Anabela Alves | Universidade do Minho (original) (raw)

Papers by Anabela Alves

Research paper thumbnail of Lean Engineering Education: Driving Content and Competency Mastery

Recent studies by professional organizations devoted to engineering education, such as Vision 203... more Recent studies by professional organizations devoted to engineering education, such as Vision 2030 (ASME) and Vision 2025 (ASCE), highlight the need for the restructuring of engineering education. Deficiencies of many engineering graduates include poor systems thinking and systems analysis skills, lack of sensitivity for sustainability issues, poorly developed problem solving skills and lack of training to work in (multi-disciplinary) teams, as well as a lack of leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation, and project management skills. The book’s contents include an analysis of current shortfalls in engineering education and education related to professional practice in engineering. Further, the authors describe desirable improvements as well as advocacy for the use of lean tenets and tools to create a new future for engineering education. This book presents, for the first time, an outside-in lean engineering perspective of how this commonly accepted and widely practiced and adapted engineering perspective can shape the direction in which the engineers of the future are trained and educated. By its very nature, lean engineering demands systems thinking and systems analysis as well as problem solving skills. In this sense, “Lean Engineering” immediately talks to sustainability of operations. Hence, this book adds to the body of knowledge regarding engineering education. It blends the perspectives and expertise of mechanical, industrial and production engineers and academics and the perspective from social sciences on the challenges encountered in engineering education. Because of the unique mix of authors, the book presents a well-rounded perspective of how lean thinking can address shortcomings in engineering education.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development and Implementation of Dashboards for Operational Monitoring Using Participatory Design in a Lean Context

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2017

The need to increase employees’ productivity in a hypermarket online delivery services is the per... more The need to increase employees’ productivity in a hypermarket online delivery services is the persuader of the present work. A costumer’ request, through the hypermarket website, initiates the process of collection and delivery of the ordered products. This process briefly comprises to gather the products from the shelves and to report the right indicators, at the right time, to store supervisors. To present the corresponding data and to follow this activity, quantitative dashboards were developed. These dashboards contained all the key indicators through graphs facilitating the reading and comparisons. Also, a dashboard in real time with the identification of employees without activity over a predetermined period of time and indicating the percentage of daily objectives already achieved, helping managers, was developed. All the actors, the project team, decision makers, designer, were involved in the design of the dashboards in a sharing process with the identification of aspects that should be reported or improved. At the end, dashboard enhances decision-making and has a positive impact in operational monitoring.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lean Learning Factories: Concepts from the Past Updated to the Future

Learning in the Digital Era, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Ten Years of Positive Feedback on Project-Based Learning From First-Year Engineering Students’ Perspective

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an active student-centered learning methodology. Several schools ... more Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an active student-centered learning methodology. Several schools (of varying degrees of education) have implemented, in different ways, PBL, having as common strands that the student learns in teams, and being challenged in the context of a case-scenario. In Portugal, a PBL methodology has been implemented, in the first year of an Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) program, for more than 15 years. This represents a total number above 700 students of IEM enrolled in PBL during the reported timeframe. A continuous improvement process of the PBL activities was relentlessly pursued during such period. Grounded on end-of-term on-line PBL process satisfaction questionnaires, as well as on results of each PBL edition final workshops, this paper studies and reports on a number of such achievements and shortcomings. Thus, this paper presents the analysis of the results of ten academic years of PBL evaluation process, grounded on the compiled results o...

