Albaar Rubhasy | Universitas Nasional (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by Albaar Rubhasy
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Aptikom 2017, 2017
Dosen merupakan salah satu aset terpenting dalam upaya peningkatan mutu Perguruan Tinggi. Berdasa... more Dosen merupakan salah satu aset terpenting dalam upaya peningkatan mutu Perguruan Tinggi. Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen, Dosen berkewajiban untuk melaksanakan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat atau yang dikenal Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi. Pelaksanaan tugas utama dosen ini perlu dievaluasi dan dilaporkan secara periodik sebagai bentuk akuntabilitas dosen kepada para pemangku kepentingan. Penilaian Kinerja Dosen Perguruan Tinggi dilakukan berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 46 Tahun 2011 tentang Penilaian Prestasi Kerja (PPK) PNS. Mekanisme Penilaian Kinerja Dosen saat ini dilakukan dengan cara mengisi template lembar sebar yang telah disediakan. Penilaian Kinerja Dosen yang dilakukan saat ini cenderung subjektif dan dilakukan untuk memenuhi syarat administratif ketika ingin mengajukan Inpassing Pangkat Dosen, sehingga kurang merepresentasikan kinerja dosen yang sesungguhnya. Untuk itu, perlu dikembangkan suatu Sistem Informasi Penilaian Kinerja Dosen. Metodologi pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah Rational Unified Process melalui pendekatan yang iteratif. Berdasarkan hasil implementasi, sistem yang telah dibangun telah merepresentasikan proses penilaian kinerja dosen berbasis PPK PNS. Terdapat beberapa modul yang harus dikembangkan terutama untuk memfasilitasi umpan balik dari rekan dosen sejawat dan mahasiswa. Kata kunci : manajemen kinerja, penilaian kinerja dosen, Penilaian Prestasi Kerja PNS
International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (ICCEA) 2011 Proceeding, 2011
In this digital era, the use of digital multimedia information is highly utilized and growing ver... more In this digital era, the use of digital multimedia information is highly utilized and growing very rapidly due to the development of the Internet. Thus, users demand for more effective content-based multimedia information retrieval system (CBMMIRS). The major challenge in this research area is that a multimedia document comprises more than one type of contents (i.e. text, image, audio). In order to address this challenge, many works have been focusing on the indexing techniques development which can accommodate multiple multimedia object representation or known as object features. However, most of the experiments use only one certain kind of collection, for example a collection of WWW pages, video collections, image collections, and so forth. In this paper, we propose a multidimensional approach which could accommodates semantic indexing of various multimedia contents in different multimedia collections, since the fact is that different multimedia documents may share similar information. The architecture comprises three components: (1) collection manager (which manages multimedia documents repository); (2) indexer (which handles multimedia concept detection and indexing); and (3) query processor (which deals with query and search results). Our hypothesis is that the more complete the document (which indexed in many different feature spaces), the more relevant the document and should be ranked higher in the search results.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Komputer (SENATKOM) 2015, 2015
UMKM merupakan tulang punggung perekonomian di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data BPS, UMKM memberikan s... more UMKM merupakan tulang punggung perekonomian di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data BPS, UMKM memberikan sumbangan yang signifikan terhadap PDB Indonesia. Untuk lebih meningkatkan daya saing, UMKM dapat menerapkan sistem ERP. Namun, UMKM belum banyak yang memanfaatkan sistem ERP karena faktor kompleksitas serta biaya penerapan sistem yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem ERP yang mendukung kebutuhan proses bisnis UMKM Indonesia. Adapun untuk mengatasi kendala tingginya biaya implementasi sistem ERP, maka dipilih sistem ERP berbasis open source. Kebutuhan proses bisnis UMKM difokuskan pada proses: (1) pemasaran dan distribusi; (2) pengadaan; dan (3) produksi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terdapat 45 sub proses yang dibutuhkan UMKM. Hasil perbandingan 10 sistem ERP berbasis open source terhadap 45 sub proses menunjukkan, Adempiere dan Apache OFBiz merupakan sistem ERP yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan proses bisnis UMKM Indonesia, diikuti oleh WebERP, Odoo, dan ERPNEXT.
