António José Marques da Silva | Universidade da Madeira (original) (raw)

Books by António José Marques da Silva

Research paper thumbnail of DIAITA NOSTRA - food heritage, identity and governmentality in the Mediterranean

Monographies, Nov 21, 2016

This essay, at the crossroads of historical sciences and social sciences, aims to explain how the... more This essay, at the crossroads of historical sciences and social sciences, aims to explain how the epistemic community which had prompted the UNESCO’s recognition of the Mediterranean Diet in 2010 succeeded in turning this nutritional model into an instrument of governmentality in very diverse areas of governance. The author argues that the Mediterranean transnational community, supposedly unified by a common identity based on a shared food tradition, is at the moment primarily a political project legitimizing the existence of the heterogeneous, cosmopolitan collective that has given emphasis to the preservation of the Mediterranean Diet after its inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Indeed, the UNESCO does a lot more than elevating the Mediterranean identity. By inscribing the Mediterranean Diet on the list, this international body objectified the invention of the idea of ‘the’ Mediterranean community as a homogeneous whole. The purpose of this reflection is to shift away from the methodological nationalism on which the unifying paradigm of this epistemic community is based by adopting a more ‘emic’ approach. This ‘emic’ path will allow for a new understanding of the current governmental usage of the Mediterranean food heritage, since it places more value on the point of view of the members of the Mediterranean communities than on the account of the epistemic community that has busied itself with the safeguarding of their identity and their food culture. The perspective of the historian will also be considered. The goal of this change of paradigm is to promote dialogue and mutual understanding between Mediterranean communities and, at the same time, to reconcile the praxis in the UNESCO’s fields of intervention with the current heritage doctrine and the constitutional mission of the organization.

Research paper thumbnail of Le régime UNESCO (Discours et pratiques alimentaires en Méditerranée, vol. III)

We all love Mediterranean cuisine. We can even say that we all adore our common Mediterranean leg... more We all love Mediterranean cuisine. We can even say that we all adore our common Mediterranean legacy. However, we are so far to feel the same passion for the fellow human beings, that perpetuate the shared heritage beyond the internal sea. Our reaction to the present refugees' crisis reveals that we are still afraid of the non-European inhabitants of the Mediterranean. We are now building walls and check points to stop war victims out of our frontiers. Inside our countries, the racism against them is growing too. These two facts prove that the exposure to the culture of the Other through World heritage doesn't make us more tolerant to the alterity. Sixty years after the rise of the travels abroad, the expectation that tourism will teach us to embrace human diversity seems to be a total disillusion. At the end, eating kebabs, falafel and visiting Palmyra or Aleppo only turned us into consumers of cosmopolitan experiences and nothing more.

This book is written for the readers who wonder about the humanitarian purpose of the World heritage. It addresses the Mediterranean diet's translation into a transnational identity marker, currently underway following the inclusion on the list of the intangible cultural heritage of the Humanity in 2010, in this perspective. The author exposes the reasons behind the present consensus about the heritagization of this nutritional model, which being first an object of scientific discourse like any else, is today converted into an intangible expression of Mediterraneaness. Rather than tell the history of the metamorphose, he adopts here a genealogical approach, which brings him to reconnect this newcomer of the heritage's arena with other series of events, normative acts and ideas, sometimes remote in space and time, that configure the present social existence of the Mediterranean diet. The author tries to demonstrate throughout this less conventional approach that what distinguishes the 'UNESCO regime' of the food pyramid made famous in the 1990s is primarily the fact that its conversion into a cultural element is the direct consequence of the political will to inscribe this scientific invention on the list. He will also reveal the profound changes regarding the UNESCO's heritage doctrine during the last decades, including the rise of the discursive use of notions as cultural diversity, identity and community, to understand the reason of the proposal's success. He will then finally be able to explain the present popularity of the 'UNESCO regime' as a governmentality instrument in areas other than public health, such as the Euro-Mediterranean co-operation, ecology or cultural tourism.

The critical analysis of this case study will reveal the lack of the reflection about the effectiveness of the current World heritage policies that UNESCO needs urgently to promote in response to the new challenges of the post-national era we live now.

LE RÉGIME UNESCO (Discours et pratiques alimentaires en Méditerranée Volume III)
António José Marques da Silva
ISBN-13: 978-1532997112 • ISBN-10: 1532997116 BISAC: History / Essays • 224 pages
CreateSpace 4900 LaCross Road, North Charleston, SC 29406 USA

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Research paper thumbnail of La diète méditerranéenne (Discours et pratiques alimentaires en Méditerranée, vol II)

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This second tome of the trilogy is, in the first place, about the 'scientific discovery' of the Mediterranean diet, analysed here in a genealogical perspective. To do this, we must first take account of the historical and social contexts of this discovery -the rural areas of Crete and the popular districts of Naples- but also the scientific community and the American middle class of the post-war. This return to the past allows to demonstrate that the Mediterranean diet is not really a timeless tradition, expression of a 'popular wisdom' perpetuated unchanged until the time of its discovery by epidemiologists, but rather the result of a dietary discipline imposed by the need in the first case and, in the second case, of a food nostalgia, reinterpreted in the light of a Puritan vegetarian ideal, which has its origins a century ago in the United States of America. I also try to understand the reasons of the repeated scientific controversies between who believes that this nutritional model is based on a timeless tradition and who believes that this tradition is, at contrary, a scientific invention.

Les campagnes d'information nutritionnelle organisées régulièrement par les organismes officiels de la Santé, nous encouragent à adopter un régime alimentaire plus frugal, pauvre en viande et riche en fruits, en légumes et en céréales. On nous présente souvent ce changement profond de nos habitudes alimentaires comme une espèce de retour à un régime originel de la civilisation occidentale, qui aurait été perpétué de manière inaltérée depuis toujours par les habitants les plus pauvres de la Méditerranée. Le récent classement de cette diète traditionnelle sur la Liste Unesco du Patrimoine Immatériel de l'Humanité représenterait-il à ce titre une nouvelle étape d'un mouvement général de réconciliation grâce à la reconnaissance par les scientifiques d'un savoir vernaculaire très ancien ? L'auteur de ce livre défend l'idée que, suite à des études épidémiologiques menées à bien en Italie, en Grèce, en Espagne et en Yougoslavie après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la diète méditerranéenne, telle que nous l'entendons aujourd'hui, fut réinterprétée par les épidémiologistes de l'après-guerre à l'aune d'un idéal végétarien, dont l'origine se situe outre-Atlantique, un siècle auparavant, ce qui l'amène à appréhender sous un nouvel angle la façon dont ce régime participe actuellement à la redéfinition des traditions alimentaires dans les pays méditerranéens.

Research paper thumbnail of Un ingrédient du discours (Discours et pratiques alimentaires en Méditerranée, vol I)

Abstract Mythology, religion, history, anthropology and health sciences offer us different perspe... more Abstract
Mythology, religion, history, anthropology and health sciences offer us different perspectives of Mediterranean food ways. Visiting each of them, this book explores the cultural and social context in which these discourses took place to better understand how the food element is involved as an ingredient of speech and how it changes over time.

La mythologie, la religion, l’histoire et la science nous offrent autant de représentations à la fois partielles et particulières de l’alimentation. Bien que nés dans un même horizon culturel, la Méditerranée, ces discours ont produit au fil du temps des conceptions différentes de cet objet qui participe à différents degrés au niveau de la construction de ces mêmes discours. Visitant tour à tour chacun d’eux, l’auteur explore le contexte culturel et social où ces pratiques discursives se sont développées afin de mieux comprendre comment les thématiques alimentaires y interviennent en tant qu'ingrédient du discours et comment la place qu'elles y occupent change au cours du temps.

Research paper thumbnail of Vivre au-delà du fleuve de l’Oubli

Castro do Vieito is a settlement of a modest size, situated on the left bank of the Lima river es... more Castro do Vieito is a settlement of a modest size, situated on the left bank of the Lima river estuary in the north west of Portugal. It was the target of a large scale archaeological rescue operation from 2004 to 2005, one coordinated by the present author. The enormous source of data, completely unpublished until today, that was provided by this unparalleled intervention, is explored here in such a way as to offer the reader a portrait of a village community which lived through the initial phase of the region’s integration within the Roman empire. Castro do Vieito’s setting on a nautical stopping point, close to one of the region’s largest mineral seams, makes it possible to understand the involvement of this settlement in the supply network of the drafted military that controlled the auriferous explorations situated upstream on the river Lima. This privileged relationship with the military occupation force means that this settlement is distinct in many aspects from the others that surrounded it and makes it important in terms of understanding the different dynamics involved in the interaction of the local populations with the Imperial Army. After a first chapter explaining the methodological problems connected with an intervention of this nature and size and spread, as well as the solutions developed to surpass the problems, the following four chapters portray different aspects of the daily life of this community.

Book Chapters by António José Marques da Silva

Research paper thumbnail of 2013 – A Dieta Mediterrânica

História global da alimentação portuguesa, 2023

Silva, A. J. M. da (2023), “2013 – A Dieta Mediterrânica”, in Franco, J. E. and Braga, I. D. Hist... more Silva, A. J. M. da (2023), “2013 – A Dieta Mediterrânica”, in Franco, J. E. and Braga, I. D. História Global da Alimentação Portuguesa, Temas e Debates, Lisboa, pp. 579-584.

A candidatura da dieta mediterrânica à lista do património cultural da humanidade foi fruto de um processo muito sui generis, culminando no seu reconhecimento pela UNESCO em 2010. Portugal associou-se a esta iniciativa transnacional três anos mais tarde. É, até hoje, um caso sem paralelo por resultar da objetivação de um conceito científico multidisciplinar, sendo passível de vários entendimentos.

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking touristification as a long-term process The impact of tourism on the Madeiran cuisine (19th-21st century)

Silva, A. J. M. e Santos, R. A. N. dos, Rethinking touristification as a long-term process The im... more Silva, A. J. M. e Santos, R. A. N. dos, Rethinking touristification as a long-term process The impact of tourism on the Madeiran cuisine (19th-21st century), in A. Zottis, J. P. Jorge, P. Almeida, R. Peres, and Susana Teles (eds.), XII International Tourism Congress - The Image and Sustainability of Tourism Destinations (Proceedings Book), CITUR / Universidade Feevale, 2021, pp. 622-630.

In the last decade, we have witnessed a growth of movements contesting touristification at the global scale. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the intensive and disordered flux of travellers in some popular destinations was seen as the cause of various negative effects on the everyday life of inhabitants. One of these effects was the degradation of their intangible cultural heritage (ICH), including culinary legacies. An increasing amount of research focuses this issue from different disciplinary areas. However, the approaches usually adopted only take into account the immediate consequences of the ongoing phenomena that can be observed during a field enquiry. This paper will explore a new path. Assuming that cultural heritage is a social construction in the long term, the historian’s outlook is needed to see the big picture. The case study of the Madeiran cuisine will allow us to understand the lasting mark left on the ICH of the hosting communities resulting from receiving guests. Madeira is one of the oldest destinations of the world, with a hospitality industry in activity since the early 19th century. Additionally, numerous documents attest the evolution of dietary habits of the insular society not only at this period, but also before and after. This makes Madeira an excellent place to monitor the socio-cultural impact of holidaymakers on foodways. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate that touristification studies should take the "longue durée” into account.

Keywords: touristification, intangible cultural heritage, history, food traditions, Madeira.

Research paper thumbnail of Les routes commerciales de la morue en Méditerranée

Le Grand Mezzé, 2021

Silva, A. J. M. da (2021),Les routes commerciales de la morue en Méditerranée: XVIe - milieu du X... more Silva, A. J. M. da (2021),Les routes commerciales de la morue en Méditerranée: XVIe - milieu du XXe siècle (Infographie), in Laubrie, Édouard de (dir.), Le Grand Mezzé, Paris, Actes Sud, p. 194.

Qu’appelle-t-on diète méditerranéenne et sait-on que, derrière son succès, se trouve un médecin américain des années 1950, mais que les médecins de l’Antiquité avaient depuis longtemps fait le lien entre santé et alimentation ? A l’heure où les consommateurs sont de plus en plus soucieux de ce qu’ils mettent dans leur assiette, comment répondre au paradoxe d’un territoire complexe, le bassin méditerranéen, avec une nécessité de production en masse ? L’ouvrage questionne les enjeux historiques, culturels, économiques, écologiques et religieux de l’alimentation en Méditerranée, tout en retraçant l’histoire de ce carrefour éternel d’échanges et d’influences. Cet ouvrage accompagne une exposition semi-permanente au Mucem de juin 2021 à début 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of La production et la diffusion de la canne à sucre

Le Grand Mezzé, 2021

Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), La production et la diffusion de la canne à sucre (Infographie), in La... more Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), La production et la diffusion de la canne à sucre (Infographie), in Laubrie, Édouard de (dir.), Le Grand Mezzé, Paris, Actes Sud, p. 195-196.

Qu’appelle-t-on diète méditerranéenne et sait-on que, derrière son succès, se trouve un médecin américain des années 1950, mais que les médecins de l’Antiquité avaient depuis longtemps fait le lien entre santé et alimentation ? A l’heure où les consommateurs sont de plus en plus soucieux de ce qu’ils mettent dans leur assiette, comment répondre au paradoxe d’un territoire complexe, le bassin méditerranéen, avec une nécessité de production en masse ? L’ouvrage questionne les enjeux historiques, culturels, économiques, écologiques et religieux de l’alimentation en Méditerranée, tout en retraçant l’histoire de ce carrefour éternel d’échanges et d’influences. Cet ouvrage accompagne une exposition semi-permanente au Mucem de juin 2021 à début 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of La morue : bonne fortune d'un poisson de l'Atlantique nord en Méditerranée

Le Grand Mezzé, 2021

Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), La morue : bonne fortune d'un poisson de l'Atlantique nord en Méditerr... more Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), La morue : bonne fortune d'un poisson de l'Atlantique nord en Méditerranée, in Laubrie, Édouard de (dir.), Le Grand Mezzé, Paris, Actes Sud, p. 195-196.

Qu’appelle-t-on diète méditerranéenne et sait-on que, derrière son succès, se trouve un médecin américain des années 1950, mais que les médecins de l’Antiquité avaient depuis longtemps fait le lien entre santé et alimentation ? A l’heure où les consommateurs sont de plus en plus soucieux de ce qu’ils mettent dans leur assiette, comment répondre au paradoxe d’un territoire complexe, le bassin méditerranéen, avec une nécessité de production en masse ? L’ouvrage questionne les enjeux historiques, culturels, économiques, écologiques et religieux de l’alimentation en Méditerranée, tout en retraçant l’histoire de ce carrefour éternel d’échanges et d’influences. Cet ouvrage accompagne une exposition semi-permanente au Mucem de juin 2021 à début 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of La canne à sucre: lorsque le monde eut "faim de sucre"

Le Grand Mezzé, 2021

Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), La canne à sucre: lorsque le monde eut "faim de sucre", in Laubrie, Éd... more Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), La canne à sucre: lorsque le monde eut "faim de sucre", in Laubrie, Édouard de (dir.), Le Grand Mezzé, Paris, Actes Sud, p. 191-194.

