NENENG KARTIKA RINI | Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi (original) (raw)
Seybold The Report, 2022
Research related to agribusiness marketing strategies is something that still needs to be done in... more Research related to agribusiness marketing strategies is something that still needs to be done in the field of marketing science. Especially by using value co reation (creation of value) which has been done a lot of research in recent years. This article is a review of the existing conditions of marketing strategy research using Value Co Creation. The review begins with an analysis of the characteristics of the value co-creation model reported through the literature. In this review study, the variables used were used: commodities cultivated, cases in countries that produce and consume organic vegetables both locally and exported, empiric data, decision making in strategy creation (Co learning and Co Service Design) and data tabulation. The second stage of the review is to use a Bibliographic map to analyze the area of the marketing strategy whether it has used Value Co creation. In the results it was found that the area of marketing strategy is collaboration and competition, the relationship between Co learning and co service design in research. In addition, the main role of the marketing strategy is product education, content, service management, service design, online service including in the value co creation modelling, furthermore this model is important in combining value co creation in marketing strategy theory related to increasing the number of consumers and responsible consumption for organic vegetables as a basic part of the model design.
Mimbar Agribisnis : Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa berperannya kelompok tani Raksa Bumi d... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa berperannya kelompok tani Raksa Bumi dalam memberdayakan petani padi sawah (Oryza sativa L) yang berada di Desa Bojongpicung Kecamatan Bojongpicung Kabupaten Cianjur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Seluruh anggota kelompok tani Raksa Bumi sebanyak 54 orang menjadi responden penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa kelompok tani Raksa Bumi telah melakukan seluruh upaya dalam memberdayakan petani/anggota kelompok, akan tetapi masih bisa dikatakan belum sempurna karena dari indikator yang diteliti menyatakan bahwa wahana belajar (cukup baik), wahana kerjasama, (kurang baik), unit produksi (kurang baik), dan pemasaran (sangat baik). Dengan kata lain, pemerintah melalui dinas terkait lebih memperhatikan lagi dalam kinerja dari kelompok tani, dan menyediakan alat mesin pertanian untuk menunjang kebutuhan kelompok tani Raksa Bumi di masa yang akan datang agar kelompok tani Raksa Bumi lebih fokus dalam pembinaan terhadap para petani/anggota kelompoknya dalam segi produksi sehingga lebih maksimal.
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian
The study "Feasibility Analysis of Sorghum Farming is a case study conducted on the Women Fa... more The study "Feasibility Analysis of Sorghum Farming is a case study conducted on the Women Farmers Group in Kebonpedes Village, Kebonpedes District, Sukabumi Regency". The problem formulation of this research is to find out how to analyze the feasibility of sorghum farming in Kebopedes Village. , Kebonpedes District, Sukabumi Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine how the analysis of sorghum farming in Kebonpedes Village, Kebonpedes District, Sukabumi Regency. This research method uses descriptive quantitative method. secondary information The sampling method in this study used purposive inspecting. The result of this study is an analysis of the feasibility of sorghum farming in female farmer groups in Kebonpedes Village, Kebonpedes District, seen from the results of BEP Prices and R/C that are feasible to do. Based on the information, it is known that the R/C value of all out farming costs is worth more than one. The R/C value for the absolute cost of sorghum ...
Thematic learning program since 2011 LPPM UMMI held indifferent areas of thesub-districtin the ci... more Thematic learning program since 2011 LPPM UMMI held indifferent areas of thesub-districtin the cityand districtof Sukabumi. Thematic learning programs UMMI weeks to support the achievement of the MDG targets by thesociety, economy,science and technology and the implementation penngembangan Persyarikatan branches and twigs. UMMI Thematic Concept combines the concept of service learning education, research, and community serviceas stated in the RIP and RIPkM UMMI 2013. Thematic umbrella programis he establishment and strengthening ofthe Post Family Empowerment (Posdaya), and thetheme is"Strengthening the Family Empowerment ToGrow DevelopIndependent Community and Persyarikatan". Formation Posdaya adjusted tothe results of observation sconducted on the potential ofthe region, the components that support, however the presence of Posdaya should be able to cover that carried the four areas: Economy,Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs. As Posdaya engagedin Economic sand t...