Papers by Albaar Rubhasy
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi)
At this time, information and communication technology is growing rapidly. One example of technol... more At this time, information and communication technology is growing rapidly. One example of technological developments is Augmented Reality (AR). Augmented Reality in theory is to present virtual effects in the real world. This AR technology has been applied in several fields. One of them is in the field of education. In this study, an AR application was made as an educational medium for the history of the heritage buildings of the Ottoman Empire, especially for Madrasah students in the subject of Islamic Cultural History (SKI). This research will discuss the history of heritage buildings of the Ottoman Empire such as; Hagia Sophia Monument, Yeni Valide Mosque, and Blue Mosque. The Ottoman Empire was one of the world's Islamic empires that played a major role in the spread of Islamic teachings. This AR application uses the Marker Based Tracking method and the Fast Corner Detection algorithm. The tools used are Android Studio, Unity 3D, Sketchup, Figma, and Vuforia. The results of ...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi)
Teacher attendance or student absenteeism is currently carried out manually. Therefore, researche... more Teacher attendance or student absenteeism is currently carried out manually. Therefore, researchers developed an Android-based application, with the aim of making it easier for teachers to carry out the student attendance process. This system is equipped with an SMS Gateway. So that with the system created, parents can monitor the attendance of their children in the course and training institutions. The SMS system gateway has an auto-response facility and by adopting an application from the Gammu system to bridge the SMS database Gateway to convey data to the SMS device using one of the search methods, namely the first wide search method, breadth-first search with reading and looking for connected data one by one. to data communication client-server. Using JSON as data exchange between the Android application and the web server for the student database. From the results of the tests that have been carried out, this student attendance application runs as desired with existing functi...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the level of IT maturity that occur in XYZ Shipping Comp... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate the level of IT maturity that occur in XYZ Shipping Company using COBIT 4.1 framework as a best practice in information technology audit. The company is highly depend on Key Logistics System as a core system in shipping process. For this reason, the company wants to focus on internal processes by increasing efficiency while minimizing costs, so COBIT IT Process was chosen: PO3, AI2, AI5, AI3, AI4, AI7, PO6, DS3, DS7, DS8, DS9, PO5, and DS6. An assessment was conducted on 26 Key Logistics System users as respondents. Stages of research to be carried out include: identification of the COBIT 4.1 process; data collection; measurement of current and target maturity levels; gap analysis; and preparation of recommendations. Result has shown that the average maturity score of the Key Logistics System is 3,50 or in maturity level 4 (managed). At this level the key logistics system process has been carried out and part of it has been standardized. Howe...
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi, Jan 31, 2013
Indonesia merupakan negara yang mempunyai potensi besar untuk berperan penting di dalam globalisa... more Indonesia merupakan negara yang mempunyai potensi besar untuk berperan penting di dalam globalisasi dunia. Potensi Indonesia terletak pada wilayahnya yang sangat strategis dan memiliki keanekaragaman budaya dan hayati serta sumber daya manusia yang besar. Namun potensi besar tersebut perlu pengelolaan yang baik agar menghasilkan kesejahteraan bagi rakyat Indonesia. Pemerintah merupakan komponen terpenting dalam ketatanegaran yang menjalankan roda pemerintahan. Namun hingga kini, Pemerintah dianggap masih lamban dan kurang tepat sasaran dalam pengambilan keputusan-keputusan strategis. Untuk mengambil keputusan strategis tentunya diperlukan sarana untuk membantu pimpinan dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Makalah ini merupakan rancangan arsitekur EIS yang berisi teknik dan teknologi yang dibagi berdasarkan lapisan-lapisan collection, processing, analysis, presentation dan management. Di mana lapisan-lapisan tersebut saling mendukung dan terintegrasi yang berguna sebagai arah pengembangan suatu Executive Information System yang berfungsi untuk menunjang pengambilan keputusan strategis di dalam sektor pemerintahan.