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Research paper thumbnail of Running Workshops to Identify Wastes in a Product Development Sample Shop

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021

Lean Thinkingaligned with Information technology can promote competitiveness for modern enterpris... more Lean Thinkingaligned with Information technology can promote competitiveness for modern enterprises, while improve the performance of technological activities and eliminate no value-added tasks to the design process of product. The paper is a contextualization of the current wastes evidenced during the research work carried out in a company that supplies electronic components to automotive industry. Workshops were developed to map the wastes in the sample production processes, as all interested parties are seeing, discussing and learning together in a freely-open environment. The workshops promoted the identification of 60 types of waste, and 26 roots cause. In order to solve scientifically the root causes problems, the production procedures will be readjusted by adopting production guidelines according to the principles of Lean, and some digitization measures will also be considered. The evidence from the workshops demonstrates that the main types of waste reported in the present literature can also be observed in complex projects.This work is supported by: European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project nº 039479; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247- FEDER- 039479]

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Research paper thumbnail of PBL tutoring dynamics in first-year of Industrial Engineering and Management Program

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Research paper thumbnail of Combined Tools for Surgical Case Packages Contents and Cost Optimization: A Preliminary Study

Procedia Computer Science, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers for Special Issue Rebound to Higher Levels of Operational Excellence and Export Competitiveness

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Research paper thumbnail of Experiential learning through students non-profit organizations: ESTIEM case study

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management (ESTIEM) is a non-profit organization ... more European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management (ESTIEM) is a non-profit organization of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) students that was founded in 1990 to support common activities and relations across Europe. Through it, students engage in activities that promote a combination of technological understanding with management skills. Belonging to this type of organization during their graduation time, gives students a plethora of competences that are learned beyond the classes, outside the university walls. These competences are acquired through experiential learning. The objective of this paper is to present ESTIEM creation, evolution and organization. Also, projects participation, events organization and meetings organized are presented as outcomes of ESTIEM students' engagement. This paper intends also to explore how the participation on this type of organization allows students to develop competences and contribute to the IEM student's education. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Global PBL: Cross-cultural educational project for engineering students

Project-Based Learning (PBL) has been the active learning methodology used in a Cross-Cultural En... more Project-Based Learning (PBL) has been the active learning methodology used in a Cross-Cultural Engineering Project (CEP) that it is an educational project between Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) from Japan, NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA), Universidade NOVA de Lisboa from Portugal and King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thonburi (KMUTT) from Thailand. This partnership occurred since July 2017, so three successful editions were achieved. The editions last nine days and were held in mid-July. The venue of the event was the Caparica Campus of the NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA). The hard core of course participants are students from SIT (Japan), KMUTT (Thailand) and FCT NOVA (Portugal). Students from the Chulalongkorn University (Chula. Univ.) and Chiang Mai University (CMU) from Thailand and from University of Navarra of Spain had also participated in some editions of the event. More than 100 students, 20 teaching assistants and 10 tea...

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Research paper thumbnail of Do student initial expectations about PBL match their final perceptions?

This paper presents findings from a PBL approach which takes place in the Integrated Master's... more This paper presents findings from a PBL approach which takes place in the Integrated Master's degree of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM), at the University of Minho, Portugal. It is part of a curricular unit in the 1st year of the 1st semester called Integrated Project of Industrial Engineering and Management 1 (IPIEM1). This curricular unit follows PBL approach. In total, 56 students participated in the PBL approach in the academic year 2019/2020, forming six teams of nine to ten students. This paper aims to analyse students´ initial expectations about PBL and compare them with their final perceptions concerning their experience. Data were collected from an online survey, applied at the beginning of the project (n=41), in the 1st week, and at the end of the project (n=33), in the last week. This survey has been used successfully, since the year 2008/2009, to evaluate PBL approaches from students' point of view. In 2019/2020, the survey was adapted to be used for ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Project-Based Learning and its Effects on Freshmen Social Skills in an Engineering Program

Human Capital and Competences in Project Management, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Measuring Sustainability and Operational Performance by Engineering Students In University-Business PBL Partnerships

Volume 9: Engineering Education, 2021

This paper describes an assignment given to fourth-year Industrial Engineering and Management (IE... more This paper describes an assignment given to fourth-year Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) students in a Project-Based Learning (PBL) developed in the context of university-business partnerships. The aim of this assignment was students assess sustainability business effectiveness in an industrial context. To achieve this, they must use an indicator that was explained in the context of Lean-Green synergy, a content lectured in the course Production Systems Organization II (PSOII) of the fourth year IEM program of the School of Engineering at University of Minho. This course is one of the five courses which contents must be integrated into the Integrated Project of Industrial Engineering and Management II course, under PBL. Students worked in teams of 6–10 students and developed their projects in companies. The cohort of 2020–21 involved 12 teams in a total of 100 students. In each company, teams had a supervisor that supported and supervised their work. Teams had to organize...

