Gabriel Antonio Pinilla Agudelo | Universidad Nacional de Colombia (National University of Colombia) (original) (raw)

Papers by Gabriel Antonio Pinilla Agudelo

Research paper thumbnail of Black Fly (Diptera: Simuliidae) Assemblages of High Andean Rivers Respond to Environmental and Pollution Gradients

Environmental Entomology, 2019

Simuliid larvae are common inhabitants of mountain rivers throughout the world, where they can se... more Simuliid larvae are common inhabitants of mountain rivers throughout the world, where they can serve as ecological indicators. Black flies were sampled during three seasons in four rivers in the upper basin of the Bogotá River in the Colombian Andes, and physical, chemical, and hydrological data were recorded. Multivariate methods were used to determine the relationships between the presence and abundance of simuliid species and environmental characteristics. Fourteen species were found: eight in the genus Gigantodax (Enderlein, Diptera, Simuliidae) and six
in the genus Simulium (Latreille, Diptera, Simuliidae). Dissolved oxygen, dissolved solids, redox potential, chemical oxygen demand, and nutrients contributed to an explanation of species distributions. Species in clean waters and in more polluted waters had narrow niches; those in low to moderately polluted waters had broader niches. Species in the lower reaches of the watercourses had greater turnover, perhaps because the most sensitive species had disappeared and been replaced by more tolerant species. Thus, simuliids can be used as predictors of environmental characteristics of Andean rivers and can be useful in the evaluation and management of these watersheds.

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Research paper thumbnail of LUQUE & PINILLA_2019_Juveniles of the overexploited Amazonian fish Colossoma macropomum (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) as potential seed dispersers of Cecropia spp.

Revista de Biologia Tropical, 2019

Colossoma macropomum is a frugivorous fish from the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. This species... more Colossoma macropomum is a frugivorous fish from the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. This species has an important economic and social role in both river watersheds; it also has been overfished for more than
40 years, leading to changes in the populations structure. Currently adults are less common in fisheries, while juveniles are more frequently fished and sold in several market places along the Amazon River. Reportedly adult individuals consume a vast quantity of fruits and seeds and has been recognized as effective seed dispersers that plays a significant ecological role. Although frugivorous fishes are important dispersers in tropical rainforests, assessments of their effectiveness in dispersing seeds and in the effect on the germination of these ingested seeds are still insufficient. Cecropia latiloba and Cecropia membranacea are two pioneer tree species that initiate the succession process in the tropical forest and are both widely consumed by C. macropomum. In this study we aimed to verify if the Cecropia seeds that pass through the digestive tract of juveniles of C. macropomum would show improved germination. The results obtained through controlled experiments confirm that seeds that pass through the digestive tract of C. macropomum retained their germination capacity. Although the responses in the improvement of the germination variables (germination capacity, minimum imbibition time, time necessary for reaching 50 % germination capacity, emergence velocity index and germination mean time) did not show statistical differences between treatments, the seedlings that grew from the seeds consumed by the fish were taller than those without the digestive treatment. We conclude that juveniles of C. macropomum have the possibility to disperse the seeds of these Cecropia species.

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RESUMEN Se realizó un estudio sobre la cuenca alta del río Chicamocha en Boyacá-Colombia para la ... more RESUMEN Se realizó un estudio sobre la cuenca alta del río Chicamocha en Boyacá-Colombia para la construcción de un índice multimétrico con el objetivo de evaluar la calidad ambiental y ecológica de los afluentes y la corriente principal del río Chicamocha. Se evaluaron cuarenta y siete variables entre biológicas, fisicoquímicas e hidráulicas en tres puntos de los ríos Tuta, Jordán y Surba, además de la corriente principal del río Chicamocha. Se seleccionaron nueve variables para la construcción del IELf (Índice de Estado Limnológico Fluvial) puntaje promedio por taxón de invertebrados (ASPT), coliformes totales, porcentaje de saturación de oxígeno disuelto, sólidos disueltos, fosfatos, nitritos, demanda biológica de oxígeno (DBO 5), velocidad media de la corriente y profundidad relativa del cauce. De acuerdo con el IELf, el río de peor calidad fue el Jordán; en contraste, el río Surba presentó una condición aceptable. En general toda la cuenca oscila entre un estado malo y crítico (en época seca) debido a la contaminación difusa (proveniente de diversas fuentes) y a la reducción de los caudales. Por otra parte, al comparar el IELf con otros índices de calidad del agua (ICAs) internacionales y colombianos se concluyó que muestra un buen nivel discriminatorio de las condiciones de calidad ambiental y ecológica de sistemas lóticos andinos, como los de la cuenca alta del río Chicamocha. ABSTRACT A study was carried out on the upper Chicamocha river basin in Boyacá, Colombia for the construction of a multi metric index with the objective of evaluating the environmental and ecological quality of the tributaries and the main current of the Chicamocha River. Forty-seven variables between biological, physicochemical and hydraulic were evaluated at three points of the Tuta, Jordán and Surba rivers, in addition to the main stream of the Chicamocha River. Nine variables were selected for the construction of the FLSI (Fluvial Limnological State Index) average score per taxon

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Research paper thumbnail of Biodiversity of Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Colombia: state of knowledge

Resumen Se hace una revisión de especies de la familia Simuliidae reportadas en Colombia, se cons... more Resumen Se hace una revisión de especies de la familia Simuliidae reportadas en Colombia, se consultaron bases de datos, publicaciones con los descriptores Colombia y Simulidae y descripciones de especies. Se encontró que el país posee una alta riqueza del grupo, se han reportado 20 especies pertenecientes al género Gigantodax y 54 al género Simulium. Esta riqueza se puede explicar por la variedad de ecosistemas que se encuentran a lo largo del territorio, debido a la presencia de las tres cordilleras y de diferentes sistemas acuáticos continentales, lo que ofrece diversos hábitats para el desarrollo de estos insectos. El género Gigantodax está presente en regiones con altitudes superiores a los 1300 m s.n.m. Se resalta la presencia de especies que solo han sido descritas para el país y el posible aumento de la diversidad, proporcionalmente con el número de hábitats muestreados, ya que se pueden compartir especies que se han informado en los países vecinos, como Venezuela, Ecuador, Panamá y Brasil. En el caso del subgénero Psilopelmia, Colombia posee 74 % de las especies descritas del grupo Bicoloratum. Comparando la proporción de la riqueza en relación al área del país, Colombia superaría en riqueza a países como Brazil y los países Bolivarianos. Abstract A review of reported species of blackflies (family Simuliidae) in Colombia was made undertaken the consultation of databases, publications with " Colombia " and " Simuliidae " keywords, and species descriptions. A high species richness for the country was found, for 20 species from the genus Gigantodax and 54 species of Simulium were found to be reported for the country. Such richness may be explained due to the variety of ecosystems present in the territory as a result of the presence of three mountain ranges and a diversity of aquatic continental systems. This ecosystem variety translates into a diversity of habitats for blackflies. Species of Gigantodax genus occur above 1,300 m a.s.l. It must be highlighted that this genus contains several endemic species, and there will probably be an increase in species richness as more locations are sampled. In fact, some species may be shared with neighboring countries such as Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, and Brazil. In the case of the subgenus Psilopelmia, 74% of described species in the Bicoloratum group are found in Colombia. If species richness for blackflies is corrected by area, Colombia's richness may even surpass that of countries such as Brazil, Venezuela, Panama, Peru, and Ecuador.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecological characterization of Aedes aegypti larval habitats (Diptera: Culicidae) in artificial water containers in Girardot, Colombia

The establishment of habitats for immature Ae. aegypti is regulated by biotic and abiotic factors... more The establishment of habitats for immature Ae. aegypti is regulated by biotic and abiotic factors and interactions between these factors. This study aimed to determine the effects of physico-chemical variables and planktonic algae on immature Ae. aegypti habitats in 101 water tanks (50 of them containing Ae. aegypti pupae and/or larvae) in Girardot, Colombia. Physical data were collected from the water tanks (volume, capacity, material, detritus, and location), along with the physico-chemical variables (temperature, pH, conductivity, redox potential, dissolved oxygen, percentage of oxygen saturation, nitrates, nitrites, and orthophosphates). The richness and abundance of the planktonic organisms were also measured. A chi-square test showed that the occurrence of detritus was greater and the container volume was smaller in the tanks that were positive for larvae. Only Cyanobacteria had a positive correlation with the abundance of immature-stage Ae. aegypti. The results could be important for understanding the vector ecology and envisaging its probable control in the domestic water tanks of Girardot. Journal of Vector Ecology 42 (2): 289-297. 2017.

