Ana Belén Martín Sevillano | Université de Montréal (original) (raw)


Papers by Ana Belén Martín Sevillano

Research paper thumbnail of Nomadism as Ancestral Homeland in the Romani Culture

Discrimination, 2023

Nomadism is perceived as an essential trait of the Romani ethnic identity, both inside and outsid... more Nomadism is perceived as an essential trait of the Romani ethnic identity, both inside and outside the Romani communities. This paper explores the meaning of nomadism in the Romani culture by considering how this practice has been represented in the sociocultural imaginary. In particular, the paper analyzes the depiction of nomadism in the ethnopolitical discourse and the literary field, both in oral tradition and in written texts. The analysis examines works authored by representative Romani writers, such as Bronislawa Wajs "Papusza", Mateo Maximoff, Menyhért Lakatos or José Heredia Maya, among others. Finally, the paper considers how in the literary text, the image of nomadism is produced and consumed as a mark of ethnic authenticity.

Research paper thumbnail of Haití como heterotopía en la obra de Mayra Montero

Estudios dedicados a Juan C. Godenzzi, Enrique Pato (ed:) Ottawa: Lugar Común., 2022

Análisis de la compleja representación que de Haití hace Mayra Montero en su obra utilizando el c... more Análisis de la compleja representación que de Haití hace Mayra Montero en su obra utilizando el concepto de "heterotopía" formulado por M. Foucault.

Research paper thumbnail of The Romani Ethos: A Transnational Approach to Romani Literature

Ana Belén Martín Sevillano received her BA and PhD in Hispanic Philology from Universidad Complut... more Ana Belén Martín Sevillano received her BA and PhD in Hispanic Philology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, specializing in Latin American Literature and Culture. Her research focuses on issues related to diaspora, “race”/ethnicity, and gender in Spain and Latin America. In 2014 she received an endowment from the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to work on her project The Emergence of the Hispano-Romani Literature: The Writing of Ethnicity, Diaspora and Citizenship.

Research paper thumbnail of De Virgilio Piñera a Reinaldo Arenas: homosexualidad o disidencia


Research paper thumbnail of Cuento cubano actual (1985-2000)

Estudio del cuento cubano escrito por los Novisimos narradores (nacidos entre 1959 y 1970). La me... more Estudio del cuento cubano escrito por los Novisimos narradores (nacidos entre 1959 y 1970). La metodologia utilizada procede de los estudios sociologicos y culturales de Pierre Bourdieu, Mijail Bajtin y otros teoricos afines. La Tesis consta de los siguientes capitulos: 1,- Introduccion y deslindes metodologicos: definicion de los conceptos y terminologia utilizados. 2,- Contexto historico-social: a la luz de las teorias de Bourdieu se identifican los hechos historicos que marcaron la promocion estudiada. Asimismo se hace un estudio del campo cultural. 3,- Artes plasticas: analisis de los artistas plasticos y obras coetaneos a los Novisimos para mostrar las analogias y la unidad de vision del mundo. 4,- Cuento cubano: capitulo central de la Tesis que consta de los siguientes apartados: * Analisis del campo cultura en el que se insertan y desarrollan los escritores estudiados. * Estudio de la obra de los autores mas representativos. * Taxonomia del corpus estudiado atendiendo a las t...

Research paper thumbnail of From Domestic to Statist Violence

Research paper thumbnail of El ser de la nada, el proyecto literario de Macedonio Fernández

Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 1997

Acercarse a la obra de Macedonio Fernández depara siempre cierta sorpresa que, una vez franqueada... more Acercarse a la obra de Macedonio Fernández depara siempre cierta sorpresa que, una vez franqueada, da paso a un espacio textual muy sugerente y extremadamente divertido. Su figura se presenta como un caso curioso de las letras argentinas e hispanoamericanas ya que, ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Artwork of Clara Morera: Afro-Cuban Religious Legacy with a Twist

Research paper thumbnail of A Revolution in Pink: Cuban Queer Literature Inside and Outside the Island

Hispanic Caribbean Literature of Migration, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Neorrealismo y joven literatura urbana. España-Cuba: dos marcos comparados

Antagonia Cuadernos De La Fundacion Luis Goytisolo, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Algunos aspectos del cuento de los Novísimos narradores cubanos

Anales De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Crisscrossing Gender, Ethnicity, and Race: African Religious Legacy in Cuban Contemporary Women's Art

