Dian Saputra | Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong (original) (raw)

Drafts by Dian Saputra

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Akreditasi Dalam Rangka Pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP

Pendidikan di Indonesia mengalami pasang surut dimulai era kemerdekaan hingga era sekarang pasca ... more Pendidikan di Indonesia mengalami pasang surut dimulai era kemerdekaan hingga era sekarang pasca reformasi yang kita kenal dengan istilah digitalisasi. Dengan perkembangannya dunia disegala bidang, memberikan dampak yang cukup besar bagi kehidupan manusia dan hal itu pula berimbas pada dunia pendidikan, khususnya pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia. Tak dapat kita pungkiri jika mutu pendidikan di Indonesia semakin hari semakin baik dan berkembang, meskipun masih banyak kita dapati sekelumit masalah di dunia pendidikan kita. Namun hal itu tidak menyurutkan pemerintah melalui Kementrian Pendidikan untuk terus melaukan evaluasi dan perbaikan. Perbaikan dan evaluasi tersebut memberikan gambaran nyata tentang bagaimana setiap satuan pendidikan melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi sejauh mana tingkat pengelolaan pendidikannya telah berada. hal tersebut tertuang dalam bentuk standar nasional pendidikan (SNP) yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Nasional Standar Pendidikan (BNSP) meliputi 8 standar, diantaranya; standar kompetensi lulusan, standar isi, standar proses, standar pendidikan dan tenaga pendidikan, standar sarana dan prasarana, standar pengelolaan, standar pembiayaan pendidikan, dan standar penilaian pendidikan. Setiap satuan pendidikan wajib melaksanakan ke-8 standar nasional pendidikan tersebut dan akan ditinjau sejauh mana pelaksanaannya dan manfaatnya oleh seorang asesor yang telah ditunjuk oleh badan terkait. Hasil dari penilaian tersebut tertuang dalam bentuk akreditasi yang telah dinilai dengan objektif dan melalui proses yang ketat, hasil dari akreditasi memberikan gambaran kepada pihak sekolah sejuah mana penerapan standar nasional pendidikan di sekolahnya tercapai. Pengertian Akreditasi Akreditasi adalah sebuah proses penilaian dengan mengambil beberapa poin indikator tertentu berbasis fakta. Seorang asesor melakukan pengambilan penilaian dan pengamatan secara langsung dilapangan tanpa ada manipulasi dan sesuai dengan realitas yang ada (Asmani, 2011). Dari pengertian akreditasi tersebut dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa proses akreditasi adalah suatu proses pengambilan data

Papers by Dian Saputra

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic at SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Amin Sorong City

Journal on Education

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the conventional learning process. So a solution is needed to... more The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the conventional learning process. So a solution is needed to answer this problem. Online learning is one alternative that can overcome these problems. This study was to obtain an overview of the implementation of online learning at SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Amin Sorong City as an effort to suppress the spread of Covid-19 at the junior high school level. The researchers focused on the impact of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sample of this study was thirteen consisting of 10 eighth grade students, 1 sports teacher, 1 computer teacher, and 1 principal. Data collected through interview techniques. The first is to conduct semi-structured interviews with 10 students who have mobile phones as a tool for participating in online learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact felt during online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The second conducted interviews with 2 teachers and the principal. The purpose of the intervie...

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Pembelajaran di Sekolah: Teori dan Implementasi

Buku dengan judul "Perencanaan Pembelajaran di Sekolah: Teori dan Implementasi" merupak... more Buku dengan judul "Perencanaan Pembelajaran di Sekolah: Teori dan Implementasi" merupakan buku ajar yang disusun sebagai media pembelajaran, sumber referensi, dan pedoman belajar bagi mahasiswa. Buku ini juga akan memberikan informasi secara lengkap mengenai materi apa saja yang akan mereka pelajari yang berasal dari berbagai sumber terpercaya tersebut. Pokok-pokok bahasan dalam buku ini terdiri dari 12 bab. Bab 1 Konsep Dasar Perencanaan Pembelajaran; Bab 2 Model Perencanaan Pembelajaran 1 (Model ASSURE, Model KEMP, dan Model ARCS; Bab 3 Model Perencanaan 2 (Model Dick and Carey dan Model ADDLE); Bab 4 Analisis Kurikulum 2013; Bab 5 Analisis Materi Pembelajaran; Bab 6 Program Tahunan dan Program Semester; Bab 7 Pemilihan Model, Strategi, Metode, dan Teknik Pembelajaran; Bab 8 Rancangan Penilaian; Bab 9 Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran; Bab 10 Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik; Bab 11 Pengembangan Silabus; dan Bab 12 Pengembangan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Bahasa Inggris dalam Penulisan Artikel pada Open Journal System (OJS)

