Habib Syafingi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Habib Syafingi
Borobudur Law Review
In an effort to support the success of Indonesia's development, arrangements are needed for a... more In an effort to support the success of Indonesia's development, arrangements are needed for all supporting elements. One of them is the regulation of press activities, namely through Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press and the Journalistic Code of Ethics which is regulated in Indonesia. This is because there are several reports that actually cause conflict in the community, such as the cases of Wamena, Ambon and Sampit. One of the causes of the conflict is due to overlapping regulations that are applied and there are still many shortcomings that cause uncertainty among law enforcers. This can be seen in the imposition of sanctions on journalists. There is no article in the journalistic code of ethics that authorizes any group outside PWI to take action against an Indonesian journalist or against press publications. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the press and the Enforcement of the Journalistic Code of Ethics against news tha...
Borobudur Law Review
Berdasarkan Pasal 25 Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 247/PMK.07/2015 tentang Tata Cara Pengaloka... more Berdasarkan Pasal 25 Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 247/PMK.07/2015 tentang Tata Cara Pengalokasian, Penyaluran, Penggunaan, Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Dana Desa yang pada dasarnya penggunaan Dana Desa ini diprioritaskan untuk pembangunan dan pemberdayaan Desa dalam realisasinya belum berkorelasi dengan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hal ini setidaknya bisa dilihat dari data kemiskinan di Desa Kandangan, Kecamatan Kandangan, Kabupaten Temanggung yang tidak mengalami perubahan sejak tahun 2016 sampai dengan 2018. Angka kemiskinan tahun 2016 sebesar 551 KK, tahun 2017 mencapai 531 KK hingga akhir 2018 angka ini tidak berubah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode normatif. Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan secara statute approach. Sumber data secara Primer (wawancara, peraturan perundangan) dan sekunder (kepustakaan). Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan secara studi pustaka, wawancara, observasi. Analisis data mengacu pada beberapa tahapan yang dijelaskan Miles dan Huberman. Berdasarkan...
Amnesti Jurnal Hukum, Aug 26, 2019
Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) Kesehatan merupakan acuan bagi Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota d... more Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) Kesehatan merupakan acuan bagi Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota dalam penyediaan Pelayanan Kesehatan yang berhak diperoleh setiap warga secara minimal. SPM Kesehatan Daerah Kabupaten/Kota mencakup 12 jenis dan mutu layanan dasar. SPM Kesehatan yang telah ditetapkan Pemerintah ternyata belum sepenuhnya dapat diimplementasikan oleh hampir semua daerah di Indonesia, salah satunya Kabupaten Magelang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan kebijakan SPM Kesehatan Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2017-2019. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode normatif yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan bahan pustaka yag sesuai dengan objek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alasan Kinerja SPM Kesehatan Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2017-2019 belum tercapai sepenuhnya. Kendala yang dihadapi yaitu kurangnya aspek disposisi dari pelaksana, kurangnya sumber daya yang meliputi SDM, anggaran, dan fasilitas serta struktur birokrasi yang belum efektif. Pemerintah daerah memiliki solusi dalam upaya pemenuhan SPM Kesehatan dengan menyusun Tim SPM tingkat
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kedudukan partai politik lokal Aceh dalam sistem ketat... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kedudukan partai politik lokal Aceh dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia, secara objektif bagaimana peran partai politik local Aceh dalam mewujudkan demokrasi dan hambatan-hambatan yang timbul dan bagaimana penyelesaiannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode empiris yaitu mengumpulkan data primer. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan mewawancarai responden dan informan yang menjadi sampel pada penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedudukan partai politik local Aceh di dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia tidak bertentangan dengan perundang-undangan. Hal tersebut diperkuat dengan pasal 18B UUD 1945 yang menjadi dasar pembentukan partai politik lokal di Aceh dan juga berlaku asas di dalam ilmu hukum yaitu Lex Specialis Derogate Lex General yang maksudnya hukum yang bersifat khusus dapat menyampingkan hukum yang bersifat umum, demikian di Aceh juga menerapkan UU yang bersifat khusus.
