Ida Saidi | Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (original) (raw)

Papers by Ida Saidi

Research paper thumbnail of Uses of palmyra palmplant parts in three regions of East Java, Indonesia

African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development

Palmyra palm (BorassusflabelliferL.), is one of the palm trees highly associated with farmers in ... more Palmyra palm (BorassusflabelliferL.), is one of the palm trees highly associated with farmers in agro-forestry system in Indonesia. About 28,068 farmers cultivated 9,355 hectares of palmyra palm in East Java, Indonesia. Two regions which have highest palmyra palm in East Java are Sumenep in Madura islands and Tuban in East java mainland with production areas of about 5,535.70and 1,832.45 hectares respectively. Pasuruan has special and well-known fresh palmyra palm sap, but there is scarcity of data on the number of plants or areas planted. However, development of industries at the area has displaced a large number of palmyras due to land use change.Field surveys were carried out at Gunungsari village, Beji district in Pasuruan, a single village of palmyra in Pasuruan; in the districtsofSemanding and Palang in Tuban, and three districts,Pragaan, Lenteng, and Dungkek in Sumenep. One or two villages in Tuban and Sumenep were selected based on information from local official governments...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Women in Increasing the Added Value of Cashew Agroindustry (Anacardium occidentale L.) (Gender Analysis in Cashew Agroindustry In Mojokerto – East Java)

NABATIA (Sidoarjo), Jun 28, 2010

Aim of this research were to analyze added value of cashew agroindustry and to identiy and map wo... more Aim of this research were to analyze added value of cashew agroindustry and to identiy and map women strength and weakness in every step, pre production; production; and post production in cashew agroindustry system in Mojokerto regency. The research was carried out since Apri unti October 2007. Research location in Ngoro district was determined based on highest Location Potential index. Among 6 (six) villages have cashew potency, Wonosari village was determined as sample location, as it has greatest number of home agroindustries. Samples of this research was made by census. Data was analyzed by agroindustry added value analyzes and strength and weakness analyzes by Matrics of Disagregated Capacities and Vulnerabilities. Result of the research showed that cashew agroindustry gives added value per 1 kg cashew nut by 22,22 %, which is 40 % as labour share, and 60 % as profit. Women and men take parts in pre production, production, and post production, with greater women participation. Women weakness in agroindustry comprises of capital and information acces; working hours that is often disturbed by domestic activity; and afraid to expand the business. Within production inputs as nowadays condition, there is no tendency of women marginalization.

Research paper thumbnail of Sensory Properties of Mustard Greens Crackers (Brassica juncea L.)

Procedia of Engineering and Life Science

The purpose of the study was to determine the sensory properties of crackers by the addition of g... more The purpose of the study was to determine the sensory properties of crackers by the addition of green mustard flour or green mustard paste. This research was experimental research single factor used Randomized Block Design. This treatment was the ratio of addition of green mustard flour or green mustard paste namely K0 (without the addition of green mustard flour or green mustard paste), K1 (1% green mustard flour), K2 (2% green mustard flour), K3 (3% green mustard flour), K4 (4% green mustard flour), K5 (5% green mustard flour), K6 (10% green mustard paste), K7 (15% green mustard paste), K8 (20% green mustard paste), K9 (25% green mustard paste) and K10 (30% green mustard paste). The data were analyzed using the Friedman test. The results showed that the addition of green mustard flour or green mustard paste has a significant effect on the hedonic test of color, aroma, taste, and texture of mustard crackers.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Old Roasting and Long Immersion on the Quality of Brown Rice Flour (Oryza nivara)

Journal of Tropical Food and Agroindustrial Technology, 2022

This study aims to find out the influence of long immersion and long roasting on the quality of b... more This study aims to find out the influence of long immersion and long roasting on the quality of brown rice flour. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Product Development and Food Analysis of the Food Technology Program of the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo from September to November 2021 using a random design of factorial groups. The first factor is the length of immersion consisting of three levels, namely 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, while the second factor is the roasting length of 20 minutes and 30 minutes. Statistical analysis using ANOVA and further tests using BNJ test 5%. Then for organoleptic tests analyzed using the Friedman test. The results showed there was an interaction between the length of immersion and the length of roasting of water content, coarse fiber content, and fat content but did not affect ash content. The best treatment is brown rice flour with a long treatment of 1 hour immersion and a 40-minute roasting ...

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of Dry Carrot Noodle (Daucus carota L) with Proportion of Wheat Flour and White Oyster Mushroom Flour (Pleurotus ostreatus)

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

Dry noodles are food processed products made from wheat flour with or without the addition of oth... more Dry noodles are food processed products made from wheat flour with or without the addition of other food ingredients with a moisture content of around 8 to 10%, this product is very popular with the public. This study studied the effect of the proportion of white oyster mushroom flour with wheat flour on the characteristics of dry carrot noodles. The proportions given include; 100% wheat flour, 20% mushroom flour with 80% wheat flour, 40% mushroom flour with 60% flour, 60% mushroom flour with 40% wheat flour, 80% mushroom flour with 20% wheat flour, and the proportion of mushroom flour 100 %. The experimental design used a single randomized block design, then statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA and further test of BNJ 5%. The results showed that the proportion of mushroom flour with wheat flour had a very significant effect on cooking loss, physical color redness, moisture content, protein content and color sensory tests, aroma, texture, and taste on dry carrot noodles. A...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Resiko Pada Rantai Pasok