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (abdira)

Teacher training activities in writing article and publication on the Open Journal System are str... more Teacher training activities in writing article and publication on the Open Journal System are strategic to be carried out. This is expected to have an impact on increasing the ability of teachers in writing scientific papers and also publications. In addition, it is hoped that through the writing culture, an academic climate will be developed among teachers. The implementation of training articles and publications in journals for Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Kota Sorong group is expected to be a solution to the lack of teacher publications. In addition, participants who will take part in this training will share the knowledge gained with their fellow teachers at their home school. The results of this Community Service activity show an increase in the ability of teachers from the average pre-test score of 59 and post-test 89. The conclusion from this activity is that the training carried out has succeeded in increasing the competenc...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Listening Journal on Speaking Ability

This study examines the effectiveness of using listening journals to students speaking ability. A... more This study examines the effectiveness of using listening journals to students speaking ability. At this moment, researchers were used the listening journal to facilitate learning how to speak. The researchers tested what the effect of the treatment would be on students' speaking abilities. The participants consist of 11 male and 39 female English education students from the Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong. Data was gathered using a test to determine the students' speech level. This research was under descriptive quantitative, using a pre-experimental design with a center on the sort of one group pretest-posttest design. The information were displayed by the significance of hypothesis testing which appears that the Sig. (2-tailed) the significance of the report is 0.000 less than the level of value 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. The results showed that there was an impact use of listening journal media on studen...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Pendidikan di Era Milenial

Abdimas: Papua Journal of Community Service

Pendidikan merupakan sarana untuk mencapai proses keilmuan yang memadai, namun masih banyak kalan... more Pendidikan merupakan sarana untuk mencapai proses keilmuan yang memadai, namun masih banyak kalangan yang belum memanfaatkan sarana tersebut untuk mengasah dan meningkatkan kapasitas dirinya. Melalui program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) dalam hal ini tersaji kedalam bentuk seminar dengan tema “Pendidikan Era Milenial untuk Siswa SMP Negeri 7 Tanjung Kasuari Di Kelurahan Suprau Distrik Maladomes Kota Sorong bertujuan agar memberikan informasi kepada siswa/i SMP tentang pentingnya pendidikan dan mudahnya mencapai cita-cita melalui pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, peran dari semua pemangku kepentingan dapat lebih turut andil dalam menciptakan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai guna membantu peserta didik memperoleh pendidikan yang terarah dan baik. Kegiatan ini meliputi beberapa aktifitas diantaranya; diawali dengan memberikan motivasi, demonstrasi dan tanya jawab kepada peserta seminar. Dalam pelaksanaannya program ini menunjukkan beberapa capaian positif diantaranya; antusiasme pese...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of the Dictogloss Method in Teaching Listening Skills to Students

Qalam : Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the dictogloss method in teaching list... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the dictogloss method in teaching listening to students' listening skills. This research was designed as a quasi-experimental. This study aims to investigate whether a material or treatment yields a different outcome for participants. There are two classes in this study, namely the experimental class (which is a sample to be treated with the dictogloss method) and the control class (using a method other than dictogloss). The results of this study are the results of data analysis showing that the results of learning skills in listening to the experimental group obtained the average value for the initial test of 60.33 and 71 for the final test score. While the control group using conventional methods has a mean value for the initial test of 60.1 and 70 for the final test. T test results also indicate that the significance value is 0,000. The significance value states smaller 0.05, it can be stated that Ha is accepted and H...

