isman jusuf | Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (original) (raw)
Papers by isman jusuf
British Journal of Nursing Studies
Infancy is a golden period for the growth and development of children. One of the factors that af... more Infancy is a golden period for the growth and development of children. One of the factors that affect the baby's growth and development is sleep and rest. Then it is necessary to take special care to help the baby in meeting the needs of sleep rest, namely therapy using classical music. This study aimed to determine the effect of classical music on sleep duration in babies aged 0-28 days at Multazam Hospital, Gorontalo City. This research is a quasi-experimental design study. The sample used was 30 respondents consisting of 15 intervention groups and 15 control groups, using accidental sampling techniques. Data were collected using observation sheets. The results showed that the Duration of Sleep was 30 babies (100%) before being given classical music <16 hours in the intervention group and the control group. After being given classical music in the intervention group, the Duration of Sleep ≥16 hours were 15 babies (100%) with a p-value of 0.000 < 0.05. Meanwhile, in the c...
Jurnal Ners
Stres Kerja merupakan suatu keadaan emosional yang timbul karena adanya ketidaksesuaian beban ker... more Stres Kerja merupakan suatu keadaan emosional yang timbul karena adanya ketidaksesuaian beban kerja dengan kemampuan individu untuk mengatasi stres kerja yang dihadapinya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran beban kerja dan stress kerja perawat intensive care unit (ICU) di Provinsi Gorontalo. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survey deskriptif. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 55 responden yang diambil menggunakan teknik Total sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beban kerja perawat Intensive care unit (ICU) di Provinsi Gorontalo dengan kategori berat sebesar 56,4%, dab Stres kerja perawat ICU di Provinsi Gorontalo dengan kategori berat adalah 40%. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi bahan masukan agar dapat mengurangi beban kerja perawat sehingga tidak mengalami stres kerja yang berat.
Journal of Economic, Business, and Administration (JEBA)
This research aims to 1) know the implementation of stunting handling policies in Gorontalo Regen... more This research aims to 1) know the implementation of stunting handling policies in Gorontalo Regency Limboto Health Center. 2) know the factors that affect the implementation of stunting handling policies in Gorontalo Regency Limboto Health Center. The results showed that 1) Implementation of stunting treatment policies in Limboto Health Center Gorontalo regency has been going well, specific nutritional intervention activities with the target of pregnant women, specific nutritional intervention activities with the target of breastfeeding mothers and children under 6 months of age, Specific nutritional intervention activities with the target of breastfeeding mothers and children aged over 6 to 23 and sensitive nutrition intervention activities with community targets, in handling Stunting in Limboto Health Center Gorontalo regency have all gone well. 2) Human resources in terms of quantity that needs to be addressed are the number of human resources available, it is necessary to add hu...
JPKM : Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Masyarakat
Stunting masih menjadi masalah utama di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia khususnya di Provinsi... more Stunting masih menjadi masalah utama di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia khususnya di Provinsi Gorontalo karena tingginya prevalensi yang terjadi. Kebaruan kegiatan pengabdian ini karena melakukan pendampingan kepada keluarga risiko stunting berbasis posyandu remaja dan calon pengantin. Tujuan Kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman Remaja di Desa Molintogupo dalam pencegahan stunting. Metode Kegiatan yaitu melalui penyuluhan, dilakukan dengan metode ceramah. Hasil kegiatan Sebelum dilakukan penyuluhan responden dari 26 responden yang memiliki kategori pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 9 responden (34,7%) dan responden yang memiliki pengetahuan kurang sebanyak orang 17 (65,3%). Kemudian, setelah dilakukan penyuluhan maka terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan, responden yang memiliki kategori pengetahuan baik sebanyak 15 responden (57,7%) dan responden yang memiliki pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 11 orang (42.3%). Kesimpulan kegiatan pengabdian ini Terdapat peningkatan pengetahu...