Qu’appelle-t-on diète méditerranéenne et sait-on que, derrière son succès, se trouve un médecin américain des années 1950, mais que les médecins de l’Antiquité avaient depuis longtemps fait le lien entre santé et alimentation ? A l’heure où les consommateurs sont de plus en plus soucieux de ce qu’ils mettent dans leur assiette, comment répondre au paradoxe d’un territoire complexe, le bassin méditerranéen, avec une nécessité de production en masse ? L’ouvrage questionne les enjeux historiques, culturels, économiques, écologiques et religieux de l’alimentation en Méditerranée, tout en retraçant l’histoire de ce carrefour éternel d’échanges et d’influences. Cet ouvrage accompagne une exposition semi-permanente au Mucem de juin 2021 à début 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of Alimentation et diététique de l'Antiquité à nos jours

Le Grand Mezzé, 2021

Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), Alimentation et diététique de l'Antiquité â nos jours, in Laubrie, Édo... more Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), Alimentation et diététique de l'Antiquité â nos jours, in Laubrie, Édouard de (dir.), Le Grand Mezzé, Paris, Actes Sud, p. 19-34.

Qu’appelle-t-on diète méditerranéenne et sait-on que, derrière son succès, se trouve un médecin américain des années 1950, mais que les médecins de l’Antiquité avaient depuis longtemps fait le lien entre santé et alimentation ? A l’heure où les consommateurs sont de plus en plus soucieux de ce qu’ils mettent dans leur assiette, comment répondre au paradoxe d’un territoire complexe, le bassin méditerranéen, avec une nécessité de production en masse ? L’ouvrage questionne les enjeux historiques, culturels, économiques, écologiques et religieux de l’alimentation en Méditerranée, tout en retraçant l’histoire de ce carrefour éternel d’échanges et d’influences. Cet ouvrage accompagne une exposition semi-permanente au Mucem de juin 2021 à début 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of Désir de chair et raison végétarienne. Médicalisation et mise en patrimoine de l'alimentation en Méditerranée

Cet article revient sur le concept de «diète méditerranéenne». Il envisage le contexte historique... more Cet article revient sur le concept de «diète méditerranéenne». Il envisage le contexte historique et social de son élaboration : campagnes de Crète, quartiers populaires de Naples après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, d’une part, milieu scientifique et classes moyennes des États-Unis à la même époque, d’autre part. Dès ce stade de l’analyse, on peut découvrir que le compte rendu médical de ce régime participe moins de l’examen de traditions culinaires comme adaptation aux nécessités bio-climatiques d'un milieu particulier que d’un revivalisme puritain d’inspiration américaine dont l’idéal végétarien était apparu aux États-Unis au cours du XIXe siècle. Au-delà des controverses qui opposent des champs disciplinaires différents, la définition de la nature de ce modèle alimentaire fut difficile à résoudre avant que l’Unesco ne le reconnaisse en 2010 comme un élément du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité.

Silva, A. J. M. S. (2020), 'Désir de chair et raison végétarienne. Médicalisation et mise en patrimoine de l'alimentation en Méditerranée', in Oubahli, M. (dir.), Manger au Maghreb : par les mots, les fruits et les légumes, Horizons Maghrébins, n°79.

Research paper thumbnail of La “fabrique” du jardin de l'Atlantique. Lectures économique, sociologique et anthropologique de l'acclimatation des plantes fruitières et potagères à Madère (XVe-XVIIIe siècle)

Cet article veut rendre compte de l'introduction des plantes fruitières et potagères à Madère (Po... more Cet article veut rendre compte de l'introduction des plantes fruitières et potagères à Madère (Portugal) d'un point de vue diachronique, croisant différentes sortes de sources historiques datées du XVe au XVIIIe siècle avec les résultats d'une enquête ethnologique à Funchal. L'enjeu est de mieux comprendre comment s'est amorcée la “fabrique” de ce jardin étendu à l'ensemble de l'île, qui est aujourd'hui son image de marque. Cette approche interdisciplinaire vise à mettre en évidence les rétroactions transversales au champ du social, de la culture et de l'économie qui animent ce processus de construction combinée du paysage façonné par l'homme et de l'héritage alimentaire madériens. On soulignera particulièrement la contribution des minorités ethniques et notamment des esclaves.

Silva, A. J. M. S. (2020), 'La “fabrique” du jardin de l'Atlantique. Lectures économique, sociologique et anthropologique de l'acclimatation des plantes fruitières et potagères à Madère (XVe-XVIIIe siècle)', in Oubahli, M. (dir.), Manger au Maghreb : par les mots, les fruits et les légumes, Horizons Maghrébins, n°79.

Research paper thumbnail of Du fanîd au penidios : Analyse comparée de recettes chrétiennes et maghrébo-andalouses de pénide (Moyen-âge et Renaissance)

La cuisine du Maghreb n’est-elle qu’une simple histoire de couscous ?, 2020

Tout au long du Moyen-âge, le mot « fanîd » a été employé par les auteurs musulmans pour nommer u... more Tout au long du Moyen-âge, le mot « fanîd » a été employé par les auteurs musulmans pour nommer une pâte blanche, utilisée à des fins pharmacologiques, obtenue à partir d'un sirop de sucre. Ce médicament était connu des apothicaires chrétiens sous l’appellation « penidios », ce qui a donné lieu à « pénide » en français. L'analyse comparée de différentes versions de la recette de ce produit médicinal a permis de conclure que la chaîne opératoire permettant de le préparer n’a pratiquement pas changé jusqu’à la Renaissance. Ainsi, à ce stade, il n'y a pas lieu de parler d'appropriation, mais plutôt d'une transmission assez fidèle de cet héritage maghrébo-andalou en Occident.
Référence bibliographique : Silva, A. J. M., «Du fanîd au penidios : Analyse comparée de recettes chrétiennes et maghrébo-andalouses de pénide (Moyen-âge et Renaissance) », dans : Stengel, Kilien et Missaoui, Sihem Debbabi (dir.), La cuisine du Maghreb n’est-elle qu’une simple histoire de couscous ?, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2020, p. 121-142.

Research paper thumbnail of A timeless tradition converted into a dietary ideal or the contrary? Beyond the scientific discovery of the Mediterranean Diet.

Patrimónios alimentares de aquém e além-mar, Oct 22, 2016

This article is about the “scientific discovery” of the Mediterranean diet, recently promoted by ... more This article is about the “scientific discovery” of the Mediterranean diet, recently promoted by UNESCO as a intangible cultural heritage of humanity, analysed here from an historical and genealogical perspective. To do so, it is necessary first to take into account the historical and social contexts underlying its discovery – the rural areas of Crete and the popular districts of Naples – as well as those of the scientific community and of the post-war American middle class.
This return to the past is intended to demonstrate that the Mediterranean diet is not really a timeless tradition, an expression of “popular wisdom” perpetuated and unchanged until the time of its scientific discovery, but rather the result of a dietary discipline imposed in the first case by need and, in the second case, by food nostalgia, reinterpreted in the light of a Puritan vegetarian ideal, which has its origins a century ago in the United States of America.

Research paper thumbnail of The fable of the cod and the promised sea. About Portuguese traditions of bacalhau

SILVA, A. J. M. (2015), The fable of the cod and the promised sea. About Portuguese traditions of... more SILVA, A. J. M. (2015), The fable of the cod and the promised sea. About Portuguese traditions of bacalhau, in BARATA, F. T- and ROCHA, J. M. (eds.), Heritages and Memories from the Sea, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the UNESCO Chair in Intangible Heritage and Traditional Know-How: Linking Heritage, 14-16 January 2015. University of Evora, Évora, pp. 130-143.

Salt cod (bacalhau in Portuguese) occupied for centuries an important place in the diet of the Portuguese, it is also true that we cannot understand this constant presence regardless of changes in fisheries, trade networks between the North Atlantic and Southern Europe, drying techniques and the social context of consumption during the same period. This presentation revisits different kinds of old and new sources that refute the idea of a simple continuity in the consumption, fishing and drying techniques of bacalhau. Mapping discontinuities in these
different historical contexts brings us to consider the collective memory built around the bacalhau as a social force, more active than ever. At the same time, this memory is itself the
product of a continuous process of reinvention, selective and labile, that constantly renegotiates the place that the “faithful friend” has in the imagination of communities that claim, in one way or another, their commitment to the idea of “portugality”.

Research paper thumbnail of Não cozereis o cabrito no leite da sua mãe. A razão escondida das normas alimentares bíblicas

SILVA, A. J. M. (2015), “Não cozereis o cabrito no leite da sua mãe. A razão escondida das normas... more SILVA, A. J. M. (2015), “Não cozereis o cabrito no leite da sua mãe. A razão escondida das normas alimentares bíblicas”, in Gomes, S. (coord.), Memória dos Sabores do Mediterrâneo, Campo Arqueológico / Centro de Estudos Arqueológicos das Universidades de Coimbra e Porto, ISBN 978-972-9375-36-1, pp. 41-54.

Un peu partout dans le monde, des millions de juifs concilient pratiques alimentaires quotidiennes et normes bibliques, dans un contexte social, culturel et œcuménique bien différent de celui où ces normes ont été établies. Le courant prosélitique, qui a dominé le christianisme dès la première heure a rejeté le code alimentaire biblique afin de faciliter la conversion des païens. Plus tard, l’islam a ouvert une troisième voie entre le judaïsme et le christianisme, perpétuant certains de ses interdits, introduisant de nouveaux et rejetant la plupart d’entre eux.
Les premières études scientifiques sur les normes alimentaires bibliques ont entendu ce code comme un instrument d’une politique d’hygiène alimentaire. L’interdiction de manger la viande de certains animaux, et notamment le porc, était ainsi traditionnellement associée à la volonté d’empêcher la propagation de maladies transmissibles à l’Homme.
Jean Soler a entrepris au long de ces dernières années, une relecture rigoureuse de ces normes dans une perspective structuraliste qui contrarie l’hypothèse hygiéniste. L’analyse intertextuelle des livres bibliques a permis à cet auteur de mieux comprendre comment ces règles s’articulent avec celles qui se rapportent aux sacrifices rituels. Les historiens et les archéologues ont pour leur part réécrit presque complètement l’histoire des anciens Israélites et de la Bible elle-même. Ils apportent aujourd’hui de nouveaux éléments qui peuvent contribuer à alimenter le débat autour de ces normes. L’auteur de cet article présente à grands traits les différentes perspectives qui se confrontent autour de cette question et propose ensuite de regarder les normes alimentaires bibliques selon un nouveau point de vue : en tant que produit d’une ontologie et d’une rationalité analogique.

Traduction de l'article en Français en ligne:

Research paper thumbnail of Les boissons (Les vins au goût d’argile : anatomie d’une tradition plurimillénaire. Le cas d’étude portugais du vin de talha)

La technique de fermentation du vin en récipients d’argile remonte au tout début de l’histoire de... more La technique de fermentation du vin en récipients d’argile remonte au tout début de l’histoire de la vitiviniculture. Cette méthode primitive de vinification s’est perpétuée jusqu’à nos jours dans trois régions du monde ancien : en Transcaucasie, en Espagne et au Portugal. Cet article présente une analyse du cas d’étude portugais dans une perspective transdisciplinaire et transhistorique, ayant pour objectif de comprendre pourquoi et comment cette tradition s’est perpétuée dans cette région de la péninsule Ibérique, prenant comme point de départ la théorie formulée par le géographe Orlando Ribeiro pour expliquer cet archaïsme régional.

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Research paper thumbnail of Culinary clash in northwestern Iberia at the height of the Roman Empire: the Castro do Vieito case study

Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture The 23 papers presented here are the product of the interdisciplin... more Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture

The 23 papers presented here are the product of the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and approaches to the study of kitchen pottery between archaeologists, material scientists, historians and ethnoarchaeologists. They aim to set a vital but long-neglected category of evidence in its wider social, political and economic contexts. Structured around main themes concerning technical aspects of pottery production; cooking as socio-economic practice; and changing tastes, culinary identities and cross-cultural encounters, a range of social economic and technological models are discussed on the basis of insights gained from the study of kitchen pottery production, use and evolution. Much discussion and work in the last decade has focussed on technical and social aspects of coarse ware and in particular kitchen ware. The chapters in this volume contribute to this debate, moving kitchen pottery beyond the Binfordian ‘technomic’ category and embracing a wider view, linking processualism, ceramic-ecology, behavioural schools, and ethnoarchaeology to research on historical developments and cultural transformations covering a broad geographical area of the Mediterranean region and spanning a long chronological sequence.

SILVA, A. J. M. (2015), "Culinary clash in northwestern Iberia at the height of the Roman Empire: the Castro do Vieito case study", in M. Spataro and A. Villing (Eds), Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture, Oxbow Books, Oxford.

Research paper thumbnail of DIAITA NOSTRA - food heritage, identity and governmentality in the Mediterranean

Monographies, Nov 21, 2016

This essay, at the crossroads of historical sciences and social sciences, aims to explain how the... more This essay, at the crossroads of historical sciences and social sciences, aims to explain how the epistemic community which had prompted the UNESCO’s recognition of the Mediterranean Diet in 2010 succeeded in turning this nutritional model into an instrument of governmentality in very diverse areas of governance. The author argues that the Mediterranean transnational community, supposedly unified by a common identity based on a shared food tradition, is at the moment primarily a political project legitimizing the existence of the heterogeneous, cosmopolitan collective that has given emphasis to the preservation of the Mediterranean Diet after its inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Indeed, the UNESCO does a lot more than elevating the Mediterranean identity. By inscribing the Mediterranean Diet on the list, this international body objectified the invention of the idea of ‘the’ Mediterranean community as a homogeneous whole. The purpose of this reflection is to shift away from the methodological nationalism on which the unifying paradigm of this epistemic community is based by adopting a more ‘emic’ approach. This ‘emic’ path will allow for a new understanding of the current governmental usage of the Mediterranean food heritage, since it places more value on the point of view of the members of the Mediterranean communities than on the account of the epistemic community that has busied itself with the safeguarding of their identity and their food culture. The perspective of the historian will also be considered. The goal of this change of paradigm is to promote dialogue and mutual understanding between Mediterranean communities and, at the same time, to reconcile the praxis in the UNESCO’s fields of intervention with the current heritage doctrine and the constitutional mission of the organization.

Research paper thumbnail of Le régime UNESCO (Discours et pratiques alimentaires en Méditerranée, vol. III)

We all love Mediterranean cuisine. We can even say that we all adore our common Mediterranean leg... more We all love Mediterranean cuisine. We can even say that we all adore our common Mediterranean legacy. However, we are so far to feel the same passion for the fellow human beings, that perpetuate the shared heritage beyond the internal sea. Our reaction to the present refugees' crisis reveals that we are still afraid of the non-European inhabitants of the Mediterranean. We are now building walls and check points to stop war victims out of our frontiers. Inside our countries, the racism against them is growing too. These two facts prove that the exposure to the culture of the Other through World heritage doesn't make us more tolerant to the alterity. Sixty years after the rise of the travels abroad, the expectation that tourism will teach us to embrace human diversity seems to be a total disillusion. At the end, eating kebabs, falafel and visiting Palmyra or Aleppo only turned us into consumers of cosmopolitan experiences and nothing more.

