Barbara Bilewicz-Kuźnia | UMCS - (original) (raw)
Papers by Barbara Bilewicz-Kuźnia
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny, 2019
Liczne studia interdyscyplinarne i międzynarodowe badania wykazują, że proces uczenia się może by... more Liczne studia interdyscyplinarne i międzynarodowe badania wykazują, że proces uczenia się może być projektowany z wykorzystaniem wiedzy o cielesności jednostki, poprzez edukację w ruchu oraz z wykorzystaniem ciała i przez to wspierać rozwój poznawczy, społeczny, emocjonalny i zdrowotny jednostki postrzeganej integralnie. Najwybitniejszym przedstawicielem pedagogiki ruchu był wychowawca, lekarz Jean Le Boulch, twórca psychomotorycznej teorii uczenia się. Zgodnie z nią nie można osiągnąć postępu intelektualnego bez pomocy ciała i umiejętności motorycznych. Artykuł stanowi przegląd badań naukowych dotyczących psychomotoryki edukacyjnej i jej licznych korzyści dla integralnego rozwoju dziecka. Podkreślono w nim, że harmonia między umysłem a ciałem promuje pozytywne procesy wzrostu jednostki.
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze, 2020
The article describes the implementation of the project that took the form of a teaching experime... more The article describes the implementation of the project that took the form of a teaching experiment. The “Myśleć jak architect” [en. “Think like an Architect”] project was aimed at developing children's spatial, mathematical and creative skills, integrating the social environment: academic, educational, family and cultural, and promoting science. Its essence was to design and conduct a mathematical and creative didactic cycle in the university space and in the local cultural space. The essence of educational meetings were: play, tasks, games and mathematical problems undertaken and solved by children in active and creative action, also using innovative teaching materials. The workshop didactic program was designed as a cycle of 12 hours of didactic classes, in which there was a deliberate use of rhymes, poems, fairy tales and mathematical narratives. The project lasted from November 2018 to May 2019. The beneficiaries of the project were the oldest pre-schoolers and younger stud...
The New Educational Review, 2016
The article presents results of 38 observation sessions of 10 groups of children aged 3 to 6 year... more The article presents results of 38 observation sessions of 10 groups of children aged 3 to 6 years during the time dedicated to play. The aim of the research was to determine the material and emotional conditions for free play depending on the time of day. The results of the observation showed that preschool-aged children play in different places of the preschool classroom, engage mostly in construction and theme play. They use many more toys in their play in the morning and before noon than they do in the afternoon. Play activity is especially intensive in the morning in comparison to the afternoon.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 2015
Every child has an innate sense of rhythm, beauty and harmony, enjoys observing nature and archit... more Every child has an innate sense of rhythm, beauty and harmony, enjoys observing nature and architecture, plays with the gifts of nature and decorates. As a matter of fact, in the course of such activities the child not only experiences pleasure, but also discovers new phenomena, refines visual perception and aesthetic sensitivity, constructs mathematical concepts, enters the world of geometry. The relationship between nature and art, play and culture, as well as the educational significance of observation and activity have been stressed by a number of researchers into child development, including Maria Montessori. She claimed that for a child, learning is a natural process, occurring spontaneously not thanks to passive listening, but thanks to active contact with the environment. The didactic materials she devised are characterized by purposefulness, isolated difficulty, stimulation of the child, visual beauty and order. The source of their beauty lies, above all, in their simplicit...
This article presents studies resulting from the observation of 8 sessions of heuristic play invo... more This article presents studies resulting from the observation of 8 sessions of heuristic play involving children aged 4-5 years. Heuristic play was described and implemented in preschool education by Elinor Goldschmied (1910-2009). This kind of play is sensory and motor in nature, and uses everyday objects, including waste materials. The studies were of the qualitative kind. The objective of the observations was to discern the creative mindsets and approaches of children. The findings are categorised under 3 headings, corresponding to 3 criteria-the nature of the cognitive contact, the conceptual approach to playing and while playing, and the personality traits of the subjects. Considering the character of the child's cognitive contact with the material while playing, we can distinguish between four types of experimental approaches: explorer, enumerator, master of structures, and master of descriptions. When considering full-blown play, one can observe such conceptual types as or...