Jambura Nursing Journal, Jan 31, 2023
Kedatangan lebih awal di rumah sakit bagi pasien stroke memberikan kesempatan pengobatan yang cep... more Kedatangan lebih awal di rumah sakit bagi pasien stroke memberikan kesempatan pengobatan yang cepat dan tepat, yang berkaitan dengan keberhasilan pengobatan dan peningkatan outcome klinis pasien, sedangkan outcome klinis pasien stroke akan semakin memburuk, jika tidak mendapatkan penanganan medis secara cepat dan tepat. Terlambatnya penanganan terhadap kejadian stroke sekitar 83,9% disebabkan oleh keterlambatan penanganan pada tahap pre hospital. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan keterlambatan keluarga membawa pasien stroke di RSUD Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Kota Gorontalo. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan September-Oktober 2022. Metode penelitian analitik korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Variabel yang diteliti yakni Pengetahuan, pendidikan, sikap, dukungan keluarga, jarak tempat tinggal dan jenis transportasi. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah keluarga pasien yang merawat pasien stroke di RSUD Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Kota Gorontalo berjumlah 35 responden, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner dengan uji stastistik fisher exact test dan nilai signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian didapatkan hubungan faktor pengetahuan, pendidikan, sikap, dukungan keluarga, jarak tempat tinggal dan jenis transportasi dengan keterlambatan keluarga membawa pasien ke rumah sakit (0,001; 0,997; 0,001; 0,001; 0,221; 0,096). Adanya sistem pemberdayaan keluarga dalam mengoptimalkan penanganan manajemen pre hospital pada pasien stroke, yang dimulai dari identifikasi faktorfaktor keterlambatan keluarga membawa pasien ke fasilitas kesehatan, sehingga penanganan secara dini pada pasien dapat dilakukan dan bisa menghindari terjadinya kecacatan dan kematian. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini ketiga variabel yang terdiri dari pengetahuan keluarga, sikap keluarga dan dukungan keluarga, signifikan berhubungan secara positif dengan keterlambatan keluarga pasien membawa pasien stroke ke Rumah Sakit
Hypertension is persistent blood pressure where the systolic pressure is above 140 mmHg and the d... more Hypertension is persistent blood pressure where the systolic pressure is above 140 mmHg and the diastolic pressure is above 90 mmHg. Hypertensive patients require good treatments. One of the them is diet management. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence dietary adherence in hypertensive patients at Prof. Dr.H. Aloei Saboe Hospital, Gorontalo city. This study was an analytic study with a cross-sectional study approach. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate (chi-square). The results of study showed that gender, age, education and disease severity effect on dietary adherence in hypertensive patients at Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Hospital, Gorontalo City. Thus researcher provided advice to patients with hypertension, that they should improve self-adherent to perform the diet for hypertension. And to hospital, they should be able to improve the quality of care and giving information about diet to the hypertensive patients. The researcher also advise...
Stroke is a health problem which has a high mortality rate that can cause long-term disability. I... more Stroke is a health problem which has a high mortality rate that can cause long-term disability. In Gorontalo province, the prevalence of stroke based on diagnosis by health workers was 10.9%. Stroke risk factors are divided into two that can be modified and cannot be modified. This study aims to find out a description of the characteristics and an analysis of the factors that influence the incidence of stroke in Prof. dr. H. Aloei Saboe Gorontalo Hospital Period March December 2018. The research design was descriptive analytic observational with a cross sectional retrospective approach. The sample in this study was all patients with ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke who were treated in the neurology inpatient of Prof. dr. H. Aloei Saboe Hospital by using consecutive sampling techniques that fulfill the inclusion criteria. In this study, a sample of 115 patients was obtained, with the highest proportion is male (62.6%), age classification 5665 years old (33%), elementary school ...