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Students’ Oral Communication By Using Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

Qalam : Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan

This article aims at providing students’ oral communication in speaking class. There were two spe... more This article aims at providing students’ oral communication in speaking class. There were two specific purposes to gain the data namely to find out the effects of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in teaching oral communication especially in speaking ability and to disclose the responses of students in the learning process by using Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). In order to obtain the comprehensive data, the writers used performance test and questionnaire with 32 respondents on speaking class. This research was applied in quantitative method. The writers used the design of interact group comparison. The result showed that there was a significant effect on the use of CLT approach. It was proven that t observation was bigger than t table; t observation was 2.98 while t table was 2.021 (2.98> 2.021). Most of the students agreed if CLT was applied in teaching-learning activites, especially in speaking class because it could help them in improving their ability in oral ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Contextual Teaching and Learning Method to Improve the Students’ Understanding on the Use of Relative Clause

Qalam : Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan

This research was conducted to find out whether or not The Use of Contextual Teaching and Learni... more This research was conducted to find out whether or not The Use of Contextual Teaching and Learning Method was Improve Students’ Understanding on The use of Relative Clause at Sorong Muhammadiyah University. The research method employed was quasi experimental groups. The population of this research was conducted at fifth semesters on English Education Department at Sorong Muhammadiyah University. The sample was chosen by applying stratified sampling technique. This research assigned two groups namely control and experimental groups. Each group consisted of 20 students.. Instrument of this research was test. The research gets the result that Contextual Teaching and Learning Method was effective to improve students’ understanding on the use of Relative Clause. The result of test showed that there was significant progress in students. The results of the research showed that mean score posttest of the experimental group was 84 and the control group was 80. It means that the result of th...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Video Game

Qalam : Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan

The objective of this study was trying to analyze the impact of using video game in developing s... more The objective of this study was trying to analyze the impact of using video game in developing student’s vocabulary mastery. The method of this study was quantitative. The design of the research was based on the experimental study. Pre-test and post-test was given to 37 students of class H fifth semester of Sorong Muhammadiyah University. Score of the test was divided into five categories, they were very good, good, fairly, poor and very poor. The mean score of pre-test was 6, 51 in fairly category and the mean score of post-test was 8, 5 in very good category. It showed that the mean score of test after given the treatment was higher than test before given the treatment. The result of the t-test showed that played video games gave a significant effect on the students’ vocabulary mastery. The result of t-test was higher than t table (8, 96 > 1.68830).

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Akreditasi Dalam Rangka Pemenuhan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP

Pendidikan di Indonesia mengalami pasang surut dimulai era kemerdekaan hingga era sekarang pasca ... more Pendidikan di Indonesia mengalami pasang surut dimulai era kemerdekaan hingga era sekarang pasca reformasi yang kita kenal dengan istilah digitalisasi. Dengan perkembangannya dunia disegala bidang, memberikan dampak yang cukup besar bagi kehidupan manusia dan hal itu pula berimbas pada dunia pendidikan, khususnya pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia. Tak dapat kita pungkiri jika mutu pendidikan di Indonesia semakin hari semakin baik dan berkembang, meskipun masih banyak kita dapati sekelumit masalah di dunia pendidikan kita. Namun hal itu tidak menyurutkan pemerintah melalui Kementrian Pendidikan untuk terus melaukan evaluasi dan perbaikan. Perbaikan dan evaluasi tersebut memberikan gambaran nyata tentang bagaimana setiap satuan pendidikan melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi sejauh mana tingkat pengelolaan pendidikannya telah berada. hal tersebut tertuang dalam bentuk standar nasional pendidikan (SNP) yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Nasional Standar Pendidikan (BNSP) meliputi 8 standar, diantaranya; standar kompetensi lulusan, standar isi, standar proses, standar pendidikan dan tenaga pendidikan, standar sarana dan prasarana, standar pengelolaan, standar pembiayaan pendidikan, dan standar penilaian pendidikan. Setiap satuan pendidikan wajib melaksanakan ke-8 standar nasional pendidikan tersebut dan akan ditinjau sejauh mana pelaksanaannya dan manfaatnya oleh seorang asesor yang telah ditunjuk oleh badan terkait. Hasil dari penilaian tersebut tertuang dalam bentuk akreditasi yang telah dinilai dengan objektif dan melalui proses yang ketat, hasil dari akreditasi memberikan gambaran kepada pihak sekolah sejuah mana penerapan standar nasional pendidikan di sekolahnya tercapai. Pengertian Akreditasi Akreditasi adalah sebuah proses penilaian dengan mengambil beberapa poin indikator tertentu berbasis fakta. Seorang asesor melakukan pengambilan penilaian dan pengamatan secara langsung dilapangan tanpa ada manipulasi dan sesuai dengan realitas yang ada (Asmani, 2011). Dari pengertian akreditasi tersebut dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa proses akreditasi adalah suatu proses pengambilan data