Makanan mempunyai peran penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Tetapi, dalam proses penyediaannya terdap... more Makanan mempunyai peran penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Tetapi, dalam proses penyediaannya terdapat resiko adanya kontaminasi dari unsur lain yang mengakibatkan makanan tidak layak dikonsumsi. untuk itu, buku ini disusun untuk memperkenalkan kepada pembaca tentang resiko-resiko yang melekat dalam proses penyediaan makanan dari bahan baku sampai ditangan konsumen ( rantai pasok)

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kapasitas Entrepreneurship Melalui Pelatihan dan Magang Bagi Tenant di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2016

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo is one university located in Sidoarjo from year to year working... more Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo is one university located in Sidoarjo from year to year working to improve its quality. During this time centered on the entrepreneurial activities of SMEs entrepreneurial student affairs, but in an increase in the capacity to be entrepreneurial is not optimal. The purpose of science and technology program for Entrepreneurship (IBK) at the University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA), namely the establishment of new independent entrepreneurs tenacious, resilient, creative and able to provide innovation into market demand. With the IBK this program, students are expected to be part of society that can create jobs, reduces unemployment and become change agents of social life that is more powerful and useful. Method approach entrepreneurship capacity building program is using PALS (Participatory Action Learning System). So that the target output of this activity is the training to increase the capacity of tenants (students) in biddng kewirauahaan and t...

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Snakehead Fish (Channa Striata) Bekasam Fermented in Various Media and Salt Concentration

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

Indonesia is a country which is rich in fish result. As a source of high protein, fish are best m... more Indonesia is a country which is rich in fish result. As a source of high protein, fish are best medium microbial growth, and this makes them fast deteriorate. Bekasam is fish fermentation product using high salt levels made by inhabitants in Kalimantan, Indonesia, in their effort to extend fish shelf life. Snakehead fish is commonly used for making bekasam as those fish are plentiful there. Fermentation of bekasam requires additional materials as a source of carbohydrates that may selected from rice, cassava, flour and others which will effect bekasam quality. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of salt concentration and fermentation media on quality of snakehead fish bekasam. There was interaction between both treatments in moisture content. The higher salt concentration, the lower moisture content in all media, but increasing in salt concentration until 30 %, also increased moisture in media combined with cassava and sweet potato, differed them with rice combined medium. Higher salt concentration decreased protein content but increased pH value. pH value was maybe related with total lactic bacteria which were increasing with higher salt concentration until 20 % and were decreasing in 30 %.

Research paper thumbnail of Indonesian consumer perception of food safety system in fish supply chain

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018

Fish is one form of alternative food because fish can replace the role of beef as a source of ani... more Fish is one form of alternative food because fish can replace the role of beef as a source of animal protein. Therefore, food safety in fish need to be applied because fish production environment is a potential source of danger for food, among others: pathogen, parasite, and chemical contaminant. This study aims to determine consumer perceptions of the importance of implementation of food security in the supply chain of fish. The data were collected through questionnaires distributed to 206 respondents. The questionnaire consists of two parts: (1) identities of respondents and (2) consumer perceptions of fish food safety. Data processing is done by using the distressed statistic, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that the food safety aspect of fish is important for consumers. Other food safety factors affecting consumers are certifications, location, distribution process and food additives. Based on calculation of mean value, it is known that the priority of food safety interest according to consumer perception is about the freshness attributes of fish, which is followed by hygiene of fish sellers, fish nutrition, types of fish, location of fish origin, Location of fish sales, the seller's understanding of the fish being sold, the type of transportation used for fish delivery.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tingkat Kepentingan Konsumen Terhadap Kriteria Keamanan Pangan Dalam Perspektif Rantai Pasok (Studi Kasus: Perusahaan Krupuk Udang)

Pemilihan makanan oleh konsumen didasarkan kriteria keamanan pangan. Untuk itu, dalam penyediaann... more Pemilihan makanan oleh konsumen didasarkan kriteria keamanan pangan. Untuk itu, dalam penyediaannya, perusahaan perlu memperhatikan kriteria keamanan pangan agar produk yang dihasilkan dapat diterima konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui tingkat kepentingan menurut sudut pandang konsumen di setiap sub kriteria keamanan pangan dirantai pasok makanan. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan dengan observasi wawancara dan kuisioner pada 150 responden. Kriteria keamanan pangan terdiri dari rasa, kandungan gizi dan kemasan. Setiap kriteria mempunyai sub kriteria. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan statistik diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden setuju dan sangat setuju terhadap sub kriteria lemak, protein dan vitamin pada kriteria kandungan gizi. Responden mempunyai pendapat yang sama untuk sub kriteria warna, aroma, kerenyangan pada kriteria rasa dan sub kriteria informasi produk, logo halal, informasi BPOM RI pada kriteria kemasan.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of The Proportion of Broccoli with Papaya, Pineaple, and Jackfruit on The Quality of Vegetable Leather

Journal of Tropical Food and Agroindustrial Technology

The aims of this research to determine effect the proportion of broccoli, papaya, pineapple, and ... more The aims of this research to determine effect the proportion of broccoli, papaya, pineapple, and jackfruit on vegetable leather quality. This research was conducted in laboratory of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University from February until April 2019 was used Randomized Block Design single factor was proportion of broccoli: papaya (25%:75%), (50%:50%), (75%:25%), broccoli: pineapple (25%:75%), (50%:50%), (75%:25%), broccoli: jackfruit (25%:75%), (50%:50%), (75%:25%). Data was analyzed using analysis of variance (Anova) followed by BNJ 5%. The result showed the proportion of broccoli with papaya, pineapple, and jackfruit was significant affected on fiber content, water content, ash content, pH, yield, and color of vegetable leather. The best treatment was the proportion of broccoli with jackfruit (25%:75%) had fiber content 2,15%, water content 19,38%, ash content 1,17%, pH 4,63, color L*a*b 46,82*-5,08*9,84, yield 55,16% and hedonic test of color 5,43, aroma 4,93, texture 4,97, and taste...