This book is written for the readers who wonder about the humanitarian purpose of the World heritage. It addresses the Mediterranean diet's translation into a transnational identity marker, currently underway following the inclusion on the list of the intangible cultural heritage of the Humanity in 2010, in this perspective. The author exposes the reasons behind the present consensus about the heritagization of this nutritional model, which being first an object of scientific discourse like any else, is today converted into an intangible expression of Mediterraneaness. Rather than tell the history of the metamorphose, he adopts here a genealogical approach, which brings him to reconnect this newcomer of the heritage's arena with other series of events, normative acts and ideas, sometimes remote in space and time, that configure the present social existence of the Mediterranean diet. The author tries to demonstrate throughout this less conventional approach that what distinguishes the 'UNESCO regime' of the food pyramid made famous in the 1990s is primarily the fact that its conversion into a cultural element is the direct consequence of the political will to inscribe this scientific invention on the list. He will also reveal the profound changes regarding the UNESCO's heritage doctrine during the last decades, including the rise of the discursive use of notions as cultural diversity, identity and community, to understand the reason of the proposal's success. He will then finally be able to explain the present popularity of the 'UNESCO regime' as a governmentality instrument in areas other than public health, such as the Euro-Mediterranean co-operation, ecology or cultural tourism.

The critical analysis of this case study will reveal the lack of the reflection about the effectiveness of the current World heritage policies that UNESCO needs urgently to promote in response to the new challenges of the post-national era we live now.

LE RÉGIME UNESCO (Discours et pratiques alimentaires en Méditerranée Volume III)
António José Marques da Silva
ISBN-13: 978-1532997112 • ISBN-10: 1532997116 BISAC: History / Essays • 224 pages
CreateSpace 4900 LaCross Road, North Charleston, SC 29406 USA

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Research paper thumbnail of La diète méditerranéenne (Discours et pratiques alimentaires en Méditerranée, vol II)

Lire extrait du livre:[ more ](;)Lire extrait du livre:

This second tome of the trilogy is, in the first place, about the 'scientific discovery' of the Mediterranean diet, analysed here in a genealogical perspective. To do this, we must first take account of the historical and social contexts of this discovery -the rural areas of Crete and the popular districts of Naples- but also the scientific community and the American middle class of the post-war. This return to the past allows to demonstrate that the Mediterranean diet is not really a timeless tradition, expression of a 'popular wisdom' perpetuated unchanged until the time of its discovery by epidemiologists, but rather the result of a dietary discipline imposed by the need in the first case and, in the second case, of a food nostalgia, reinterpreted in the light of a Puritan vegetarian ideal, which has its origins a century ago in the United States of America. I also try to understand the reasons of the repeated scientific controversies between who believes that this nutritional model is based on a timeless tradition and who believes that this tradition is, at contrary, a scientific invention.

Les campagnes d'information nutritionnelle organisées régulièrement par les organismes officiels de la Santé, nous encouragent à adopter un régime alimentaire plus frugal, pauvre en viande et riche en fruits, en légumes et en céréales. On nous présente souvent ce changement profond de nos habitudes alimentaires comme une espèce de retour à un régime originel de la civilisation occidentale, qui aurait été perpétué de manière inaltérée depuis toujours par les habitants les plus pauvres de la Méditerranée. Le récent classement de cette diète traditionnelle sur la Liste Unesco du Patrimoine Immatériel de l'Humanité représenterait-il à ce titre une nouvelle étape d'un mouvement général de réconciliation grâce à la reconnaissance par les scientifiques d'un savoir vernaculaire très ancien ? L'auteur de ce livre défend l'idée que, suite à des études épidémiologiques menées à bien en Italie, en Grèce, en Espagne et en Yougoslavie après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la diète méditerranéenne, telle que nous l'entendons aujourd'hui, fut réinterprétée par les épidémiologistes de l'après-guerre à l'aune d'un idéal végétarien, dont l'origine se situe outre-Atlantique, un siècle auparavant, ce qui l'amène à appréhender sous un nouvel angle la façon dont ce régime participe actuellement à la redéfinition des traditions alimentaires dans les pays méditerranéens.

Research paper thumbnail of Un ingrédient du discours (Discours et pratiques alimentaires en Méditerranée, vol I)

Abstract Mythology, religion, history, anthropology and health sciences offer us different perspe... more Abstract
Mythology, religion, history, anthropology and health sciences offer us different perspectives of Mediterranean food ways. Visiting each of them, this book explores the cultural and social context in which these discourses took place to better understand how the food element is involved as an ingredient of speech and how it changes over time.

La mythologie, la religion, l’histoire et la science nous offrent autant de représentations à la fois partielles et particulières de l’alimentation. Bien que nés dans un même horizon culturel, la Méditerranée, ces discours ont produit au fil du temps des conceptions différentes de cet objet qui participe à différents degrés au niveau de la construction de ces mêmes discours. Visitant tour à tour chacun d’eux, l’auteur explore le contexte culturel et social où ces pratiques discursives se sont développées afin de mieux comprendre comment les thématiques alimentaires y interviennent en tant qu'ingrédient du discours et comment la place qu'elles y occupent change au cours du temps.

Research paper thumbnail of Vivre au-delà du fleuve de l’Oubli

Castro do Vieito is a settlement of a modest size, situated on the left bank of the Lima river es... more Castro do Vieito is a settlement of a modest size, situated on the left bank of the Lima river estuary in the north west of Portugal. It was the target of a large scale archaeological rescue operation from 2004 to 2005, one coordinated by the present author. The enormous source of data, completely unpublished until today, that was provided by this unparalleled intervention, is explored here in such a way as to offer the reader a portrait of a village community which lived through the initial phase of the region’s integration within the Roman empire. Castro do Vieito’s setting on a nautical stopping point, close to one of the region’s largest mineral seams, makes it possible to understand the involvement of this settlement in the supply network of the drafted military that controlled the auriferous explorations situated upstream on the river Lima. This privileged relationship with the military occupation force means that this settlement is distinct in many aspects from the others that surrounded it and makes it important in terms of understanding the different dynamics involved in the interaction of the local populations with the Imperial Army. After a first chapter explaining the methodological problems connected with an intervention of this nature and size and spread, as well as the solutions developed to surpass the problems, the following four chapters portray different aspects of the daily life of this community.

Research paper thumbnail of 2013 – A Dieta Mediterrânica

História global da alimentação portuguesa, 2023

Silva, A. J. M. da (2023), “2013 – A Dieta Mediterrânica”, in Franco, J. E. and Braga, I. D. Hist... more Silva, A. J. M. da (2023), “2013 – A Dieta Mediterrânica”, in Franco, J. E. and Braga, I. D. História Global da Alimentação Portuguesa, Temas e Debates, Lisboa, pp. 579-584.

A candidatura da dieta mediterrânica à lista do património cultural da humanidade foi fruto de um processo muito sui generis, culminando no seu reconhecimento pela UNESCO em 2010. Portugal associou-se a esta iniciativa transnacional três anos mais tarde. É, até hoje, um caso sem paralelo por resultar da objetivação de um conceito científico multidisciplinar, sendo passível de vários entendimentos.

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking touristification as a long-term process The impact of tourism on the Madeiran cuisine (19th-21st century)

Silva, A. J. M. e Santos, R. A. N. dos, Rethinking touristification as a long-term process The im... more Silva, A. J. M. e Santos, R. A. N. dos, Rethinking touristification as a long-term process The impact of tourism on the Madeiran cuisine (19th-21st century), in A. Zottis, J. P. Jorge, P. Almeida, R. Peres, and Susana Teles (eds.), XII International Tourism Congress - The Image and Sustainability of Tourism Destinations (Proceedings Book), CITUR / Universidade Feevale, 2021, pp. 622-630.

In the last decade, we have witnessed a growth of movements contesting touristification at the global scale. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the intensive and disordered flux of travellers in some popular destinations was seen as the cause of various negative effects on the everyday life of inhabitants. One of these effects was the degradation of their intangible cultural heritage (ICH), including culinary legacies. An increasing amount of research focuses this issue from different disciplinary areas. However, the approaches usually adopted only take into account the immediate consequences of the ongoing phenomena that can be observed during a field enquiry. This paper will explore a new path. Assuming that cultural heritage is a social construction in the long term, the historian’s outlook is needed to see the big picture. The case study of the Madeiran cuisine will allow us to understand the lasting mark left on the ICH of the hosting communities resulting from receiving guests. Madeira is one of the oldest destinations of the world, with a hospitality industry in activity since the early 19th century. Additionally, numerous documents attest the evolution of dietary habits of the insular society not only at this period, but also before and after. This makes Madeira an excellent place to monitor the socio-cultural impact of holidaymakers on foodways. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate that touristification studies should take the "longue durée” into account.

Keywords: touristification, intangible cultural heritage, history, food traditions, Madeira.

Research paper thumbnail of Les routes commerciales de la morue en Méditerranée

Le Grand Mezzé, 2021

Silva, A. J. M. da (2021),Les routes commerciales de la morue en Méditerranée: XVIe - milieu du X... more Silva, A. J. M. da (2021),Les routes commerciales de la morue en Méditerranée: XVIe - milieu du XXe siècle (Infographie), in Laubrie, Édouard de (dir.), Le Grand Mezzé, Paris, Actes Sud, p. 194.

Qu’appelle-t-on diète méditerranéenne et sait-on que, derrière son succès, se trouve un médecin américain des années 1950, mais que les médecins de l’Antiquité avaient depuis longtemps fait le lien entre santé et alimentation ? A l’heure où les consommateurs sont de plus en plus soucieux de ce qu’ils mettent dans leur assiette, comment répondre au paradoxe d’un territoire complexe, le bassin méditerranéen, avec une nécessité de production en masse ? L’ouvrage questionne les enjeux historiques, culturels, économiques, écologiques et religieux de l’alimentation en Méditerranée, tout en retraçant l’histoire de ce carrefour éternel d’échanges et d’influences. Cet ouvrage accompagne une exposition semi-permanente au Mucem de juin 2021 à début 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of La production et la diffusion de la canne à sucre

Le Grand Mezzé, 2021

Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), La production et la diffusion de la canne à sucre (Infographie), in La... more Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), La production et la diffusion de la canne à sucre (Infographie), in Laubrie, Édouard de (dir.), Le Grand Mezzé, Paris, Actes Sud, p. 195-196.

Qu’appelle-t-on diète méditerranéenne et sait-on que, derrière son succès, se trouve un médecin américain des années 1950, mais que les médecins de l’Antiquité avaient depuis longtemps fait le lien entre santé et alimentation ? A l’heure où les consommateurs sont de plus en plus soucieux de ce qu’ils mettent dans leur assiette, comment répondre au paradoxe d’un territoire complexe, le bassin méditerranéen, avec une nécessité de production en masse ? L’ouvrage questionne les enjeux historiques, culturels, économiques, écologiques et religieux de l’alimentation en Méditerranée, tout en retraçant l’histoire de ce carrefour éternel d’échanges et d’influences. Cet ouvrage accompagne une exposition semi-permanente au Mucem de juin 2021 à début 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of La morue : bonne fortune d'un poisson de l'Atlantique nord en Méditerranée

Le Grand Mezzé, 2021

Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), La morue : bonne fortune d'un poisson de l'Atlantique nord en Méditerr... more Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), La morue : bonne fortune d'un poisson de l'Atlantique nord en Méditerranée, in Laubrie, Édouard de (dir.), Le Grand Mezzé, Paris, Actes Sud, p. 195-196.

Qu’appelle-t-on diète méditerranéenne et sait-on que, derrière son succès, se trouve un médecin américain des années 1950, mais que les médecins de l’Antiquité avaient depuis longtemps fait le lien entre santé et alimentation ? A l’heure où les consommateurs sont de plus en plus soucieux de ce qu’ils mettent dans leur assiette, comment répondre au paradoxe d’un territoire complexe, le bassin méditerranéen, avec une nécessité de production en masse ? L’ouvrage questionne les enjeux historiques, culturels, économiques, écologiques et religieux de l’alimentation en Méditerranée, tout en retraçant l’histoire de ce carrefour éternel d’échanges et d’influences. Cet ouvrage accompagne une exposition semi-permanente au Mucem de juin 2021 à début 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of La canne à sucre: lorsque le monde eut "faim de sucre"

Le Grand Mezzé, 2021

Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), La canne à sucre: lorsque le monde eut "faim de sucre", in Laubrie, Éd... more Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), La canne à sucre: lorsque le monde eut "faim de sucre", in Laubrie, Édouard de (dir.), Le Grand Mezzé, Paris, Actes Sud, p. 191-194.

Qu’appelle-t-on diète méditerranéenne et sait-on que, derrière son succès, se trouve un médecin américain des années 1950, mais que les médecins de l’Antiquité avaient depuis longtemps fait le lien entre santé et alimentation ? A l’heure où les consommateurs sont de plus en plus soucieux de ce qu’ils mettent dans leur assiette, comment répondre au paradoxe d’un territoire complexe, le bassin méditerranéen, avec une nécessité de production en masse ? L’ouvrage questionne les enjeux historiques, culturels, économiques, écologiques et religieux de l’alimentation en Méditerranée, tout en retraçant l’histoire de ce carrefour éternel d’échanges et d’influences. Cet ouvrage accompagne une exposition semi-permanente au Mucem de juin 2021 à début 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of Alimentation et diététique de l'Antiquité à nos jours

Le Grand Mezzé, 2021

Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), Alimentation et diététique de l'Antiquité â nos jours, in Laubrie, Édo... more Silva, A. J. M. da (2021), Alimentation et diététique de l'Antiquité â nos jours, in Laubrie, Édouard de (dir.), Le Grand Mezzé, Paris, Actes Sud, p. 19-34.

Qu’appelle-t-on diète méditerranéenne et sait-on que, derrière son succès, se trouve un médecin américain des années 1950, mais que les médecins de l’Antiquité avaient depuis longtemps fait le lien entre santé et alimentation ? A l’heure où les consommateurs sont de plus en plus soucieux de ce qu’ils mettent dans leur assiette, comment répondre au paradoxe d’un territoire complexe, le bassin méditerranéen, avec une nécessité de production en masse ? L’ouvrage questionne les enjeux historiques, culturels, économiques, écologiques et religieux de l’alimentation en Méditerranée, tout en retraçant l’histoire de ce carrefour éternel d’échanges et d’influences. Cet ouvrage accompagne une exposition semi-permanente au Mucem de juin 2021 à début 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of Désir de chair et raison végétarienne. Médicalisation et mise en patrimoine de l'alimentation en Méditerranée

Cet article revient sur le concept de «diète méditerranéenne». Il envisage le contexte historique... more Cet article revient sur le concept de «diète méditerranéenne». Il envisage le contexte historique et social de son élaboration : campagnes de Crète, quartiers populaires de Naples après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, d’une part, milieu scientifique et classes moyennes des États-Unis à la même époque, d’autre part. Dès ce stade de l’analyse, on peut découvrir que le compte rendu médical de ce régime participe moins de l’examen de traditions culinaires comme adaptation aux nécessités bio-climatiques d'un milieu particulier que d’un revivalisme puritain d’inspiration américaine dont l’idéal végétarien était apparu aux États-Unis au cours du XIXe siècle. Au-delà des controverses qui opposent des champs disciplinaires différents, la définition de la nature de ce modèle alimentaire fut difficile à résoudre avant que l’Unesco ne le reconnaisse en 2010 comme un élément du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité.