The most state revenue is from the tax sector. The government has tried its best to increase reve... more The most state revenue is from the tax sector. The government has tried its best to increase revenue from the tax sector from year to year. However, the development of tax variations by the government must not ignore the principle of equity. Likewise, in the imposition of e-commerce tax, the government is based on the principle of equity. To achieve these objectives this research uses an exploratory approach. With a qualitative explorative method this research produces explorative analytic data. Activities in analysing this include reducing the data obtained by looking at the concepts and development of the application of the principle of equity in the imposition of e-commerce tax and then presenting data that can provide definitions or explanations about the concepts or patterns studied in the study. The results of this study are the rejection of e-commerce actors against ministerial regulations that impose e-commerce tax because it is considered to have no principle of equity in the ministerial regulations. The existence of the principle of equity that is not considered in this ministerial regulation results in the e-commerce tax not working. Therefore, improvement of ministerial regulations governing the imposition of e-commerce tax must be made more holistic by applying the principle of equity in every joint of e-commerce tax provision.
44 Jurnal Konstitusi, 2008
The concept of sovereignty is related to the concept of the highest power. There are five teachin... more The concept of sovereignty is related to the concept of the highest power. There are five teachings on the owner of sovereignty, namely the sovereignty of God, the sovereignty of king, the sovereignty of state, the sovereignty of people, and the sovereignty of law. UUD 1945, either before or after the amendment, chooses the people as the owner of the sovereignty (Chapter 1, Item 2) of UUD 1945. The difference between the UUD 1945 before amendment and that of after amendment is in how the sovereignty is implemented. In many modern states, general election is considered as an instrument to implement the sovereignty of people. In Indonesia, the emergence of UU No.10/2008, which is derivation of Chapter 22E of UUD 1945, ought to reflect the vision of people's sovereignty. Unfortunately, in some parts of the UU No. 10/2008, there is an indication that the sovereignty of people has been replaced with the sovereignty of political parties. Key words : Kedaulatan rakyat, Pemilu
Jurnal Hukum Novelty, 2017
The purpose of local government is to realize the people's prosperity through improving services,... more The purpose of local government is to realize the people's prosperity through improving services, empowerment, community participation, and enhancement of regional competitiveness. As part of the central government, the local government is responsible for improving public services based on the Minimum Service Standard on the local government obligatory matters that related to the basic needs of the community. The principle of Minimum Service Standard is different from the principle in the Act No. 25 of 2009 about Public Service which tends to emphasize on standard aspects of public goods and public services and more likely focuses toward the realization of good governance. The concern of Minimum Service Standards is the realization of the society's welfare as one of the state goals. The philosophy of this Minimum Service Standard is the improvement of public's quality and access to public services which is should be realized in various indicators. The preparation of indicators along with its achievements and its per year target are intended to evaluate easily and also simplify the planning and budgeting process every year. The obligatory matters of local government related to basic needs should be developed by the ministry concerned and implemented by the local government including education, health, public works and spatial, housing and settlement and social. These government duties based on the result of the study that the Minimum Service Standar on those affairs is the further implementation of the constitutional provisions of the 1945 Constitution, so that the drafting and application of Minimum Service Standar has a clear constitutional foundation.
Journal of critical reviews, 2020
The term village funds and village-owned enterprises appear intensively in Law No. 6/2014 concern... more The term village funds and village-owned enterprises appear intensively in Law No. 6/2014 concerning Villages. One of the Village Law implications is related to the Village Fund policy which is the fund from the State Budget and Expenditure (APBN). The purpose of the Village Fund is basically to promoting inclusive economy with more income distribution. Another implication is the authority to regulate, manage and organize village resources for the communitys economic development through the establishment of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). The limited utilization of village funds for development and empowerment has made it inflexible to fulfill community needs. Village fund allocation for capital participation in the Village Owned Enterprise could be an offered solution without breaking existing regulations.
