Winner Sitorus | Universitas Airlangga (original) (raw)
Papers by Winner Sitorus
Scholars international journal of law, crime and justice, Aug 24, 2022
Scholars International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice
Increasingly expanding various actions that have been categorised as contempt of court, which thr... more Increasingly expanding various actions that have been categorised as contempt of court, which threaten the authority of the court, it is necessary to regulate. The research method used is the normative legal method using statute, case, and conceptual approaches. This research is a legal study based on norms in force related to the contempt of court in existing regulations. The results show that all forms of actions that, in principle, disrupt safety, psychological and physical calm both inside and outside the trial, can be categorized as contempt of court. Although contempt of court has not been regulated clearly and firmly in statutory regulation many events can be classified as contempt of court. The scope of contempt of court in the justice system in Indonesia is very broad. The weighting of criminal sanctions is imposed based on the category of the seriousness of the crime committed by the defendant. Criminal weighting can be given if a crime fulfils special elements. Considerin...
Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, Dec 20, 2023
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kedudukan para ahli waris terhadap boedel warisan ber... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kedudukan para ahli waris terhadap boedel warisan berupa hak guna bangunan yang telah berakhir. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Analisis bahan hukum menggunakan analisis preskriptif dengan metode deduktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hak guna bangunan yang telah berakhir tidak dapat lagi dikategorikan sebagai bagian dari boedel warisan, sehingga tidak dapat lagi dibagi kepada para ahli waris. Hapusnya hak guna bangunan mengakibatkan hak atas tanah yang bersangkutan beralih kembali kepada pemegang hak awal yaitu kepada negara, pemegang hak pengelolaan ataupun pemegang hak milik atas tanah. Tanah hak guna bangunan milik pewaris yang telah berakhir sebelum ia meninggal dunia tidak dapat lagi dikategorikan sebagai bagian dari boedel warisannya, sehingga tidak dapat dibagi lagi kepada para ahli warisnya. Jika hak guna bangunan milik pewaris belum ...
Khazanah Hukum
In terms of food or goods and their use, Islam commands its followers to eat and use good, holy, ... more In terms of food or goods and their use, Islam commands its followers to eat and use good, holy, and clean ingredients. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says which means: "O mankind, eat what is lawful and good from what is on earth, and do not follow the steps of the devil, because indeed the devil is a real enemy for you." (Q.S. Al-Baqarah, 2:168). In other words, the concept of perfect and recommended food is “halal and good food.” Since the Covid-19 pandemic has spread throughout Indonesia, many have turned into traders to provide for themselves and their families due to mass layoffs. However, if you want to sell, you need to pay attention to the composition that will be used, because in Article 4 of Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee, which states "products that enter, circulate, and trade in Indonesian territory must be certified halal" and this article came into effect on October 17, 2019. However, there are still many MSME (Micro, Small...
Riau Law Journal, May 30, 2018
The Law of Notary Position provides an opportunity for notaries to establish a Civil Partnership ... more The Law of Notary Position provides an opportunity for notaries to establish a Civil Partnership of notaries in the performance of their position. This is contrary to the notary profession, since the purpose of the formation of Civil Partnership is to seek the benefit to be distributed to allies as stipulated in the Civil Code. This study aimed to find out and comprehend (1) the formation of a civil partnership of notary in the implementation of the notary's position: (2) the application of the principles of civil partnership stipulation in the Civil Code to civil partnership of notary. This research is a normative research that is a process to find out laws, legal principles, and legal doctrine to answer the legal problem. This study employed a statutory, comparison, and conceptual approaches.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, Feb 13, 2022
BACKGROUND: The search for the ideal concept to eradicate crimes of forest fire and destruction i... more BACKGROUND: The search for the ideal concept to eradicate crimes of forest fire and destruction is inseparable from the sanctions for individual or corporate perpetrators, who fund and order for the forest to be burned and destroyed. It must also consider the health rights of the victims. METHODS: This study used the normative legal research method. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: There needs to be a clear concept in punishing corporations so that they refrain from undergoing similar criminal actions in the future. The court that handles the forest fire cases may and has the right to improvise by burdening the health treatment fees of those who suffer due to the forest fires to the perpetrators. CONCLUSION: The forest fire law enforcement system is not yet ideal as it cannot yet maximally punish corporations that burn forests. The Punishment of corporation hasn't considered the victims' health rights and their recovery. The authors suggest that the Law on Forestry should be revised so that it will be more effective in resolving the issue of health recovery for forest and land fire victims. The corporations that burn the forests should be responsible for its funding. The fines from the corporations should be used to treat the health of these victims.