Pengabdian Mandiri Tahun 2021, May 31, 2021
Health problems are most common in the elderly is a degenerative disease, one of which is hyperte... more Health problems are most common in the elderly is a degenerative disease, one of which is hypertension, and one factor that causes hypertension in the elderly is the lack of physical activity, physical activity such as exercise done regularly can improve the durability of heart so that it can lower blood pressure the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of elderly exercisers to changes in blood pressure in elderly hypertensive patients in PSTW IlomataGorontalo city.The study design used was quasi experimental one group pre test post test. Variables in this study that the Elderly Gymnastics (independent) and blood pressure changes (dependent). The population was elderly with hypertension were 30 samples in this study using a sample Purposife numbered 27 people. Data were collected using a mercury sphygmomanometer, stethoscope and observation sheet then the results were analyzed by T test Dependent.The survey results revealed that there is significant influence between Gy...
Diabetic ulcers is one of the common complications that commonly occur in patients with diabetes ... more Diabetic ulcers is one of the common complications that commonly occur in patients with diabetes mellitus. In order to prevent the disease, it requires the effective and efficient treatment of both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the knowledge and the cases of diabetic ulcers of patients with diabetes mellitus. The type of this study is analytic survey with a cross-sectional study, with a sample of 64 people. The result was processed in univariate and bivariate between knowledge and the cases of diabetic ulcers among patients with diabetes mellitus. The suggestions of this study are addressed to the management of Dr. MM Dunda Hospital, Limboto, in order to further improve the knowledge about diabetes through the dissemination of pamphlets, leaflets and posters to patients in hospital. So, the patients canan read more information about the diabetes mellitus and the prevention of diabetic ulcer cases
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to cadre participation in the impl... more The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to cadre participation in the implementation of posyandu at the Duhiadaa Health Center In Pohuwato District. This type of research is an observational method with a cross sectional study. With a sample of 80 people and the result obtained are the level of knowledge of cadres related to the participation of the cadres in the implementation of posyandu (x2 count > X2 table) with avalue of 11.098> 3.841 where is the value of P (0.001 3.841) where the p value (0.003.841) where the P value (0.00<60.05)
Loss-of-function screening by CRISPR/Cas9 gene knockout with pooled, lentiviral guide libraries i... more Loss-of-function screening by CRISPR/Cas9 gene knockout with pooled, lentiviral guide libraries is a widely applicable method for systematic identification of genes contributing to diverse cellular phenotypes. Here, Random Sequence Labels (RSLs) are incorporated into the guide library, which act as unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) to allow massively parallel lineage tracing and lineage dropout screening. RSLs greatly improve the reproducibility of results by increasing both the precision and the accuracy of screens. They reduce the number of cells needed to reach a set statistical power, or allow a more robust screen using the same number of cells.
Background: Acne vulgaris is a chronic folikel pilosebasea inflamation skin disease. This often h... more Background: Acne vulgaris is a chronic folikel pilosebasea inflamation skin disease. This often happens to adolescent. For adolescent pubercity become a central concern during their psysiological development, marked by increase in hormonal secretion, particularly sex hormone, and stressfull conflicted ages. It is not surprising if those conflicts become one of the factors causing ane vulgaris to adolescent. Objective: This study aims to find out the correlation between stress and acne vulgaris to Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Yogyakarta female students. Methods: This is a crossectional study. Data are taken from Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Yogyakarta female students, with consecutive sampling. Research is conducted with questioner. Result: From 70 respondent, there were 24,3% resistant to stress, 91,4% suffered psychosocial stressor with varying degrees and 55.7% suffered anxiety with vaying degrees.100% of respondent suffered non inflammatory lesions. After statistical analysis with pearso...
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 2016
Background: Stroke is the main cause of death and disabilities in Indonesia and the world. Variou... more Background: Stroke is the main cause of death and disabilities in Indonesia and the world. Various prediction model for stroke have been developed. This study attempts to develop a model used to predict infarction stroke in Indonesia. Objective: This study aims to develop a model to predict infarction stroke risks.Method: This study is an observational research applying case-control research design. The number of samples used in this study were 310 individuals, consisting of 155 members of case group and 155 members of control groups. The writers used discriminant analysis to conduct statistical analysis on the data. Results: Valid and reliable risk factors of stroke used to develop prediction model for infarction stroke in this study are systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride levels, stroke history, hypertension history, dyslipidemia history, vegetable consumption, sleep duration, snoring, exercises, and emotional stresses. Conclusion: This study comes up w...
