Hervé-Thomas Campangne | University of Maryland (original) (raw)
Papers by Hervé-Thomas Campangne
Transatlantica, 2018
La réception du traité de Paris (1783) et l'imaginaire des relations franco-a...
Renaissance and Reformation, 2004
suivie dans les années soixante-dix de Mysteriously meant de Don Cameron Allen, puis de Mythe et ... more suivie dans les années soixante-dix de Mysteriously meant de Don Cameron Allen, puis de Mythe et allégorie de Jean Pépin, les notions d'allégorie, d'allégorèse et d'integumentum sont au coeur de textes fondamentaux pour les études de la Renaissance : on songe notamment à des ouvrages comme The Cornucopian Text de Terence Cave, Le défi des signes de Michel Jeanneret ou, plus récemment, aux travaux de Pierre Maréchaux sur la mythographie. Dans le sillage de ces textes, les deux volumes des actes du colloque L'Allégorie de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance rassemblent quelque trente communications préparées par des spécialistes de domaines aussi divers que l'étude de l'Antiquité, l'histoire de la pensée, la philosophie et l'histoire littéraire. Le premier volume s'ouvre sur une série de contributions consacrées aux défi nitions de l'allégorie. Luc Brisson met en exergue l'un des aspects les moins connus de cette pratique en nous rappelant que chez les néo-platoniciens de l'école d'Athènes, le travail de l'interprète se rapprochait de celui du mystagogue, guide chargé de l'initiation dans les mystères : allégorie, philosophie et théologie se rejoignaient alors. Pierre Chiron recherche les données d'une histoire de l'allégorie dans les traités de rhétorique de l'Antiquité, en soulignant les rapports qu'elle entretient dans ces textes avec l'ironie, les asteia et le discours fi guré : autour de la tradition rhétorique se profi le ainsi une notion qui, comme le souligne l'auteur, se distingue nettement des défi nitions modernes de l'allégorie. Dans une optique voisine, Jean-François Thomas montre, à partir d'une étude lexicologique approfondie, de quelle manière le vocable latin allegoria a pu revêtir des signifi cations très différentes de celle du mot français allégorie. Dans la contribution qu'il consacre à la « pépinière des dieux », Pierre Sauzeau s'interroge sur la fi gure de la personnifi cation telle qu'elle apparaît dans les polythéismes et les traditions poétiques les plus anciennes, cette étude linguistique et sémantique mettant au jour une fi gure distincte de la rhétorique et des abstractions métaphysiques.
La rencontre des Histoires prodigieuses et des Histoires tragiques ? Interférences et divergences... more La rencontre des Histoires prodigieuses et des Histoires tragiques ? Interférences et divergences Type de publication: Article de collectif Collectif: Pierre Boaistuau ou le génie des formes Auteur: Campangne (Hervé-Thomas) Résumé: Les Histoires tragiques et les Histoires prodigieuses contiennent des récits « admirables », « véritables », « estranges » et « mémorables », dont les thématiques et les messages parénétiques sont proches. Chez les émules de Boaistuau et dans les canards de la fin du XVI et du début du XVII siècle, les deux genres se confondent. Cependant, les deux formes d'Histoires créées par Boaistuau procèdent de conceptions différentes du récit court, dont il faut retracer les enjeux et les modalités.
В статье изложены результаты исследований нижнедевонских отложений. Для лохковских отложений Печо... more В статье изложены результаты исследований нижнедевонских отложений. Для лохковских отложений Печоро-Колвинского авлакогена характерно разнообразие фаций, различие мощностей, что отражает палеорельеф в условиях нестабильного тектонического режима. В разрезах Колвинского и Печоро-Кожвинского мегавалов лохковский трансгрессивно-регрессивный циклит представлен фациями открытого шельфа и лагун. На территории Денисовского прогиба развиты преимущественно терригенные лохковские отложения. Для распознавания синхронных подразделений в разрезах Печоро-Колвинского авлакогена использованы литологические и геофизические коррелятивы, биозональная последовательность по остракодам, которые были определены в северовосточных разрезах Тимано-Североуральского региона. Установлено сходство строения лохковских трансгрессивно-регрессивных циклитов авлакогена и Варандей-Адзьвинской структурно-тектонической зоны.