Silva, A. J. M. S. (2020), 'Désir de chair et raison végétarienne. Médicalisation et mise en patrimoine de l'alimentation en Méditerranée', in Oubahli, M. (dir.), Manger au Maghreb : par les mots, les fruits et les légumes, Horizons Maghrébins, n°79.

Research paper thumbnail of La “fabrique” du jardin de l'Atlantique. Lectures économique, sociologique et anthropologique de l'acclimatation des plantes fruitières et potagères à Madère (XVe-XVIIIe siècle)

Cet article veut rendre compte de l'introduction des plantes fruitières et potagères à Madère (Po... more Cet article veut rendre compte de l'introduction des plantes fruitières et potagères à Madère (Portugal) d'un point de vue diachronique, croisant différentes sortes de sources historiques datées du XVe au XVIIIe siècle avec les résultats d'une enquête ethnologique à Funchal. L'enjeu est de mieux comprendre comment s'est amorcée la “fabrique” de ce jardin étendu à l'ensemble de l'île, qui est aujourd'hui son image de marque. Cette approche interdisciplinaire vise à mettre en évidence les rétroactions transversales au champ du social, de la culture et de l'économie qui animent ce processus de construction combinée du paysage façonné par l'homme et de l'héritage alimentaire madériens. On soulignera particulièrement la contribution des minorités ethniques et notamment des esclaves.

Silva, A. J. M. S. (2020), 'La “fabrique” du jardin de l'Atlantique. Lectures économique, sociologique et anthropologique de l'acclimatation des plantes fruitières et potagères à Madère (XVe-XVIIIe siècle)', in Oubahli, M. (dir.), Manger au Maghreb : par les mots, les fruits et les légumes, Horizons Maghrébins, n°79.

Research paper thumbnail of Du fanîd au penidios : Analyse comparée de recettes chrétiennes et maghrébo-andalouses de pénide (Moyen-âge et Renaissance)

La cuisine du Maghreb n’est-elle qu’une simple histoire de couscous ?, 2020

Tout au long du Moyen-âge, le mot « fanîd » a été employé par les auteurs musulmans pour nommer u... more Tout au long du Moyen-âge, le mot « fanîd » a été employé par les auteurs musulmans pour nommer une pâte blanche, utilisée à des fins pharmacologiques, obtenue à partir d'un sirop de sucre. Ce médicament était connu des apothicaires chrétiens sous l’appellation « penidios », ce qui a donné lieu à « pénide » en français. L'analyse comparée de différentes versions de la recette de ce produit médicinal a permis de conclure que la chaîne opératoire permettant de le préparer n’a pratiquement pas changé jusqu’à la Renaissance. Ainsi, à ce stade, il n'y a pas lieu de parler d'appropriation, mais plutôt d'une transmission assez fidèle de cet héritage maghrébo-andalou en Occident.
Référence bibliographique : Silva, A. J. M., «Du fanîd au penidios : Analyse comparée de recettes chrétiennes et maghrébo-andalouses de pénide (Moyen-âge et Renaissance) », dans : Stengel, Kilien et Missaoui, Sihem Debbabi (dir.), La cuisine du Maghreb n’est-elle qu’une simple histoire de couscous ?, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2020, p. 121-142.

Research paper thumbnail of A timeless tradition converted into a dietary ideal or the contrary? Beyond the scientific discovery of the Mediterranean Diet.

Patrimónios alimentares de aquém e além-mar, Oct 22, 2016

This article is about the “scientific discovery” of the Mediterranean diet, recently promoted by ... more This article is about the “scientific discovery” of the Mediterranean diet, recently promoted by UNESCO as a intangible cultural heritage of humanity, analysed here from an historical and genealogical perspective. To do so, it is necessary first to take into account the historical and social contexts underlying its discovery – the rural areas of Crete and the popular districts of Naples – as well as those of the scientific community and of the post-war American middle class.
This return to the past is intended to demonstrate that the Mediterranean diet is not really a timeless tradition, an expression of “popular wisdom” perpetuated and unchanged until the time of its scientific discovery, but rather the result of a dietary discipline imposed in the first case by need and, in the second case, by food nostalgia, reinterpreted in the light of a Puritan vegetarian ideal, which has its origins a century ago in the United States of America.

Research paper thumbnail of The fable of the cod and the promised sea. About Portuguese traditions of bacalhau

SILVA, A. J. M. (2015), The fable of the cod and the promised sea. About Portuguese traditions of... more SILVA, A. J. M. (2015), The fable of the cod and the promised sea. About Portuguese traditions of bacalhau, in BARATA, F. T- and ROCHA, J. M. (eds.), Heritages and Memories from the Sea, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the UNESCO Chair in Intangible Heritage and Traditional Know-How: Linking Heritage, 14-16 January 2015. University of Evora, Évora, pp. 130-143.

Salt cod (bacalhau in Portuguese) occupied for centuries an important place in the diet of the Portuguese, it is also true that we cannot understand this constant presence regardless of changes in fisheries, trade networks between the North Atlantic and Southern Europe, drying techniques and the social context of consumption during the same period. This presentation revisits different kinds of old and new sources that refute the idea of a simple continuity in the consumption, fishing and drying techniques of bacalhau. Mapping discontinuities in these
different historical contexts brings us to consider the collective memory built around the bacalhau as a social force, more active than ever. At the same time, this memory is itself the
product of a continuous process of reinvention, selective and labile, that constantly renegotiates the place that the “faithful friend” has in the imagination of communities that claim, in one way or another, their commitment to the idea of “portugality”.

Research paper thumbnail of Não cozereis o cabrito no leite da sua mãe. A razão escondida das normas alimentares bíblicas

SILVA, A. J. M. (2015), “Não cozereis o cabrito no leite da sua mãe. A razão escondida das normas... more SILVA, A. J. M. (2015), “Não cozereis o cabrito no leite da sua mãe. A razão escondida das normas alimentares bíblicas”, in Gomes, S. (coord.), Memória dos Sabores do Mediterrâneo, Campo Arqueológico / Centro de Estudos Arqueológicos das Universidades de Coimbra e Porto, ISBN 978-972-9375-36-1, pp. 41-54.

Un peu partout dans le monde, des millions de juifs concilient pratiques alimentaires quotidiennes et normes bibliques, dans un contexte social, culturel et œcuménique bien différent de celui où ces normes ont été établies. Le courant prosélitique, qui a dominé le christianisme dès la première heure a rejeté le code alimentaire biblique afin de faciliter la conversion des païens. Plus tard, l’islam a ouvert une troisième voie entre le judaïsme et le christianisme, perpétuant certains de ses interdits, introduisant de nouveaux et rejetant la plupart d’entre eux.
Les premières études scientifiques sur les normes alimentaires bibliques ont entendu ce code comme un instrument d’une politique d’hygiène alimentaire. L’interdiction de manger la viande de certains animaux, et notamment le porc, était ainsi traditionnellement associée à la volonté d’empêcher la propagation de maladies transmissibles à l’Homme.
Jean Soler a entrepris au long de ces dernières années, une relecture rigoureuse de ces normes dans une perspective structuraliste qui contrarie l’hypothèse hygiéniste. L’analyse intertextuelle des livres bibliques a permis à cet auteur de mieux comprendre comment ces règles s’articulent avec celles qui se rapportent aux sacrifices rituels. Les historiens et les archéologues ont pour leur part réécrit presque complètement l’histoire des anciens Israélites et de la Bible elle-même. Ils apportent aujourd’hui de nouveaux éléments qui peuvent contribuer à alimenter le débat autour de ces normes. L’auteur de cet article présente à grands traits les différentes perspectives qui se confrontent autour de cette question et propose ensuite de regarder les normes alimentaires bibliques selon un nouveau point de vue : en tant que produit d’une ontologie et d’une rationalité analogique.

Traduction de l'article en Français en ligne:

Research paper thumbnail of Les boissons (Les vins au goût d’argile : anatomie d’une tradition plurimillénaire. Le cas d’étude portugais du vin de talha)

La technique de fermentation du vin en récipients d’argile remonte au tout début de l’histoire de... more La technique de fermentation du vin en récipients d’argile remonte au tout début de l’histoire de la vitiviniculture. Cette méthode primitive de vinification s’est perpétuée jusqu’à nos jours dans trois régions du monde ancien : en Transcaucasie, en Espagne et au Portugal. Cet article présente une analyse du cas d’étude portugais dans une perspective transdisciplinaire et transhistorique, ayant pour objectif de comprendre pourquoi et comment cette tradition s’est perpétuée dans cette région de la péninsule Ibérique, prenant comme point de départ la théorie formulée par le géographe Orlando Ribeiro pour expliquer cet archaïsme régional.

See the powerpoint of the communication here:

Research paper thumbnail of Culinary clash in northwestern Iberia at the height of the Roman Empire: the Castro do Vieito case study

Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture The 23 papers presented here are the product of the interdisciplin... more Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture

The 23 papers presented here are the product of the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and approaches to the study of kitchen pottery between archaeologists, material scientists, historians and ethnoarchaeologists. They aim to set a vital but long-neglected category of evidence in its wider social, political and economic contexts. Structured around main themes concerning technical aspects of pottery production; cooking as socio-economic practice; and changing tastes, culinary identities and cross-cultural encounters, a range of social economic and technological models are discussed on the basis of insights gained from the study of kitchen pottery production, use and evolution. Much discussion and work in the last decade has focussed on technical and social aspects of coarse ware and in particular kitchen ware. The chapters in this volume contribute to this debate, moving kitchen pottery beyond the Binfordian ‘technomic’ category and embracing a wider view, linking processualism, ceramic-ecology, behavioural schools, and ethnoarchaeology to research on historical developments and cultural transformations covering a broad geographical area of the Mediterranean region and spanning a long chronological sequence.

SILVA, A. J. M. (2015), "Culinary clash in northwestern Iberia at the height of the Roman Empire: the Castro do Vieito case study", in M. Spataro and A. Villing (Eds), Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture, Oxbow Books, Oxford.

Research paper thumbnail of Does the Ethnoarchaeology have a future beyond the analogy?

JOURNAL OF ANDALUSIAN PREHISTORY Algo más que galbos y cacharros. Etnoarqueología y experimentación cerámica, 2018

The analogy has been used to establish relations between past and present since the birth of arc... more The analogy has been used to establish relations between past and present since the birth of archaeology and ethnology as scientific disciplines.

The repeated incursions of archaeologists in the territory of ethnologists will lead, at the end, to the creation of an hybrid sub-discipline, ethnoarchaeology. In the last decades many scholars questioned the ability of analogy to connect past and present realities, advocating a more restrictive appliance, the use of analogy being now considered as the principal weakness of this kind of studies.

In this communication I propose to address why there is probably no future for ethnoarchaeology beyond analogy, trying to understand if there is any other suitable way to connect past to present. In the course of this paper, I will use the case study of ceramic vessel wine making tradition as example of how Actor-Network-Theory can offer an alternative, and why it will oblige first to reconsider what Tradition is.

Silva, A. J. M. da, “Does the Ethnoarchaeology have a future beyond the analogy?”, in Alarcón García, Eva; Padilla Fernández, Juan Jesús, Arboledas Martínez, Luis and Chapon, Linda (eds.), Something more than galbos and pots. Ethnoarchaeology and ceramic experimentation, Menga – Journal of Andalusian Prehistory (Monography 4), vol. 8 (nº4), 2018, p. 31-43.

Research paper thumbnail of Intervenção arqueológica no mosteiro de Semide (Miranda do Corvo, Portugal)

Resumo Este texto apresenta de forma breve e concisa alguns dos principais resultados da inte... more Resumo

Este texto apresenta de forma breve e concisa alguns dos principais resultados da intervenção arqueológica levada a cabo em 2001 no Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Semide (Miranda do Corvo, Portugal).

Research paper thumbnail of O estuário do Mondego na Antiguidade e na Alta Idade Média

Resumo Apresentação de um Modelo SIG do estuário do Mondego na Antiguidade e na Alta Idade Mé... more Resumo

Apresentação de um Modelo SIG do estuário do Mondego na Antiguidade e na Alta Idade Média elaborado no quadro da obra: ALARCÃO, J., In territorio Colimbrie : lugares velhos (e alguns deles deslembrados) do Mondego, Trabalhos de Arqueologia, n.º 38, 171 pp., 11 mapas.

Research paper thumbnail of The Madeira wine traditions:  Intangible Cultural  Heritage of Humanity.

Most of Madeirans, women and men, consider Madeira wine as a significant part of their cultural h... more Most of Madeirans, women and men, consider Madeira wine as a significant part of their cultural heritage and take part to practices related. It includes both those living in the island and expatriates in other countries, giving them a strong sense of continuity. Abroad, Madeira wine is significant for communities in America, Europe, Africa and Asia connected with this Portuguese island for centuries, that use the element in their social practices as drink and/or as a culinary element a long time ago. Award of its capacity of entangling communities across ethnic and political borders, the application focus social and cultural traditions of all the bearers concerned from the vineyard to the glass and to the plate, not only those involved in the making process but all others that claims this beverage as part of its cultural legacy inside or outside Madeira. The diverse and long list of organizations representing producers, chefs, sommeliers, Madeira wine’s lovers, individuals involved in its safeguarding and related cultural practices in the island and abroad is the better evidence of the capacity of the element to establish bridges at the same time inside and across communities turning into a shared heritage.

Oral communication at the kick off ceremony of the candidacy of Madeira wine to the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Colégio dos Jesuítas (University of Madeira, Funchal). 11/09/2024.

Research paper thumbnail of Candidatura Internacional - Stockfish: Património Cultural Imaterial da Humanidade

Seminário "Património Cultural Imaterial: memória, tradição e saber-fazer", Polo da Penteada. Or... more Seminário "Património Cultural Imaterial: memória, tradição e saber-fazer",
Polo da Penteada. Organização Universidade da Madeira & Cátedra Unesco de Património Imaterial e Saber Fazer Tradicional da Universidade de Évora. 24 de abril 2024

[Research paper thumbnail of [Stockfish application to the ICH list]: strenghts and weaknesses of the candidacy of the various European countries (Norway, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany)](

Communication presented at the Calabrian Stockfish Celebration & Unesco Conference - La Via itali... more Communication presented at the Calabrian Stockfish Celebration & Unesco Conference - La Via italiana dello Stoccafisso in Calabria by invitattion of the International Society of Stockfish / Accademia dello Stoccafisso di Calabria. 14-16 july 2023, Cittanova (Calabria, Italy).