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Research paper thumbnail of Does the nutrient concentration of water ecosystems affect growth rates and maximum PSII quantum yield in calcium alginate-encapsulated Scenedesmus ovalternus and Chlorella vulgaris

Does the nutrient concentration of water ecosystems affect growth rates and maximum PSII quantum ... more Does the nutrient concentration of water ecosystems affect growth rates and maximum PSII quantum yield in calcium alginate-encapsulated Scenedesmus ovalternus and Chlorella vulgaris? Aquatic ecosystems are susceptible to deterioration caused by eutrophication. Changes in the nutrient concentration may affect species physiology, making it a key factor in structuring communities. Phytoplankters have a short generation time and a fast response to environmental factors, which makes them a good model to address issues related to the effects of the trophic status on aquatic organisms. Our aim was to determine the changes in the growth and maximum PSII quantum yield of calcium alginate-encapsulated Scenedesmus ovalternus and Chlorella vulgaris incubated in aquatic ecosystems with different nutrient concentrations. We tested the following hypotheses: 1) alga with a greater capacity for nutrient absorption (C. vulgaris) would have the highest growth regardless of the environment nutrient concentration and 2) the concentration of nutrients positively affects the maximum PSII quantum yield in the two species. To test the hypotheses, S. ovalternus and C. vulgaris were immobilized in calcium alginate and cultured in wetlands with different nutrient concentrations. The growth of the two species differed between the wetlands; higher development was observed in the eutrophic environment. Significant differences were only recorded between the species in the eutrophic system, with greater growth in C. vulgaris. The hypereutrophic environment conditions were lethal for both species. The maximum quantum yield of PSII showed similar behaviour in both optimum nutrient conditions and limiting conditions. The nutrient concentration of the studied environments influenced the growth of the two species but not their maximum quantum yield of PSII, which seemed to be affected by factors other than nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations. C. vulgaris presented optimum growth only in the eutrophic system. The results showed that the growth rates of encapsulated algae could be a useful method for assessing changes, such as nutrient concentration, in the environmental conditions of the Sabana de Bogotá wetlands. RESUMEN ¿La concentración de nutrientes de los ecosistemas acuáticos afecta la tasa de crecimiento y la eficiencia cuántica máxima del fotosistema II de Scenedesmus ovalternus y Chlorella vulgaris encapsuladas en alginato de calcio? Los ecosistemas acuáticos son susceptibles al deterioro causado por los procesos de eutrofización. Los cambios en la con-centración de nutrientes pueden afectar la fisiología de las especies y de esa forma ser un factor clave en la estructuración de las comunidades. Los organismos fitoplanctónicos presentan tiempos de generación cortos y respuestas rápidas a los fac-tores ambientales, lo que los hace un modelo apropiado para abordar temas relacionados con el efecto del estado trófico sobre organismos acuáticos. Nuestro objetivo en este trabajo fue determinar los cambios en el crecimiento y en la eficien-cia cuántica máxima del fotosistema II de Scenedesmus ovalternus y Chlorella vulgaris encapsuladas en alginato de calcio e incubadas en ecosistemas acuáticos con diferente concentración de nutrientes. Las hipótesis a probar fueron 1) que el alga 17140_Limnetica 36(2), pàgina 405, 06/09/2017

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Research paper thumbnail of MEDICIÓN DE LA FLUORESCENCIA DE LA CLOROFILA a EN ALGAS Measuring of the Chlorophyll a Fluorescence in Calcium Alginate-Encapsulated Algae ACTA BIOLÓGICA COLOMBIANA

Citation/Citar este artículo como: Delgadillo Rodríguez IP, Montenegro Ruíz LC, Pinilla Agudelo G... more Citation/Citar este artículo como: Delgadillo Rodríguez IP, Montenegro Ruíz LC, Pinilla Agudelo GA, Melgarejo LM. Medición de la fluorescencia de la clorofila a en algas encapsuladas en alginato de calcio. Acta biol. Colomb. 2017;22(2):199-208. DOI: http:// RESUMEN La inmovilización de las algas tiene múltiples aplicaciones, tales como la biorremediación del agua y la producción de metabolitos. Una de las variables que se puede determinar en las algas inmovilizadas es la fluorescencia de la clorofila a, debido a que este parámetro está relacionado con la respuesta fisiológica de estos organismos. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue explorar un método para la medición de la fluorescencia de la clorofila a en algas encapsuladas en esferas de alginato de calcio. Con este fin, se cultivaron dos especies de microalgas (Scenedesmus ovalternus LAUN 001 y Parachlorella kessleri LAUN 002) en monocultivos, tanto en condiciones de cultivo libres (10 mL de la preparación algal en 250 mL de Medio Básico de Bold), como encapsuladas (250 esferas de alginato de calcio en 250 mL de Medio Básico de Bold). Se realizaron diferentes protocolos de medición de la fluorescencia de la clorofila a del fotosistema II (PSII) variando a) el tiempo de preadaptación a la oscuridad (10, 15 y 30 min), b) la intensidad de luz generada por fluorómetro no modulado (entre 1000 y 3500 µmoles m-2 s-1), y c) el tiempo de exposición a la luz actínica (1, 2 y 5 s). Se lograron establecer como condiciones óptimas para la medición de la eficiencia cuántica potencial del fotosistema II (F v /F m) en las algas encapsuladas las siguientes: a) 30 min de preadaptación a la oscuridad; b) 3000 µmoles m-2 s-1 , de intensidad lumínica generada desde el fluorómetro; y c) 1 o 2 s de exposición a la luz actínica. Se encontraron los siguientes valores en la F v /F m en condiciones no estresantes: 0,760 a 0,764 para S. ovalternus y 0,732 a 0,748 para P. kessleri. Esta metodología permite observar algunos cambios en la actividad fotoquímica relacionados con variaciones de los factores bajo los cuales se encuentran las algas inmovilizadas. Palabras clave: algas inmovilizadas, eficiencia cuántica potencial del fotosistema II, microalgas, Parachlorella kessleri, Scenedesmus ovalternus. ABSTRACT Immobilization of algae has many applications, such as water bioremediation and production of metabolites. One of the variables that can be determined in the immobilized algae is chlorophyll a fluorescence, because this parameter is related to the physiological response of these organisms. Therefore, the objective of this study was to explore a method for measuring the chlorophyll a fluorescence in calcium alginate-encapsulated algae. To do this, two species of microalgae (Scenedesmus ovalternus LAUN 001 and Parachlorella kessleri LAUN 002) were grown in monocultures in both free culture conditions (10 mL of algae preparation in 250 mL of Basal Bold Medium) and encapsulated (250 spheres in 250 mL of Basal Bold Medium). Different measurement protocols of chlorophyll a fluorescence of photosystem II (PSII) were performed by varying a) the preadaptation time to darkness (10, 15 and 30 min), b) the light intensity of the non-modulated fluorometer (between 1000 and 3500 μmoles m-2 s-1), and c) the time of exposure to actinic light (1, 2 and 5 s). The optimal conditions for the measurement of the maximum quantum yield of PSII (F v /F m) in encapsulated algae were established as follow: a) 30 min of preadaptation time; b) 3000 μmoles m-2 s-1 of the fluorometer light intensity; and c) 1 to 2 s of exposure to actinic light. The following values in the photochemical activity of algae in non-stressful conditions were found: 0.760

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Research paper thumbnail of Estado trófico de El Salitre Evaluación del estado trófico de El Salitre, último humedal urbano de referencia en Bogotá

Resumen El Distrito Capital de Bogotá cuenta con 15 humedales reconocidos como parte del sistema ... more Resumen El Distrito Capital de Bogotá cuenta con 15 humedales reconocidos como parte del sistema de áreas protegidas de la ciudad, la mayoría de los cuales se encuentran seriamente afectados debido a la presión ejercida por el acelerado crecimiento urbano. A diferencia de los otros sistemas del mismo tipo, el humedal El Salitre, recientemente declarado como Parque Ecológico Distrital de Humedal, no se ha visto afectado por vertimientos de aguas residuales. En este estudio se determinó el estado trófico de dicho humedal a partir de la concentración de nutrientes y clorofila a fitoplanctónica, el cálculo de los índices del estado trófico y la composición taxonómica del fitoplancton. El nutriente limitante fue el nitrógeno. Las bajas concentraciones de compuestos nitrogenados, los índices fitoplanctónicos y la dominancia de desmidias (Conjugatophyceae), indicaron que el humedal El Salitre presentó condiciones de oligotrofia a mesotrofia en los dos periodos climáticos durante los cuales se estudió. Los resultados sugieren que este humedal podría servir como sistema de referencia para los demás humedales de Bogotá. Evaluation of the trophic state of El Salitre, the last urban reference wetland of Bogotá Abstract The Capital District of Bogotá has 15 wetlands recognized within the system of protected areas of the city, most of which are seriously affected due to the pressure exerted by the rapid urban growth. Unlike other systems of the same type, El Salitre wetland, recently declared as a Wetland District Ecological Park, has not been affected by wastewater discharges. In this study, we determined its trophic state based on the concentrations of nutrients and phytoplanktonic chlorophyll a, trophic state indices calculation and the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton. Nitrogen was the limiting nutrient. Low concentrations of nitrogen compounds, phytoplankton indices, and dominance of desmids (Conjugatophyceae) indicated that El Salitre wetland presented an oligotrophic to mesotrophic condition in the two climatic periods during which it was studied. These results suggest that it could serve as reference system for other wetlands in Bogotá.

