Gonda Yumitro | University of Muhammadiyah Malang (original) (raw)
Papers by Gonda Yumitro
Jisiera: the Journal of Islamic Studies and International Relations, 2024
This article discusses the challenges and dynamics faced by the Muslim community in England after... more This article discusses the challenges and dynamics faced by the Muslim community in England after the British Exit (Brexit) movement. The implications of Brexit for the Muslim community are very relevant and important to research. In this study, the author analyzes the challenges faced by the Muslim community in England after the Brexit referendum in several main aspects. First, the author examines the political rhetoric associated with Brexit and how it may influence perceptions and attitudes towards Muslims in society. Second, the author evaluates the changing dynamics of Muslim immigration in England and its challenges to the condition of the Muslim community in England. In collecting the data needed for this article, the author conducted a literature study using Harzing, Google Scholar, Taylor & Francis, and other journal sources and trusted website channels. The data analysis method in this article uses qualitative data analysis, where this model analysis is related to data in the form of words or sentences produced from the research object and related to events surrounding a research object. The main findings of this research show that Brexit has presented new challenges and dynamics for the Muslim community in the UK. The political rhetoric associated with Brexit has increased rates of intolerance and discrimination against Muslims in society. In addition, changes in immigration policy that occurred after Brexit had a negative impact on access and stigma for Muslim immigrants.
POLITEA: Jurnal Politik Islam, 2023
Kajian ini mencoba mengkolaborasikan secara kritis islam salafi yang berkembang secara global dan... more Kajian ini mencoba mengkolaborasikan secara kritis islam salafi yang berkembang secara global dan transnasionalnya, gerakan dan kasus kasus spesifik di indonesia. tulisan ini berfokus pada bagaimana lembaga modernisasi gerakan pendidikan dan setrategi dakwah islam salafi dalam
konteks global. Perannya dalam globalisasi salafi dan nilai nilai inti yang di ajarkan sehingga bertahan di tengah dampak globalisasi. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah studi budaya yang menggabungkan antara budaya local dan budaya asing dengan teknik
kepustakaan. Teknik kepustakaan yang dimaksud untuk melakukan pencarian literatut literatur sebagai bahan pendukung baik berupa jurnal, skripsi, buku, serta perlengkapan asumsi atau fakta yang ada. Dalam batas tertentu dengan menerapkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi modern untuk memperkenalkan dan menarik perhatian islam transnasional. Sejak awal hubungan antara pendidikan di indonesia dan pendidikan di timur tengah khusunya pendidikan di makkah dan
madinah telah berkaitan sejak berdirinya lembaga tersebut. di lihat dari banyaknya warga
indonesia melanjutkan untuk menempuh pendidikan di madinah dan makkah. Jika di pantau dari
kaca mata budaya, nilai dan prinsip tradisional islam juga menjadi manifestasi dalam kehidupan sehari hari seperti pesantren terlepas dari kata globalisasi dan modernisasi. Identitas seperti gaya hidup, berpakaian, makanan dan minuman, dan prilaku etis gerakan islam salafi . Secara tidak langsung kegigihan dari nilai nilainya terhadap modernisasi dan globalisasi. Pesantren merepresentasikan posisi adaftif terhadap perubahan global dan tidak berdiri anti pemerintahan dan ikut andil dalam politik praktis. Kajian ini sengaja mengkolaborasikan asal usul dan pola
globalisasi salafi di indonesia.
Marwah: Jurnal Perempuan, Agama dan Jender, 2024
Discrimination against Muslims often occurs in various countries, including India. Though India i... more Discrimination against Muslims often occurs in various countries, including India. Though India is a country that ranks third in the world's largest Muslim population. In addition, India is also one of the most unsafe countries for women. Recently, news was heard that there was a decision from an Indian court that prohibits Muslim women from wearing the hijab while in an educational environment, this of course reaps the pros and cons of both the Indian Muslim population and the international Muslim community. In this article, the author discusses discrimination that occurs against Muslims in India, especially Muslim women, which often occurs in India by taking a case study of the Prohibition of the Use of Jilbab for Indian Muslim Women in Educational Environments. This topic is interesting to discuss because discrimination is something that continues to happen and creates inequality in society. To analyze this issue, the author uses qualitative methods sourced from journals, articles, social media. The aim of writing this study analysis is, to discover out the background, emergence of decision, what is the role of Indian government in this decision, and how the public responds to this issue.