The Accademia dello Stoccafisso di Calabria in collaboration with the International Stockfish Society, on the 14th, 15th and the 16th of July 2023 hosts the opportunity for the realisation of La Via italiana dello Stoccafisso in Calabria, a format of cultural and gastronomic events, which will take place at Cittanova (RC), a location in Calabria already widely known for its long historical connection and tradition related to the Stockfish. The event will take place thanks to the effort and participation of various Accademies, Confraternies an Associations positioned in al tutto of our national territory and norwegian delegations, as to mention some, the UNESCO and Slow food. The explicit goal of the last mentioned ones, is to promote the tradition, the culture and the gastronomy connected to the Stockfish. This objective is part of an itinary and common international endeavour, that has allready been taken up with the signing of the programmatic “Declaration of Portonovo” in the year 2015. The widespread event wants to contribute to the definition and the acknowledgment of the status of Itinerario Culturale and the Via italiana dello stoccafisso that extends from the boot South of Italy up to the North , from the East to the West, reunited by the Via Querinissima initiated by the Confraternita del Bacalà alla Vicentina (a cultural itinary in progress to being approved by the European Union, ranging from the North of Norway down to Venice). The inducement has as its first and formost objective to reinforce a possible marketing of the territory, that is both part of and enhances the value of the places passed by, stimulating a tourism that is in line with the values that are relevant and characteristic of the regarded territory. By doing so it will respect the cultural background, the gastronomic and artistic characteristics. Following a programme of initiatives rapidly progressing with the communication and the promotion on a national as well as on an international level.

Research paper thumbnail of Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage & Stockfish

Communication presented at the Calabrian Stockfish Celebration & Unesco Conference - La Via itali... more Communication presented at the Calabrian Stockfish Celebration & Unesco Conference - La Via italiana dello Stoccafisso in Calabria by invitattion of the International Society of Stockfish / Accademia dello Stoccafisso di Calabria. 14-16 july 2023, Cittanova (Calabria, Italy).
The Accademia dello Stoccafisso di Calabria in collaboration with the International Stockfish Society, on the 14th, 15th and the 16th of July 2023 hosts the opportunity for the realisation of La Via italiana dello Stoccafisso in Calabria, a format of cultural and gastronomic events, which will take place at Cittanova (RC), a location in Calabria already widely known for its long historical connection and tradition related to the Stockfish. The event will take place thanks to the effort and participation of various Accademies, Confraternies an Associations positioned in al tutto of our national territory and norwegian delegations, as to mention some, the UNESCO and Slow food. The explicit goal of the last mentioned ones, is to promote the tradition, the culture and the gastronomy connected to the Stockfish. This objective is part of an itinary and common international endeavour, that has allready been taken up with the signing of the programmatic “Declaration of Portonovo” in the year 2015. The widespread event wants to contribute to the definition and the acknowledgment of the status of Itinerario Culturale and the Via italiana dello stoccafisso that extends from the boot South of Italy up to the North , from the East to the West, reunited by the Via Querinissima initiated by the Confraternita del Bacalà alla Vicentina (a cultural itinary in progress to being approved by the European Union, ranging from the North of Norway down to Venice). The inducement has as its first and formost objective to reinforce a possible marketing of the territory, that is both part of and enhances the value of the places passed by, stimulating a tourism that is in line with the values that are relevant and characteristic of the regarded territory. By doing so it will respect the cultural background, the gastronomic and artistic characteristics. Following a programme of initiatives rapidly progressing with the communication and the promotion on a national as well as on an international level.

Research paper thumbnail of The odyssey of the Mediterranean diet: a food heritagization between utopia and dystopia

Communication presented at the colloquium "Culinary heritage beyond locality: hybrid approaches t... more Communication presented at the colloquium "Culinary heritage beyond locality: hybrid approaches to valorization”, by invitation of Jenny Herman. KU Leuven University Arts Library and Faculty of Arts, March 2nd 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of Apresentação da mostra gastronómica de doçaria conventual e cocktails com vinho madeira. Casa-Museu Frederico de Freitas (Funchal), 13/05/2022.

Este evento enquadra-se no projeto Interreg SABOREIA Mac - turismo gastronómico sustentável. Tem ... more Este evento enquadra-se no projeto Interreg SABOREIA Mac - turismo gastronómico sustentável. Tem como intuito dar a conhecer receitas de doces conventuais que eram servidos à mesa das comunidades femininas do Funchal. Um recente estudo referenciou nada menos que 210 preparações diferentes servidas nos seus refeitórios entre os finais do século 17 e os finais do século 19. Foram aqui apresentadas apenas cinco: o arroz-doce, o bolo de mel, a batatada, a queijada e o alfenim.
Os três cocktails dados a conhecer no quadro desta mostra enogastronómica foram criados no século 19, tendo em comum o facto do vinho Madeira entrar na sua composição. É sabido que a videira foi introduzida no arquipélago pelos primeiros povoadores. O vinho insular foi desde cedo comercializado além-mar, tornando-se rapidamente num produto global, à semelhança do açúcar na fase inicial do povoamento. Foi, por este motivo, naturalmente usado como ingrediente na preparação dos primeiros cocktails na Europa e na América. Este workshop deu a conhecer três destas bebidas, hoje quase esquecidas, para que sirvam de inspiração a novas combinações: Hour Before, Knickerboker à la Madame e Champagne Cup.
Ver fotografias do evento aqui:

Research paper thumbnail of Training session: The beginnings of Blandy's Wine Lodge

No passado dia 17 de fevereiro de 2022, o Blandy's Wine Lodge acolheu uma ação de formação direci... more No passado dia 17 de fevereiro de 2022, o Blandy's Wine Lodge acolheu uma ação de formação direcionada às guias turísticas que asseguram as visitas à antiga sede da Madeira Wine Company. Foi ministrada por António José Marques da Silva, professor convidado da Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia (ESTG), investigador integrado do Centro de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação em Turismo (CITUR) e especialista em patrimónios enogastronómicos.

Esta atividade pedagógica teve como intuito partilhar em primeira mão novas descobertas acerca da história deste edifício emblemático da cidade do Funchal. Foi levada a cabo com o apoio da ESTG e do Polo Madeira do CITUR. Insere-se no quadro do projeto (MAC/4.6C/365) SABOREA – Destinos de Turismo Gastronómicos Sustentáveis, do INTERREG MAC 2014-2020, sendo financiado por Fundos Europeus através do FEDER – Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional.

Research paper thumbnail of Food exhibition of 18th and 19th century recipes with Madeira wine

No passado dia 7 de fevereiro de 2022, os alunos do 2º ano da Curso Técnico Profissional Superior... more No passado dia 7 de fevereiro de 2022, os alunos do 2º ano da Curso Técnico Profissional Superior em Cozinha e Produção Alimentar estiveram nas instalações da cantina universitária do Polo da Penteada a executar receitas com vinho Madeira de livros de cozinha publicados em Portugal, Inglaterra e França no decorrer dos séculos 18 e 19. Esta atividade insere-se no programa letivo da unidade curricular “Design aplicado à culinária”.

Na ementa, constava:

- Entrada: Bisque d’écrevisses (1890)

- Prato principal: Presunto assado (1780) e Champignons farcis (1890)

- Sobremesa: Sonhos de forma (1780)

- Cocktail: Whip Syllabus (1769)

Foram usados para este efeito vários vinhos produzidos pela Madeira Wine Company, nomeadamente “Blandy’s Sercial – 5 anos”, “Miles Tinta Negra Seco” e “Atlantis Rosé 2021”.

Esta ação foi levada a cabo com o apoio da Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia e do Polo Madeira do Centro de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação em Turismo (CITUR). Insere-se no quadro do projeto (MAC/4.6C/365) SABOREA – Destinos de Turismo Gastronómicos Sustentáveis, do INTERREG MAC 2014-2020, sendo financiado por Fundos Europeus através do FEDER – Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional.

Clique aqui para ver as fotografias (© Clara Freitas) desta iniciativa:

Research paper thumbnail of Masterclass de alfenim : as receitas da Idade Média e do Renascimento[ more ](;)[](

Esta masterclass ensina como se fazia o alfenim na Idade Média e no Renascimento com base em receitas do século X ao século XVI. Museu do Açúcar do Funchal. Organização: Departamento Cultural da C. M. do Funchal. 06 de novembro 2020.

This masterclass teaches how to make alfenim in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance way, based on recipes from the 10th to the 16th century. Museu do Açúcar do Funchal. Organization: Departamento Cultural da C. M. do Funchal. 06/11/2020.

Cette masterclass apprend à préparer du pénide comme on le faisait au Moyen-âge et durant la Renaissance, partant de recettes du Xe au XVIe siêcle..Museu do Açúcar do Funchal. Organisation: Departamento Cultural da C. M. do Funchal. 06/11/2020.

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking Touristification as a Long-term Process. The Impact of Tourism on the Madeiran Cuisine (19th-21st century).

In the last decade, we witness a growth of contestation movements against touristification at the... more In the last decade, we witness a growth of contestation movements against touristification at the global scale. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the intensive and disordered flux of travellers in some popular destinations was seen as the cause of several negative effects on the everyday life of inhabitants. One of them was the degradation of their cultural heritage (ICH), including intangible culinary legacies. An increasing amount of research focus this issue from different disciplinary areas. However, the approaches usually adopted only take into account the immediate consequences of the ongoing phenomenon, which can be observed during a field enquiry. This paper will explore a new path. Assuming that cultural heritage is a social construction in the long term, the historian’s outlook is needed to see the big picture. The case study of the Madeiran cuisine will allow us to understand the durable bite of receiving guests on the ICH of the hosting communities. Madeira is one of the oldest destinations of the world, with a hospitality industry in activity since the early 19th century. On the other hand, numerous documents attest the evolution of dietary patterns of the insular society not only at this period, but also before and after. At this point of view, it is an excellent place to monitor the socio-cultural impact of tourism. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate that touristification’s studies should take in attention the "longue durée”.

Keywords: touristification, intangible cultural heritage, history, food traditions, Madeira.

Silva, A. J. M. da and Santos, Rossana Andreia Neves dos, 2020, Rethinking Touristification as a Long-Term Process
The Impact of Tourism on the Madeiran Cuisine (19th-21st century).
, communication presented at the ITC’20 – XII International Tourism Congress (Virtual conference, 27-28 October 2020), organized by the Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation (CiTUR) / University Feevale (Brazil).

Research paper thumbnail of Augmented Reality Technology for Cultural Tourism Sustainability:  The Olive Heritage at Madeira through the Looking Glass of a “Sandbox” Approach

This communication presents the results of an exploratory investigation looking for new applicati... more This communication presents the results of an exploratory investigation looking for new applications of the augmented reality technology (AR) to enhance the sustainability of cultural tourism. The “sandbox” approach was initially developed by programmers to experiment innovative solutions in safe conditions, being adopted later in other research areas for the same reason. In this case, the olive heritage at Madeira had been chosen as background not because it is harmless, but at contrary for offering some challenging characteristics. The purpose is to stimulate creativity, forcing to think outside of the box. This methodological path will lead to a new concept -the Hyper-place of Augmented Visit (HAV) - conciliating several kinds of attractions, in a sustainable way. The general idea is to create a hybrid tour. The user will have the possibility of interacting with a mixture of real objects and digital avatars, virtually reachable by the mediation of AR. The first ones will be found at the location he stands and the others distributed in different spots of the same destination. At the end, HAV’s potential will be evaluated and relevant issues mapped to design a suitable working plan to implement a pilot experience.

Keywords: cultural tourism, sustainability, augmented reality technology, hyper-place of augmented visit, olive heritage of Madeira.

Silva, A. J. M. da, 2020, Augmented reality technology for cultural tourism sustainability: The olive heritage at Madeira through the looking glass of a “sandbox” approach, communication presented at the ITC’20 – XII International Tourism Congress (Virtual conference, 27-28 October 2020), organized by the Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation (CiTUR) / University Feevale (Brazil).

Research paper thumbnail of O alfenim da Madeira: o mito e os factos.\. Esta comunicação prop... more

Esta comunicação propõe reavaliar o que sabemos acerca do alfenim na Madeira. A releitura crítica das fontes históricas permitirá averiguar a veracidade da famosa lenda do sacro colégio de alfenim contada por Gaspar Frutuoso em “Saudades da terra” e de outras narrativas posteriores acerca dessa tradição açucareira, baseadas na obra deste autor.
Uma reavaliação dos dados históricos acerca desse doce permitirá traçar a sua trajetória, desde a sua chegada à Madeira até ao momento do seu desaparecimento neste território insular. Serão apresentados novos elementos que permitem conhecer melhor o comércio internacional em volta deste produto, bem como a cronologia e o contexto sociocultural do seu consumo a nível local.

Palestra apresentada no Museu do Açúcar do Funchal no dia 09/10/2020. Organização do Departamento da Cultura da Câmara Municipal do Funchal.

Research paper thumbnail of A cozinha madeirense: uma herança cultural, vários olhares.

A Madeira tornou-se num importante empório, ponto de passagem de Homens, bens e conhecimentos téc... more A Madeira tornou-se num importante empório, ponto de passagem de Homens, bens e conhecimentos técnicos, logo a seguir ao seu achamento. A localização privilegiada no Oceano Atlântico a meio caminho entre o velho continente e os trópicos fez com que as suas tradições culinárias tenham afinidades, não só com aquelas da metrópole, mas também doutras paragens mais longínquas. Este espaço insular foi neste sentido um verdadeiro laboratório da globalização dos hábitos alimentares. Em retorno, esse legado cultural cosmopolita tornou-se num elemento central da identidade madeirense partilhada não apenas pela população que reside atualmente no arquipélago, mas também pelas comunidades de emigrantes que a mantêm viva em diferentes partes do mundo.
Partindo de diferentes pontos de vista, esta comunicação visa demonstrar que a forma como a cozinha regional é dada a conhecer aos turistas que visitam a Madeira não faz justiça à sua grande riqueza.

Webinar “Tradições alimentares da Macaronésia: contributos para a sua inventariação e estudo na RAM”. Projeto SABOREIA MAC - Destinos Turísticos Gastronómicos e Sustentáveis (Universidade da Madeira, Funchal, 29/06/2020). Organização e moderação: Eduardo Leite.

Research paper thumbnail of Do fânid ao alfenim. Odisseia transcultural de um medicamento delicioso

Research paper thumbnail of La diète méditerranéenne : une idée féconde à déclinaisons et entendements multiples

Opening communication at the scientific meeting "Journée d’étude interdisciplinaire: Des discours... more Opening communication at the scientific meeting "Journée d’étude interdisciplinaire: Des discours au musée Médiatisations de la diète méditerranéenne", by invitation of Julie Deramond (University of Avignon, UFR Sciences Humaines et Sociales - Département sciences de l'information et de la communication). Campus Annah Arendt, 25 november 2019.

