Olivier Debauche | University of Mons (original) (raw)

Papers by Olivier Debauche

Research paper thumbnail of Edge Computing for Cattle Behavior Analysis

Smartphones, particularly iPhone, can be relevant instruments for researchers because they are wi... more Smartphones, particularly iPhone, can be relevant instruments for researchers because they are widely used around the world in multiple domains of applications such as animal behavior. iPhone are readily available on the market, contain many sensors and require no hardware development. They are equipped with high performance inertial measurement units (IMU) and absolute positioning systems analyzing user's movements, but they can easily be diverted to analyze likewise the behaviors of domestic animals such as cattle. Using smartphones to study animal behavior requires the improvement of the autonomy to allow the acquisition of many variables at a high frequency over long periods of time on a large number of individuals for their further processing through various models and decision-making tools. Indeed, storing, treating data at the iPhone level with an optimal consumption of energy to maximize battery life was achieved by using edge computing on the iPhone. This processing reduced the size of the raw data by 42% on average by eliminating redundancies. The decrease in sampling frequency, the selection of the most important variables and postponing calculations to the cloud allowed also an increase in battery life by reducing of amount of data to transmit. In all these use cases, the lambda architectures were used to ingest streaming time series data from the Internet of Things. Cattle, farm animals' behavior consumes relevant data from Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) transmitted or locally stored on the device. Data are discharged offline and then ingested by batch processing of the Lambda Architecture.

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Research paper thumbnail of Internet of Things Learning: a Practical Case for Smart Building automation

The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming more and more present in our daily lives and affects all... more The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming more and more present in our daily lives and affects all areas of activity. More and more devices capable of interacting with each other are being designed and appearing on the market. Learning about IoT technologies is becoming inevitable in education. In this article, we propose a demonstrator to learn, through use cases, the essential concepts of IoT applied to Smart Homes. From basic use cases implemented in a model building, the general public can more easily understand the operating principles of these new applications, which opens the door to the imagination of new ones.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards Low-Cost IoT and LPWAN-Based Flood Forecast and Monitoring System

Journal of Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks , 2022

The recent floods have shown that the classic monitoring systems for watercourses are no longer a... more The recent floods have shown that the classic monitoring systems for watercourses are no longer adapted because other phenomena such as the insufficient capacity and/or obstruction of drainage networks, the modification of cultivation practices and rotations, the increase in the size of plots linked to the reparcelling, the urbanization of floodable areas, etc. The combination of all these causes, plus the modification of the water regime, implies an increase in the risk of flooding and an adapted monitoring that is no longer limited to watercourses in order to give early warning of the risk of flooding by runoff. The Internet of Things (IoT) and the availability of microcontrollers and sensors with low data rates and long ranges, as well as low-power wide area networks (LPWANs), allow for much more advanced monitoring systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Optimized Kappa Architecture for IoT Data Management in Smart Farming

Journal of Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks , 2022

Agriculture 4.0 is a domain of IoT in full growth which produces large amounts of data from machi... more Agriculture 4.0 is a domain of IoT in full growth which produces large amounts of data from machines, robots, and sensors networks. This data must be processed very quickly, especially for the systems that need to make real-time decisions. The Kappa architecture provides a way to process Agriculture 4.0 data at high speed in the cloud, and thus meets processing requirements. This paper presents an optimized version of the Kappa architecture allowing fast and efficient data management in Agriculture. The goal of this optimized version of the classical Kappa architecture is to improve memory management and processing speed. the Kappa architecture parameters are fine tuned in order to process data from a concrete use case. The results of this work have shown th e impact of parameters tweaking on the speed of treatment. We have also proven that the combination of Apache Samza with Apache Druid offers the better performances.

