Mario Ojeda Revah | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (original) (raw)

Videos by Mario Ojeda Revah

Conference and debate helds at the Brazilian Centre for International Relations/ Centro Brasileir... more Conference and debate helds at the Brazilian Centre for International Relations/ Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais (CEBRI), Rio de Janeiro, January 19, 2021:


- Mario Ojeda Revah, author


- Andrés Rozental, Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico and Founder of Comexi

- Marcos Azambuja, Director Emeritus of CEBRI


- Hussein Kalout, Senior Fellow at CEBRI and Researcher at Harvard University


Entrevista para Univisión.


A Seminar on what the future might hold for the EU after the Pandemics. With Professors Lorena R... more A Seminar on what the future might hold for the EU after the Pandemics. With Professors Lorena Ruano and Mario Ojeda Revah, from CIDE and CIALC-UNAM respectively, and ambassador emeritus, Sandra Fuentes Beráin. Moderated by Rina Mussali.


Lecture given at the Forum "Left and Right in the Twenty First Century", held at the Florida Inte... more Lecture given at the Forum "Left and Right in the Twenty First Century", held at the Florida International University, in Miami, April 26, 2022.


Books by Mario Ojeda Revah

Research paper thumbnail of Libro La democracia liberal bajo asedio

Francia, de democracia avanzada a poliarquía en entredicho., 2023

This chapter analyzes the decline of the French Fifth Republic liberal centrist consensus and the... more This chapter analyzes the decline of the French Fifth Republic liberal centrist consensus and the parallel rise of extremist forces from both the Far Right and the ultra-left, which threaten to lead to its ultimate demise/ Este capítulo analiza el declive del consenso centrista liberal de la Quinta República francesa y el ascenso paralelo de fuerzas extremistas tanto de la extrema derecha como de la ultraizquierda, que amenazan con conducirla a su desaparición definitiva.

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Research paper thumbnail of Resumé

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Research paper thumbnail of Perón y Franco: vidas cruzadas

Republicanos españoles en América latina durante el franquismo: historia, temas y escenarios., 2021

Two contemporary and, in many ways, similar characters : Francisco Franco Bahamonde and Juan Dom... more Two contemporary and, in many ways, similar characters : Francisco Franco Bahamonde and Juan Domingo Perón, have often been equated and even associated. Thus, for example, the Argentine writer and essayist, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, considered them as a sort of second-class strongmen in a "gallery of greater criminals", always behind Hitler and Mussolini, tyrants with whom they shared, not only "contempt for intelligence ", but also, a taste for" the suggestive power of inarticulate languages ​​", which they cultivated with enormous assiduity and great political profit. Although both were lightly branded by their opponents as fascists and celebrated by their supporters as tenacious nationalists, they both presided over entirely different regimes, the former, one founded on passivity, terror, and resignation; the second, in popular mobilization and enthusiasm; while they gave their last names to political currents: Francoism and Peronism; the second still in force. The coincidences seem to end there: Franco was taciturn and pathologically shy; Perón, on the other hand, had a singular charm and charisma.

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Research paper thumbnail of El Brasil de Bolsonaro y la Pandemia

Globalítika, 2020

The article analyzes the erratic management of the coronavirus pandemic by the government of Jair... more The article analyzes the erratic management of the coronavirus pandemic by the government of Jair Bolsonaro, since it began in Brazil at the end of February, until the end of June, when that country reached second place in the international ranking with the highest number of contagions and fatalities of this disease, only behind the United States. The Brazilian president's denial of the dangers of the disease, his contempt for science and his authoritarian drive largely explain the magnitude of the tragedy. A mood shared with both his American and British peers.

El artículo analiza la errática gestión de la pandemia del coronavirus por el gobierno de Jair Bolsonaro, desde que esta comenzara en Brasil a fines de febrero, hasta fines de junio, cuando dicho país alcanzó el segundo lugar en el ranking internacional de mayor de número de contagios y de víctimas fatales de esa enfermedad, sólo por detrás de Estados Unidos. El negacionismo del mandatario brasileño sobre los peligros de la enfermedad, su desprecio por la ciencia y su pulsión autoritaria explican en buena medida la magnitud de la tragedia. Talante compartido con sus pares norteamericano y británico.

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Research paper thumbnail of Los exilios en México. Una perspectiva histórica

La izquierda mexicana del siglo XX, 2020

The chapter analyzes the arrival of succesive waves of exiles and political refugeees, arriving a... more The chapter analyzes the arrival of succesive waves of exiles and political refugeees, arriving and settling in Mexico from the mid Nineteenth Century to the present day. These include among many prominent figures, José Martí, Julio Antonio Mella, Lev Trotsky, Victor Serge, Anne Seghers, Luis Buñuel, Dalton Trumbo, etc, but also entire communities, such as the exiles from the Spanish Civil War; the Anti.Fascist German-speaking expatriates, both in the inter-war period, as well as the Guatemalan exiles, escaping violence in the 1980s.

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Research paper thumbnail of La dimensión internacional de Lázaro Cárdenas/Lázaro Cárdenas' International Dimension.

Iconografía de Lázaro Cárdenas, 2007

This article analyzes the international dimension of former Mexican president, Lázaro Cárdenas (1... more This article analyzes the international dimension of former Mexican president, Lázaro Cárdenas (1934-1940). From the years of his presidency, on which he stood almost alone in the defence of Abysinia, the Spanish Republic, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Finland, in the face of Fascist ans Stalinist aggression.

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Research paper thumbnail of La Revolución mexicana/The Mexican Revolution

ISBN 9788496410442, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of La transición política a la democracia en España, 1975-1982/The Spanish Transition to Democracy, 1975-1982.

