Krzysztof Kotuła | Maria Curie - Skłodowska University (original) (raw)

Papers by Krzysztof Kotuła

Research paper thumbnail of Les aspects interactionnels des pratiques de l'enseignement à distance durant la pandémie: le cas d'une classe de français langue étrangère dans un lycée polonais

Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée, 2022

This study proposes an analysis of classroom interactions in a distance foreign language learning... more This study proposes an analysis of classroom interactions in a distance foreign language learning environment. The participants of the study were a group of French learners in a secondary school in Poland. The classes analysed were conducted online during the COVID-19 epidemic. The lessons were recorded and the interactive processes which occurred between the teacher and the students were studied. It is argued that the online modality greatly impacts the way language lessons are conducted and that efficient classroom communication becomes particularly challenging when the video cameras are switched off by almost all the students during online classes.

Research paper thumbnail of Gra komputerowa na lekcji języka obcego. Procesy interakcyjne w zgamifikowanej klasie języka francuskiego

Research paper thumbnail of Informacja zwrotna w świetle analizy interakcji na przykładzie zdalnej nauki języka obcego w szkole ponadpodstawowej

Języki Obce w Szkole, 2021

This study examines the question of teachers’ feedback in a French as a foreign language classroo... more This study examines the question of teachers’ feedback in a French as a foreign language classroom. The participants of the study conducted by the author were a group of French learners in a secondary school in Poland. The classes analysed were conducted online during the COVID-19 epidemic. The lessons were recorded and the interactive processes which occurred between the teacher and the students were studied. It is argued that the online teaching greatly impacts the way language lessons are conducted and increases the amount of teacher’s feedback necessary to assure efficient classroom communication.

Research paper thumbnail of Les apprenants polonophones du français et la phonétique : représentations et auto-évaluation

Romanica Cracoviensia, 2020

The goal of the research was to determine whether learners of French are able to accurately asses... more The goal of the research was to determine whether learners of French are able to accurately assess the quality of their pronunciation. Study participants were Polish students of Applied Linguistics (n = 25). Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire containing items related to their beliefs about pronunciation , as well as to self-evaluate their pronunciation. Four basic components were taken into consideration: sounds, intonation, accentuation and liaisons. Next, the subjects were recorded while reading a text. Immediately after the completion of the recording, they were asked to assess one more time the quality of their pronunciation. The recordings were then submitted to three judges (experienced French teachers). Statistical analysis of the data showed that students tended to perceive their abilities in a less favourable light immediately after the recording. This decrease was found to be in concordance with the scores attributed by the judges, proving that students are able to correctly evaluate the quality of their pronunciation, but also that the context of self-assessment is a crucial factor.

Research paper thumbnail of Ocena telekolaboracyjnych projektów pisarskich realizowanych na platformach synchronicznych

Neofilolog, 2020

Assessing telecollaborative writing activities conducted on synchronous platforms This article ... more Assessing telecollaborative writing activities conducted on synchronous platforms

This article deals with the issue of assessment in the context of telecol-laborative writing activities conducted on synchronous platforms such as Google Docs. Based on the research conducted by the author among secondary school students learning French, the attempt is made to discuss various areas of participants' activity which can be subjected to assessment: text planning, text composition, project management through comments, linguistic corrections, etc. A conclusion is reached that the outcome of collaborative writing projects is greatly determined by how L2 students engage in the process of writing using Web-based word processing tools. In our opinion, it is impossible to consider the creation of a universal assessment grid suitable for all teaching contexts. Instead, a teacher willing to integrate such activities in his curriculum has to show a great deal of flexibility and adaptability.

Research paper thumbnail of Place et rôle des jeux numériques dans le développement des activités narratives dans une classe de FLE

Studia Romanica Posnaniensia 46/2, 2019

Video games and narrative activities in a French as a foreign language classroom. The aim of th... more Video games and narrative activities in a French as a foreign language classroom.