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang apakah pengaturan kekayaan negara dalam badan usaha milik negara ... more Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang apakah pengaturan kekayaan negara dalam badan usaha milik negara telah memberikan kepastian hukum . Tipe Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif (normative legal research) penelitian untuk menguji suatu norma atau ketentuan yang berlaku. Juga dapat dikatakan sebagai penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Penelitian hukum doktrinal. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan konseptual. Berdasarkan apa yang telah dijabarkan pada bab-bab sebeumnya, maka dapat di tarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut Sehubungan UU Keuangan Negara, UU Tipikor, Putusan MK RI Nomor 103/PUU-X/2012, Putusan MK RI Nomor 48/PUU-XI/2013, dan Putusan MK RI Nomor 62/PUU-XI/2013 memosisikan kekayaan negara yang disetor ke kas BUMN tetap sebagai kekayaan negara bertumpang tindih dengan UU BUMN, Putusan MK RI Nomor 77/PUU-IX/2011, Fatwa MA RI Nomor WKMA/Yud/20/VIII/2006, Fatwa MA RI Nomor...
Jurnal Hukum Volkgeist, 2021
The legality of establishing a BUMN holding company is only based on Government Regulation Number... more The legality of establishing a BUMN holding company is only based on Government Regulation Number 72 of 2016 concerning procedures for Equity Participation and Administration of State Capital in BUMN and Limited Liability Company, as an amendment to Government Regulation Number 44 of 2005 has not been fully comply with the principle of coherence with the above regulations namely Law Number 17 of 2003 concerning State Finance, Law Number 19 of 2003 concerning BUMN and Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. The purpose of this study is to find a concept of regulation and supervision the government on SOEs related to holding companies This research is normative with a statute approach and a conceptual approach. The results in this study are the need for legal reconstruction in BUMN where a law is needed that is central to regulate holding companies in Indonesia, where this law was born to provide related guidelines a mechanism for the formation, selection of the...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental and Energy Policy (ICEEP 2021), 2021
Forests are national treasures that must be protected by anyone without exception. Today many for... more Forests are national treasures that must be protected by anyone without exception. Today many forests are reduced due to destruction by humans and corporations. This study examines the Corporate Criminal Sanctions in the Crime of Forest Destruction with a Restorative Justice Approach. The legal issues in the research are, first, what are the sanctions for corporations that are currently destroying forests and second how to punish corporations in the crime of forest destruction with a restorative justice approach as an optimization effort to restore forest conditions. The method used is a normative juridical research method, namely research on legal principles using secondary data. While the data analysis method used is a qualitative method and the data collection tool used is the study of documents. The result of this study, first, Sanctions for corporations that commit crimes against forest destruction currently consist of criminal sanctions and administrative sanctions. Criminal sanctions include imprisonment, fines, and additional penalties, namely replacement money. Meanwhile, the administrative sanctions as stipulated in Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation are regulated as follows: a. written warning; b. government coercion; c. administrative fines; d. freezing of Business Licensing; and f or e. revocation of Business License. Second, Sentencing with the concept of restorative justice needs to be considered in the future, this is to evaluate the weaknesses of the retributive justice approach. Restorative justice focuses on how a criminal liability can provide a solution for forest restoration and compensation to the state.
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Bagaimana Perlindungan Hukum terhadap ibu dan anak yang berada di... more Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Bagaimana Perlindungan Hukum terhadap ibu dan anak yang berada di bawah pengampuan. Tipe Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif (normative legal research) penelitian untuk menguji suatu norma atau ketentuan yang berlaku. Juga dapat dikatakan sebagai penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Penelitian hukum doktrinal. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan konseptual.Berdasarkan apa yang telah dijabarkan pada bab-bab sebelumnya, maka dapat di tarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut Bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi ibu dan anak yang berada di bawah perwaliannya dalam hal ayah tidak memberikan biaya pemeliharaan dan pendidikan kepada anaknya adalah berdasarkan Pasal 26 ayat (1) UU Perlindungan Anak dan Pasal 41 huruf a UU Perkawinan yang menentukan bahwa perceraian antara Ayah dan Ibu tidak menggugurkan atau menghapuskan tanggung jawab dan kewajiban Pihak Ayah...