Sang pencerah, May 4, 2023
Fikri : jurnal kajian agama, sosial dan budaya, Dec 31, 2022
Briliant : jurnal riset dan konseptual, Nov 21, 2022
Momentum: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan, May 27, 2022
Jurnal Tapis, Dec 26, 2022
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 12, 2023
Briliant: Jurnal Riset dan Konseptual
The development of information technology and globalization has impacted the learning process of ... more The development of information technology and globalization has impacted the learning process of higher education in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the level of technological literacy of students at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang in supporting the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) policy of universities in Indonesia. This article uses a survey approach through a google form distributed purposively to students using a quantitative method. The survey uses a Likert scale adopted by the PISA standard, UNESCO. The results of this study indicate that the level of technological literacy for students who have participated in the Merdeka Learn Campus Merdeka (MBKM) is high. Furthermore, the survey shows that information literacy and digital literacy have good scores from the four elements of technological literacy: information literacy, digital literacy, and internet literacy. Two faculties have high technological literacy, namely the Faculty of Health Sciences and Teacher Tr...
Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi ttg Kajian & Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nasionalism & Integrity
Defense diplomacy has further developed into a new form of diplomacy in international relations, ... more Defense diplomacy has further developed into a new form of diplomacy in international relations, which is supported by various forms of technology and also the development of social media. This research study aims to explore how this new form of diplomacy shapes international relations more broadly, as well as to determine whether defense diplomacy effectively promotes cooperation and stability among states in the context of security and defense. Then find the challenges and opportunities of defense diplomacy in the modern era. The research used mixed methods research by analyzing 244 scientific articles based on the Scopus database, Google Sholar, and Web of Science. In addition, this research also analyzed the data obtained from the VOSviewer tool. This study reveals that defense diplomacy has emerged in various forms of diplomacy, also defense diplomacy affects interactions of international relations and influences the construction of norms, identities, and interests in the inter...
Frontiers in Communication
Social Media and Terrorism are often studied together and have become the focus of many authors i... more Social Media and Terrorism are often studied together and have become the focus of many authors in recent years. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate international publication trends on social media and terrorism, using the Scopus database through bibliometric analysis from 2009 to 2022. Data visualization and analysis were conducted using Microsoft Excel and VOSviewer. The results showed that the international publications trend reached a peak in 2018, with 103 publications emphasizing various topics, such as social media, terrorism, Twitter, terrorist attacks, and several issues related to terrorist activities and digital platforms. The United States was also the most common country of publication with the highest number of affiliated authors. In addition, the authors with the most published documents were Tsikrika T. and Vrochidis S., with the majority of reports prioritizing social sciences. These results are expected to contribute to the novelty of previous studies on social ...
Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi
Introduction. The issue of terrorism in Indonesia has been a challenge around the world, particul... more Introduction. The issue of terrorism in Indonesia has been a challenge around the world, particularly in a country with the world's largest Muslim population. This study aims to evaluate the trend of publications on the issue of terrorism in Indonesia in the period starting from 1980 to 2022 through a bibliometric analysis. Data Collection Methods. Data were obtained from the Scopus database using the keywords "terrorism", "terrorist", "terror", and "Indonesia". Data Analysis. The VOSviewer data visualization was used as a data analysis tool to show the trends in publications on terrorism issues in Indonesia. Results and Discussion. The publication trend on terrorism in Indonesia significantly increased, with distribution countries dominated by Indonesia including authors, affiliates, and sponsors. In addition, publications on the issue of terrorism in Indonesia were widely written in journal articles, particularly in the field of social ...