Renaissance Quarterly, 2018
This article shows how François de Belleforest (1530–83) adapted a variety of historical and geog... more This article shows how François de Belleforest (1530–83) adapted a variety of historical and geographical sources to meet the demands of the histoire tragique genre in composing three narratives set in the Americas. One recounts the destiny of conquistador Francisco Pizarro; another is the story of Marguerite de Roberval, who was allegedly marooned on a Canadian island; the third concerns Taino cacique Enriquillo’s heroic rebellion in 1520s Hispaniola. These narratives fostered a tragic image of the Americas that had a considerable influence on early modern readers, inviting them to ponder essential questions about European encounters with the American continent and its inhabitants.
Angles, 2020
They have shown that since the 1778 Treaty of Amity and Commerce that sealed the alliance between... more They have shown that since the 1778 Treaty of Amity and Commerce that sealed the alliance between the American insurgents and the monarchy of Louis XVI, periods of collaboration and alignment have alternated with times of tension and division. High moments include the 1781 Siege of Yorktown, Colonel Stanton's "Lafayette, we are here" speech as the first American Expeditionary Force arrived in France in 1917, the D-Day landings in Normandy in 1944, and more recently, the close cooperation between the two countries' intelligence agencies in their efforts to counter terrorism. Times of conflict comprise president Andrew Jackson's and king Louis Philippe's disagreement over spoliation claims dating back to the Napoleonic wars, the aftermath of the 1956 Suez crisis, General De Gaulle's 1966 decision to withdraw France from NATO's integrated military command, and France's refusal to allow U.S. aircraft to fly over its territory during the American raid against Muammar Qaddafi's Libya in 1986. 2 Among the discords between the two countries, two diplomatic crises especially stand out. The first one induced the 1790s Quasi-War. The French directorate perceived the Cannibals, Monsters and Weasels: Creating a French Enemy in the United States..
La mythologie de l'Antiquité à la modernité, 2000
Dix-septième siècle, 2005
Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France, 2003
Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France, 2006
Renaissance and Reformation
Descendant du chevalier Bayard, Pierre de Boscosel de Chastelard faisait partie de la compagnie d... more Descendant du chevalier Bayard, Pierre de Boscosel de Chastelard faisait partie de la compagnie de gentilshommes qui accompagnèrent Marie Stuart en Écosse après la mort de François II. Épris de la reine, il se cacha sous son lit en espérant peut-être séduire sa bien-aimée ; la souveraine lui pardonna cette audace, mais le jeune homme ne put s’empêcher d’oser une seconde tentative. Surpris par une servante de Marie, l’amant éperdu fut livré aux tribunaux et décapité. À partir des récits de John Knox et de Brantôme, je propose d’étudier les enjeux et les modalités de la représentation des passions dans les œuvres que les historiens, les romanciers, et les peintres ont consacrées à la tragique destinée de Chastelard. Métamorphosé en personnage de fiction historique, le gentilhomme amoureux joue un rôle important dans l’intrigue de La Princesse de Clèves ; son histoire fit aussi l’objet d’une étonnante supercherie littéraire : William Henry Ireland publie en...
ANGLES, 2020
This article assesses the creation of an enemy image of France and the French in the United S... more This article assesses the creation of an enemy image of France and the French in the United States in two separate historical contexts. Although France and the United States have usually enjoyed rather positive relations throughout history after the signing of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce in 1778, the French were widely depicted as America’s enemy during the late 1790s Quasi-War, and more recently after France refused to support U.S. military intervention in Iraq in 2003-2004. In the first instance, an undeclared naval war opposed the two countries as the French government allowed for seizure of American ships in the wake of the 1795 Jay Treaty the US had signed with Great Britain, a conflict which escalated when U.S. navy later began to fight the French in the Caribbean. In 2003-2004, an acute diplomatic crisis induced a confrontation between the two nations when France suggested it would use its veto power to block passage of a United Nations Security Council resolution authorizing a U.S.- led military operation against Iraq. The aim of this study is to provide an understanding of the process through which the image of France was transformed, in both historical contexts, from that of ally and friend into that of a threatening other. Particular attention is paid to the creation and use of cultural stereotypes in statements by American officials, as well as in the media campaigns that characterized both diplomatic crises. Although the enemy image of France underwent significant changes between 1797 and 2003, our research shows that a number of cultural stereotypes that were created during the Quasi-War were revived during the 2003 diplomatic crisis. Chief amongst those is the association of France with terror and tyranny. This article also examines the deep political divisions that pitted Federalists against Republicans in the 1790s, and Neo-Conservative “hawks” against anti-war “doves” in 2003. These disputes shed light on the creation of enemy images of France in the United States. In both cases, the French antagonist was as mirror and a scapegoat that provides as much information on American identity and U.S. political debates as it does about American views on France and the French.