Research paper thumbnail of The Romani Ethos: A Transnational Approach to Romani Literature

Critical Romani Studies, 2020

In the context of the sociopolitical articulation of the Romani diaspora, this paper explores how... more In the context of the sociopolitical articulation of the Romani diaspora, this paper explores how its narrative is supported in four literary works written in different languages and national settings (Fires in the dark by Louise Doughty, Camelamos Naquerar by José Heredia Maya, Goddamn Gypsy by Ronald Lee, and Dites-le avec des pleurs by Mateo Maximoff) shaping a transnational/diasporic literary production. Departing from the existence of a common Romani ethos, the analysis focuses on how these literary works shape a transnational/diasporic literature by representing the specificities of the Romani history —in particular the recollection of traumatic collective experiences— through a number of narrative strategies, such as self-representation or the depiction of cultural memory.

Research paper thumbnail of The Emergence of the Hispano-Romani Literature: Memory and Cultural Identity


We are currently witnessing a shift in the way in which Roma are participating in Hispanic litera... more We are currently witnessing a shift in the way in which Roma are participating in Hispanic literature. On the one hand, they are no longer objects of representation, but subjects and agents themselves. The representation of the Romani subject is legitimated in recent literary works by the fact that is enunciated from the very experience of being Rom, contesting any previous hegemonic representations. This new narrative emerges from Romani subjectivities and experiences, providing new perspectives on their identity. At the same time, these texts develop an ethnic discourse that considers issues related to their history, collective memory, rights and culture. Therefore, what I argue is that the emergence of the Hispano-Romani written literature is part of the ethno-political Romani movement, and contributes to the on-going formation of ethnicity, which adjusts and changes over time.

Research paper thumbnail of Literatura romaní en Argentina

Perspectivas multidisciplinarias sobre la Argentina contemporánea , 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Son ilusiones: identidad cultural en la periferia urbana española desde Los Chichos hasta Estopa.

Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación, Vol. XXIV, 105–121 ISSN 1697-7750 · e-ISSN 2340-4981, 2020

RESUMEN: La producción cultural de la clase obrera española ha recibido escaso reconocimiento his... more RESUMEN: La producción cultural de la clase obrera española ha recibido escaso reconocimiento histórico en España, país que presenta un modelo social que liga las prácticas artísticas a las clases media y alta. A partir de 2011, tras el movimiento político 15M, la crítica ha iniciado un tímido proceso de recuperación y revalorización de prácticas culturales que han sido consideradas de mal gusto o marginales en virtud del origen social de sus artífices y de su audiencia. La rumba suburbana de Los Chichos y Estopa es un ejemplo de cómo prácticas musicales de gran impacto y repercusión social han quedado relegadas en la reconstrucción de la memoria cultural e histórica de la España postfranquista. Este artículo documenta la falta de reconocimiento que la rumba suburbana ha recibido para reflexionar después, a través del análisis de la letra de temas representativos de los grupos antes mencionados, sobre el imaginario y la experiencia de la clase obrera.
ABSTRACT: The working-class cultural production has received little recognition in Spain, whose society places artistic practices in the domain of the middle and upper classes. After the 15M movement in 2011, cultural criticism has slowly started to retrace and value practices that had been previously considered tacky or marginal due to their blue-collar origins and audience. The suburban rumba of Los Chichos and Estopa is a clear example of how musical practices of extensive social impact have been left out of the historic and cultural reconstruction in post-Franco Spain. In this article we document the lack of recognition that suburban rumba has endured in order to analyse, through representative lyrics of the two abovementioned groups, how it represents the working-class values and experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Nuevas Cartografías urbanas de la narrativa afrocubana

Afro-Hispanic Review 33: 2. 71-86, 2014

Análisis de la representación del espacio urbano en la obra de autores afro-cubanos.

Research paper thumbnail of Género y "racialidad" en la esfera pública: del asociacionismo  a la producción cultural en el Caribe insular hispano"

Canadian Journal of Latin American & Caribbean Studies, 2014

Análisis de las asociaciones civiles de representación y de la producción cultural de mujeres afr... more Análisis de las asociaciones civiles de representación y de la producción cultural de mujeres afro-descendientes en Cuba, Puerto Rico y República Dominicana.