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Research paper thumbnail of Improvements in Logistics Processes and Associated Working Conditions using the Principles of Lean Thinking, Ergonomics and Simulation

International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Proceedings, 2020

Continuous improvement is an integral part of the management processes of organizations. The succ... more Continuous improvement is an integral part of the management processes of organizations. The success of a company does not involve a linearity of actions, but a constant concern and adaptation to possible changes, in terms of technological or human resources of an organization. Bearing this motivation in mind, this project was developed in a company of metal components for automotive industry, and its main objective was the overall improvement of several logistic processes and their associated working conditions, using Lean Thinking principles, Ergonomics, and Simulation. In particular, the introduction of a milkrun in an autonomous production unit was proposed and assessed, considering its performance, as well as the ergonomic conditions of the operators. Considering this, three types of problems associated with the autonomous production unit under study were identified. Thus, the purpose of this article is twofold: 1) presents and discusses the proposals to solve such problems and 2) assesses the performance of an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) to reduce waste and improve internal logistics metrics, using simulation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Unifying Efforts to Rebound Operational Excellence and Export Competitiveness

International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of A3 Report by Industrial Engineering Students As a Tool to Analyze and Interpret a Case Study

Lean Thinking is a philosophy which principles were redesigned from Toyota Production System (TPS... more Lean Thinking is a philosophy which principles were redesigned from Toyota Production System (TPS) by Womack and Jones of MIT. Currently, Lean Thinking principles are taught in the academy and are applied in all sectors, from production to services. Services is what is provided to students in a university. Teachers provide a service to them, and they are the clients of this service. As so, teachers want to provide the best service, adding value to the “client” product. In order to do so, they search for new methods that create flow in the way students learn what they need to learn. Lean Thinking have been providing tools to the classroom to obtain such flow. This paper intends to present a tool, an A3 report, which was used by engineering students to analyze, interpret and report a published case study. This was a team assignment task among others. This task was assessed as a component for the final grade of a course of third year of Master Integrated of Industrial Engineering and M...

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Research paper thumbnail of Teacher collaboration in PBL: setting the example for the students

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Research paper thumbnail of A Non-compensatory Multicriteria Model for Sorting the Influence of PBL Over Professional Skills

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Teachers' Workload in a Project-Led Engineering Education Approach

This paper aims to give an overview of an ongoing and broader piece of research on the impact ass... more This paper aims to give an overview of an ongoing and broader piece of research on the impact assessment of the Project-Led Education. For this, the CIPP Evaluation Model was used as a framework for evaluating the impact of the programme. This evaluation model stresses the importance of linking evaluation with decision-making. The context of the case study reported in this paper takes place at the University of Minho, Portugal, with Engineering students who participated in PLE experiences. Data were collected through qualitative and quantitative research methods, according to the four aspects of evaluation in CIPP: context, input, process and product. The context evaluation involved collecting and analysing needs assessment data to determine goals, priorities and objectives. Input evaluation focused on the assessment of the projects’ objectives and work plan. Process evaluation was aimed at providing information on how well the project was being implemented. Finally, the product eva...