Legal protection of dance and song as an expression of traditional culture through the Intellectu... more Legal protection of dance and song as an expression of traditional culture through the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regime has not been well regulated either nationally or internationally. Within the national scope of the regulation of traditional cultural expressions is still in the form of Draft Law (Bill), while in the international sphere there is still no agreement on protection of traditional cultural expressions in the IPR regime. This study aims to examine the form of legal protection arrangements and utilization by others on the intellectual property rights of dance and song as an expression of traditional culture in South Sulawesi in the perspective of national law and international law. This study will examine the art of dance and song which is an expression of traditional culture of Makassar, Bugis, Toraja in South Sulawesi. The research is socio-legal research, where data collected through library research and interview. The research indicates that there is mandat...
Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis tanggung jawab terhadap akta wasiat yang ... more Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis tanggung jawab terhadap akta wasiat yang tidak dilaporkan kepada daftar pusat wasiat oleh notaris dan (2) menganalisis akibat hukum akta wasiat yang tidak dilaporkan kepada daftar pusat wasiat oleh notaris.Penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian normatif. Adapun bahan hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Teknik Pengumpulan Bahan Hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Studi Kepustakaan, kemudian dianalisa secara kualitatif.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Notaris yang tidak mendaftarkan dan melaporkan akta wasiat yang telah dibuatnya ke Daftar Pusat Wasiat, Notaris mendapat tanggung jawab secara perdata dikenakan sanksi berupa peringatan tertulis, pemberhentian sementara. (2) Akta wasiat yang tidak didaftarkan dan dilaporkan secara online kepada Daftar Pusat Wasiat oleh Notaris adalah tetap sebagai akta otentik dan tidak memiliki akibat ...
Kepentingan umum dalam perlindungan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) pada dasarnya adalah tujuan da... more Kepentingan umum dalam perlindungan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) pada dasarnya adalah tujuan dari pemberian perlindungan terhadap kekayaan intelektual itu sendiri dan merupakan pembatasan dan pengecualian terhadap hak eksklusif pemegang HKI. Hal ini sebagaimana yang terlihat dalam kajian filosofis terhadap dasar pembenaran perlindungan HKI yang didasarkan pada pembenaran adanya hak milik, baik yang didasarkan pada teori usaha, teori kepribadian, maupun teori hukum dan ekonomi, yang semuanya tetap memperhatikan eksistensi kepentingan umum dalam pemberian hak-hak terhadap individu. Kepentingan umum merupakan dasar pertimbangan dari pemberian perlindungan terhadap HKI. Hal ini sebagaimana yang terlihat dalam sejarah pengaturan Hak Cipta sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam the Statute of Anne 1710 yang pada pokoknya di samping mengakui hak pengarang atas karyanya, juga mengedepankan pentingnya pembelajaran dengan merangsang kaum terpelajar untuk menulis buku. Undang-undang ini juga mengha...
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 2018
Geographical indications are protected by law as a sign indicating the origin of a good, which du... more Geographical indications are protected by law as a sign indicating the origin of a good, which due to geographic environmental factors including natural factors, human factors, or a combination of both factors, provide certain characteristics and quality of the goods produced. Similar to the legal protection of Trademarks in Indonesia, legal protection of Geographical Indications also requires the existence of a registration application process. It's just that Geographical Indication registration is done by interested parties specified in Brand Law and Geographical Indication. An application of Geographical Indication may be rejected by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia if it is contrary to religious morality, decency, public order, or may deceive or mislead the public about the nature, characteristics, quality, source of origin, process of manufacture, and/or usefulness. It may also be re...
The trademark role is important in advertising and marketing a particular business because the pu... more The trademark role is important in advertising and marketing a particular business because the public often associates a distinctive image or the quality of goods and services with certain trademarks. This research will analyze the essence of adopting good faith in resolving disputes concerning well-known trademarks in Indonesia. The research adopted normative legal research using statute, cases, and conceptual approaches. The results show that the essence of good faith in well-known trademark dispute resolution is to protect well-known trademark owners who are honest, rational, and have tried to find a trademark's existence. Therefore, their trademark has no essential or overall similarity with other parties to minimize losses. The well-known trademark cases that have been submitted showed that the lack of indicators of good faith resulted in deciding the case. The Commercial Court of Central Jakarta decided based on the subjective of the judge. For this reason, the problem of ...
