#underdark on oz.org's Journal (original) (raw)

Friday, April 8th, 2005
2:02 am
larcin Who are you people?!Why are you spamming our precious little community? I realise it has been dead for months (years, maybe ?), but that doesn't give you any right to peddle your spammy wares. Be gone. Shoo. Poo on you. (comment on this)
Tuesday, November 16th, 2004
7:35 am - cradle of filth/arch e nemy
sittingnitemare who got their tickets to see cradle of filth/arch enemy? on the 26th. I'mgoing and my friend couldnt get his ticket so i want someone to go with. (comment on this)
Tuesday, October 26th, 2004
12:30 am - SALLY DOOLL, 3 FT TALL~
Tuesday, August 24th, 2004
1:42 am - something for all...
rainmetalroof something for all to partake in during the Republican National Convention'.Lets show them thier actions are not justified, and they cant just ignore the violence that thier doing.CHECK OUT:www.RuDoPeace.org or http://phil.ist-backup.de/rncelectronic/this is the perfect oppurtunity to do something and be part of the momentum to tear down the walls and boxes created to disorient us for the sole purpose of weaking and taking advantage of us. THIS WEEK WE SAY FuCK you!1No! MoRE!!! SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO!!! A BANNER DROP, DISTRUBUTION OF LITERATURE, AN ACT OF CIVILDISOBEDIANCE, NOT GOING TO WORK, NOT BEING A CONSUMER, ACTS OF ARTWORK, RIDING YOUR BIKE!!!, LISTENING TO MUSIC, READING A BOOK, QUESTION THE ONES ATTACKING US!!! HAVIENG FUN, DOING WHAT WE'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO, RECYCLING, GIVING AWAY FREE FOOD, NOT PAYING FOR FOOD, DONATING CLOTHES, GARDENING, SMOKE A BOWL, GO OUT, SMASH THE tvdont ignore THIS week, go support a punk show, RemBer They CaPitalize off our unhappiness, our discouragement, our feeling of helplessness, and our feeling of unpossibility. FoR US to Win we Must Not LET THESE FEELINGS ConSUme US, OR STOPUS FROM BECOMING SO MUCH MORE THEN WHAT THEY WANT US TO BECOME Every action Taken IS NOT A LONE OR single ACTION but is part of a massive collective struggle for individuality and our freedoms Every Act is AnACTofRECLAMATION of and over ouR LIVES (comment on this)
Monday, August 23rd, 2004
3:38 pm - New Community: Maryland DnD
Sunday, March 28th, 2004
7:01 pm
Wednesday, June 11th, 2003
11:48 pm
Sunday, May 11th, 2003
5:54 pm
suvroc Logic and I are working on a new project: a sort of e-zine on roleplaying. Now, seeing as we can't actually publish anything for existing systems, we'll have to make it all up ourselves. New systems, new worlds, now everything.So what would you guys like to see? (4 comments | comment on this)
Thursday, September 12th, 2002
10:41 pm - I fucking rock
suvroc Okies. So there I am having shelled out £25 for a copy of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer RPG, when I cast my eye on something I dissapproved of. Now, my parents always told me to complain when I was given the short end of the stick... my e-mail to the publisher, Eden Studios, went thus:> Hi, I recently purchased a copy of the BUFFY RPG, and while I'm happy with > 99.9% of the contents, there is a small matter I feel needs addressing. > > In the Appendix at the end, there are a number of British terms for use in > games, to make Watchers appear more, well, English. One of those words, > found under P, is "Poofter". The definition of it is given as "a less than > manly man". > > Poofter is a derogatory term for a homosexual, and is tantamount to having > FAGGOT under the F's. I'm personally fairly thick skinned about being > exposed to questionable materials, but this game is aimed at teenagers - the > last thing an already alienated young gay man needs is to read that he is > "less than manly" in his own gaming materials. >> This needs to be recitified, and soon, or Eden Studios is facing a potential > law suit. > > -CORVUSA few days later, I recieved this reply:Naiman, After closely re-reviewing the text of the TV show, the term Poofter is used in all circumstances (but one) as a way of labeling someone a "wuss", a "pansy", "not tough" -- or in more slangy terms "less than a manly man." I do not believe that the definition given distorts the way the term is used in the show. Upon reflection, I do understand that it may reinforce negative stereotypes among our readers, particularly insecure teens. I can assure you that there was no intention to do so among the creative staff of the BtVS Corebook. In consultation with Fox, we have decided to remove the term and its definition from the glossary in future printings. Thanks for your support, Alex Jurkat Eden Studios www.edenstudios.net (2 comments | comment on this)
Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
11:42 pm
suvroc Some people imbue alter egos, particularly roleplaying ones, with an almost fetishistic power. Example: A roleplaying convention in America, one of the games they run is a D&D campaign and players are asked to preprepare characters. Naturally a few bring along their favourites, characters they have had for years. The game begins, Joe Moe's character gets offed and he leaps across the trestle table and strangles the DM.True story.I should probably put something here about the evils of allowing the mentally ill to roleplay, but let's face it, there will always be nutjobs out there that take their characters far, FAR too seriously.Ï (1 comment | comment on this)
7:44 pm
suvroc Lately, with all this time spent away from my lovely RPG collection at home, it occured to me that I'm dangerously approaching "White Wolf Junkie" status. I own books for Werewolf, Vampire and Wraith (the three decent games... fuck you anyone that likes Hunter), and plenty thereof. I'd have to say Wraith is the most beautiful of them all, Werewolf is the most fun and Vamp is definately the most popular. Still, there are other games out there, other games that don't rhyme with "Drunkards and Flagons".So, in that vein, I've bought two shiny new RPG's. The first is an Indie called "ORK!" - humourous, dark, self-described as a "beer and pretzels" RPG. It's the sort of thing you play when you're really bent... or tripping far too hard. I'm all for playing this sucker on mushies.Second was the latest big release, hot off the shelves. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the RPG". It seems pretty good, nice book, nice system, nice world. I do have a few reservations, however.I will be posting reviews on the UD website, sooner or later.dionarap si naloecScurrent mood: bitchy (comment on this)
Sunday, May 5th, 2002
6:38 am
Saturday, May 4th, 2002
9:45 pm
sittingnitemare hey i'm new here.. andI'm trying to figure out How to post pictures up here... and i dont know the html for it.. If anyone can help.. I'd be very grateful! =)current mood: anxious (4 comments | comment on this)
Monday, April 29th, 2002
2:53 am
Monday, April 1st, 2002
7:03 pm
makroskizhar Here I am,Am I here,Corse I am!Damn Sydney Rocks... but it would be better is Corvus got off'n his arse and came up for a visit/permanant thangie. (1 comment | comment on this)
Sunday, March 31st, 2002
11:01 pm - !
Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
5:23 pm
Wednesday, January 30th, 2002
7:43 am - Gaming
larcin Option 1: A Sabbat Vampire: the Masquerade game, and there are ideas for playing Zombie: the Coil (which is a White Wolf World Of Darkness fan-made game) as well. We're thinking about playing the two games simultaneously; otherwise they'll be two separate games, maybe with a few links.Option 2: The other game will be a free form modern day called HorrorShow. If you have nothing better to do, you can read some of the logs of games that were played in #horrorshow on DALnet... hopefully we can get it running again in #underdark on oz.org. There may be typos and the like...Logs: [Intersection] [Joy]Option 3: We all decide on a game we want to play. Are you interested in IRC roleplaying in #underdark? I'm not sure, I need more information Hell yes, when do we start? Which of the aforementioned game options do you prefer? Option 1a; Vampire & Zombie - Simultaneous Option 1b; Vampire & Zombie - Separate Option 3; "Democratic" decision on what to play I can't decide, but put me down for something current mood: thoughtful (7 comments | comment on this)
Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
3:21 pm - sucker for a pretty face
quiddity Now I know why what people generally write in their livejournals is generally entirely too cryptic and poetic and generally doesn't stand up under scrutiny as being anything like the real feelings everyone wants to express in plain language.This is the fault of LiveJournal, by being an intergrated, tightly knit community it subjects all of its members to scrutiny--by their own peers, both online and personal.It definitely means that too many aren't game enough to say what they mean and mean what they say in their public journals.I know I'm not. *sigh* current mood: annoyed (1 comment | comment on this)
1:53 am
quiddity Many posts. In an LJ Community. I'm glad someone (namely Larcin) finally managed to tell me how to work this thing. I can't wrap my head around the ins and outs of LiveJournal as well as stuff like ReBoot.Plus, I need to have a haircut. (22 comments | comment on this)