Penelitian Unggulan Fakultas, Aug 26, 2014
Artikel Jurnal, Sep 30, 2013
Pemanasan global berdampak pada perubahan iklim di dunia menjadi tidak stabil, apabila pemananasa... more Pemanasan global berdampak pada perubahan iklim di dunia menjadi tidak stabil, apabila pemananasan global terus bertambah setiap tahunnya dapat menimbulkan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap percepatan ancaman yang seperti badai siklon tropis, air pasang dan banjir, kenaikan temperature ekstrim, tsunami, kekeringan dan El Nino yang dapat menimbulkan risiko bencana pada sistem ekologis. Masalah-Masalah Kesehatan Masyarakat Akibat Bencana Alam: 1) Peningkatan Morbiditas, 2) Tingginya Angka Kematian, 3) Masalah Kesehatan Lingkungan mencakup masalahmasalah yang berkaitan erat dengan sanitasi lingkungan, tempat penampungan yang tidak memenuhi syarat, seperti penyediaan air bersih, tempat pembuangan tinja dan air bekas, tempat pembuangan sampah, tenda penampungan dan kelengkapannya, kepadatan dari tempat penampungan, dsb. 4) Suplai Bahan Makanan dan Obat-Obatan. Tsunami adalah gelombang air yang sangat besar yang dibangkitkan oleh macam-macam gangguan di dasar samudra. Gangguan ini dapat berupa gempa bumi, pergeseran lempeng, atau gunung meletus. Gelombang tsunami telah menimbulkan tercampumya air laut dengan air tawar pada beberapa lokasi. Pencampuran ini menjadikan badan air berubah payau, kondisi ini mendukung bagi perkembangbiakan nyamuk An. Sundaicus. Tsunami juga menimbulkan masalah kesehatan terkait air bersih, dan timbulnya gangguan penyakit seperti diare termasuk gangguan mental.
British Journal of Nursing Studies
Infancy is a golden period for the growth and development of children. One of the factors that af... more Infancy is a golden period for the growth and development of children. One of the factors that affect the baby's growth and development is sleep and rest. Then it is necessary to take special care to help the baby in meeting the needs of sleep rest, namely therapy using classical music. This study aimed to determine the effect of classical music on sleep duration in babies aged 0-28 days at Multazam Hospital, Gorontalo City. This research is a quasi-experimental design study. The sample used was 30 respondents consisting of 15 intervention groups and 15 control groups, using accidental sampling techniques. Data were collected using observation sheets. The results showed that the Duration of Sleep was 30 babies (100%) before being given classical music <16 hours in the intervention group and the control group. After being given classical music in the intervention group, the Duration of Sleep ≥16 hours were 15 babies (100%) with a p-value of 0.000 < 0.05. Meanwhile, in the c...
Jurnal Ners
Stres Kerja merupakan suatu keadaan emosional yang timbul karena adanya ketidaksesuaian beban ker... more Stres Kerja merupakan suatu keadaan emosional yang timbul karena adanya ketidaksesuaian beban kerja dengan kemampuan individu untuk mengatasi stres kerja yang dihadapinya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran beban kerja dan stress kerja perawat intensive care unit (ICU) di Provinsi Gorontalo. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survey deskriptif. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 55 responden yang diambil menggunakan teknik Total sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beban kerja perawat Intensive care unit (ICU) di Provinsi Gorontalo dengan kategori berat sebesar 56,4%, dab Stres kerja perawat ICU di Provinsi Gorontalo dengan kategori berat adalah 40%. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi bahan masukan agar dapat mengurangi beban kerja perawat sehingga tidak mengalami stres kerja yang berat.