Research paper thumbnail of Las revistas culturales como agente transnacional de campo cultural cubano del siglo XXI

Research paper thumbnail of Violencia de género en la narrativa cubana contemporánea: deseo femenino y masculinidad hegemónica

Research paper thumbnail of Nomadism as Ancestral Homeland in the Romani Culture

Discrimination, 2023

Nomadism is perceived as an essential trait of the Romani ethnic identity, both inside and outsid... more Nomadism is perceived as an essential trait of the Romani ethnic identity, both inside and outside the Romani communities. This paper explores the meaning of nomadism in the Romani culture by considering how this practice has been represented in the sociocultural imaginary. In particular, the paper analyzes the depiction of nomadism in the ethnopolitical discourse and the literary field, both in oral tradition and in written texts. The analysis examines works authored by representative Romani writers, such as Bronislawa Wajs "Papusza", Mateo Maximoff, Menyhért Lakatos or José Heredia Maya, among others. Finally, the paper considers how in the literary text, the image of nomadism is produced and consumed as a mark of ethnic authenticity.

Research paper thumbnail of Haití como heterotopía en la obra de Mayra Montero

Estudios dedicados a Juan C. Godenzzi, Enrique Pato (ed:) Ottawa: Lugar Común., 2022

Análisis de la compleja representación que de Haití hace Mayra Montero en su obra utilizando el c... more Análisis de la compleja representación que de Haití hace Mayra Montero en su obra utilizando el concepto de "heterotopía" formulado por M. Foucault.

Research paper thumbnail of The Romani Ethos: A Transnational Approach to Romani Literature

Ana Belén Martín Sevillano received her BA and PhD in Hispanic Philology from Universidad Complut... more Ana Belén Martín Sevillano received her BA and PhD in Hispanic Philology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, specializing in Latin American Literature and Culture. Her research focuses on issues related to diaspora, “race”/ethnicity, and gender in Spain and Latin America. In 2014 she received an endowment from the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to work on her project The Emergence of the Hispano-Romani Literature: The Writing of Ethnicity, Diaspora and Citizenship.

Research paper thumbnail of De Virgilio Piñera a Reinaldo Arenas: homosexualidad o disidencia


Research paper thumbnail of Cuento cubano actual (1985-2000)

Estudio del cuento cubano escrito por los Novisimos narradores (nacidos entre 1959 y 1970). La me... more Estudio del cuento cubano escrito por los Novisimos narradores (nacidos entre 1959 y 1970). La metodologia utilizada procede de los estudios sociologicos y culturales de Pierre Bourdieu, Mijail Bajtin y otros teoricos afines. La Tesis consta de los siguientes capitulos: 1,- Introduccion y deslindes metodologicos: definicion de los conceptos y terminologia utilizados. 2,- Contexto historico-social: a la luz de las teorias de Bourdieu se identifican los hechos historicos que marcaron la promocion estudiada. Asimismo se hace un estudio del campo cultural. 3,- Artes plasticas: analisis de los artistas plasticos y obras coetaneos a los Novisimos para mostrar las analogias y la unidad de vision del mundo. 4,- Cuento cubano: capitulo central de la Tesis que consta de los siguientes apartados: * Analisis del campo cultura en el que se insertan y desarrollan los escritores estudiados. * Estudio de la obra de los autores mas representativos. * Taxonomia del corpus estudiado atendiendo a las t...

Research paper thumbnail of From Domestic to Statist Violence

Research paper thumbnail of El ser de la nada, el proyecto literario de Macedonio Fernández

Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 1997

Acercarse a la obra de Macedonio Fernández depara siempre cierta sorpresa que, una vez franqueada... more Acercarse a la obra de Macedonio Fernández depara siempre cierta sorpresa que, una vez franqueada, da paso a un espacio textual muy sugerente y extremadamente divertido. Su figura se presenta como un caso curioso de las letras argentinas e hispanoamericanas ya que, ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Artwork of Clara Morera: Afro-Cuban Religious Legacy with a Twist

Research paper thumbnail of A Revolution in Pink: Cuban Queer Literature Inside and Outside the Island

Hispanic Caribbean Literature of Migration, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Neorrealismo y joven literatura urbana. España-Cuba: dos marcos comparados

Antagonia Cuadernos De La Fundacion Luis Goytisolo, 2001

Research paper thumbnail of Algunos aspectos del cuento de los Novísimos narradores cubanos

Anales De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 2002

Research paper thumbnail of Crisscrossing Gender, Ethnicity, and Race: African Religious Legacy in Cuban Contemporary Women's Art

Research paper thumbnail of The Romani Ethos: A Transnational Approach to Romani Literature