The aim of the present article is to focus on the potential of video games as a tool enabling the language teacher to transform the learning experience in the FL classroom. Apart from presenting various theoretical aspects of integrating computer-enhanced ludic techniques into language teaching, learner discourse excerpts will be analysed in order to determine the extent to which video games implementation can enhance classroom interaction. Our main aim will be to list various contexts in which narrative activities can manifest themselves during French as a foreign language lessons. As we will see, learners can be encouraged to create stories not only in reaction to cinematic sequences but also when attempting to reconstruct events which occurred earlier in the game or while recalling events from an earlier gaming session.

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between students' pronunciation self-perception and their immediate and recalled anxiety levels in a French as a Foreign Language classroom

This paper presents a study focusing on Polish learners of French and their pronunciation anxiety... more This paper presents a study focusing on Polish learners of French and their pronunciation anxiety. Our aim was to deepen understanding of self-reported language anxiety by conducting a simultaneous examination of learners' situation-specific anxiety (manifesting itself during each performance), immediate anxiety (experienced momentarily during the completion of a reading aloud task) and recalled anxiety (obtained from a delayed post-test administered one week after the treatment). Another goal we sought to accomplish was the examination of learners' self-reported and actual pronunciation proficiency. We decided to combine two approaches to self-assessment. Instead of focusing solely on learners' global perception of their pronunciation proficiency, we also took into account their contextualized self-assessment, with the subjects being asked to rate two specific performances. The conclusion we reached is that even if various anxiety types and subjects' self-assessed proficiency levels are interconnected, the nature of this link is still elusive.

Research paper thumbnail of Projekty audiowizualne w klasach z uczniami o zróżnicowanym poziomie znajomości języka

Spośród wielu form pracy, które można wprowadzić na lekcji języka obcego, edycja i produkcja mate... more Spośród wielu form pracy, które można wprowadzić na lekcji języka obcego, edycja i produkcja materiałów audiowizualnych to niewątpliwie propozycje godne uwagi. Pozwalają one na zwiększenie autonomii i motywacji uczniów poprzez pracę nad konkretnym produktem, który może zostać zaprezentowany szerokiemu gronu odbiorców, np. poprzez jego upowszechnienie w sieci.

Research paper thumbnail of Le doublage comme un moyen de travailler sur la prononciation française : théorie et pratique.

Video dubbing as a method for French pronunciation training: theory and practice ABSTRACT. Pronun... more Video dubbing as a method for French pronunciation training: theory and practice ABSTRACT. Pronunciation is an often-neglected aspect of language instruction. Teachers usually place the blame on lack of time and resources, as well as curricular restrictions. However, in recent years, we have witnessed a proliferation of various tools that can be used to render work on different aspects of pronunciation much more interesting. In the present paper, we will focus on one particular technique: video dubbing. By examining the answers provided by the participants of a dubbing project conducted by the author of the present study, we will try to reflect on the potential advantages of such activities, and determine whether they are considered stimulating and effective by language learners. KEYWORDS: computer-assisted language learning, pronunciation training, video dubbing. MOTS-CLÉS : apprentissage des langues assisté par ordinateur, enseignement de la pronunciation, doublage

Research paper thumbnail of Rzeczywistość wirtualna w nauczaniu języków obcych – nowy paradygmat komunikacji w dyskursie szkolnym?

The paper focuses on the problem of using virtual reality in language learning and teaching. The ... more The paper focuses on the problem of using virtual reality in language learning and teaching. The first part is devoted to the discussion of two distinct phenomena: video games and virtual worlds. We try to pinpoint the characteristics they share as well as the differences between the two as far as the user status is concerned. Next, we analyse three different lessons conducted in virtual worlds and digital games environments. Fo-cusing on the classroom discourse, we try to determine the extent to which students' and teachers' roles evolve in these new communicative contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategie współtworzenia tekstów w procesie glottodydaktycznym