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Aptikom 2017, 2017
Dosen merupakan salah satu aset terpenting dalam upaya peningkatan mutu Perguruan Tinggi. Berdasa... more Dosen merupakan salah satu aset terpenting dalam upaya peningkatan mutu Perguruan Tinggi. Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen, Dosen berkewajiban untuk melaksanakan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat atau yang dikenal Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi. Pelaksanaan tugas utama dosen ini perlu dievaluasi dan dilaporkan secara periodik sebagai bentuk akuntabilitas dosen kepada para pemangku kepentingan. Penilaian Kinerja Dosen Perguruan Tinggi dilakukan berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 46 Tahun 2011 tentang Penilaian Prestasi Kerja (PPK) PNS. Mekanisme Penilaian Kinerja Dosen saat ini dilakukan dengan cara mengisi template lembar sebar yang telah disediakan. Penilaian Kinerja Dosen yang dilakukan saat ini cenderung subjektif dan dilakukan untuk memenuhi syarat administratif ketika ingin mengajukan Inpassing Pangkat Dosen, sehingga kurang merepresentasikan kinerja dosen yang sesungguhnya. Untuk itu, perlu dikembangkan suatu Sistem Informasi Penilaian Kinerja Dosen. Metodologi pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah Rational Unified Process melalui pendekatan yang iteratif. Berdasarkan hasil implementasi, sistem yang telah dibangun telah merepresentasikan proses penilaian kinerja dosen berbasis PPK PNS. Terdapat beberapa modul yang harus dikembangkan terutama untuk memfasilitasi umpan balik dari rekan dosen sejawat dan mahasiswa. Kata kunci : manajemen kinerja, penilaian kinerja dosen, Penilaian Prestasi Kerja PNS
International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (ICCEA) 2011 Proceeding, 2011
In this digital era, the use of digital multimedia information is highly utilized and growing ver... more In this digital era, the use of digital multimedia information is highly utilized and growing very rapidly due to the development of the Internet. Thus, users demand for more effective content-based multimedia information retrieval system (CBMMIRS). The major challenge in this research area is that a multimedia document comprises more than one type of contents (i.e. text, image, audio). In order to address this challenge, many works have been focusing on the indexing techniques development which can accommodate multiple multimedia object representation or known as object features. However, most of the experiments use only one certain kind of collection, for example a collection of WWW pages, video collections, image collections, and so forth. In this paper, we propose a multidimensional approach which could accommodates semantic indexing of various multimedia contents in different multimedia collections, since the fact is that different multimedia documents may share similar information. The architecture comprises three components: (1) collection manager (which manages multimedia documents repository); (2) indexer (which handles multimedia concept detection and indexing); and (3) query processor (which deals with query and search results). Our hypothesis is that the more complete the document (which indexed in many different feature spaces), the more relevant the document and should be ranked higher in the search results.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Komputer (SENATKOM) 2015, 2015
UMKM merupakan tulang punggung perekonomian di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data BPS, UMKM memberikan s... more UMKM merupakan tulang punggung perekonomian di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data BPS, UMKM memberikan sumbangan yang signifikan terhadap PDB Indonesia. Untuk lebih meningkatkan daya saing, UMKM dapat menerapkan sistem ERP. Namun, UMKM belum banyak yang memanfaatkan sistem ERP karena faktor kompleksitas serta biaya penerapan sistem yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem ERP yang mendukung kebutuhan proses bisnis UMKM Indonesia. Adapun untuk mengatasi kendala tingginya biaya implementasi sistem ERP, maka dipilih sistem ERP berbasis open source. Kebutuhan proses bisnis UMKM difokuskan pada proses: (1) pemasaran dan distribusi; (2) pengadaan; dan (3) produksi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terdapat 45 sub proses yang dibutuhkan UMKM. Hasil perbandingan 10 sistem ERP berbasis open source terhadap 45 sub proses menunjukkan, Adempiere dan Apache OFBiz merupakan sistem ERP yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan proses bisnis UMKM Indonesia, diikuti oleh WebERP, Odoo, dan ERPNEXT.
