Bernard Charlin | Université de Montréal (original) (raw)

Papers by Bernard Charlin

Research paper thumbnail of Example-based learning: comparing the effects of additionally providing three different integrative learning activities on physiotherapy intervention knowledge

BMC medical education, Jan 7, 2015

Example-based learning using worked examples can foster clinical reasoning. Worked examples are i... more Example-based learning using worked examples can foster clinical reasoning. Worked examples are instructional tools that learners can use to study the steps needed to solve a problem. Studying worked examples paired with completion examples promotes acquisition of problem-solving skills more than studying worked examples alone. Completion examples are worked examples in which some of the solution steps remain unsolved for learners to complete. Providing learners engaged in example-based learning with self-explanation prompts has been shown to foster increased meaningful learning compared to providing no self-explanation prompts. Concept mapping and concept map study are other instructional activities known to promote meaningful learning. This study compares the effects of self-explaining, completing a concept map and studying a concept map on conceptual knowledge and problem-solving skills among novice learners engaged in example-based learning. Ninety-one physiotherapy students wer...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Script Concordance Test as a Measure of Clinical Reasoning Skills in Geriatric Urinary Incontinence

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Scripts and clinical reasoning

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Research paper thumbnail of Is the script concordance test a valid instrument for assessment of intraoperative decision-making skills?

Background: Intraoperative decision making,requires both knowledge,and experience. The script con... more Background: Intraoperative decision making,requires both knowledge,and experience. The script con- cordance test (SCT), based on cognitive psychology script theory, is a new tool of clinical-reasoning assessment that may,be used to evaluate a candidate’s approach to ill-defined problems,encountered in the operating room. Methods: To develop and validate an SCT for assessment of intraoperative decision making. One hundred questions were prepared

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Research paper thumbnail of The many faces of problem-based learning: a framework for understanding and comparison

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Research paper thumbnail of Le test de concordance de script, un instrument d’évaluation du raisonnement clinique

Pédagogie médicale, 2002

Résumé Contexte: La capacité à résoudre des problèmes cliniques mal définis caractérise les médec... more Résumé Contexte: La capacité à résoudre des problèmes cliniques mal définis caractérise les médecins expérimentés et compétents. En matière d'évaluation, les modalités actuelles exigent un consensus entre les membres du jury sur la bonne réponse, or les médecins ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyse des impacts des technologies de l’information et de la communication sur l’enseignement et la pratique de la médecine

Pédagogie Médicale, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Le feedback (ou rétro-action) : un élément essentiel de l’intervention pédagogique en milieu clinique

Pédagogie médicale, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Le test de concordance de script (TCS) comme outil d’évaluation formative des internes en neurochirurgie : implantation du test sur Internet à l’échelle nationale

Pédagogie médicale, 2004

... 31400 To ulouse *** URDESS, université de Montréal, faculté de médecine, CP 6128 succursale c... more ... 31400 To ulouse *** URDESS, université de Montréal, faculté de médecine, CP 6128 succursale centre-ville, Montréal, Québec, Canada H3C 3J7 **** DCAM, université Victor Segalen Bordeaux II ... Il peut sélectionner les unités selon différents critères ou de façon al é atoi re. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of In reply

Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Élaboration et validation d’un test de concordance de script pour évaluer le raisonnement clinique des infirmières en contexte de détérioration de la condition clinique

Pédagogie Médicale, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Le raisonnement clinique: données issues de la recherche et implications pour l’enseignement

Pédagogie médicale, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of The Script Concordance Test: a new tool assessing clinical judgement in neurology

The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques, 2009

Clinical judgment, the ability to make appropriate decisions in uncertain situations, is central ... more Clinical judgment, the ability to make appropriate decisions in uncertain situations, is central to neurological practice, but objective measures of clinical judgment in neurology trainees are lacking. The Script Concordance Test (SCT), based on script theory from cognitive psychology, uses authentic clinical scenarios to compare a trainee's judgment skills with those of experts. The SCT has been validated in several medical disciplines, but has not been investigated in neurology. We developed an Internet-based neurology SCT (NSCT) comprising 24 clinical scenarios with three to four questions each. The scenarios were designed to reflect the uncertainty of real-life clinical encounters in adult neurology. The questions explored aspects of the scenario in which several responses might be acceptable; trainees were asked to judge which response they considered to be best. Forty-one PGY1-PGY5 neurology residents and eight medical students from three North American neurology programs ...