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Research paper thumbnail of A New Edge Computing Architecture for IoT and Multimedia Data Management

Information (MDPI), 2022

The Internet of Things and multimedia devices generate a tremendous amount of data. The transfer ... more The Internet of Things and multimedia devices generate a tremendous amount of data. The transfer of this data to the cloud is a challenging problem because of the congestion at the network level, and therefore processing time could be too long when we use a pure cloud computing strategy. On the other hand, new applications requiring the processing of large amounts of data in real time have gradually emerged, such as virtual reality and augmented reality. These new applications have gradually won over users and developed a demand for near real-time interaction of their applications, which has completely called into question the way we process and store data. To address these two problems of congestion and computing time, edge architecture has emerged with the goal of processing data as close as possible to users, and to ensure privacy protection and responsiveness in real-time. With the continuous increase in computing power, amounts of memory and data storage at the level of smartphone and connected objects, it is now possible to process data as close as possible to sensors or directly on users devices. The coupling of these two types of processing as close as possible to the data and to the user opens up new perspectives in terms of services. In this paper, we present a new distributed edge architecture aiming to process and store Internet of Things and multimedia data close to the data producer, offering fast response time (closer to real time) in order to meet the demands of modern applications. To do this, the processing at the level of the producers of data collaborate with the processing ready for the users, establishing a new paradigm of short supply circuit for data transmission inspired of short supply chains in agriculture. The removing of unnecessary intermediaries between the producer and the consumer of the data improves efficiency. We named this new paradigm the Short Supply Circuit Internet of Things (SSCIoT).

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling using the SWAT model of water flow and transport in suspension in the watershed of the valley of Wadi El-Hachem

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Research paper thumbnail of Le Pivot Intelligent Surveille et Optimise Les Besoins Des Cultures

Les changements climatiques ont un impact non négligeable sur la répartition des ressources en ea... more Les changements climatiques ont un impact non négligeable sur la répartition des ressources en eau à l’échelle mondiale conduisant à des raréfactions ou une surabondance de celle-ci. Ces modifications du régime hydrique nous amènent à devoir reconsidérer nos modes de productions agricoles et à optimiser la gestion de l’eau. La raréfaction des ressources et l’augmentation des besoins industriels en matière de productions agricoles et alimentaires (liés à l’augmentation de la population mondiale) impliquent un besoin d’optimiser l’utilisation des engrais et des produits phytosanitaires.

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Research paper thumbnail of Statistique des extrêmes dans les bassins faiblement jaugés : application d'un modèle global pluie-débit à cinq bassins versants en région wallonne (Belgique)

Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 2008

Le modele RS-PDM© permet de generer une serie chronologique de debits sur base des pluies observe... more Le modele RS-PDM© permet de generer une serie chronologique de debits sur base des pluies observees apres un calage automatique de parametres pris par defaut sur une periode de pluies et debits connus, ceci en termes de donnees journalieres ou horaires. L'etude a mis en evidence l'utilite du modele RS-PDM© pour generer une statistique des extremes dans des bassins versants peu jauges en region wallonne sur base de donnees de precipitations observees et d'une serie chronologique courte de debits. Concernant la generation d'une serie chronologique de debits, relative a cinq bassins versants ruraux de differentes tailles, il a ete mis en evidence une dispersion importante des debits simules pour un debit observe donne, en valeurs journalieres et horaires. Les criteres de Nash de comparaison entre hydrogrammes observes et simules presentent des resultats compris entre 0,59 et 0,92. Cependant, les debits simules via RS-PDM© presentent une statistique des extremes (loi de ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Web-based animal behavior study service for researchers based on the smartphone inertial central

The cow was equipped with an Iphone 4S of its own free will but was not subjected to any violence... more The cow was equipped with an Iphone 4S of its own free will but was not subjected to any violence or mistreatment during the experiment. The relationship between the parameters measured by the inertial units of the Iphone and the tagged images endower to know the behaviors, the health status of the animals situated in the prairie and the state of the grazing. The Internet of the things offers tremendous opportunities in the fields of smart breeding by making it possible to know at any moment the state of health of the animals and to detect the problems rather before they become worse.