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Research paper thumbnail of The importance of teamwork in the case of an interdisciplinary team of teachers from the first year of an engineering course

The importance of teamwork in the case of an interdisciplinary team of teachers from the first ye... more The importance of teamwork in the case of an interdisciplinary team of teachers from the first year of an engineering course A relevância do trabalho em equipe num caso de uma equipe interdisciplinar de docentes de primeiro ano de um curso de Engenharia Abstract This paper presents part of a broader research and aims to identify and analyze the perceptions of teachers involved with active methodologies, relating to PBL -Project-Based Learning, and the relevance of teamwork in this context. The research presents an exploratory qualitative approach, with data collected through semi-structured interviews with teachers who applied active methodologies since 2004. The interview results showed that the implementation of interdisciplinary projects has proven an effective method for increasing student motivation and consequently to increase their commitment with the learning process, which results in an effective development of technical transversal competences. Collaborative teaching work ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Lean Engineering Education: Driving Content and Competency Mastery

Recent studies by professional organizations devoted to engineering education, such as Vision 203... more Recent studies by professional organizations devoted to engineering education, such as Vision 2030 (ASME) and Vision 2025 (ASCE), highlight the need for the restructuring of engineering education. Deficiencies of many engineering graduates include poor systems thinking and systems analysis skills, lack of sensitivity for sustainability issues, poorly developed problem solving skills and lack of training to work in (multi-disciplinary) teams, as well as a lack of leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation, and project management skills. The book’s contents include an analysis of current shortfalls in engineering education and education related to professional practice in engineering. Further, the authors describe desirable improvements as well as advocacy for the use of lean tenets and tools to create a new future for engineering education. This book presents, for the first time, an outside-in lean engineering perspective of how this commonly accepted and widely practiced and adapted engineering perspective can shape the direction in which the engineers of the future are trained and educated. By its very nature, lean engineering demands systems thinking and systems analysis as well as problem solving skills. In this sense, “Lean Engineering” immediately talks to sustainability of operations. Hence, this book adds to the body of knowledge regarding engineering education. It blends the perspectives and expertise of mechanical, industrial and production engineers and academics and the perspective from social sciences on the challenges encountered in engineering education. Because of the unique mix of authors, the book presents a well-rounded perspective of how lean thinking can address shortcomings in engineering education.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development and Implementation of Dashboards for Operational Monitoring Using Participatory Design in a Lean Context

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2017

The need to increase employees’ productivity in a hypermarket online delivery services is the per... more The need to increase employees’ productivity in a hypermarket online delivery services is the persuader of the present work. A costumer’ request, through the hypermarket website, initiates the process of collection and delivery of the ordered products. This process briefly comprises to gather the products from the shelves and to report the right indicators, at the right time, to store supervisors. To present the corresponding data and to follow this activity, quantitative dashboards were developed. These dashboards contained all the key indicators through graphs facilitating the reading and comparisons. Also, a dashboard in real time with the identification of employees without activity over a predetermined period of time and indicating the percentage of daily objectives already achieved, helping managers, was developed. All the actors, the project team, decision makers, designer, were involved in the design of the dashboards in a sharing process with the identification of aspects that should be reported or improved. At the end, dashboard enhances decision-making and has a positive impact in operational monitoring.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lean Learning Factories: Concepts from the Past Updated to the Future

Learning in the Digital Era, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Ten Years of Positive Feedback on Project-Based Learning From First-Year Engineering Students’ Perspective

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an active student-centered learning methodology. Several schools ... more Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an active student-centered learning methodology. Several schools (of varying degrees of education) have implemented, in different ways, PBL, having as common strands that the student learns in teams, and being challenged in the context of a case-scenario. In Portugal, a PBL methodology has been implemented, in the first year of an Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) program, for more than 15 years. This represents a total number above 700 students of IEM enrolled in PBL during the reported timeframe. A continuous improvement process of the PBL activities was relentlessly pursued during such period. Grounded on end-of-term on-line PBL process satisfaction questionnaires, as well as on results of each PBL edition final workshops, this paper studies and reports on a number of such achievements and shortcomings. Thus, this paper presents the analysis of the results of ten academic years of PBL evaluation process, grounded on the compiled results o...

