Hubert Radke | Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu (original) (raw)
Books by Hubert Radke
Pluralizm prawny. Tradycja, transformacje, wyzwania, 2009
Książka poświęcona tradycji, współczesności i prognozowanej przyszłości zjawiska pluralizmu prawn... more Książka poświęcona tradycji, współczesności i prognozowanej przyszłości zjawiska pluralizmu prawnego. Fenomen ten został w ukazany z różnych punktów widzenia - towarzyszących mu prądów ideowych, uwarunkowań politycznych, ekonomicznych, a także zmieniającego się technicznego otoczenia życia społeczeństw, szczególnie nowych systemów masowej, horyzontalnej i wertykalnej komunikacji.
Papers by Hubert Radke
CAS Bulletin, 2019
Western legal culture. Nonetheless, Judge Posner for a reason is called as judicial provocateur, ... more Western legal culture. Nonetheless, Judge Posner for a reason is called as judicial provocateur, as he admits: "I pay very little attention to legal rules, statutes, constitutional provisions. A case is just a dispute. The first thing you do is ask yourself-forget about the law-what is a sensible resolution of this dispute?" 1 These words may reflect the concept of ex aequo et bono, which is a distinctive feature of arbitration 2. After all, resolving the disputes judge-richard-posner-retirement.html 2 Courts of law do not rule ex aequo et bono, but are obliged to follow the legal rules. Only when the law explicitly so provides, the courts can refer to equitable principles, what, however, cannot be considered as ruling ex aequo et bono. See BLACKABY / PARTASIDES / REDFERN / HUNTER, Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration, Oxford 2015, para. 3.197; KAUFMANN
The International Sports Law Journal, 2019
The ‘lawmaking’ of arbitral institutions has been a recurring issue in international arbitration.... more The ‘lawmaking’ of arbitral institutions has been a recurring issue in international arbitration. It is widely accepted that international arbitral tribunals do not have a forum, thus are relatively autonomous from the legal orders constituted by the states. Nevertheless, their adjudicative powers are always limited by the concept of international (transnational) public policy. Due to that arbitral institutions often aim at the creation of a consistent jurisprudence based on the universally accepted general principles of law. This has also been true for sport arbitration, where the ‘supreme court’ for sport CAS developed a set of principles called lex sportiva, governing transnational sport competition. Nonetheless, in sport, also BAT—established to solve contractual disputes in basketball—has become a true ‘lawmaker’. The uniqueness of BAT arbitration creates vast opportunities to unveil the general principles of law governing contractual relations in basketball. At the heart of it lies the default decisional standard ex aequo et bono that allows arbitrators for a certain degree of flexibility in their decision-making. In addition, a simple and flexible procedure equips them with a unique power over arbitration process. Finally, the voluntary character of BAT arbitration (unparalleled in sport arbitration) and its popularity within the basketball community reinforces arbitrators’ mandate to decide what is just and fair in basketball contracts. Due to that BAT established a significant presence in the landscape of sport arbitration and contributed to the development of contractual standards that global basketball relies on.
The International Sports Law Journal, 2014
In this article doping-related offenses entrenched in Art. 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 of current World Anti-Do... more In this article doping-related offenses entrenched in Art. 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 of current World Anti-Doping Code are investigated within the terms of standards and methods of proving as well as the comprehensive system of sanctioning. The subtleties as well as innovations of such research are inter alia related to the application of the certain principles of human rights/due process of law/natural justice. The methods of proving said violations and the sanctions entrenched for them are close to the methods and sanctions those of criminal justice. Consequently, it is stated that the more serious allegation is made, the stricter sanction is entrenched, the stricter proving standard is to be applied. From the theoretical point of view it is conveyed that disciplinary sanctions undoubtedly inflict suffering and are both deterrent as well as retributive. CAS jurisprudence stipulates that harsh penalties within the World Anti-Doping Code could be consistent with human rights/due process of law/natural justice as long as there are clauses dealing with the problem of fault/intent and allowing for the elimination or reduction of the ineligibility periods. Such clauses pave the way for judicial discretion and, therefore, it is still an open question whether the anti-doping policy will turn itself into punitive one or, vice versa, to the policy which carefully takes into consideration each separate case with its own peculiarities.
The International Sports Law Journal, 2008
Some Day the Mountains Might Get 'em but the Law Never Will 144 David McArdle
Sport Wyczynowy, 2007
P r a w o s p o r t o w e Wprowadzenie Wśród głównych przyczyn coraz większego zaangażowania praw... more P r a w o s p o r t o w e Wprowadzenie Wśród głównych przyczyn coraz większego zaangażowania prawa w świat sportu wymienia się "procesy profesjonalizacji i komercjalizacji sportu, gene-ralny wzrost ilości prawnych regulacji, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do «nowych», dotąd nieuregulowanych dziedzin życia, zainteresowanie prawników w kolonizacji i eksploatacji tego, dotąd nie spenetrowanego, obszaru, stanowiącego Sport powinien czerpać korzyści z dobrych norm prawnych ustanowionych przez państwo, a jednocześnie stanowić sferę, której państwo pozostawi wiele relatywnej swobody. Hubert Radke Sport i prawo-jakie regulacje, jaki zakres? Autor podejmuje rozważania nad podstawowymi kwestiami dotyczącymi relacji sportu i prawa: Czym jest prawo sportowe? Jak daleko prawo może i powinno ingerować w świat sportu? Czy obecnie obowiązująca filozofia regulacji jest najwłaściwszym rozwiązaniem? Swoją odpowiedź na powyższe pytania formułuje w oparciu o najnowsze poglądy występujące w europejskiej i światowej nauce prawa w ogóle i prawa sportowego w szczególności. Autor, początkujący prawnik, jest czynnym zawodowo koszykarzem. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: sport-prawo sportowe-granice autonomii sportu.