Research paper thumbnail of Organoleptic Test of Green Mustard Leaf Flour (Brassica juncea) Due to Various Types of Preliminary Treatments

Procedia of Engineering and Life Science, 2021

This study aims to determine the effect of preliminary treatment on the quality of organoleptic g... more This study aims to determine the effect of preliminary treatment on the quality of organoleptic green mustard leaf flour.This research was conducted in the Laboratory of prodak development of Muhammadiyah University sidoarjo from February to April 2020 using descriptive methods. The experiment was compiled in a Complete Randomized Design with variations of preliminary treatment conducted ie without blanching (TPP), water blanching (PPR), water blanching with soaking salt solution 1% (PPRG 1), water blanching with soaking salt solution 2% (PPRG 2), water blansing by immersion of 0.1% na metabisulfite solution ((PPRN 1), water blanching by immersion of 0.2% na metabisulfite solution (PPRN 2), steam blanching (PPK) and microwave blanching (PPM). Based on organoleptic tests showed that the preliminary treatment had a noticeable different effect on color and aroma.The best treatment in the manufacture of mustard flour hijua with preliminary treatment is steam blansing that gives a normal...

Research paper thumbnail of Profil Pengadaan Bekatul Padi di Kabupaten Sidoarjo dan Sekitarnya

Bekatul merupakan hasil samping proses penggilingan padi yang memiliki prospek untuk dikembangkan... more Bekatul merupakan hasil samping proses penggilingan padi yang memiliki prospek untuk dikembangkan sebagai pangan, khususnya pangan fungsional. Kabupaten Sidoarjo berpotensi mengembangan makanan berbasis bekatul dilihat dari potensi daerah sebagai penghasil padi dan letaknya yang berdekatan dengan Surabaya sebagai ibu kota provinsi Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari profil pengadaan bekatul padi di kabupaten Sidoarjo dan sekitarnya, yakni Pasuruan dan Mojokerto. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, dilakukan dengan wawancara langsung dengan petani dan penyosohan beras mulai bulan Juni hingga bulan Juli 2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Potensi pengadaan bekatul di tiga kabupaten diperkirakan sebesar 93.184,64 – 116.480,8 ton (8 - 10% dari total gabah) per tahun 2) Jenis bekatul yang diperoleh berasal dari padi varietas IR 64, Ciherang, Serang dan jenis-jenis lain yang termasuk jenis unggul lokal dan nasional, 3)Suplai bekatul teruta...

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Wanita Dalam Meningkatkan Nilai Tambah Agroindustri Mete (Anacardium occidentale L.) (Analisis Jender Dalam Agroindustriaisasi Mete Di Mojokerto – Jawa Timur)

Aim of this research were to analyze added value of cashew agroindustry and to identiy and map wo... more Aim of this research were to analyze added value of cashew agroindustry and to identiy and map women strength and weakness in every step, pre production; production; and post production in cashew agroindustry system in Mojokerto regency. The research was carried out since Apri unti October 2007. Research location in Ngoro district was determined based on highest Location Potential index. Among 6 (six) villages have cashew potency, Wonosari village was determined as sample location, as it has greatest number of home agroindustries. Samples of this research was made by census. Data was analyzed by agroindustry added value analyzes and strength and weakness analyzes by Matrics of Disagregated Capacities and Vulnerabilities. Result of the research showed that cashew agroindustry gives added value per 1 kg cashew nut by 22,22 %, which is 40 % as labour share, and 60 % as profit. Women and men take parts in pre production, production, and post production, with greater women participation....

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Various Blansing Treatment and Drying Temperature on Organoleptic Characteristics of Mustard Leaf Stalk Flour (Brassica juncea)

Procedia of Engineering and Life Science, 2021

This study aims to determine the effect of blanching method and drying temperatures on organolept... more This study aims to determine the effect of blanching method and drying temperatures on organoleptik properties of mustard stalk flour. The study was conducted at the Development Product and Food Analysis Laboratory of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University from March to May 2020 used basic descriptive method. The sample used was mustard greens stalk. Various blanching method used without blanching, water blanching, steam blanching, and microwave blanching. Various temperature used cabinet drying at 55°C and 65 oC. The result showed there was different characteristic organoleptik of mustard stalk flour between blanching method and drying temperature. The best treatment was mustard stalk flour that used steam blanching and drying temperature 55 oC that show hedonic test of colour 3,47, texture 3,10, and aroma 2,43.