MOMENTUM : Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan
Abstrak Artikel ini mendiskusikan mengenai pengaruh Gerakan Gulen terhadap sistem pendidikan di J... more Abstrak Artikel ini mendiskusikan mengenai pengaruh Gerakan Gulen terhadap sistem pendidikan di Jerman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk menggambarkan suatu fenomena. Penelitian ini termasuk teknik penelitian kualitatif yang menganalisa data berdasarkan dengan teks dan gambar. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik library research atau studi kepustakaan dari berbagai sumber yaitu jurnal, buku, dan portal berita. Pengumpulan data atau jurnal menggunakan Publish or Perish. Gerakan gulen tersebar di banyak Negara dalam penelitian ini berfokus kepada Jerman dan pengaruhnya terhadap sistem pendidikan di Jerman. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Sekolah berbasis Gulen di Jerman tidak sepenuhnya berpengaruh terhadap sistem pendidikan di Jerman hanya saja mereka mudah diterima karena memiliki kesamaan nilai pendidikan. This article discusses the influence of the Gulen Movement toward the education system in Germany. This research used a descriptive method to describe a phen...
Jurnal Keamanan Nasional
This article aims to analyze several factors that caused the government to reject the return of e... more This article aims to analyze several factors that caused the government to reject the return of ex-ISIS Indonesian citizens to Indonesia. This research was explanatory research using a qualitative approach. Meanwhile, the data collection technique was a literature study using the Google Scholar search engine and Harzing Publish or Perish. The authors used Miles and Huberman's data analysis technique using the interactive model qualitative data analysis technique. The authors found that two factors influenced the rejection of the return of ex-ISIS Indonesian citizens: internal and external factors. Internal factors consist of political factors, security factors, and cultural factors. Meanwhile, the external factors related to the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). As for the political factor, the ex-ISIS members have a radical ideology for gaining their political interests. Then from the security factor, it was found that the ex-ISIS members had combat skills and knowledge, which wo...
Communications in Humanities and Social Sciences
This article aims to elaborate and describe the supports and challenges towards the development o... more This article aims to elaborate and describe the supports and challenges towards the development of political Islam during reformation Indonesia. This qualitative research used literature reviews methods of data collection. After validating and removing irrelevant data, the collected data were analyzed using Nvivo 12 Plus as an analysis tool. The authors found that some supports of political Islam during reformation Indonesia are the emergence of Islamic groups supporting Islamic law, Islamic values in various fields, and the favorable Islamic pop culture. On the other hand, the challenges of political Islam are in the form of the anti-Islamization movements and the issues of Islamic terrorism. Moreover, the supports for the existence of actors bringing the ideas of political Islam developed significantly in the era of President Habibie, which was the earlier phase of changing from the Suharto authoritarian regime, for instance, by the emergence of various Islamic political movements...
Communications in Humanities and Social Sciences
This study discusses about deradicalization in Indonesia with a bibliometric approach. The data p... more This study discusses about deradicalization in Indonesia with a bibliometric approach. The data presented in this study used the Scopus database and were visualized using the VOSviewer. The data collected were obtained by searching with the keywords "(TITLE-ABS-KEY (deradicalization) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (deradicalisation) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (counter-terrorism") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (Indonesia)". This study aims to determine: (1) the number of documents; (2) the number of documents by the author; (3) the number of documents by affiliation; (4) the number of documents by country; (5) documents based on the subject area, (6) documentation based on the type of research, (7) co-occurrence and (8) co-author. The results of this study indicated that there were 262 documents discussing deradicalization in Indonesia from 1980 to 2022. The Islamic University of Indonesia became the most dominating university in writing articles on deradicalization and efforts to prevent the acts of ter...