Widina Bhakti Persada Bandung, Oct 11, 2021
Widina Bhakti Persada Bandung, 2021
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 2021
Dewasa ini masyarakat mulai sadar akan pentingnya pangan yang sehat, seperti beras organik. Hanya... more Dewasa ini masyarakat mulai sadar akan pentingnya pangan yang sehat, seperti beras organik. Hanya saja secara ekonomi sektor pertanian beras masih menghadapi berbagai persoalan, salah satunya harga jual di tingkat petani yang masih tergolong rendah, hal tersebut dikarenakan rantai pasok yang masih panjang juga sistem rantai pasok yang kurang optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efisiensi kinerja rantai pasok beras organik “Beras Raos”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei, dengan responden petani, kelompok tani Sari Alam, dan retailer yang ditentukan menggunakan purposive sampling dan snowball sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, dan aspek-aspek analisis efisiensi pemasaran (margin pemasaran dan farmer’s share) dan efisiensi pengelolaan asset (inventory turnover, inventory days of supply, dan cash to cash cycle time). Hasil analisis efisiensi kinerja rantai pasok tersebut menunjukkan belum efisien ...
The main concept that is going to develop in CAA as an edu-tourism agro is to offer agro recreati... more The main concept that is going to develop in CAA as an edu-tourism agro is to offer agro recreation facility as one an introduction facility and education particularly in cultivation technique, agriculture production, ranch, fishery, plantation, and forestry with technology. The observation of area characteristic conducts by using on farm research (OFAR) with participatory rural appraisal (PRA). Sample takes purposively from the member of rancher group, fisherman, farmer, local instructor, Cikundul local figure society (as the main zone) and Lembursitu subdisrtict (as buffer zone), and local agriculture deparment. The result study shows that (1) The plan area of CAA is located in Cikundul, Lembursitu subdistrict; (2) The land use in Cikundul agribusiness area mostly still dominates by farmer, cow rancher, fish rancher while the land use in Cikundul agribusiness area is mostly for ranching, farming, and fishery; (3) Superior commodity that can develop is paddy, beef cattle, fresh wat...
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian, 2021
The trend of organic agriculture is currently experiencing an increase, changes in people's l... more The trend of organic agriculture is currently experiencing an increase, changes in people's lifestyle patterns have made a shift in consumption patterns from non-organic to organic. There is a process of competition in a very tight marketing world where companies or producers must be able to compete in the market, one of which is by implementing a marketing strategy through Positioning. This study aims to determine what are the factors that influence the positioning of organic agricultural products in Kebonpedes Subdistrict, Sukabumi Regency. This research uses descriptive research with explanatory methods and quantitative approaches, while the type of sampling used is snowball sampling. Based on the results and discussion of the analysis carried out in this study partially it was stated that six factors had no significant effect on the positioning of organic products in Kebonpedes District, namely quality, service, price, use, brand, benefits and one significant influence facto...
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2020
This Community Service is entitled Microgreens Farming Business Training for Housewives in Sukabu... more This Community Service is entitled Microgreens Farming Business Training for Housewives in Sukabumi. The empowerment of housewives is intended to produce the potential of housewives, in addition to being able to carry out domestic or domestic duties. Housewives are also able to be active and productive in public activities and economic activities. Microgreens are vegetable seeds that are harvested very young, 7-14 days after germinating and young leaves appear. The method used in this service is the training method; namely, before carrying out direct practice, participants understand through theory first. The training participants were housewives from several women's organizations in Sukabumi. This community service is the acquisition of skills of housewives in farming microgreens and the increasing role of housewives in family welfare through the provision of healthy vegetables for the family.
Jurnal PLANS : Penelitian Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2016
Factors of production farming has a different function to level of production and farmers income.... more Factors of production farming has a different function to level of production and farmers income. The better use factors of production, the amount of production is produced also more and more so that income received by farmers is higher. This study aims to determine whether education, experience, land, and capital affect farmers' income. The population in this study were all barking farmers in the village of Persalakan Angkola Barat South Tapanuli. The sampling technique in studies using methods Solvin with a total sample of 50 farmers bark. Data collection techniques used observation and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear analysis to prioritize testing and classical assumption of normality as a condition of continued analysis. From the results of analysis can be concluded the factor of land area education and partially no effect on farmers 'income while the experience factor, capital, Extension and Number of dependents has a positive and sig...