Research paper thumbnail of IbM Kelompok Petambak Tradisional Ikan Bandeng dalam Bentuk Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Berkualitas untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Petambak Pasca Terjadinya Lumpur Lapindo di Desa Banjarpanji Tanggulangin

Desa Banjar Panji Kecamatan Tanggulangin ini berada di pesisir pantai. Masalah yang dihadapi peta... more Desa Banjar Panji Kecamatan Tanggulangin ini berada di pesisir pantai. Masalah yang dihadapi petambak adalah sejak terjadinya bencana lumpur lapindo hasil panen tambaknya menurun yang berakibat menurunnya penghasilan petambak. Kandungan lumpur dan air luapan lumpur yang merembes ke sebagian areal pertambakan akan mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas air tambak yang berpengaruh pula terhadap hasil budidaya petani tambak. Kedua adalah bidang pemasaran bandeng. Permasalahan lainnya adalah lemahnya administrasi pembukuan dan manajemen keuangan yang dimiliki petani tambak. Petani tambak terkadang tidak melakukan pencatatan atas transaksi maupun pengeluaran yang dilakukan. Diperlukan suatu upaya yang nyata untuk memberika solusi atas permasalahan yang terjadi. Upaya yang dilakukan adalah memberikan pelatihan keterampilan kepada petani tambak dengan membuat diversifikasi olahan dari ikan bandeng yang berupa nugget, kerupuk kulit, duri dan dari kepala ikan, abon, sossis, tahu bakso dan bakso. U...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Various Comparison of the Proportions of Seaweed (Eucheuma spinosum) and Gelatin on the Characteristics of Roselle Jelly Candy (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)

Procedia of Engineering and Life Science, 2021

Rosela flower (H. sabdariffa L.) is one of the plants that has many health benefits, which contai... more Rosela flower (H. sabdariffa L.) is one of the plants that has many health benefits, which contain Vitamin C, Vitamin A, essential proteins, and 18 types of amino acids that aim to strengthen the body's immune system, treat diabetes, inhibit cancer cells and many more properties of this plant. Gelling agent commonly used to make jelly candy is gelatin, but in the application sometimes gelatin even makes the texture of jelly candy becomes very hard if the added concentration is not appropriate, besides the price of special gelatin food ( food grade) is still relatively expensive compared to other hydrocolloid materials. That's why it takes another gel shaper that can improve the quality of the texture of jelly candy and suppress the use of gelatin, one of which can be used seaweed (E. spinosum). The objective of this research was to find out the effect of various proportions of seaweed (E. spinosum) and gelatin on the characteristics of roselle jelly candy (H. sabdariffa L.)....

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Fermented Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomea batatas var. Ayamurasaki) (Tapai) in Various Yeast Concentration and Steaming Time

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

The aim of this work is to study the effect of yeast concentration and steaming time on the chara... more The aim of this work is to study the effect of yeast concentration and steaming time on the characteristics of fermented purple sweet potato (tapai). Experiment was conducted on completely randomized factorial design, with two treatments, namely yeast concentration (0.25%, 0.50%, and 0.75%) and steaming time (20 minutes, 30 minutes and 40 minutes). The measuring parameters was consisted physical properties (texture and color) and chemical proprerties (reducing sugar, ethanol content, total lactic acid, pH, and moisture content). The result show that yeast concentration treatment had a very significant effect on texture, total lactic acid, and pH. Steaming time had a very significant effect on texture, pH, and significantly affected the total lactic acid. In conclusions, the best treatment is obtained from the treatment of steaming time 30 minutes with 0.75 % yeast.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Manajemen Keuangan untuk Meningkatan Kemampuan Tenant dalam Mengelola Keuangan Usahanya pada Program Iptek bagi Kewirausahaan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Manajemen keuangan merupakan hal penting bagi suatu usaha. Namun pada umumnya beberapa usaha keci... more Manajemen keuangan merupakan hal penting bagi suatu usaha. Namun pada umumnya beberapa usaha kecil mengabaikan hal tersebut dan tak sedikit pelaku usaha kecil yang mencampur menjadi satu antara keuangan usaha dan keuangan pribadi. Sehingga, melalui adanya pelatihan manajemen keuangan pada program Iptek bagi Kewirausahaan (IbK) di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo ini, dapat meningkatkan kemampuan tenant yang terdiri dari mahasiswa yang mempunyai usaha dan pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) difabel mampu mengelola keuangan usahanya. Tujuan dari program ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam melakukan pengelolaan keuangan bagi usaha tenant. Metode pendekatan program IbK dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan tenant dalam mengelola keuangan usahanya adalah dengan metode PALS (Participatory Action Learning System). Pendekatan metode PALS menitik beratkan pada transformasi kegiatan yang telah ada diusahakan pada perubahan-perubahan ke arah perbaikan kondisi usaha te...


This study was to determine the proportion effect of different types of tubers flour and red bean... more This study was to determine the proportion effect of different types of tubers flour and red beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on the quality of artificial rice. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design (RBD) with treatment consisting mixture of cassava flour: red bean flour, sweet potato flour: red bean flour, cocoyam flour: red bean flour with composition of 100%: 0%, 85%: 15% and 70%: 30%, as well as paddy rice IR 64 as a control; with triplicate experiments then obtained 30 experimental unit. Measured variables were chemical analysis (amylose content and protein content), physical analysis (cooked rice, volume expansion and power rehydration) and organoleptic (color, aroma,flavor and texture). Data were analyzed using ANOVA, followed by testing HSD 5%,while the organoleptic test was analyzed using Friedman test. The results showed significantlydifferent on the amylose content, volume expansion and power rehydration of rice; organoleptic test result showed significant...