The following article is devoted to the results of two collaborative writing projects conducted b... more The following article is devoted to the results of two collaborative writing projects conducted by the author among Polish secondary school students learning French. Research into collaborative writing has shown that this pedagogical approach has great potential: it demands reflective thinking, helps learners to focus on grammatical accuracy, lexis and discourse, and it encourages a pooling of knowledge about the language. The development of new tools such as wikis or online text processors greatly enhances the process. In both projects discussed in the present paper, participants were randomly assigned to groups comprising 3 learners each. Their task consisted in writing a short story over a five-week period using a Web-based word processing tool. Our primary goal was to investigate stu-dents' writing processes as well as their collaborative strategies.


Classroom environment is frequently perceived as an inhibitor to genuine language interaction. Ma... more Classroom environment is frequently perceived as an inhibitor to genuine language interaction. Many authors agree that its characteristics does not allow to create opportunities for authentic communication. Some IT tools, such as virtual worlds or video games, are claimed to have the potential to enrich the communication between learners. The dynamic nature of virtual reality predisposes it to become a perfect tool enabling a creation of a multidimensional environments enriching FL lessons. In the present paper, we will analyse fragments of three different language lessons. The first two were conducted in a virtual world, Second Life. We will try to define characteristic features of this particular environment. During the last analysed lesson, a platform video game was implemented. By comparing these two distinct ways of incorporating virtual reality into classroom practice, we will attempt to reflect on its potential to transform the foreign language learning experience.

Research paper thumbnail of Une première expérience d'écriture collaborative – Enjeux et défis de co-création des textes selon la perspective des membres d'un groupe nouvellement constitué

Le présent article se focalise sur la problématique de l'écriture collaborative assistée par ordi... more Le présent article se focalise sur la problématique de l'écriture collaborative assistée par ordinateur. Nous présentons les résultats d'une recherche que nous avons menée sur un groupe de 36 élèves apprenant le français dans un lycée d'enseignement général en Pologne Les sujets ont été assignés aléatoirement à 12 groupes contenant trois apprenants chacun. Leur tâche consistait à écrire une histoire d'aventure en prenant comme point de départ le jeu vidéo Bermuda Escape auquel les élèves ont joué dans le cadre d'un cours de français. Nos objectifs étaient de constater comment se déroule la collaboration entre les élèves utilisant des outils web 2.0, quelles stratégies d'écriture collaborative ils emploient afin d'achever le projet et quels facteurs peuvent influencer la perception que les participants se font des projets collaboratifs.

This article focuses on the issue of collaborative writing in Web 2.0 era. The present study is the result of a research conducted by the author among 36 Polish secondary school students learning French. The participants were randomly assigned to 12 groups comprising three learners each. Their task consisted in writing a story based on the video game Bermuda Escape over a five-week period. One of the study's goals was to determine how L2 students engage in the collaborative writing process using Web-based word processing tools. We also wanted to determine the nature of group participation in Web-based collaborative writing as well as indicate what factors can influence students' perception of collaborative writing tasks.


This paper aims to explore how language instructors teach with a synchronous multimodal setup (Sk... more This paper aims to explore how language instructors teach with a synchronous multimodal setup (Skype). It reports on findings from research which evaluated how teachers use technologies to enable them to work in distance learning contexts. A total of 124 teachers (86 female and 38 male), offering online private lessons, were asked to complete a survey in which they were asked to describe the advantages and disadvantages of Skype, as well as to enumerate functions they consider are missing in this tool. They were also invited to share their opinions about most efficient models of language learning and teaching. The results show Skype is, on the whole, judged by teachers as a valuable tool in the context of distance language learning. Its use in teaching, nevertheless, has some limitations, which stem from various factors, such as IT infrastructure weaknesses (e.g. interrupted connections), lack of some functions (e.g. supervising the content of the learner's screen) or the specific nature of contact with the interlocutor (the lack of a possibility to interact in a common space).