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian, 2020
This research aims to find out the influence of Segmentation and Targeting on The Marketing Strat... more This research aims to find out the influence of Segmentation and Targeting on The Marketing Strategy of Beautiful Ginger Candy PD. Tasacika Sukabumi Regency. The analysis of the data used is a descriptive type with an exoplanatory method. Data collection techniques with interview methods, questionnaires, and observations. Based on the results of the research the influence of segmenting on marketing strategies, the influence of segmenting and targeting on marketing strategies, and the influence of targeting on loyalty marketing strategies. So it can be inferred from the research shows that the positive and significant influence between Segmenting and Targeting simultaneously on marketing strategies on Beautiful Ginger Candy in PD. Tasacika means that Segmenting and Targeting have an important role to play in creating more effective and efficient marketing strategies for the company.
Membangun Kecamatan Ciemas Sukabumi Tepat Ciletuh ke Geopark atau jangka panjang sebagai tujuan w... more Membangun Kecamatan Ciemas Sukabumi Tepat Ciletuh ke Geopark atau jangka panjang sebagai tujuan wisata Objek wisata geologi di wilayah Sukabumi perlu persiapan dan perencanaan yang tepat. Hal ini terkait dengan tidak sedikit potensi yang dapat dikembangkan di Kabupaten Ciemas. Selain itu ada beberapa sumber air terjun yang sangat indah, bebatuan yang memiliki nilai sejarah dari sejarah pembentukannya, Panenjoan sebagai Amphiteather, pantai Ciletuh, Cikadal, dan Palangpang, hutan Mangrove, hutan Bambu, juga ada beberapa komoditas alam yang memiliki karakteristik dan potensi lokal Unggul yang dapat dikembangkan. Manggo, Beras Hitam, Beras Merah, Batu Akik, Batik Pakululan, Bunga Raflesia Fatma. Keindahan, keunikan, dan potensi lokal daerah dapat memberikan peluang untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi penduduk setempat. Beras hitam adalah salah satu komoditas lokal yang paling potensial untuk dikembangkan. Dari alam dan iklim yang berkembang berbeda dengan beras putih yang biasa di...
Fenomena kesejahteraan nelayan yang rendah merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi, terutama p... more Fenomena kesejahteraan nelayan yang rendah merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi, terutama pada nelayan tradisional sehingga menghambat pembangunan subsektor perikanan khususnya perikanan tangkap. Tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir umumnya menempati strata paling rendah di banding masyarakat lainnya di darat, padahal Indonesia memiliki potensi perikanan terbesar di dunia sekitar 65 juta ton/tahun (Dahuri, 2013) atau 23% dari total produksinya yang baru termanfaatkan. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji pada kawasan pesisir Kabupaten Sukabumi tepatnya pada tujuh TPI. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah :a). Meningkatkan upaya – upaya pengelolaan wilayah pesisir selatan b).Mendorong peran serta dan keterpaduan antar stakeholder c) Memberikan panduan bagi instansi pemerintah, pihak swasta, masyarakat wilayah pesisir Selatan Kabupaten Sukabumi, d).Identifikasi potensi ekonomi e). Identifikasi sarana dan prasarana pendukung kegiatan ekonomi pesisir, f). Menyusun rencana pengembangan kegiata...
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian, 2021
The decrease of the community’s carrying capacity in Waluran Mandiri Village in the utilization o... more The decrease of the community’s carrying capacity in Waluran Mandiri Village in the utilization of potential land resources has resulted in the change of abandoned agricultural land into illegal mining, which in turn creates negative impact to the environment surrounding it. This sad reality is also saddled with the large number of women who become migrant workers abroad. (baiknya di sini ditambahin satu kalimat yg menjadi penghubung dari masalah ke situasi yg ada, misalnya: However, the village is gifted with an abundance of Job’s tears locally called Hanjeli.) The cultivation of Job’s tears as an effort to empower the community has been initiated with the concept implementation of the Hanjeli Eduwisata Village. The purpose of this study is to describe the process of woman farmer groups’ empowerment in Hanjeli Eduwisata Village, and to analyze the business of hanjeli products carried out through the groups’ entrepreneurial activities. The study used a survey method with purposive s...