Journal of Economic, Business, and Administration (JEBA)
This research aims to 1) know the implementation of stunting handling policies in Gorontalo Regen... more This research aims to 1) know the implementation of stunting handling policies in Gorontalo Regency Limboto Health Center. 2) know the factors that affect the implementation of stunting handling policies in Gorontalo Regency Limboto Health Center. The results showed that 1) Implementation of stunting treatment policies in Limboto Health Center Gorontalo regency has been going well, specific nutritional intervention activities with the target of pregnant women, specific nutritional intervention activities with the target of breastfeeding mothers and children under 6 months of age, Specific nutritional intervention activities with the target of breastfeeding mothers and children aged over 6 to 23 and sensitive nutrition intervention activities with community targets, in handling Stunting in Limboto Health Center Gorontalo regency have all gone well. 2) Human resources in terms of quantity that needs to be addressed are the number of human resources available, it is necessary to add hu...
JPKM : Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Masyarakat
Stunting masih menjadi masalah utama di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia khususnya di Provinsi... more Stunting masih menjadi masalah utama di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia khususnya di Provinsi Gorontalo karena tingginya prevalensi yang terjadi. Kebaruan kegiatan pengabdian ini karena melakukan pendampingan kepada keluarga risiko stunting berbasis posyandu remaja dan calon pengantin. Tujuan Kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman Remaja di Desa Molintogupo dalam pencegahan stunting. Metode Kegiatan yaitu melalui penyuluhan, dilakukan dengan metode ceramah. Hasil kegiatan Sebelum dilakukan penyuluhan responden dari 26 responden yang memiliki kategori pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 9 responden (34,7%) dan responden yang memiliki pengetahuan kurang sebanyak orang 17 (65,3%). Kemudian, setelah dilakukan penyuluhan maka terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan, responden yang memiliki kategori pengetahuan baik sebanyak 15 responden (57,7%) dan responden yang memiliki pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 11 orang (42.3%). Kesimpulan kegiatan pengabdian ini Terdapat peningkatan pengetahu...
Jambura Nursing Journal, Jan 31, 2023
Kedatangan lebih awal di rumah sakit bagi pasien stroke memberikan kesempatan pengobatan yang cep... more Kedatangan lebih awal di rumah sakit bagi pasien stroke memberikan kesempatan pengobatan yang cepat dan tepat, yang berkaitan dengan keberhasilan pengobatan dan peningkatan outcome klinis pasien, sedangkan outcome klinis pasien stroke akan semakin memburuk, jika tidak mendapatkan penanganan medis secara cepat dan tepat. Terlambatnya penanganan terhadap kejadian stroke sekitar 83,9% disebabkan oleh keterlambatan penanganan pada tahap pre hospital. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan keterlambatan keluarga membawa pasien stroke di RSUD Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Kota Gorontalo. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan September-Oktober 2022. Metode penelitian analitik korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Variabel yang diteliti yakni Pengetahuan, pendidikan, sikap, dukungan keluarga, jarak tempat tinggal dan jenis transportasi. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah keluarga pasien yang merawat pasien stroke di RSUD Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Kota Gorontalo berjumlah 35 responden, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner dengan uji stastistik fisher exact test dan nilai signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian didapatkan hubungan faktor pengetahuan, pendidikan, sikap, dukungan keluarga, jarak tempat tinggal dan jenis transportasi dengan keterlambatan keluarga membawa pasien ke rumah sakit (0,001; 0,997; 0,001; 0,001; 0,221; 0,096). Adanya sistem pemberdayaan keluarga dalam mengoptimalkan penanganan manajemen pre hospital pada pasien stroke, yang dimulai dari identifikasi faktorfaktor keterlambatan keluarga membawa pasien ke fasilitas kesehatan, sehingga penanganan secara dini pada pasien dapat dilakukan dan bisa menghindari terjadinya kecacatan dan kematian. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini ketiga variabel yang terdiri dari pengetahuan keluarga, sikap keluarga dan dukungan keluarga, signifikan berhubungan secara positif dengan keterlambatan keluarga pasien membawa pasien stroke ke Rumah Sakit
Hypertension is persistent blood pressure where the systolic pressure is above 140 mmHg and the d... more Hypertension is persistent blood pressure where the systolic pressure is above 140 mmHg and the diastolic pressure is above 90 mmHg. Hypertensive patients require good treatments. One of the them is diet management. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence dietary adherence in hypertensive patients at Prof. Dr.H. Aloei Saboe Hospital, Gorontalo city. This study was an analytic study with a cross-sectional study approach. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate (chi-square). The results of study showed that gender, age, education and disease severity effect on dietary adherence in hypertensive patients at Prof. Dr. H. Aloei Saboe Hospital, Gorontalo City. Thus researcher provided advice to patients with hypertension, that they should improve self-adherent to perform the diet for hypertension. And to hospital, they should be able to improve the quality of care and giving information about diet to the hypertensive patients. The researcher also advise...