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Texts Together—Collaborative Writing in Polish Secondary School

This article discusses the question of collaborative writing (CW) in the Web 2.0 era. The present... more This article discusses the question of collaborative writing (CW) in the Web 2.0 era. The present chapter is the result of a study conducted by the author among 27 Polish secondary school students learning French. The participants were randomly assigned to nine groups comprising three learners each. Their task consisted in writing a detective story over a five-week period. The study had three major goals. Primarily, it was to find out how L2 students engage in the collabo-rative writing process using web-based word processing tools. The second aim of the study was to determine the nature of group participation in web-based collab-orative writing. Finally, another important goal of the study was to indicate what factors can influence students' perception of collaborative writing tasks. The results of the study show that participants' general opinion on the project was definitely positive. They also seem to suggest that CW projects can appeal to a wide variety of learners independently of their self-perceived language proficiency level, reluctance to engage in collaborative projects or self-perceived IT competence.

Research paper thumbnail of New Technologies and the 'Wow' Factor: Investigating the Relationship Between Time of Exposure to New Media and Students' Opinions on Game-Supported Language Learning

The present paper focuses on the problem of video game-supported language learning. In order to e... more The present paper focuses on the problem of video game-supported language learning. In order to examine students' opinions on the subject, a study was conducted among 47 learners of French attending the same secondary school. The study had three major goals. Primarily, it was undertaken to indicate students' general perception of game-supported language learning, that is to determine whether they really consider this type of tasks as interesting and profitable. The second aim was to find out whether opinions of individuals coming across this kind of technology for the first time would be divergent from those who benefit from it regularly during foreign language classes. Finally, another important goal of the research was to determine whether variables such as gender, length of foreign language instruction, as well as pupils' general views on the nature of second language learning and the self-perception of their language abilities can have an impact on their perception of game-supported language learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Sukces nauczyciela języka obcego w dobie nowych technologii


The use of new media in supporting autonomy in learning French pronunciation. This paper focuses ... more The use of new media in supporting autonomy in learning French pronunciation. This paper focuses on technologies that allow a learner of French to improve autonomously his or her pronunciation skills. This aspect of language teaching is very often neglected by teachers who usually put it down to the lack of time and the tedious nature of pronunciation exercises. Thanks to new technologies, finding techniques that will suit learners' needs and allow language learning to take place at an appropriate pace in a friendly outside-the-classroom environment seems possible. The first part of the paper offers a review of Internet programs that can be used to help learners work on various aspects of their pronunciation. In the second part, the author raises a question whether the use of text-to-speech programs in this context seems reasonable. In the last part, tools and methods used by the teachers to create new materials for language teaching and make them available on the Internet as well as monitor the process of stu-dents' language learning outside the classroom will be described.

Research paper thumbnail of Computer games and language skills development


This article deals with the question of technology-enhanced delayed corrective feedback in langua... more This article deals with the question of technology-enhanced delayed corrective feedback in language learning. 45 students learning French in high school were video recorded while performing an oral production task. The videos were next uploaded to a private YouTube channel and the annotation tool was used to highlight student’s mistakes. Two distinct methods of correcting learners’ errors were used in the process. Next, a questionnaire was administered in order to determine which of the proposed ways of correcting erroneous utterances was considered more efficient by the subjects and what variables could have influenced learners’ perception of the delayed corrective feedback. Our goal was to determine whether such techniques can be successfully implemented in the case of learners unaccustomed to the use of video recordings in the language classroom.

Research paper thumbnail of Les aspects interactionnels des pratiques de l'enseignement à distance durant la pandémie: le cas d'une classe de français langue étrangère dans un lycée polonais

Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée, 2022

This study proposes an analysis of classroom interactions in a distance foreign language learning... more This study proposes an analysis of classroom interactions in a distance foreign language learning environment. The participants of the study were a group of French learners in a secondary school in Poland. The classes analysed were conducted online during the COVID-19 epidemic. The lessons were recorded and the interactive processes which occurred between the teacher and the students were studied. It is argued that the online modality greatly impacts the way language lessons are conducted and that efficient classroom communication becomes particularly challenging when the video cameras are switched off by almost all the students during online classes.