Research paper thumbnail of Uses of palmyra palmplant parts in three regions of East Java, Indonesia

African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development

Palmyra palm (BorassusflabelliferL.), is one of the palm trees highly associated with farmers in ... more Palmyra palm (BorassusflabelliferL.), is one of the palm trees highly associated with farmers in agro-forestry system in Indonesia. About 28,068 farmers cultivated 9,355 hectares of palmyra palm in East Java, Indonesia. Two regions which have highest palmyra palm in East Java are Sumenep in Madura islands and Tuban in East java mainland with production areas of about 5,535.70and 1,832.45 hectares respectively. Pasuruan has special and well-known fresh palmyra palm sap, but there is scarcity of data on the number of plants or areas planted. However, development of industries at the area has displaced a large number of palmyras due to land use change.Field surveys were carried out at Gunungsari village, Beji district in Pasuruan, a single village of palmyra in Pasuruan; in the districtsofSemanding and Palang in Tuban, and three districts,Pragaan, Lenteng, and Dungkek in Sumenep. One or two villages in Tuban and Sumenep were selected based on information from local official governments...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Women in Increasing the Added Value of Cashew Agroindustry (Anacardium occidentale L.) (Gender Analysis in Cashew Agroindustry In Mojokerto – East Java)

NABATIA (Sidoarjo), Jun 28, 2010

Aim of this research were to analyze added value of cashew agroindustry and to identiy and map wo... more Aim of this research were to analyze added value of cashew agroindustry and to identiy and map women strength and weakness in every step, pre production; production; and post production in cashew agroindustry system in Mojokerto regency. The research was carried out since Apri unti October 2007. Research location in Ngoro district was determined based on highest Location Potential index. Among 6 (six) villages have cashew potency, Wonosari village was determined as sample location, as it has greatest number of home agroindustries. Samples of this research was made by census. Data was analyzed by agroindustry added value analyzes and strength and weakness analyzes by Matrics of Disagregated Capacities and Vulnerabilities. Result of the research showed that cashew agroindustry gives added value per 1 kg cashew nut by 22,22 %, which is 40 % as labour share, and 60 % as profit. Women and men take parts in pre production, production, and post production, with greater women participation. Women weakness in agroindustry comprises of capital and information acces; working hours that is often disturbed by domestic activity; and afraid to expand the business. Within production inputs as nowadays condition, there is no tendency of women marginalization.

Research paper thumbnail of Sensory Properties of Mustard Greens Crackers (Brassica juncea L.)

Procedia of Engineering and Life Science

The purpose of the study was to determine the sensory properties of crackers by the addition of g... more The purpose of the study was to determine the sensory properties of crackers by the addition of green mustard flour or green mustard paste. This research was experimental research single factor used Randomized Block Design. This treatment was the ratio of addition of green mustard flour or green mustard paste namely K0 (without the addition of green mustard flour or green mustard paste), K1 (1% green mustard flour), K2 (2% green mustard flour), K3 (3% green mustard flour), K4 (4% green mustard flour), K5 (5% green mustard flour), K6 (10% green mustard paste), K7 (15% green mustard paste), K8 (20% green mustard paste), K9 (25% green mustard paste) and K10 (30% green mustard paste). The data were analyzed using the Friedman test. The results showed that the addition of green mustard flour or green mustard paste has a significant effect on the hedonic test of color, aroma, taste, and texture of mustard crackers.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Old Roasting and Long Immersion on the Quality of Brown Rice Flour (Oryza nivara)

Journal of Tropical Food and Agroindustrial Technology, 2022

This study aims to find out the influence of long immersion and long roasting on the quality of b... more This study aims to find out the influence of long immersion and long roasting on the quality of brown rice flour. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Product Development and Food Analysis of the Food Technology Program of the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo from September to November 2021 using a random design of factorial groups. The first factor is the length of immersion consisting of three levels, namely 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, while the second factor is the roasting length of 20 minutes and 30 minutes. Statistical analysis using ANOVA and further tests using BNJ test 5%. Then for organoleptic tests analyzed using the Friedman test. The results showed there was an interaction between the length of immersion and the length of roasting of water content, coarse fiber content, and fat content but did not affect ash content. The best treatment is brown rice flour with a long treatment of 1 hour immersion and a 40-minute roasting ...

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of Dry Carrot Noodle (Daucus carota L) with Proportion of Wheat Flour and White Oyster Mushroom Flour (Pleurotus ostreatus)

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

Dry noodles are food processed products made from wheat flour with or without the addition of oth... more Dry noodles are food processed products made from wheat flour with or without the addition of other food ingredients with a moisture content of around 8 to 10%, this product is very popular with the public. This study studied the effect of the proportion of white oyster mushroom flour with wheat flour on the characteristics of dry carrot noodles. The proportions given include; 100% wheat flour, 20% mushroom flour with 80% wheat flour, 40% mushroom flour with 60% flour, 60% mushroom flour with 40% wheat flour, 80% mushroom flour with 20% wheat flour, and the proportion of mushroom flour 100 %. The experimental design used a single randomized block design, then statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA and further test of BNJ 5%. The results showed that the proportion of mushroom flour with wheat flour had a very significant effect on cooking loss, physical color redness, moisture content, protein content and color sensory tests, aroma, texture, and taste on dry carrot noodles. A...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Resiko Pada Rantai Pasok