Pluralizm prawny. Tradycja, transformacje, wyzwania, 2009
Książka poświęcona tradycji, współczesności i prognozowanej przyszłości zjawiska pluralizmu prawn... more Książka poświęcona tradycji, współczesności i prognozowanej przyszłości zjawiska pluralizmu prawnego. Fenomen ten został w ukazany z różnych punktów widzenia - towarzyszących mu prądów ideowych, uwarunkowań politycznych, ekonomicznych, a także zmieniającego się technicznego otoczenia życia społeczeństw, szczególnie nowych systemów masowej, horyzontalnej i wertykalnej komunikacji.
CAS Bulletin, 2019
Western legal culture. Nonetheless, Judge Posner for a reason is called as judicial provocateur, ... more Western legal culture. Nonetheless, Judge Posner for a reason is called as judicial provocateur, as he admits: "I pay very little attention to legal rules, statutes, constitutional provisions. A case is just a dispute. The first thing you do is ask yourself-forget about the law-what is a sensible resolution of this dispute?" 1 These words may reflect the concept of ex aequo et bono, which is a distinctive feature of arbitration 2. After all, resolving the disputes judge-richard-posner-retirement.html 2 Courts of law do not rule ex aequo et bono, but are obliged to follow the legal rules. Only when the law explicitly so provides, the courts can refer to equitable principles, what, however, cannot be considered as ruling ex aequo et bono. See BLACKABY / PARTASIDES / REDFERN / HUNTER, Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration, Oxford 2015, para. 3.197; KAUFMANN
The International Sports Law Journal, 2019
The ‘lawmaking’ of arbitral institutions has been a recurring issue in international arbitration.... more The ‘lawmaking’ of arbitral institutions has been a recurring issue in international arbitration. It is widely accepted that international arbitral tribunals do not have a forum, thus are relatively autonomous from the legal orders constituted by the states. Nevertheless, their adjudicative powers are always limited by the concept of international (transnational) public policy. Due to that arbitral institutions often aim at the creation of a consistent jurisprudence based on the universally accepted general principles of law. This has also been true for sport arbitration, where the ‘supreme court’ for sport CAS developed a set of principles called lex sportiva, governing transnational sport competition. Nonetheless, in sport, also BAT—established to solve contractual disputes in basketball—has become a true ‘lawmaker’. The uniqueness of BAT arbitration creates vast opportunities to unveil the general principles of law governing contractual relations in basketball. At the heart of it lies the default decisional standard ex aequo et bono that allows arbitrators for a certain degree of flexibility in their decision-making. In addition, a simple and flexible procedure equips them with a unique power over arbitration process. Finally, the voluntary character of BAT arbitration (unparalleled in sport arbitration) and its popularity within the basketball community reinforces arbitrators’ mandate to decide what is just and fair in basketball contracts. Due to that BAT established a significant presence in the landscape of sport arbitration and contributed to the development of contractual standards that global basketball relies on.
The International Sports Law Journal, 2014
In this article doping-related offenses entrenched in Art. 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 of current World Anti-Do... more In this article doping-related offenses entrenched in Art. 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 of current World Anti-Doping Code are investigated within the terms of standards and methods of proving as well as the comprehensive system of sanctioning. The subtleties as well as innovations of such research are inter alia related to the application of the certain principles of human rights/due process of law/natural justice. The methods of proving said violations and the sanctions entrenched for them are close to the methods and sanctions those of criminal justice. Consequently, it is stated that the more serious allegation is made, the stricter sanction is entrenched, the stricter proving standard is to be applied. From the theoretical point of view it is conveyed that disciplinary sanctions undoubtedly inflict suffering and are both deterrent as well as retributive. CAS jurisprudence stipulates that harsh penalties within the World Anti-Doping Code could be consistent with human rights/due process of law/natural justice as long as there are clauses dealing with the problem of fault/intent and allowing for the elimination or reduction of the ineligibility periods. Such clauses pave the way for judicial discretion and, therefore, it is still an open question whether the anti-doping policy will turn itself into punitive one or, vice versa, to the policy which carefully takes into consideration each separate case with its own peculiarities.
The International Sports Law Journal, 2008
Some Day the Mountains Might Get 'em but the Law Never Will 144 David McArdle
Sport Wyczynowy, 2007
P r a w o s p o r t o w e Wprowadzenie Wśród głównych przyczyn coraz większego zaangażowania praw... more P r a w o s p o r t o w e Wprowadzenie Wśród głównych przyczyn coraz większego zaangażowania prawa w świat sportu wymienia się "procesy profesjonalizacji i komercjalizacji sportu, gene-ralny wzrost ilości prawnych regulacji, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do «nowych», dotąd nieuregulowanych dziedzin życia, zainteresowanie prawników w kolonizacji i eksploatacji tego, dotąd nie spenetrowanego, obszaru, stanowiącego Sport powinien czerpać korzyści z dobrych norm prawnych ustanowionych przez państwo, a jednocześnie stanowić sferę, której państwo pozostawi wiele relatywnej swobody. Hubert Radke Sport i prawo-jakie regulacje, jaki zakres? Autor podejmuje rozważania nad podstawowymi kwestiami dotyczącymi relacji sportu i prawa: Czym jest prawo sportowe? Jak daleko prawo może i powinno ingerować w świat sportu? Czy obecnie obowiązująca filozofia regulacji jest najwłaściwszym rozwiązaniem? Swoją odpowiedź na powyższe pytania formułuje w oparciu o najnowsze poglądy występujące w europejskiej i światowej nauce prawa w ogóle i prawa sportowego w szczególności. Autor, początkujący prawnik, jest czynnym zawodowo koszykarzem. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: sport-prawo sportowe-granice autonomii sportu.