sendebar Boletín de la Facultad de Traductores e Interpretes de Granada. Read ... more (2000) Rojo López. Sendebar Boletín de la Facultad de Traductores e Interpretes de Granada. Read by researchers in: 100% Social Sciences. Este trabajo describe algunos de los principales puntos de contacto entre el estudio de la traducci ny ciertas disciplinas pertenecientes ...
In this paper we aim to carry out a comparative study of conceptual metaphors in English and Span... more In this paper we aim to carry out a comparative study of conceptual metaphors in English and Spanish financial language. In order to fence in the vast and complex world of finance, the present study has been focused on a central topic of finance reporting: market movements and fluctuations. We base our study on a corpus of authentic English and Spanish financial articles. In English, the articles have been selected from those published during 2007 in The Economist. The Spanish articles have been compiled from those available in the newspaper El Economista on the same year. We first analyze and compare the conceptual metaphors found in our corpus of financial articles in English and Spanish. We attempt to identify possible similarities and differences between both languages in terms of the underlying conceptual metaphors and their linguistic or lexical expression.
The translation of swear and taboo words poses a difficult problem that is not always adequately ... more The translation of swear and taboo words poses a difficult problem that is not always adequately solved, mostly due to its "knotty" character. However, the translation of these expressions is a linguistic problem that should be solved linguistically. In English, the most frequent taboo word is, by far, 'fucking'. In spite of its high frequency of use, the information that bilingual dictionaries provide es partial, and its translation is not systematically shown in dictionaries or English grammars. In this paper, we study the influence of syntactic (the syntactic category of the head it modifies), semantic (the semantic features of the head it modifies) and pragmatic (the communicative purpose in its use) factors in its translation into Spanish, using as a corpus David Mamet´s work Glengarry Glen Ross. These factors are frequently ignored, resulting in artificial translations which reflect the Spanish equivalent most commonly provided by dictionaries.
Most of the studies on “constructions” (e.g. Goldberg 1995) have focused on demonstrating their r... more Most of the studies on “constructions” (e.g. Goldberg 1995) have focused on demonstrating their role in the language of native speakers, both in adults and in children. Recently, however, evidence has also been gathered about the role that constructions could play in the linguistic systems of foreign language learners. Thus, Liang (2002) and Gries & Wulff (2005) replicated a sorting experiment (done by Bencini & Goldberg (2000) with English native speakers) with Chinese and German learners of English, respectively. Their findings provided a more solid foundation to arguments in favour of the psychological reality of constructions. We have replicated this sorting experiment with Spanish learners of English. Our study not only provides additional evidence to the psychological reality of constructions but also incorporates a language in which three of the four constructions studied are not present, making the possibility of L1 transfer when performing the sorting task less likely.
Human Cognitive Processing
International journal of english studies, Vol, 2007
It has been long noted that Spanish does not license the use of manner verbs when describing teli... more It has been long noted that Spanish does not license the use of manner verbs when describing telic motion events, particularly when they involve boundary crossing (Aske, 1989; Slobin & Hoiting, 1994). The only exception to this constraint seems to be punctual acts, especially vertical boundary crossing situations, such as tirarse a la piscina (lit. ‘throw oneself into the pool’) (Naigles et al., 1998). Slobin (2004, 2006) has pointed out the low salience of manner in Spanish; the Spanish manner verb lexicon is not as extensive and frequently used as that of high manner salient languages like English, and as a result Spanish speakers are thought to attend less to manner than English speakers. In this study, we ask whether Spanish speakers would accept a manner verb in a boundary-crossing event, when manner of motion is made highly salient, either by contextual or by cultural means. Our research, though still preliminary, suggests both contextual manner salience and cultural manner sa...
Onomázein Revista de lingüística filología y traducción
Research on audio description (AD) has undergone an enormous development in the last decade. Unfo... more Research on audio description (AD) has undergone an enormous development in the last decade. Unfortunately, little attention has been devoted to the social, psychological and emotional factors influencing AD, one exception being the recent line of research which empirically explores the emotional reception of AD (Ramos & Rojo, 2014; Ramos, 2015, 2016) and the influence of psychological factors in its production phase (Ramos & Rojo, 2020). Results from these studies satisfactorily prove that audio described films are capable of evoking a similar emotional response to that elicited by their audiovisual counterparts, especially for scenes inducing disgust and fear, and that reception and production depend largely on film typology. The purpose of this new study is to analyse whether the audio described version of porn scenes can also offer its audience a similar experience to that provided by the original audiovisual scenes. Forty-seven sighted and visually impaired women (mean age = 25...