Makanan mempunyai peran penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Tetapi, dalam proses penyediaannya terdap... more Makanan mempunyai peran penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Tetapi, dalam proses penyediaannya terdapat resiko adanya kontaminasi dari unsur lain yang mengakibatkan makanan tidak layak dikonsumsi. untuk itu, buku ini disusun untuk memperkenalkan kepada pembaca tentang resiko-resiko yang melekat dalam proses penyediaan makanan dari bahan baku sampai ditangan konsumen ( rantai pasok)

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kapasitas Entrepreneurship Melalui Pelatihan dan Magang Bagi Tenant di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2016

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo is one university located in Sidoarjo from year to year working... more Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo is one university located in Sidoarjo from year to year working to improve its quality. During this time centered on the entrepreneurial activities of SMEs entrepreneurial student affairs, but in an increase in the capacity to be entrepreneurial is not optimal. The purpose of science and technology program for Entrepreneurship (IBK) at the University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA), namely the establishment of new independent entrepreneurs tenacious, resilient, creative and able to provide innovation into market demand. With the IBK this program, students are expected to be part of society that can create jobs, reduces unemployment and become change agents of social life that is more powerful and useful. Method approach entrepreneurship capacity building program is using PALS (Participatory Action Learning System). So that the target output of this activity is the training to increase the capacity of tenants (students) in biddng kewirauahaan and t...

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Snakehead Fish (Channa Striata) Bekasam Fermented in Various Media and Salt Concentration

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

Indonesia is a country which is rich in fish result. As a source of high protein, fish are best m... more Indonesia is a country which is rich in fish result. As a source of high protein, fish are best medium microbial growth, and this makes them fast deteriorate. Bekasam is fish fermentation product using high salt levels made by inhabitants in Kalimantan, Indonesia, in their effort to extend fish shelf life. Snakehead fish is commonly used for making bekasam as those fish are plentiful there. Fermentation of bekasam requires additional materials as a source of carbohydrates that may selected from rice, cassava, flour and others which will effect bekasam quality. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of salt concentration and fermentation media on quality of snakehead fish bekasam. There was interaction between both treatments in moisture content. The higher salt concentration, the lower moisture content in all media, but increasing in salt concentration until 30 %, also increased moisture in media combined with cassava and sweet potato, differed them with rice combined medium. Higher salt concentration decreased protein content but increased pH value. pH value was maybe related with total lactic bacteria which were increasing with higher salt concentration until 20 % and were decreasing in 30 %.

Research paper thumbnail of Indonesian consumer perception of food safety system in fish supply chain

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018

Fish is one form of alternative food because fish can replace the role of beef as a source of ani... more Fish is one form of alternative food because fish can replace the role of beef as a source of animal protein. Therefore, food safety in fish need to be applied because fish production environment is a potential source of danger for food, among others: pathogen, parasite, and chemical contaminant. This study aims to determine consumer perceptions of the importance of implementation of food security in the supply chain of fish. The data were collected through questionnaires distributed to 206 respondents. The questionnaire consists of two parts: (1) identities of respondents and (2) consumer perceptions of fish food safety. Data processing is done by using the distressed statistic, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that the food safety aspect of fish is important for consumers. Other food safety factors affecting consumers are certifications, location, distribution process and food additives. Based on calculation of mean value, it is known that the priority of food safety interest according to consumer perception is about the freshness attributes of fish, which is followed by hygiene of fish sellers, fish nutrition, types of fish, location of fish origin, Location of fish sales, the seller's understanding of the fish being sold, the type of transportation used for fish delivery.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Tingkat Kepentingan Konsumen Terhadap Kriteria Keamanan Pangan Dalam Perspektif Rantai Pasok (Studi Kasus: Perusahaan Krupuk Udang)

Pemilihan makanan oleh konsumen didasarkan kriteria keamanan pangan. Untuk itu, dalam penyediaann... more Pemilihan makanan oleh konsumen didasarkan kriteria keamanan pangan. Untuk itu, dalam penyediaannya, perusahaan perlu memperhatikan kriteria keamanan pangan agar produk yang dihasilkan dapat diterima konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui tingkat kepentingan menurut sudut pandang konsumen di setiap sub kriteria keamanan pangan dirantai pasok makanan. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan dengan observasi wawancara dan kuisioner pada 150 responden. Kriteria keamanan pangan terdiri dari rasa, kandungan gizi dan kemasan. Setiap kriteria mempunyai sub kriteria. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan statistik diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden setuju dan sangat setuju terhadap sub kriteria lemak, protein dan vitamin pada kriteria kandungan gizi. Responden mempunyai pendapat yang sama untuk sub kriteria warna, aroma, kerenyangan pada kriteria rasa dan sub kriteria informasi produk, logo halal, informasi BPOM RI pada kriteria kemasan.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of The Proportion of Broccoli with Papaya, Pineaple, and Jackfruit on The Quality of Vegetable Leather

Journal of Tropical Food and Agroindustrial Technology

The aims of this research to determine effect the proportion of broccoli, papaya, pineapple, and ... more The aims of this research to determine effect the proportion of broccoli, papaya, pineapple, and jackfruit on vegetable leather quality. This research was conducted in laboratory of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University from February until April 2019 was used Randomized Block Design single factor was proportion of broccoli: papaya (25%:75%), (50%:50%), (75%:25%), broccoli: pineapple (25%:75%), (50%:50%), (75%:25%), broccoli: jackfruit (25%:75%), (50%:50%), (75%:25%). Data was analyzed using analysis of variance (Anova) followed by BNJ 5%. The result showed the proportion of broccoli with papaya, pineapple, and jackfruit was significant affected on fiber content, water content, ash content, pH, yield, and color of vegetable leather. The best treatment was the proportion of broccoli with jackfruit (25%:75%) had fiber content 2,15%, water content 19,38%, ash content 1,17%, pH 4,63, color L*a*b 46,82*-5,08*9,84, yield 55,16% and hedonic test of color 5,43, aroma 4,93, texture 4,97, and taste...