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Research paper thumbnail of Efectos de la conectividad local sobre los ensambles de peces en una planicie de inundación tropical

Efectos de la conectividad local sobre los ensambles de peces en una planicie de inundación tropi... more Efectos de la conectividad local sobre los ensambles de peces en una planicie de inundación tropical Effects of the local connectivity on fish assemblages in a tropical floodplain RESUMEN Las lagunas de las planicies de inundación tropicales albergan alta diversidad biológica, son fundamentales para los ciclos de vida de muchos organismos y de importancia económica para las poblaciones locales. Este estudio evaluó el efecto de la conectividad local en los ensambles de peces en las lagunas San Silvestre (conectividad alterada) y El Llanito (conectividad no alterada), en la planicie de inundación del río Sogamoso, afluente del río Magdalena, Colombia. Se realizaron tres muestreos durante un ciclo hidrológico y se analizaron la abundancia, riqueza y equidad de los ensambles de peces y los aspectos fisicoquímicos de las lagunas. Se registraron 37 especies, 28 en El Llanito y 31 en San Silvestre. Aunque no se encontraron diferencias en los índices de riqueza y equitatividad, hay tendencias claras que indican menores valores en San Silvestre comparada con El Llanito. No hubo diferencias en la abundancia entre las lagunas, pero fue mayor y con poca variación en San Silvestre, mientras que en El Llanito hubo un pico en el último muestreo. En las dos lagunas las abundancias se concentraron en pocos taxones con variaciones temporales moderadas. En El Llanito la temperatura, el pH y la conductividad fueron mayores, mientras que en San Silvestre los valores fueron más elevados en profundidad y velocidad de la corriente. Los resultados pueden ser útiles para la conservación de los recursos ícticos dada su importancia social y ecológica para esta cuenca que está sometida a una gran presión por las actividades humanas. Palabras clave. Río Sogamoso, San Silvestre, El Llanito, peces de ciénagas, pulso de inundación. ABSTRACT Lagoons of tropical floodplains harbor high levels of biological diversity, play a fundamental role in the life cycles of many organisms and are of great economic importance to local people. This study evaluated the effect of local connectivity on fish assemblages of the San Silvestre (altered connectivity) and El Llanito (unaltered connectivity) lagoons of the Sogamoso River floodplain (Magdalena River basin, Colombia). Samples were collected at three different times during the course of the hydrological cycle and abundance, richness and evenness of fish assemblages were analyzed, along with physicochemical aspects of the lagoons. A total of 37 species were recorded, 28 in El Llanito and 31 in San Silvestre. None of the richness and evenness indices showed statistically significant differences; however clear trends towards higher dominance, lower diversity, and less evenness in San Silvestre compared to El Llanito were observed. There was no significant difference in abundance between the lagoons, but it was greater with lower variation in San Silvestre, while in El Llanito there was a peak in the last round of sampling. Abundance in the two lagoons was concentrated in a few taxa and showed moderate variation over the sampling periods. Temperature, pH, and conductivity values were higher in El Llanito lagoon, while the San Silvestre lagoon had greater depth and flow velocity. This study provides useful information for the conservation of fish resources in eCología

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Methodological Proposal for Estimating Environmental Flows in Projects Approved by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Mads), Colombia

Acta Biológica Colombiana, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Hábitos Alimenticios, Morfometría y Estados Gonadales De Cinco Especies De Peces en Diferentes Períodos Climáticos en El Río Sogamoso (Santander)

Acta Biologica Colombiana, Apr 12, 2012

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Colombia Forestal, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of An index of limnological conditions for urban wetlands of Bogotá city, Colombia

The urban wetlands of Bogota´ are ecosystems of great importance, yet they are deteriorating. The... more The urban wetlands of Bogota´ are ecosystems of great importance, yet they are deteriorating. The state of deterioration must be evaluated in order to develop new methods of ecosystem monitoring and conservation. Here we describe the development of an index to assess the ecological health of five urban wetlands and one rural wetland from limnological data. The field phase of this study took place in November 2007 (rainy season) and February 2008 (dry season). Physical and chemical variables of the wetland ecosystems (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, hardness, chlorides, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, orthophosphates, and biological oxygen demand) were measured and samples of phytoplankton, periphyton, macroinvertebrates, and aquatic plants (macrophytes) were collected. The indices developed (biotic indices of communities: BI, and limnological conditions index: LICOI) allow classification of wetlands into three categories: those that have ‘‘acceptable limnological conditions’’ (Meridor, Jaboque and Guaimaral), those with ‘‘regular limnological conditions’’ (Santa Marı´a del Lago, Juan Amarillo) and those with ‘‘poor limnological conditions’’ (Tibanica). None of the environments studied fit a potential fourth category of ‘‘best limnological conditions.’’ The LICOI is a management tool that can be used to assess changes in wetlands after positive actions (restoration, cleaning, hydraulic management), or negative impacts (depletion, alien species, pollution). It also could allow regular monitoring of wetland evolution and serve as a basis for the development of indices measuring the ecological status of other aquatic environments in Colombia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Immobilization of Microalgae Scenedesmus ovalternus (Scenedesmaceae) and Chlorella vulgaris (Chlorellaceae) in Calcium Alginate Beads ACTA BIOLÓGICA COLOMBIANA NOTA BREVE/BRIEF NOTE

RESUMEN En este trabajo se describe la técnica de inmovilización de microalgas en esferas de algi... more RESUMEN En este trabajo se describe la técnica de inmovilización de microalgas en esferas de alginato de calcio. Se emplearon las especies Scenedesmus ovalternus y Chlorella vulgaris, se determinó la estabilidad de las esferas, la cinética de crecimiento y la concentración de las microalgas en el interior de las esferas. Chlorella vulgaris alcanzó mayores densidades poblacionales y tasas de crecimiento más altas cuando se inmovilizó en concentraciones del 10 % v/v con el alginato (1,31*10 6 cél/ml). Para Scenedesmus ovalternus se observó una mayor densidad poblacional y una mayor tasa de crecimiento cuando se inmovilizó en concentraciones del 20 % v/v (7,06*10 5 cél/ml). Estos resultados son útiles para aplicaciones prácticas de las algas encapsuladas, tales como el biomonitoreo o la biorremediación. ABSTRACT This paper describes the immobilization technique of microalgae in calcium alginate beads. Scenedesmus ovalternus and Chlorella vulgaris species were used. The stability of beads, the kinetics of growth and the concentrations of microalgae inside the beads were determined. The higher density and the upper growth rate of Chlorella vulgaris occurred when it was immobilized in alginate at a concentration of 10 %v/v (1,31*10 6 cél/ml). Scenedesmus ovalternus achieved a higher population density and an elevated growth rate when it was immobilized at a concentration of 20 % v/v (7,06*10 5 cél/ml). These results are useful for subsequent applications of the encapsulated algae, such as biomonitoring and bioremediation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Experiences in the Use of Limnological Indices in Colombia

The main objective of this paper is to show some experiences of the Department of Biology of the ... more The main objective of this paper is to show some experiences of the Department of Biology of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in the development of limnological indices to assess the ecological status of aquatic systems in Colombia. Seven cases are presented ranging from the construction of a multimetric index for the urban wetlands of Bogotá, to the development of a method for biomonitoring the water trophic status, based on microalgae encapsulated in alginate. The indices shown consider physical, chemical, and biotic variables in the limnological environments analyzed. Aquatic communities worked were phytoplankton, periphyton, aquatic plants, and aquatic invertebrates. The proposed indices (Limnological Conditions Index of Bogotá wetlands–LICOI; Periphytic Diatoms Index of Bogotá Wetlands– PDIBW; Biotic Integrity Index for Macroinvertebrate of Cesar swamps BIIM; Limnological State Index for the Canal del Dique swamps–LSI; Limnological River State Index for upper basin of River Chicamocha – LRSI; Habitat Integrity Index for licensed rivers–(HII) permit to set ranges of quality and functionality of ecosystems studied. Encapsulated algae, meanwhile, reflected through their growth rates trophic status of water. Thus, technical and scientific methodologies are offered to the environmental authorities, so they can make decisions on the use, restoration and conservation of inland wetlands in the country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of land use on soil properties and run-off in a colombian Orinoco water basin

This study evaluates the effects of land use on the Camoa water basin in Meta by quantifying the ... more This study evaluates the effects of land use on the Camoa water basin in Meta by quantifying the effect of soil organic matter content (SOMC), bulk density and water content. These variables were evaluated by extracting ground cores from riparian forests and grasslands of different litter cover. We also evaluated the relationship between the SOMC and the water volume deficit using regressions. Likewise, using pitfall traps we identified the trophic organization of soil-superficial arthropods. Due to its higher SOMC (> 5%), the soils of highly productive forest (high litter content) had significantly higher water contents than soils from less productive forests and grasslands (p < 0.05 in both cases). The water content found among the studied soil cover types suggests that the role of run-off in forest has been underestimated. Water basin management should encourage the establishment of productive riparian forests with SOMC values higher than 5% in order to promote volume and continuity in water offer from rivers due to the generation of constant subsurface flow and the regulation of sporadic superficial run-offs. The variety of functions and interactions accomplished by arthropods in forest soils suggests that a highly structured trophic organization favors conversion of simple and complex compounds
in humus and therefore would favors soil water retention capacity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Biomass of macroinvertebrates and physicochemical characteristics of water in an Andean urban wetland of Colombia