El presente ensayo tiene por objeto de estudio el proceso de la transición política a la democra... more El presente ensayo tiene por objeto de estudio el proceso de la transición política a la democracia en España. . El proceso que llevó a España de un régimen totalitario a una democracia parlamentaria constituye uno de los acontecimientos políticos más sobresalientes de la historia política contemporánea. Tanto por su resultado concreto-el desmantelamiento de la última dictadura europea occidental-como por la peculiaridad de su ejecución-la ruptura con el franquismo, pactada como reforma entre un gobierno emanado de la propia clase política del antiguo régimen y la oposición histórica-podemos afirmar que el modelo de transición española ha sido único. En efecto, ha sido peculiar en la medida en que el desmantelamiento de la dictadura se llevó a cabo partiendo de los propios procedimientos normativos del régimen legal vigente; en la medida en que durante el proceso se transformó radicalmente dicha legalidad; y en que se eligió esa vía indirecta con el fin de evitar el enfrentamiento con el aparato represivo de la dictadura.

The purpose of this essay is to study the process of the political transition to democracy in Spain. The process that led Spain from a totalitarian regime to a parliamentary democracy is one of the most outstanding political events in contemporary political history. Both for its concrete result-the dismantling of the last Western European dictatorship-and for the peculiarity of its execution-the rupture with the Franco regime, agreed as a reform between a government emanating from the political class of the old regime and the historical opposition-we can affirm that the Spanish transition model has been unique. In effect, it has been peculiar insofar as the dismantling of the dictatorship was carried out starting from the own normative procedures of the current legal regime; to the extent that during the process that legality was radically transformed; and in that indirect way was chosen in order to avoid confrontation with the repressive apparatus of the dictatorship.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exiliados del macartismo en Mexico.

Exilio Iberoamericano, 2018

In the late forties and early fifties, about a hundred Americans settled in Mexico, fleeing the w... more In the late forties and early fifties, about a hundred Americans settled in Mexico, fleeing the witch hunt unleashed by anti-communist hysteria in that country, spurred by Senator Joseph McCarthy. This article addresses the vicissitudes of the exile of a number of them, film writers, who had achieved fame in Hollywood.

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Research paper thumbnail of La política exterior de Brasil. Su evolución reciente..pdf

This book analyzes the evolution of Brazilian Foreign Policy from the early days of Getulio Varga... more This book analyzes the evolution of Brazilian Foreign Policy from the early days of Getulio Vargas' Estado Novo to the ill-fated second government of Dilma Roussef. Special emphasis is placed in the diplomacy of the Cardoso and Lula´s administrations, and how Brazil's recent bid to global prominence, once more seemed disappointed, condemning yet again the Southern Colossus to the condition of an eternal Sysiphus.

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Research paper thumbnail of Freies Deutschland y el exilio alemán en México

From 1933 to 1941, some 1,000 to 1,500 German-speaking exiles from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovak... more From 1933 to 1941, some 1,000 to 1,500 German-speaking exiles from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and German Switzerland arrived in Mexico as political refugees. In that country they obtained, not only asylum, but the possibility of organizing themselves politically in freedom, and of constituting cultural institutions for the preservation of their culture. Within this contingent that fled the barbarism of Nazism, there were notable writers and distinguished artists, such as Anna Seghers, Ludwig Renn, Egon Erwin Kisch, and many others . While in Mexico they formed the Freies Deutschland in Mexiko organisation that sought to conter the propaganda activities of the Nazi Ausland Organisation, The apex of their endeavours came with the publication in 1943 of The Black Book of the Nazi Terror in Europe, edited by Hannes Meyer, a collective collaboration of several intellectuals, artists and writers from all over the world, including Thomas Mann, Juan Rejano, Bodo Uhse, Leopoldo Méndez, etc, which denounced the atrocities of the Nazi regime. This essay seeks to reassess their legacy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Manuel Pérez Treviño: el embajador incómodo de Lázaro Cárdenas

Después de haber competido con Lázaro Cárdenas y perdido la candidatura del Partido Nacional Revo... more Después de haber competido con Lázaro Cárdenas y perdido la candidatura del Partido Nacional Revolucionario en 1934, Pérez Treviño fue enviado por éste como embajador a España el año siguiente en una suerte de exilio dorado para mantenerlo lejos del país. Después de un comienzo sin incidentes y un desempeño meramente protocolario, le tocaría la circunstancia de presenciar el estallido de la Guerra Civil española y de dar asilo diplomático a enemigos señalados de la República española, gobierno aliado de aquel que lo había enviado.

After vieing with Lázaro Cárdenas for the Mexican Presidency, and having lost the candidacy of the National Revolutionary Party in 1934, Pérez Treviño was sent by Cárdenas as ambassador to Spain the following year, in a sort of golden exile to keep him away from the country. After an uneventful start, and a merely protocolary performance, he would face the paradox of witnessing the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, and of granting diplomatic asylum to declared enemies of the Spanish Republic, a close ally to the government which had sent him as envoy.

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Research paper thumbnail of México ante la República española ¿Una política de Estado?

Resumen La acogida dispensada al exilio español en México ha sido estudiada como un hecho aislado... more Resumen La acogida dispensada al exilio español en México ha sido estudiada como un hecho aislado atribuible al gesto personal de Lázaro Cárdenas y no como corolario de una política consistente seguida desde 1931. Sin demérito de Cárdenas, se postula que, ante la República, México mantuvo una postura coherente desde su establecimiento hasta su trágica caída, inteligible como una auténtica política de Estado. Dicha actitud permitió a México comunicar su defensa de la no-intervención, la autodeterminación y la indisolubilidad territorial de las naciones, en busca de un orden mundial más justo y la defensa jurídica contra la agresión imperialista. Así, la actitud mexicana hacia España fue consecuencia natural de la larga experiencia histórica mexicana con las intervenciones externas. Abstract The reception given to the Spanish exile in Mexico has been studied as an isolated event and as a personal gesture of Lázaro Cárdenas, and not as a corollary of a policy pursued consistently since 1931. Without lessening Cárdenas role, we claim that Mexico sustained a coherent position with regard to the Republic, since its establishment until its tragic fall that may be understood as a State policy. This attitude allowed Mexico to communicate its defense of non-intervention, self-determination and the indissolubility of the territorial integrity of nations, in search of a fairer world order and the legal defense against imperialist aggression. Hence, the Mexican attitude toward Spain was a natural consequence of Mexico's long historical experience with external interventions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mexico and the Spanish Civil War: Domestic Politics and the Republican Cause