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Research paper thumbnail of How and when do expert emergency physicians generate and evaluate diagnostic hypotheses? A qualitative study using head-mounted video cued-recall interviews

Annals of emergency medicine, 2014

The ability to make a diagnosis is a crucial skill in emergency medicine. Little is known about t... more The ability to make a diagnosis is a crucial skill in emergency medicine. Little is known about the way emergency physicians reach a diagnosis. This study aims to identify how and when, during the initial patient examination, emergency physicians generate and evaluate diagnostic hypotheses. We carried out a qualitative research project based on semistructured interviews with emergency physicians. The interviews concerned management of an emergency situation during routine medical practice. They were associated with viewing the video recording of emergency situations filmed in an "own-point-of-view" perspective. The emergency physicians generated an average of 5 diagnostic hypotheses. Most of these hypotheses were generated before meeting the patient or within the first 5 minutes of the meeting. The hypotheses were then rank ordered within the context of a verification procedure based on identifying key information. These tasks were usually accomplished without conscious ef...

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Research paper thumbnail of How to construct and implement script concordance tests: insights from a systematic review

Medical education, 2012

Programmes of assessment should measure the various components of clinical competence. Clinical r... more Programmes of assessment should measure the various components of clinical competence. Clinical reasoning has been traditionally assessed using written tests and performance-based tests. The script concordance test (SCT) was developed to assess clinical data interpretation skills. A recent review of the literature examined the validity argument concerning the SCT. Our aim was to provide potential users with evidence-based recommendations on how to construct and implement an SCT. A systematic review of relevant databases (MEDLINE, ERIC [Education Resources Information Centre], PsycINFO, the Research and Development Resource Base [RDRB, University of Toronto]) and Google Scholar, medical education journals and conference proceedings was conducted for references in English or French. It was supplemented by ancestry searching and by additional references provided by experts. The search yielded 848 references, of which 80 were analysed. Studies suggest that tests with around 100 items (2...

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Changing the teaching of neurosurgery with information technology]](

Presse médicale (Paris, France : 1983), 2009

A digital campus is a distance learning site that uses the potential of information and communica... more A digital campus is a distance learning site that uses the potential of information and communication technologies to disseminate and improve educational services. This website, with open and free access, is built from free software with Web 2.0 technology. It is hosted at the University of Limoges. It functions as a digital library, containing scanned books, slide shows, more than 200 hours of recorded courses and round tables accessible by streaming video. The site is indexed according to the users' needs, by level of knowledge, specialty, keywords, and supplementary MeSH terms. The campus is organized as the College of Neurosurgery ( The durability of this type of training (in existence for 9 years now) is made possible by a powerful and committed consortium: the French Society of Neurosurgery, which has created high-quality intellectual and scientific resources, the University of Limoges, the Dupuytren University Hospital Center in Limoges, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact du panel de référence sur les qualités psychométriques d’un test de concordance de script développé en formation initiale des sages-femmes

Pédagogie Médicale, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Étude exploratoire des perceptions et pratiques de médecins cliniciens enseignants engagés dans une démarche de diagnostic et de remédiation des lacunes du raisonnement clinique

Pédagogie Médicale, 2011

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Evaluation of clinical competence in urology: innovative approach based on performance observation]](

Progrès en urologie : journal de l'Association française d'urologie et de la Société française d'urologie, 1997

The authors present a pilot project for the evaluation of clinical skills in urology using a meth... more The authors present a pilot project for the evaluation of clinical skills in urology using a method of evaluation based on observation of real performance. An objective and structured clinical examination (OSCE) applied to urology was developed according to a precise predetermined design: 1) Identification of the objectives to be evaluated. 2) Choice of sampling of clinical situations representative of routine urological practice. 3) Construction, on the basis of these cases, of physician-patient interaction stations and question stations, with, for each case, weighting of objectives, construction of observation grids and writing of instructions for candidates, simulated patients and observers. An OSCE circuit of 10 clinical cases and 16 stations was constructed. The main poles of activity and urological settings were represented. Objective complementary investigations, diagnosis and treatment received the highest weightings. The reliability coefficient, the content validity and the...