How we define play inevitably depends on the sources of our thinking about it. Play theorists agr... more How we define play inevitably depends on the sources of our thinking about it. Play theorists agree that it is free action, an essential attribute of childhood, and also the richest source of a child’s learning. It can be viewed from three points of view: as a pure form, as playful learning, and as playful teaching. The structure of one’s work with a small child, including the list of goals one seeks to achieve, is directed by the core curriculum of preschool education, and by those more specific pre-school educational curricula designed on the basis of it. The play-related issues that figure in the core curriculum concern the child’s actions and motivations, places and play spaces, and playground and security awareness. In this article, three selected pre-school education curricula are assessed: “The child in his/her element”, “Our nursery school” and “Nurseryschool calendar”. Analysis of the meanings of the term “play” as these appear in the contents of selected programs indicates...
Celem badań była ocena i porównanie dojrzałości do uczenia się matematyki przez dzieci siedmiolet... more Celem badań była ocena i porównanie dojrzałości do uczenia się matematyki przez dzieci siedmioletnie, które ukończyły edukację przedszkolną prowadzoną według koncepcji tradycyjnej i alternatywnej, zgodnej z podejściem Friedricha Froebla. Badacza interesowało, czy i w jakim stopniu model pracy grupy przedszkolnej różnicuje wyniki dzieci w zakresie wiedzy i umiejętności matematycznych ogólnie i w zakresie rozumienia liczby, przestrzeni i czasu. Do oceny rozwoju kompetencji matematycznych wykorzystano skalę LPC6 (Oszwa, 2006). Badania porównawcze 90 dzieci (po 45 w grupie) wykazały, iż dzieci edukowane w odmiennym modelu różniły się istotnie w zakresie ogólnego wskaźnika kompetencji matematycznych na korzyść dzieci, które zrealizowały edukację przedszkolną w koncepcji alternatywnej. Najwięcej różnic dotyczy rozwoju umiejętności geometrycznych, to jest rozumienia relacji przestrzennych, umiejętności arytmetycznych, układania i rozwiązywania zadań matematycznych oraz liczby miesięcy.
Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce
Children’s literature has a cognitive value and is a source of aesthetic experiences. Picture boo... more Children’s literature has a cognitive value and is a source of aesthetic experiences. Picture books with mathematical content are a special type of children’s books. The study aims to show that picture books where mathematical text is combined with images in an aesthetic form provide impulses to create educational situations that inspire mathematical activity. Based on the classification of mathematical activity by Ewa Kozak-Czyżewska, we developed our methodological proposals for stimulating creative and imitative mathematical activity in children. These suggestions are presented on the basis of our work with two books: Numbers written by Jacek Cygan and At our house written by Isabel Minhós Martins and Madalena Matoso. For the purpose of this study, educational classes with the use of mathematical literary texts were conducted for six-year-old children in kindergarten. It has been shown that picture books can inspire creative and imitative mathematical activity in children. By pro...
Forum Pedagogiczne
Artykuł koncentruje się na jednym z trzech filarów koncepcji niemieckiego pedagoga Friedricha Fro... more Artykuł koncentruje się na jednym z trzech filarów koncepcji niemieckiego pedagoga Friedricha Froebla – zabawie – i przedstawia jej znaczenie w świetle jego poglądów oraz kontynuatorów jego myśli we współczesnej pedagogice i metodyce wychowania przedszkolnego. Wiek XXI przyniósł renesans poglądów pedagogicznych Froebla na temat zabawy. Do rzeczywistości przedszkolnej zaimplementowano badania oraz rozwiązania metodyczne pozwalające na nowo uznać, iż zabawa jest życiem dziecka i jednocześnie strategią dydaktyczną.
The study concerns imaginary perspective taking (IPT) in six-year-olds and is a replica of the st... more The study concerns imaginary perspective taking (IPT) in six-year-olds and is a replica of the studies undertaken by the Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, Elia and Robitzsch team (2015). Imaginary perspective taking comprises two components: IPT 1 refers to perception, the socalled “visibility of objects”, i.e. deducing which object is visible or not from different points of view. IPT 2 (appearance, imaginary perspective taking) refers to the ability to describe what an object looks like when viewed from different points of view. The study was aimed at defining development of the six-year-olds’ ability to take a different perspective and comparing it with the results of Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen’s team. 74 Polish six-year-olds participated in the study: 36 children living in the urban environment (17 girls, 19 boys) and 38 children from rural areas (15 girls and 23 boys). A set of trials of Imaginary Perspective Items IPT1 Visibility items and IPT2 Appearance items constituted the research t...