Based on first-hand diplomatic, political and journalistic sources, most unpublished, Mexico and ... more Based on first-hand diplomatic, political and journalistic sources, most unpublished, Mexico and the Spanish Civil War investigates the backing of the Second Republic by Mexico during the Spanish Civil War. Significant military, material and financial aid was given by the government of Lázaro Cárdenas (1934–1940) to the Republic, which involved not only direct sales of arms, but also smuggling operations covertly undertaken by Mexican diplomatic agents in order to circumvent the embargo imposed by the London Committee of Non Intervention.

This path-breaking account reveals the operations in Spain of Mexican workers, soldiers, artists and intellectuals – such as later Nobel Laureate Octavio Paz and the Muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros – as volunteers and propagandists for the Republican cause. Engagement with the Spanish Civil War also had a profound impact upon Mexico’s domestic politics as support for the Republic was equated by Cárdenas with his own revolutionary project. The defeat of the Republic in 1939 therefore had far-reaching repercussions for the post-1940 governments. Originally published to critical acclaim in Spanish, the work has been quoted and reviewed by many leading specialists on the Civil War, including Anthony Beevor, Ángel Viñas, Santos Juliá, and Pedro Pérez Herrero. This book is essential reading for students and scholars specializing in contemporary European history and politics, Latin American studies, and all those with an interest in the Spanish Civil War and the Mexican Revolution.

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Research paper thumbnail of México y el Mundo, 1930-1960. Tomo 4 de América Latina en la Historia Contemporánea.

SPANISH: Entre 1930 y 1960 se consolidaron las principales dimensiones de la contemporaneidad m... more SPANISH: Entre 1930 y 1960 se consolidaron las principales dimensiones de la contemporaneidad mexicana. Fue una era de un fuerte sentimiento nacional, solidario y optimista. El indicador más importante fue la integración de campesinos y trabajadores en una ideología social conciliadora que dio vida a un orden corporativo que, a su vez, organizó desde el gobierno y el Estado a los sectores sociales. Tuvo lugar una movilización cultural sin precedentes con la creación de nuevas escuelas, publicaciones, universidades y teatros, y con el impulso del cine, la radio, la pintura y la música. La política internacional defendió la autodeterminación de los pueblos y también a la España republicana en contra del poder dictatorial.

La colección América Latina en la Historia Contemporánea es uno de los proyectos editoriales más importantes de las últimas décadas y una aportación original y novedosa a la historiografía sobre América Latina en la que han participado más de 400 historiadores de diversos países. Presenta una visión plural y accesible de la historia contemporánea de las naciones latinoamericanas —incluyendo aquellas otras, europeas o americanas, que más han aportado a su materialización— y revela las claves políticas, sociales, económicas y culturales que han determinado su trayectoria y el lugar en el mundo que hoy ocupan.

Premio de la revista La Aventura de la Historia a la mejor iniciativa editorial

ENGLISH: Between 1930 and 1960 the main dimensions of the present-day Mexico were consolidated . It was an era of strong national sentiment, supportive and optimistic. The most important indicator of the time was the integration of peasants and workers in a conciliatory social ideology, that gave birth to a corporate order, which, in turn, organized from the state and government the social sectors. There was an unprecedented cultural mobilization, through the creation of new schools, publications, universities and theaters, and with the momentum of film, radio, painting and music. Mexican diplomacy championed the self-determination of peoples as well as Republican Spain against dictatorial power.,

The Latin American Contemporary History Collection is one of the most important publishing projects of recent decades, and a new and original contribution to the historiography on Latin America, in which more than 400 historians from different countries have participated. It presents a plural and accessible contemporary history of Latin American nations, including those other, European or American, that have contributed to its realization, and reveals the key political, social, economic and cultural factors that have determined its trajectory and place in the world.

La Aventura de la Historia Magazine to the best editorial project.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lázaro Cárdenas. Iconografía

Few men condense a period of Mexico’s history like its president, Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, does. ... more Few men condense a period of Mexico’s history like its president, Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, does.

This volume gives a graphic summary of his career and depicts key moments of his presidency such as the expropriation of the oil reserves and of the railways, the defence of Mexico’s national sovereignty during the Second World War or support for the Spanish Republican government during the Civil War and the subsequent campaign for harbouring refugees.

The book also contains two introductory texts by the specialists Adolfo Gilly and Mario Ojeda-Revah.

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Conference and debate helds at the Brazilian Centre for International Relations/ Centro Brasileir... more Conference and debate helds at the Brazilian Centre for International Relations/ Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais (CEBRI), Rio de Janeiro, January 19, 2021:


- Mario Ojeda Revah, author


- Andrés Rozental, Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico and Founder of Comexi

- Marcos Azambuja, Director Emeritus of CEBRI


- Hussein Kalout, Senior Fellow at CEBRI and Researcher at Harvard University


Entrevista para Univisión.


A Seminar on what the future might hold for the EU after the Pandemics. With Professors Lorena R... more A Seminar on what the future might hold for the EU after the Pandemics. With Professors Lorena Ruano and Mario Ojeda Revah, from CIDE and CIALC-UNAM respectively, and ambassador emeritus, Sandra Fuentes Beráin. Moderated by Rina Mussali.


Lecture given at the Forum "Left and Right in the Twenty First Century", held at the Florida Inte... more Lecture given at the Forum "Left and Right in the Twenty First Century", held at the Florida International University, in Miami, April 26, 2022.