Aquatic macroinvertebrates (AMI) play an important role in the ecology of wetlands, either by the... more Aquatic macroinvertebrates (AMI) play an important role in the ecology of wetlands, either by their job as regulators of the cycles of matter, as for their energy storage function represented in their biomass, which is transferred to higher trophic levels. To answer the question of how biomass of different AMI trophic guilds is related with physicochemical variables in the wetland Jaboque (Bogotá, Colombia), four samplings were achieved between April 2009 and January 2010, according to periods of rain and drought in the region. The AMI biomass values obtained were rated as of intermediate rank. No temporal but spatial significant differences were found. Apparently these spatial differences appear to be associated with variations in anthropogenic pressure, which differs in each area of the wetland. In dry months (January and August), biomass was greater and dominated by detritivores. We observed a positive relationship between the specific conductance of water and the biomass of predators and detritivores and between water temperature and the biomass of detritivores and shredders. These relationships suggest that the physical and chemical variables influence the distribution, abundance, and biomass of functional groups. The physical and chemical conditions of water exhibited spatiotemporal fluctuations related to changes in the concentration of organic matter and nutrients, which presumably were related to the affluents discharges and the high impact of local human populations. Biomassa de macroinvertebrados e características físicas e químicas da água em um pantanal urbano dos Andes na Colômbia Resumo Macroinvertebrados aquáticos (MIA) desempenham um importante papel na ecologia das zonas úmidas, quer pelo seu emprego como reguladores dos ciclos da matéria, como para a sua função de armazenamento de energia representada na sua biomassa, que é transferido para elevados níveis tróficos. Para responder à questão de como a biomassa de diferentes categorias tróficas de MIA está relacionada com as variáveis físicas e químicas da água do pantanal Jaboque (Bogotá, Colômbia), quatro amostragens foram realizadas entre abril de 2009 e janeiro de 2010, de acordo com os períodos de chuva e seca na região. Os valores de biomassa de MIA obtidos foram classificados como de grau intermediário. Nós não encontramos nenhuma diferença significativa no tempo, mas foram observadas diferenças espaciais. Aparentemente, estas diferenças parecem estar associadas com as variações espaciais na pressão antrópica, que difere em cada região do pantanal. Nos meses de menor precipitação (janeiro e agosto), a biomassa foi maior e dominado por detritívoros. Observou-se uma relação positiva entre a condutividade específica da água ena biomassa de predadores e detritívoros e entre a temperatura da água e a biomassa de detritívoros e trituradores. Estas relações sugerem que as variáveis físicas e químicas influenciam a distribuição, abundância e biomassa de grupos funcionais. As condições físicas e químicas da água tiveram flutuações espaço-temporais relacionadas com alterações na concentração de matéria orgânica e nutrientes, que foram presumivelmente relacionadas com a descarga do efluente e o elevado impacto das populações humanas locais. Palavras-chave: biomassa, macroinvertebrados aquáticos, áreas úmidas urbanas, Jaboque, Andes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Martinez Pinilla 2014 Calidad cienagas Cesar con macroinvertebrados CALDASIA

RESUMEN Se evalúo la calidad de agua de tres ciénagas del departamento del Cesar (Zapatosa, Mata ... more RESUMEN Se evalúo la calidad de agua de tres ciénagas del departamento del Cesar (Zapatosa, Mata de Palma y La Pachita) mediante la caracterización de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos asociados a la planta acuática-flotante Eichhornia crassipes (taruya, buchón). Se realizaron dos muestreos en época de aguas altas y dos en el periodo de aguas bajas. Para determinar la calidad del agua se midieron variables fisicoquímicas y se utilizaron el Índice Biótico de Polución (IBP) y el Índice de Integridad Biótica de Macroinvertebrados (IIBM), este último desarrollado específicamente para las ciénagas estudiadas. Los individuos encontrados pertenecen a 15 órdenes, 34 familias y 87 morfotipos, y de ellos el orden Coleoptera fue el más diverso con 49 morfotipos (56% del total). Las familias Hydrophilidae y Dytiscidae (Coleptera), Cyclestheriidae (Branchiopoda), Chironomidae (Diptera) y Planorbidae (Basommatophora) fueron las más representativas en cuanto a la abundancia. Las abundancias por área fluctuaron entre 3130 ind.m-2 en Mata de Palma (27% Conchostraca) y 190686 ind.m-2 en La Pachita (95% Chironomidae). El IBP presentó las mayores correlaciones con las variables fisicoquímicas, pero el IIBM fue más flexible y sensible, por lo que se recomienda su utilización. ABSTRACT The water quality of three wetlands (" ciénagas " Zapatosa, Mata de Palma and La Pachita) in the Department of Cesar, Colombia, was assessed by studying the aquatic macroinvertebrate community associated with macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes (" taruya, buchón "). Two surveys were carried out in periods of high waters and two

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Research paper thumbnail of ÍNDICE DE ESTADO LIMNOLÓGICO (IEL) PARA EVALUAR LAS CONDICIONES ECOLÓGICAS DE LAS CIÉNAGAS DEL CANAL DEL DIQUE, COLOMBIA. Limnological State Index (LSI) to Evaluate Ecological Conditions of the Canal del Dique Wetlands, Colombia

RESUMEN Determinar el estado o salud ecológica de un ecosistema brinda herramientas útiles para s... more RESUMEN Determinar el estado o salud ecológica de un ecosistema brinda herramientas útiles para su gestión y conservación. En Colombia no existen registros de índices que combinen en un solo parámetro las variables físicas, químicas y biológicas de los sistemas acuáticos, de manera que la evaluación de su estado ecológico ha sido fragmentaria o incompleta. En este trabajo se presenta un Índice de Estado Limnológico (IEL) para las ciénagas del Canal del Dique, ecosistemas sometidos a constante presión por parte de las comu-nidades humanas. Para la construcción de este índice multimétrico se elaboraron gráficas de calidad de las variables seleccionadas y se les asignaron valores de importancia. Para construir el IEL se empleó la teoría de los multiatributos considerando 12 variables. También se realizó un análisis de componentes principales de las variables seleccionadas. Se diseñó una versión simplificada (IEL parcial-IELP) en la que se excluyeron cuatro de las variables biológicas. Finalmente, se construyó una escala de interpretación de los valo-res obtenidos con estos índices. El IEL y el IELP se aplicaron a las ciénagas del Canal del Dique para establecer su condición ecológica actual. Los datos muestran que el estado limnológico de la mayoría de ciénagas de esta región es aceptable, lo que sugiere que estos ecosistemas lénticos se encuentran dentro de los límites admisibles de funciona-miento, aunque no están excentos de procesos de deterioro. ABSTRACT Determining the ecological state or health of an ecosystem offers useful tools for its management and conservation. In Colombia, indexes of aquatic systems that combine

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Research paper thumbnail of Black Fly (Diptera: Simuliidae) Assemblages of High Andean Rivers Respond to Environmental and Pollution Gradients

Environmental Entomology, 2019

Simuliid larvae are common inhabitants of mountain rivers throughout the world, where they can se... more Simuliid larvae are common inhabitants of mountain rivers throughout the world, where they can serve as ecological indicators. Black flies were sampled during three seasons in four rivers in the upper basin of the Bogotá River in the Colombian Andes, and physical, chemical, and hydrological data were recorded. Multivariate methods were used to determine the relationships between the presence and abundance of simuliid species and environmental characteristics. Fourteen species were found: eight in the genus Gigantodax (Enderlein, Diptera, Simuliidae) and six
in the genus Simulium (Latreille, Diptera, Simuliidae). Dissolved oxygen, dissolved solids, redox potential, chemical oxygen demand, and nutrients contributed to an explanation of species distributions. Species in clean waters and in more polluted waters had narrow niches; those in low to moderately polluted waters had broader niches. Species in the lower reaches of the watercourses had greater turnover, perhaps because the most sensitive species had disappeared and been replaced by more tolerant species. Thus, simuliids can be used as predictors of environmental characteristics of Andean rivers and can be useful in the evaluation and management of these watersheds.

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Research paper thumbnail of LUQUE & PINILLA_2019_Juveniles of the overexploited Amazonian fish Colossoma macropomum (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) as potential seed dispersers of Cecropia spp.

Revista de Biologia Tropical, 2019

Colossoma macropomum is a frugivorous fish from the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. This species... more Colossoma macropomum is a frugivorous fish from the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. This species has an important economic and social role in both river watersheds; it also has been overfished for more than
40 years, leading to changes in the populations structure. Currently adults are less common in fisheries, while juveniles are more frequently fished and sold in several market places along the Amazon River. Reportedly adult individuals consume a vast quantity of fruits and seeds and has been recognized as effective seed dispersers that plays a significant ecological role. Although frugivorous fishes are important dispersers in tropical rainforests, assessments of their effectiveness in dispersing seeds and in the effect on the germination of these ingested seeds are still insufficient. Cecropia latiloba and Cecropia membranacea are two pioneer tree species that initiate the succession process in the tropical forest and are both widely consumed by C. macropomum. In this study we aimed to verify if the Cecropia seeds that pass through the digestive tract of juveniles of C. macropomum would show improved germination. The results obtained through controlled experiments confirm that seeds that pass through the digestive tract of C. macropomum retained their germination capacity. Although the responses in the improvement of the germination variables (germination capacity, minimum imbibition time, time necessary for reaching 50 % germination capacity, emergence velocity index and germination mean time) did not show statistical differences between treatments, the seedlings that grew from the seeds consumed by the fish were taller than those without the digestive treatment. We conclude that juveniles of C. macropomum have the possibility to disperse the seeds of these Cecropia species.