Stroke is a health problem which has a high mortality rate that can cause long-term disability. I... more Stroke is a health problem which has a high mortality rate that can cause long-term disability. In Gorontalo province, the prevalence of stroke based on diagnosis by health workers was 10.9%. Stroke risk factors are divided into two that can be modified and cannot be modified. This study aims to find out a description of the characteristics and an analysis of the factors that influence the incidence of stroke in Prof. dr. H. Aloei Saboe Gorontalo Hospital Period March December 2018. The research design was descriptive analytic observational with a cross sectional retrospective approach. The sample in this study was all patients with ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke who were treated in the neurology inpatient of Prof. dr. H. Aloei Saboe Hospital by using consecutive sampling techniques that fulfill the inclusion criteria. In this study, a sample of 115 patients was obtained, with the highest proportion is male (62.6%), age classification 5665 years old (33%), elementary school ...
Pengabdian Mandiri Tahun 2021, May 31, 2021
Health problems are most common in the elderly is a degenerative disease, one of which is hyperte... more Health problems are most common in the elderly is a degenerative disease, one of which is hypertension, and one factor that causes hypertension in the elderly is the lack of physical activity, physical activity such as exercise done regularly can improve the durability of heart so that it can lower blood pressure the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of elderly exercisers to changes in blood pressure in elderly hypertensive patients in PSTW IlomataGorontalo city.The study design used was quasi experimental one group pre test post test. Variables in this study that the Elderly Gymnastics (independent) and blood pressure changes (dependent). The population was elderly with hypertension were 30 samples in this study using a sample Purposife numbered 27 people. Data were collected using a mercury sphygmomanometer, stethoscope and observation sheet then the results were analyzed by T test Dependent.The survey results revealed that there is significant influence between Gy...
Diabetic ulcers is one of the common complications that commonly occur in patients with diabetes ... more Diabetic ulcers is one of the common complications that commonly occur in patients with diabetes mellitus. In order to prevent the disease, it requires the effective and efficient treatment of both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the knowledge and the cases of diabetic ulcers of patients with diabetes mellitus. The type of this study is analytic survey with a cross-sectional study, with a sample of 64 people. The result was processed in univariate and bivariate between knowledge and the cases of diabetic ulcers among patients with diabetes mellitus. The suggestions of this study are addressed to the management of Dr. MM Dunda Hospital, Limboto, in order to further improve the knowledge about diabetes through the dissemination of pamphlets, leaflets and posters to patients in hospital. So, the patients canan read more information about the diabetes mellitus and the prevention of diabetic ulcer cases
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to cadre participation in the impl... more The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to cadre participation in the implementation of posyandu at the Duhiadaa Health Center In Pohuwato District. This type of research is an observational method with a cross sectional study. With a sample of 80 people and the result obtained are the level of knowledge of cadres related to the participation of the cadres in the implementation of posyandu (x2 count > X2 table) with avalue of 11.098> 3.841 where is the value of P (0.001 3.841) where the p value (0.003.841) where the P value (0.00<60.05)
Loss-of-function screening by CRISPR/Cas9 gene knockout with pooled, lentiviral guide libraries i... more Loss-of-function screening by CRISPR/Cas9 gene knockout with pooled, lentiviral guide libraries is a widely applicable method for systematic identification of genes contributing to diverse cellular phenotypes. Here, Random Sequence Labels (RSLs) are incorporated into the guide library, which act as unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) to allow massively parallel lineage tracing and lineage dropout screening. RSLs greatly improve the reproducibility of results by increasing both the precision and the accuracy of screens. They reduce the number of cells needed to reach a set statistical power, or allow a more robust screen using the same number of cells.