Proceedings of the 2nd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences, BIS-HSS 2020, 18 November 2020, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia
Proceedings of the 2nd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences, BIS-HSS 2020, 18 November 2020, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia
Pandecta: Research Law Journal
Penggunaan dana desa secara umum untuk Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa, Pelaksanaaan Pembanguna... more Penggunaan dana desa secara umum untuk Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa, Pelaksanaaan Pembangunan Desa, Pembinaan Kemasyarakatan dan untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa. Dari keempat bidang tersebut, penggunaanya diprioritaskan untuk kegiatan pembangunan dan pemberdayaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan dana desa untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan mengambil studi kasus di Kecamatan Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian yuridis-normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa paradigma Undang-undang yang dianut oleh pemerintah desa dalam memahami ketentuan tentang penggunaan dana desa untuk kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat telah melahirkan jenis-jenis kegiatan pemberdayaan yang limitatif pada kegiatan pelatihan, kegiatan keagamaan, bantuan keuanga dan penyertaan modal. Apabila pemberdayaan difahami sebagai strategi pembangunan maka jenis-jenis kegiatan pemberdayaan akan lebih variatif dan dapat menjangkau berbagai ke...
Varia Justicia
This study aims to analyze the implementation and identify the obstacles to control of street ven... more This study aims to analyze the implementation and identify the obstacles to control of street vendors (PKL) by the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) in Temanggung Regency. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews with Satpol PP Officers. Secondary data was obtained from legal materials consisting of Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 54 of 2011 concerning Operational Standards for Civil Service Police Procedure and Regional Regulation of Temanggung District Number 12 of 2011 concerning Cleanliness, Beauty, Order, and Environmental Health. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that controlling the street vendors conducted by Satpol PP was carried out through several stages, namely 1) coaching and socialization; 2) issuing warning letters, and; 3) demolition of merchant stalls. This control effort has not been able to reduce the number of street vendors who break th...
Varia Justicia
Starting from the establishment of a suspect Candidate Former National Police Chief Pol Commissio... more Starting from the establishment of a suspect Candidate Former National Police Chief Pol Commissioner General Budi Gunawan then apply prapradilan to the South Jakarta District Court. Because the 77 Criminal Code stated determination of the suspect is not an object pretrial. In those articles which can be handled by pretrial regulated limitative, only for legitimate or not the arrest, detention, discontinuation or termination of the investigation and prosecution of compensation or rehabilitation for a criminal case was stopped at the level of investigation or prosecution. After a single judge South Jakarta District Court partially granted the petition Sarpin Rizaldi prapreadilan BG. In his judgment, Sarpin interprets the determination of the suspect as one of the pre-trial. Judge Sarpin Ats such action under the spotlight of the Judicial Commission for the above decision. The Judicial Commission then recommended to the Supreme Court Judge Sarpin to sanctions, but the Supreme Court rej...
Pandecta Research Law Journal, 2012
Otonomi Daerah memberikan fleksibilitas bagi daerah dalam merencanakan pembangunan, khususnya dal... more Otonomi Daerah memberikan fleksibilitas bagi daerah dalam merencanakan pembangunan, khususnya dalam pembuatan Peraturan Daerah guna mencapai tujuan pembangunan nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Peraturan daerah terkait dengan pelaksanaan Syariah Islam dengan mengambil contoh zakat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah yuridis-normative dengan menggunakan data atau bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Pendekatan analisis yang digunakan adalah isi (kontent), konsep dan kasus. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa internalisasi nilai-nilai Islam dalam perda syariah di Indonesia, terbagi menjadi dua bagian yakni: kontent dari ajaran Islam sendiri (syari'ah) dan juga nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang dianut dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Selain itu, munculnya perda-perda syariah tersebut juga dimaksudkan untuk melaksanakan ketentuan hukum Islam.