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental setup to monitor environment impact on LoRa transmissions

Fab-IoT-Lab is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Wallonia in the framew... more Fab-IoT-Lab is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Wallonia in the framework of the DigiSTORM project. References [1] “TheThingsNetwork fair access policy.” [Online]. Available: https://forum.thethingsnetwork.org/t/limitations-data-rate-packet-size-30-seconds-day-fair-accesspolicy-nodes-per-gateway/1300. [2] Arjan, “LoRaWAN 1.0.x airtime calculator,” 2019. [Online]. Available: https://avbentem.github.io/lorawan-airtime-ui/ttn/eu868/5. [3] A. Augustin, J. Yi, T. Clausen, and W. M. Townsley, “A study of Lora: Long range & low power networks for the internet of things,” Sensors (Switzerland), vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 1–18, 2016. [4] J. Gaelens, P. Van Torre, J. Verhaevert, and H. Rogier, “Lora mobile-to-base-station channel characterization in the antarctic,” Sensors (Switzerland), vol. 17, no. 8, 2017. Experimental setup

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantification des matières en suspension et son impact en zone semi-aride méditerranéenne : Cas de barrage de Boukourdane (Algérie)

Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 2017

L’erosion hydrique est une problematique particulierement importante notamment dans la zone medit... more L’erosion hydrique est une problematique particulierement importante notamment dans la zone mediterraneenne et semi-aride. Cette zone est caracterisee par des regimes pluviometriques irreguliers qui ont une influence considerable sur les pertes en sol. Dans les zones montagneuses, les phenomenes d’erosion hydriques sont accentues par les fortes pentes et la couverture du sol reduite. Les barrages alimentes par ces zones subissent un envasement lie a une erosion importante. L’envasement de ces barrages limite drastiquement leur capacite et donc leur duree d’exploitation. Lorsqu’ils sont utilises pour la recharge de nappes phreatiques, les lâchers entrainent des particules fines remises en suspension qui s’accumulent au niveau des zones de recharge et reduisent la capacite d’infiltration par colmatage de la porosite du sol, ce qui conduit a un abattement important des niveaux piezometriques. De plus, les nappes phreatiques situees dans la zone cotieres sont sujettes a des pompages in...

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Research paper thumbnail of La modélisation à l’aide du modèle SWAT des flux hydriques et du transport en suspension sur le bassin versant de la vallée de l’oued EL-Hachem

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Research paper thumbnail of Improvement of battery life of iPhones Inertial Measurement Unit by using edge computing

Smartphones, particularly iPhones, can be relevant instruments for researchers widely used around... more Smartphones, particularly iPhones, can be relevant instruments for researchers widely used around the world in multiple domains of applications such as animal behavior. iPhones are readily available on the planet, contain many sensors and require no hardware development. They are equipped with high performance inertial measurement units (IMU) and absolute positioning systems analyzing users movements, but they can easily be diverted to analyze likewise the behaviors of domestic animals such as cattle. Using smartphones to study animal behavior requires the improvement of the autonomy to allow the acquisition of many variables at a high frequency over long periods of time on a large number of individuals for their further processing through various models and decision-making tools. Storing, treating data at the iPhone level with an optimal consumption of energy to maximize battery life was achieved by using edge computing on the iPhone. It reduced the size of the raw data by 42% on a...

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Research paper thumbnail of LoRa & LoRaWAN de la théorie à la pratique

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Research paper thumbnail of L’Internet des Objets met la lumière dans tous ses états

Nous connaissons tous la domotique et le contrôle de la lumière à partir de dispositifs télécomma... more Nous connaissons tous la domotique et le contrôle de la lumière à partir de dispositifs télécommandés. Avec les technologies émergentes de l’internet des objets, il est aujourd’hui possible d’envisager de nouvelles applications liées à la lumière et à son utilisation dans l’habitat. Grâce à la collaboration entre les objets connectés, des cas d’utilisation comme l’adaptation de la couleur et de l’intensité de la lumière en fonction des émotions des habitants identifiées à l’aide d’une caméra vidéo sont devenus facilement réalisables.