Research paper thumbnail of Gra komputerowa na lekcji języka obcego. Procesy interakcyjne w zgamifikowanej klasie języka francuskiego

Research paper thumbnail of Informacja zwrotna w świetle analizy interakcji na przykładzie zdalnej nauki języka obcego w szkole ponadpodstawowej

Języki Obce w Szkole, 2021

This study examines the question of teachers’ feedback in a French as a foreign language classroo... more This study examines the question of teachers’ feedback in a French as a foreign language classroom. The participants of the study conducted by the author were a group of French learners in a secondary school in Poland. The classes analysed were conducted online during the COVID-19 epidemic. The lessons were recorded and the interactive processes which occurred between the teacher and the students were studied. It is argued that the online teaching greatly impacts the way language lessons are conducted and increases the amount of teacher’s feedback necessary to assure efficient classroom communication.

Research paper thumbnail of Les apprenants polonophones du français et la phonétique : représentations et auto-évaluation

Romanica Cracoviensia, 2020

The goal of the research was to determine whether learners of French are able to accurately asses... more The goal of the research was to determine whether learners of French are able to accurately assess the quality of their pronunciation. Study participants were Polish students of Applied Linguistics (n = 25). Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire containing items related to their beliefs about pronunciation , as well as to self-evaluate their pronunciation. Four basic components were taken into consideration: sounds, intonation, accentuation and liaisons. Next, the subjects were recorded while reading a text. Immediately after the completion of the recording, they were asked to assess one more time the quality of their pronunciation. The recordings were then submitted to three judges (experienced French teachers). Statistical analysis of the data showed that students tended to perceive their abilities in a less favourable light immediately after the recording. This decrease was found to be in concordance with the scores attributed by the judges, proving that students are able to correctly evaluate the quality of their pronunciation, but also that the context of self-assessment is a crucial factor.

Research paper thumbnail of Ocena telekolaboracyjnych projektów pisarskich realizowanych na platformach synchronicznych

Neofilolog, 2020

Assessing telecollaborative writing activities conducted on synchronous platforms This article ... more Assessing telecollaborative writing activities conducted on synchronous platforms

This article deals with the issue of assessment in the context of telecol-laborative writing activities conducted on synchronous platforms such as Google Docs. Based on the research conducted by the author among secondary school students learning French, the attempt is made to discuss various areas of participants' activity which can be subjected to assessment: text planning, text composition, project management through comments, linguistic corrections, etc. A conclusion is reached that the outcome of collaborative writing projects is greatly determined by how L2 students engage in the process of writing using Web-based word processing tools. In our opinion, it is impossible to consider the creation of a universal assessment grid suitable for all teaching contexts. Instead, a teacher willing to integrate such activities in his curriculum has to show a great deal of flexibility and adaptability.

Research paper thumbnail of Place et rôle des jeux numériques dans le développement des activités narratives dans une classe de FLE

Studia Romanica Posnaniensia 46/2, 2019

Video games and narrative activities in a French as a foreign language classroom. The aim of th... more Video games and narrative activities in a French as a foreign language classroom.

The aim of the present article is to focus on the potential of video games as a tool enabling the language teacher to transform the learning experience in the FL classroom. Apart from presenting various theoretical aspects of integrating computer-enhanced ludic techniques into language teaching, learner discourse excerpts will be analysed in order to determine the extent to which video games implementation can enhance classroom interaction. Our main aim will be to list various contexts in which narrative activities can manifest themselves during French as a foreign language lessons. As we will see, learners can be encouraged to create stories not only in reaction to cinematic sequences but also when attempting to reconstruct events which occurred earlier in the game or while recalling events from an earlier gaming session.