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Methodology, 2022
Translation process research (TPR) is an atheoretical label used to describe research within cogn... more Translation process research (TPR) is an atheoretical label used to describe research within cognitive translation and interpreting studies (CTIS) devoted to the study of the cognition involved in multilingual mediated communication with written source texts. Research methods are a pivotal issue in TPR, where researchers’ main aim is to develop rigorous, reliable methods to access the evidence of the workings of translators’ minds. Moreover, the drive in TPR for advancing fast and catching up with the pace of other cognitive science disciplines has resulted in a profusion of research topics, data coding, and tools. This chapter provides a snapshot of research methodology in TPR with an eye to identifying limitations, challenges, and opportunities for improvement. After introducing some basic notions related to quantitative and qualitative research, it focuses on three key types of research in TPR: quasi experimental, observational, and the cognitive research of texts. Each type is briefly contextualized and defined in relation to the theoretical paradigm it adheres to, its contexts of application and topics, and the data collection and analysis methods most frequently employed. Core results and critical issues are also discussed. The chapter closes with a few recommendations for practice.
This paper aims to unravel the impact of Francoist censorship in the translation into Spanish of ... more This paper aims to unravel the impact of Francoist censorship in the translation into Spanish of Kingsley Amis' The Anti-Death League. The novel was published by Lumen in 1967, immediately after the Press Law of 1966, a time at which the coercive measures adopted certainly encouraged self-censorship by translators, but also by publishers. There is a tendency in the literature to unfairly and systematically attribute any example of self- censorship to translators. In contrast, the present paper provides evidence against this assumption, distinguishing between two types of censorship mechanisms: external censorship, determined by factors other than the
The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research
Onomázein Revista de lingüística filología y traducción
The present paper explores the role of political ideology in translation by focusing on the influ... more The present paper explores the role of political ideology in translation by focusing on the influence that the affective charge of sociopolitical concepts may have on the translation process of 51 Catalan translation students in the specific context of Catalonia’s independence crisis. The study tests whether the students’ political position in the independence conflict in Catalonia influences the time they use to understand newspaper headlines on the independence crisis and choose a suitable translation. Participants’ reaction times are assumed to be influenced by the relevance of expressions whose ideological content matches or not participants’ position in the conflict. Results from the study report no significant interaction for the congruency between participants’ ideology and the content of source text or translation options. But even if no statistical significance is reported, the tendency observed in the data reveals that the influence of affectively congruent or incongruent ...
Target. International Journal of Translation Studies
This study explores the potential effects of musical congruence and incongruence on translation q... more This study explores the potential effects of musical congruence and incongruence on translation quality and creativity. An experiment was carried out in which participants translated excerpts from happy and sad narratives while they listened to source-text congruent and incongruent soundtracks. Statistical analyses were performed to compare translation performance under three different sound conditions: musical congruence, musical incongruence, and silence. The results reveal a positive influence of congruent musical stimuli on translation creativity. Correlations are also found between levels of empathy and creativity, suggesting that an increase in translation creativity under the effects of music could be mediated by reported high levels of empathy under the musical congruence condition.
En ambitos como la inteligencia artificial, la psicologia cognitiva y la linguistica cognitiva, l... more En ambitos como la inteligencia artificial, la psicologia cognitiva y la linguistica cognitiva, la creciente adopcion de modelos de comprension basados en estructuras interactivas de conocimiento ha generado una cierta proliferacion de etiquetas utilizadas para designar a dichas estructuras (por ejemplo, schemata, schema, frame, script, scenario, etc). De entre todas ellas, las mas generales para referirse a estas estructuras de conocimiento parecen ser 'frame' y 'schema' en ingles, y 'esquema' en espanol. Como resultado, el termino 'frame' ha sido utilizado de manera diferente por un amplio numero de autores. Este trabajo intenta aclarar, en la medida de lo posible, la confusion terminologica, definiendo en mayor profundidad la nocion de 'frame' ('esquema') y analizando su papel en la teoria sobre el significado conocida con el nombre de 'Frame Semantics.'
Cuadernos de Filología Inglesa, 1997
This paper reports a study which, applying Bialystok's framework for analysing Rask variation... more This paper reports a study which, applying Bialystok's framework for analysing Rask variation, investigates the proficiency of 52 English learners of Spanish at two different levels -advanced and intermediate with regard to four Spanish conjunctions across the following Rask conditions judging grammatical sentences (GRIGRJ, judging ungrammatical sentences (UNG/UNG). correcting ungrammatical urrerances (UNG > GRJ, and translating orally (OTJ. Al1 the racks presented the some linguistic context and were carried our under similar conditions. Results of the study provide evidence in support of the hypothesis that the utterances of second language learners show a systematic variability related to Rask. The study also shows that such variability may be related to the different demands each Rask imposes on the learners' ability to analyse linguistic knowledge and/or on their ability to control the access to that knowledge. Moreover, we attempt to argue that Bialysrok 'S use ...