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic at SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Amin Sorong City

Journal on Education

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the conventional learning process. So a solution is needed to... more The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the conventional learning process. So a solution is needed to answer this problem. Online learning is one alternative that can overcome these problems. This study was to obtain an overview of the implementation of online learning at SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Amin Sorong City as an effort to suppress the spread of Covid-19 at the junior high school level. The researchers focused on the impact of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sample of this study was thirteen consisting of 10 eighth grade students, 1 sports teacher, 1 computer teacher, and 1 principal. Data collected through interview techniques. The first is to conduct semi-structured interviews with 10 students who have mobile phones as a tool for participating in online learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact felt during online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The second conducted interviews with 2 teachers and the principal. The purpose of the intervie...

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Pembelajaran di Sekolah: Teori dan Implementasi

Buku dengan judul "Perencanaan Pembelajaran di Sekolah: Teori dan Implementasi" merupak... more Buku dengan judul "Perencanaan Pembelajaran di Sekolah: Teori dan Implementasi" merupakan buku ajar yang disusun sebagai media pembelajaran, sumber referensi, dan pedoman belajar bagi mahasiswa. Buku ini juga akan memberikan informasi secara lengkap mengenai materi apa saja yang akan mereka pelajari yang berasal dari berbagai sumber terpercaya tersebut. Pokok-pokok bahasan dalam buku ini terdiri dari 12 bab. Bab 1 Konsep Dasar Perencanaan Pembelajaran; Bab 2 Model Perencanaan Pembelajaran 1 (Model ASSURE, Model KEMP, dan Model ARCS; Bab 3 Model Perencanaan 2 (Model Dick and Carey dan Model ADDLE); Bab 4 Analisis Kurikulum 2013; Bab 5 Analisis Materi Pembelajaran; Bab 6 Program Tahunan dan Program Semester; Bab 7 Pemilihan Model, Strategi, Metode, dan Teknik Pembelajaran; Bab 8 Rancangan Penilaian; Bab 9 Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran; Bab 10 Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik; Bab 11 Pengembangan Silabus; dan Bab 12 Pengembangan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Bahasa Inggris dalam Penulisan Artikel pada Open Journal System (OJS)

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (abdira)

Teacher training activities in writing article and publication on the Open Journal System are str... more Teacher training activities in writing article and publication on the Open Journal System are strategic to be carried out. This is expected to have an impact on increasing the ability of teachers in writing scientific papers and also publications. In addition, it is hoped that through the writing culture, an academic climate will be developed among teachers. The implementation of training articles and publications in journals for Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Kota Sorong group is expected to be a solution to the lack of teacher publications. In addition, participants who will take part in this training will share the knowledge gained with their fellow teachers at their home school. The results of this Community Service activity show an increase in the ability of teachers from the average pre-test score of 59 and post-test 89. The conclusion from this activity is that the training carried out has succeeded in increasing the competenc...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Listening Journal on Speaking Ability

This study examines the effectiveness of using listening journals to students speaking ability. A... more This study examines the effectiveness of using listening journals to students speaking ability. At this moment, researchers were used the listening journal to facilitate learning how to speak. The researchers tested what the effect of the treatment would be on students' speaking abilities. The participants consist of 11 male and 39 female English education students from the Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong. Data was gathered using a test to determine the students' speech level. This research was under descriptive quantitative, using a pre-experimental design with a center on the sort of one group pretest-posttest design. The information were displayed by the significance of hypothesis testing which appears that the Sig. (2-tailed) the significance of the report is 0.000 less than the level of value 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. The results showed that there was an impact use of listening journal media on studen...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Pendidikan di Era Milenial