This paper aimed at studying provisions in TRIPs Agreement and Law Number 14 of 2001 regarding Pa... more This paper aimed at studying provisions in TRIPs Agreement and Law Number 14 of 2001 regarding Patent, particularly provisions reflecting criteria of public interest. The approach used is statutory and conceptual approaches by analyzing TRIPs Agreement and Law Number 14 of 2001. It is concluded that public interest has been stipulated generally in TRIPs Agreement and Law Number 14 of 2001 in their provisions regarding kind and scope of the use of limitation and exception of patent holder’s exclusive rights. Law Number 14 of 2001 basically has implemented limitation and exception provisions stipulated in TRIPs Agreement. However, unfortunately it does not provide further and clearer elaborations on some provisions that need to be elaborated further. In addition, both TRIPs Agreement and Law Number 14 of 2001 do not provide criteria as to public interest. Keywords: Public Interest, Criteria, Exception, Limitation, Patent.
The research aims to analyze and find out the legal standing of absenteeism ( afwezigheid ) to th... more The research aims to analyze and find out the legal standing of absenteeism ( afwezigheid ) to the guarantee of civil rights protection in Indonesia. The research is a normative legal research by using a statute, conceptual and philosophical, and comparative approaches. The results show that the essence of absenteeism ( absentee dominii ) is a guarantee of legal protection certainty against the inability of legal subjects to attend when expected. Legal protection certainty can occur because of the presence of representatives based on court decisions. The implementation of absenteeism regulations includes regulations that are not in sync with higher regulations, namely, the regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) on the settlement of Chinese foreign assets. This PMK is still implemented by taking advantage of the unsynchronized regulations. There are also regulations which are equivalent but can be implemented by applying the legal principle lex specialis derogat legi generali . ...
Indonesian Journal of International Law, Jul 30, 2017
The enforcement of foreign arbitral awards has been recognized and accepted internationally throu... more The enforcement of foreign arbitral awards has been recognized and accepted internationally through the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. However, the Convention also allows the court where the enforcement is sought to refuse the enforcement of an award. However, it should be conducted in accordance with the refusal grounds stipulated in the Convention. The refusal grounds are restrictive and should be interpreted narrowly, overly broad interpretation of the refusal grounds provided by the Convention will make it inefficient. This paper discusses the implementation of judicial control of foreign arbitral awards in Indonesia. It seeks to find out whether the judicial control of foreign arbitral awards in Indonesia has been in line with the requirements of the New York Convention. It finds that judicial control of foreign arbitral awards made by Indonesia's judiciary sometimes could be considered not in line with the requirements of the New York Convention.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
The regulation of processed food products can be seen in Article 111 Paragraph (1), (2), and (6) ... more The regulation of processed food products can be seen in Article 111 Paragraph (1), (2), and (6) the Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health. It also can be found in Article 37, 93, and 94 the Law Number 18 of 2012 concerning Food. This research is a normative legal research to apply statuta and the conceptual approaches. The results of the research that the government's responsibility in carrying out the control function has not been optimal yet. Some obstacles are found in the context of the illegal circulation of imported processed food products such as limited facilities and infrastructure, limited human resource,s and lack of coordination between one institution and other institutions.
Scholars international journal of law, crime and justice, Aug 24, 2022
Scholars International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice
Increasingly expanding various actions that have been categorised as contempt of court, which thr... more Increasingly expanding various actions that have been categorised as contempt of court, which threaten the authority of the court, it is necessary to regulate. The research method used is the normative legal method using statute, case, and conceptual approaches. This research is a legal study based on norms in force related to the contempt of court in existing regulations. The results show that all forms of actions that, in principle, disrupt safety, psychological and physical calm both inside and outside the trial, can be categorized as contempt of court. Although contempt of court has not been regulated clearly and firmly in statutory regulation many events can be classified as contempt of court. The scope of contempt of court in the justice system in Indonesia is very broad. The weighting of criminal sanctions is imposed based on the category of the seriousness of the crime committed by the defendant. Criminal weighting can be given if a crime fulfils special elements. Considerin...
Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, Dec 20, 2023
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kedudukan para ahli waris terhadap boedel warisan ber... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kedudukan para ahli waris terhadap boedel warisan berupa hak guna bangunan yang telah berakhir. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Analisis bahan hukum menggunakan analisis preskriptif dengan metode deduktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hak guna bangunan yang telah berakhir tidak dapat lagi dikategorikan sebagai bagian dari boedel warisan, sehingga tidak dapat lagi dibagi kepada para ahli waris. Hapusnya hak guna bangunan mengakibatkan hak atas tanah yang bersangkutan beralih kembali kepada pemegang hak awal yaitu kepada negara, pemegang hak pengelolaan ataupun pemegang hak milik atas tanah. Tanah hak guna bangunan milik pewaris yang telah berakhir sebelum ia meninggal dunia tidak dapat lagi dikategorikan sebagai bagian dari boedel warisannya, sehingga tidak dapat dibagi lagi kepada para ahli warisnya. Jika hak guna bangunan milik pewaris belum ...
Khazanah Hukum
In terms of food or goods and their use, Islam commands its followers to eat and use good, holy, ... more In terms of food or goods and their use, Islam commands its followers to eat and use good, holy, and clean ingredients. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says which means: "O mankind, eat what is lawful and good from what is on earth, and do not follow the steps of the devil, because indeed the devil is a real enemy for you." (Q.S. Al-Baqarah, 2:168). In other words, the concept of perfect and recommended food is “halal and good food.” Since the Covid-19 pandemic has spread throughout Indonesia, many have turned into traders to provide for themselves and their families due to mass layoffs. However, if you want to sell, you need to pay attention to the composition that will be used, because in Article 4 of Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee, which states "products that enter, circulate, and trade in Indonesian territory must be certified halal" and this article came into effect on October 17, 2019. However, there are still many MSME (Micro, Small...
Riau Law Journal, May 30, 2018
The Law of Notary Position provides an opportunity for notaries to establish a Civil Partnership ... more The Law of Notary Position provides an opportunity for notaries to establish a Civil Partnership of notaries in the performance of their position. This is contrary to the notary profession, since the purpose of the formation of Civil Partnership is to seek the benefit to be distributed to allies as stipulated in the Civil Code. This study aimed to find out and comprehend (1) the formation of a civil partnership of notary in the implementation of the notary's position: (2) the application of the principles of civil partnership stipulation in the Civil Code to civil partnership of notary. This research is a normative research that is a process to find out laws, legal principles, and legal doctrine to answer the legal problem. This study employed a statutory, comparison, and conceptual approaches.
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, Feb 13, 2022
BACKGROUND: The search for the ideal concept to eradicate crimes of forest fire and destruction i... more BACKGROUND: The search for the ideal concept to eradicate crimes of forest fire and destruction is inseparable from the sanctions for individual or corporate perpetrators, who fund and order for the forest to be burned and destroyed. It must also consider the health rights of the victims. METHODS: This study used the normative legal research method. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: There needs to be a clear concept in punishing corporations so that they refrain from undergoing similar criminal actions in the future. The court that handles the forest fire cases may and has the right to improvise by burdening the health treatment fees of those who suffer due to the forest fires to the perpetrators. CONCLUSION: The forest fire law enforcement system is not yet ideal as it cannot yet maximally punish corporations that burn forests. The Punishment of corporation hasn't considered the victims' health rights and their recovery. The authors suggest that the Law on Forestry should be revised so that it will be more effective in resolving the issue of health recovery for forest and land fire victims. The corporations that burn the forests should be responsible for its funding. The fines from the corporations should be used to treat the health of these victims.