espanolEn sus esfuerzos por alcanzar un metodo de investigacion cientifico, el estudio de la trad... more espanolEn sus esfuerzos por alcanzar un metodo de investigacion cientifico, el estudio de la traduccion se ha convertido en un ambito de naturaleza ‘interdisciplinar’ que intenta adoptar los descubrimientos mas recientes de otras disciplinas modernas. Entre estas disciplinas destaca la influencia de las pertenecientes a la denominada ‘ciencia cognitiva’, sobre todo de la psicologia cognitiva y de la linguistica cognitiva (LC). El objetivo de este trabajo es precisamente indicar algunas de las contribuciones que estas dos disciplinas pueden aportar al estudio de la traduccion EnglishIn its effort to adopt a more scientific research program, translation has become an “interdisciplinary” field which has gained many insights from other modern disciplines, above all from cognitive psychology and cognitive linguistics. This paper attempts to outline some of the main contributions these two disciplines can make to the study of translation
Contents: The Ins and Outs of Translation: A Puzzling Crosslinguistic Riddle - Stepping up from t... more Contents: The Ins and Outs of Translation: A Puzzling Crosslinguistic Riddle - Stepping up from the Bottom Level: The Translation of Words - Multi-word Structures: Translating Phraseological Units (PUs) - Above the Word: The Translation of Grammar - Beyond the Sentence: Exploring the Notion of Context.
Información del artículo La traducción de elementos culturales: metonimia, esquemas y pragmática.
1.1. El proceso de traducción es un proceso complejo, en el que se implican multitud de niveles y... more 1.1. El proceso de traducción es un proceso complejo, en el que se implican multitud de niveles y factores que con frecuencia van más allá de lo puramente gramatical. Dicha complejidad ha sido suficientemente ilustrada en los diferentes enfoques adoptados por los estudiosos de este tema a lo largo de la historia de la traducción' . Sin embargo, a pesar de las diferencias existentes entre las numerosas definiciones del proceso de traducción, existen ciertos rasgos que, explícita o implícitamente, parecen recurrir en la mayoría de ellas. Nos referimos a nociones como las de "contenido", cierto tipo de "movimiento" de una lengua a otra, y la necesidad de encontrar "equivalentes" en la lengua meta que preserven los rasgos del original.
(2000) Rojo López. Sendebar Boletín de la Facultad de Traductores e Interpretes de Granada. Read ... more (2000) Rojo López. Sendebar Boletín de la Facultad de Traductores e Interpretes de Granada. Read by researchers in: 100% Social Sciences. Este trabajo describe algunos de los principales puntos de contacto entre el estudio de la traducci ny ciertas disciplinas pertenecientes ...
In this paper we aim to carry out a comparative study of conceptual metaphors in English and Span... more In this paper we aim to carry out a comparative study of conceptual metaphors in English and Spanish financial language. In order to fence in the vast and complex world of finance, the present study has been focused on a central topic of finance reporting: market movements and fluctuations. We base our study on a corpus of authentic English and Spanish financial articles. In English, the articles have been selected from those published during 2007 in The Economist. The Spanish articles have been compiled from those available in the newspaper El Economista on the same year. We first analyze and compare the conceptual metaphors found in our corpus of financial articles in English and Spanish. We attempt to identify possible similarities and differences between both languages in terms of the underlying conceptual metaphors and their linguistic or lexical expression.
The translation of swear and taboo words poses a difficult problem that is not always adequately ... more The translation of swear and taboo words poses a difficult problem that is not always adequately solved, mostly due to its "knotty" character. However, the translation of these expressions is a linguistic problem that should be solved linguistically. In English, the most frequent taboo word is, by far, 'fucking'. In spite of its high frequency of use, the information that bilingual dictionaries provide es partial, and its translation is not systematically shown in dictionaries or English grammars. In this paper, we study the influence of syntactic (the syntactic category of the head it modifies), semantic (the semantic features of the head it modifies) and pragmatic (the communicative purpose in its use) factors in its translation into Spanish, using as a corpus David Mamet´s work Glengarry Glen Ross. These factors are frequently ignored, resulting in artificial translations which reflect the Spanish equivalent most commonly provided by dictionaries.
Most of the studies on “constructions” (e.g. Goldberg 1995) have focused on demonstrating their r... more Most of the studies on “constructions” (e.g. Goldberg 1995) have focused on demonstrating their role in the language of native speakers, both in adults and in children. Recently, however, evidence has also been gathered about the role that constructions could play in the linguistic systems of foreign language learners. Thus, Liang (2002) and Gries & Wulff (2005) replicated a sorting experiment (done by Bencini & Goldberg (2000) with English native speakers) with Chinese and German learners of English, respectively. Their findings provided a more solid foundation to arguments in favour of the psychological reality of constructions. We have replicated this sorting experiment with Spanish learners of English. Our study not only provides additional evidence to the psychological reality of constructions but also incorporates a language in which three of the four constructions studied are not present, making the possibility of L1 transfer when performing the sorting task less likely.