Bill Kules | University of Maryland, College Park (original) (raw)

Papers by Bill Kules

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Exploratory Information Needs and Information-Seeking Scenarios of DTIC End-Users

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Copyright © 2010 (B. Kules). The U.S. Gov... more Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Copyright © 2010 (B. Kules). The U.S. Government and those authorized on its behalf are granted an unlimited, non-exclusive, royalty-free, world-wide license to use, reproduce, or release the work for U.S. Government purposes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of training and stage of search on gaze behavior in a library catalog faceted search interface

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2012

... Faceted interfaces can help refine searches (Hearst, 2009), sharpen vague queries (White &amp... more ... Faceted interfaces can help refine searches (Hearst, 2009), sharpen vague queries (White & Roth, 2009), speed searches (Yee et al., 2003), yield more relevant results (Chen & Dumais, 2000; Kules & Shneiderman 2008; Pratt, Hearst, & Fagan, 1999; Uddin & Janecek, 2007 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of LIS program expectations of incoming students' technology knowledge and skills

Journal of Education for Library and …, 2010

As LIS programs continue to incorporate information and communications technology (ICT) into thei... more As LIS programs continue to incorporate information and communications technology (ICT) into their curricula, one of the challenges they face is the diverse technology backgrounds and competencies of incoming students. Students without adequate preparation may ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Speaking the Same Language About Exploratory Information Seeking

“Exploratory search ” – little did I realize when I started my dissertation six plus years ago th... more “Exploratory search ” – little did I realize when I started my dissertation six plus years ago that a term that I naïvely thought my advisor and I had coined (we hadn’t) would become a central element of discussion for an NSF-funded workshop. As a

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Research paper thumbnail of Toward a design space for categorized overviews of search results

There is a burgeoning movement to create user interfaces that combine searching and browsing in o... more There is a burgeoning movement to create user interfaces that combine searching and browsing in order to facilitate knowledge discovery. Categorized overviews are promising techniques to improve the browsing capabilities and subject access of search results. Research is needed to examine the design space in order to promote the usability and understanding of such interfaces. This paper proposes a set of 14 dimensions grouped into three areas of the design space for categorized overviews. These dimensions emerged from a review of recent literature about exploratory search interface design and categorized overviews, an analysis of five examples that are seeking to meet the needs of knowledge discovery, and personal experience. Finally, this paper discusses the application of the dimensions on a case study of a categorized overview created for a bibliographic database.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploratory Search Interfaces: Categorization, Clustering and Beyond Report on the XSI 2005 Workshop at the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, University of Maryland

Acm Sigir Forum, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Supporting exploratory search: Introduction

Cacm, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Supporting Exploratory Search, Introduction, Special Issue, Communications of the ACM

... Ryen W. White, Bill Kules, Steven M. Drucker, mc schraefel. ... Systems such as the mSpace Ex... more ... Ryen W. White, Bill Kules, Steven M. Drucker, mc schraefel. ... Systems such as the mSpace Explorer, the Relation Browser, CitiViz, and the Phlat browser—all described in this section—try to make search more effective by providing a broader range of interface functionality and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Creating exploratory tasks for a faceted search interface

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of training and stage of search on gaze behavior in a library catalog faceted search interface

Journal of the American Society For Information Science and Technology, 2012

... Faceted interfaces can help refine searches (Hearst, 2009), sharpen vague queries (White &amp... more ... Faceted interfaces can help refine searches (Hearst, 2009), sharpen vague queries (White & Roth, 2009), speed searches (Yee et al., 2003), yield more relevant results (Chen & Dumais, 2000; Kules & Shneiderman 2008; Pratt, Hearst, & Fagan, 1999; Uddin & Janecek, 2007 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of ILLUSTRATION BY MARLENA ZUBAR

nline search has become an increasingly important part of the everyday lives of most computer use... more nline search has become an increasingly important part of the everyday lives of most computer users. Search engines, bibliographic databases, and digital libraries provide adequate support for users whose information needs are well defined. However, there are research and development opportunities to improve current search interfaces so users can succeed more often in situations when: they lack the knowledge or contextual awareness to formulate queries or navigate complex information spaces, the search task requires browsing and exploration, or system indexing of available information is inadequate. For example, what if we want to find something from a domain where we have a general interest but not specific knowledge? How would we find classical music we might enjoy if we do not know what Beethoven or Berlioz sound like? What about the difference between Baroque and Romantic? What do we type into a search engine? [2].