Research paper thumbnail of Organoleptic Test of Green Mustard Leaf Flour (Brassica juncea) Due to Various Types of Preliminary Treatments

Procedia of Engineering and Life Science, 2021

This study aims to determine the effect of preliminary treatment on the quality of organoleptic g... more This study aims to determine the effect of preliminary treatment on the quality of organoleptic green mustard leaf flour.This research was conducted in the Laboratory of prodak development of Muhammadiyah University sidoarjo from February to April 2020 using descriptive methods. The experiment was compiled in a Complete Randomized Design with variations of preliminary treatment conducted ie without blanching (TPP), water blanching (PPR), water blanching with soaking salt solution 1% (PPRG 1), water blanching with soaking salt solution 2% (PPRG 2), water blansing by immersion of 0.1% na metabisulfite solution ((PPRN 1), water blanching by immersion of 0.2% na metabisulfite solution (PPRN 2), steam blanching (PPK) and microwave blanching (PPM). Based on organoleptic tests showed that the preliminary treatment had a noticeable different effect on color and aroma.The best treatment in the manufacture of mustard flour hijua with preliminary treatment is steam blansing that gives a normal...

Research paper thumbnail of Profil Pengadaan Bekatul Padi di Kabupaten Sidoarjo dan Sekitarnya

Bekatul merupakan hasil samping proses penggilingan padi yang memiliki prospek untuk dikembangkan... more Bekatul merupakan hasil samping proses penggilingan padi yang memiliki prospek untuk dikembangkan sebagai pangan, khususnya pangan fungsional. Kabupaten Sidoarjo berpotensi mengembangan makanan berbasis bekatul dilihat dari potensi daerah sebagai penghasil padi dan letaknya yang berdekatan dengan Surabaya sebagai ibu kota provinsi Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari profil pengadaan bekatul padi di kabupaten Sidoarjo dan sekitarnya, yakni Pasuruan dan Mojokerto. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, dilakukan dengan wawancara langsung dengan petani dan penyosohan beras mulai bulan Juni hingga bulan Juli 2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Potensi pengadaan bekatul di tiga kabupaten diperkirakan sebesar 93.184,64 – 116.480,8 ton (8 - 10% dari total gabah) per tahun 2) Jenis bekatul yang diperoleh berasal dari padi varietas IR 64, Ciherang, Serang dan jenis-jenis lain yang termasuk jenis unggul lokal dan nasional, 3)Suplai bekatul teruta...

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Wanita Dalam Meningkatkan Nilai Tambah Agroindustri Mete (Anacardium occidentale L.) (Analisis Jender Dalam Agroindustriaisasi Mete Di Mojokerto – Jawa Timur)

Aim of this research were to analyze added value of cashew agroindustry and to identiy and map wo... more Aim of this research were to analyze added value of cashew agroindustry and to identiy and map women strength and weakness in every step, pre production; production; and post production in cashew agroindustry system in Mojokerto regency. The research was carried out since Apri unti October 2007. Research location in Ngoro district was determined based on highest Location Potential index. Among 6 (six) villages have cashew potency, Wonosari village was determined as sample location, as it has greatest number of home agroindustries. Samples of this research was made by census. Data was analyzed by agroindustry added value analyzes and strength and weakness analyzes by Matrics of Disagregated Capacities and Vulnerabilities. Result of the research showed that cashew agroindustry gives added value per 1 kg cashew nut by 22,22 %, which is 40 % as labour share, and 60 % as profit. Women and men take parts in pre production, production, and post production, with greater women participation....

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Various Blansing Treatment and Drying Temperature on Organoleptic Characteristics of Mustard Leaf Stalk Flour (Brassica juncea)

Procedia of Engineering and Life Science, 2021

This study aims to determine the effect of blanching method and drying temperatures on organolept... more This study aims to determine the effect of blanching method and drying temperatures on organoleptik properties of mustard stalk flour. The study was conducted at the Development Product and Food Analysis Laboratory of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University from March to May 2020 used basic descriptive method. The sample used was mustard greens stalk. Various blanching method used without blanching, water blanching, steam blanching, and microwave blanching. Various temperature used cabinet drying at 55°C and 65 oC. The result showed there was different characteristic organoleptik of mustard stalk flour between blanching method and drying temperature. The best treatment was mustard stalk flour that used steam blanching and drying temperature 55 oC that show hedonic test of colour 3,47, texture 3,10, and aroma 2,43.