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Where are we? Does current nurse training allow nurses to adequately evaluate physical and mental health?]](

Perspective infirmière: revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec

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Research paper thumbnail of Example-based learning: comparing the effects of additionally providing three different integrative learning activities on physiotherapy intervention knowledge

BMC medical education, Jan 7, 2015

Example-based learning using worked examples can foster clinical reasoning. Worked examples are i... more Example-based learning using worked examples can foster clinical reasoning. Worked examples are instructional tools that learners can use to study the steps needed to solve a problem. Studying worked examples paired with completion examples promotes acquisition of problem-solving skills more than studying worked examples alone. Completion examples are worked examples in which some of the solution steps remain unsolved for learners to complete. Providing learners engaged in example-based learning with self-explanation prompts has been shown to foster increased meaningful learning compared to providing no self-explanation prompts. Concept mapping and concept map study are other instructional activities known to promote meaningful learning. This study compares the effects of self-explaining, completing a concept map and studying a concept map on conceptual knowledge and problem-solving skills among novice learners engaged in example-based learning. Ninety-one physiotherapy students wer...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Script Concordance Test as a Measure of Clinical Reasoning Skills in Geriatric Urinary Incontinence

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Scripts and clinical reasoning

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Research paper thumbnail of Is the script concordance test a valid instrument for assessment of intraoperative decision-making skills?

Background: Intraoperative decision making,requires both knowledge,and experience. The script con... more Background: Intraoperative decision making,requires both knowledge,and experience. The script con- cordance test (SCT), based on cognitive psychology script theory, is a new tool of clinical-reasoning assessment that may,be used to evaluate a candidate’s approach to ill-defined problems,encountered in the operating room. Methods: To develop and validate an SCT for assessment of intraoperative decision making. One hundred questions were prepared

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Research paper thumbnail of The many faces of problem-based learning: a framework for understanding and comparison

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Research paper thumbnail of Le test de concordance de script, un instrument d’évaluation du raisonnement clinique

Pédagogie médicale, 2002

Résumé Contexte: La capacité à résoudre des problèmes cliniques mal définis caractérise les médec... more Résumé Contexte: La capacité à résoudre des problèmes cliniques mal définis caractérise les médecins expérimentés et compétents. En matière d'évaluation, les modalités actuelles exigent un consensus entre les membres du jury sur la bonne réponse, or les médecins ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyse des impacts des technologies de l’information et de la communication sur l’enseignement et la pratique de la médecine

Pédagogie Médicale, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Le feedback (ou rétro-action) : un élément essentiel de l’intervention pédagogique en milieu clinique

Pédagogie médicale, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Le test de concordance de script (TCS) comme outil d’évaluation formative des internes en neurochirurgie : implantation du test sur Internet à l’échelle nationale

Pédagogie médicale, 2004

... 31400 To ulouse *** URDESS, université de Montréal, faculté de médecine, CP 6128 succursale c... more ... 31400 To ulouse *** URDESS, université de Montréal, faculté de médecine, CP 6128 succursale centre-ville, Montréal, Québec, Canada H3C 3J7 **** DCAM, université Victor Segalen Bordeaux II ... Il peut sélectionner les unités selon différents critères ou de façon al é atoi re. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of In reply

Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Élaboration et validation d’un test de concordance de script pour évaluer le raisonnement clinique des infirmières en contexte de détérioration de la condition clinique

Pédagogie Médicale, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Le raisonnement clinique: données issues de la recherche et implications pour l’enseignement

Pédagogie médicale, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of The Script Concordance Test: a new tool assessing clinical judgement in neurology

The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques, 2009

Clinical judgment, the ability to make appropriate decisions in uncertain situations, is central ... more Clinical judgment, the ability to make appropriate decisions in uncertain situations, is central to neurological practice, but objective measures of clinical judgment in neurology trainees are lacking. The Script Concordance Test (SCT), based on script theory from cognitive psychology, uses authentic clinical scenarios to compare a trainee's judgment skills with those of experts. The SCT has been validated in several medical disciplines, but has not been investigated in neurology. We developed an Internet-based neurology SCT (NSCT) comprising 24 clinical scenarios with three to four questions each. The scenarios were designed to reflect the uncertainty of real-life clinical encounters in adult neurology. The questions explored aspects of the scenario in which several responses might be acceptable; trainees were asked to judge which response they considered to be best. Forty-one PGY1-PGY5 neurology residents and eight medical students from three North American neurology programs ...