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Research paper thumbnail of Running Workshops to Identify Wastes in a Product Development Sample Shop

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021

Lean Thinkingaligned with Information technology can promote competitiveness for modern enterpris... more Lean Thinkingaligned with Information technology can promote competitiveness for modern enterprises, while improve the performance of technological activities and eliminate no value-added tasks to the design process of product. The paper is a contextualization of the current wastes evidenced during the research work carried out in a company that supplies electronic components to automotive industry. Workshops were developed to map the wastes in the sample production processes, as all interested parties are seeing, discussing and learning together in a freely-open environment. The workshops promoted the identification of 60 types of waste, and 26 roots cause. In order to solve scientifically the root causes problems, the production procedures will be readjusted by adopting production guidelines according to the principles of Lean, and some digitization measures will also be considered. The evidence from the workshops demonstrates that the main types of waste reported in the present literature can also be observed in complex projects.This work is supported by: European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project nº 039479; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247- FEDER- 039479]

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Research paper thumbnail of PBL tutoring dynamics in first-year of Industrial Engineering and Management Program

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Research paper thumbnail of Combined Tools for Surgical Case Packages Contents and Cost Optimization: A Preliminary Study

Procedia Computer Science, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers for Special Issue Rebound to Higher Levels of Operational Excellence and Export Competitiveness

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Research paper thumbnail of Experiential learning through students non-profit organizations: ESTIEM case study

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management (ESTIEM) is a non-profit organization ... more European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management (ESTIEM) is a non-profit organization of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) students that was founded in 1990 to support common activities and relations across Europe. Through it, students engage in activities that promote a combination of technological understanding with management skills. Belonging to this type of organization during their graduation time, gives students a plethora of competences that are learned beyond the classes, outside the university walls. These competences are acquired through experiential learning. The objective of this paper is to present ESTIEM creation, evolution and organization. Also, projects participation, events organization and meetings organized are presented as outcomes of ESTIEM students' engagement. This paper intends also to explore how the participation on this type of organization allows students to develop competences and contribute to the IEM student's education. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Global PBL: Cross-cultural educational project for engineering students

Project-Based Learning (PBL) has been the active learning methodology used in a Cross-Cultural En... more Project-Based Learning (PBL) has been the active learning methodology used in a Cross-Cultural Engineering Project (CEP) that it is an educational project between Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) from Japan, NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA), Universidade NOVA de Lisboa from Portugal and King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thonburi (KMUTT) from Thailand. This partnership occurred since July 2017, so three successful editions were achieved. The editions last nine days and were held in mid-July. The venue of the event was the Caparica Campus of the NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA). The hard core of course participants are students from SIT (Japan), KMUTT (Thailand) and FCT NOVA (Portugal). Students from the Chulalongkorn University (Chula. Univ.) and Chiang Mai University (CMU) from Thailand and from University of Navarra of Spain had also participated in some editions of the event. More than 100 students, 20 teaching assistants and 10 tea...

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Research paper thumbnail of Do student initial expectations about PBL match their final perceptions?

This paper presents findings from a PBL approach which takes place in the Integrated Master's... more This paper presents findings from a PBL approach which takes place in the Integrated Master's degree of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM), at the University of Minho, Portugal. It is part of a curricular unit in the 1st year of the 1st semester called Integrated Project of Industrial Engineering and Management 1 (IPIEM1). This curricular unit follows PBL approach. In total, 56 students participated in the PBL approach in the academic year 2019/2020, forming six teams of nine to ten students. This paper aims to analyse students´ initial expectations about PBL and compare them with their final perceptions concerning their experience. Data were collected from an online survey, applied at the beginning of the project (n=41), in the 1st week, and at the end of the project (n=33), in the last week. This survey has been used successfully, since the year 2008/2009, to evaluate PBL approaches from students' point of view. In 2019/2020, the survey was adapted to be used for ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Project-Based Learning and its Effects on Freshmen Social Skills in an Engineering Program

Human Capital and Competences in Project Management, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Measuring Sustainability and Operational Performance by Engineering Students In University-Business PBL Partnerships