Transatlantica, 2020
This article deals with representations of France–United States relations at the time of the trea... more This article deals with representations of France–United States relations at the time of the treaties of Paris and Versailles (1783). It provides a study of the numerous texts and abundant iconography that dealt with the treaties in the years 1783-1784 on both sides of the Atlantic. Written from the perspective of cultural history, its goal is to go beyond traditional historiographic perspectives and show that the French and the Americans did not share the same vision of the relationship between their two nations. As the American War of Independence ended and a new world order arose, a divide soon developed between, on the one hand, an idealized vision of the French–American friendship and, on the other hand, the realities of international trade and politics. The images and representations analyzed in this study played a key role as France–United States relations were being shaped: as such, they provide important insights into interactions between the two nations in the 1780s and beyond.
Mémoire du Livre / Studies in Book Culture, 2019
Renaissance Quarterly, 2018
This article shows how François de Belleforest (1530–83) adapted a variety of historical and geog... more This article shows how François de Belleforest (1530–83) adapted a variety of historical and geographical sources to meet the demands of the histoire tragique genre in composing three narratives set in the Americas. One recounts the destiny of conquistador Francisco Pizarro; another is the story of Marguerite de Roberval, who was allegedly marooned on a Canadian island; the third concerns Taino cacique Enriquillo's heroic rebellion in 1520s Hispaniola. These narratives fostered a tragic image of the Americas that had a considerable influence on early modern readers, inviting them to ponder essential questions about European encounters with the American continent and its inhabitants.
Although Boaistuau and others often claimed to be describing actual events in their tragic novell... more Although Boaistuau and others often claimed to be describing actual events in their tragic novelle, François de Belleforest provided an important innovation when he included in his 1572 Cinquiesme tome des histoires tragiques two stories that presented him as an eyewitness and investigator. In this article, I study the ideological and political journey of an author who described two especially violent and disturbing events just a few months before the Saint Bartholomew massacre. Records in the Manuaux du conseil de Lausanne pertaining to the trial of Jean de Coignac, the protagonist of one of these tales, have allowed me to compare the function of Belleforest's tales to that of the executions in effigy that magistrates often ordered in sixteenth century France.
Transatlantica, 2018
La réception du traité de Paris (1783) et l'imaginaire des relations franco-a...
Renaissance and Reformation, 2004
suivie dans les années soixante-dix de Mysteriously meant de Don Cameron Allen, puis de Mythe et ... more suivie dans les années soixante-dix de Mysteriously meant de Don Cameron Allen, puis de Mythe et allégorie de Jean Pépin, les notions d'allégorie, d'allégorèse et d'integumentum sont au coeur de textes fondamentaux pour les études de la Renaissance : on songe notamment à des ouvrages comme The Cornucopian Text de Terence Cave, Le défi des signes de Michel Jeanneret ou, plus récemment, aux travaux de Pierre Maréchaux sur la mythographie. Dans le sillage de ces textes, les deux volumes des actes du colloque L'Allégorie de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance rassemblent quelque trente communications préparées par des spécialistes de domaines aussi divers que l'étude de l'Antiquité, l'histoire de la pensée, la philosophie et l'histoire littéraire. Le premier volume s'ouvre sur une série de contributions consacrées aux défi nitions de l'allégorie. Luc Brisson met en exergue l'un des aspects les moins connus de cette pratique en nous rappelant que chez les néo-platoniciens de l'école d'Athènes, le travail de l'interprète se rapprochait de celui du mystagogue, guide chargé de l'initiation dans les mystères : allégorie, philosophie et théologie se rejoignaient alors. Pierre Chiron recherche les données d'une histoire de l'allégorie dans les traités de rhétorique de l'Antiquité, en soulignant les rapports qu'elle entretient dans ces textes avec l'ironie, les asteia et le discours fi guré : autour de la tradition rhétorique se profi le ainsi une notion qui, comme le souligne l'auteur, se distingue nettement des défi nitions modernes de l'allégorie. Dans une optique voisine, Jean-François Thomas montre, à partir d'une étude lexicologique approfondie, de quelle manière le vocable latin allegoria a pu revêtir des signifi cations très différentes de celle du mot français allégorie. Dans la contribution qu'il consacre à la « pépinière des dieux », Pierre Sauzeau s'interroge sur la fi gure de la personnifi cation telle qu'elle apparaît dans les polythéismes et les traditions poétiques les plus anciennes, cette étude linguistique et sémantique mettant au jour une fi gure distincte de la rhétorique et des abstractions métaphysiques.