Borobudur Law Review
In an effort to support the success of Indonesia's development, arrangements are needed for a... more In an effort to support the success of Indonesia's development, arrangements are needed for all supporting elements. One of them is the regulation of press activities, namely through Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press and the Journalistic Code of Ethics which is regulated in Indonesia. This is because there are several reports that actually cause conflict in the community, such as the cases of Wamena, Ambon and Sampit. One of the causes of the conflict is due to overlapping regulations that are applied and there are still many shortcomings that cause uncertainty among law enforcers. This can be seen in the imposition of sanctions on journalists. There is no article in the journalistic code of ethics that authorizes any group outside PWI to take action against an Indonesian journalist or against press publications. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the press and the Enforcement of the Journalistic Code of Ethics against news tha...
Borobudur Law Review
Berdasarkan Pasal 25 Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 247/PMK.07/2015 tentang Tata Cara Pengaloka... more Berdasarkan Pasal 25 Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 247/PMK.07/2015 tentang Tata Cara Pengalokasian, Penyaluran, Penggunaan, Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Dana Desa yang pada dasarnya penggunaan Dana Desa ini diprioritaskan untuk pembangunan dan pemberdayaan Desa dalam realisasinya belum berkorelasi dengan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hal ini setidaknya bisa dilihat dari data kemiskinan di Desa Kandangan, Kecamatan Kandangan, Kabupaten Temanggung yang tidak mengalami perubahan sejak tahun 2016 sampai dengan 2018. Angka kemiskinan tahun 2016 sebesar 551 KK, tahun 2017 mencapai 531 KK hingga akhir 2018 angka ini tidak berubah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode normatif. Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan secara statute approach. Sumber data secara Primer (wawancara, peraturan perundangan) dan sekunder (kepustakaan). Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan secara studi pustaka, wawancara, observasi. Analisis data mengacu pada beberapa tahapan yang dijelaskan Miles dan Huberman. Berdasarkan...
Amnesti Jurnal Hukum, Aug 26, 2019
Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) Kesehatan merupakan acuan bagi Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota d... more Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) Kesehatan merupakan acuan bagi Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota dalam penyediaan Pelayanan Kesehatan yang berhak diperoleh setiap warga secara minimal. SPM Kesehatan Daerah Kabupaten/Kota mencakup 12 jenis dan mutu layanan dasar. SPM Kesehatan yang telah ditetapkan Pemerintah ternyata belum sepenuhnya dapat diimplementasikan oleh hampir semua daerah di Indonesia, salah satunya Kabupaten Magelang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan kebijakan SPM Kesehatan Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2017-2019. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode normatif yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan bahan pustaka yag sesuai dengan objek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alasan Kinerja SPM Kesehatan Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2017-2019 belum tercapai sepenuhnya. Kendala yang dihadapi yaitu kurangnya aspek disposisi dari pelaksana, kurangnya sumber daya yang meliputi SDM, anggaran, dan fasilitas serta struktur birokrasi yang belum efektif. Pemerintah daerah memiliki solusi dalam upaya pemenuhan SPM Kesehatan dengan menyusun Tim SPM tingkat
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kedudukan partai politik lokal Aceh dalam sistem ketat... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kedudukan partai politik lokal Aceh dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia, secara objektif bagaimana peran partai politik local Aceh dalam mewujudkan demokrasi dan hambatan-hambatan yang timbul dan bagaimana penyelesaiannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode empiris yaitu mengumpulkan data primer. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan mewawancarai responden dan informan yang menjadi sampel pada penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedudukan partai politik local Aceh di dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia tidak bertentangan dengan perundang-undangan. Hal tersebut diperkuat dengan pasal 18B UUD 1945 yang menjadi dasar pembentukan partai politik lokal di Aceh dan juga berlaku asas di dalam ilmu hukum yaitu Lex Specialis Derogate Lex General yang maksudnya hukum yang bersifat khusus dapat menyampingkan hukum yang bersifat umum, demikian di Aceh juga menerapkan UU yang bersifat khusus.