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RESUMEN Se realizó un estudio sobre la cuenca alta del río Chicamocha en Boyacá-Colombia para la ... more RESUMEN Se realizó un estudio sobre la cuenca alta del río Chicamocha en Boyacá-Colombia para la construcción de un índice multimétrico con el objetivo de evaluar la calidad ambiental y ecológica de los afluentes y la corriente principal del río Chicamocha. Se evaluaron cuarenta y siete variables entre biológicas, fisicoquímicas e hidráulicas en tres puntos de los ríos Tuta, Jordán y Surba, además de la corriente principal del río Chicamocha. Se seleccionaron nueve variables para la construcción del IELf (Índice de Estado Limnológico Fluvial) puntaje promedio por taxón de invertebrados (ASPT), coliformes totales, porcentaje de saturación de oxígeno disuelto, sólidos disueltos, fosfatos, nitritos, demanda biológica de oxígeno (DBO 5), velocidad media de la corriente y profundidad relativa del cauce. De acuerdo con el IELf, el río de peor calidad fue el Jordán; en contraste, el río Surba presentó una condición aceptable. En general toda la cuenca oscila entre un estado malo y crítico (en época seca) debido a la contaminación difusa (proveniente de diversas fuentes) y a la reducción de los caudales. Por otra parte, al comparar el IELf con otros índices de calidad del agua (ICAs) internacionales y colombianos se concluyó que muestra un buen nivel discriminatorio de las condiciones de calidad ambiental y ecológica de sistemas lóticos andinos, como los de la cuenca alta del río Chicamocha. ABSTRACT A study was carried out on the upper Chicamocha river basin in Boyacá, Colombia for the construction of a multi metric index with the objective of evaluating the environmental and ecological quality of the tributaries and the main current of the Chicamocha River. Forty-seven variables between biological, physicochemical and hydraulic were evaluated at three points of the Tuta, Jordán and Surba rivers, in addition to the main stream of the Chicamocha River. Nine variables were selected for the construction of the FLSI (Fluvial Limnological State Index) average score per taxon

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Research paper thumbnail of Biodiversity of Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Colombia: state of knowledge

Resumen Se hace una revisión de especies de la familia Simuliidae reportadas en Colombia, se cons... more Resumen Se hace una revisión de especies de la familia Simuliidae reportadas en Colombia, se consultaron bases de datos, publicaciones con los descriptores Colombia y Simulidae y descripciones de especies. Se encontró que el país posee una alta riqueza del grupo, se han reportado 20 especies pertenecientes al género Gigantodax y 54 al género Simulium. Esta riqueza se puede explicar por la variedad de ecosistemas que se encuentran a lo largo del territorio, debido a la presencia de las tres cordilleras y de diferentes sistemas acuáticos continentales, lo que ofrece diversos hábitats para el desarrollo de estos insectos. El género Gigantodax está presente en regiones con altitudes superiores a los 1300 m s.n.m. Se resalta la presencia de especies que solo han sido descritas para el país y el posible aumento de la diversidad, proporcionalmente con el número de hábitats muestreados, ya que se pueden compartir especies que se han informado en los países vecinos, como Venezuela, Ecuador, Panamá y Brasil. En el caso del subgénero Psilopelmia, Colombia posee 74 % de las especies descritas del grupo Bicoloratum. Comparando la proporción de la riqueza en relación al área del país, Colombia superaría en riqueza a países como Brazil y los países Bolivarianos. Abstract A review of reported species of blackflies (family Simuliidae) in Colombia was made undertaken the consultation of databases, publications with " Colombia " and " Simuliidae " keywords, and species descriptions. A high species richness for the country was found, for 20 species from the genus Gigantodax and 54 species of Simulium were found to be reported for the country. Such richness may be explained due to the variety of ecosystems present in the territory as a result of the presence of three mountain ranges and a diversity of aquatic continental systems. This ecosystem variety translates into a diversity of habitats for blackflies. Species of Gigantodax genus occur above 1,300 m a.s.l. It must be highlighted that this genus contains several endemic species, and there will probably be an increase in species richness as more locations are sampled. In fact, some species may be shared with neighboring countries such as Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, and Brazil. In the case of the subgenus Psilopelmia, 74% of described species in the Bicoloratum group are found in Colombia. If species richness for blackflies is corrected by area, Colombia's richness may even surpass that of countries such as Brazil, Venezuela, Panama, Peru, and Ecuador.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecological characterization of Aedes aegypti larval habitats (Diptera: Culicidae) in artificial water containers in Girardot, Colombia

The establishment of habitats for immature Ae. aegypti is regulated by biotic and abiotic factors... more The establishment of habitats for immature Ae. aegypti is regulated by biotic and abiotic factors and interactions between these factors. This study aimed to determine the effects of physico-chemical variables and planktonic algae on immature Ae. aegypti habitats in 101 water tanks (50 of them containing Ae. aegypti pupae and/or larvae) in Girardot, Colombia. Physical data were collected from the water tanks (volume, capacity, material, detritus, and location), along with the physico-chemical variables (temperature, pH, conductivity, redox potential, dissolved oxygen, percentage of oxygen saturation, nitrates, nitrites, and orthophosphates). The richness and abundance of the planktonic organisms were also measured. A chi-square test showed that the occurrence of detritus was greater and the container volume was smaller in the tanks that were positive for larvae. Only Cyanobacteria had a positive correlation with the abundance of immature-stage Ae. aegypti. The results could be important for understanding the vector ecology and envisaging its probable control in the domestic water tanks of Girardot. Journal of Vector Ecology 42 (2): 289-297. 2017.

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Research paper thumbnail of Does the nutrient concentration of water ecosystems affect growth rates and maximum PSII quantum yield in calcium alginate-encapsulated Scenedesmus ovalternus and Chlorella vulgaris

Does the nutrient concentration of water ecosystems affect growth rates and maximum PSII quantum ... more Does the nutrient concentration of water ecosystems affect growth rates and maximum PSII quantum yield in calcium alginate-encapsulated Scenedesmus ovalternus and Chlorella vulgaris? Aquatic ecosystems are susceptible to deterioration caused by eutrophication. Changes in the nutrient concentration may affect species physiology, making it a key factor in structuring communities. Phytoplankters have a short generation time and a fast response to environmental factors, which makes them a good model to address issues related to the effects of the trophic status on aquatic organisms. Our aim was to determine the changes in the growth and maximum PSII quantum yield of calcium alginate-encapsulated Scenedesmus ovalternus and Chlorella vulgaris incubated in aquatic ecosystems with different nutrient concentrations. We tested the following hypotheses: 1) alga with a greater capacity for nutrient absorption (C. vulgaris) would have the highest growth regardless of the environment nutrient concentration and 2) the concentration of nutrients positively affects the maximum PSII quantum yield in the two species. To test the hypotheses, S. ovalternus and C. vulgaris were immobilized in calcium alginate and cultured in wetlands with different nutrient concentrations. The growth of the two species differed between the wetlands; higher development was observed in the eutrophic environment. Significant differences were only recorded between the species in the eutrophic system, with greater growth in C. vulgaris. The hypereutrophic environment conditions were lethal for both species. The maximum quantum yield of PSII showed similar behaviour in both optimum nutrient conditions and limiting conditions. The nutrient concentration of the studied environments influenced the growth of the two species but not their maximum quantum yield of PSII, which seemed to be affected by factors other than nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations. C. vulgaris presented optimum growth only in the eutrophic system. The results showed that the growth rates of encapsulated algae could be a useful method for assessing changes, such as nutrient concentration, in the environmental conditions of the Sabana de Bogotá wetlands. RESUMEN ¿La concentración de nutrientes de los ecosistemas acuáticos afecta la tasa de crecimiento y la eficiencia cuántica máxima del fotosistema II de Scenedesmus ovalternus y Chlorella vulgaris encapsuladas en alginato de calcio? Los ecosistemas acuáticos son susceptibles al deterioro causado por los procesos de eutrofización. Los cambios en la con-centración de nutrientes pueden afectar la fisiología de las especies y de esa forma ser un factor clave en la estructuración de las comunidades. Los organismos fitoplanctónicos presentan tiempos de generación cortos y respuestas rápidas a los fac-tores ambientales, lo que los hace un modelo apropiado para abordar temas relacionados con el efecto del estado trófico sobre organismos acuáticos. Nuestro objetivo en este trabajo fue determinar los cambios en el crecimiento y en la eficien-cia cuántica máxima del fotosistema II de Scenedesmus ovalternus y Chlorella vulgaris encapsuladas en alginato de calcio e incubadas en ecosistemas acuáticos con diferente concentración de nutrientes. Las hipótesis a probar fueron 1) que el alga 17140_Limnetica 36(2), pàgina 405, 06/09/2017

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Research paper thumbnail of MEDICIÓN DE LA FLUORESCENCIA DE LA CLOROFILA a EN ALGAS Measuring of the Chlorophyll a Fluorescence in Calcium Alginate-Encapsulated Algae ACTA BIOLÓGICA COLOMBIANA