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Research paper thumbnail of Transaction Log Analysis of User Actions in a Faceted Library Catalog Interface

In this paper, we report preliminary findings from an analysis of searcher actions in a faceted l... more In this paper, we report preliminary findings from an analysis of searcher actions in a faceted library catalog. In this comparative laboratory study (N=18) searchers were asked to conduct exploratory searches. For the control group facet use accounted for approximately 14% of logged actions. For participants who were shown a 60 second video about how to use facets, facet use accounted for approximately 21% of actions. We also observed differences in sequences of actions that participants undertook during their searches that suggest that searchers who watched the facet training video used facets at key points in their search process such as just after issuing a search and just before adding an item to their "book bag".

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Research paper thumbnail of Searching for books and images in OPAC: Effects of LCSH, TOC and subject domains

Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing exploratory search tasks for user studies of information seeking support systems

Proceedings of the 2009 joint international conference on Digital libraries - JCDL '09, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of What do exploratory searchers look at in a faceted search interface?

Proceedings of the 2009 joint international conference on Digital libraries - JCDL '09, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of search stage on gaze behavior in a faceted search interface

Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of HCIR 2012

ACM SIGIR Forum, 2012

ABSTRACT This report describes the 2012 Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information R... more ABSTRACT This report describes the 2012 Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval. Now in its sixth year, the two-day symposium (formerly a one-day workshop) was held in October in Cambridge, MA. The event brought together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government and a range of disciplines for in-depth discussions in an informal atmosphere. The symposium attracted 75 attendees, over a third of which were from industry. New for this year, we accepted full papers that will be archived and published in the ACM Digital Library. We continued the HCIR Challenge, this year focusing on the problem of people and expertise finding, five in-depth system demonstrations, and audience selection of a challenge winner.

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Research paper thumbnail of HCIR 2010

ACM SIGIR Forum, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Symposium on Human–Computer Information Retrieval

Big Data, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the design space of faceted search interfaces

ABSTRACT Introduction Faceted search, guided search, and categorized overviews are becoming accep... more ABSTRACT Introduction Faceted search, guided search, and categorized overviews are becoming accepted techniques to support complex information seeking tasks like exploratory search. There are a growing number of applications that use these techniques for library catalogs, web search, shopping, image collections, and other domains (Antelman, Lynema, & Pace, 2006; Hearst et al., 2002; Tunkelang, 2006; Yee, Swearingen, Li, & Hearst, 2003). Design guidelines for the application of these techniques are starting to emerge (Hearst, 2006; Kules & Shneiderman, to appear), but there is no systematic description of the design space for faceted search interfaces. An understanding of the design space will aid designers by alerting them to design options and decisions they should address. It will aid researchers by suggesting a framework for guidelines as well as additional areas of study. In particular, it may help understand the actions, tactics and strategems (Bates, 1990) supported by faceted search interfaces. The objective of this paper is to begin identifying and structuring a set of dimensions of the design space for categorized overviews of search results. This paper proposes a set of dimensions for the design space of faceted search interfaces and two structures for meaningfully organizing them. These dimensions and the organizing structures emerged from analysis of recent literature and applications from several domains. Method We began with design dimensions extracted from Hearst (2006), Smith & Kules (2006), and Kules (2006). Hearst (2006) makes detailed design recommendations for hierarchical faceted search interfaces. Kules (2006) identifies a set of ten dimensions and their corresponding design options for categorized overviews. Smith & Kules (2006) proposes 14 dimensions in three areas (organization, display, and interaction). We extend those 14 dimensions by analyzing additional interfaces from different domains: mSpace (schraefel et al., 2005), the Relation Browser (Marchionini & Brunk, 2003), and several commercial shopping interfaces.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Exploratory Information Needs and Information-Seeking Scenarios of DTIC End-Users