Volume 9: Engineering Education, 2021

This paper describes an assignment given to fourth-year Industrial Engineering and Management (IE... more This paper describes an assignment given to fourth-year Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) students in a Project-Based Learning (PBL) developed in the context of university-business partnerships. The aim of this assignment was students assess sustainability business effectiveness in an industrial context. To achieve this, they must use an indicator that was explained in the context of Lean-Green synergy, a content lectured in the course Production Systems Organization II (PSOII) of the fourth year IEM program of the School of Engineering at University of Minho. This course is one of the five courses which contents must be integrated into the Integrated Project of Industrial Engineering and Management II course, under PBL. Students worked in teams of 6–10 students and developed their projects in companies. The cohort of 2020–21 involved 12 teams in a total of 100 students. In each company, teams had a supervisor that supported and supervised their work. Teams had to organize...

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Research paper thumbnail of Improvements in Logistics Processes and Associated Working Conditions using the Principles of Lean Thinking, Ergonomics and Simulation

International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Proceedings, 2020

Continuous improvement is an integral part of the management processes of organizations. The succ... more Continuous improvement is an integral part of the management processes of organizations. The success of a company does not involve a linearity of actions, but a constant concern and adaptation to possible changes, in terms of technological or human resources of an organization. Bearing this motivation in mind, this project was developed in a company of metal components for automotive industry, and its main objective was the overall improvement of several logistic processes and their associated working conditions, using Lean Thinking principles, Ergonomics, and Simulation. In particular, the introduction of a milkrun in an autonomous production unit was proposed and assessed, considering its performance, as well as the ergonomic conditions of the operators. Considering this, three types of problems associated with the autonomous production unit under study were identified. Thus, the purpose of this article is twofold: 1) presents and discusses the proposals to solve such problems and 2) assesses the performance of an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) to reduce waste and improve internal logistics metrics, using simulation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Unifying Efforts to Rebound Operational Excellence and Export Competitiveness

International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of A3 Report by Industrial Engineering Students As a Tool to Analyze and Interpret a Case Study

Lean Thinking is a philosophy which principles were redesigned from Toyota Production System (TPS... more Lean Thinking is a philosophy which principles were redesigned from Toyota Production System (TPS) by Womack and Jones of MIT. Currently, Lean Thinking principles are taught in the academy and are applied in all sectors, from production to services. Services is what is provided to students in a university. Teachers provide a service to them, and they are the clients of this service. As so, teachers want to provide the best service, adding value to the “client” product. In order to do so, they search for new methods that create flow in the way students learn what they need to learn. Lean Thinking have been providing tools to the classroom to obtain such flow. This paper intends to present a tool, an A3 report, which was used by engineering students to analyze, interpret and report a published case study. This was a team assignment task among others. This task was assessed as a component for the final grade of a course of third year of Master Integrated of Industrial Engineering and M...

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Research paper thumbnail of Teacher collaboration in PBL: setting the example for the students

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Research paper thumbnail of A Non-compensatory Multicriteria Model for Sorting the Influence of PBL Over Professional Skills

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Teachers' Workload in a Project-Led Engineering Education Approach

This paper aims to give an overview of an ongoing and broader piece of research on the impact ass... more This paper aims to give an overview of an ongoing and broader piece of research on the impact assessment of the Project-Led Education. For this, the CIPP Evaluation Model was used as a framework for evaluating the impact of the programme. This evaluation model stresses the importance of linking evaluation with decision-making. The context of the case study reported in this paper takes place at the University of Minho, Portugal, with Engineering students who participated in PLE experiences. Data were collected through qualitative and quantitative research methods, according to the four aspects of evaluation in CIPP: context, input, process and product. The context evaluation involved collecting and analysing needs assessment data to determine goals, priorities and objectives. Input evaluation focused on the assessment of the projects’ objectives and work plan. Process evaluation was aimed at providing information on how well the project was being implemented. Finally, the product eva...