Critical Romani Studies, 2020

In the context of the sociopolitical articulation of the Romani diaspora, this paper explores how... more In the context of the sociopolitical articulation of the Romani diaspora, this paper explores how its narrative is supported in four literary works written in different languages and national settings (Fires in the dark by Louise Doughty, Camelamos Naquerar by José Heredia Maya, Goddamn Gypsy by Ronald Lee, and Dites-le avec des pleurs by Mateo Maximoff) shaping a transnational/diasporic literary production. Departing from the existence of a common Romani ethos, the analysis focuses on how these literary works shape a transnational/diasporic literature by representing the specificities of the Romani history —in particular the recollection of traumatic collective experiences— through a number of narrative strategies, such as self-representation or the depiction of cultural memory.

Research paper thumbnail of The Emergence of the Hispano-Romani Literature: Memory and Cultural Identity


We are currently witnessing a shift in the way in which Roma are participating in Hispanic litera... more We are currently witnessing a shift in the way in which Roma are participating in Hispanic literature. On the one hand, they are no longer objects of representation, but subjects and agents themselves. The representation of the Romani subject is legitimated in recent literary works by the fact that is enunciated from the very experience of being Rom, contesting any previous hegemonic representations. This new narrative emerges from Romani subjectivities and experiences, providing new perspectives on their identity. At the same time, these texts develop an ethnic discourse that considers issues related to their history, collective memory, rights and culture. Therefore, what I argue is that the emergence of the Hispano-Romani written literature is part of the ethno-political Romani movement, and contributes to the on-going formation of ethnicity, which adjusts and changes over time.

Research paper thumbnail of Literatura romaní en Argentina

Perspectivas multidisciplinarias sobre la Argentina contemporánea , 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Son ilusiones: identidad cultural en la periferia urbana española desde Los Chichos hasta Estopa.

Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación, Vol. XXIV, 105–121 ISSN 1697-7750 · e-ISSN 2340-4981, 2020

RESUMEN: La producción cultural de la clase obrera española ha recibido escaso reconocimiento his... more RESUMEN: La producción cultural de la clase obrera española ha recibido escaso reconocimiento histórico en España, país que presenta un modelo social que liga las prácticas artísticas a las clases media y alta. A partir de 2011, tras el movimiento político 15M, la crítica ha iniciado un tímido proceso de recuperación y revalorización de prácticas culturales que han sido consideradas de mal gusto o marginales en virtud del origen social de sus artífices y de su audiencia. La rumba suburbana de Los Chichos y Estopa es un ejemplo de cómo prácticas musicales de gran impacto y repercusión social han quedado relegadas en la reconstrucción de la memoria cultural e histórica de la España postfranquista. Este artículo documenta la falta de reconocimiento que la rumba suburbana ha recibido para reflexionar después, a través del análisis de la letra de temas representativos de los grupos antes mencionados, sobre el imaginario y la experiencia de la clase obrera.
ABSTRACT: The working-class cultural production has received little recognition in Spain, whose society places artistic practices in the domain of the middle and upper classes. After the 15M movement in 2011, cultural criticism has slowly started to retrace and value practices that had been previously considered tacky or marginal due to their blue-collar origins and audience. The suburban rumba of Los Chichos and Estopa is a clear example of how musical practices of extensive social impact have been left out of the historic and cultural reconstruction in post-Franco Spain. In this article we document the lack of recognition that suburban rumba has endured in order to analyse, through representative lyrics of the two abovementioned groups, how it represents the working-class values and experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Nuevas Cartografías urbanas de la narrativa afrocubana

Afro-Hispanic Review 33: 2. 71-86, 2014

Análisis de la representación del espacio urbano en la obra de autores afro-cubanos.

Research paper thumbnail of Género y "racialidad" en la esfera pública: del asociacionismo  a la producción cultural en el Caribe insular hispano"

Canadian Journal of Latin American & Caribbean Studies, 2014

Análisis de las asociaciones civiles de representación y de la producción cultural de mujeres afr... more Análisis de las asociaciones civiles de representación y de la producción cultural de mujeres afro-descendientes en Cuba, Puerto Rico y República Dominicana.

Research paper thumbnail of Las revistas culturales como agente transnacional de campo cultural cubano del siglo XXI

Research paper thumbnail of Violencia de género en la narrativa cubana contemporánea: deseo femenino y masculinidad hegemónica