Daun: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian dan Kehutanan, 2018
Black Rice is a local commodity which apparently was not found in the Ciemas area of Sukabumi Reg... more Black Rice is a local commodity which apparently was not found in the Ciemas area of Sukabumi Regency alone, in several Districts in Sukabumi Regency, namely in the Districts of Waluran, Cidolog, and Kabandungan. Black rice from the nutritional content and benefits is no less significant. Black Rice prices are higher than white rice or consumption rice. Every Black Rice farmer still has problems in carrying out the postharvest handling process. This is the case with Chain Management (SCM) or supplies chain management by farmers; farmers also do this with different patterns. The income of lowland rice farmers is uncertain. Because the benefits of black rice and farmers' income fluctuate every year, it is necessary to check postharvest handling and to know and analyze how efficient workflows are to accelerate supply chain management, black rice reaches consumers and makes more enormous profits. Rather than spending money on black rice entrepreneurs. The results show that the posth...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Nov 23, 2022
Research related to agribusiness marketing strategies is something that still needs to be done in... more Research related to agribusiness marketing strategies is something that still needs to be done in the field of marketing science. Especially by using value co reation (creation of value) which has been done a lot of research in recent years. This article is a review of the existing conditions of marketing strategy research using Value Co Creation. The review begins with an analysis of the characteristics of the value co-creation model reported through the literature. In this review study, the variables used were used: commodities cultivated, cases in countries that produce and consume organic vegetables both locally and exported, empiric data, decision making in strategy creation (Co learning and Co Service Design) and data tabulation. The second stage of the review is to use a Bibliographic map to analyze the area of the marketing strategy whether it has used Value Co creation. In the results it was found that the area of marketing strategy is collaboration and competition, the relationship between Co learning and co service design in research. In addition, the main role of the marketing strategy is product education, content, service management, service design, online service including in the value co creation modelling, furthermore this model is important in combining value co creation in marketing strategy theory related to increasing the number of consumers and responsible consumption for organic vegetables as a basic part of the model design.
Seybold The Report, 2022
Research related to agribusiness marketing strategies is something that still needs to be done in... more Research related to agribusiness marketing strategies is something that still needs to be done in the field of marketing science. Especially by using value co reation (creation of value) which has been done a lot of research in recent years. This article is a review of the existing conditions of marketing strategy research using Value Co Creation. The review begins with an analysis of the characteristics of the value co-creation model reported through the literature. In this review study, the variables used were used: commodities cultivated, cases in countries that produce and consume organic vegetables both locally and exported, empiric data, decision making in strategy creation (Co learning and Co Service Design) and data tabulation. The second stage of the review is to use a Bibliographic map to analyze the area of the marketing strategy whether it has used Value Co creation. In the results it was found that the area of marketing strategy is collaboration and competition, the relationship between Co learning and co service design in research. In addition, the main role of the marketing strategy is product education, content, service management, service design, online service including in the value co creation modelling, furthermore this model is important in combining value co creation in marketing strategy theory related to increasing the number of consumers and responsible consumption for organic vegetables as a basic part of the model design.
Mimbar Agribisnis : Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa berperannya kelompok tani Raksa Bumi d... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa berperannya kelompok tani Raksa Bumi dalam memberdayakan petani padi sawah (Oryza sativa L) yang berada di Desa Bojongpicung Kecamatan Bojongpicung Kabupaten Cianjur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Seluruh anggota kelompok tani Raksa Bumi sebanyak 54 orang menjadi responden penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa kelompok tani Raksa Bumi telah melakukan seluruh upaya dalam memberdayakan petani/anggota kelompok, akan tetapi masih bisa dikatakan belum sempurna karena dari indikator yang diteliti menyatakan bahwa wahana belajar (cukup baik), wahana kerjasama, (kurang baik), unit produksi (kurang baik), dan pemasaran (sangat baik). Dengan kata lain, pemerintah melalui dinas terkait lebih memperhatikan lagi dalam kinerja dari kelompok tani, dan menyediakan alat mesin pertanian untuk menunjang kebutuhan kelompok tani Raksa Bumi di masa yang akan datang agar kelompok tani Raksa Bumi lebih fokus dalam pembinaan terhadap para petani/anggota kelompoknya dalam segi produksi sehingga lebih maksimal.