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny, 2019
Liczne studia interdyscyplinarne i międzynarodowe badania wykazują, że proces uczenia się może by... more Liczne studia interdyscyplinarne i międzynarodowe badania wykazują, że proces uczenia się może być projektowany z wykorzystaniem wiedzy o cielesności jednostki, poprzez edukację w ruchu oraz z wykorzystaniem ciała i przez to wspierać rozwój poznawczy, społeczny, emocjonalny i zdrowotny jednostki postrzeganej integralnie. Najwybitniejszym przedstawicielem pedagogiki ruchu był wychowawca, lekarz Jean Le Boulch, twórca psychomotorycznej teorii uczenia się. Zgodnie z nią nie można osiągnąć postępu intelektualnego bez pomocy ciała i umiejętności motorycznych. Artykuł stanowi przegląd badań naukowych dotyczących psychomotoryki edukacyjnej i jej licznych korzyści dla integralnego rozwoju dziecka. Podkreślono w nim, że harmonia między umysłem a ciałem promuje pozytywne procesy wzrostu jednostki.
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze, 2020
The article describes the implementation of the project that took the form of a teaching experime... more The article describes the implementation of the project that took the form of a teaching experiment. The “Myśleć jak architect” [en. “Think like an Architect”] project was aimed at developing children's spatial, mathematical and creative skills, integrating the social environment: academic, educational, family and cultural, and promoting science. Its essence was to design and conduct a mathematical and creative didactic cycle in the university space and in the local cultural space. The essence of educational meetings were: play, tasks, games and mathematical problems undertaken and solved by children in active and creative action, also using innovative teaching materials. The workshop didactic program was designed as a cycle of 12 hours of didactic classes, in which there was a deliberate use of rhymes, poems, fairy tales and mathematical narratives. The project lasted from November 2018 to May 2019. The beneficiaries of the project were the oldest pre-schoolers and younger stud...
The New Educational Review, 2016
The article presents results of 38 observation sessions of 10 groups of children aged 3 to 6 year... more The article presents results of 38 observation sessions of 10 groups of children aged 3 to 6 years during the time dedicated to play. The aim of the research was to determine the material and emotional conditions for free play depending on the time of day. The results of the observation showed that preschool-aged children play in different places of the preschool classroom, engage mostly in construction and theme play. They use many more toys in their play in the morning and before noon than they do in the afternoon. Play activity is especially intensive in the morning in comparison to the afternoon.
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 2015
Every child has an innate sense of rhythm, beauty and harmony, enjoys observing nature and archit... more Every child has an innate sense of rhythm, beauty and harmony, enjoys observing nature and architecture, plays with the gifts of nature and decorates. As a matter of fact, in the course of such activities the child not only experiences pleasure, but also discovers new phenomena, refines visual perception and aesthetic sensitivity, constructs mathematical concepts, enters the world of geometry. The relationship between nature and art, play and culture, as well as the educational significance of observation and activity have been stressed by a number of researchers into child development, including Maria Montessori. She claimed that for a child, learning is a natural process, occurring spontaneously not thanks to passive listening, but thanks to active contact with the environment. The didactic materials she devised are characterized by purposefulness, isolated difficulty, stimulation of the child, visual beauty and order. The source of their beauty lies, above all, in their simplicit...
This article presents studies resulting from the observation of 8 sessions of heuristic play invo... more This article presents studies resulting from the observation of 8 sessions of heuristic play involving children aged 4-5 years. Heuristic play was described and implemented in preschool education by Elinor Goldschmied (1910-2009). This kind of play is sensory and motor in nature, and uses everyday objects, including waste materials. The studies were of the qualitative kind. The objective of the observations was to discern the creative mindsets and approaches of children. The findings are categorised under 3 headings, corresponding to 3 criteria-the nature of the cognitive contact, the conceptual approach to playing and while playing, and the personality traits of the subjects. Considering the character of the child's cognitive contact with the material while playing, we can distinguish between four types of experimental approaches: explorer, enumerator, master of structures, and master of descriptions. When considering full-blown play, one can observe such conceptual types as or...