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Research paper thumbnail of Climwat 2.0 & Cropwat 8.0

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Research paper thumbnail of Ambient and Mobile Systems ( FAMS 2018 ) Web Monitoring of Bee Health for Researchers and Beekeepers Based on the Internet of Things

The Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) also entitled ‘Colony Loss’ has a significant impact on the bi... more The Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) also entitled ‘Colony Loss’ has a significant impact on the biodiversity, on the pollination of crops and on the profitability. The Internet of Things associated with cloud computing offers possibilities to collect and treat a wide range of data to monitor and follow the health status of the colon. The surveillance of the animals’ pollination by collecting data at large scale is an important issue in order to ensure their survival and pollination, which is mandatory for food production. Moreover, new network technologies like Low Power Wide Area (LPWAN) or 3GPP protocols and the appearance on the market easily programmable nodes allow to create, at low-cost, sensors and effectors for the Internet of Things. In this paper, we propose a technical solution easily replicable, based on accurate and affordable sensors and a cloud architecture to monitor and follow bees’ behavior. This solution provides a platform for researchers to better understand and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Deep Learning and Approach for Tracking People’s Movements in a Video

2020 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications (CloudTech)

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Research paper thumbnail of Open Phytotron: A New IoT Device for Home Gardening

2020 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications (CloudTech), 2021

Phytotrons are culture chambers used by re-searchers in which ambient parameters such as temperat... more Phytotrons are culture chambers used by re-searchers in which ambient parameters such as temperature, humidity, irrigation, electrical conductivity of the nutrient solution, pH, lighting and CO2 are finely controlled. In addition, these installations make it possible on the one hand to measure the impact of environmental changes, and on the other hand to optimize the growth of plants in artificial growing conditions. Thanks to the democratization of hardware, cloud computing and the new possibilities offered by the Internet of Things (IoT), it is now possible to build a personal phytotron at an affordable cost. In this article, we propose to use connected objects to develop a personal growth chamber in order to produce fresh vegetables in an urban context.

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Research paper thumbnail of Edge Computing for Cattle Behavior Analysis

Smartphones, particularly iPhone, can be relevant instruments for researchers because they are wi... more Smartphones, particularly iPhone, can be relevant instruments for researchers because they are widely used around the world in multiple domains of applications such as animal behavior. iPhone are readily available on the market, contain many sensors and require no hardware development. They are equipped with high performance inertial measurement units (IMU) and absolute positioning systems analyzing user's movements, but they can easily be diverted to analyze likewise the behaviors of domestic animals such as cattle. Using smartphones to study animal behavior requires the improvement of the autonomy to allow the acquisition of many variables at a high frequency over long periods of time on a large number of individuals for their further processing through various models and decision-making tools. Indeed, storing, treating data at the iPhone level with an optimal consumption of energy to maximize battery life was achieved by using edge computing on the iPhone. This processing reduced the size of the raw data by 42% on average by eliminating redundancies. The decrease in sampling frequency, the selection of the most important variables and postponing calculations to the cloud allowed also an increase in battery life by reducing of amount of data to transmit. In all these use cases, the lambda architectures were used to ingest streaming time series data from the Internet of Things. Cattle, farm animals' behavior consumes relevant data from Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) transmitted or locally stored on the device. Data are discharged offline and then ingested by batch processing of the Lambda Architecture.

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Research paper thumbnail of Internet of Things Learning: a Practical Case for Smart Building automation

The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming more and more present in our daily lives and affects all... more The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming more and more present in our daily lives and affects all areas of activity. More and more devices capable of interacting with each other are being designed and appearing on the market. Learning about IoT technologies is becoming inevitable in education. In this article, we propose a demonstrator to learn, through use cases, the essential concepts of IoT applied to Smart Homes. From basic use cases implemented in a model building, the general public can more easily understand the operating principles of these new applications, which opens the door to the imagination of new ones.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards Low-Cost IoT and LPWAN-Based Flood Forecast and Monitoring System