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Research paper thumbnail of The importance of teamwork in the case of an interdisciplinary team of teachers from the first year of an engineering course

The importance of teamwork in the case of an interdisciplinary team of teachers from the first ye... more The importance of teamwork in the case of an interdisciplinary team of teachers from the first year of an engineering course A relevância do trabalho em equipe num caso de uma equipe interdisciplinar de docentes de primeiro ano de um curso de Engenharia Abstract This paper presents part of a broader research and aims to identify and analyze the perceptions of teachers involved with active methodologies, relating to PBL -Project-Based Learning, and the relevance of teamwork in this context. The research presents an exploratory qualitative approach, with data collected through semi-structured interviews with teachers who applied active methodologies since 2004. The interview results showed that the implementation of interdisciplinary projects has proven an effective method for increasing student motivation and consequently to increase their commitment with the learning process, which results in an effective development of technical transversal competences. Collaborative teaching work ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Benefits from a SMED application in a punching machine

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2013

This paper presents an application of the Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) methodology to a t... more This paper presents an application of the Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) methodology to a turret punching machine in an elevators company, in Portugal. The work was developed during five months, in the ambit of a master thesis in Industrial Engineering and Management. The Lean Production tool SMED was applied to reduce setup times in order to improve the production flexibility of the machine. The main results obtained were a reduction of 64% in setup time (from 15.1 to 5.4min), 50% in work-in-process amount (from 12.8 to 6.4 days) and 99% in the distance traveled by the operator during the internal period (from 136.7 to 1.7m). These improvements correspond to gains of about €7,315.38 per year.

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Research paper thumbnail of Action-research methodology to improve performance using lean production tools

Technics Technologies Education Management, 2014

This paper presents a five months Action-Research project developed in the context of a lean prod... more This paper presents a five months Action-Research project developed in the context of a lean production implementation initiative in an elevators company. The project consisted in (i) analysis and diagnosis of two productive areas of the company’s production system and (ii) development and implementation of improvement proposals based on lean production tools and techniques. The sectors involved were the metal-mechanic area and the final assembly of the elevators doors. Improvement proposals were developed and implemented, based on SMED, 5S, Visual Management and Standard Work. The main results achieved were the reduction of time spent on setups, work-in-process, defects and distances travelled by operators, along with the standardization of some production processes and the improvement on the production system’s organization. The economic impact of these improvements was a gain of approximately 3,143.39 €/year for one sector and about 2,475.66 €/year for the other. These results reinforce the importance of the company’s lean initiative.

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Research paper thumbnail of An industrial application of the SMED methodology and other Lean Production tools

4th International Conference on Integrity, Reliability and Failure (IRF 2013), 2013

This paper describes the improvement of the setup process of a mechanical press machine in the me... more This paper describes the improvement of the setup process of a mechanical press machine in the metal-mechanic area of an elevators company. The work results from a master thesis project conducted during a period of five months. The Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) methodology and other Lean Production tools (5S, Visual Management and Standard Work) were applied to reduce the setup times observed at the beginning of the project. With the developed solutions it was possible to reduce setup times, work-in-process (WIP) and distances travelled by operators. Additionally, the setup operations were standardized and consequently the process has become more fast and intuitive for the operators. These improvements allowed the reduction of energy and materials consumption and, consequently, a decrease on the Greenhouse Gases’ emissions.

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Research paper thumbnail of The use of Lean tools to improve the performance of an elevators company

4th International Conference on Integrity, Reliability and Failure (IRF 2013), 2013

This paper presents a project developed in an elevators company, in the framework of a master the... more This paper presents a project developed in an elevators company, in the framework of a master thesis at University of Minho. The main objective of this work was to analyse the production system of one assembly section of the company and to implement some proposals that would improve its performance. This objective was achieved by applying Lean Production tools and techniques namely, 5S, Visual Management and Standard Work. With the proposed improvements it was possible to increase the shop floor area, to reduce errors and nonconformities, to reduce the number of required operators and to improve the organization of the production system. These results promoted the reduction of energy and material consumption, mainly due to the decrease of defects and reduction of rework, which are some of the requisites for a company to become eco-efficient.

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