How we define play inevitably depends on the sources of our thinking about it. Play theorists agr... more How we define play inevitably depends on the sources of our thinking about it. Play theorists agree that it is free action, an essential attribute of childhood, and also the richest source of a child’s learning. It can be viewed from three points of view: as a pure form, as playful learning, and as playful teaching. The structure of one’s work with a small child, including the list of goals one seeks to achieve, is directed by the core curriculum of preschool education, and by those more specific pre-school educational curricula designed on the basis of it. The play-related issues that figure in the core curriculum concern the child’s actions and motivations, places and play spaces, and playground and security awareness. In this article, three selected pre-school education curricula are assessed: “The child in his/her element”, “Our nursery school” and “Nurseryschool calendar”. Analysis of the meanings of the term “play” as these appear in the contents of selected programs indicates...
Celem badań była ocena i porównanie dojrzałości do uczenia się matematyki przez dzieci siedmiolet... more Celem badań była ocena i porównanie dojrzałości do uczenia się matematyki przez dzieci siedmioletnie, które ukończyły edukację przedszkolną prowadzoną według koncepcji tradycyjnej i alternatywnej, zgodnej z podejściem Friedricha Froebla. Badacza interesowało, czy i w jakim stopniu model pracy grupy przedszkolnej różnicuje wyniki dzieci w zakresie wiedzy i umiejętności matematycznych ogólnie i w zakresie rozumienia liczby, przestrzeni i czasu. Do oceny rozwoju kompetencji matematycznych wykorzystano skalę LPC6 (Oszwa, 2006). Badania porównawcze 90 dzieci (po 45 w grupie) wykazały, iż dzieci edukowane w odmiennym modelu różniły się istotnie w zakresie ogólnego wskaźnika kompetencji matematycznych na korzyść dzieci, które zrealizowały edukację przedszkolną w koncepcji alternatywnej. Najwięcej różnic dotyczy rozwoju umiejętności geometrycznych, to jest rozumienia relacji przestrzennych, umiejętności arytmetycznych, układania i rozwiązywania zadań matematycznych oraz liczby miesięcy.
Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce
Children’s literature has a cognitive value and is a source of aesthetic experiences. Picture boo... more Children’s literature has a cognitive value and is a source of aesthetic experiences. Picture books with mathematical content are a special type of children’s books. The study aims to show that picture books where mathematical text is combined with images in an aesthetic form provide impulses to create educational situations that inspire mathematical activity. Based on the classification of mathematical activity by Ewa Kozak-Czyżewska, we developed our methodological proposals for stimulating creative and imitative mathematical activity in children. These suggestions are presented on the basis of our work with two books: Numbers written by Jacek Cygan and At our house written by Isabel Minhós Martins and Madalena Matoso. For the purpose of this study, educational classes with the use of mathematical literary texts were conducted for six-year-old children in kindergarten. It has been shown that picture books can inspire creative and imitative mathematical activity in children. By pro...
Forum Pedagogiczne
Artykuł koncentruje się na jednym z trzech filarów koncepcji niemieckiego pedagoga Friedricha Fro... more Artykuł koncentruje się na jednym z trzech filarów koncepcji niemieckiego pedagoga Friedricha Froebla – zabawie – i przedstawia jej znaczenie w świetle jego poglądów oraz kontynuatorów jego myśli we współczesnej pedagogice i metodyce wychowania przedszkolnego. Wiek XXI przyniósł renesans poglądów pedagogicznych Froebla na temat zabawy. Do rzeczywistości przedszkolnej zaimplementowano badania oraz rozwiązania metodyczne pozwalające na nowo uznać, iż zabawa jest życiem dziecka i jednocześnie strategią dydaktyczną.
The study concerns imaginary perspective taking (IPT) in six-year-olds and is a replica of the st... more The study concerns imaginary perspective taking (IPT) in six-year-olds and is a replica of the studies undertaken by the Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, Elia and Robitzsch team (2015). Imaginary perspective taking comprises two components: IPT 1 refers to perception, the socalled “visibility of objects”, i.e. deducing which object is visible or not from different points of view. IPT 2 (appearance, imaginary perspective taking) refers to the ability to describe what an object looks like when viewed from different points of view. The study was aimed at defining development of the six-year-olds’ ability to take a different perspective and comparing it with the results of Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen’s team. 74 Polish six-year-olds participated in the study: 36 children living in the urban environment (17 girls, 19 boys) and 38 children from rural areas (15 girls and 23 boys). A set of trials of Imaginary Perspective Items IPT1 Visibility items and IPT2 Appearance items constituted the research t...