Citation/Citar este artículo como: Delgadillo Rodríguez IP, Montenegro Ruíz LC, Pinilla Agudelo G... more Citation/Citar este artículo como: Delgadillo Rodríguez IP, Montenegro Ruíz LC, Pinilla Agudelo GA, Melgarejo LM. Medición de la fluorescencia de la clorofila a en algas encapsuladas en alginato de calcio. Acta biol. Colomb. 2017;22(2):199-208. DOI: http:// RESUMEN La inmovilización de las algas tiene múltiples aplicaciones, tales como la biorremediación del agua y la producción de metabolitos. Una de las variables que se puede determinar en las algas inmovilizadas es la fluorescencia de la clorofila a, debido a que este parámetro está relacionado con la respuesta fisiológica de estos organismos. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue explorar un método para la medición de la fluorescencia de la clorofila a en algas encapsuladas en esferas de alginato de calcio. Con este fin, se cultivaron dos especies de microalgas (Scenedesmus ovalternus LAUN 001 y Parachlorella kessleri LAUN 002) en monocultivos, tanto en condiciones de cultivo libres (10 mL de la preparación algal en 250 mL de Medio Básico de Bold), como encapsuladas (250 esferas de alginato de calcio en 250 mL de Medio Básico de Bold). Se realizaron diferentes protocolos de medición de la fluorescencia de la clorofila a del fotosistema II (PSII) variando a) el tiempo de preadaptación a la oscuridad (10, 15 y 30 min), b) la intensidad de luz generada por fluorómetro no modulado (entre 1000 y 3500 µmoles m-2 s-1), y c) el tiempo de exposición a la luz actínica (1, 2 y 5 s). Se lograron establecer como condiciones óptimas para la medición de la eficiencia cuántica potencial del fotosistema II (F v /F m) en las algas encapsuladas las siguientes: a) 30 min de preadaptación a la oscuridad; b) 3000 µmoles m-2 s-1 , de intensidad lumínica generada desde el fluorómetro; y c) 1 o 2 s de exposición a la luz actínica. Se encontraron los siguientes valores en la F v /F m en condiciones no estresantes: 0,760 a 0,764 para S. ovalternus y 0,732 a 0,748 para P. kessleri. Esta metodología permite observar algunos cambios en la actividad fotoquímica relacionados con variaciones de los factores bajo los cuales se encuentran las algas inmovilizadas. Palabras clave: algas inmovilizadas, eficiencia cuántica potencial del fotosistema II, microalgas, Parachlorella kessleri, Scenedesmus ovalternus. ABSTRACT Immobilization of algae has many applications, such as water bioremediation and production of metabolites. One of the variables that can be determined in the immobilized algae is chlorophyll a fluorescence, because this parameter is related to the physiological response of these organisms. Therefore, the objective of this study was to explore a method for measuring the chlorophyll a fluorescence in calcium alginate-encapsulated algae. To do this, two species of microalgae (Scenedesmus ovalternus LAUN 001 and Parachlorella kessleri LAUN 002) were grown in monocultures in both free culture conditions (10 mL of algae preparation in 250 mL of Basal Bold Medium) and encapsulated (250 spheres in 250 mL of Basal Bold Medium). Different measurement protocols of chlorophyll a fluorescence of photosystem II (PSII) were performed by varying a) the preadaptation time to darkness (10, 15 and 30 min), b) the light intensity of the non-modulated fluorometer (between 1000 and 3500 μmoles m-2 s-1), and c) the time of exposure to actinic light (1, 2 and 5 s). The optimal conditions for the measurement of the maximum quantum yield of PSII (F v /F m) in encapsulated algae were established as follow: a) 30 min of preadaptation time; b) 3000 μmoles m-2 s-1 of the fluorometer light intensity; and c) 1 to 2 s of exposure to actinic light. The following values in the photochemical activity of algae in non-stressful conditions were found: 0.760

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Research paper thumbnail of Estado trófico de El Salitre Evaluación del estado trófico de El Salitre, último humedal urbano de referencia en Bogotá

Resumen El Distrito Capital de Bogotá cuenta con 15 humedales reconocidos como parte del sistema ... more Resumen El Distrito Capital de Bogotá cuenta con 15 humedales reconocidos como parte del sistema de áreas protegidas de la ciudad, la mayoría de los cuales se encuentran seriamente afectados debido a la presión ejercida por el acelerado crecimiento urbano. A diferencia de los otros sistemas del mismo tipo, el humedal El Salitre, recientemente declarado como Parque Ecológico Distrital de Humedal, no se ha visto afectado por vertimientos de aguas residuales. En este estudio se determinó el estado trófico de dicho humedal a partir de la concentración de nutrientes y clorofila a fitoplanctónica, el cálculo de los índices del estado trófico y la composición taxonómica del fitoplancton. El nutriente limitante fue el nitrógeno. Las bajas concentraciones de compuestos nitrogenados, los índices fitoplanctónicos y la dominancia de desmidias (Conjugatophyceae), indicaron que el humedal El Salitre presentó condiciones de oligotrofia a mesotrofia en los dos periodos climáticos durante los cuales se estudió. Los resultados sugieren que este humedal podría servir como sistema de referencia para los demás humedales de Bogotá. Evaluation of the trophic state of El Salitre, the last urban reference wetland of Bogotá Abstract The Capital District of Bogotá has 15 wetlands recognized within the system of protected areas of the city, most of which are seriously affected due to the pressure exerted by the rapid urban growth. Unlike other systems of the same type, El Salitre wetland, recently declared as a Wetland District Ecological Park, has not been affected by wastewater discharges. In this study, we determined its trophic state based on the concentrations of nutrients and phytoplanktonic chlorophyll a, trophic state indices calculation and the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton. Nitrogen was the limiting nutrient. Low concentrations of nitrogen compounds, phytoplankton indices, and dominance of desmids (Conjugatophyceae) indicated that El Salitre wetland presented an oligotrophic to mesotrophic condition in the two climatic periods during which it was studied. These results suggest that it could serve as reference system for other wetlands in Bogotá.

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Research paper thumbnail of Efectos de la conectividad local sobre los ensambles de peces en una planicie de inundación tropical

Efectos de la conectividad local sobre los ensambles de peces en una planicie de inundación tropi... more Efectos de la conectividad local sobre los ensambles de peces en una planicie de inundación tropical Effects of the local connectivity on fish assemblages in a tropical floodplain RESUMEN Las lagunas de las planicies de inundación tropicales albergan alta diversidad biológica, son fundamentales para los ciclos de vida de muchos organismos y de importancia económica para las poblaciones locales. Este estudio evaluó el efecto de la conectividad local en los ensambles de peces en las lagunas San Silvestre (conectividad alterada) y El Llanito (conectividad no alterada), en la planicie de inundación del río Sogamoso, afluente del río Magdalena, Colombia. Se realizaron tres muestreos durante un ciclo hidrológico y se analizaron la abundancia, riqueza y equidad de los ensambles de peces y los aspectos fisicoquímicos de las lagunas. Se registraron 37 especies, 28 en El Llanito y 31 en San Silvestre. Aunque no se encontraron diferencias en los índices de riqueza y equitatividad, hay tendencias claras que indican menores valores en San Silvestre comparada con El Llanito. No hubo diferencias en la abundancia entre las lagunas, pero fue mayor y con poca variación en San Silvestre, mientras que en El Llanito hubo un pico en el último muestreo. En las dos lagunas las abundancias se concentraron en pocos taxones con variaciones temporales moderadas. En El Llanito la temperatura, el pH y la conductividad fueron mayores, mientras que en San Silvestre los valores fueron más elevados en profundidad y velocidad de la corriente. Los resultados pueden ser útiles para la conservación de los recursos ícticos dada su importancia social y ecológica para esta cuenca que está sometida a una gran presión por las actividades humanas. Palabras clave. Río Sogamoso, San Silvestre, El Llanito, peces de ciénagas, pulso de inundación. ABSTRACT Lagoons of tropical floodplains harbor high levels of biological diversity, play a fundamental role in the life cycles of many organisms and are of great economic importance to local people. This study evaluated the effect of local connectivity on fish assemblages of the San Silvestre (altered connectivity) and El Llanito (unaltered connectivity) lagoons of the Sogamoso River floodplain (Magdalena River basin, Colombia). Samples were collected at three different times during the course of the hydrological cycle and abundance, richness and evenness of fish assemblages were analyzed, along with physicochemical aspects of the lagoons. A total of 37 species were recorded, 28 in El Llanito and 31 in San Silvestre. None of the richness and evenness indices showed statistically significant differences; however clear trends towards higher dominance, lower diversity, and less evenness in San Silvestre compared to El Llanito were observed. There was no significant difference in abundance between the lagoons, but it was greater with lower variation in San Silvestre, while in El Llanito there was a peak in the last round of sampling. Abundance in the two lagoons was concentrated in a few taxa and showed moderate variation over the sampling periods. Temperature, pH, and conductivity values were higher in El Llanito lagoon, while the San Silvestre lagoon had greater depth and flow velocity. This study provides useful information for the conservation of fish resources in eCología

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Methodological Proposal for Estimating Environmental Flows in Projects Approved by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Mads), Colombia

Acta Biológica Colombiana, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Hábitos Alimenticios, Morfometría y Estados Gonadales De Cinco Especies De Peces en Diferentes Períodos Climáticos en El Río Sogamoso (Santander)

Acta Biologica Colombiana, Apr 12, 2012

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Colombia Forestal, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of An index of limnological conditions for urban wetlands of Bogotá city, Colombia

The urban wetlands of Bogota´ are ecosystems of great importance, yet they are deteriorating. The... more The urban wetlands of Bogota´ are ecosystems of great importance, yet they are deteriorating. The state of deterioration must be evaluated in order to develop new methods of ecosystem monitoring and conservation. Here we describe the development of an index to assess the ecological health of five urban wetlands and one rural wetland from limnological data. The field phase of this study took place in November 2007 (rainy season) and February 2008 (dry season). Physical and chemical variables of the wetland ecosystems (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, hardness, chlorides, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, orthophosphates, and biological oxygen demand) were measured and samples of phytoplankton, periphyton, macroinvertebrates, and aquatic plants (macrophytes) were collected. The indices developed (biotic indices of communities: BI, and limnological conditions index: LICOI) allow classification of wetlands into three categories: those that have ‘‘acceptable limnological conditions’’ (Meridor, Jaboque and Guaimaral), those with ‘‘regular limnological conditions’’ (Santa Marı´a del Lago, Juan Amarillo) and those with ‘‘poor limnological conditions’’ (Tibanica). None of the environments studied fit a potential fourth category of ‘‘best limnological conditions.’’ The LICOI is a management tool that can be used to assess changes in wetlands after positive actions (restoration, cleaning, hydraulic management), or negative impacts (depletion, alien species, pollution). It also could allow regular monitoring of wetland evolution and serve as a basis for the development of indices measuring the ecological status of other aquatic environments in Colombia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Immobilization of Microalgae Scenedesmus ovalternus (Scenedesmaceae) and Chlorella vulgaris (Chlorellaceae) in Calcium Alginate Beads ACTA BIOLÓGICA COLOMBIANA NOTA BREVE/BRIEF NOTE