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Research paper thumbnail of How and when do expert emergency physicians generate and evaluate diagnostic hypotheses? A qualitative study using head-mounted video cued-recall interviews

Annals of emergency medicine, 2014

The ability to make a diagnosis is a crucial skill in emergency medicine. Little is known about t... more The ability to make a diagnosis is a crucial skill in emergency medicine. Little is known about the way emergency physicians reach a diagnosis. This study aims to identify how and when, during the initial patient examination, emergency physicians generate and evaluate diagnostic hypotheses. We carried out a qualitative research project based on semistructured interviews with emergency physicians. The interviews concerned management of an emergency situation during routine medical practice. They were associated with viewing the video recording of emergency situations filmed in an "own-point-of-view" perspective. The emergency physicians generated an average of 5 diagnostic hypotheses. Most of these hypotheses were generated before meeting the patient or within the first 5 minutes of the meeting. The hypotheses were then rank ordered within the context of a verification procedure based on identifying key information. These tasks were usually accomplished without conscious ef...

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Research paper thumbnail of How to construct and implement script concordance tests: insights from a systematic review

Medical education, 2012

Programmes of assessment should measure the various components of clinical competence. Clinical r... more Programmes of assessment should measure the various components of clinical competence. Clinical reasoning has been traditionally assessed using written tests and performance-based tests. The script concordance test (SCT) was developed to assess clinical data interpretation skills. A recent review of the literature examined the validity argument concerning the SCT. Our aim was to provide potential users with evidence-based recommendations on how to construct and implement an SCT. A systematic review of relevant databases (MEDLINE, ERIC [Education Resources Information Centre], PsycINFO, the Research and Development Resource Base [RDRB, University of Toronto]) and Google Scholar, medical education journals and conference proceedings was conducted for references in English or French. It was supplemented by ancestry searching and by additional references provided by experts. The search yielded 848 references, of which 80 were analysed. Studies suggest that tests with around 100 items (2...

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Changing the teaching of neurosurgery with information technology]](

Presse médicale (Paris, France : 1983), 2009

A digital campus is a distance learning site that uses the potential of information and communica... more A digital campus is a distance learning site that uses the potential of information and communication technologies to disseminate and improve educational services. This website, with open and free access, is built from free software with Web 2.0 technology. It is hosted at the University of Limoges. It functions as a digital library, containing scanned books, slide shows, more than 200 hours of recorded courses and round tables accessible by streaming video. The site is indexed according to the users' needs, by level of knowledge, specialty, keywords, and supplementary MeSH terms. The campus is organized as the College of Neurosurgery ( The durability of this type of training (in existence for 9 years now) is made possible by a powerful and committed consortium: the French Society of Neurosurgery, which has created high-quality intellectual and scientific resources, the University of Limoges, the Dupuytren University Hospital Center in Limoges, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact du panel de référence sur les qualités psychométriques d’un test de concordance de script développé en formation initiale des sages-femmes

Pédagogie Médicale, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Étude exploratoire des perceptions et pratiques de médecins cliniciens enseignants engagés dans une démarche de diagnostic et de remédiation des lacunes du raisonnement clinique

Pédagogie Médicale, 2011

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Evaluation of clinical competence in urology: innovative approach based on performance observation]](

Progrès en urologie : journal de l'Association française d'urologie et de la Société française d'urologie, 1997

The authors present a pilot project for the evaluation of clinical skills in urology using a meth... more The authors present a pilot project for the evaluation of clinical skills in urology using a method of evaluation based on observation of real performance. An objective and structured clinical examination (OSCE) applied to urology was developed according to a precise predetermined design: 1) Identification of the objectives to be evaluated. 2) Choice of sampling of clinical situations representative of routine urological practice. 3) Construction, on the basis of these cases, of physician-patient interaction stations and question stations, with, for each case, weighting of objectives, construction of observation grids and writing of instructions for candidates, simulated patients and observers. An OSCE circuit of 10 clinical cases and 16 stations was constructed. The main poles of activity and urological settings were represented. Objective complementary investigations, diagnosis and treatment received the highest weightings. The reliability coefficient, the content validity and the...

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Where are we? Does current nurse training allow nurses to adequately evaluate physical and mental health?]](

Perspective infirmière: revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec

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