Research paper thumbnail of The relationship between students' pronunciation self-perception and their immediate and recalled anxiety levels in a French as a Foreign Language classroom

This paper presents a study focusing on Polish learners of French and their pronunciation anxiety... more This paper presents a study focusing on Polish learners of French and their pronunciation anxiety. Our aim was to deepen understanding of self-reported language anxiety by conducting a simultaneous examination of learners' situation-specific anxiety (manifesting itself during each performance), immediate anxiety (experienced momentarily during the completion of a reading aloud task) and recalled anxiety (obtained from a delayed post-test administered one week after the treatment). Another goal we sought to accomplish was the examination of learners' self-reported and actual pronunciation proficiency. We decided to combine two approaches to self-assessment. Instead of focusing solely on learners' global perception of their pronunciation proficiency, we also took into account their contextualized self-assessment, with the subjects being asked to rate two specific performances. The conclusion we reached is that even if various anxiety types and subjects' self-assessed proficiency levels are interconnected, the nature of this link is still elusive.

Research paper thumbnail of Projekty audiowizualne w klasach z uczniami o zróżnicowanym poziomie znajomości języka

Spośród wielu form pracy, które można wprowadzić na lekcji języka obcego, edycja i produkcja mate... more Spośród wielu form pracy, które można wprowadzić na lekcji języka obcego, edycja i produkcja materiałów audiowizualnych to niewątpliwie propozycje godne uwagi. Pozwalają one na zwiększenie autonomii i motywacji uczniów poprzez pracę nad konkretnym produktem, który może zostać zaprezentowany szerokiemu gronu odbiorców, np. poprzez jego upowszechnienie w sieci.

Research paper thumbnail of Le doublage comme un moyen de travailler sur la prononciation française : théorie et pratique.

Video dubbing as a method for French pronunciation training: theory and practice ABSTRACT. Pronun... more Video dubbing as a method for French pronunciation training: theory and practice ABSTRACT. Pronunciation is an often-neglected aspect of language instruction. Teachers usually place the blame on lack of time and resources, as well as curricular restrictions. However, in recent years, we have witnessed a proliferation of various tools that can be used to render work on different aspects of pronunciation much more interesting. In the present paper, we will focus on one particular technique: video dubbing. By examining the answers provided by the participants of a dubbing project conducted by the author of the present study, we will try to reflect on the potential advantages of such activities, and determine whether they are considered stimulating and effective by language learners. KEYWORDS: computer-assisted language learning, pronunciation training, video dubbing. MOTS-CLÉS : apprentissage des langues assisté par ordinateur, enseignement de la pronunciation, doublage

Research paper thumbnail of Rzeczywistość wirtualna w nauczaniu języków obcych – nowy paradygmat komunikacji w dyskursie szkolnym?

The paper focuses on the problem of using virtual reality in language learning and teaching. The ... more The paper focuses on the problem of using virtual reality in language learning and teaching. The first part is devoted to the discussion of two distinct phenomena: video games and virtual worlds. We try to pinpoint the characteristics they share as well as the differences between the two as far as the user status is concerned. Next, we analyse three different lessons conducted in virtual worlds and digital games environments. Fo-cusing on the classroom discourse, we try to determine the extent to which students' and teachers' roles evolve in these new communicative contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategie współtworzenia tekstów w procesie glottodydaktycznym

The following article is devoted to the results of two collaborative writing projects conducted b... more The following article is devoted to the results of two collaborative writing projects conducted by the author among Polish secondary school students learning French. Research into collaborative writing has shown that this pedagogical approach has great potential: it demands reflective thinking, helps learners to focus on grammatical accuracy, lexis and discourse, and it encourages a pooling of knowledge about the language. The development of new tools such as wikis or online text processors greatly enhances the process. In both projects discussed in the present paper, participants were randomly assigned to groups comprising 3 learners each. Their task consisted in writing a short story over a five-week period using a Web-based word processing tool. Our primary goal was to investigate stu-dents' writing processes as well as their collaborative strategies.