Research paper thumbnail of A patrimonialização da dieta mediterrânica: o antes e o depois

Conferência Internacional MEDITERRÂNEO : TERRITÓRIO DOS 5 SENTIDOS 12 e 13 Setembro 2018, ISCTE, Lisboa: Organização CIOFF / CRIA

Em 2010, a inscrição da dieta mediterrânica na lista do PCI marcou uma nova etapa do processo gra... more Em 2010, a inscrição da dieta mediterrânica na lista do PCI marcou uma nova etapa do processo gradual de objectivação dessa invenção científica. Esta comunicação irá relembrar que a alimentação no Mediterrâneo foi um objecto de estudo compartilhado das ciências humanas e das ciências da saúde, muito antes de se tornar num modelo nutricional universal, convertido num elemento identitário comum a todos os povos desta região ao longo da última década. Perceber as metamorfoses que esta criação erudita sofreu ao logo do tempo ajudará a entender as implicações do seu reconhecimento pela UNESCO. Será assim possível explicar porque a patrimonialização da dieta mediterrânica pouco contribuiu, até agora, a aproximar os habitantes das duas margens do mar interior.

Research paper thumbnail of Dealing with the consumer’s resistance against the seafood innovation. The case study of the Portuguese codfish market.

The resistance of the public against innovation is an old problem. Since the beginning of the foo... more The resistance of the public against innovation is an old problem. Since the beginning of the food modernity, the consumers have a tendency to react negatively when the industry mess with their meal. The new wild and mariculture products face the same problem today. As the authors of the SAPAE report claims, information campaigns will not be enough to convince them of the need to turn their diet more sustainable. They also observe that there is actually no scientifically-established approach to achieve this goal. However without a massive change of the food habits, the measures recommended by this report to preserve the resources of the Ocean for the next generations are totally pointless. In fact, the lack of strategies to solve this issue can jeopardize seriously the return of the governmental investments in this area.

The case study of the bacalhau curing industry shows that scientists have to learn with the stakeholders how to innovate without frustrating the consumers' expectations. A radical makeover was necessary to survive to the liberalization of the fish supply at the end of the dictatorial regime in Portugal. Reinventing the old ways instead of starting from scratch was the key of the success. At the same time the producers developed a long-term strategy to obtain the public recognition of the national curing tradition, they initiated a silent revolution. The country continues to be the largest world’s market of salt cod today. However, the consumption patterns changed. In the last two decades, the buyers embraced a growing number of new sub-products as the, now very popular, ultra-frozen soaked Gadus morhua. Alaska pollock, a fish unknown in Portugal until then, was adopted too, mostly for being processed in a familiar way, as the frayed salt cod.

The reborn of the bacalhau industry shows that scientists should learn with the stakeholders how to win the challenge of making the seafood innovation acceptable to the public. It also highlights the necessity of conciliating the reform of dietary patterns with the culinary culture of the eaters. On the other hand, reinventing the tradition seems to be more effective than convincing them to embrace another UFOOD (Unidentified Food).

Conference at the scientific meeting "FOOD FROM THE OCEANS", by invitation of Maria Salomé Pais (Director of the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa) and Elvira Fortunato (European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors). Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, 23 May 2018.

Research paper thumbnail of Séminaire Alimentation méditerranéenne : analyses historiques et questionnement muséologique #2

Séminaire Alimentation méditerranéenne : analyses historiques et questionnement muséologique #2 ... more Séminaire Alimentation méditerranéenne : analyses historiques et questionnement muséologique #2
Lundi 19 mars 2018 de 9h00 à 17h30
Mardi 20 mars de 9h00 à 13h30
Institut méditerranéen des Métiers du Patrimoine - I2MP, fort Saint-Jean (MUCEM) -

Depuis les premières domestications des plantes et des animaux à travers la naissance de l’agriculture et de l’élevage au Néolithique, l’alimentation méditerranéenne s’est enrichie d’apports venus d’autres continents. Ce mode d’alimentation est le produit d’une combinaison de plusieurs facteurs physiques et climatiques associés à de nombreux facteurs humains (guerres, famines, déplacements, etc.). Il s’accompagne d’une culture de consommation collective et ritualisée. La diète méditerranéenne a été inscrite au patrimoine immatériel de l’UNESCO en 2010. Aujourd’hui considérée comme un modèle d’alimentation saine en Occident, elle est aussi menacée en Méditerranée par la « malbouffe » : des mouvements issus de la société civile revendiquent ainsi la reprise en main de leur destin alimentaire et proposent des alternatives aux modes de production et de consommation actuels.
Ce séminaire est conçu comme un atelier pratique : issus de différentes disciplines (archéologie, ethnologie, histoire), les intervenants sont invités à traduire cette thématique dans un projet muséographique, à travers la conception d’une exposition semi-permanente au Mucem pour 2020 et la recherche d’objets du contemporain qui pourraient enrichir les collections du Mucem.

Research paper thumbnail of “La dieta mediterrània és un invent… ¡per amagar la catalanitat de la cuina!” Gastro-politique et patrimoines alimentaire : au service de quelles valeurs ?

Notre contribution se propose d’explorer la relation entre la « valeur patrimoniale » et la « gas... more Notre contribution se propose d’explorer la relation entre la « valeur patrimoniale » et la « gastro-politique »
sur la base d’apports théoriques issus de différents domaines du savoir susceptibles de l’éclairer. L’objectif de l’approche, interdisciplinaire, est de formuler des hypothèses quant à la nature de cette relation, à partir de l’exemple de la diète méditerranéenne. De par sa spécificité et la pluralité d’agents impliqués, la diète méditerranéenne dévoile plusieurs pistes permettant d’apprécier les rapports complexes et labiles entre action politique, culture et science sous un jour nouveau. Nous confronterons nos hypothèses à l’analyse comparative, l’enjeu étant de mieux comprendre comment la valeur patrimoniale se crée et se transforme selon les agendas le plus souvent contradictoires des différents acteurs qui participent de l’existence des patrimoines alimentaires. Notre contribution envisage de mettre à l’épreuve la prémisse selon laquelle la main mise de la gastro-politique sur la culture doit avant tout favoriser la promotion de valeurs humanistes.

Research paper thumbnail of Conceptions contemporaines de l'alimentation en Méditerranée Une perspective généalogique.

Cette communication explore les trois idées suivantes: 1- L'alimentation en Méditerranée a été un... more Cette communication explore les trois idées suivantes:
1- L'alimentation en Méditerranée a été un objet d'étude partagé des sciences humaines et des sciences médicales bien avant de se convertir en modèle alimentaire universel, puis en patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'Humanité.
2- La diaita, objet du classement UNESCO, doit beaucoup aux conceptions scientifiques du passé.
3- La patrimonialisation en cours a additionné une nouvelle couche au
problème et suscite de nouveaux questionnements.

Research paper thumbnail of From the glass to the plate: Reframing the storytelling about the Madeira wine’s leaping into gastronomy

Herança – Revista de História, Património e Cultura , 2023

For a long time, the island of Madeira has been known worldwide for its wine, not only as a bever... more For a long time, the island of Madeira has been known worldwide for its wine, not only as a beverage but also as an ingredient in the famous sauce Madère. This article tells the story of how this drink made its way into gastronomy during the second half of the 18 th century, on both sides of the British Atlantic. Recipe books and other types of documents from this period are explored to gather data related to this matter. An ethnographic research conducted at the Madeira Wine company complements the historical approach to understand the results of this study regarding the discourse surrounding the past in relation to this oenological heritage and the self-perception of the producers as guardians of a truly living tradition. This case study shows that updating narratives based on new historical evidence could not only change the perspective of consumers and tourists, as demonstrated by previous research, but also enhance innovative strategies in this line of business.

Research paper thumbnail of Once Upon a Time: The Old Blandy's Wine Lodge -  Property Management and Business Strategies in Madeira (1811-1855)

Silva, A. J. M. (2023). Once Upon a Time: The Old Blandy's Wine Lodge - Property Management and ... more Silva, A. J. M. (2023). Once Upon a Time: The Old Blandy's Wine Lodge - Property Management and Business Strategies in Madeira (1811-1855),. Herança - Revista De História, Património E Cultura, 6(2). This paper deals with the strategies of property management developed by John Blandy, a British citizen who founded a family company bearing his name, prospering as a wine shipper and general trader. The analysis of different kinds of sources from Portuguese archives made it possible to understand how this businessman of the early 1800s took advantage of real estate opportunities in Funchal (Madeira Island) throughout his life. His legacy provided the material conditions to ensure the continuity of the firm in the long term, including its historical headquarters in Rua de São Francisco, known today as the Old Blandy's Wine Lodge.

Research paper thumbnail of Learning from the past. The Saborea project and the rebranding of the Madeira destination in the post-pandemic era

Silva, A. J. M., & de Almeida Leite, E. M. (2022). Learning from the past : The Saborea project a... more Silva, A. J. M., & de Almeida Leite, E. M. (2022). Learning from the past : The Saborea project and the rebranding of the Madeira destination in the post-pandemic era. E3 - Revista De Economia, Empresas E Empreendedores Na CPLP, 8(2)..

Since January 2020, a multisectoral hub of Madeiran institutions has been involved in the INTERREG project SABOREA Mac. The main objective of this regional cluster is to put Madeira on the map of food destinations. The timing could not have been worse: a global disaster that severely affects the tourism industry within the framework of an ongoing pandemic, which no one anticipated. There have been no studies focused on this area of activity and on the impact caused by a health crisis of this magnitude that until recently was completely unthinkable. Learning from the past is a way to respond immediately to the urgent need to re-evaluate the original strategy of the SABOREA consortium, delineated in a totally different conjuncture. In this paper, we analyse the path adopted by the organizers of the 5 th Centenary of Madeira's discovery at the end of WW1. Facing the cumulated impact of the conflict and the Spanish flu, they successfully rebranded Madeira, a strategy that continues to shape the perception of the destination by today's visitors. This case study serves as a starting point for considering to what extent the SABOREA project still fits into the reality of the post-pandemic era.

Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking touristification as a long-term process The impact of tourism on the Madeiran cuisine (19th-21st centuries)

In the last decade, we have witnessed a growth of contestation movements against touristification... more In the last decade, we have witnessed a growth of contestation movements against touristification on the global scale. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the intensive, disordered flux of travelers in some popular destinations was blamed for negatively affecting the everyday life of local inhabitants. One effect was the degradation of their intangible cultural heritage (ICH), including culinary legacies, and more research has focused on this issue from different disciplinary areas. However, the approaches usually adopted only consider the immediate consequences of the ongoing phenomenon that can be observed during a field enquiry. This paper explores a new path. Assuming that cultural heritage is a long-term social construction, an historian’s outlook is needed to see the big picture. The case study of the Madeiran cuisine allows us to understand to what extent receiving guests has long-term effects on the ICH of host communities. Madeira is one of the oldest destinations of the world, with a hospitality industry in activity since the early 19th century. Additionally, numerous documents attest the evolution of dietary patterns of the insular society, not only at this period, but also before and after. From this point of view, it is an excellent place to monitor the socio-cultural impact of tourism. Historical sources from different periods are confronted to understand the dynamic of the culinary repertoire in the archipelago. The point of view of local stakeholders currently involved in this arena are also considered. The results obtained by this diachronic approach enable us to relativize the Manichean vision of holidaymakers as a threat to cultural heritage, demonstrating that touristification studies should take into account the longue durée.

Silva, A. J. M., & Santos, R. A. N. dos (2022).. Rethinking touristification as a long-term process The impact of tourism on the Madeiran cuisine (19th-21st centuries),. Herança - Revista De História, Património E Cultura, 5(2).

Research paper thumbnail of Eating, drinking and travelling for fun. Backward to 'Tourism and Gastronomy' and forward to the Covidocene

Tourism and Gastronomy (T&G) was published in 2002. Even today, this book is an indispensable ref... more Tourism and Gastronomy (T&G) was published in 2002. Even today, this book is an indispensable reference for researchers from different disciplinary perspectives who study how food and beverage are linked to leisure mobility. At that time, the contributors witnessed a major shift in consumer behaviour, which would soon turn the act of eating and drinking into a first-order driver of this sector of activity. The objective of the editors was to map the evolution of this new trend and predict the future of gastronomy and culinary heritage in tourism. This paper will revisit T&G to fully understand how, in only twenty years, what was before just a 'non-optional' part of the package became a prosperous niche, and later a primary component of recreational travels. The 'throwback' approach adopted here will enable us to reflect on how the COVID-19 crisis impacts holidaymakers' choices, which could help in the design of more efficient recovery plans.

Silva, A. J. M. da (2022), Eating, drinking and travelling for fun. Backward to ‘Tourism and Gastronomy’ and forward to the Covidocene, EJTHR, 11(2), 159-170

Research paper thumbnail of In Quest of a New AR Technology Application to Enhance the Sustainability of Cultural Tourism: The Olive Heritage in Madeira Through the Looking Glass of a 'Sandbox' Approach

European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 2022

Marques da Silva, António José. "In Quest of a New AR Technology Application to Enhance the Susta... more Marques da Silva, António José. "In Quest of a New AR Technology Application to Enhance the Sustainability of Cultural Tourism: The Olive Heritage in Madeira Through the Looking Glass of a ‘Sandbox’ Approach" European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, vol.11, no.1, 2021, pp.66-76.

This article presents the results of an exploratory investigation looking for new applications of augmented reality (AR) technology to enhance the sustainability of cultural tourism. The 'sandbox' approach was initially developed by programmers to experiment innovative solutions in safe conditions, being adopted later in other research areas for the same reason. In this case, the olive heritage at Madeira had been chosen as a background not because it is harmless, but on the contrary, for offering some challenging characteristics. The purpose is to stimulate creativity, forcing thought outside the box. This methodological path will lead to a new conceptthe hyperplace of augmented visit (HAV)-conciliating several kinds of attractions in a sustainable way. The general idea is to create a hybrid tour. The user will have the possibility of interacting with a mixture of real objects and digital avatars, virtually reachable by the mediation of AR. The former will be found at the location where the user stands, and the others will be distributed in different areas of the same destination. The study leads to the conclusion that this concept will encourage travellers to spend more time in each spot and to include new points of interest, less popular or even unexplored, in their itinerary, and is also resilient in a context of public health crisis. At the close, HAV's potential will be evaluated and relevant issues mapped to design a suitable working plan to implement a pilot experience.

Research paper thumbnail of L’Alfenim Madérien et Autres Avatars du Fanîd Maghrébo-Andalou en Atlantique

Arquivo Histórico da Madeira, 2021

Résumé On doit à Gilberto Freyre l’idée que l’alfenim, statuette faite de pénide introduite au Br... more Résumé
On doit à Gilberto Freyre l’idée que l’alfenim, statuette faite de pénide introduite au Brésil par les colonisateurs portugais, aurait une origine mauresque. Plus récemment, Alberto Vieira a défendu que cette création des apothicaires musulmans – le fânid des sources maghrébo-andalouses – ait commencé son voyage à travers l’Atlantique dès la fin du Moyen-âge à Madère. Selon cet historien, ce serait à partir de là qu’elle aurait ensuite suivi son chemin vers les Açores et le Brésil. Reste à expliquer sa relation avec l’alfenique des anciennes colonies américaines de l’Espagne. Cet article va se centrer sur le cas d’étude madérien afin de mieux comprendre comment s’est opéré ce processus de transmission interculturelle.