Journal of Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks , 2022

The recent floods have shown that the classic monitoring systems for watercourses are no longer a... more The recent floods have shown that the classic monitoring systems for watercourses are no longer adapted because other phenomena such as the insufficient capacity and/or obstruction of drainage networks, the modification of cultivation practices and rotations, the increase in the size of plots linked to the reparcelling, the urbanization of floodable areas, etc. The combination of all these causes, plus the modification of the water regime, implies an increase in the risk of flooding and an adapted monitoring that is no longer limited to watercourses in order to give early warning of the risk of flooding by runoff. The Internet of Things (IoT) and the availability of microcontrollers and sensors with low data rates and long ranges, as well as low-power wide area networks (LPWANs), allow for much more advanced monitoring systems.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Optimized Kappa Architecture for IoT Data Management in Smart Farming

Journal of Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks , 2022

Agriculture 4.0 is a domain of IoT in full growth which produces large amounts of data from machi... more Agriculture 4.0 is a domain of IoT in full growth which produces large amounts of data from machines, robots, and sensors networks. This data must be processed very quickly, especially for the systems that need to make real-time decisions. The Kappa architecture provides a way to process Agriculture 4.0 data at high speed in the cloud, and thus meets processing requirements. This paper presents an optimized version of the Kappa architecture allowing fast and efficient data management in Agriculture. The goal of this optimized version of the classical Kappa architecture is to improve memory management and processing speed. the Kappa architecture parameters are fine tuned in order to process data from a concrete use case. The results of this work have shown th e impact of parameters tweaking on the speed of treatment. We have also proven that the combination of Apache Samza with Apache Druid offers the better performances.

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Research paper thumbnail of A New Edge Computing Architecture for IoT and Multimedia Data Management

Information (MDPI), 2022

The Internet of Things and multimedia devices generate a tremendous amount of data. The transfer ... more The Internet of Things and multimedia devices generate a tremendous amount of data. The transfer of this data to the cloud is a challenging problem because of the congestion at the network level, and therefore processing time could be too long when we use a pure cloud computing strategy. On the other hand, new applications requiring the processing of large amounts of data in real time have gradually emerged, such as virtual reality and augmented reality. These new applications have gradually won over users and developed a demand for near real-time interaction of their applications, which has completely called into question the way we process and store data. To address these two problems of congestion and computing time, edge architecture has emerged with the goal of processing data as close as possible to users, and to ensure privacy protection and responsiveness in real-time. With the continuous increase in computing power, amounts of memory and data storage at the level of smartphone and connected objects, it is now possible to process data as close as possible to sensors or directly on users devices. The coupling of these two types of processing as close as possible to the data and to the user opens up new perspectives in terms of services. In this paper, we present a new distributed edge architecture aiming to process and store Internet of Things and multimedia data close to the data producer, offering fast response time (closer to real time) in order to meet the demands of modern applications. To do this, the processing at the level of the producers of data collaborate with the processing ready for the users, establishing a new paradigm of short supply circuit for data transmission inspired of short supply chains in agriculture. The removing of unnecessary intermediaries between the producer and the consumer of the data improves efficiency. We named this new paradigm the Short Supply Circuit Internet of Things (SSCIoT).

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling using the SWAT model of water flow and transport in suspension in the watershed of the valley of Wadi El-Hachem

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Research paper thumbnail of Le Pivot Intelligent Surveille et Optimise Les Besoins Des Cultures

Les changements climatiques ont un impact non négligeable sur la répartition des ressources en ea... more Les changements climatiques ont un impact non négligeable sur la répartition des ressources en eau à l’échelle mondiale conduisant à des raréfactions ou une surabondance de celle-ci. Ces modifications du régime hydrique nous amènent à devoir reconsidérer nos modes de productions agricoles et à optimiser la gestion de l’eau. La raréfaction des ressources et l’augmentation des besoins industriels en matière de productions agricoles et alimentaires (liés à l’augmentation de la population mondiale) impliquent un besoin d’optimiser l’utilisation des engrais et des produits phytosanitaires.