The most state revenue is from the tax sector. The government has tried its best to increase reve... more The most state revenue is from the tax sector. The government has tried its best to increase revenue from the tax sector from year to year. However, the development of tax variations by the government must not ignore the principle of equity. Likewise, in the imposition of e-commerce tax, the government is based on the principle of equity. To achieve these objectives this research uses an exploratory approach. With a qualitative explorative method this research produces explorative analytic data. Activities in analysing this include reducing the data obtained by looking at the concepts and development of the application of the principle of equity in the imposition of e-commerce tax and then presenting data that can provide definitions or explanations about the concepts or patterns studied in the study. The results of this study are the rejection of e-commerce actors against ministerial regulations that impose e-commerce tax because it is considered to have no principle of equity in the ministerial regulations. The existence of the principle of equity that is not considered in this ministerial regulation results in the e-commerce tax not working. Therefore, improvement of ministerial regulations governing the imposition of e-commerce tax must be made more holistic by applying the principle of equity in every joint of e-commerce tax provision.
44 Jurnal Konstitusi, 2008
The concept of sovereignty is related to the concept of the highest power. There are five teachin... more The concept of sovereignty is related to the concept of the highest power. There are five teachings on the owner of sovereignty, namely the sovereignty of God, the sovereignty of king, the sovereignty of state, the sovereignty of people, and the sovereignty of law. UUD 1945, either before or after the amendment, chooses the people as the owner of the sovereignty (Chapter 1, Item 2) of UUD 1945. The difference between the UUD 1945 before amendment and that of after amendment is in how the sovereignty is implemented. In many modern states, general election is considered as an instrument to implement the sovereignty of people. In Indonesia, the emergence of UU No.10/2008, which is derivation of Chapter 22E of UUD 1945, ought to reflect the vision of people's sovereignty. Unfortunately, in some parts of the UU No. 10/2008, there is an indication that the sovereignty of people has been replaced with the sovereignty of political parties. Key words : Kedaulatan rakyat, Pemilu
Jurnal Hukum Novelty, 2017
The purpose of local government is to realize the people's prosperity through improving services,... more The purpose of local government is to realize the people's prosperity through improving services, empowerment, community participation, and enhancement of regional competitiveness. As part of the central government, the local government is responsible for improving public services based on the Minimum Service Standard on the local government obligatory matters that related to the basic needs of the community. The principle of Minimum Service Standard is different from the principle in the Act No. 25 of 2009 about Public Service which tends to emphasize on standard aspects of public goods and public services and more likely focuses toward the realization of good governance. The concern of Minimum Service Standards is the realization of the society's welfare as one of the state goals. The philosophy of this Minimum Service Standard is the improvement of public's quality and access to public services which is should be realized in various indicators. The preparation of indicators along with its achievements and its per year target are intended to evaluate easily and also simplify the planning and budgeting process every year. The obligatory matters of local government related to basic needs should be developed by the ministry concerned and implemented by the local government including education, health, public works and spatial, housing and settlement and social. These government duties based on the result of the study that the Minimum Service Standar on those affairs is the further implementation of the constitutional provisions of the 1945 Constitution, so that the drafting and application of Minimum Service Standar has a clear constitutional foundation.
Journal of critical reviews, 2020
The term village funds and village-owned enterprises appear intensively in Law No. 6/2014 concern... more The term village funds and village-owned enterprises appear intensively in Law No. 6/2014 concerning Villages. One of the Village Law implications is related to the Village Fund policy which is the fund from the State Budget and Expenditure (APBN). The purpose of the Village Fund is basically to promoting inclusive economy with more income distribution. Another implication is the authority to regulate, manage and organize village resources for the communitys economic development through the establishment of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). The limited utilization of village funds for development and empowerment has made it inflexible to fulfill community needs. Village fund allocation for capital participation in the Village Owned Enterprise could be an offered solution without breaking existing regulations.