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Copyright © 2010 (B. Kules). The U.S. Gov... more Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Copyright © 2010 (B. Kules). The U.S. Government and those authorized on its behalf are granted an unlimited, non-exclusive, royalty-free, world-wide license to use, reproduce, or release the work for U.S. Government purposes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of training and stage of search on gaze behavior in a library catalog faceted search interface

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2012

... Faceted interfaces can help refine searches (Hearst, 2009), sharpen vague queries (White &amp... more ... Faceted interfaces can help refine searches (Hearst, 2009), sharpen vague queries (White & Roth, 2009), speed searches (Yee et al., 2003), yield more relevant results (Chen & Dumais, 2000; Kules & Shneiderman 2008; Pratt, Hearst, & Fagan, 1999; Uddin & Janecek, 2007 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of LIS program expectations of incoming students' technology knowledge and skills

Journal of Education for Library and …, 2010

As LIS programs continue to incorporate information and communications technology (ICT) into thei... more As LIS programs continue to incorporate information and communications technology (ICT) into their curricula, one of the challenges they face is the diverse technology backgrounds and competencies of incoming students. Students without adequate preparation may ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Speaking the Same Language About Exploratory Information Seeking

“Exploratory search ” – little did I realize when I started my dissertation six plus years ago th... more “Exploratory search ” – little did I realize when I started my dissertation six plus years ago that a term that I naïvely thought my advisor and I had coined (we hadn’t) would become a central element of discussion for an NSF-funded workshop. As a

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Research paper thumbnail of Toward a design space for categorized overviews of search results

There is a burgeoning movement to create user interfaces that combine searching and browsing in o... more There is a burgeoning movement to create user interfaces that combine searching and browsing in order to facilitate knowledge discovery. Categorized overviews are promising techniques to improve the browsing capabilities and subject access of search results. Research is needed to examine the design space in order to promote the usability and understanding of such interfaces. This paper proposes a set of 14 dimensions grouped into three areas of the design space for categorized overviews. These dimensions emerged from a review of recent literature about exploratory search interface design and categorized overviews, an analysis of five examples that are seeking to meet the needs of knowledge discovery, and personal experience. Finally, this paper discusses the application of the dimensions on a case study of a categorized overview created for a bibliographic database.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploratory Search Interfaces: Categorization, Clustering and Beyond Report on the XSI 2005 Workshop at the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, University of Maryland

Acm Sigir Forum, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Supporting exploratory search: Introduction

Cacm, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Supporting Exploratory Search, Introduction, Special Issue, Communications of the ACM

... Ryen W. White, Bill Kules, Steven M. Drucker, mc schraefel. ... Systems such as the mSpace Ex... more ... Ryen W. White, Bill Kules, Steven M. Drucker, mc schraefel. ... Systems such as the mSpace Explorer, the Relation Browser, CitiViz, and the Phlat browser—all described in this section—try to make search more effective by providing a broader range of interface functionality and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Creating exploratory tasks for a faceted search interface

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of training and stage of search on gaze behavior in a library catalog faceted search interface

Journal of the American Society For Information Science and Technology, 2012

... Faceted interfaces can help refine searches (Hearst, 2009), sharpen vague queries (White &amp... more ... Faceted interfaces can help refine searches (Hearst, 2009), sharpen vague queries (White & Roth, 2009), speed searches (Yee et al., 2003), yield more relevant results (Chen & Dumais, 2000; Kules & Shneiderman 2008; Pratt, Hearst, & Fagan, 1999; Uddin & Janecek, 2007 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of ILLUSTRATION BY MARLENA ZUBAR

nline search has become an increasingly important part of the everyday lives of most computer use... more nline search has become an increasingly important part of the everyday lives of most computer users. Search engines, bibliographic databases, and digital libraries provide adequate support for users whose information needs are well defined. However, there are research and development opportunities to improve current search interfaces so users can succeed more often in situations when: they lack the knowledge or contextual awareness to formulate queries or navigate complex information spaces, the search task requires browsing and exploration, or system indexing of available information is inadequate. For example, what if we want to find something from a domain where we have a general interest but not specific knowledge? How would we find classical music we might enjoy if we do not know what Beethoven or Berlioz sound like? What about the difference between Baroque and Romantic? What do we type into a search engine? [2].