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang apakah pengaturan kekayaan negara dalam badan usaha milik negara ... more Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang apakah pengaturan kekayaan negara dalam badan usaha milik negara telah memberikan kepastian hukum . Tipe Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif (normative legal research) penelitian untuk menguji suatu norma atau ketentuan yang berlaku. Juga dapat dikatakan sebagai penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Penelitian hukum doktrinal. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan konseptual. Berdasarkan apa yang telah dijabarkan pada bab-bab sebeumnya, maka dapat di tarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut Sehubungan UU Keuangan Negara, UU Tipikor, Putusan MK RI Nomor 103/PUU-X/2012, Putusan MK RI Nomor 48/PUU-XI/2013, dan Putusan MK RI Nomor 62/PUU-XI/2013 memosisikan kekayaan negara yang disetor ke kas BUMN tetap sebagai kekayaan negara bertumpang tindih dengan UU BUMN, Putusan MK RI Nomor 77/PUU-IX/2011, Fatwa MA RI Nomor WKMA/Yud/20/VIII/2006, Fatwa MA RI Nomor...
Jurnal Hukum Volkgeist, 2021
The legality of establishing a BUMN holding company is only based on Government Regulation Number... more The legality of establishing a BUMN holding company is only based on Government Regulation Number 72 of 2016 concerning procedures for Equity Participation and Administration of State Capital in BUMN and Limited Liability Company, as an amendment to Government Regulation Number 44 of 2005 has not been fully comply with the principle of coherence with the above regulations namely Law Number 17 of 2003 concerning State Finance, Law Number 19 of 2003 concerning BUMN and Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. The purpose of this study is to find a concept of regulation and supervision the government on SOEs related to holding companies This research is normative with a statute approach and a conceptual approach. The results in this study are the need for legal reconstruction in BUMN where a law is needed that is central to regulate holding companies in Indonesia, where this law was born to provide related guidelines a mechanism for the formation, selection of the...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental and Energy Policy (ICEEP 2021), 2021
Forests are national treasures that must be protected by anyone without exception. Today many for... more Forests are national treasures that must be protected by anyone without exception. Today many forests are reduced due to destruction by humans and corporations. This study examines the Corporate Criminal Sanctions in the Crime of Forest Destruction with a Restorative Justice Approach. The legal issues in the research are, first, what are the sanctions for corporations that are currently destroying forests and second how to punish corporations in the crime of forest destruction with a restorative justice approach as an optimization effort to restore forest conditions. The method used is a normative juridical research method, namely research on legal principles using secondary data. While the data analysis method used is a qualitative method and the data collection tool used is the study of documents. The result of this study, first, Sanctions for corporations that commit crimes against forest destruction currently consist of criminal sanctions and administrative sanctions. Criminal sanctions include imprisonment, fines, and additional penalties, namely replacement money. Meanwhile, the administrative sanctions as stipulated in Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation are regulated as follows: a. written warning; b. government coercion; c. administrative fines; d. freezing of Business Licensing; and f or e. revocation of Business License. Second, Sentencing with the concept of restorative justice needs to be considered in the future, this is to evaluate the weaknesses of the retributive justice approach. Restorative justice focuses on how a criminal liability can provide a solution for forest restoration and compensation to the state.
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Bagaimana Perlindungan Hukum terhadap ibu dan anak yang berada di... more Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Bagaimana Perlindungan Hukum terhadap ibu dan anak yang berada di bawah pengampuan. Tipe Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif (normative legal research) penelitian untuk menguji suatu norma atau ketentuan yang berlaku. Juga dapat dikatakan sebagai penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Penelitian hukum doktrinal. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan konseptual.Berdasarkan apa yang telah dijabarkan pada bab-bab sebelumnya, maka dapat di tarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut Bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi ibu dan anak yang berada di bawah perwaliannya dalam hal ayah tidak memberikan biaya pemeliharaan dan pendidikan kepada anaknya adalah berdasarkan Pasal 26 ayat (1) UU Perlindungan Anak dan Pasal 41 huruf a UU Perkawinan yang menentukan bahwa perceraian antara Ayah dan Ibu tidak menggugurkan atau menghapuskan tanggung jawab dan kewajiban Pihak Ayah...
Legal protection of dance and song as an expression of traditional culture through the Intellectu... more Legal protection of dance and song as an expression of traditional culture through the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regime has not been well regulated either nationally or internationally. Within the national scope of the regulation of traditional cultural expressions is still in the form of Draft Law (Bill), while in the international sphere there is still no agreement on protection of traditional cultural expressions in the IPR regime. This study aims to examine the form of legal protection arrangements and utilization by others on the intellectual property rights of dance and song as an expression of traditional culture in South Sulawesi in the perspective of national law and international law. This study will examine the art of dance and song which is an expression of traditional culture of Makassar, Bugis, Toraja in South Sulawesi. The research is socio-legal research, where data collected through library research and interview. The research indicates that there is mandat...
Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis tanggung jawab terhadap akta wasiat yang ... more Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis tanggung jawab terhadap akta wasiat yang tidak dilaporkan kepada daftar pusat wasiat oleh notaris dan (2) menganalisis akibat hukum akta wasiat yang tidak dilaporkan kepada daftar pusat wasiat oleh notaris.Penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian normatif. Adapun bahan hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Teknik Pengumpulan Bahan Hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Studi Kepustakaan, kemudian dianalisa secara kualitatif.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Notaris yang tidak mendaftarkan dan melaporkan akta wasiat yang telah dibuatnya ke Daftar Pusat Wasiat, Notaris mendapat tanggung jawab secara perdata dikenakan sanksi berupa peringatan tertulis, pemberhentian sementara. (2) Akta wasiat yang tidak didaftarkan dan dilaporkan secara online kepada Daftar Pusat Wasiat oleh Notaris adalah tetap sebagai akta otentik dan tidak memiliki akibat ...
Kepentingan umum dalam perlindungan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) pada dasarnya adalah tujuan da... more Kepentingan umum dalam perlindungan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) pada dasarnya adalah tujuan dari pemberian perlindungan terhadap kekayaan intelektual itu sendiri dan merupakan pembatasan dan pengecualian terhadap hak eksklusif pemegang HKI. Hal ini sebagaimana yang terlihat dalam kajian filosofis terhadap dasar pembenaran perlindungan HKI yang didasarkan pada pembenaran adanya hak milik, baik yang didasarkan pada teori usaha, teori kepribadian, maupun teori hukum dan ekonomi, yang semuanya tetap memperhatikan eksistensi kepentingan umum dalam pemberian hak-hak terhadap individu. Kepentingan umum merupakan dasar pertimbangan dari pemberian perlindungan terhadap HKI. Hal ini sebagaimana yang terlihat dalam sejarah pengaturan Hak Cipta sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam the Statute of Anne 1710 yang pada pokoknya di samping mengakui hak pengarang atas karyanya, juga mengedepankan pentingnya pembelajaran dengan merangsang kaum terpelajar untuk menulis buku. Undang-undang ini juga mengha...
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 2018
Geographical indications are protected by law as a sign indicating the origin of a good, which du... more Geographical indications are protected by law as a sign indicating the origin of a good, which due to geographic environmental factors including natural factors, human factors, or a combination of both factors, provide certain characteristics and quality of the goods produced. Similar to the legal protection of Trademarks in Indonesia, legal protection of Geographical Indications also requires the existence of a registration application process. It's just that Geographical Indication registration is done by interested parties specified in Brand Law and Geographical Indication. An application of Geographical Indication may be rejected by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia if it is contrary to religious morality, decency, public order, or may deceive or mislead the public about the nature, characteristics, quality, source of origin, process of manufacture, and/or usefulness. It may also be re...
The trademark role is important in advertising and marketing a particular business because the pu... more The trademark role is important in advertising and marketing a particular business because the public often associates a distinctive image or the quality of goods and services with certain trademarks. This research will analyze the essence of adopting good faith in resolving disputes concerning well-known trademarks in Indonesia. The research adopted normative legal research using statute, cases, and conceptual approaches. The results show that the essence of good faith in well-known trademark dispute resolution is to protect well-known trademark owners who are honest, rational, and have tried to find a trademark's existence. Therefore, their trademark has no essential or overall similarity with other parties to minimize losses. The well-known trademark cases that have been submitted showed that the lack of indicators of good faith resulted in deciding the case. The Commercial Court of Central Jakarta decided based on the subjective of the judge. For this reason, the problem of ...
This paper aimed at studying provisions in TRIPs Agreement and Law Number 14 of 2001 regarding Pa... more This paper aimed at studying provisions in TRIPs Agreement and Law Number 14 of 2001 regarding Patent, particularly provisions reflecting criteria of public interest. The approach used is statutory and conceptual approaches by analyzing TRIPs Agreement and Law Number 14 of 2001. It is concluded that public interest has been stipulated generally in TRIPs Agreement and Law Number 14 of 2001 in their provisions regarding kind and scope of the use of limitation and exception of patent holder’s exclusive rights. Law Number 14 of 2001 basically has implemented limitation and exception provisions stipulated in TRIPs Agreement. However, unfortunately it does not provide further and clearer elaborations on some provisions that need to be elaborated further. In addition, both TRIPs Agreement and Law Number 14 of 2001 do not provide criteria as to public interest. Keywords: Public Interest, Criteria, Exception, Limitation, Patent.