Proceedings of the 2nd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences, BIS-HSS 2020, 18 November 2020, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia
Proceedings of the 2nd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences, BIS-HSS 2020, 18 November 2020, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia
Pandecta: Research Law Journal
Penggunaan dana desa secara umum untuk Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa, Pelaksanaaan Pembanguna... more Penggunaan dana desa secara umum untuk Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa, Pelaksanaaan Pembangunan Desa, Pembinaan Kemasyarakatan dan untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa. Dari keempat bidang tersebut, penggunaanya diprioritaskan untuk kegiatan pembangunan dan pemberdayaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan dana desa untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan mengambil studi kasus di Kecamatan Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian yuridis-normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa paradigma Undang-undang yang dianut oleh pemerintah desa dalam memahami ketentuan tentang penggunaan dana desa untuk kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat telah melahirkan jenis-jenis kegiatan pemberdayaan yang limitatif pada kegiatan pelatihan, kegiatan keagamaan, bantuan keuanga dan penyertaan modal. Apabila pemberdayaan difahami sebagai strategi pembangunan maka jenis-jenis kegiatan pemberdayaan akan lebih variatif dan dapat menjangkau berbagai ke...
Varia Justicia
This study aims to analyze the implementation and identify the obstacles to control of street ven... more This study aims to analyze the implementation and identify the obstacles to control of street vendors (PKL) by the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) in Temanggung Regency. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews with Satpol PP Officers. Secondary data was obtained from legal materials consisting of Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 54 of 2011 concerning Operational Standards for Civil Service Police Procedure and Regional Regulation of Temanggung District Number 12 of 2011 concerning Cleanliness, Beauty, Order, and Environmental Health. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that controlling the street vendors conducted by Satpol PP was carried out through several stages, namely 1) coaching and socialization; 2) issuing warning letters, and; 3) demolition of merchant stalls. This control effort has not been able to reduce the number of street vendors who break th...
Varia Justicia
Starting from the establishment of a suspect Candidate Former National Police Chief Pol Commissio... more Starting from the establishment of a suspect Candidate Former National Police Chief Pol Commissioner General Budi Gunawan then apply prapradilan to the South Jakarta District Court. Because the 77 Criminal Code stated determination of the suspect is not an object pretrial. In those articles which can be handled by pretrial regulated limitative, only for legitimate or not the arrest, detention, discontinuation or termination of the investigation and prosecution of compensation or rehabilitation for a criminal case was stopped at the level of investigation or prosecution. After a single judge South Jakarta District Court partially granted the petition Sarpin Rizaldi prapreadilan BG. In his judgment, Sarpin interprets the determination of the suspect as one of the pre-trial. Judge Sarpin Ats such action under the spotlight of the Judicial Commission for the above decision. The Judicial Commission then recommended to the Supreme Court Judge Sarpin to sanctions, but the Supreme Court rej...
Pandecta Research Law Journal, 2012
Otonomi Daerah memberikan fleksibilitas bagi daerah dalam merencanakan pembangunan, khususnya dal... more Otonomi Daerah memberikan fleksibilitas bagi daerah dalam merencanakan pembangunan, khususnya dalam pembuatan Peraturan Daerah guna mencapai tujuan pembangunan nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Peraturan daerah terkait dengan pelaksanaan Syariah Islam dengan mengambil contoh zakat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah yuridis-normative dengan menggunakan data atau bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Pendekatan analisis yang digunakan adalah isi (kontent), konsep dan kasus. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa internalisasi nilai-nilai Islam dalam perda syariah di Indonesia, terbagi menjadi dua bagian yakni: kontent dari ajaran Islam sendiri (syari'ah) dan juga nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang dianut dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Selain itu, munculnya perda-perda syariah tersebut juga dimaksudkan untuk melaksanakan ketentuan hukum Islam.