Research paper thumbnail of Libro La democracia liberal bajo asedio

Francia, de democracia avanzada a poliarquía en entredicho., 2023

This chapter analyzes the decline of the French Fifth Republic liberal centrist consensus and the... more This chapter analyzes the decline of the French Fifth Republic liberal centrist consensus and the parallel rise of extremist forces from both the Far Right and the ultra-left, which threaten to lead to its ultimate demise/ Este capítulo analiza el declive del consenso centrista liberal de la Quinta República francesa y el ascenso paralelo de fuerzas extremistas tanto de la extrema derecha como de la ultraizquierda, que amenazan con conducirla a su desaparición definitiva.

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Research paper thumbnail of Resumé

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Research paper thumbnail of Perón y Franco: vidas cruzadas

Republicanos españoles en América latina durante el franquismo: historia, temas y escenarios., 2021

Two contemporary and, in many ways, similar characters : Francisco Franco Bahamonde and Juan Dom... more Two contemporary and, in many ways, similar characters : Francisco Franco Bahamonde and Juan Domingo Perón, have often been equated and even associated. Thus, for example, the Argentine writer and essayist, Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, considered them as a sort of second-class strongmen in a "gallery of greater criminals", always behind Hitler and Mussolini, tyrants with whom they shared, not only "contempt for intelligence ", but also, a taste for" the suggestive power of inarticulate languages ​​", which they cultivated with enormous assiduity and great political profit. Although both were lightly branded by their opponents as fascists and celebrated by their supporters as tenacious nationalists, they both presided over entirely different regimes, the former, one founded on passivity, terror, and resignation; the second, in popular mobilization and enthusiasm; while they gave their last names to political currents: Francoism and Peronism; the second still in force. The coincidences seem to end there: Franco was taciturn and pathologically shy; Perón, on the other hand, had a singular charm and charisma.

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Research paper thumbnail of El Brasil de Bolsonaro y la Pandemia

Globalítika, 2020

The article analyzes the erratic management of the coronavirus pandemic by the government of Jair... more The article analyzes the erratic management of the coronavirus pandemic by the government of Jair Bolsonaro, since it began in Brazil at the end of February, until the end of June, when that country reached second place in the international ranking with the highest number of contagions and fatalities of this disease, only behind the United States. The Brazilian president's denial of the dangers of the disease, his contempt for science and his authoritarian drive largely explain the magnitude of the tragedy. A mood shared with both his American and British peers.

El artículo analiza la errática gestión de la pandemia del coronavirus por el gobierno de Jair Bolsonaro, desde que esta comenzara en Brasil a fines de febrero, hasta fines de junio, cuando dicho país alcanzó el segundo lugar en el ranking internacional de mayor de número de contagios y de víctimas fatales de esa enfermedad, sólo por detrás de Estados Unidos. El negacionismo del mandatario brasileño sobre los peligros de la enfermedad, su desprecio por la ciencia y su pulsión autoritaria explican en buena medida la magnitud de la tragedia. Talante compartido con sus pares norteamericano y británico.

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Research paper thumbnail of Los exilios en México. Una perspectiva histórica

La izquierda mexicana del siglo XX, 2020

The chapter analyzes the arrival of succesive waves of exiles and political refugeees, arriving a... more The chapter analyzes the arrival of succesive waves of exiles and political refugeees, arriving and settling in Mexico from the mid Nineteenth Century to the present day. These include among many prominent figures, José Martí, Julio Antonio Mella, Lev Trotsky, Victor Serge, Anne Seghers, Luis Buñuel, Dalton Trumbo, etc, but also entire communities, such as the exiles from the Spanish Civil War; the Anti.Fascist German-speaking expatriates, both in the inter-war period, as well as the Guatemalan exiles, escaping violence in the 1980s.

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Research paper thumbnail of La dimensión internacional de Lázaro Cárdenas/Lázaro Cárdenas' International Dimension.

Iconografía de Lázaro Cárdenas, 2007

This article analyzes the international dimension of former Mexican president, Lázaro Cárdenas (1... more This article analyzes the international dimension of former Mexican president, Lázaro Cárdenas (1934-1940). From the years of his presidency, on which he stood almost alone in the defence of Abysinia, the Spanish Republic, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Finland, in the face of Fascist ans Stalinist aggression.

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Research paper thumbnail of La Revolución mexicana/The Mexican Revolution

ISBN 9788496410442, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of La transición política a la democracia en España, 1975-1982/The Spanish Transition to Democracy, 1975-1982.

El presente ensayo tiene por objeto de estudio el proceso de la transición política a la democra... more El presente ensayo tiene por objeto de estudio el proceso de la transición política a la democracia en España. . El proceso que llevó a España de un régimen totalitario a una democracia parlamentaria constituye uno de los acontecimientos políticos más sobresalientes de la historia política contemporánea. Tanto por su resultado concreto-el desmantelamiento de la última dictadura europea occidental-como por la peculiaridad de su ejecución-la ruptura con el franquismo, pactada como reforma entre un gobierno emanado de la propia clase política del antiguo régimen y la oposición histórica-podemos afirmar que el modelo de transición española ha sido único. En efecto, ha sido peculiar en la medida en que el desmantelamiento de la dictadura se llevó a cabo partiendo de los propios procedimientos normativos del régimen legal vigente; en la medida en que durante el proceso se transformó radicalmente dicha legalidad; y en que se eligió esa vía indirecta con el fin de evitar el enfrentamiento con el aparato represivo de la dictadura.

The purpose of this essay is to study the process of the political transition to democracy in Spain. The process that led Spain from a totalitarian regime to a parliamentary democracy is one of the most outstanding political events in contemporary political history. Both for its concrete result-the dismantling of the last Western European dictatorship-and for the peculiarity of its execution-the rupture with the Franco regime, agreed as a reform between a government emanating from the political class of the old regime and the historical opposition-we can affirm that the Spanish transition model has been unique. In effect, it has been peculiar insofar as the dismantling of the dictatorship was carried out starting from the own normative procedures of the current legal regime; to the extent that during the process that legality was radically transformed; and in that indirect way was chosen in order to avoid confrontation with the repressive apparatus of the dictatorship.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exiliados del macartismo en Mexico.