Devemos a Gilberto Freyre a ideia de que o alfenim foi introduzido no Brasil pelos colonizadores portugueses, sendo uma herança mourisca. Este nome designa hoje estatuetas feitas de uma massa de açúcar repuxada. Mais recentemente, Alberto Vieira defendeu que esta criação dos boticários muçulmanos – o fânid das fontes árabes – iniciou a sua travessia do Atlântico na Madeira. Segundo este historiador, seria a partir desta ilha que teria seguido viagem para os Açores e o Brasil. Fica por explicar a relação com o alfenique das ex-colónias americanas da Espanha. Este artigo centrar-se-á no estudo do alfenim madeirense com o intuito de compreender melhor como ocorreu este processo de transmissão intercultural.

Silva, António José Marques da (2021), L’Alfenim Madérien et Autres Avatars du Fanîd Maghrébo--Andalou en Atlantique, Arquivo Histórico da Madeira, Nova Série, n.º 3, pp. 5-108.

Déchargez l'article ici::

Research paper thumbnail of In the Shadow of the Salt Cod. Writing vs Staging the Stockfish History in the Iberian Peninsula

TAE - Trabalhos de Antropologia e de Etnologia , 2021

For several centuries, salt cod have been a staple food in Spain and Portugal. We tend today to ... more For several centuries, salt cod have been a staple food in Spain and Portugal. We tend today to forget that the inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula also ate stockfish during the same period. This
paper will review issues and historical evidence related to the air-dried unsalted cod consumption in these two countries, from the beginning of the Middle Ages to the present days. The goal is to re-evaluate the rewriting of the Iberian cod saga in the context of the ongoing attempt to revaluing the Catalan cuisine as an intangible cultural heritage and to promoting food tourism in the ports of the Costa Brava

Research paper thumbnail of From the Mediterranean Diet to the Diaita: The Epistemic Making of a Food Label

International Journal of Cultural Property, 2018

The Mediterranean Diet was one of the first food-related nominations on the international cultur... more The Mediterranean Diet was one of the first food-related nominations on the international cultural heritage list. By introducing the concepts of “epistemic community” and “governmentality” to analyze this heritagization process, I will evaluate the participation and consent of “the Mediterranean people” and their belief in a common identity based in a holistic conception of this food tradition—the so-called diaita. My goal is to demonstrate that the inscription’s proposal was motivated first by a long-term strategy aimed at promoting an “umbrella brand” of agro-food products extended to the whole Mediterranean space. Then, I will emphasize the attempt to design a model of property rights protection that is adequate for this food label, which was later presented within the realm of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization as a measure for safeguarding the diaita as an item of intangible cultural heritage. Finally, I will argue that this claim totally omits the rights of the numerous expatriates living outside this region.

Antonio José Marques da Silva, "From the Mediterranean Diet to the Diaita: The Epistemic Making of a Food Label", International Journal of Cultural Property, Volume 25, Issue 4 November 2018 , pp. 573-595.

Research paper thumbnail of O Brotar do Jardim do Atlântico: Considerações de Ordem Económica, Sociológica e Antropológica acerca da Aclimatação das Plantas Frutícolas e Hortícolas na Madeira (Sécs. XV-XVIII)

A Madeira é o jardim do Atlântico. Foi pelo menos essa a impressão com que ficaram os seus prime... more A Madeira é o jardim do Atlântico. Foi pelo menos essa a impressão com que ficaram os seus primeiros visitantes. É também dessa forma que este território insular continua a ser apresentado ao milhão e meio de turistas que vem descobri-lo todos os anos. Para se convencer disso, basta ir ao Mercado dos Lavradores, assinalado por todos os guias de viagem como sendo o ex-libris do Funchal. É legítimo afirmar, sem cair no exagero, que podemos dar a volta ao mundo sem sair deste edifício. Aqui, os figos encontram naturalmente o seu lugar entre cestos cheios de anonas, pimpinelas , inhames, abacates, pitangas e maracujás. Perante uma paleta tão diversa de cores e aromas, é difícil acreditar que todos esses produtos provenham dos poios, os estreitos terraços que caracterizam a paisagem local. Não podemos também esquecer que as espécies de plantas comestíveis ali cultivadas foram, todas sem exceção, aclimatadas após a chegada dos primeiros povoadores, há seiscentos anos atrás. Este artigo dá conta da introdução de cada uma delas de um ponto de vista diacrónico, cruzando vários tipos de fontes históricas, datadas do século XV ao século XVIII, com os resultados de um inquérito etnológico no Funchal . O objetivo é entender melhor a formação deste jardim que se estende ao longo de toda a orla da ilha e que é hoje a sua imagem de marca. Esta abordagem interdisciplinar pretende evidenciar as retroações transversais aos campos do social, económico e cultural que alimentam este processo de construção combinada da paisagem humana e do património culinário madeirense. Será igualmente posta em evidência a contribuição das minorias étnicas, salientando particularmente o papel dos escravos.

Silva, A. J. M. S. (2018), ' O Brotar do Jardim do Atlântico: Considerações de Ordem Económica, Sociológica e Antropológica acerca da Aclimatação das Plantas Frutícolas e Hortícolas na Madeira (Sécs. XV-XVIII)', Islenha, n°63, p. 5-36.

Research paper thumbnail of From the disappearance of the Roman pottery to the shattered identity in the post‑modernity / Della scomparsa ceramica romana alle identità frammentarie dei tempi postmoderni: sull’uso del concetto di identità nell’archeologia romana /

English: In the last two decades, the studies of Roman archaeology witnessed a major conceptual s... more English: In the last two decades, the studies of Roman archaeology witnessed a major conceptual shift. During this period we assisted to a gradual decline of the use of the old concept of 'Romanization' following the rejection of the epistemological premises that it carried out. Simultaneously, we have seen an increasingly frequent use of the concept of identity and the replacement of the concept of 'Romanization' by a form of Roman cultural identity spreading, understood by an analogy with the process of globalization that defines the post-modern world we live on. Currently, it seems difficult to write about the Roman culture without using the word identity. We can read, often in the same text, an author telling us about Roman identity, imperial identity, native identity, ethnic identity, local identity, cultural identity, spiritual identity or self-identity and the relation between these fragmented identities with the material culture in Roman times. As such, the polysemous application of this concept in Roman archaeology must be understood in the light of its transdisciplinary use among social sciences and as the common language notion in everyday life. In this communication we propose to address how the post-modern understanding of the concept of identity affects the ways we approach material culture in Roman archaeology and to discuss if the concept can really help us to understand how people categorize themselves in Roman times.

Negli ultimi due decenni gli studi dell'archeologia romana hanno conosciuto un più rilevante slittamento concettuale. Durante questo periodo abbiamo assistito ad un graduale declino dell'uso del vecchio concetto di romanizzazione in seguito al rifiuto delle premesse epistemologiche che comportava. Allo stesso tempo, abbiamo constatato un uso via via più frequente del concetto di identità e la sostituzione del concetto di romanizzazione da parte di una forma di estensione di identità culturale romana, concepita come un'analogia con il processo di globalizzazione che definisce il mondo post-moderno nel quale viviamo. Attualmente sembra difficile scrivere sulla società romana senza utilizzare la parola identità. Possiamo leggere, spesso entro un medesimo testo, un autore che parla di identità romana, identità imperiale, identità indigena, identità etnica, identità locale, identità culturale, identità spirituale o auto-identità, e la relazione fra queste identità frammentate con la cultura materiale di epoca romana. In quanto tale, l'applicazione polisemica di questo concetto nell'archeologia romana deve essere intesa alla luce del suo uso transdisciplinare tra scienze sociali e, allo stesso tempo, come nozione nel linguaggio comune della vita quotidiana. In questa comunicazione mi prefiggo di affrontare la questione di come la concezione post-moderna del concetto di identità si ripercuota sulle modalità con cui noi ci accostiamo alla cultura materiale nell'archeologia romana; mi propongo di discutere se il concetto possa realmente aiutarci a comprendere come le persone classificassero se stesse in epoca romana.

Research paper thumbnail of Mössbauer and XRD studies of Roman amphorae buried in the sea for two millennia

Wagner, F. E.; Wagner, U.; Hausler, W; Costa, B. F. O.; Blot, J.-Y. ; Silva, A. J. M.; Bombico, S. (2016), 'Mössbauer and XRD studies of Roman amphorae buried in the sea for two millennia', Hyperfine Interactions, 237:57/December, Doi=10.1007/s10751-016-1282-9.

During the years 2004–2007 many Roman amphora sherds were found in the sea near Cortiçais, off th... more During the years 2004–2007 many Roman amphora sherds were found in the sea near Cortiçais, off the southern coast of the Peniche peninsula on the Atlantic coast of Portugal. The amphorae are of the Haltern 70 type and stem from a shipwreck that has been dated to the time of the emperor Augustus, between about 15 BC and 15 AD. They were produced in the Roman Province of Baetica in the south of Spain and used to transport wine and other staple foods by sea to other Roman settlements. We have studied several fragments of these amphorae by 57 Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and X­ray diffraction in order to look for changes in the ceramic material caused by two millennia of exposure to sea water. For comparison Mössbauer data on a Haltern 70 type amphora handle excavated on land at the site of Castro do Vieito in the north of Portugal were used. The fragments on which we report here are a body sherd and two handles. The sherds show a visible layer structure. The different layers were studied separately. The Mössbauer spectra of the buff surface layers indicate that up to about 60 % of the iron is present as very fine goethite particles, which are superparamagnetic at RT but exhibit magnetically split spectra at 4.2 K. Their blocking temperature is around or even below 50 K. The goethite is too fine grained to be detected by X­ray diffraction. Re­ firing experiments confirm the presence of goethite, which is found to convert to hematite between 300 and 600 ∘ C. The results show that the iron in the silicate matrix of the ceramic material converts to goethite under the prolonged influence of the sea water, mainly in the outermost several millimetres and apparently depending on the nature of the ceramic material.

Research paper thumbnail of Ceramics, foodways and local ‘sub-cultures’ in north-western Iberia at the height of the Roman Empire. The Castro do Vieito case study.

HEROM – Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture, 2015

HEROM – Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture, 5-1, Leuven, p. 11-32. http://dx.doi.o...[ more ](;)HEROM – Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture, 5-1, Leuven, p. 11-32.

The study of an immense collection of ceramics coming from the indigenous population in Castro do Vieito in north-western Iberia at the height of the Roman Empire, the result of a large scale archaeological intervention, has been used as a basis for a reflection on the way a community belonging to a non-elite local 'sub-culture' maintained direct contact over a period of time with the soldiers of the Empire's army and how they received the Roman way of food. The acquisition of ceramic kitchenware coming from other regions of the Empire, particularly the Baetican Haltern 70 amphorae, has been well documented in this settlement. Nothing indicates that there was a significant change in relation to culinary practices amongst its inhabitants who maintained their allegiance to the local culinary tradition. It can be definitely said that, sometimes, these ceramics were even used for other ends than those for which they had originally been conceived. In reality, a long period of time elapsed between the moment of the first contact with foreign culinary skills and the moment of a general abandoning of local culinary traditions. The definite adoption of the Roman culinary approach was to occur only at the end of the 1st century AD. This time lag is symptomatic of the asynchronous, non-linear nature of this process. This case study can help to improve the understanding of the cultural dynamics of this type, i.e. those that do not fit into the standard parameters of the process of 'Romanization'.

Research paper thumbnail of Ficha "Vieito 1" no Corpus Virtual de Arte Rupestre do Noroeste Português (CVARN)

Descrição do elemento patrimonial de tipo arte rupestre "Vieito 1". Lugar de Vieito, Freguesia de... more Descrição do elemento patrimonial de tipo arte rupestre "Vieito 1". Lugar de Vieito, Freguesia de Perre, Concelho de Viana do Castelo, Distrito de Viana do Castelo.

Research paper thumbnail of Ficha "Vieito 2" no Corpus Virtual de Arte Rupestre do Noroeste Português (CVARN)

Descrição do elemento patrimonial de tipo arte rupestre "Vieito 2". Lugar de Vieito, Freguesia de... more Descrição do elemento patrimonial de tipo arte rupestre "Vieito 2". Lugar de Vieito, Freguesia de Perre, Concelho de Viana do Castelo, Distrito de Viana do Castelo.

Research paper thumbnail of Ficha "Vieito 3" no Corpus Virtual de Arte Rupestre do Noroeste Português (CVARN)

Descrição do elemento patrimonial de tipo arte rupestre "Vieito 3". Lugar de Vieito, Freguesia de... more Descrição do elemento patrimonial de tipo arte rupestre "Vieito 3". Lugar de Vieito, Freguesia de Perre, Concelho de Viana do Castelo, Distrito de Viana do Castelo.

Research paper thumbnail of Ficha "Piotinha" no Corpus Virtual de Arte Rupestre do Noroeste Português (CVARN)

Descrição do elemento patrimonial de tipo arte rupestre "Piotinha". Lugar de Mesieiro/Lugar de Ro... more Descrição do elemento patrimonial de tipo arte rupestre "Piotinha". Lugar de Mesieiro/Lugar de Rocha, Freguesia de Outeiro, Concelho de Viana do Castelo, Distrito de Viana do Castelo.

Research paper thumbnail of Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Semide: reabilitaçao e requalificaçao

... Author: Almeida, Fernando-Antonio; Silva, Antonio José Marques da; Appleton, Joao; Mestre, Vi... more ... Author: Almeida, Fernando-Antonio; Silva, Antonio José Marques da; Appleton, Joao; Mestre, Victor Title Article/Chapter: "Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Semide: reabilitaçao e requalificaçao" Title Translated English: "Monastery of Santa Maria de Semide: rehabilitationand ...

Research paper thumbnail of Ficha "Piotinha 3" no Corpus Virtual de Arte Rupestre do Noroeste Português (CVARN)

Descrição do elemento patrimonial de tipo arte rupestre "Piotinha 3". Lugar de Mesieiro, Freguesi... more Descrição do elemento patrimonial de tipo arte rupestre "Piotinha 3". Lugar de Mesieiro, Freguesia de Outeiro, Concelho de Viana do Castelo, Distrito de Viana do Castelo.