Background: Acne vulgaris is a chronic folikel pilosebasea inflamation skin disease. This often h... more Background: Acne vulgaris is a chronic folikel pilosebasea inflamation skin disease. This often happens to adolescent. For adolescent pubercity become a central concern during their psysiological development, marked by increase in hormonal secretion, particularly sex hormone, and stressfull conflicted ages. It is not surprising if those conflicts become one of the factors causing ane vulgaris to adolescent. Objective: This study aims to find out the correlation between stress and acne vulgaris to Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Yogyakarta female students. Methods: This is a crossectional study. Data are taken from Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Yogyakarta female students, with consecutive sampling. Research is conducted with questioner. Result: From 70 respondent, there were 24,3% resistant to stress, 91,4% suffered psychosocial stressor with varying degrees and 55.7% suffered anxiety with vaying degrees.100% of respondent suffered non inflammatory lesions. After statistical analysis with pearso...
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 2016
Background: Stroke is the main cause of death and disabilities in Indonesia and the world. Variou... more Background: Stroke is the main cause of death and disabilities in Indonesia and the world. Various prediction model for stroke have been developed. This study attempts to develop a model used to predict infarction stroke in Indonesia. Objective: This study aims to develop a model to predict infarction stroke risks.Method: This study is an observational research applying case-control research design. The number of samples used in this study were 310 individuals, consisting of 155 members of case group and 155 members of control groups. The writers used discriminant analysis to conduct statistical analysis on the data. Results: Valid and reliable risk factors of stroke used to develop prediction model for infarction stroke in this study are systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride levels, stroke history, hypertension history, dyslipidemia history, vegetable consumption, sleep duration, snoring, exercises, and emotional stresses. Conclusion: This study comes up w...
Penelitian Unggulan Fakultas, Aug 26, 2014
Artikel Jurnal, Sep 30, 2013
Pemanasan global berdampak pada perubahan iklim di dunia menjadi tidak stabil, apabila pemananasa... more Pemanasan global berdampak pada perubahan iklim di dunia menjadi tidak stabil, apabila pemananasan global terus bertambah setiap tahunnya dapat menimbulkan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap percepatan ancaman yang seperti badai siklon tropis, air pasang dan banjir, kenaikan temperature ekstrim, tsunami, kekeringan dan El Nino yang dapat menimbulkan risiko bencana pada sistem ekologis. Masalah-Masalah Kesehatan Masyarakat Akibat Bencana Alam: 1) Peningkatan Morbiditas, 2) Tingginya Angka Kematian, 3) Masalah Kesehatan Lingkungan mencakup masalahmasalah yang berkaitan erat dengan sanitasi lingkungan, tempat penampungan yang tidak memenuhi syarat, seperti penyediaan air bersih, tempat pembuangan tinja dan air bekas, tempat pembuangan sampah, tenda penampungan dan kelengkapannya, kepadatan dari tempat penampungan, dsb. 4) Suplai Bahan Makanan dan Obat-Obatan. Tsunami adalah gelombang air yang sangat besar yang dibangkitkan oleh macam-macam gangguan di dasar samudra. Gangguan ini dapat berupa gempa bumi, pergeseran lempeng, atau gunung meletus. Gelombang tsunami telah menimbulkan tercampumya air laut dengan air tawar pada beberapa lokasi. Pencampuran ini menjadikan badan air berubah payau, kondisi ini mendukung bagi perkembangbiakan nyamuk An. Sundaicus. Tsunami juga menimbulkan masalah kesehatan terkait air bersih, dan timbulnya gangguan penyakit seperti diare termasuk gangguan mental.