Exilio Iberoamericano, 2018

In the late forties and early fifties, about a hundred Americans settled in Mexico, fleeing the w... more In the late forties and early fifties, about a hundred Americans settled in Mexico, fleeing the witch hunt unleashed by anti-communist hysteria in that country, spurred by Senator Joseph McCarthy. This article addresses the vicissitudes of the exile of a number of them, film writers, who had achieved fame in Hollywood.

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Research paper thumbnail of La política exterior de Brasil. Su evolución reciente..pdf

This book analyzes the evolution of Brazilian Foreign Policy from the early days of Getulio Varga... more This book analyzes the evolution of Brazilian Foreign Policy from the early days of Getulio Vargas' Estado Novo to the ill-fated second government of Dilma Roussef. Special emphasis is placed in the diplomacy of the Cardoso and Lula´s administrations, and how Brazil's recent bid to global prominence, once more seemed disappointed, condemning yet again the Southern Colossus to the condition of an eternal Sysiphus.

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Research paper thumbnail of Freies Deutschland y el exilio alemán en México

From 1933 to 1941, some 1,000 to 1,500 German-speaking exiles from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovak... more From 1933 to 1941, some 1,000 to 1,500 German-speaking exiles from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and German Switzerland arrived in Mexico as political refugees. In that country they obtained, not only asylum, but the possibility of organizing themselves politically in freedom, and of constituting cultural institutions for the preservation of their culture. Within this contingent that fled the barbarism of Nazism, there were notable writers and distinguished artists, such as Anna Seghers, Ludwig Renn, Egon Erwin Kisch, and many others . While in Mexico they formed the Freies Deutschland in Mexiko organisation that sought to conter the propaganda activities of the Nazi Ausland Organisation, The apex of their endeavours came with the publication in 1943 of The Black Book of the Nazi Terror in Europe, edited by Hannes Meyer, a collective collaboration of several intellectuals, artists and writers from all over the world, including Thomas Mann, Juan Rejano, Bodo Uhse, Leopoldo Méndez, etc, which denounced the atrocities of the Nazi regime. This essay seeks to reassess their legacy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Manuel Pérez Treviño: el embajador incómodo de Lázaro Cárdenas

Después de haber competido con Lázaro Cárdenas y perdido la candidatura del Partido Nacional Revo... more Después de haber competido con Lázaro Cárdenas y perdido la candidatura del Partido Nacional Revolucionario en 1934, Pérez Treviño fue enviado por éste como embajador a España el año siguiente en una suerte de exilio dorado para mantenerlo lejos del país. Después de un comienzo sin incidentes y un desempeño meramente protocolario, le tocaría la circunstancia de presenciar el estallido de la Guerra Civil española y de dar asilo diplomático a enemigos señalados de la República española, gobierno aliado de aquel que lo había enviado.

After vieing with Lázaro Cárdenas for the Mexican Presidency, and having lost the candidacy of the National Revolutionary Party in 1934, Pérez Treviño was sent by Cárdenas as ambassador to Spain the following year, in a sort of golden exile to keep him away from the country. After an uneventful start, and a merely protocolary performance, he would face the paradox of witnessing the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, and of granting diplomatic asylum to declared enemies of the Spanish Republic, a close ally to the government which had sent him as envoy.

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Research paper thumbnail of México ante la República española ¿Una política de Estado?

Resumen La acogida dispensada al exilio español en México ha sido estudiada como un hecho aislado... more Resumen La acogida dispensada al exilio español en México ha sido estudiada como un hecho aislado atribuible al gesto personal de Lázaro Cárdenas y no como corolario de una política consistente seguida desde 1931. Sin demérito de Cárdenas, se postula que, ante la República, México mantuvo una postura coherente desde su establecimiento hasta su trágica caída, inteligible como una auténtica política de Estado. Dicha actitud permitió a México comunicar su defensa de la no-intervención, la autodeterminación y la indisolubilidad territorial de las naciones, en busca de un orden mundial más justo y la defensa jurídica contra la agresión imperialista. Así, la actitud mexicana hacia España fue consecuencia natural de la larga experiencia histórica mexicana con las intervenciones externas. Abstract The reception given to the Spanish exile in Mexico has been studied as an isolated event and as a personal gesture of Lázaro Cárdenas, and not as a corollary of a policy pursued consistently since 1931. Without lessening Cárdenas role, we claim that Mexico sustained a coherent position with regard to the Republic, since its establishment until its tragic fall that may be understood as a State policy. This attitude allowed Mexico to communicate its defense of non-intervention, self-determination and the indissolubility of the territorial integrity of nations, in search of a fairer world order and the legal defense against imperialist aggression. Hence, the Mexican attitude toward Spain was a natural consequence of Mexico's long historical experience with external interventions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mexico and the Spanish Civil War: Domestic Politics and the Republican Cause

Based on first-hand diplomatic, political and journalistic sources, most unpublished, Mexico and ... more Based on first-hand diplomatic, political and journalistic sources, most unpublished, Mexico and the Spanish Civil War investigates the backing of the Second Republic by Mexico during the Spanish Civil War. Significant military, material and financial aid was given by the government of Lázaro Cárdenas (1934–1940) to the Republic, which involved not only direct sales of arms, but also smuggling operations covertly undertaken by Mexican diplomatic agents in order to circumvent the embargo imposed by the London Committee of Non Intervention.