Research paper thumbnail of Cinco estelas funerárias do Chão da Capela (Junqueira, Adeganha, Torre de Moncorvo)

Cinco estelas funerárias, oriundas do sítio arqueológico de Chão da Capela,1 foram identificadas... more Cinco estelas funerárias, oriundas do sítio arqueológico de
Chão da Capela,1 foram identificadas, em Outubro de 2002, pelo
signatário, no quadro do acompanhamento arqueológico da implantação
do sistema de rega do Vale da Vilariça (Bloco Norte). A
primeira referência a este sítio, descoberto por Nelson Rebanda
e a equipa do PARM, deve-se a Francisco Sande Lemos, que
o classifica como casal agrícola ou mutatio do eixo viário que
ligava o Vale do Douro com a via XVII.2 Mais recentemente,
Carlos Cruz assumiu que o sítio corresponderia a uma mancha
de dispersão de materiais com cerca de 30 ha3 e, por este motivo,
identificou-o como sendo a capital da civitas dos Banienses

Research paper thumbnail of Xurxo Ayan's review of the Thesis  "Vivre au-delà du Fleuve de l'Oubli"

Research paper thumbnail of Gérard Chouquer's review of the book:  "Vivre au-delà du fleuve de l'oubli"

Research paper thumbnail of Vivre au-delà du fleuve de l'oubli : portrait de la communauté villageoise du Castro do Vieito au moment de l'intégration du NO de la péninsule ibérique dans l'orbis Romanum : estuaire du Rio Lima, NO du Portugal

Castro do Vieito is a settlement of a modest size, situated on the left bank of the Lima river es... more Castro do Vieito is a settlement of a modest size, situated on the left bank of the Lima river estuary in the north west of Portugal. It was the target of a large scale archaeological rescue operation from 2004 to 2005, one coordinated by the present author. The enormous source of data, completely unpublished until today, that was provided by this unparalleled intervention, is explored here in such a way as to offer the reader a portrait of a village community which lived through the initial phase of the regions integration within the Roman empire. Castro do Vieitos setting on a nautical stopping point, close to one of the regions largest mineral seams, makes it possible to understand the involvement of this settlement in the supply network of the drafted military that controlled the auriferous explorations situated upstream on the river Lima. This privileged relationship with the military occupation force means that this settlement is distinct in many aspects from the others that s...

Research paper thumbnail of SILVA_PhD thesis _ 2012 Les règles de l'art (Chapter 1). Castro do Vieito: chronology, chronostratigraphy, ceramics (amphora: Haltern 70, Dressel 14a, Dressel 1; sigillata), coins, etc.

SILVA, A: J. M., Vivre au-delà du fleuve de l’Oubli. Portrait de la communauté villageoise du Cas... more SILVA, A: J. M., Vivre au-delà du fleuve de l’Oubli. Portrait de la communauté villageoise du Castro do Vieito au moment de l’intégration du NO de la péninsule ibérique dans l’orbis Romanum (estuaire du Rio Lima, NO du Portugal), Archaeopress, Oxford, 2012.

Castro do Vieito is a settlement of a modest size, situated on the left bank of the Lima river estuary in the north west of Portugal. It was the target of a large scale archaeological rescue operation from 2004 to 2005, one coordinated by the present author. The enormous source of data, completely unpublished until today, that was provided by this unparalleled intervention, is explored here in such a way as to offer the reader a portrait of a village community which lived through the initial phase of the region’s integration within the Roman empire. Castro do Vieito’s setting on a nautical stopping point, close to one of the region’s largest mineral seams, makes it possible to understand the involvement of this settlement in the supply network of the drafted military that controlled the auriferous explorations situated upstream on the river Lima. This privileged relationship with the military occupation force means that this settlement is distinct in many aspects from the others that surrounded it and makes it important in terms of understanding the different dynamics involved in the interaction of the local populations with the Imperial Army. After a first chapter explaining the methodological problems connected with an intervention of this nature and size and spread, as well as the solutions developed to surpass the problems, the following four chapters portray different aspects of the daily life of this community.

Research paper thumbnail of VIVRE AU-DELÁ DU FLEUVE DE L'OUBLI. Portrait de la communauté villageoise du Castro do Vieito au moment de l'intégration du NO de la péninsule ibérique dans l'orbis Romanum (estuaire du Rio Lima, NO du Portugal)

RÉSUMÉ L'ouvrage, maintenant en ligne, correspond à la dissertation de doctorat en Archéol... more RÉSUMÉ

L'ouvrage, maintenant en ligne, correspond à la dissertation de doctorat en Archéologie, que j'ai présenté en mars 2009 à l'université de Coimbra (Portugal).Comme le titre l’indique, il s'agit d'un portrait de la communauté villageoise qui a un jour habité le Castro do Vieito, établi à partir des résultats de l’intervention archéologique que j’ai menée sur ce gisement.

Une courte présentation introduit le premier chapitre intitulé « Les règles de l’art », qui traitent de questions méthodologiques posées au long du traitement de l'information archéologique issue de la fouille.

Les autres chapitres abordent différents aspects relatifs à la communauté étudiée.Dans le chapitre « Le village ou la structure d’un système complexe : la communauté villageoise », j’aborde la question de la relation qui existe entre la structure sociale et économique de la communauté et la structure spatiale de son habitat.

Le chapitre « Une identité en construction » présente certains aspects de la culture matérielle mis à jour durant la fouille et révélés par l’analyse du mobilier archéologique qui permettent de mieux cerner son importance comme vecteur de valeurs culturelles, indispensables à la construction de l’identité des villageois.

Le chapitre « Communauté et territoire » traite la difficile question des liens de la communauté villageoise avec son territoire et avec les autres communautés voisines.

Finalement, le chapitre « Appartenir à l’orbis Romarum » est une tentative de comprendre l’impact de l’occupation romaine de la région dans la vie quotidienne des villageois.

Research paper thumbnail of Les mines d'or de la période romaine dans le NO de la péninsule ibérique. L’exploration minière d’alluvions de Casais (freguesia de Estorãos, commune de Ponte de Lima, Portugal)

Encadré 5.2 de: Silva, A. J. M. (2012), Vivre au-delà du fleuve de l'Oubli. Portrait de la commu... more Encadré 5.2 de:

Silva, A. J. M. (2012), Vivre au-delà du fleuve de l'Oubli. Portrait de la communauté villageoise du Castro do Vieito au moment de l'intégration du NO de la péninsule ibérique dans l'orbis Romanum (estuaire du Rio Lima, NO du Portugal), Oxford, Archaeopress.

Research paper thumbnail of O sítio romano de Terlamonte 1 (Teixoso, Covilhã, Portugal): contributo da prospecção de superfície intensiva, da prospecção geomagnética e do SIG nos estudos intra sítio

Resumo O estudo dos sítios arqueológicos continua a ser feito muitas vezes ainda exclusivamente ... more Resumo

O estudo dos sítios arqueológicos continua a ser feito muitas vezes ainda exclusivamente com base nos resultados da escavação das respectivas áreas construídas. A cultura material e as estruturas arquitectónicas exumadas nessas áreas são assim as únicas fontes de informação que permitem interpretar a organização espacial interna dos arqueo-sítios e a funcionalidade das diferentes partes que a constituem. O trabalho cujos resultados se apresentam de seguida é a materialização de uma estratégia de intervenção pluridisciplinar, onde se associa à prospecção intensiva, à prospecção geomagnética e a um Sistema de Informação Geográfica de forma a abordar de outra forma este tipo de problemáticas. O seu objecto é o sítio romano de Terlamonte I (Teixoso, Covilhã, Portugal), que tem sido alvo de escavações arqueológicas desde o ano 2000.

Research paper thumbnail of Mössbauer, XRD and XRF studies of Roman Haltern 70 amphorae from Roman Provinces of Lusitania and Baetica

Roman Haltern 70 amphora sherds found at Castro do Vieito [1,2], an archeological site in the nor... more Roman Haltern 70 amphora sherds found at Castro do Vieito [1,2], an archeological site in the north of Portugal, in the former Roman Province of Lusitania, were studied by 57-Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence in order to obtain information on their firing conditions and their site of production.
For comparison, Haltern 70 amphorae sherds found at eight kiln sites in the south of Portugal and south of Spain, the former provinces of Lusitania and Baetica, were studied by the same methods.
The sherds from Castro do Vieito as well as the ones from the kiln sites were found to have been fired at temperatures around 800ºC in atmospheres that changed between reducing and oxidizing at least once during the firing cycle. Oxidation during the final stage of firing often lead to sherds with more divalent iron in the core than on the surface.
The amphorae found at Castro do Vieito appear to have been produced in Baetica (south of Spain) and used to transport agricultural produce to the north, but a definite location for their production cannot yet be given.

Research paper thumbnail of Mössbauer and XRD studies on the firing of clays obtained near the amphora kilns of Orippo and Pinguele (Roman province of Baetica, south of Spain)

In previous studies [1-3] we have reported some results of an archeometric study of Haltern 70 ... more In previous studies [1-3] we have reported some
results of an archeometric study of Haltern 70
amphora sherds from Castro do Vieito, an
archaeological site in the North of Portugal. The
origin of the amphorae from Castro do Vieito is still
under discussion, although their production is usually
assigned to several locations in the south of the
Baetica and Lusitania provinces of Roman Hispania.
In these provinces a number of amphora kiln sites
is known, and a Mössbauer study of sherds found at
these sites is in progress. For understanding the
Mössbauer spectra of these fired products, it is of
importance to have reference spectra for clays that
are as close to those used in antiquity as possible and
were fired in the laboratory under various controlled
conditions, i.e., in oxidising and reducing
atmospheres and also under changing conditions.
With such reference data, one can hope to obtain
information on the firing procedures in antiquity.
We have therefore collected several clay samples
from two different localities of ancient kilns in
Baetica, where some authors argued that Haltern 70
amphorae were produced in Roman times, namely
Orippo on the Guadalquivir river and Pinguele on the
Rio Tinto river. The clays contain substantial
amounts of calcite. The main clay minerals are illite,
smectite and kaolinite.
All clays contain moderate amounts of goethite.
A small amount of hematite was observed in only
one sample from Orippo.
We have performed laboratory firing experiments
on these clays. Data so far exist for firing in air at
temperatures up to 1200 °C in steps of 100 °C. We
will present Mössbauer data for the fired clays
obtained at both room temperature and 4.2 K as well
as X-ray diffraction data. Experiments in reducing
atmosphere and under changing conditions, e.g., first
reducing and then oxidising, are planned for the near
The behavior of clays under oxidising firing has
been studied repeatedly (e.g., [4, 5]). The main
transformations, namely the transformation of
goethite to hematite around 300 °C, the dehydroxilation
between about 400 and 800 °C that
causes the splitting of the ferric quadrupole doublet
to increase from about 0.6 mm/s to around 1.3 mm/s,
and the steep decrease of this splitting above 800 °C,
when the layer structure of the clays finally collapses,
are much as observed previously [4, 5]. During this
collapse, the iron contained in the clay structure is set
free and forms mainly hematite. Above 900 °C,
however, owing to the high calcium content of the
clays from Orippo and Pinguele, the formation of an
iron-containing gehlenite (Ca2(Al,Fe)2SiO7) phase is
observed, which goes along with a decrease of the
amount of hematite [6].

[1] B.F.O. Costa, G. Pereira, A.J.M. Silva, M. Ramos Silva,
S.J.C. do Carmo, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 217
(2010) 012060.
[2] B.F.O. Costa, A.J.M. Silva, F.E. Wagner, U. Wagner,
Hyperfine Interactions 202 (2011) 81.
[3] B.F.O. Costa, A.J.M. Silva, A. Ramalho, G. Pereira, M.
Ramos Silva, X-Ray Spect. 41 (2011) 69.
[4] F.E. Wagner, U. Wagner, Hyp. Int. 154 (2004) 35.
[5] I. Shimada, W. Häusler, T. Hutzelmann, U. Wagner, Hyp. Int.
150 (2003) 73.
[6] Y. Maniatis, A. Simopoulos, A. Kostikas, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.
64 (1981) 263.

Research paper thumbnail of Mössbauer studies on Haltern 70 amphorae from Castro do Vieito, North of Portugal

Mössbauer studies of Haltern 70 amphorae from Castro do Vieito, north of Portugal F.E. Wagnera,... more Mössbauer studies of Haltern 70 amphorae
from Castro do Vieito, north of Portugal
F.E. Wagnera, U. Wagnera, A.J.M. Silvab and B.F.O. Costac
aPhysics Department, Technical University of Munich, 85747 Garching, Germany
bCentro de Estudos Arqueológicos das Universidades de Coimbra e do Porto/CAM, Palácio de Sub-Ripas,
3004-395 Coimbra, Portugal (FCT Post-Doc grant)
cCEMDRX, Physics Department, University of Coimbra, 3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal

In many areas of the world, sherds of broken
pottery vessels are the most common artefacts found
during archaeological excavations, and indeed
sometimes the only evidence of past cultures.
Haltern 70 is the name of a particular type of
amphorae, the ceramic vessels used in antiquity
mainly to transport commodities by the sea. Haltern
70 amphorae have been produced in the Roman
province Hispania Baetica during the second half of
the first century BC and the first century AC.
Recently, excavations of the Castro do Vieito in the
northwest of Portugal, Rio Lima estuary, an indigene
settlement from the beginning of the Roman
occupation of the region during the time of the early
Empire, provided the most extended collection of
Haltern 70 amphorae of all the Roman world.
The significance of the massive presence of this
type of artifact in the northwest of Hispania is
actually the object of an intense debate. Traditionally,
the presence of these amphorae has been explained
by the importance of the Atlantic coast of Hispania
for the ancient commercial routes at the beginning of
the Roman Empire. Today, the most consensual
explanation is that the Haltern 70 amphorae played
an important role in the supply system of the Roman
troops who controlled the region after its definitive
conquest by the emperor Augustus.
In previous papers [1, 2] we have reported on an
ongoing archaeometric study of Haltern 70 amphora
sherds from Castro do Vieito. We now present more
Mössbauer data obtained at ambient temperature and
at 4.2 K, in particular on a piece of a stamped
amphora handle to which part of the neck of the
amphora is still attached (Figure 1). From this piece
samples were taken at different spots on the surface
and in the interior for Mössbauer spectroscopy
studies. A cut through the specimen showed only
minor differences in colour, but the Mössbauer
spectra revealed interesting differences.
Thus more Fe2+ was found on the surface inside
the neck of the amphora (16 %) than on the outside
(8 %). In the core of the handle, about 12 mm from
the surface, the Fe2+ content was fond to be 25 %.
These results suggest, in agreement with the
results reported previously [2], that the amphora was
fired under reducing conditions and oxidised only at
the end of the firing cycle, while it was already
cooling. In this way, more Fe2+ was conserved in the
regions that are far from the surface. The oxidising
kiln atmosphere also seems to have had only limited
access to the interior of the neck, presumably due to
manner in which the amphorae were stacked in the
In the 4.2 K Mössbauer spectra about half of the
spectral area is represented by a broad magnetic
background suggesting a distribution of magnetic
hyperfine fields. We attribute this to nanoparticles of
oxidic iron precipitated on oxidation in a vitreous
phase that formed during the preceding reducing
As phases yielding narrow magnetically split
Mössbauer patterns, in most samples both hematite
and maghemite are observed already at room
temperature, with areas that vary from sample to
sample, but are usually around 30 %, about half of
which is maghemite. Since these oxides are supposed
to have formed from divalent iron during the
oxidising cooling phase, the temperature of oxidation
must have been below about 750 ⁰C, since at higher
temperatures maghemite is unstable and converts to

[1] B.F.O. Costa, G. Pereira, A.J.M. Silva, M. Ramos Silva,
S.J.C. do Carmo, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 217
(2010) 012060
[2] B.F.O. Costa, A.J.M. Silva, F.E. Wagner, U. Wagner,
Hyperfine Interactions 202 (2011) 81-87.