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian
The study "Feasibility Analysis of Sorghum Farming is a case study conducted on the Women Fa... more The study "Feasibility Analysis of Sorghum Farming is a case study conducted on the Women Farmers Group in Kebonpedes Village, Kebonpedes District, Sukabumi Regency". The problem formulation of this research is to find out how to analyze the feasibility of sorghum farming in Kebopedes Village. , Kebonpedes District, Sukabumi Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine how the analysis of sorghum farming in Kebonpedes Village, Kebonpedes District, Sukabumi Regency. This research method uses descriptive quantitative method. secondary information The sampling method in this study used purposive inspecting. The result of this study is an analysis of the feasibility of sorghum farming in female farmer groups in Kebonpedes Village, Kebonpedes District, seen from the results of BEP Prices and R/C that are feasible to do. Based on the information, it is known that the R/C value of all out farming costs is worth more than one. The R/C value for the absolute cost of sorghum ...
Thematic learning program since 2011 LPPM UMMI held indifferent areas of thesub-districtin the ci... more Thematic learning program since 2011 LPPM UMMI held indifferent areas of thesub-districtin the cityand districtof Sukabumi. Thematic learning programs UMMI weeks to support the achievement of the MDG targets by thesociety, economy,science and technology and the implementation penngembangan Persyarikatan branches and twigs. UMMI Thematic Concept combines the concept of service learning education, research, and community serviceas stated in the RIP and RIPkM UMMI 2013. Thematic umbrella programis he establishment and strengthening ofthe Post Family Empowerment (Posdaya), and thetheme is"Strengthening the Family Empowerment ToGrow DevelopIndependent Community and Persyarikatan". Formation Posdaya adjusted tothe results of observation sconducted on the potential ofthe region, the components that support, however the presence of Posdaya should be able to cover that carried the four areas: Economy,Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs. As Posdaya engagedin Economic sand t...
Widina Bhakti Persada Bandung, Oct 11, 2021
Widina Bhakti Persada Bandung, 2021
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 2021
Dewasa ini masyarakat mulai sadar akan pentingnya pangan yang sehat, seperti beras organik. Hanya... more Dewasa ini masyarakat mulai sadar akan pentingnya pangan yang sehat, seperti beras organik. Hanya saja secara ekonomi sektor pertanian beras masih menghadapi berbagai persoalan, salah satunya harga jual di tingkat petani yang masih tergolong rendah, hal tersebut dikarenakan rantai pasok yang masih panjang juga sistem rantai pasok yang kurang optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efisiensi kinerja rantai pasok beras organik “Beras Raos”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei, dengan responden petani, kelompok tani Sari Alam, dan retailer yang ditentukan menggunakan purposive sampling dan snowball sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, dan aspek-aspek analisis efisiensi pemasaran (margin pemasaran dan farmer’s share) dan efisiensi pengelolaan asset (inventory turnover, inventory days of supply, dan cash to cash cycle time). Hasil analisis efisiensi kinerja rantai pasok tersebut menunjukkan belum efisien ...
The main concept that is going to develop in CAA as an edu-tourism agro is to offer agro recreati... more The main concept that is going to develop in CAA as an edu-tourism agro is to offer agro recreation facility as one an introduction facility and education particularly in cultivation technique, agriculture production, ranch, fishery, plantation, and forestry with technology. The observation of area characteristic conducts by using on farm research (OFAR) with participatory rural appraisal (PRA). Sample takes purposively from the member of rancher group, fisherman, farmer, local instructor, Cikundul local figure society (as the main zone) and Lembursitu subdisrtict (as buffer zone), and local agriculture deparment. The result study shows that (1) The plan area of CAA is located in Cikundul, Lembursitu subdistrict; (2) The land use in Cikundul agribusiness area mostly still dominates by farmer, cow rancher, fish rancher while the land use in Cikundul agribusiness area is mostly for ranching, farming, and fishery; (3) Superior commodity that can develop is paddy, beef cattle, fresh wat...