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi)
At this time, information and communication technology is growing rapidly. One example of technol... more At this time, information and communication technology is growing rapidly. One example of technological developments is Augmented Reality (AR). Augmented Reality in theory is to present virtual effects in the real world. This AR technology has been applied in several fields. One of them is in the field of education. In this study, an AR application was made as an educational medium for the history of the heritage buildings of the Ottoman Empire, especially for Madrasah students in the subject of Islamic Cultural History (SKI). This research will discuss the history of heritage buildings of the Ottoman Empire such as; Hagia Sophia Monument, Yeni Valide Mosque, and Blue Mosque. The Ottoman Empire was one of the world's Islamic empires that played a major role in the spread of Islamic teachings. This AR application uses the Marker Based Tracking method and the Fast Corner Detection algorithm. The tools used are Android Studio, Unity 3D, Sketchup, Figma, and Vuforia. The results of ...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi)
Teacher attendance or student absenteeism is currently carried out manually. Therefore, researche... more Teacher attendance or student absenteeism is currently carried out manually. Therefore, researchers developed an Android-based application, with the aim of making it easier for teachers to carry out the student attendance process. This system is equipped with an SMS Gateway. So that with the system created, parents can monitor the attendance of their children in the course and training institutions. The SMS system gateway has an auto-response facility and by adopting an application from the Gammu system to bridge the SMS database Gateway to convey data to the SMS device using one of the search methods, namely the first wide search method, breadth-first search with reading and looking for connected data one by one. to data communication client-server. Using JSON as data exchange between the Android application and the web server for the student database. From the results of the tests that have been carried out, this student attendance application runs as desired with existing functi...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the level of IT maturity that occur in XYZ Shipping Comp... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate the level of IT maturity that occur in XYZ Shipping Company using COBIT 4.1 framework as a best practice in information technology audit. The company is highly depend on Key Logistics System as a core system in shipping process. For this reason, the company wants to focus on internal processes by increasing efficiency while minimizing costs, so COBIT IT Process was chosen: PO3, AI2, AI5, AI3, AI4, AI7, PO6, DS3, DS7, DS8, DS9, PO5, and DS6. An assessment was conducted on 26 Key Logistics System users as respondents. Stages of research to be carried out include: identification of the COBIT 4.1 process; data collection; measurement of current and target maturity levels; gap analysis; and preparation of recommendations. Result has shown that the average maturity score of the Key Logistics System is 3,50 or in maturity level 4 (managed). At this level the key logistics system process has been carried out and part of it has been standardized. Howe...
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi, Jan 31, 2013
Indonesia merupakan negara yang mempunyai potensi besar untuk berperan penting di dalam globalisa... more Indonesia merupakan negara yang mempunyai potensi besar untuk berperan penting di dalam globalisasi dunia. Potensi Indonesia terletak pada wilayahnya yang sangat strategis dan memiliki keanekaragaman budaya dan hayati serta sumber daya manusia yang besar. Namun potensi besar tersebut perlu pengelolaan yang baik agar menghasilkan kesejahteraan bagi rakyat Indonesia. Pemerintah merupakan komponen terpenting dalam ketatanegaran yang menjalankan roda pemerintahan. Namun hingga kini, Pemerintah dianggap masih lamban dan kurang tepat sasaran dalam pengambilan keputusan-keputusan strategis. Untuk mengambil keputusan strategis tentunya diperlukan sarana untuk membantu pimpinan dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Makalah ini merupakan rancangan arsitekur EIS yang berisi teknik dan teknologi yang dibagi berdasarkan lapisan-lapisan collection, processing, analysis, presentation dan management. Di mana lapisan-lapisan tersebut saling mendukung dan terintegrasi yang berguna sebagai arah pengembangan suatu Executive Information System yang berfungsi untuk menunjang pengambilan keputusan strategis di dalam sektor pemerintahan.