Classroom environment is frequently perceived as an inhibitor to genuine language interaction. Ma... more Classroom environment is frequently perceived as an inhibitor to genuine language interaction. Many authors agree that its characteristics does not allow to create opportunities for authentic communication. Some IT tools, such as virtual worlds or video games, are claimed to have the potential to enrich the communication between learners. The dynamic nature of virtual reality predisposes it to become a perfect tool enabling a creation of a multidimensional environments enriching FL lessons. In the present paper, we will analyse fragments of three different language lessons. The first two were conducted in a virtual world, Second Life. We will try to define characteristic features of this particular environment. During the last analysed lesson, a platform video game was implemented. By comparing these two distinct ways of incorporating virtual reality into classroom practice, we will attempt to reflect on its potential to transform the foreign language learning experience.

Research paper thumbnail of Une première expérience d'écriture collaborative – Enjeux et défis de co-création des textes selon la perspective des membres d'un groupe nouvellement constitué

Le présent article se focalise sur la problématique de l'écriture collaborative assistée par ordi... more Le présent article se focalise sur la problématique de l'écriture collaborative assistée par ordinateur. Nous présentons les résultats d'une recherche que nous avons menée sur un groupe de 36 élèves apprenant le français dans un lycée d'enseignement général en Pologne Les sujets ont été assignés aléatoirement à 12 groupes contenant trois apprenants chacun. Leur tâche consistait à écrire une histoire d'aventure en prenant comme point de départ le jeu vidéo Bermuda Escape auquel les élèves ont joué dans le cadre d'un cours de français. Nos objectifs étaient de constater comment se déroule la collaboration entre les élèves utilisant des outils web 2.0, quelles stratégies d'écriture collaborative ils emploient afin d'achever le projet et quels facteurs peuvent influencer la perception que les participants se font des projets collaboratifs.

This article focuses on the issue of collaborative writing in Web 2.0 era. The present study is the result of a research conducted by the author among 36 Polish secondary school students learning French. The participants were randomly assigned to 12 groups comprising three learners each. Their task consisted in writing a story based on the video game Bermuda Escape over a five-week period. One of the study's goals was to determine how L2 students engage in the collaborative writing process using Web-based word processing tools. We also wanted to determine the nature of group participation in Web-based collaborative writing as well as indicate what factors can influence students' perception of collaborative writing tasks.


This paper aims to explore how language instructors teach with a synchronous multimodal setup (Sk... more This paper aims to explore how language instructors teach with a synchronous multimodal setup (Skype). It reports on findings from research which evaluated how teachers use technologies to enable them to work in distance learning contexts. A total of 124 teachers (86 female and 38 male), offering online private lessons, were asked to complete a survey in which they were asked to describe the advantages and disadvantages of Skype, as well as to enumerate functions they consider are missing in this tool. They were also invited to share their opinions about most efficient models of language learning and teaching. The results show Skype is, on the whole, judged by teachers as a valuable tool in the context of distance language learning. Its use in teaching, nevertheless, has some limitations, which stem from various factors, such as IT infrastructure weaknesses (e.g. interrupted connections), lack of some functions (e.g. supervising the content of the learner's screen) or the specific nature of contact with the interlocutor (the lack of a possibility to interact in a common space).

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Texts Together—Collaborative Writing in Polish Secondary School

This article discusses the question of collaborative writing (CW) in the Web 2.0 era. The present... more This article discusses the question of collaborative writing (CW) in the Web 2.0 era. The present chapter is the result of a study conducted by the author among 27 Polish secondary school students learning French. The participants were randomly assigned to nine groups comprising three learners each. Their task consisted in writing a detective story over a five-week period. The study had three major goals. Primarily, it was to find out how L2 students engage in the collabo-rative writing process using web-based word processing tools. The second aim of the study was to determine the nature of group participation in web-based collab-orative writing. Finally, another important goal of the study was to indicate what factors can influence students' perception of collaborative writing tasks. The results of the study show that participants' general opinion on the project was definitely positive. They also seem to suggest that CW projects can appeal to a wide variety of learners independently of their self-perceived language proficiency level, reluctance to engage in collaborative projects or self-perceived IT competence.

