Just want to let everyone know that Modern Myths will not be vending at Ourcon 17: Tyranny of the Dice. Also, Pre-registration ends on April 1st. Make sure you get a sheet filled out and turned in, as it will save you money! Pre-registration rates are 7forstudentsand7 for students and 7forstudentsand10 for Non-Students. Game Master Applications and Pre-registration sheets can be located at x-9 Games, Phoenix Games, Griffin Games, Modern Myths and the GHL office at 423A in the Umass Student Union. I can also e-mail people those sheets. If you want to run any type of game at Ourcon, fill out a GM application. If you run one game, you get half off your admission. If you run two games, then you get in free. We are looking for all types of games, from role-playing games, to board games and card games. If you want to run something, let us know and we can make it happen. -Rob Hagelstein |