Jurnal Tapis: Jurnal Teropong Aspirasi Politik Islam
Technium Social Sciences Journal
This research examines multicultural education as a social strategy for deradicalization programs... more This research examines multicultural education as a social strategy for deradicalization programs. This study aims to determine whether social approaches are beneficial for expanding deradicalization initiatives in Indonesia. Multicultural education is a social strategy that stems from the family, the surrounding environment, and the community, which can develop religious tolerance and cultural variety. Consequently, it can lessen conflicts that can escalate to violence and terrorism. Therefore, multicultural education is anticipated to create an attitude of tolerance, mutual understanding, and openness, in addition to all attitudes and values essential for social harmony and peace. In addition, According to this research, Islam is a religion of universal compassion (rahmatan lil 'alamin) that promotes education by protecting human values, bolstering human rights, valuing cultural diversity, and wishing for justice, peace, and a fair-minded perspective. This investigation was ex...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 22, 2022
Jisiera: the Journal of Islamic Studies and International Relations, 2024
This article discusses the challenges and dynamics faced by the Muslim community in England after... more This article discusses the challenges and dynamics faced by the Muslim community in England after the British Exit (Brexit) movement. The implications of Brexit for the Muslim community are very relevant and important to research. In this study, the author analyzes the challenges faced by the Muslim community in England after the Brexit referendum in several main aspects. First, the author examines the political rhetoric associated with Brexit and how it may influence perceptions and attitudes towards Muslims in society. Second, the author evaluates the changing dynamics of Muslim immigration in England and its challenges to the condition of the Muslim community in England. In collecting the data needed for this article, the author conducted a literature study using Harzing, Google Scholar, Taylor & Francis, and other journal sources and trusted website channels. The data analysis method in this article uses qualitative data analysis, where this model analysis is related to data in the form of words or sentences produced from the research object and related to events surrounding a research object. The main findings of this research show that Brexit has presented new challenges and dynamics for the Muslim community in the UK. The political rhetoric associated with Brexit has increased rates of intolerance and discrimination against Muslims in society. In addition, changes in immigration policy that occurred after Brexit had a negative impact on access and stigma for Muslim immigrants.
POLITEA: Jurnal Politik Islam, 2023
Kajian ini mencoba mengkolaborasikan secara kritis islam salafi yang berkembang secara global dan... more Kajian ini mencoba mengkolaborasikan secara kritis islam salafi yang berkembang secara global dan transnasionalnya, gerakan dan kasus kasus spesifik di indonesia. tulisan ini berfokus pada bagaimana lembaga modernisasi gerakan pendidikan dan setrategi dakwah islam salafi dalam
konteks global. Perannya dalam globalisasi salafi dan nilai nilai inti yang di ajarkan sehingga bertahan di tengah dampak globalisasi. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah studi budaya yang menggabungkan antara budaya local dan budaya asing dengan teknik
kepustakaan. Teknik kepustakaan yang dimaksud untuk melakukan pencarian literatut literatur sebagai bahan pendukung baik berupa jurnal, skripsi, buku, serta perlengkapan asumsi atau fakta yang ada. Dalam batas tertentu dengan menerapkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi modern untuk memperkenalkan dan menarik perhatian islam transnasional. Sejak awal hubungan antara pendidikan di indonesia dan pendidikan di timur tengah khusunya pendidikan di makkah dan
madinah telah berkaitan sejak berdirinya lembaga tersebut. di lihat dari banyaknya warga
indonesia melanjutkan untuk menempuh pendidikan di madinah dan makkah. Jika di pantau dari
kaca mata budaya, nilai dan prinsip tradisional islam juga menjadi manifestasi dalam kehidupan sehari hari seperti pesantren terlepas dari kata globalisasi dan modernisasi. Identitas seperti gaya hidup, berpakaian, makanan dan minuman, dan prilaku etis gerakan islam salafi . Secara tidak langsung kegigihan dari nilai nilainya terhadap modernisasi dan globalisasi. Pesantren merepresentasikan posisi adaftif terhadap perubahan global dan tidak berdiri anti pemerintahan dan ikut andil dalam politik praktis. Kajian ini sengaja mengkolaborasikan asal usul dan pola
globalisasi salafi di indonesia.