This path-breaking account reveals the operations in Spain of Mexican workers, soldiers, artists and intellectuals – such as later Nobel Laureate Octavio Paz and the Muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros – as volunteers and propagandists for the Republican cause. Engagement with the Spanish Civil War also had a profound impact upon Mexico’s domestic politics as support for the Republic was equated by Cárdenas with his own revolutionary project. The defeat of the Republic in 1939 therefore had far-reaching repercussions for the post-1940 governments. Originally published to critical acclaim in Spanish, the work has been quoted and reviewed by many leading specialists on the Civil War, including Anthony Beevor, Ángel Viñas, Santos Juliá, and Pedro Pérez Herrero. This book is essential reading for students and scholars specializing in contemporary European history and politics, Latin American studies, and all those with an interest in the Spanish Civil War and the Mexican Revolution.

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Research paper thumbnail of México y el Mundo, 1930-1960. Tomo 4 de América Latina en la Historia Contemporánea.

SPANISH: Entre 1930 y 1960 se consolidaron las principales dimensiones de la contemporaneidad m... more SPANISH: Entre 1930 y 1960 se consolidaron las principales dimensiones de la contemporaneidad mexicana. Fue una era de un fuerte sentimiento nacional, solidario y optimista. El indicador más importante fue la integración de campesinos y trabajadores en una ideología social conciliadora que dio vida a un orden corporativo que, a su vez, organizó desde el gobierno y el Estado a los sectores sociales. Tuvo lugar una movilización cultural sin precedentes con la creación de nuevas escuelas, publicaciones, universidades y teatros, y con el impulso del cine, la radio, la pintura y la música. La política internacional defendió la autodeterminación de los pueblos y también a la España republicana en contra del poder dictatorial.

La colección América Latina en la Historia Contemporánea es uno de los proyectos editoriales más importantes de las últimas décadas y una aportación original y novedosa a la historiografía sobre América Latina en la que han participado más de 400 historiadores de diversos países. Presenta una visión plural y accesible de la historia contemporánea de las naciones latinoamericanas —incluyendo aquellas otras, europeas o americanas, que más han aportado a su materialización— y revela las claves políticas, sociales, económicas y culturales que han determinado su trayectoria y el lugar en el mundo que hoy ocupan.

Premio de la revista La Aventura de la Historia a la mejor iniciativa editorial

ENGLISH: Between 1930 and 1960 the main dimensions of the present-day Mexico were consolidated . It was an era of strong national sentiment, supportive and optimistic. The most important indicator of the time was the integration of peasants and workers in a conciliatory social ideology, that gave birth to a corporate order, which, in turn, organized from the state and government the social sectors. There was an unprecedented cultural mobilization, through the creation of new schools, publications, universities and theaters, and with the momentum of film, radio, painting and music. Mexican diplomacy championed the self-determination of peoples as well as Republican Spain against dictatorial power.,

The Latin American Contemporary History Collection is one of the most important publishing projects of recent decades, and a new and original contribution to the historiography on Latin America, in which more than 400 historians from different countries have participated. It presents a plural and accessible contemporary history of Latin American nations, including those other, European or American, that have contributed to its realization, and reveals the key political, social, economic and cultural factors that have determined its trajectory and place in the world.

La Aventura de la Historia Magazine to the best editorial project.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lázaro Cárdenas. Iconografía

Few men condense a period of Mexico’s history like its president, Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, does. ... more Few men condense a period of Mexico’s history like its president, Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, does.

This volume gives a graphic summary of his career and depicts key moments of his presidency such as the expropriation of the oil reserves and of the railways, the defence of Mexico’s national sovereignty during the Second World War or support for the Spanish Republican government during the Civil War and the subsequent campaign for harbouring refugees.

The book also contains two introductory texts by the specialists Adolfo Gilly and Mario Ojeda-Revah.

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Research paper thumbnail of  México y la guerra civil española .

"Drawing on diplomatic and journalistic sources from the time, most hitherto unpublished, México ... more "Drawing on diplomatic and journalistic sources from the time, most hitherto unpublished, México y la guerra civil española examines a virtually unknown episode in the 20th century history, namely the relations between revolutionary Mexico and the Second Spanish Republic. The book analyses the rationale behind Lázaro Cárdenas’s government decision to provide the Spanish Republic with military, diplomatic and moral support during the Civil War .
Mexico sent Spain weapons and supplies when other nations refused to do so, held back by the Non-Intervention Pact. Added to that, Mexican diplomats organised a secret network to buy arms in third countries and, from there, send them to Spain."

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Research paper thumbnail of Mexico and the Spanish Civil War: political repercussions for the Republican cause

Choice Reviews Online, Jan 20, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of La inacción gubernamental como factor del deterioro del espacio urbano y de la calidad de vida en el Distrito Federal

Encrucijada revista electrónica del Centro de Estudios en Administración Pública, Jan 27, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Cuba and the European Union: A historical perspective

Latinoamérica. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Jun 1, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Las relaciones entre México y la Unión Europea. Una alternativa para la diversificación

Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, May 12, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Espana desde Mexico: Vida y testimonio de transterrados

The Hispanic American Historical Review, 1980

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Research paper thumbnail of La transición política a la democracia en España

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Research paper thumbnail of Amérique francophone et Amérique latine

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Research paper thumbnail of Mexico and the Spanish Civil War. Domestic Politics and the Republican Cause


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Research paper thumbnail of Reflexiones Sobre La Participación Política en México

Estudios Políticos, 1986

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Research paper thumbnail of La inacción gubernamental como factor del deterioro del espacio urbano y de la calidad de vida en el Distrito Federal

Encrucijada, Revista Electrónica del Centro de Estudios en Administración Pública, 2017

Se propone como hipótesis principal que gran parte de la violencia que se vive actualmente en la ... more Se propone como hipótesis principal que gran parte de la violencia que se vive actualmente en la Ciudad de México ha sido propiciada por la omisión de autoridad y por la negligencia del gobierno por regular la convivencia urbana. El gobierno capitalino se muestra incapaz de imponer el Estado de derecho para la sociabilidad armónica, en los temas más básicos y cotidianos como el tráfico, la basura, la apropiación de espacios públicos por ambulantes, franeleros, empresas de publicidad y sus “espectaculares”, el cerco de calles por vecinos, los bloqueos de vías de comunicación, etc. Tal abdicación del gobierno para imponer la ley ante las “pequeñas” faltas crea el entorno propicio para los grandes crímenes, como lavado de dinero,<br />coyotaje, adulteración de bebidas y medicamentos, contrabando, reventa, cierre de carreteras, etc. De suerte<br />tal que, puede afirmarse, que años de negligencia y simulación en la aplicación de la ley, han llevado al Gobierno del Distrito ...