La rencontre des Histoires prodigieuses et des Histoires tragiques ? Interférences et divergences... more La rencontre des Histoires prodigieuses et des Histoires tragiques ? Interférences et divergences Type de publication: Article de collectif Collectif: Pierre Boaistuau ou le génie des formes Auteur: Campangne (Hervé-Thomas) Résumé: Les Histoires tragiques et les Histoires prodigieuses contiennent des récits « admirables », « véritables », « estranges » et « mémorables », dont les thématiques et les messages parénétiques sont proches. Chez les émules de Boaistuau et dans les canards de la fin du XVI et du début du XVII siècle, les deux genres se confondent. Cependant, les deux formes d'Histoires créées par Boaistuau procèdent de conceptions différentes du récit court, dont il faut retracer les enjeux et les modalités.
В статье изложены результаты исследований нижнедевонских отложений. Для лохковских отложений Печо... more В статье изложены результаты исследований нижнедевонских отложений. Для лохковских отложений Печоро-Колвинского авлакогена характерно разнообразие фаций, различие мощностей, что отражает палеорельеф в условиях нестабильного тектонического режима. В разрезах Колвинского и Печоро-Кожвинского мегавалов лохковский трансгрессивно-регрессивный циклит представлен фациями открытого шельфа и лагун. На территории Денисовского прогиба развиты преимущественно терригенные лохковские отложения. Для распознавания синхронных подразделений в разрезах Печоро-Колвинского авлакогена использованы литологические и геофизические коррелятивы, биозональная последовательность по остракодам, которые были определены в северовосточных разрезах Тимано-Североуральского региона. Установлено сходство строения лохковских трансгрессивно-регрессивных циклитов авлакогена и Варандей-Адзьвинской структурно-тектонической зоны.
Renaissance Quarterly, 2018
This article shows how François de Belleforest (1530–83) adapted a variety of historical and geog... more This article shows how François de Belleforest (1530–83) adapted a variety of historical and geographical sources to meet the demands of the histoire tragique genre in composing three narratives set in the Americas. One recounts the destiny of conquistador Francisco Pizarro; another is the story of Marguerite de Roberval, who was allegedly marooned on a Canadian island; the third concerns Taino cacique Enriquillo’s heroic rebellion in 1520s Hispaniola. These narratives fostered a tragic image of the Americas that had a considerable influence on early modern readers, inviting them to ponder essential questions about European encounters with the American continent and its inhabitants.
Angles, 2020
They have shown that since the 1778 Treaty of Amity and Commerce that sealed the alliance between... more They have shown that since the 1778 Treaty of Amity and Commerce that sealed the alliance between the American insurgents and the monarchy of Louis XVI, periods of collaboration and alignment have alternated with times of tension and division. High moments include the 1781 Siege of Yorktown, Colonel Stanton's "Lafayette, we are here" speech as the first American Expeditionary Force arrived in France in 1917, the D-Day landings in Normandy in 1944, and more recently, the close cooperation between the two countries' intelligence agencies in their efforts to counter terrorism. Times of conflict comprise president Andrew Jackson's and king Louis Philippe's disagreement over spoliation claims dating back to the Napoleonic wars, the aftermath of the 1956 Suez crisis, General De Gaulle's 1966 decision to withdraw France from NATO's integrated military command, and France's refusal to allow U.S. aircraft to fly over its territory during the American raid against Muammar Qaddafi's Libya in 1986. 2 Among the discords between the two countries, two diplomatic crises especially stand out. The first one induced the 1790s Quasi-War. The French directorate perceived the Cannibals, Monsters and Weasels: Creating a French Enemy in the United States..
La mythologie de l'Antiquité à la modernité, 2000
Dix-septième siècle, 2005
Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France, 2003
Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France, 2006
Renaissance and Reformation
Descendant du chevalier Bayard, Pierre de Boscosel de Chastelard faisait partie de la compagnie d... more Descendant du chevalier Bayard, Pierre de Boscosel de Chastelard faisait partie de la compagnie de gentilshommes qui accompagnèrent Marie Stuart en Écosse après la mort de François II. Épris de la reine, il se cacha sous son lit en espérant peut-être séduire sa bien-aimée ; la souveraine lui pardonna cette audace, mais le jeune homme ne put s’empêcher d’oser une seconde tentative. Surpris par une servante de Marie, l’amant éperdu fut livré aux tribunaux et décapité. À partir des récits de John Knox et de Brantôme, je propose d’étudier les enjeux et les modalités de la représentation des passions dans les œuvres que les historiens, les romanciers, et les peintres ont consacrées à la tragique destinée de Chastelard. Métamorphosé en personnage de fiction historique, le gentilhomme amoureux joue un rôle important dans l’intrigue de La Princesse de Clèves ; son histoire fit aussi l’objet d’une étonnante supercherie littéraire : William Henry Ireland publie en...