Marwah: Jurnal Perempuan, Agama dan Jender, 2024
Discrimination against Muslims often occurs in various countries, including India. Though India i... more Discrimination against Muslims often occurs in various countries, including India. Though India is a country that ranks third in the world's largest Muslim population. In addition, India is also one of the most unsafe countries for women. Recently, news was heard that there was a decision from an Indian court that prohibits Muslim women from wearing the hijab while in an educational environment, this of course reaps the pros and cons of both the Indian Muslim population and the international Muslim community. In this article, the author discusses discrimination that occurs against Muslims in India, especially Muslim women, which often occurs in India by taking a case study of the Prohibition of the Use of Jilbab for Indian Muslim Women in Educational Environments. This topic is interesting to discuss because discrimination is something that continues to happen and creates inequality in society. To analyze this issue, the author uses qualitative methods sourced from journals, articles, social media. The aim of writing this study analysis is, to discover out the background, emergence of decision, what is the role of Indian government in this decision, and how the public responds to this issue.
Sang pencerah, May 4, 2023
Fikri : jurnal kajian agama, sosial dan budaya, Dec 31, 2022
Briliant : jurnal riset dan konseptual, Nov 21, 2022
Momentum: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan, May 27, 2022
Jurnal Tapis, Dec 26, 2022
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 12, 2023
Briliant: Jurnal Riset dan Konseptual
The development of information technology and globalization has impacted the learning process of ... more The development of information technology and globalization has impacted the learning process of higher education in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the level of technological literacy of students at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang in supporting the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) policy of universities in Indonesia. This article uses a survey approach through a google form distributed purposively to students using a quantitative method. The survey uses a Likert scale adopted by the PISA standard, UNESCO. The results of this study indicate that the level of technological literacy for students who have participated in the Merdeka Learn Campus Merdeka (MBKM) is high. Furthermore, the survey shows that information literacy and digital literacy have good scores from the four elements of technological literacy: information literacy, digital literacy, and internet literacy. Two faculties have high technological literacy, namely the Faculty of Health Sciences and Teacher Tr...
Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi ttg Kajian & Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nasionalism & Integrity
Defense diplomacy has further developed into a new form of diplomacy in international relations, ... more Defense diplomacy has further developed into a new form of diplomacy in international relations, which is supported by various forms of technology and also the development of social media. This research study aims to explore how this new form of diplomacy shapes international relations more broadly, as well as to determine whether defense diplomacy effectively promotes cooperation and stability among states in the context of security and defense. Then find the challenges and opportunities of defense diplomacy in the modern era. The research used mixed methods research by analyzing 244 scientific articles based on the Scopus database, Google Sholar, and Web of Science. In addition, this research also analyzed the data obtained from the VOSviewer tool. This study reveals that defense diplomacy has emerged in various forms of diplomacy, also defense diplomacy affects interactions of international relations and influences the construction of norms, identities, and interests in the inter...
Frontiers in Communication
Social Media and Terrorism are often studied together and have become the focus of many authors i... more Social Media and Terrorism are often studied together and have become the focus of many authors in recent years. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate international publication trends on social media and terrorism, using the Scopus database through bibliometric analysis from 2009 to 2022. Data visualization and analysis were conducted using Microsoft Excel and VOSviewer. The results showed that the international publications trend reached a peak in 2018, with 103 publications emphasizing various topics, such as social media, terrorism, Twitter, terrorist attacks, and several issues related to terrorist activities and digital platforms. The United States was also the most common country of publication with the highest number of affiliated authors. In addition, the authors with the most published documents were Tsikrika T. and Vrochidis S., with the majority of reports prioritizing social sciences. These results are expected to contribute to the novelty of previous studies on social ...
Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi
Introduction. The issue of terrorism in Indonesia has been a challenge around the world, particul... more Introduction. The issue of terrorism in Indonesia has been a challenge around the world, particularly in a country with the world's largest Muslim population. This study aims to evaluate the trend of publications on the issue of terrorism in Indonesia in the period starting from 1980 to 2022 through a bibliometric analysis. Data Collection Methods. Data were obtained from the Scopus database using the keywords "terrorism", "terrorist", "terror", and "Indonesia". Data Analysis. The VOSviewer data visualization was used as a data analysis tool to show the trends in publications on terrorism issues in Indonesia. Results and Discussion. The publication trend on terrorism in Indonesia significantly increased, with distribution countries dominated by Indonesia including authors, affiliates, and sponsors. In addition, publications on the issue of terrorism in Indonesia were widely written in journal articles, particularly in the field of social ...
MOMENTUM : Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan
Abstrak Artikel ini mendiskusikan mengenai pengaruh Gerakan Gulen terhadap sistem pendidikan di J... more Abstrak Artikel ini mendiskusikan mengenai pengaruh Gerakan Gulen terhadap sistem pendidikan di Jerman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk menggambarkan suatu fenomena. Penelitian ini termasuk teknik penelitian kualitatif yang menganalisa data berdasarkan dengan teks dan gambar. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik library research atau studi kepustakaan dari berbagai sumber yaitu jurnal, buku, dan portal berita. Pengumpulan data atau jurnal menggunakan Publish or Perish. Gerakan gulen tersebar di banyak Negara dalam penelitian ini berfokus kepada Jerman dan pengaruhnya terhadap sistem pendidikan di Jerman. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Sekolah berbasis Gulen di Jerman tidak sepenuhnya berpengaruh terhadap sistem pendidikan di Jerman hanya saja mereka mudah diterima karena memiliki kesamaan nilai pendidikan. This article discusses the influence of the Gulen Movement toward the education system in Germany. This research used a descriptive method to describe a phen...
Jurnal Keamanan Nasional
This article aims to analyze several factors that caused the government to reject the return of e... more This article aims to analyze several factors that caused the government to reject the return of ex-ISIS Indonesian citizens to Indonesia. This research was explanatory research using a qualitative approach. Meanwhile, the data collection technique was a literature study using the Google Scholar search engine and Harzing Publish or Perish. The authors used Miles and Huberman's data analysis technique using the interactive model qualitative data analysis technique. The authors found that two factors influenced the rejection of the return of ex-ISIS Indonesian citizens: internal and external factors. Internal factors consist of political factors, security factors, and cultural factors. Meanwhile, the external factors related to the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). As for the political factor, the ex-ISIS members have a radical ideology for gaining their political interests. Then from the security factor, it was found that the ex-ISIS members had combat skills and knowledge, which wo...
Communications in Humanities and Social Sciences
This article aims to elaborate and describe the supports and challenges towards the development o... more This article aims to elaborate and describe the supports and challenges towards the development of political Islam during reformation Indonesia. This qualitative research used literature reviews methods of data collection. After validating and removing irrelevant data, the collected data were analyzed using Nvivo 12 Plus as an analysis tool. The authors found that some supports of political Islam during reformation Indonesia are the emergence of Islamic groups supporting Islamic law, Islamic values in various fields, and the favorable Islamic pop culture. On the other hand, the challenges of political Islam are in the form of the anti-Islamization movements and the issues of Islamic terrorism. Moreover, the supports for the existence of actors bringing the ideas of political Islam developed significantly in the era of President Habibie, which was the earlier phase of changing from the Suharto authoritarian regime, for instance, by the emergence of various Islamic political movements...