Research paper thumbnail of New Technologies and the 'Wow' Factor: Investigating the Relationship Between Time of Exposure to New Media and Students' Opinions on Game-Supported Language Learning

The present paper focuses on the problem of video game-supported language learning. In order to e... more The present paper focuses on the problem of video game-supported language learning. In order to examine students' opinions on the subject, a study was conducted among 47 learners of French attending the same secondary school. The study had three major goals. Primarily, it was undertaken to indicate students' general perception of game-supported language learning, that is to determine whether they really consider this type of tasks as interesting and profitable. The second aim was to find out whether opinions of individuals coming across this kind of technology for the first time would be divergent from those who benefit from it regularly during foreign language classes. Finally, another important goal of the research was to determine whether variables such as gender, length of foreign language instruction, as well as pupils' general views on the nature of second language learning and the self-perception of their language abilities can have an impact on their perception of game-supported language learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Sukces nauczyciela języka obcego w dobie nowych technologii


The use of new media in supporting autonomy in learning French pronunciation. This paper focuses ... more The use of new media in supporting autonomy in learning French pronunciation. This paper focuses on technologies that allow a learner of French to improve autonomously his or her pronunciation skills. This aspect of language teaching is very often neglected by teachers who usually put it down to the lack of time and the tedious nature of pronunciation exercises. Thanks to new technologies, finding techniques that will suit learners' needs and allow language learning to take place at an appropriate pace in a friendly outside-the-classroom environment seems possible. The first part of the paper offers a review of Internet programs that can be used to help learners work on various aspects of their pronunciation. In the second part, the author raises a question whether the use of text-to-speech programs in this context seems reasonable. In the last part, tools and methods used by the teachers to create new materials for language teaching and make them available on the Internet as well as monitor the process of stu-dents' language learning outside the classroom will be described.

Research paper thumbnail of Computer games and language skills development


This article deals with the question of technology-enhanced delayed corrective feedback in langua... more This article deals with the question of technology-enhanced delayed corrective feedback in language learning. 45 students learning French in high school were video recorded while performing an oral production task. The videos were next uploaded to a private YouTube channel and the annotation tool was used to highlight student’s mistakes. Two distinct methods of correcting learners’ errors were used in the process. Next, a questionnaire was administered in order to determine which of the proposed ways of correcting erroneous utterances was considered more efficient by the subjects and what variables could have influenced learners’ perception of the delayed corrective feedback. Our goal was to determine whether such techniques can be successfully implemented in the case of learners unaccustomed to the use of video recordings in the language classroom.

Research paper thumbnail of Gra komputerowa na lekcji języka obcego. Procesy interakcyjne w zgamifikowanej klasie języka francuskiego

Research paper thumbnail of Voir à travers le texte, lire à travers l’image Les mécanismes de la lecture du manuscrit médiéval

Le sujet du livre est le processus de la lecture du manuscrit médiéval enluminé. L’objectif princ... more Le sujet du livre est le processus de la lecture du manuscrit médiéval enluminé. L’objectif principal est d’analyser, en détail, les fonctions possibles de l’illustration ainsi que les différentes formes de la relation que celle-ci entretient avec le texte. À travers cette analyse, nous chercherons à déterminer de quelle façon l’image peut influer sur la réception de l’oeuvre littéraire par le lecteur. L’objet de recherche central est l’exemplaire du Roman de la Rose de Guillaume de Lorris et de Jean de Meun conservé à la Bibliothèque des Princes Czartoryski à Cracovie, sous la cote Czart. 2920, contenant de nombreuses miniatures originales qui en font un objet d’analyse particulièrement intéressant.