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Research paper thumbnail of Statistique des extrêmes dans les bassins faiblement jaugés : application d'un modèle global pluie-débit à cinq bassins versants en région wallonne (Belgique)

Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 2008

Le modele RS-PDM© permet de generer une serie chronologique de debits sur base des pluies observe... more Le modele RS-PDM© permet de generer une serie chronologique de debits sur base des pluies observees apres un calage automatique de parametres pris par defaut sur une periode de pluies et debits connus, ceci en termes de donnees journalieres ou horaires. L'etude a mis en evidence l'utilite du modele RS-PDM© pour generer une statistique des extremes dans des bassins versants peu jauges en region wallonne sur base de donnees de precipitations observees et d'une serie chronologique courte de debits. Concernant la generation d'une serie chronologique de debits, relative a cinq bassins versants ruraux de differentes tailles, il a ete mis en evidence une dispersion importante des debits simules pour un debit observe donne, en valeurs journalieres et horaires. Les criteres de Nash de comparaison entre hydrogrammes observes et simules presentent des resultats compris entre 0,59 et 0,92. Cependant, les debits simules via RS-PDM© presentent une statistique des extremes (loi de ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Web-based animal behavior study service for researchers based on the smartphone inertial central

The cow was equipped with an Iphone 4S of its own free will but was not subjected to any violence... more The cow was equipped with an Iphone 4S of its own free will but was not subjected to any violence or mistreatment during the experiment. The relationship between the parameters measured by the inertial units of the Iphone and the tagged images endower to know the behaviors, the health status of the animals situated in the prairie and the state of the grazing. The Internet of the things offers tremendous opportunities in the fields of smart breeding by making it possible to know at any moment the state of health of the animals and to detect the problems rather before they become worse.

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental setup to monitor environment impact on LoRa transmissions

Fab-IoT-Lab is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Wallonia in the framew... more Fab-IoT-Lab is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the Wallonia in the framework of the DigiSTORM project. References [1] “TheThingsNetwork fair access policy.” [Online]. Available: https://forum.thethingsnetwork.org/t/limitations-data-rate-packet-size-30-seconds-day-fair-accesspolicy-nodes-per-gateway/1300. [2] Arjan, “LoRaWAN 1.0.x airtime calculator,” 2019. [Online]. Available: https://avbentem.github.io/lorawan-airtime-ui/ttn/eu868/5. [3] A. Augustin, J. Yi, T. Clausen, and W. M. Townsley, “A study of Lora: Long range & low power networks for the internet of things,” Sensors (Switzerland), vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 1–18, 2016. [4] J. Gaelens, P. Van Torre, J. Verhaevert, and H. Rogier, “Lora mobile-to-base-station channel characterization in the antarctic,” Sensors (Switzerland), vol. 17, no. 8, 2017. Experimental setup

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantification des matières en suspension et son impact en zone semi-aride méditerranéenne : Cas de barrage de Boukourdane (Algérie)

Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 2017

L’erosion hydrique est une problematique particulierement importante notamment dans la zone medit... more L’erosion hydrique est une problematique particulierement importante notamment dans la zone mediterraneenne et semi-aride. Cette zone est caracterisee par des regimes pluviometriques irreguliers qui ont une influence considerable sur les pertes en sol. Dans les zones montagneuses, les phenomenes d’erosion hydriques sont accentues par les fortes pentes et la couverture du sol reduite. Les barrages alimentes par ces zones subissent un envasement lie a une erosion importante. L’envasement de ces barrages limite drastiquement leur capacite et donc leur duree d’exploitation. Lorsqu’ils sont utilises pour la recharge de nappes phreatiques, les lâchers entrainent des particules fines remises en suspension qui s’accumulent au niveau des zones de recharge et reduisent la capacite d’infiltration par colmatage de la porosite du sol, ce qui conduit a un abattement important des niveaux piezometriques. De plus, les nappes phreatiques situees dans la zone cotieres sont sujettes a des pompages in...