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Research paper thumbnail of El cardenismo y el Frente Popular de Léon BlumDos proyectos de reforma social en el México y Francia de los años treinta

Cahiers d'études romanes, 2016

Cet article analyse les ressemblances et les influences mutuelles entre les gouvernements de Laza... more Cet article analyse les ressemblances et les influences mutuelles entre les gouvernements de Lazaro Cardenas au Mexique (1934-1940) et le Front populaire de Leon Blum en France (1936-1938). En outre, il met en lumiere les relations diplomatiques officielles et les echanges politiques, economiques et culturels, que les deux gouvernements ont maintenus, dans la breve mais intense periode, dans laquelle ils ont coincide. Ainsi, il etablit que les politiques de nationalisation des secteurs strategiques de l’economie realisees par les deux gouvernements, ou de soutien apporte a l’evolution de la classe ouvriere dans leurs pays respectifs, constituent des points de convergence qui meritent d’etre etudies plus en detail.

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Research paper thumbnail of Corrupción y Deterioro Del Espacio Urbano en El Distrito Federal

Revista de Direito da Cidade, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Las relaciones entre México y la Unión Europea. Una alternativa para la diversificación

Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 1996

El artículo aborda el proceso de integración europea, como una alternativa muy importante para la... more El artículo aborda el proceso de integración europea, como una alternativa muy importante para la diversificación de nuestras relaciones exteriores. Nos ofrece un rápido recorrido desde la formación del Mercado Común Europeo, hasta la actual Unión Europea, señalando las principales características y contradicciones del mismo, así como las dificultades existentes entre sus miembros para el logro de sus objetivos. En la segunda parte se analizan las relaciones entre México y la Unión Europea y el modo cómo éstas, si bien están aún inexploradas, cuentan con grandes potencialidades para establecer nuevos marcos de cooperación, comercio, inversión y diálogo político.

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Research paper thumbnail of México y España, 40 años de un reencuentro. Una visión panorámica/ Mexico and Spain, forty years of a rapprochement. An overview

Relaciones Internacionales, Mar 1, 2022

Resumen: En este artículo se analiza la evolución de las relaciones entre los Estados Unidos Mex... more Resumen:

En este artículo se analiza la evolución de las relaciones entre los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y el Reino de España desde su establecimiento en marzo de 1977, tras 40 años de inexistencia, hasta los gobiernos de Enrique Peña Nieto y Mariano Rajoy. El trabajo se basa predominantemente en fuentes primarias, en esencia hemerográficas, y busca ofrecer una visión panorámica de la relación bilateral a lo largo de cuatro décadas a través de la prensa. Se observa que, aunque la relación ha sido mutuamente beneficiosa, ha sido también asimétrica, pese al tamaño comparable de ambas economías y del peso internacional de ambas naciones. Se avanza la hipótesis de que los gobiernos mexicanos posteriores a la alternancia política del año 2000 asumieron una postura subordinada y condescendiente respecto a sus contrapartes españoles, reflejada en la falta de reciprocidad en un sinnúmero de cuestiones bilaterales, tales como inversiones, intercambios educativos y respeto a los asuntos internos del país, acaso motivados por preservar a toda costa un vínculo que, con justa razón, se considera estratégico.

Palabras clave: México, España, prensa, relaciones políticas, falta de reciprocidad, relaciones internacionales.


The article analyses the evolution of relations between the United Mexican States and the Kingdom of Spain, from its establishment in March 1977 after forty years of absence, to the governments of Enrique Peña Nieto and Mariano Rajoy. The work is based on primary sources, mainly journalistic, and seeks to offer a panoramic view of the bilateral relationship over four decades through the press. It is noted that, although the relationship has been mutually beneficial, it has also been asymmetric, despite the comparable size of both economies and the international weight of both nations. The hypothesis is put forward that the Mexican governments, after the political alternation of the year 2000, assumed a subordinate and condescending position regarding their Spanish counterparts, reflected in the lack of reciprocity in countless bilateral issues, such as investments, educational exchanges, and respect for the internal affairs of the country, motivated to preserve at all costs a link that, with good reason, is considered strategic.


Mexico; Spain; Press; Political Relations; Lack of Reciprocity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cuba y la Unión Europea. Una perspectiva histórica

Latinoamérica. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos

El artículo pasa revista a las relaciones de Cuba con los principales países de Europa Occidental... more El artículo pasa revista a las relaciones de Cuba con los principales países de Europa Occidental, desde el triunfo de la Revolución cubana hasta la caída del bloque soviético. Asimismo explora las relaciones del régimen revolucionario cubano con la Unión Europea durante el periodo especial, los constantes desencuentros entre la Isla y la UE, especialmente tras la asunción por el bloque europeo de la “Posición Común” y la represión de la disidencia durante la llamada “Primavera Negra”. El artículo da cuenta del estancamiento actual de las relaciones bilaterales y de las perspectivas a corto y mediano plazo de las mismas.