RESUMEN En este trabajo se describe la técnica de inmovilización de microalgas en esferas de algi... more RESUMEN En este trabajo se describe la técnica de inmovilización de microalgas en esferas de alginato de calcio. Se emplearon las especies Scenedesmus ovalternus y Chlorella vulgaris, se determinó la estabilidad de las esferas, la cinética de crecimiento y la concentración de las microalgas en el interior de las esferas. Chlorella vulgaris alcanzó mayores densidades poblacionales y tasas de crecimiento más altas cuando se inmovilizó en concentraciones del 10 % v/v con el alginato (1,31*10 6 cél/ml). Para Scenedesmus ovalternus se observó una mayor densidad poblacional y una mayor tasa de crecimiento cuando se inmovilizó en concentraciones del 20 % v/v (7,06*10 5 cél/ml). Estos resultados son útiles para aplicaciones prácticas de las algas encapsuladas, tales como el biomonitoreo o la biorremediación. ABSTRACT This paper describes the immobilization technique of microalgae in calcium alginate beads. Scenedesmus ovalternus and Chlorella vulgaris species were used. The stability of beads, the kinetics of growth and the concentrations of microalgae inside the beads were determined. The higher density and the upper growth rate of Chlorella vulgaris occurred when it was immobilized in alginate at a concentration of 10 %v/v (1,31*10 6 cél/ml). Scenedesmus ovalternus achieved a higher population density and an elevated growth rate when it was immobilized at a concentration of 20 % v/v (7,06*10 5 cél/ml). These results are useful for subsequent applications of the encapsulated algae, such as biomonitoring and bioremediation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Experiences in the Use of Limnological Indices in Colombia

The main objective of this paper is to show some experiences of the Department of Biology of the ... more The main objective of this paper is to show some experiences of the Department of Biology of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in the development of limnological indices to assess the ecological status of aquatic systems in Colombia. Seven cases are presented ranging from the construction of a multimetric index for the urban wetlands of Bogotá, to the development of a method for biomonitoring the water trophic status, based on microalgae encapsulated in alginate. The indices shown consider physical, chemical, and biotic variables in the limnological environments analyzed. Aquatic communities worked were phytoplankton, periphyton, aquatic plants, and aquatic invertebrates. The proposed indices (Limnological Conditions Index of Bogotá wetlands–LICOI; Periphytic Diatoms Index of Bogotá Wetlands– PDIBW; Biotic Integrity Index for Macroinvertebrate of Cesar swamps BIIM; Limnological State Index for the Canal del Dique swamps–LSI; Limnological River State Index for upper basin of River Chicamocha – LRSI; Habitat Integrity Index for licensed rivers–(HII) permit to set ranges of quality and functionality of ecosystems studied. Encapsulated algae, meanwhile, reflected through their growth rates trophic status of water. Thus, technical and scientific methodologies are offered to the environmental authorities, so they can make decisions on the use, restoration and conservation of inland wetlands in the country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of land use on soil properties and run-off in a colombian Orinoco water basin

This study evaluates the effects of land use on the Camoa water basin in Meta by quantifying the ... more This study evaluates the effects of land use on the Camoa water basin in Meta by quantifying the effect of soil organic matter content (SOMC), bulk density and water content. These variables were evaluated by extracting ground cores from riparian forests and grasslands of different litter cover. We also evaluated the relationship between the SOMC and the water volume deficit using regressions. Likewise, using pitfall traps we identified the trophic organization of soil-superficial arthropods. Due to its higher SOMC (> 5%), the soils of highly productive forest (high litter content) had significantly higher water contents than soils from less productive forests and grasslands (p < 0.05 in both cases). The water content found among the studied soil cover types suggests that the role of run-off in forest has been underestimated. Water basin management should encourage the establishment of productive riparian forests with SOMC values higher than 5% in order to promote volume and continuity in water offer from rivers due to the generation of constant subsurface flow and the regulation of sporadic superficial run-offs. The variety of functions and interactions accomplished by arthropods in forest soils suggests that a highly structured trophic organization favors conversion of simple and complex compounds
in humus and therefore would favors soil water retention capacity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Biomass of macroinvertebrates and physicochemical characteristics of water in an Andean urban wetland of Colombia

Aquatic macroinvertebrates (AMI) play an important role in the ecology of wetlands, either by the... more Aquatic macroinvertebrates (AMI) play an important role in the ecology of wetlands, either by their job as regulators of the cycles of matter, as for their energy storage function represented in their biomass, which is transferred to higher trophic levels. To answer the question of how biomass of different AMI trophic guilds is related with physicochemical variables in the wetland Jaboque (Bogotá, Colombia), four samplings were achieved between April 2009 and January 2010, according to periods of rain and drought in the region. The AMI biomass values obtained were rated as of intermediate rank. No temporal but spatial significant differences were found. Apparently these spatial differences appear to be associated with variations in anthropogenic pressure, which differs in each area of the wetland. In dry months (January and August), biomass was greater and dominated by detritivores. We observed a positive relationship between the specific conductance of water and the biomass of predators and detritivores and between water temperature and the biomass of detritivores and shredders. These relationships suggest that the physical and chemical variables influence the distribution, abundance, and biomass of functional groups. The physical and chemical conditions of water exhibited spatiotemporal fluctuations related to changes in the concentration of organic matter and nutrients, which presumably were related to the affluents discharges and the high impact of local human populations. Biomassa de macroinvertebrados e características físicas e químicas da água em um pantanal urbano dos Andes na Colômbia Resumo Macroinvertebrados aquáticos (MIA) desempenham um importante papel na ecologia das zonas úmidas, quer pelo seu emprego como reguladores dos ciclos da matéria, como para a sua função de armazenamento de energia representada na sua biomassa, que é transferido para elevados níveis tróficos. Para responder à questão de como a biomassa de diferentes categorias tróficas de MIA está relacionada com as variáveis físicas e químicas da água do pantanal Jaboque (Bogotá, Colômbia), quatro amostragens foram realizadas entre abril de 2009 e janeiro de 2010, de acordo com os períodos de chuva e seca na região. Os valores de biomassa de MIA obtidos foram classificados como de grau intermediário. Nós não encontramos nenhuma diferença significativa no tempo, mas foram observadas diferenças espaciais. Aparentemente, estas diferenças parecem estar associadas com as variações espaciais na pressão antrópica, que difere em cada região do pantanal. Nos meses de menor precipitação (janeiro e agosto), a biomassa foi maior e dominado por detritívoros. Observou-se uma relação positiva entre a condutividade específica da água ena biomassa de predadores e detritívoros e entre a temperatura da água e a biomassa de detritívoros e trituradores. Estas relações sugerem que as variáveis físicas e químicas influenciam a distribuição, abundância e biomassa de grupos funcionais. As condições físicas e químicas da água tiveram flutuações espaço-temporais relacionadas com alterações na concentração de matéria orgânica e nutrientes, que foram presumivelmente relacionadas com a descarga do efluente e o elevado impacto das populações humanas locais. Palavras-chave: biomassa, macroinvertebrados aquáticos, áreas úmidas urbanas, Jaboque, Andes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Martinez Pinilla 2014 Calidad cienagas Cesar con macroinvertebrados CALDASIA

RESUMEN Se evalúo la calidad de agua de tres ciénagas del departamento del Cesar (Zapatosa, Mata ... more RESUMEN Se evalúo la calidad de agua de tres ciénagas del departamento del Cesar (Zapatosa, Mata de Palma y La Pachita) mediante la caracterización de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos asociados a la planta acuática-flotante Eichhornia crassipes (taruya, buchón). Se realizaron dos muestreos en época de aguas altas y dos en el periodo de aguas bajas. Para determinar la calidad del agua se midieron variables fisicoquímicas y se utilizaron el Índice Biótico de Polución (IBP) y el Índice de Integridad Biótica de Macroinvertebrados (IIBM), este último desarrollado específicamente para las ciénagas estudiadas. Los individuos encontrados pertenecen a 15 órdenes, 34 familias y 87 morfotipos, y de ellos el orden Coleoptera fue el más diverso con 49 morfotipos (56% del total). Las familias Hydrophilidae y Dytiscidae (Coleptera), Cyclestheriidae (Branchiopoda), Chironomidae (Diptera) y Planorbidae (Basommatophora) fueron las más representativas en cuanto a la abundancia. Las abundancias por área fluctuaron entre 3130 ind.m-2 en Mata de Palma (27% Conchostraca) y 190686 ind.m-2 en La Pachita (95% Chironomidae). El IBP presentó las mayores correlaciones con las variables fisicoquímicas, pero el IIBM fue más flexible y sensible, por lo que se recomienda su utilización. ABSTRACT The water quality of three wetlands (" ciénagas " Zapatosa, Mata de Palma and La Pachita) in the Department of Cesar, Colombia, was assessed by studying the aquatic macroinvertebrate community associated with macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes (" taruya, buchón "). Two surveys were carried out in periods of high waters and two