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian, 2021
The trend of organic agriculture is currently experiencing an increase, changes in people's l... more The trend of organic agriculture is currently experiencing an increase, changes in people's lifestyle patterns have made a shift in consumption patterns from non-organic to organic. There is a process of competition in a very tight marketing world where companies or producers must be able to compete in the market, one of which is by implementing a marketing strategy through Positioning. This study aims to determine what are the factors that influence the positioning of organic agricultural products in Kebonpedes Subdistrict, Sukabumi Regency. This research uses descriptive research with explanatory methods and quantitative approaches, while the type of sampling used is snowball sampling. Based on the results and discussion of the analysis carried out in this study partially it was stated that six factors had no significant effect on the positioning of organic products in Kebonpedes District, namely quality, service, price, use, brand, benefits and one significant influence facto...
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2020
This Community Service is entitled Microgreens Farming Business Training for Housewives in Sukabu... more This Community Service is entitled Microgreens Farming Business Training for Housewives in Sukabumi. The empowerment of housewives is intended to produce the potential of housewives, in addition to being able to carry out domestic or domestic duties. Housewives are also able to be active and productive in public activities and economic activities. Microgreens are vegetable seeds that are harvested very young, 7-14 days after germinating and young leaves appear. The method used in this service is the training method; namely, before carrying out direct practice, participants understand through theory first. The training participants were housewives from several women's organizations in Sukabumi. This community service is the acquisition of skills of housewives in farming microgreens and the increasing role of housewives in family welfare through the provision of healthy vegetables for the family.
Jurnal PLANS : Penelitian Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2016
Factors of production farming has a different function to level of production and farmers income.... more Factors of production farming has a different function to level of production and farmers income. The better use factors of production, the amount of production is produced also more and more so that income received by farmers is higher. This study aims to determine whether education, experience, land, and capital affect farmers' income. The population in this study were all barking farmers in the village of Persalakan Angkola Barat South Tapanuli. The sampling technique in studies using methods Solvin with a total sample of 50 farmers bark. Data collection techniques used observation and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear analysis to prioritize testing and classical assumption of normality as a condition of continued analysis. From the results of analysis can be concluded the factor of land area education and partially no effect on farmers 'income while the experience factor, capital, Extension and Number of dependents has a positive and sig...
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian, 2020
This research aims to find out the influence of Segmentation and Targeting on The Marketing Strat... more This research aims to find out the influence of Segmentation and Targeting on The Marketing Strategy of Beautiful Ginger Candy PD. Tasacika Sukabumi Regency. The analysis of the data used is a descriptive type with an exoplanatory method. Data collection techniques with interview methods, questionnaires, and observations. Based on the results of the research the influence of segmenting on marketing strategies, the influence of segmenting and targeting on marketing strategies, and the influence of targeting on loyalty marketing strategies. So it can be inferred from the research shows that the positive and significant influence between Segmenting and Targeting simultaneously on marketing strategies on Beautiful Ginger Candy in PD. Tasacika means that Segmenting and Targeting have an important role to play in creating more effective and efficient marketing strategies for the company.
Membangun Kecamatan Ciemas Sukabumi Tepat Ciletuh ke Geopark atau jangka panjang sebagai tujuan w... more Membangun Kecamatan Ciemas Sukabumi Tepat Ciletuh ke Geopark atau jangka panjang sebagai tujuan wisata Objek wisata geologi di wilayah Sukabumi perlu persiapan dan perencanaan yang tepat. Hal ini terkait dengan tidak sedikit potensi yang dapat dikembangkan di Kabupaten Ciemas. Selain itu ada beberapa sumber air terjun yang sangat indah, bebatuan yang memiliki nilai sejarah dari sejarah pembentukannya, Panenjoan sebagai Amphiteather, pantai Ciletuh, Cikadal, dan Palangpang, hutan Mangrove, hutan Bambu, juga ada beberapa komoditas alam yang memiliki karakteristik dan potensi lokal Unggul yang dapat dikembangkan. Manggo, Beras Hitam, Beras Merah, Batu Akik, Batik Pakululan, Bunga Raflesia Fatma. Keindahan, keunikan, dan potensi lokal daerah dapat memberikan peluang untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi penduduk setempat. Beras hitam adalah salah satu komoditas lokal yang paling potensial untuk dikembangkan. Dari alam dan iklim yang berkembang berbeda dengan beras putih yang biasa di...