Communications in Humanities and Social Sciences
This study discusses about deradicalization in Indonesia with a bibliometric approach. The data p... more This study discusses about deradicalization in Indonesia with a bibliometric approach. The data presented in this study used the Scopus database and were visualized using the VOSviewer. The data collected were obtained by searching with the keywords "(TITLE-ABS-KEY (deradicalization) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (deradicalisation) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (counter-terrorism") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (Indonesia)". This study aims to determine: (1) the number of documents; (2) the number of documents by the author; (3) the number of documents by affiliation; (4) the number of documents by country; (5) documents based on the subject area, (6) documentation based on the type of research, (7) co-occurrence and (8) co-author. The results of this study indicated that there were 262 documents discussing deradicalization in Indonesia from 1980 to 2022. The Islamic University of Indonesia became the most dominating university in writing articles on deradicalization and efforts to prevent the acts of ter...
Jurnal Tapis: Jurnal Teropong Aspirasi Politik Islam
Technium Social Sciences Journal
This research examines multicultural education as a social strategy for deradicalization programs... more This research examines multicultural education as a social strategy for deradicalization programs. This study aims to determine whether social approaches are beneficial for expanding deradicalization initiatives in Indonesia. Multicultural education is a social strategy that stems from the family, the surrounding environment, and the community, which can develop religious tolerance and cultural variety. Consequently, it can lessen conflicts that can escalate to violence and terrorism. Therefore, multicultural education is anticipated to create an attitude of tolerance, mutual understanding, and openness, in addition to all attitudes and values essential for social harmony and peace. In addition, According to this research, Islam is a religion of universal compassion (rahmatan lil 'alamin) that promotes education by protecting human values, bolstering human rights, valuing cultural diversity, and wishing for justice, peace, and a fair-minded perspective. This investigation was ex...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 22, 2022
Karya ini bertujuan mengelaborasi model yang tepat untuk menghadapi implementasi ASEAN Community... more Karya ini bertujuan mengelaborasi model yang tepat untuk menghadapi implementasi ASEAN Community. Metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan tujuan tersebut adalah dengan literature review dan melakukan wawancara terhadap para mahasiswa Thailand yang belajar di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Dari hasil analisa data ditemukan fakta bahwa selama di Malang mereka mendapatkan berbagai hal baru baik secara keilmuan maupun sikap dan budaya yang akan membantu mereka mengenali realitas di Negara ASEAN lainnya. Apalagi selama studi di Malang, mereka pun sudah mulai melakukan berbagai kegiatan untuk memperkenalkan budaya dan bahasa mereka, misalnya dengan mengadakan kursus bahasa Thailand. Melalui model interaksi seperti ini maka mutual understanding dan kohesi sosial yang disebut sebagai comprehensive integration pada masyarakat ASEAN akan lebih mudah diwujudkan.
Pasca 11 September 2001 dan diumumkannya global war against terrorisme, dunia seakan terbagi menj... more Pasca 11 September 2001 dan diumumkannya global war against terrorisme, dunia seakan terbagi menjadi dua yaitu kelompok yang bergabung bersama Amerika melawan terorisme dan kelompok pendukung terorisme. Dengan pernyataan George W Bush yang menyebutkan either your are with us or you are with terrorist, maka berbagai Negara pun turut melibatkan diri dalam perang melawan terorisme, tidak ketinggalan Indonesia. Apalagi Indonesia dikenal sebagai Negara dengan mayoritas penduduk muslim dan merupakan salah satu Negara yang menjadi basis jaringan terorisme Internasional. Oleh karena itu, paper ini akan menjawab rumusan masalah bagaimana kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah Indonesia dalam global war against terrorisme?. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut digunakan konsep global war against terrorisme dan deradikalisasi. Dengan metode literature review, ditemukan jawaban bahwa dalam menghadapi berbagai persoalan yang berkaitan dengan isu terorisme, pemerintah Indonesia telah mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan strategis baik domistik maupun eksternal, di antaranya adalah implementasi Anti Terorisme Law, pembangunan infrastuktur, countering financing, pelibatan civil society, dan kolaborasi dengan berbagai Negara.