The research aims to analyze and find out the legal standing of absenteeism ( afwezigheid ) to th... more The research aims to analyze and find out the legal standing of absenteeism ( afwezigheid ) to the guarantee of civil rights protection in Indonesia. The research is a normative legal research by using a statute, conceptual and philosophical, and comparative approaches. The results show that the essence of absenteeism ( absentee dominii ) is a guarantee of legal protection certainty against the inability of legal subjects to attend when expected. Legal protection certainty can occur because of the presence of representatives based on court decisions. The implementation of absenteeism regulations includes regulations that are not in sync with higher regulations, namely, the regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) on the settlement of Chinese foreign assets. This PMK is still implemented by taking advantage of the unsynchronized regulations. There are also regulations which are equivalent but can be implemented by applying the legal principle lex specialis derogat legi generali . ...
Indonesian Journal of International Law, Jul 30, 2017
The enforcement of foreign arbitral awards has been recognized and accepted internationally throu... more The enforcement of foreign arbitral awards has been recognized and accepted internationally through the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. However, the Convention also allows the court where the enforcement is sought to refuse the enforcement of an award. However, it should be conducted in accordance with the refusal grounds stipulated in the Convention. The refusal grounds are restrictive and should be interpreted narrowly, overly broad interpretation of the refusal grounds provided by the Convention will make it inefficient. This paper discusses the implementation of judicial control of foreign arbitral awards in Indonesia. It seeks to find out whether the judicial control of foreign arbitral awards in Indonesia has been in line with the requirements of the New York Convention. It finds that judicial control of foreign arbitral awards made by Indonesia's judiciary sometimes could be considered not in line with the requirements of the New York Convention.
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
The regulation of processed food products can be seen in Article 111 Paragraph (1), (2), and (6) ... more The regulation of processed food products can be seen in Article 111 Paragraph (1), (2), and (6) the Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health. It also can be found in Article 37, 93, and 94 the Law Number 18 of 2012 concerning Food. This research is a normative legal research to apply statuta and the conceptual approaches. The results of the research that the government's responsibility in carrying out the control function has not been optimal yet. Some obstacles are found in the context of the illegal circulation of imported processed food products such as limited facilities and infrastructure, limited human resource,s and lack of coordination between one institution and other institutions.
ABSTRAK Makalah ini membahas mengenai status doktrin separability di dalam arbitrase berdasarkan ... more ABSTRAK
Makalah ini membahas mengenai status doktrin separability di dalam arbitrase berdasarkan hukum arbitrase Indonesia dan ketentuan-ketentuah hukum arbitrase secara internasional. Pada Bagian I akan dibahas doktrin separability dalam Undang-Undang Arbitrase Indonesia. Pada Bagian II akan dibahas doktrin separability berdasarkan Uncitral Arbitration Rules, Uncitral Model Laws, dan ICC Arbitration Rules. Pada Bagian III akan dibahas mengenai penerapan doktrin separability dalam praktik. Pada bagian IV dikemukakan kesimpulan prospek penerapan doktrin separability dalam praktik di Indonesia.
Jurnal Hukum Honeste Vivere, 2004
Abstrak Konvensi New York pada dasarnya menetapkan bahwa negara peserta konvensi hanya dapat meno... more Abstrak Konvensi New York pada dasarnya menetapkan bahwa negara peserta konvensi hanya dapat menolak untuk melaksanakan putusan arbitrase asing berdasarkan alas an-alasan yang bersifat eksklusif sebagaimana yang diatur dalam pasal V. Namun demikian praktek hukum di Amerika Serikat menunjukkan bahwa pengadilan di negara tersebut dapat menggunakan alasan lain untuk menolak pelaksanaan putusan arbitrase asing, baik berdasarkan pada pasal lain dalam Konvensi New York maupun berdasarkan praktek hukum di Amerika Serikat.