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Research paper thumbnail of ÍNDICE DE ESTADO LIMNOLÓGICO (IEL) PARA EVALUAR LAS CONDICIONES ECOLÓGICAS DE LAS CIÉNAGAS DEL CANAL DEL DIQUE, COLOMBIA. Limnological State Index (LSI) to Evaluate Ecological Conditions of the Canal del Dique Wetlands, Colombia

RESUMEN Determinar el estado o salud ecológica de un ecosistema brinda herramientas útiles para s... more RESUMEN Determinar el estado o salud ecológica de un ecosistema brinda herramientas útiles para su gestión y conservación. En Colombia no existen registros de índices que combinen en un solo parámetro las variables físicas, químicas y biológicas de los sistemas acuáticos, de manera que la evaluación de su estado ecológico ha sido fragmentaria o incompleta. En este trabajo se presenta un Índice de Estado Limnológico (IEL) para las ciénagas del Canal del Dique, ecosistemas sometidos a constante presión por parte de las comu-nidades humanas. Para la construcción de este índice multimétrico se elaboraron gráficas de calidad de las variables seleccionadas y se les asignaron valores de importancia. Para construir el IEL se empleó la teoría de los multiatributos considerando 12 variables. También se realizó un análisis de componentes principales de las variables seleccionadas. Se diseñó una versión simplificada (IEL parcial-IELP) en la que se excluyeron cuatro de las variables biológicas. Finalmente, se construyó una escala de interpretación de los valo-res obtenidos con estos índices. El IEL y el IELP se aplicaron a las ciénagas del Canal del Dique para establecer su condición ecológica actual. Los datos muestran que el estado limnológico de la mayoría de ciénagas de esta región es aceptable, lo que sugiere que estos ecosistemas lénticos se encuentran dentro de los límites admisibles de funciona-miento, aunque no están excentos de procesos de deterioro. ABSTRACT Determining the ecological state or health of an ecosystem offers useful tools for its management and conservation. In Colombia, indexes of aquatic systems that combine

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Research paper thumbnail of Estudios ecológicos en humedales de Bogotá. Aplicaciones para su evaluación, seguimiento y manejo

Este libro contiene importantes estudios sobre el estado de los ecosistemas más degradados de la ... more Este libro contiene importantes estudios sobre el estado de los ecosistemas más degradados de la ciudad. Dichos estudios aportan herramientas y conocimientos de gran utilidad en la evaluación, seguimiento y manejo de estos sistemas seminaturales que aún conserva Bogotá, pero que están sometidos a numerosas actividades humanas que producen su deterioro.

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Research paper thumbnail of Prácticas de limnología. Guías de laboratorio y campo

La limnología se refiere a la ecología de ríos, humedales, lagos y demás cuerpos de agua del inte... more La limnología se refiere a la ecología de ríos, humedales, lagos y demás cuerpos de agua del interior del país. Este libro enseña cómo estudiar las características físicas, químicas, biológicas, poblacionales, comunitarias y ecosistémicas de estos ambientes. El texto está dirigido a estudiantes universitarios, pero puede ser útil para todos aquellos investigadores interesados en la evaluación de los sistemas acuáticos continentales.

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Research paper thumbnail of Indicadores biológicos en ecosistemas continentales de Colombia. Compilación bibliográfica

El objetivo del libro es hacer una compilación de los indicadores biológicos de ambientes acuátic... more El objetivo del libro es hacer una compilación de los indicadores biológicos de ambientes acuáticos continentales usados en CoIombia (capitulo 3) dentro de un marco conceptual previo (capítulo 2). Dichos indicadores no se han validado estadísticamente, por lo cual deben utilizarse con precaución hasta que existan estudios específicos sobre su capacidad real de bioindicación. También se presentan los principales índices y sistemas bióticos utilizados en este tipo de estudios (capítulo 4) y se incluyen algunos conceptos generales sobre los bioensayos (capítulo 5) , ya que esta técnica se usa con relativa frecuencia para establecer el efecto de diversos contaminantes sobre algunas especies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Eremophilus mutisii

Capítulo en el Libro Rojo de Peces Dulceacuícolas de Colombia (2012)

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Research paper thumbnail of Experiences in the Use of Limnological Indices in Colombia

The main objective of this paper is to show some experiences of the Department of Biology of the ... more The main objective of this paper is to show some experiences of the Department of Biology of the Universidad Nacional
de Colombia in the development of limnological indices to assess the ecological status of aquatic systems in Colombia.
Seven cases are presented ranging from the construction of a multimetric index for the urban wetlands of Bogotá,
to the development of a method for biomonitoring the water trophic status, based on microalgae encapsulated in
alginate. The indices shown consider physical, chemical, and biotic variables in the limnological environments analyzed.
Aquatic communities worked were phytoplankton, periphyton, aquatic plants, and aquatic invertebrates. The proposed
indices (Limnological Conditions Index of Bogotá wetlands–LICOI; Periphytic Diatoms Index of Bogotá Wetlands–
PDIBW; Biotic Integrity Index for Macroinvertebrate of Cesar swamps BIIM; Limnological State Index for the Canal del
Dique swamps–LSI; Limnological River State Index for upper basin of River Chicamocha – LRSI; Habitat Integrity Index
for licensed rivers–HII) permit to set ranges of quality and functionality of ecosystems studied. Encapsulated algae,
meanwhile, reflected through their growth rates trophic status of water. Thus, technical and scientific methodologies
are offered to the environmental authorities, so they can make decisions on the use, restoration and conservation of
inland wetlands in the country.

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Research paper thumbnail of MEDICIÓN DE LA FLUORESCENCIA DE LA CLOROFILA a EN ALGAS Measuring of the Chlorophyll a Fluorescence in Calcium Alginate-Encapsulated Algae

La inmovilización de las algas tiene múltiples aplicaciones, tales como la biorremediación del ag... more La inmovilización de las algas tiene múltiples aplicaciones, tales como la biorremediación del agua y la producción de metabolitos. Una de las variables que se puede determinar en las algas inmovilizadas es la fluorescencia de la clorofila a, debido a que este parámetro está relacionado con la respuesta fisiológica de estos organismos. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue explorar un método para la medición de la fluorescencia de la clorofila a en algas encapsuladas en esferas de alginato de calcio. Con este fin, se cultivaron dos especies de microalgas (Scenedesmus ovalternus LAUN 001 y Parachlorella kessleri LAUN 002) en monocultivos, tanto en condiciones de cultivo libres (10 mL de la preparación algal en 250 mL de Medio Básico de Bold), como encapsuladas (250 esferas de alginato de calcio en 250 mL de Medio Básico de Bold). Se realizaron diferentes protocolos de medición de la fluorescencia de la clorofila a del fotosistema II (PSII) variando a) el tiempo de preadaptación a la oscuridad (10, 15 y 30 min), b) la intensidad de luz generada por fluorómetro no modulado (entre 1000 y 3500 µmoles m-2 s-1), y c) el tiempo de exposición a la luz actínica (1, 2 y 5 s). Se lograron establecer como condiciones óptimas para la medición de la eficiencia cuántica potencial del fotosistema II (F v /F m) en las algas encapsuladas las siguientes: a) 30 min de preadaptación a la oscuridad; b) 3000 µmoles m-2 s-1 , de intensidad lumínica generada desde el fluorómetro; y c) 1 o 2 s de exposición a la luz actínica. Se encontraron los siguientes valores en la F v /F m en condiciones no estresantes: 0,760 a 0,764 para S. ovalternus y 0,732 a 0,748 para P. kessleri. Esta metodología permite observar algunos cambios en la actividad fotoquímica relacionados con variaciones de los factores bajo los cuales se encuentran las algas inmovilizadas. Palabras clave: algas inmovilizadas, eficiencia cuántica potencial del fotosistema II, microalgas, Parachlorella kessleri, Scenedesmus ovalternus.

ABSTRACT Immobilization of algae has many applications, such as water bioremediation and production of metabolites. One of the variables that can be determined in the immobilized algae is chlorophyll a fluorescence, because this parameter is related to the physiological response of these organisms. Therefore, the objective of this study was to explore a method for measuring the chlorophyll a fluorescence in calcium alginate-encapsulated algae. To do this, two species of microalgae (Scenedesmus ovalternus LAUN 001 and Parachlorella kessleri LAUN 002) were grown in monocultures in both free culture conditions (10 mL of algae preparation in 250 mL of Basal Bold Medium) and encapsulated (250 spheres in 250 mL of Basal Bold Medium). Different measurement protocols of chlorophyll a fluorescence of photosystem II (PSII) were performed by varying a) the preadaptation time to darkness (10, 15 and 30 min), b) the light intensity of the non-modulated fluorometer (between 1000 and 3500 μmoles m-2 s-1), and c) the time of exposure to actinic light (1, 2 and 5 s). The optimal conditions for the measurement of the maximum quantum yield of PSII (F v /F m) in encapsulated algae were established as follow: a) 30 min of preadaptation time; b) 3000 μmoles m-2 s-1 of the fluorometer light intensity; and c) 1 to 2 s of exposure to actinic light. The following values in the photochemical activity of algae in non-stressful conditions were found: 0.760

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