Kata Kunci: Kebijakan, Terorisme, global war, civil society, kolaborasi
Gre Publishing, 2017
Pasca reformasi merupakan zaman terbukanya pintu kebebasan di tengah masyarakat Indonesia. Pemeri... more Pasca reformasi merupakan zaman terbukanya pintu
kebebasan di tengah masyarakat Indonesia. Pemerintahan
Soeharto yang berkuasa dalam kurun waktu sekitar 32
tahun tumbang dan digantikan oleh rezim baru (Smith-Hefner,
2007). Berbagai perubahan terutama dalam bidang politik dan
hukum pun dilakukan dalam upaya untuk membuka ruang
kebebasan yang lebih besar di tengah masyarakat.
Hal ini tentu memberikan dampak signifikan, termasuk
pada gerakan Islam di Indonesia. Jika pada era orde baru, mereka
tidak leluasa untuk menampilkan identitas ke-Islamannya, di era
reformasi semangat pop Islam pun berkembang. Bahkan
muncul beberapa gerakan transnasional Islam yang membawa
semangat revivalisme (kebangkitan), seperti Salafism, Ikhwanul
Muslimin, Hizbuttahrir, dan Jama’ah Tabligh (Shobron, 2016).
Di antara gerakan revivalis tersebut juga terdapat
beberapa varian. Ada yang terlibat dalam gerakan politik, dan
ada juga yang hanya fokus pada gerakan sosial, pendidikan dan
dakwah. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini akan mencoba
mengelaborasi model dan perkembangan gerakan revivalisme
Islam di Indonesia pasca reformasi. Namun sebelum itu, terlebih
dahulu akan diuraikan secara ringkas pemaknanaan gerakan
revivalisme Islam dan sejarah berkembangnya gerakan
revivalisme Islam di Indonesia.
Gre Publishing, 2017
Buku ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplanasikan pengaruh kudeta militer terhadap masa depan perdamaian... more Buku ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplanasikan pengaruh
kudeta militer terhadap masa depan perdamaian
Palestina. Hal ini penting dilakukan mengingat kedua isu
tersebut mempunyai keterkaitan yang sangat erat dimana tarik
menarik kepentingan utamanya dari negara major power sangat
kentara terlihat. Padahal pada aspek kemanusiaan, berbagai
peristiwa yang dialami oleh masyarakat Palestina merupakan
suatu tragedi besar yang seharusnya tidak terjadi di tengah
peradaban yang mengagungkan demokrasi.
Melalui buku ini diharapkan muncul analisa ilmiah yang
mampu menjelaskan korelasi kedua isu tersebut dan pembacaan
ilmiah terhadap masa depan perdamaian Palestina. Bagi bangsa
Indonesia hal ini merupakan suatu yang penting mengingat
komitmen bangsa kita untuk menentang segala penjajahan di
muka bumi dan mewujudkan perdamaian dunia.
Secara metodologi, buku yang merupakan produk
penelitian ini dihasilkan melalui metode literature review dan
wawancara mendalam. Literature review untuk menganalisa
berbagai sejarah dan perkembangan kedua isu dari sumbersumber
terpercaya, dan interview dilakukan kepada para pakar
yang konsen dengan isu Timur Tengah dan perdamaian.
Dengan kata lain, dapat dikatakan bahwa jenis data yang
digunakan untuk penulisan buku ini adalah data primer dan
sekunder. Analisis data dilakukan secara diskripsi kualitatif.
Penemuan yang dihasilkan dalam buku ini diharapkan
menjadi informasi penting dan bisa digunakan sebagai referensi
bagi berbagai kalangan masyarakat dan lembaga yang ingin menyikapi isu kudeta Mesir dan konflik Israel Palestina. Hal ini
penting mengingat perhatian masyarakat Indonesia terhadap isu
Palestina sangat tinggi, tetapi analisa mendalam tentang
persoalan tersebut masih jarang didapatkan.