Abdimas: Papua Journal of Community Service

Pendidikan merupakan sarana untuk mencapai proses keilmuan yang memadai, namun masih banyak kalan... more Pendidikan merupakan sarana untuk mencapai proses keilmuan yang memadai, namun masih banyak kalangan yang belum memanfaatkan sarana tersebut untuk mengasah dan meningkatkan kapasitas dirinya. Melalui program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) dalam hal ini tersaji kedalam bentuk seminar dengan tema “Pendidikan Era Milenial untuk Siswa SMP Negeri 7 Tanjung Kasuari Di Kelurahan Suprau Distrik Maladomes Kota Sorong bertujuan agar memberikan informasi kepada siswa/i SMP tentang pentingnya pendidikan dan mudahnya mencapai cita-cita melalui pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, peran dari semua pemangku kepentingan dapat lebih turut andil dalam menciptakan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai guna membantu peserta didik memperoleh pendidikan yang terarah dan baik. Kegiatan ini meliputi beberapa aktifitas diantaranya; diawali dengan memberikan motivasi, demonstrasi dan tanya jawab kepada peserta seminar. Dalam pelaksanaannya program ini menunjukkan beberapa capaian positif diantaranya; antusiasme pese...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of the Dictogloss Method in Teaching Listening Skills to Students

Qalam : Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the dictogloss method in teaching list... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the dictogloss method in teaching listening to students' listening skills. This research was designed as a quasi-experimental. This study aims to investigate whether a material or treatment yields a different outcome for participants. There are two classes in this study, namely the experimental class (which is a sample to be treated with the dictogloss method) and the control class (using a method other than dictogloss). The results of this study are the results of data analysis showing that the results of learning skills in listening to the experimental group obtained the average value for the initial test of 60.33 and 71 for the final test score. While the control group using conventional methods has a mean value for the initial test of 60.1 and 70 for the final test. T test results also indicate that the significance value is 0,000. The significance value states smaller 0.05, it can be stated that Ha is accepted and H...

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Students’ Oral Communication By Using Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

Qalam : Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan

This article aims at providing students’ oral communication in speaking class. There were two spe... more This article aims at providing students’ oral communication in speaking class. There were two specific purposes to gain the data namely to find out the effects of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in teaching oral communication especially in speaking ability and to disclose the responses of students in the learning process by using Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). In order to obtain the comprehensive data, the writers used performance test and questionnaire with 32 respondents on speaking class. This research was applied in quantitative method. The writers used the design of interact group comparison. The result showed that there was a significant effect on the use of CLT approach. It was proven that t observation was bigger than t table; t observation was 2.98 while t table was 2.021 (2.98> 2.021). Most of the students agreed if CLT was applied in teaching-learning activites, especially in speaking class because it could help them in improving their ability in oral ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Use of Contextual Teaching and Learning Method to Improve the Students’ Understanding on the Use of Relative Clause

Qalam : Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan

This research was conducted to find out whether or not The Use of Contextual Teaching and Learni... more This research was conducted to find out whether or not The Use of Contextual Teaching and Learning Method was Improve Students’ Understanding on The use of Relative Clause at Sorong Muhammadiyah University. The research method employed was quasi experimental groups. The population of this research was conducted at fifth semesters on English Education Department at Sorong Muhammadiyah University. The sample was chosen by applying stratified sampling technique. This research assigned two groups namely control and experimental groups. Each group consisted of 20 students.. Instrument of this research was test. The research gets the result that Contextual Teaching and Learning Method was effective to improve students’ understanding on the use of Relative Clause. The result of test showed that there was significant progress in students. The results of the research showed that mean score posttest of the experimental group was 84 and the control group was 80. It means that the result of th...

Research paper thumbnail of Developing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Video Game

Qalam : Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan

The objective of this study was trying to analyze the impact of using video game in developing s... more The objective of this study was trying to analyze the impact of using video game in developing student’s vocabulary mastery. The method of this study was quantitative. The design of the research was based on the experimental study. Pre-test and post-test was given to 37 students of class H fifth semester of Sorong Muhammadiyah University. Score of the test was divided into five categories, they were very good, good, fairly, poor and very poor. The mean score of pre-test was 6, 51 in fairly category and the mean score of post-test was 8, 5 in very good category. It showed that the mean score of test after given the treatment was higher than test before given the treatment. The result of the t-test showed that played video games gave a significant effect on the students’ vocabulary mastery. The result of t-test was higher than t table (8, 96 > 1.68830).