ANGLES, 2020
This article assesses the creation of an enemy image of France and the French in the United S... more This article assesses the creation of an enemy image of France and the French in the United States in two separate historical contexts. Although France and the United States have usually enjoyed rather positive relations throughout history after the signing of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce in 1778, the French were widely depicted as America’s enemy during the late 1790s Quasi-War, and more recently after France refused to support U.S. military intervention in Iraq in 2003-2004. In the first instance, an undeclared naval war opposed the two countries as the French government allowed for seizure of American ships in the wake of the 1795 Jay Treaty the US had signed with Great Britain, a conflict which escalated when U.S. navy later began to fight the French in the Caribbean. In 2003-2004, an acute diplomatic crisis induced a confrontation between the two nations when France suggested it would use its veto power to block passage of a United Nations Security Council resolution authorizing a U.S.- led military operation against Iraq. The aim of this study is to provide an understanding of the process through which the image of France was transformed, in both historical contexts, from that of ally and friend into that of a threatening other. Particular attention is paid to the creation and use of cultural stereotypes in statements by American officials, as well as in the media campaigns that characterized both diplomatic crises. Although the enemy image of France underwent significant changes between 1797 and 2003, our research shows that a number of cultural stereotypes that were created during the Quasi-War were revived during the 2003 diplomatic crisis. Chief amongst those is the association of France with terror and tyranny. This article also examines the deep political divisions that pitted Federalists against Republicans in the 1790s, and Neo-Conservative “hawks” against anti-war “doves” in 2003. These disputes shed light on the creation of enemy images of France in the United States. In both cases, the French antagonist was as mirror and a scapegoat that provides as much information on American identity and U.S. political debates as it does about American views on France and the French.
Transatlantica, 2020
This article deals with representations of France–United States relations at the time of the trea... more This article deals with representations of France–United States relations at the time of the treaties of Paris and Versailles (1783). It provides a study of the numerous texts and abundant iconography that dealt with the treaties in the years 1783-1784 on both sides of the Atlantic. Written from the perspective of cultural history, its goal is to go beyond traditional historiographic perspectives and show that the French and the Americans did not share the same vision of the relationship between their two nations. As the American War of Independence ended and a new world order arose, a divide soon developed between, on the one hand, an idealized vision of the French–American friendship and, on the other hand, the realities of international trade and politics. The images and representations analyzed in this study played a key role as France–United States relations were being shaped: as such, they provide important insights into interactions between the two nations in the 1780s and beyond.
Mémoire du Livre / Studies in Book Culture, 2019
Renaissance Quarterly, 2018
This article shows how François de Belleforest (1530–83) adapted a variety of historical and geog... more This article shows how François de Belleforest (1530–83) adapted a variety of historical and geographical sources to meet the demands of the histoire tragique genre in composing three narratives set in the Americas. One recounts the destiny of conquistador Francisco Pizarro; another is the story of Marguerite de Roberval, who was allegedly marooned on a Canadian island; the third concerns Taino cacique Enriquillo's heroic rebellion in 1520s Hispaniola. These narratives fostered a tragic image of the Americas that had a considerable influence on early modern readers, inviting them to ponder essential questions about European encounters with the American continent and its inhabitants.
Although Boaistuau and others often claimed to be describing actual events in their tragic novell... more Although Boaistuau and others often claimed to be describing actual events in their tragic novelle, François de Belleforest provided an important innovation when he included in his 1572 Cinquiesme tome des histoires tragiques two stories that presented him as an eyewitness and investigator. In this article, I study the ideological and political journey of an author who described two especially violent and disturbing events just a few months before the Saint Bartholomew massacre. Records in the Manuaux du conseil de Lausanne pertaining to the trial of Jean de Coignac, the protagonist of one of these tales, have allowed me to compare the function of Belleforest's tales to that of the executions in effigy that magistrates often ordered in sixteenth century France.