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Research paper thumbnail of La modélisation à l’aide du modèle SWAT des flux hydriques et du transport en suspension sur le bassin versant de la vallée de l’oued EL-Hachem

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Research paper thumbnail of Improvement of battery life of iPhones Inertial Measurement Unit by using edge computing

Smartphones, particularly iPhones, can be relevant instruments for researchers widely used around... more Smartphones, particularly iPhones, can be relevant instruments for researchers widely used around the world in multiple domains of applications such as animal behavior. iPhones are readily available on the planet, contain many sensors and require no hardware development. They are equipped with high performance inertial measurement units (IMU) and absolute positioning systems analyzing users movements, but they can easily be diverted to analyze likewise the behaviors of domestic animals such as cattle. Using smartphones to study animal behavior requires the improvement of the autonomy to allow the acquisition of many variables at a high frequency over long periods of time on a large number of individuals for their further processing through various models and decision-making tools. Storing, treating data at the iPhone level with an optimal consumption of energy to maximize battery life was achieved by using edge computing on the iPhone. It reduced the size of the raw data by 42% on a...

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Research paper thumbnail of LoRa & LoRaWAN de la théorie à la pratique

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Research paper thumbnail of L’Internet des Objets met la lumière dans tous ses états

Nous connaissons tous la domotique et le contrôle de la lumière à partir de dispositifs télécomma... more Nous connaissons tous la domotique et le contrôle de la lumière à partir de dispositifs télécommandés. Avec les technologies émergentes de l’internet des objets, il est aujourd’hui possible d’envisager de nouvelles applications liées à la lumière et à son utilisation dans l’habitat. Grâce à la collaboration entre les objets connectés, des cas d’utilisation comme l’adaptation de la couleur et de l’intensité de la lumière en fonction des émotions des habitants identifiées à l’aide d’une caméra vidéo sont devenus facilement réalisables.

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Research paper thumbnail of Climwat 2.0 & Cropwat 8.0

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Research paper thumbnail of Ambient and Mobile Systems ( FAMS 2018 ) Web Monitoring of Bee Health for Researchers and Beekeepers Based on the Internet of Things

The Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) also entitled ‘Colony Loss’ has a significant impact on the bi... more The Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) also entitled ‘Colony Loss’ has a significant impact on the biodiversity, on the pollination of crops and on the profitability. The Internet of Things associated with cloud computing offers possibilities to collect and treat a wide range of data to monitor and follow the health status of the colon. The surveillance of the animals’ pollination by collecting data at large scale is an important issue in order to ensure their survival and pollination, which is mandatory for food production. Moreover, new network technologies like Low Power Wide Area (LPWAN) or 3GPP protocols and the appearance on the market easily programmable nodes allow to create, at low-cost, sensors and effectors for the Internet of Things. In this paper, we propose a technical solution easily replicable, based on accurate and affordable sensors and a cloud architecture to monitor and follow bees’ behavior. This solution provides a platform for researchers to better understand and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Deep Learning and Approach for Tracking People’s Movements in a Video

2020 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications (CloudTech)

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Research paper thumbnail of Open Phytotron: A New IoT Device for Home Gardening

2020 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications (CloudTech), 2021

Phytotrons are culture chambers used by re-searchers in which ambient parameters such as temperat... more Phytotrons are culture chambers used by re-searchers in which ambient parameters such as temperature, humidity, irrigation, electrical conductivity of the nutrient solution, pH, lighting and CO2 are finely controlled. In addition, these installations make it possible on the one hand to measure the impact of environmental changes, and on the other hand to optimize the growth of plants in artificial growing conditions. Thanks to the democratization of hardware, cloud computing and the new possibilities offered by the Internet of Things (IoT), it is now possible to build a personal phytotron at an affordable cost. In this article, we propose to use connected objects to develop a personal growth chamber in order to produce fresh vegetables in an urban context.

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Research paper thumbnail of Web-based animal behavior study service for researchers based on the smartphone inertial central

Smartphones, particularly Iphones, are equipped with high performance inertial units and absolute... more Smartphones, particularly Iphones, are equipped with high performance inertial units and absolute positioning systems that are traditionally used to measure user behavior. They are also very relevant instruments for researchers in animal behavior. In this work, a lambda cloud architecture and web services are developed to archive and process high-frequency data from the inertial center of an Iphone 4S using behavioral classification algorithms. In addition, a web interface for encoding behavior observed on videos allows to synchronize the observations with the measurements.

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