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Research paper thumbnail of América Latina y la Gran Guerra: Un acercamiento a la cuestión

El presente articulo analiza el impacto que la Primera Guerra Mundial tuvo sobre America Latina e... more El presente articulo analiza el impacto que la Primera Guerra Mundial tuvo sobre America Latina en diversas facetas: la dislocacion del comercio trasatlantico y sus repercusiones sobre las economias latinoamericanas; la cobertura de la guerra europea por la prensa latinoamericana y la renovacion que esta experimento al innovar por medio del envio de corresponsales de guerra, sin las mediaciones de las agencias de prensa europeas. El ensayo aborda tambien las distintas reacciones de los gobiernos latinoamericanos, al declarar su neutralidad o beligerancia. El trabajo senala la falta relativa de estudios sobre la cuestion y sugiere lineas de investigacion relativas al tema, susceptibles de ser emprendidas.

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Research paper thumbnail of El frente diplomático. Defensa mexicana de España ante la Sociedad de las Naciones

El autor analiza la actuacion de Mexico en el seno de la Sociedad de las Naciones en el periodo d... more El autor analiza la actuacion de Mexico en el seno de la Sociedad de las Naciones en el periodo de entreguerras, desde su ingreso en 1931 hasta el fin de la Guerra Civil espanola y las visperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El ensayo hace particular enfasis en la defensa que de la Republica Espanola hicieran los delegados mexicanos en el Foro de Ginebra durante la contienda civil iberica, frente a la farsa que supuso el llamado Comite de No Intervencion. Se plantea y desarrolla la hipotesis de que, mas alla de sus motivaciones ideologicas y de su fuerte simbolismo, el apoyo de Mexico a Espana sirvio al interes nacional al cimentar la alianza con el gobierno de Roosevelt ante la inminente guerra mundial.

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Research paper thumbnail of La oposición anarquista al régimen de Franco : 1939-1976

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Research paper thumbnail of México y la Guerra Civil española

&quot;Drawing on diplomatic and journalistic sources from the time, most hitherto unpublished... more &quot;Drawing on diplomatic and journalistic sources from the time, most hitherto unpublished, México y la guerra civil española examines a virtually unknown episode in the 20th century history, namely the relations between revolutionary Mexico and the Second Spanish Republic. The book analyses the rationale behind Lázaro Cárdenas’s government decision to provide the Spanish Republic with military, diplomatic and moral support during the Civil War . Mexico sent Spain weapons and supplies when other nations refused to do so, held back by the Non-Intervention Pact. Added to that, Mexican diplomats organised a secret network to buy arms in third countries and, from there, send them to Spain.&quot;

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Research paper thumbnail of Interacción de los exilios en América Latina y el Caribe (siglo XX)

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Research paper thumbnail of Fernando Serrano Migallón, El exilio español y su vida cotidiana en México, prólogo de José Woldenberg, México, Bonilla Artigas, 2021 (Serie Pública histórica, núm. 20), 158 págs.

Cuadernos Americanos, 2022

Book review

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Research paper thumbnail of Sobre las elecciones en Alemania

On the German General Election of September 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Vicente Sáenz Rojas, España heroica

Cuadernos Americanos, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Guerra y paz en el Siglo XX de Eric Hobsbawm

Letras Libres

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Research paper thumbnail of España desde México. Vida y testimonio de transterrados, de Ascensión Hernández de León Portilla

Letras Libres, Oct 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Francia y sus concurrentes crisis., 2024

Dr. Mario Ojeda Revah- Investigador del CIALC, UNAM y miembro de la Unidad de Estudio y Reflexión... more Dr. Mario Ojeda Revah- Investigador del CIALC, UNAM y miembro de la Unidad de Estudio y Reflexión Europa+, explica el contexto en que Gabriel Attal es nombrado Primer Ministro en Francia, aborda la polarización política y la complejidad de la integración cultural, y reflexiona sobre el liderazgo de Francia en distintos escenarios.

Dr. Mario Ojeda Revah- Researcher at CIALC, UNAM and member of the Europa+ Study and Reflection Unit, explains the context in which Gabriel Attal was appointed Prime Minister in France, addresses political polarization and the complexity of cultural integration, and reflects on France's leadership in different scenarios.

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Research paper thumbnail of Francia y sus crisis concurrentes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Entrevista al Dr. Mario Ojeda Revah Las transiciones española y mexicana en perspectiva comparada/Interview with Dr. Mario Ojeda Revah The Spanish and Mexican transitions in comparative perspective.

A comparative perspective of the Spanish and Mexican Transitions to Democracy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quo Vadis, Colombia?

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Research paper thumbnail of Historia y análisis de las pandemias en el mundo.

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Research paper thumbnail of "40 años de relaciones México-España, 1977-2017"

Incursionando/Canal del Congreso, 2017

This programme analyzes the evolution and balance of Spanish- Mexican diplomatic relations since ... more This programme analyzes the evolution and balance of Spanish- Mexican diplomatic relations since their reestablishment in March 1977, after a prolonged hiatus of 40 years. Several Mexican governments had withheld diplomatic recognition to the Francoist dictatorship since the end of the Spanish Civil War. From 1977 onwards, the bilateral link has intensified and become a special relationship for both parts.

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Research paper thumbnail of Entrevista sobre 40 años de relaciones México-España

40 years of diplomatic relations between Mexico and Spain, 1977-2017.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Debate político en Brasil", Mirador Universitario, TV UNAM, 15 04 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of La política exterior de Brasil. Brazilian Foreign Policy

An interview on Brazilian Foreign Policy, broadcast by Radio UNAM, on July 9, 2019.

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Research paper thumbnail of La crisis de Brasil sí afecta a la economía de México. Aleja capitales foráneos

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Research paper thumbnail of La Revolución que nunca fue.pdf

Campo de Relámpagos, 2019

Breve texto sobre el fracasado Levantamiento espartaquista de enero de 1919, a cien años de su ... more Breve texto sobre el fracasado Levantamiento espartaquista de enero de 1919, a cien años de su represión , con una reflexión sobre lo que pudo haber ocurrido de haberse alzado victorioso./Short text about the failed Spartacist Uprising of January 1919, one hundred years after its repression, with a reflection on what could have happened had it been victorious.

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