Fenomena kesejahteraan nelayan yang rendah merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi, terutama p... more Fenomena kesejahteraan nelayan yang rendah merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi, terutama pada nelayan tradisional sehingga menghambat pembangunan subsektor perikanan khususnya perikanan tangkap. Tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir umumnya menempati strata paling rendah di banding masyarakat lainnya di darat, padahal Indonesia memiliki potensi perikanan terbesar di dunia sekitar 65 juta ton/tahun (Dahuri, 2013) atau 23% dari total produksinya yang baru termanfaatkan. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji pada kawasan pesisir Kabupaten Sukabumi tepatnya pada tujuh TPI. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah :a). Meningkatkan upaya – upaya pengelolaan wilayah pesisir selatan b).Mendorong peran serta dan keterpaduan antar stakeholder c) Memberikan panduan bagi instansi pemerintah, pihak swasta, masyarakat wilayah pesisir Selatan Kabupaten Sukabumi, d).Identifikasi potensi ekonomi e). Identifikasi sarana dan prasarana pendukung kegiatan ekonomi pesisir, f). Menyusun rencana pengembangan kegiata...
Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian, 2021
The decrease of the community’s carrying capacity in Waluran Mandiri Village in the utilization o... more The decrease of the community’s carrying capacity in Waluran Mandiri Village in the utilization of potential land resources has resulted in the change of abandoned agricultural land into illegal mining, which in turn creates negative impact to the environment surrounding it. This sad reality is also saddled with the large number of women who become migrant workers abroad. (baiknya di sini ditambahin satu kalimat yg menjadi penghubung dari masalah ke situasi yg ada, misalnya: However, the village is gifted with an abundance of Job’s tears locally called Hanjeli.) The cultivation of Job’s tears as an effort to empower the community has been initiated with the concept implementation of the Hanjeli Eduwisata Village. The purpose of this study is to describe the process of woman farmer groups’ empowerment in Hanjeli Eduwisata Village, and to analyze the business of hanjeli products carried out through the groups’ entrepreneurial activities. The study used a survey method with purposive s...
Daun: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian dan Kehutanan, 2018
Black Rice is a local commodity which apparently was not found in the Ciemas area of Sukabumi Reg... more Black Rice is a local commodity which apparently was not found in the Ciemas area of Sukabumi Regency alone, in several Districts in Sukabumi Regency, namely in the Districts of Waluran, Cidolog, and Kabandungan. Black rice from the nutritional content and benefits is no less significant. Black Rice prices are higher than white rice or consumption rice. Every Black Rice farmer still has problems in carrying out the postharvest handling process. This is the case with Chain Management (SCM) or supplies chain management by farmers; farmers also do this with different patterns. The income of lowland rice farmers is uncertain. Because the benefits of black rice and farmers' income fluctuate every year, it is necessary to check postharvest handling and to know and analyze how efficient workflows are to accelerate supply chain management, black rice reaches consumers and makes more enormous profits. Rather than spending money on black rice entrepreneurs. The results show that the posth...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Nov 23, 2022
Research related to agribusiness marketing strategies is something that still needs to be done in... more Research related to agribusiness marketing strategies is something that still needs to be done in the field of marketing science. Especially by using value co reation (creation of value) which has been done a lot of research in recent years. This article is a review of the existing conditions of marketing strategy research using Value Co Creation. The review begins with an analysis of the characteristics of the value co-creation model reported through the literature. In this review study, the variables used were used: commodities cultivated, cases in countries that produce and consume organic vegetables both locally and exported, empiric data, decision making in strategy creation (Co learning and Co Service Design) and data tabulation. The second stage of the review is to use a Bibliographic map to analyze the area of the marketing strategy whether it has used Value Co creation. In the results it was found that the area of marketing strategy is collaboration and competition, the relationship between Co learning and co service design in research. In addition, the main role of the marketing strategy is product education, content, service management, service design, online service including in the value co creation modelling, furthermore this model is important in combining value co creation in marketing strategy theory related to increasing the number of consumers and responsible consumption for organic vegetables as a basic part of the model design.