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Research paper thumbnail of Transaction Log Analysis of User Actions in a Faceted Library Catalog Interface

In this paper, we report preliminary findings from an analysis of searcher actions in a faceted l... more In this paper, we report preliminary findings from an analysis of searcher actions in a faceted library catalog. In this comparative laboratory study (N=18) searchers were asked to conduct exploratory searches. For the control group facet use accounted for approximately 14% of logged actions. For participants who were shown a 60 second video about how to use facets, facet use accounted for approximately 21% of actions. We also observed differences in sequences of actions that participants undertook during their searches that suggest that searchers who watched the facet training video used facets at key points in their search process such as just after issuing a search and just before adding an item to their "book bag".

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Research paper thumbnail of Searching for books and images in OPAC: Effects of LCSH, TOC and subject domains

Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing exploratory search tasks for user studies of information seeking support systems

Proceedings of the 2009 joint international conference on Digital libraries - JCDL '09, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of What do exploratory searchers look at in a faceted search interface?

Proceedings of the 2009 joint international conference on Digital libraries - JCDL '09, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of search stage on gaze behavior in a faceted search interface

Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of HCIR 2012

ACM SIGIR Forum, 2012

ABSTRACT This report describes the 2012 Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information R... more ABSTRACT This report describes the 2012 Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval. Now in its sixth year, the two-day symposium (formerly a one-day workshop) was held in October in Cambridge, MA. The event brought together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government and a range of disciplines for in-depth discussions in an informal atmosphere. The symposium attracted 75 attendees, over a third of which were from industry. New for this year, we accepted full papers that will be archived and published in the ACM Digital Library. We continued the HCIR Challenge, this year focusing on the problem of people and expertise finding, five in-depth system demonstrations, and audience selection of a challenge winner.

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Research paper thumbnail of HCIR 2010

ACM SIGIR Forum, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Symposium on Human–Computer Information Retrieval

Big Data, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the design space of faceted search interfaces

ABSTRACT Introduction Faceted search, guided search, and categorized overviews are becoming accep... more ABSTRACT Introduction Faceted search, guided search, and categorized overviews are becoming accepted techniques to support complex information seeking tasks like exploratory search. There are a growing number of applications that use these techniques for library catalogs, web search, shopping, image collections, and other domains (Antelman, Lynema, & Pace, 2006; Hearst et al., 2002; Tunkelang, 2006; Yee, Swearingen, Li, & Hearst, 2003). Design guidelines for the application of these techniques are starting to emerge (Hearst, 2006; Kules & Shneiderman, to appear), but there is no systematic description of the design space for faceted search interfaces. An understanding of the design space will aid designers by alerting them to design options and decisions they should address. It will aid researchers by suggesting a framework for guidelines as well as additional areas of study. In particular, it may help understand the actions, tactics and strategems (Bates, 1990) supported by faceted search interfaces. The objective of this paper is to begin identifying and structuring a set of dimensions of the design space for categorized overviews of search results. This paper proposes a set of dimensions for the design space of faceted search interfaces and two structures for meaningfully organizing them. These dimensions and the organizing structures emerged from analysis of recent literature and applications from several domains. Method We began with design dimensions extracted from Hearst (2006), Smith & Kules (2006), and Kules (2006). Hearst (2006) makes detailed design recommendations for hierarchical faceted search interfaces. Kules (2006) identifies a set of ten dimensions and their corresponding design options for categorized overviews. Smith & Kules (2006) proposes 14 dimensions in three areas (organization, display, and interaction). We extend those 14 dimensions by analyzing additional interfaces from different domains: mSpace (schraefel et al., 2005), the Relation Browser (Marchionini & Brunk, 2003), and several commercial shopping interfaces.

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