Research paper thumbnail of IbM Kelompok Petambak Tradisional Ikan Bandeng dalam Bentuk Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Berkualitas untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Petambak Pasca Terjadinya Lumpur Lapindo di Desa Banjarpanji Tanggulangin

Desa Banjar Panji Kecamatan Tanggulangin ini berada di pesisir pantai. Masalah yang dihadapi peta... more Desa Banjar Panji Kecamatan Tanggulangin ini berada di pesisir pantai. Masalah yang dihadapi petambak adalah sejak terjadinya bencana lumpur lapindo hasil panen tambaknya menurun yang berakibat menurunnya penghasilan petambak. Kandungan lumpur dan air luapan lumpur yang merembes ke sebagian areal pertambakan akan mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas air tambak yang berpengaruh pula terhadap hasil budidaya petani tambak. Kedua adalah bidang pemasaran bandeng. Permasalahan lainnya adalah lemahnya administrasi pembukuan dan manajemen keuangan yang dimiliki petani tambak. Petani tambak terkadang tidak melakukan pencatatan atas transaksi maupun pengeluaran yang dilakukan. Diperlukan suatu upaya yang nyata untuk memberika solusi atas permasalahan yang terjadi. Upaya yang dilakukan adalah memberikan pelatihan keterampilan kepada petani tambak dengan membuat diversifikasi olahan dari ikan bandeng yang berupa nugget, kerupuk kulit, duri dan dari kepala ikan, abon, sossis, tahu bakso dan bakso. U...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Various Comparison of the Proportions of Seaweed (Eucheuma spinosum) and Gelatin on the Characteristics of Roselle Jelly Candy (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)

Procedia of Engineering and Life Science, 2021

Rosela flower (H. sabdariffa L.) is one of the plants that has many health benefits, which contai... more Rosela flower (H. sabdariffa L.) is one of the plants that has many health benefits, which contain Vitamin C, Vitamin A, essential proteins, and 18 types of amino acids that aim to strengthen the body's immune system, treat diabetes, inhibit cancer cells and many more properties of this plant. Gelling agent commonly used to make jelly candy is gelatin, but in the application sometimes gelatin even makes the texture of jelly candy becomes very hard if the added concentration is not appropriate, besides the price of special gelatin food ( food grade) is still relatively expensive compared to other hydrocolloid materials. That's why it takes another gel shaper that can improve the quality of the texture of jelly candy and suppress the use of gelatin, one of which can be used seaweed (E. spinosum). The objective of this research was to find out the effect of various proportions of seaweed (E. spinosum) and gelatin on the characteristics of roselle jelly candy (H. sabdariffa L.)....

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Fermented Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomea batatas var. Ayamurasaki) (Tapai) in Various Yeast Concentration and Steaming Time

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021

The aim of this work is to study the effect of yeast concentration and steaming time on the chara... more The aim of this work is to study the effect of yeast concentration and steaming time on the characteristics of fermented purple sweet potato (tapai). Experiment was conducted on completely randomized factorial design, with two treatments, namely yeast concentration (0.25%, 0.50%, and 0.75%) and steaming time (20 minutes, 30 minutes and 40 minutes). The measuring parameters was consisted physical properties (texture and color) and chemical proprerties (reducing sugar, ethanol content, total lactic acid, pH, and moisture content). The result show that yeast concentration treatment had a very significant effect on texture, total lactic acid, and pH. Steaming time had a very significant effect on texture, pH, and significantly affected the total lactic acid. In conclusions, the best treatment is obtained from the treatment of steaming time 30 minutes with 0.75 % yeast.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Manajemen Keuangan untuk Meningkatan Kemampuan Tenant dalam Mengelola Keuangan Usahanya pada Program Iptek bagi Kewirausahaan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Manajemen keuangan merupakan hal penting bagi suatu usaha. Namun pada umumnya beberapa usaha keci... more Manajemen keuangan merupakan hal penting bagi suatu usaha. Namun pada umumnya beberapa usaha kecil mengabaikan hal tersebut dan tak sedikit pelaku usaha kecil yang mencampur menjadi satu antara keuangan usaha dan keuangan pribadi. Sehingga, melalui adanya pelatihan manajemen keuangan pada program Iptek bagi Kewirausahaan (IbK) di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo ini, dapat meningkatkan kemampuan tenant yang terdiri dari mahasiswa yang mempunyai usaha dan pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) difabel mampu mengelola keuangan usahanya. Tujuan dari program ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam melakukan pengelolaan keuangan bagi usaha tenant. Metode pendekatan program IbK dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan tenant dalam mengelola keuangan usahanya adalah dengan metode PALS (Participatory Action Learning System). Pendekatan metode PALS menitik beratkan pada transformasi kegiatan yang telah ada diusahakan pada perubahan-perubahan ke arah perbaikan kondisi usaha te...


This study was to determine the proportion effect of different types of tubers flour and red bean... more This study was to determine the proportion effect of different types of tubers flour and red beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on the quality of artificial rice. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design (RBD) with treatment consisting mixture of cassava flour: red bean flour, sweet potato flour: red bean flour, cocoyam flour: red bean flour with composition of 100%: 0%, 85%: 15% and 70%: 30%, as well as paddy rice IR 64 as a control; with triplicate experiments then obtained 30 experimental unit. Measured variables were chemical analysis (amylose content and protein content), physical analysis (cooked rice, volume expansion and power rehydration) and organoleptic (color, aroma,flavor and texture). Data were analyzed using ANOVA, followed by testing HSD 5%,while the organoleptic test was analyzed using Friedman test. The results showed significantlydifferent on the amylose content, volume expansion and power rehydration of rice; organoleptic test result showed significant...